diff options
authorEsteban Carnevale <>2014-12-27 14:18:06 -0300
committerEsteban Carnevale <>2014-12-27 14:18:06 -0300
commit44ca21f76da732038a6e9ff7353a12846c58aa14 (patch)
parent809ab504d593a09c7752a966a10edac0d5f9326a (diff)
parabola-mirror: Remove logging and mail sending
To simplify the script. Also, rsync output now does not use --progress by default so the output can be logged and mailed by a wrapper. Configuration variable "terminal" can be set to 1 to enable --progress.
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/parabola-mirror b/parabola-mirror
index de9893b..d8a607a 100755
--- a/parabola-mirror
+++ b/parabola-mirror
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ set -e
script_filename="$(basename "$0")"
-# Create temporary log file
-log_tmp="$(mktemp -p /var/tmp)"
# Default configuration values.
# They can be overridden by setting the variables in the calling environment.
# 1 to set, 0 to unset
@@ -19,65 +16,32 @@ log_tmp="$(mktemp -p /var/tmp)"
: ${base_dir:=/srv/http}
: ${parabola_dir:=${base_dir}/parabola}
: ${oldest_version:=10} # snapshots older than this one will be deleted (see also no_delete above)
-: ${log_file:=${script_filename}.log}
-#: ${} # comment out to disable
#: ${date_exclude:=2014.06.19} # disable running this script this date (see next line)
: ${forcerun:=0} # force running on excluded date
-: ${terminal:=1} # outputs to stdout using rsync --progress (and logs to a file)
+#: ${terminal:=1} # outputs to stdout using rsync --progress (and logs to a file)
: ${no_delete:=0} # disable deletion of oldest snapshots
#: ${TZ:=UTC} # set time zone
export TZ
-# Lock with flock (provided by util-linux), save to log file and send email on exit
+# Lock with flock (provided by util-linux)
_lock() { flock -$1 $LOCKFD; }
-# Wait until there is no process writing to ${log_tmp}
-# Waiting can be necessary if command groups are not executed until the end
-_wait_log_tmp() {
- if [[ -e "${log_tmp}" ]] ; then
- while fuser "${log_tmp}" > /dev/null ; do
- sleep 0.2
- done
- fi
_no_more_locking() {
set +e
# Save exit status
- _wait_log_tmp
- cat "${log_tmp}" >> "${log_file}"
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- log_written=1
- else
- echo "=> ERROR: Failed to write to log file: ${log_file}" >&2
- fi
if [[ -e ${parabola_dir}.tmp ]] ; then
echo "=> WARNING: Directory with partial transfer ${LOCAL}.tmp remains in file system"
- if [[ ${mail_to} ]] ; then
- echo "=> Sending output to ${mail_to}"
- mail -s "[$(hostname)] ${script_filename}" "${mail_to}" < "${log_tmp}"
- fi
- if [[ ${log_written} == 1 ]] ; then
- rm -f "${log_tmp}"
- fi
if [[ $es != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "=> WARNING: Unsuccessful script termination. Exit status: $es"
- if [[ ${mail_to} ]] ; then
- echo "=> Sending error notification to ${mail_to}"
- mail -s "[$(hostname)] ${script_filename} failed. See logged output." "${mail_to}" < /dev/null
+ echo "=> ERROR: Unsuccessful script termination. Exit status: $es"
@@ -100,7 +64,6 @@ date="$(date +%Y.%m.%d)"
if [[ ${date_exclude} && ${forcerun} != 1 ]] ; then
if [[ $DATE == ${date_exclude} ]] ; then
@@ -139,13 +102,8 @@ else
cp -al "${last_path}" "${parabola_dir}".tmp
-} &> >(tee -a "${log_tmp}")
-rsync "${repo}"/ -rtvlH ${terminal:+--progress} --log-file="${log_tmp}" --safe-links --delete --link-dest="$base_dir"/archlinux/ --link-dest="$parabola_dir" "$parabola_dir".tmp
+rsync "${repo}"/ -rtvlH ${terminal:+--progress} --safe-links --delete --link-dest="$base_dir"/archlinux/ --link-dest="$parabola_dir" "$parabola_dir".tmp
cd "$base_dir"
@@ -177,7 +135,3 @@ echo "=> Disk space report"
df -h /
echo "=> ${script_filename} finished successfully. Finish time: $(date --rfc-3339=seconds)"
-} &> >(tee -a "${log_tmp}")