path: root/src/views/Template.class.php
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2012-01-07 08:21:00 -0800
committerLuke Shumaker <>2012-01-07 10:20:28 -0800
commit464f4d3497617fadb9d7752868f1175849cfa6d2 (patch)
tree0771bd935b30971bf2c244b6f158ed7496b644e5 /src/views/Template.class.php
parent3d64793a1ee45857856be1cd71c3a0a040a3e869 (diff)
Refactor to separate the framework from the app; drop message stuff, this app is just user management. Add a json view for individual usersHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'src/views/Template.class.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/src/views/Template.class.php b/src/views/Template.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d55b75..0000000
--- a/src/views/Template.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-require_once('Login.class.php');// used to see if logged in
-require_once('Auth.class.php');// used to get username if we are
-class Template extends Singleton {
- private $indent = 0;
- private $ret = false;
- public function status($status) {
- header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." $status");
- header("Status: $status");
- }
- public function setRet($ret) {
- $this->ret = $ret;
- }
- private function tabs() {
- $str = '';
- for ($i=0;$i<$this->indent;$i++) { $str .= "\t"; }
- return $str;
- }
- private function attr($attr='') {
- $tags='';
- if (is_array($attr)) {
- foreach($attr as $key=>$value) {
- $tags .= " $key=\"$value\"";
- }
- }
- return $tags;
- }
- public function tag($tag, $attr='', $content=false) {
- $tags = $this->attr($attr);
- $str = $this->tabs()."<$tag$tags";
- if ($content===false) {
- $str.= " />";
- } else {
- $str.= ">$content</$tag>";
- }
- $str.= "\n";
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function openTag($tag, $attr='') {
- $tags = $this->attr($attr);
- $str = $this->tabs()."<$tag$tags>\n";
- $this->indent++;
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function closeTag($tag) {
- $this->indent--;
- $str = $this->tabs()."</$tag>\n";
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function text($text) {
- $str = $this->tabs().$text."\n";
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function paragraph($text, $attr='', $return=false) {
- $tabs = $this->tabs();
- $tags = $this->attr($attr);
- $str = $tabs."<p$tags>";
- $str.= wordwrap($text, 78-($this->indent*8), "\n$tabs ");
- $str.= "</p>\n";
- if ($this->ret||$return) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function link($target, $text, $return=false) {
- $ret = $this->ret;
- $this->ret |= $return;
- $str = $this->tag('a', array('href'=>$target), $text);
- $this->ret = $ret;
- if ($this->ret||$return) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function url($page) {
- return Site::getInstance()->baseUrl().$page;
- }
- public function row($cells) {
- $str = $this->openTag('tr');
- foreach ($cells as $cell)
- $str.= $this->tag('td', array(), $cell);
- $str.= $this->closeTag('tr');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- private function css($file, $media) {
- $str.= $this->tag('link', array('rel'=>"stylesheet",
- 'type'=>"text/css",
- 'href'=>$this->url($file),
- 'media'=>$media));
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function header($title) {
- // username=false if not logged in or not connected to DB
- $username = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn())->getName();
- $ret = $this->ret;
- $this->ret = true;
- $logged_in = ($username!==false);
- $str = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n";
- $str.= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"'."\n";
- $str.= '"">'."\n";
- $xmlns = "";
- $str.= $this->openTag('html', array('xmlns'=>$xmlns,
- 'lang'=>"en-us",
- 'dir'=>"ltr"));
- $this->indent = 0; // don't indent for the <html> tag
- $str.= $this->openTag('head');
- $str.= $this->tag('title', array(), htmlspecialchars($title));
- $str.= $this->css('style.css', 'all');
- $str.= $this->css('screen.css', 'screen');
- $str.= $this->css('print.css', 'print');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('head');
- $body_class = 'logged'.($logged_in?'in':'out');
- $str.= $this->openTag('body', array('class'=>$body_class));
- $str.= $this->openTag('div', array('class'=>'infobar'));
- if ($logged_in) {
- $user = htmlentities($username);
- $str.= $this->link($this->url(''), "Home");
- $str.= $this->link($this->url("users/$user"),"@$user");
- $str.= $this->logout_button('Logout');
- } else {
- $str.= $this->openTag('form',
- array('action'=>$this->url('auth'),
- 'method'=>'post'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'action',
- 'value'=>'login'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'url',
- 'value'=>$url));
- $str.= $this->tag('label',
- array('for'=>'username'),'Username:');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'text',
- 'name'=>'username',
- 'id'=>'username'));
- $str.= $this->tag('label',
- array('for'=>'password'),'Password:');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'password',
- 'name'=>'password',
- 'id'=>'password'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>'Login'));
- $str.= $this->link($this->url("users/new"),'New Account');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('form');
- }
- $str.= $this->closeTag('div');
- $str.= $this->openTag('div',array('class'=>'main'));
- $str.= $this->openTag('div',array('class'=>'main_sub'));
- $this->ret = $ret;
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function footer() {
- $str = $this->closeTag('div');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('div');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('body');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('html');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function openFieldset($name, $lock=false) {
- $class = ($lock?' class="readonly"':'');
- $str = $this->text("<fieldset$class><legend>$name</legend><ul>");
- $this->indent++;
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function closeFieldset() {
- $this->indent--;
- $str = $this->text("</ul></fieldset>");
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function input($id, $label, $hint, $html, $tags=null) {
- if ($tags===null) { $tags=array(); }
- $str = $this->openTag('li', $tags);
- $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label);
- $str.= $this->text($html);
- if (strlen($hint)>0) {
- $str.=$this->paragraph($hint,
- Array('class'=>'form_data'));
- }
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- private function inputStr($type, $id, $default, $lock) {
- $value = htmlentities($default);
- $tag = ($lock?"readonly='readonly' ":'');
- return "<input type='$type' name='$id' id='$id' value=\"$value\" $tag/>";
- }
- public function inputTextArea($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- $value = htmlentities($default);
- $tag = ($lock?"readonly='readonly' ":'');
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- "<textarea name='$id' id='$id' $tag>$value</textarea>",
- array('class'=>'wide'));
- }
- public function inputText($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- $this->inputStr('text', $id, $default, $lock));
- }
- public function inputPassword($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- $this->inputStr('password', $id, $default, $lock));
- }
- public function inputNewPassword($id, $label, $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- return $this->input($id, $label,
- "Type the same password twice, to make sure you don't mistype.",
- $this->inputStr('password', $id, $default, $lock).
- "\n".$this->tabs()."\t".
- $this->inputStr('password', $id.'_verify', $default,$lock));
- }
- public function inputBool($id, $label, $hint='', $default=FALSE, $lock=FALSE) {
- $tag = '';
- if ($lock) $tag.= "readonly='readonly' ";
- if ($default) $tag.= "checked='checked' ";
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- "<input type='hidden' name='$id' value='false' />".
- "<input type='checkbox' id='$id' name='$id' value='true' $tag>");
- $attrib = array('type'=>'checkbox',
- 'id'=>$id,
- 'name'=>$name.'[]',
- 'value'=>$value);
- if ($default) $attrib['checked']='checked';
- if ($lock ) $attrib['readonly']='readonly';
- $str = $this->openTag('li');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', $attrib);
- $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label);
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function inputBoolArray($name, $value, $label, $default=FALSE, $lock=FALSE) {
- $id = $name.'_'.$value;
- $attrib = array('type'=>'checkbox',
- 'id'=>$id,
- 'name'=>$name.'[]',
- 'value'=>$value);
- if ($default) $attrib['checked']='checked';
- if ($lock ) $attrib['readonly']='readonly';
- $str = $this->openTag('li');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', $attrib);
- $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label);
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function inputP($text, $error=false) {
- $str = $this->openTag('li');
- $str.=$this->paragraph($text,
- array('class'=>($error?' error':'')));
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function logout_button($text) {
- $str = $this->openTag('form',array('action'=>$this->url('auth'),
- 'method'=>"post",
- 'style'=>'display:inline'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'action',
- 'value'=>'logout'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>$text));
- $str.= $this->closeTag('form');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }