path: root/Simple-LDAP-Login.php
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2012-08-04 20:06:44 -0700
committerLuke Shumaker <>2012-08-04 20:06:44 -0700
commitb0782a625d50c6fce4da50d5c604f5cc4f128b43 (patch)
tree5a1570d3ef160f2858e7feb8625d7dfaddecf522 /Simple-LDAP-Login.php
parentcc63226762c39c22340b830a4daea6d4b3a55e21 (diff)
initial fork of simple-ldap-pluginHEADsimple-um-login
Diffstat (limited to 'Simple-LDAP-Login.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/Simple-LDAP-Login.php b/Simple-LDAP-Login.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fc62473..0000000
--- a/Simple-LDAP-Login.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-Plugin Name: Simple LDAP Login
-Plugin URI:
-Description: Authenticates Wordpress usernames against LDAP.
-Author: Clifton H. Griffin II
-Author URI:
-require_once( WP_PLUGIN_DIR."/simple-ldap-login/adLDAP.php");
-require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php');
-function simpleldap_menu()
- include 'Simple-LDAP-Login-Admin.php';
-function simpleldap_admin_actions()
- add_options_page("Simple LDAP Login", "Simple LDAP Login", 10, "simple-ldap-login", "simpleldap_menu");
-function simpleldap_activation_hook()
- //Store settings
- add_option("simpleldap_account_suffix", "@mydomain.local");
- add_option("simpleldap_base_dn", "DC=mydomain,DC=local");
- add_option("simpleldap_domain_controllers", "dc01.mydomain.local");
- //Version 1.3
- add_option("simpleldap_directory_type", "directory_ad");
- add_option("simpleldap_login_mode", "mode_normal");
- add_option("simpleldap_group", "");
- add_option("simpleldap_account_type", "Contributor");
- //Version
- add_option("simpleldap_security_mode", "security_low");
- //Version 1.4
- add_option("simpleldap_ol_login", "uid");
- add_option("simpleldap_use_tls", "no");
-//For adLDAP
-$sll_use_tls = false;
-if(get_option("simpleldap_use_tls") == "yes") {
- $sll_use_tls = true;
- "account_suffix"=>get_option("simpleldap_account_suffix"),
- "use_tls"=>$sll_use_tls,
- "base_dn"=>get_option("simpleldap_base_dn"),
- "domain_controllers"=>explode(";",get_option("simpleldap_domain_controllers")),
-//For OpenLDAP
-$ar_ldaphosts = explode(";",get_option("simpleldap_domain_controllers"));
-$ldaphosts = ""; //string to hold each host separated by space
-$ldap = null;
-$adldap = new adLDAP($sll_options);
-foreach ($ar_ldaphosts as $host)
- $ldaphosts .= $host." ";
-define ('LDAP_HOST', $ldaphosts);
-define ('LDAP_PORT', 389);
-define ('LDAP_VERSION', 3);
-define ('BASE_DN', get_option('simpleldap_base_dn'));
-define ('LOGIN', get_option("simpleldap_ol_login"));
-//Add the menu
-add_action('admin_menu', 'simpleldap_admin_actions');
-//Add filter
-add_filter('authenticate', 'sll_authenticate', 1, 3);
-//Authenticate function
-function sll_authenticate($user, $username, $password) {
- if ( is_a($user, 'WP_User') ) { return $user; }
- //Failed, should we let it continue to lower priority authenticate methods?
- if(get_option("simpleldap_security_mode") == "security_high")
- {
- remove_filter('authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_username_password', 20, 3);
- }
- if ( empty($username) || empty($password) ) {
- $error = new WP_Error();
- if ( empty($username) )
- $error->add('empty_username', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The username field is empty.'));
- if ( empty($password) )
- $error->add('empty_password', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The password field is empty.'));
- return $error;
- }
- $auth_result = sll_can_authenticate($username, $password);
- if($auth_result == true && !is_a($auth_result, 'WP_Error'))
- {
- $user = get_userdatabylogin($username);
- if ( !$user || (strtolower($user->user_login) != strtolower($username)) )
- {
- //No user, can we create?
- switch(get_option('simpleldap_login_mode'))
- {
- case "mode_create_all":
- $new_user_id = sll_create_wp_user($username);
- if(!is_a($new_user_id, 'WP_Error'))
- {
- //It worked
- return new WP_User($new_user_id);
- }
- else
- {
- do_action( 'wp_login_failed', $username );
- return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: LDAP credentials are correct and user creation is allowed but an error occurred creating the user in Wordpress. Actual WordPress error: '.$new_user_id->get_error_message()));
- }
- break;
- case "mode_create_group":
- if(sll_is_in_group($username))
- {
- $new_user_id = sll_create_wp_user($username);
- if(!is_a($new_user_id, 'WP_Error'))
- {
- //It worked
- return new WP_User($new_user_id);
- }
- else
- {
- do_action( 'wp_login_failed', $username );
- return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: LDAP credentials are correct and user creation is allowed and you are in the correct group but an error occurred creating the user in Wordpress. Actual WordPress error: '.$new_user_id->get_error_message()));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- do_action( 'wp_login_failed', $username );
- return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: LDAP Login credentials are correct and user creation is allowed but LDAP user was not in correct LDAP group.'));
- }
- break;
- default:
- do_action( 'wp_login_failed', $username );
- return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: Simple LDAP Login mode does not permit account creation.'));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Wordpress user exists, should we check group membership?
- if(get_option('simpleldap_login_mode') == "mode_create_group")
- {
- if(sll_is_in_group($username))
- {
- return new WP_User($user->ID);
- }
- else
- {
- do_action( 'wp_login_failed', $username );
- return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: LDAP credentials were correct but user is not in the correct group.'));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Otherwise, we're ready to return the user
- return new WP_User($user->ID);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(is_a($auth_result, 'WP_Error'))
- {
- return $auth_result;
- }
- else
- {
- return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: Simple LDAP Login could not authenticate your credentials. The security settings do not permit trying the Wordpress user database as a fallback.'));
- }
- }
-function sll_can_authenticate($username, $password)
- global $ldap, $adldap;
- $result = false;
- switch(get_option('simpleldap_directory_type'))
- {
- case "directory_ad":
- $result = $adldap->authenticate($username,$password);
- if($result == false)
- {
- return new WP_Error('adldap_error', __('<strong>Simple LDAP Login Error</strong>: adLDAP may have errored. Message: '.$adldap->get_last_error()));
- }
- break;
- case "directory_ol":
- $ldap = ldap_connect(LDAP_HOST, LDAP_PORT) or die("Can't connect to LDAP server.");
- ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, LDAP_VERSION);
- if (get_option("simpleldap_use_tls") == "yes") {
- ldap_start_tls($ldap);
- }
- $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldap, LOGIN .'=' . $username . ',' . BASE_DN, $password);
- $result = $ldapbind;
- break;
- }
- return $result;
-function sll_is_in_group($username)
- global $ldap, $adldap;
- $result = false;
- switch(get_option('simpleldap_directory_type'))
- {
- case "directory_ad":
- $result = $adldap->user_ingroup($username,get_option('simpleldap_group'));
- break;
- case "directory_ol":
- if($ldap == null) {return false;}
- $result = ldap_search($ldap, BASE_DN, '(' . LOGIN . '=' . $username . ')', array('cn'));
- $ldapgroups = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
- //Ok, we should have the user, all the info, including which groups he is a member of.
- //Now let's make sure he's in the right group before proceeding.
- $groups = array();
- for ($i=0; $i<$ldapgroups['count']; $i++) {
- $groups[] .= $ldapgroups[$i]['cn'][0];
- }
- $result = in_array(get_option('simpleldap_group'),$groups);
- break;
- }
- return $result;
-function sll_create_wp_user($username)
- global $ldap, $adldap;
- $result = 0;
- switch(get_option('simpleldap_directory_type'))
- {
- case "directory_ad":
- $userinfo = $adldap->user_info($username, array("samaccountname","givenname","sn","mail"));
- //Create WP account
- $userData = array(
- 'user_pass' => microtime(),
- 'user_login' => $userinfo[0][samaccountname][0],
- 'user_nicename' => sanitize_title($userinfo[0][givenname][0] .' '.$userinfo[0][sn][0]),
- 'user_email' => $userinfo[0][mail][0],
- 'display_name' => $userinfo[0][givenname][0] .' '.$userinfo[0][sn][0],
- 'first_name' => $userinfo[0][givenname][0],
- 'last_name' => $userinfo[0][sn][0],
- 'role' => strtolower(get_option('simpleldap_account_type'))
- );
- $result = wp_insert_user($userData);
- break;
- case "directory_ol":
- if($ldap == null) {return false;}
- $result = ldap_search($ldap, BASE_DN, '(' . LOGIN . '=' . $username . ')', array(LOGIN, 'sn', 'givenname', 'mail'));
- $ldapuser = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
- if ($ldapuser['count'] == 1) {
- //Create user using wp standard include
- $userData = array(
- 'user_pass' => microtime(),
- 'user_login' => $ldapuser[0][LOGIN][0],
- 'user_nicename' => sanitize_title($ldapuser[0]['givenname'][0].' '.$ldapuser[0]['sn'][0]),
- 'user_email' => $ldapuser[0]['mail'][0],
- 'display_name' => $ldapuser[0]['givenname'][0].' '.$ldapuser[0]['sn'][0],
- 'first_name' => $ldapuser[0]['givenname'][0],
- 'last_name' => $ldapuser[0]['sn'][0],
- 'role' => strtolower(get_option('simpleldap_account_type'))
- );
- //Get ID of new user
- $result = wp_insert_user($userData);
- }
- break;
- }
- return $result;
-//Temporary fix for e-mail exists bug
-if ( !function_exists('get_user_by_email') ) :
- * Retrieve user info by email.
- *
- * @since 2.5
- *
- * @param string $email User's email address
- * @return bool|object False on failure, User DB row object
- */
-function get_user_by_email($email) {
- if(strlen($email) == 0 || empty($email) || $email == "" || strpos($email, "@") == false)
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return get_user_by('email', $email);
- }
-register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'simpleldap_activation_hook' );