path: root/backends
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2016-12-15 04:36:19 -0500
committerLuke Shumaker <>2016-12-15 04:36:19 -0500
commit381a9b85d4ea82c5792fcc75383b2d0d98b72100 (patch)
tree182f7421375f771c210405e8586674b2a9f31c06 /backends
parent445d6d320e75917eb6678648b1571be97cf3dcd9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'backends')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/backends/github b/backends/github
deleted file mode 100755
index 49ffd26..0000000
--- a/backends/github
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
diff --git a/backends/gitlab-ce b/backends/gitlab-ce
deleted file mode 100755
index 84cb933..0000000
--- a/backends/gitlab-ce
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# coding: utf-8
-load 'gitmirrorbackend.rb'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'uri'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'json'
-class GitLabCE < GitMirrorBackend
- class Error < RuntimeError
- def initialize(obj)
- @obj = obj
- end
- def obj
- return @obj
- end
- end
- def initialize()
- @connections = {}
- @projects = {}
- @config = {}
- end
- def connection(uri)
- key=URI(uri.scheme+":")
- =
- key.port = uri.port
- @connections[key] ||= Net::HTTP::start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https')
- return @connections[key]
- end
- def finish
- @connections.each do |k,v|
- v.finish()
- end
- @connections = {}
- super
- end
- def config
- return @config
- end
- # Project
- def project(project_id)
- unless @projects.has_key?(project_id)
- @projects[project_id] =, project_id)
- end
- return @projects[project_id]
- end
- class Project
- def initialize(gl, project_id)
- @gl = gl
- @project_id = project_id
- @cache = {}
- end
- def info
- unless @cache.has_key?(:info)
- req =['apiurl'] + "projects/" + CGI::escape(@project_id))
- req.add_field("PRIVATE-TOKEN", @gl.config['apikey'])
- res = @gl.connection(req.uri).request(req)
- case res.code
- when "200"
- @cache[:info] = JSON::parse(res.body)
- when "404"
- @cache[:info] = nil
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- return @cache[:info]
- end
- def info=(i)
- @cache[:info] = i
- end
- def get_meta
- return{|k,v| @vars.include?(k.to_sym)}
- end
- def set_meta(map)
- mirror = map["mirror"]
- map.delete("mirror")
- illegal ={|k,v| not @vars.include?(k.to_sym)}
- if illegal.count > 0
- raise
- end
- if info == nil
- # create
- req =['apiurl'] + "projects")
- req.add_field("PRIVATE-TOKEN", @gl.config['apikey'])
- req.add_field("Content-Type", "application/json")
- map["path"] = @project_id
- if not mirror.nil?
- map["import_url"] = mirror
- end
- req.body = JSON::dump(map)
- res = @gl.connection(req.uri).request(req)
- if res.code != "201"
- raise
- end
- info = JSON::parse(res.body)
- else
- # update
- req =['apiurl'] + "projects/" + CGI::escape(info["id"].to_s))
- req.add_field("PRIVATE-TOKEN", @gl.config['apikey'])
- req.add_field("Content-Type", "application/json")
- req.body = JSON::dump(map)
- res = @gl.connection(req.uri).request(req)
- if res.code != "200"
- raise
- end
- info = JSON::parse(res.body)
- end
- return self.get_meta
- end
- def repo_mode
- return "passive"
- end
- end
- # commands
- def cmd_config(*args)
- args.each do |arg|
- key, val = arg.split('=', 2)
- case key
- when "apiurl"
- val = URI(val)
- unless val.path.end_with?("/")
- val.path += "/"
- end
- end
- @config[key] = val
- end
- end
- def cmd_get_meta(project_id)
- return self.project(project_id).get_meta()
- end
- def cmd_set_meta(project_id, *pairs)
- map = {}
- pairs.each do |pair|
- key, val = arg.split('=', 2)
- map[key] = val
- end
- return self.project(project_id).set_meta(map)
- end
- def cmd_push_url(project_id)
- return self.project(project_id).info["ssh_url_to_repo"]
- end
- def cmd_pull_url(project_id)
- return self.project(project_id).info["http_url_to_repo"]
- end
- def cmd_repo_mode(project_id)
- return self.project(projecT_id).repo_mode()
- end
- def vars
- # API docs suck, look at `lib/api/projects.rb` instead.
- return [
- :builds_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :container_registry_enabled, # XXX # create | | edit
- :default_branch, # | create-user | edit
- :description, # create | create-user | edit
- #:import_url, # XXX # create | create-user |
- :issues_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :lfs_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :merge_requests_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :name, # create | create-user | edit
- #:namespace_id, # create | |
- :only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds, # create | create-user | edit
- #:path, # create | | edit
- :public, # create | create-user | edit
- :public_builds, # create | create-user | edit
- :request_access_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :shared_runners_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :snippets_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :visibility_level, # create | create-user | edit
- :wiki_enabled, # create | create-user | edit
- :only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved # create | create-user | edit
- ]
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- if ARGV.length != 1
- raise "Usage: $0 ACCOUNT_NAME"
- end
diff --git a/backends/gitlab-ee b/backends/gitlab-ee
deleted file mode 100755
index 5467e16..0000000
--- a/backends/gitlab-ee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# coding: utf-8
-# GitLab EE supports configuring a "project" (GitLab's term for a
-# repository+metadata) to display as a mirror of another repository.
-# Unfortunately, the JSON API doesn't support this
-# So, we must use the (undocumented!) HTTP API, which is actually
-# pretty clean, except that screen-scraping the reads (via nokogiri)
-# is gross, and that the error messages are unhelpful.
-load 'gitlab-ce'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'uri'
-require 'nokogiri'
-class GitLabEE < GitLabCE
- def project(project_id)
- unless @projects.has_key?(project_id)
- @projects[project_id] =, project_id)
- end
- return @projects[project_id]
- end
- class Project < GitLabCE::Project
- def mirrorURL
- unless @cache.has_key?(:mirror)
- req =["web_url"]+"/mirror"))
- req.add_field("PRIVATE-TOKEN", @api_key)
- res = @gl.connection(req.uri).request(req)
- if res.code != "200"
- throw res
- end
- @cache[:mirror_res]=res
- doc = Nokogiri::HTML(res.body)
- @cache[:mirror_cookie] = res["set-cookie"]
- @cache[:mirror_token] = doc.css('input[name="authenticity_token"]').first["value"]
- is_mirror = doc.css("#project_mirror").first["checked"]
- if !is_mirror
- @cache[:mirror] = nil
- else
- @cache[:mirror] = URI(doc.css("#project_import_url").first["value"])
- end
- end
- return @cache[:mirror]
- end
- def mirrorURL=(url)
- self.mirrorURL()
- req =["web_url"]+"/mirror"))
- req.add_field("PRIVATE-TOKEN", @gl.config['apikey']) # authenticate
- req.add_field("Cookie", @cache[:mirror_cookie]) # session id
- req.form_data = {
- "utf8" => "✓",
- "authenticity_token" => @cache[:mirror_token], # session state
- "project[mirror]" => (url.nil? ? "0" : "1"),
- "project[import_url]" => url.to_s,
- }
- res = @gl.connection(req.uri).request(req)
- if res.code != "302"
- throw res
- end
- @cache.delete(:mirror)
- @cache.delete(:mirror_token)
- @cache.delete(:mirror_cookie)
- return URI(url)
- end
- def get_meta
- map = super
- map["mirror"] = self.mirrorURL.to_s
- return map
- end
- def set_meta(map)
- if map.has_key?("mirror")
- url = map["mirror"]
- map.delete("mirror")
- super(map)
- self.mirrorURL = url
- else
- super(map)
- end
- end
- def repo_mode
- return (self.mirrorURL.nil? ? "active" : "passive")
- end
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- if ARGV.length != 1
- throw "Usage: $0 ACCOUNT_NAME"
- end
diff --git a/backends/gitmirrorbackend.rb b/backends/gitmirrorbackend.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f7c3e..0000000
--- a/backends/gitmirrorbackend.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-require 'shellwords'
-class GitMirrorBackend
- def repl(accountName)
- @accountName = account_name
- $stdin.each do |line|
- args = line.shellsplit
- out = self.send('cmd_'+args[0].gsub('-', '_'), *args[1..0])
- if out.is_a? String
- puts out
- elsif out.is_a? Array
- out.each do |outline|
- puts outline
- end
- elsif out.is_a? Hash
- out.each do |k,v|
- puts "#{k}=#{v}"
- end
- else
- raise "I don't know what to do with output value: #{out}"
- end
- end
- self.finish
- end
- def finish
- # noop
- end