path: root/libre/arrayfire
diff options
authorAndré Fabian Silva Delgado <>2015-11-02 20:16:22 -0300
committerAndré Fabian Silva Delgado <>2015-11-02 20:16:22 -0300
commit4db8d273c83a46dc45c1089b262456265c32266d (patch)
treeaf5292329e32a8ee2656331a853b9ad952e96e70 /libre/arrayfire
parenta2de8a85083249d5bb4b25d52037360f4fb89f41 (diff)
arrayfire: add new package to [libre] ->
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/arrayfire')
2 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libre/arrayfire/PKGBUILD b/libre/arrayfire/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8db884e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libre/arrayfire/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Maintainer (Arch): Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
+# Maintainer: André Silva <>
+pkgdesc="High performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API, without nonfree cuda and nvidia-utils support and nonfree SIFT algorithm"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'graphviz' 'doxygen' 'opencl-headers' 'glfw' 'glew' 'boost' 'git')
+depends=('cblas' 'fftw' 'boost-libs' 'lapack' 'forge' 'freeimage')
+optdepends=('libclc: Required for using OpenCL backend'
+ 'glfw: Required for running the examples'
+ 'glew: Required for running the examples')
+ remove-nonfree-references.patch)
+ 'bb0ef2b34ee09af4c85c9cb13c0ee485')
+check() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/arrayfire-full-${pkgver}/build"
+ #make test
+mksource() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/arrayfire-full-${pkgver}/"
+ # remove nonfree SIFT algorithm that is patented in some countries and have some other limitations on the use
+ rm -v src/backend/cuda/kernel/sift_nonfree.hpp
+ rm -v src/backend/opencl/kernel/
+ rm -v src/backend/opencl/kernel/sift_nonfree.hpp
+ rm -v src/backend/cpu/sift_nonfree.hpp
+prepare() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/arrayfire-full-${pkgver}/"
+ # remove nonfree reference/recommendation stuff
+ rm -rv CMakeModules/osx_install
+ rm -rv src/backend/cuda
+ rm -rv test/data/sift
+ rm -v CMakeModules/CUDACheckCompute.cmake
+ rm -v CMakeModules/cuda_compute_capability.cpp
+ rm -v assets/CUDA.png
+ rm -v docs/pages/
+ rm -v docs/pages/
+ rm -v docs/pages/
+ rm -v include/af/cuda.h
+ rm -v src/api/cpp/sift.cpp
+ rm -v src/api/c/sift.cpp
+ rm -v src/backend/opencl/sift.cpp
+ rm -v src/backend/opencl/sift.hpp
+ rm -v src/backend/cpu/sift.cpp
+ rm -v src/backend/cpu/sift.hpp
+ rm -v test/sift_nonfree.cpp
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/remove-nonfree-references.patch"
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/arrayfire-full-${pkgver}/"
+ rm -rf build
+ mkdir build && cd build
+ cmake .. \
+ -DCOMPUTES_DETECTED_LIST="20;30;32;35;50;52;53" \
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/arrayfire-full-${pkgver}"
+ install -Dm644 LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE
+ cd build
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install
diff --git a/libre/arrayfire/remove-nonfree-references.patch b/libre/arrayfire/remove-nonfree-references.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..743118c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libre/arrayfire/remove-nonfree-references.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+diff -Nur arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/layout.xml arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/layout.xml
+--- arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/layout.xml 2015-09-25 19:16:18.000000000 -0300
++++ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/layout.xml 2015-11-02 17:01:08.145683665 -0300
+@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
+ <tab type="mainpage" visible="yes" title="" />
+ <tab type="usergroup" visible="yes" title="Tutorials">
+ <tab type="user" url="\ref using_on_linux" visible="yes" title="Using on Linux"/>
+- <tab type="user" url="\ref using_on_windows" visible="yes" title="Using on Windows"/>
+- <tab type="user" url="\ref using_on_osx" visible="yes" title="Using on OSX"/>
+ <tab type="user" url="\ref gettingstarted" visible="yes" title="Getting Started"/>
+ <tab type="user" url="\ref matrixmanipulation" visible="yes" title="Matrix Manipulation"/>
+ <tab type="user" url="\ref indexing" visible="yes" title="Indexing"/>
+diff -Nur arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/
+--- arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ 2015-09-25 19:16:18.000000000 -0300
++++ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/ 2015-11-02 15:56:01.952662051 -0300
+@@ -9,10 +9,8 @@
+ ## Installing ArrayFire
+-You can install ArrayFire using either a binary installer for Windows, OSX,
+-or Linux or download it from source:
++You can install ArrayFire using Parabola or download it from source:
+-* [Binary installers for Windows, OSX, and Linux](\ref installing)
+ * [Build from source](
+ ## Easy to use
+@@ -24,7 +22,7 @@
+ parallel programming to use ArrayFire.
+ A few lines of ArrayFire code
+-accomplishes what can take 100s of complicated lines in CUDA or OpenCL
++accomplishes what can take 100s of complicated lines in OpenCL
+ kernels.
+ ## ArrayFire is extensive!
+@@ -56,25 +54,23 @@
+ #### Extending ArrayFire
+ ArrayFire can be used as a stand-alone application or integrated with
+-existing CUDA or OpenCL code. All ArrayFire `arrays` can be
+-interchanged with other CUDA or OpenCL data structures.
++existing OpenCL code. All ArrayFire `arrays` can be
++interchanged with other OpenCL data structure.
+ ## Code once, run anywhere!
+-With support for x86, ARM, CUDA, and OpenCL devices, ArrayFire supports for a comprehensive list of devices.
++With support for x86, ARM, and OpenCL devices, ArrayFire supports for a comprehensive list of devices.
+ Each ArrayFire installation comes with:
+- - a CUDA version (named 'libafcuda') for [NVIDIA
+- GPUs](,
+ - an OpenCL version (named 'libafopencl') for [OpenCL devices](
+- - a CPU version (named 'libafcpu') to fall back to when CUDA or OpenCL devices are not available.
++ - a CPU version (named 'libafcpu') to fall back to when OpenCL devices are not available.
+ ## ArrayFire is highly efficient
+ #### Vectorized and Batched Operations
+ ArrayFire supports batched operations on N-dimensional arrays.
+-Batch operations in ArrayFire are run in parallel ensuring an optimal usage of your CUDA or OpenCL device.
++Batch operations in ArrayFire are run in parallel ensuring an optimal usage of your OpenCL device.
+ You can get the best performance out of ArrayFire using [vectorization techniques]().
+@@ -93,7 +89,7 @@
+ ## Simple Example
+ Here's a live example to let you see ArrayFire code. You create [arrays](\ref
+-construct_mat) which reside on CUDA or OpenCL devices. Then you can use
++construct_mat) which reside on OpenCL devices. Then you can use
+ [ArrayFire functions](modules.htm) on those [arrays](\ref construct_mat).
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.cpp}
+@@ -144,7 +140,7 @@
+ BibTeX:
+ @misc{Yalamanchili2015,
+- abstract = {ArrayFire is a high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. Its array based function set makes parallel programming simple. ArrayFire's multiple backends (CUDA, OpenCL and native CPU) make it platform independent and highly portable. A few lines of code in ArrayFire can replace dozens of lines of parallel computing code, saving you valuable time and lowering development costs.},
++ abstract = {ArrayFire is a high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. Its array based function set makes parallel programming simple. ArrayFire's multiple backends (OpenCL and native CPU) make it platform independent and highly portable. A few lines of code in ArrayFire can replace dozens of lines of parallel computing code, saving you valuable time and lowering development costs.},
+ address = {Atlanta},
+ author = {Yalamanchili, Pavan and Arshad, Umar and Mohammed, Zakiuddin and Garigipati, Pradeep and Entschev, Peter and Kloppenborg, Brian and Malcolm, James and Melonakos, John},
+ publisher = {AccelerEyes},
+diff -Nur arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/
+--- arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ 2015-09-25 19:16:18.000000000 -0300
++++ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/ 2015-11-02 12:12:06.817016693 -0300
+@@ -18,19 +18,6 @@
+ present in this directory. You can use this variable to add include paths and
+ libraries to your projects.
+-AF_CUDA_DEFAULT_DEVICE {#af_cuda_default_device}
+-Use this variable to set the default CUDA device. Valid values for this
+-variable are the device identifiers shown when af::info is run.
+-AF_CUDA_DEFAULT_DEVICE=1 ./myprogram_cuda
+-Note: af::setDevice call in the source code will take precedence over this
+ AF_OPENCL_DEFAULT_DEVICE {#af_opencl_default_device}
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff -Nur arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/
+--- arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ 2015-09-25 19:16:18.000000000 -0300
++++ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/ 2015-11-02 17:00:05.388864755 -0300
+@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
+ \snippet test/getting_started.cpp ex_getting_started_init
+ ArrayFire also supports array initialization from a device pointer.
+-For example ArrayFire can be populated directly by a call to `cudaMemcpy`
+ \snippet test/getting_started.cpp ex_getting_started_dev_ptr
+@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@
+ This means that function like `c[i] = a[i] + b[i]` could simply be written
+ as `c = a + b`.
+ ArrayFire has an intelligent runtime JIT compliation engine which converts
+-array expressions into the smallest number of OpenCL/CUDA kernels.
++array expressions into the smallest number of OpenCL kernels.
+ This "kernel fusion" technology not only decreases the number of kernel calls,
+ but, more importantly, avoids extraneous global memory operations.
+ Our JIT functionality extends across C/C++ function boundaries and only ends
+@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@
+ # Indexing {#getting_started_indexing}
+ Like all functions in ArrayFire, indexing is also executed in parallel on
+-the OpenCL/CUDA device.
++the OpenCL device.
+ Because of this, indexing becomes part of a JIT operation and is accomplished
+ using parentheses instead of square brackets (i.e. as `A(0)` instead of `A[0]`).
+ To index `af::array`s you may use one or a combination of the following functions:
+@@ -121,8 +120,8 @@
+ The `host` function *copies* the data from the device and makes it available
+ in a C-style array on the host.
+ The `device` function returns a pointer to device memory for interoperability
+-with external CUDA/OpenCL kernels.
+-For example, here is how we can interact with both OpenCL and CUDA:
++with external OpenCL kernels.
++For example, here is how we can interact with OpenCL:
+ \snippet test/getting_started.cpp ex_getting_started_ptr
+@@ -192,8 +191,7 @@
+ Now that you have a general introduction to ArrayFire, where do you go from
+ here? In particular you might find these documents useful
+-* [Building an ArrayFire program on Linux](\ref using_on_linux)
+-* [Building an Arrayfire program on Windows](\ref using_on_windows)
++* [Building an ArrayFire program on GNU/Linux](\ref using_on_linux)
+ * [Timing ArrayFire code](\ref timing)
+diff -Nur arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/
+--- arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ 2015-09-25 19:16:18.000000000 -0300
++++ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/ 2015-11-02 13:01:04.186402090 -0300
+@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
+ Installers
+ -----------
+-* CUDA backend now depends on CUDA 7.5 toolkit
+ * OpenCL backend now require OpenCL 1.2 or greater
+ Bug Fixes
+@@ -111,10 +110,6 @@
+ * \ref saveArray() and \ref readArray() - Stream arrays to binary files
+ * \ref toString() - toString function returns the array and data as a string
+-* CUDA specific functionality
+- * \ref getStream() - Returns default CUDA stream ArrayFire uses for the current device
+- * \ref getNativeId() - Returns native id of the CUDA device
+ Improvements
+ ------------
+ * dot
+@@ -138,11 +133,6 @@
+ * CPU Backend
+ * Device properties for CPU
+ * Improved performance when all buffers are indexed linearly
+-* CUDA Backend
+- * Use streams in CUDA (no longer using default stream)
+- * Using async cudaMem ops
+- * Add 64-bit integer support for JIT functions
+- * Performance improvements for CUDA JIT for non-linear 3D and 4D arrays
+ * OpenCL Backend
+ * Improve compilation times for OpenCL backend
+ * Performance improvements for non-linear JIT kernels on OpenCL
+@@ -176,7 +166,7 @@
+ Installer
+ ----------
+ * Fixed bug in automatic detection of ArrayFire when using with CMake in Windows
+-* The Linux libraries are now compiled with static version of FreeImage
++* The GNU/Linux libraries are now compiled with static version of FreeImage
+ Known Issues
+ ------------
+diff -Nur arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/
+--- arrayfire-full-3.1.2.orig/docs/pages/ 2015-09-25 19:16:18.000000000 -0300
++++ arrayfire-full-3.1.2/docs/pages/ 2015-11-02 16:42:20.209742489 -0300
+@@ -1,32 +1,21 @@
+-Using ArrayFire on Linux {#using_on_linux}
++Using ArrayFire on GNU/Linux {#using_on_linux}
+ =====
+-Among the many possible build systems on Linux we suggest using ArrayFire with
++Among the many possible build systems on GNU/Linux we suggest using ArrayFire with
+ either CMake or Makefiles with CMake being the preferred build system.
+ ## Pre-requisites
+ Before you get started, make sure you have the necessary pre-requisites.
+-- If you are using CUDA, please make sure you have [CUDA 7]( installed on your system.
+- - [Contact us]( for custom builds (eg. different toolkits)
+ - If you are using OpenCL, please make sure you have one of the following SDKs.
+ - [AMD OpenCL SDK](
+ - [Intel OpenCL SDK](
+ You will also need the following dependencies to use ArrayFire.
+-#### Fedora, Centos and Redhat
+-Install EPEL repo (not required for Fedora)
+-yum install epel-release
+-yum update
++#### BLAG Linux and GNU
+ Install the common dependencies
+@@ -37,15 +26,11 @@
+ Install glfw (not required for no-gl installers)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ yum install glfw
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-For Centos and Redhat, please follow [these instructions](
+-#### Debian and Ubuntu
++#### GnewSense and Trisquel
+ Install common dependencies
+@@ -60,8 +45,6 @@
+ apt-get install libglfw3
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-For Debian 7 and Ubuntu 14.04, please follow [these instructions](
+ **Special instructions for Tegra-K1**
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+@@ -70,13 +53,12 @@
+ ## CMake
+-This is the suggested method of using ArrayFire on Linux.
++This is the suggested method of using ArrayFire on GNU/Linux.
+ ArrayFire ships with support for CMake by default, including a series of
+ `Find` scripts installed in the `/usr/local/share/ArrayFire/cmake` (or similar)
+ directory.
+-These scripts will automatically find the CUDA, OpenCL, and CPU versions
+-of ArrayFire and automatically choose the most powerful installed backend
+-(typically CUDA).
++These scripts will automatically find the OpenCL, and CPU versions
++of ArrayFire and automatically choose the most powerful installed backend.
+ To use ArrayFire, simply insert the `FIND_PACKAGE` command inside of your
+ `CMakeLists.txt` file as follows:
+@@ -99,14 +81,12 @@
+ ArrayFire_CPU_FOUND - True of the ArrayFire CPU library has been found.
+ ArrayFire_CPU_LIBRARIES - Location of ArrayFire's CPU library, if found
+- ArrayFire_CUDA_FOUND - True of the ArrayFire CUDA library has been found.
+- ArrayFire_CUDA_LIBRARIES - Location of ArrayFire's CUDA library, if found
+ ArrayFire_OpenCL_FOUND - True of the ArrayFire OpenCL library has been found.
+ ArrayFire_OpenCL_LIBRARIES - Location of ArrayFire's OpenCL library, if found
+ Therefore, if you wish to target a specific specific backend, switch
+ `${ArrayFire_LIBRARIES}` to `${ArrayFire_CPU}` `${ArrayFire_OPENCL}` or
+-`${ArrayFire_CUDA}` in the `TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES` command above.
++in the `TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES` command above.
+ Finally, if you have installed ArrayFire to a non-standard location, CMake can still help
+ you out. When you execute CMake specify the path to the `ArrayFireConfig*` files that
+@@ -127,8 +107,8 @@
+ instructions.
+ Then, in your linker line specify the path to ArrayFire using the `-L` option
+ (typically `-L/usr/lib` or `-L/usr/local/lib` and the specific ArrayFire backend
+-you wish to use with the `-l` option (i.e. `-lafcpu`, `-lafopencl` or `-lafcuda`
+-for the CPU, OpenCL and CUDA backends repsectively).
++you wish to use with the `-l` option (i.e. `-lafcpu` or `-lafopencl` for the CPU
++and OpenCL backends repsectively).
+ Here is a minimial example MakeFile which uses ArrayFire's CPU backend: