path: root/libredbdiff-with_init
diff options
authorEsteban Carnevale <>2014-12-24 16:43:47 -0300
committerEsteban Carnevale <>2014-12-24 16:47:35 -0300
commite545df73286e26d526d655ed872f88c41cd5260f (patch)
tree55a19339e8cc2aa2c14583d8e2d8af476668a741 /libredbdiff-with_init
parent5e076b9c577f807d58b78667ab8cc2e3e83b5113 (diff)
libredbdiff-with_init: Copy of libretools' version
On libretools' version, configuration files will be packaged so initialize() will not be needed and removed. This function will remain in parmanscripts' version of Libredbdiff.
Diffstat (limited to 'libredbdiff-with_init')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libredbdiff-with_init b/libredbdiff-with_init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2bc8a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libredbdiff-with_init
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Esteban Carnevale <>
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Luke Shumaker <>
+# License: GNU GPLv3+
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+repos="libre pcr libre-multilib nonprism"
+. libremessages
+field_pkgname_total="$((${field_pkgname_parabola} + ${field_pkgname_arch}))"
+printf_format="%s %-${field_pkgname_parabola}s%-${field_pkgname_arch}s %s | %s\n"
+printf_format_noarch="%s %-${field_pkgname_total}s %s\n"
+downloadfile() {
+ local outfile=$1
+ local url=$2
+ local mesg=("${@:3}")
+ if [[ ! -e $outfile ]] ; then
+ msg "${mesg[@]}"
+ if wget -q "$url" -O "$outfile"; then
+ return 255
+ else
+ die "Failed to download %q. Exiting." "$outfile"
+ fi
+ elif [[ $init ]]; then
+ warning "%q already exists. Skipping." "$outfile"
+ fi
+enablerepo() {
+ repo="$1"
+ conffile_arg="$2"
+ msg2 "Enabling repo %q in %q" "$repo" "${conffile_arg}"
+ sed -i "s/\#\[$repo\]/[$repo]/" "${conffile_arg}"
+ sed -i "\/\[$repo\]/,+1 s/#Include/Include/" "${conffile_arg}"
+createdir() {
+ local dir=$1
+ if [[ ! -e $dir ]] ; then
+ msg "Creating directory %q" "$dir"
+ mkdir -- "$1" || die "Failed to create directory %q. Exiting." "$dir"
+ elif [[ $init ]]; then
+ warning "%q already exists. Skipping." "$dir"
+ fi
+setmirror() {
+ local distro="$1"
+ local mirror="$2"
+ local mirrorlist="$3"
+ if [[ $init ]] && [[ $mirror ]]; then
+ mirrorescaped="${mirror//./\\.}"
+ mirrorescaped="${mirrorescaped//\$/\\$}"
+ msg2 "Setting %s as the only enabled %s mirror." "${mirror}" "${distro}"
+ sed -i 's|^#\(Server = '"${mirrorescaped}"'\)$|\1|' "${mirrorlist}"
+ fi
+filenotfound() {
+ local file=$1
+ if [[ ! -r $1 ]]; then
+ error "Could not read %q." "$file"
+ die "Nothing done. It may be necessary to run %q without \
+arguments as root to initialize %s." "$cmd" "$name"
+ fi
+initialize() {
+ createdir "$baseconfpath"
+ createdir "$basedbpath"
+ downloadfile \
+ "${conffile}" \
+ "" \
+ "Downloading Parabola %q" \
+ pacman.conf
+ if [[ $? == 255 ]] ; then
+ msg2 "Setting DBPath in %q" "${conffile}"
+ sed -i "s|^#DBPath .*|DBPath = ${dbpath}|" "${conffile}"
+ enablerepo nonprism "${conffile}"
+ enablerepo pcr "${conffile}"
+ enablerepo libre-multilib "${conffile}"
+ enablerepo multilib "${conffile}"
+ fi
+ downloadfile \
+ "${conffilearch}" \
+ "" \
+ "Downloading Arch %q" \
+ pacman.conf
+ if [[ $? == 255 ]] ; then
+ msg2 "Setting DBPath in %q" "${conffilearch}"
+ sed -i "s|^#DBPath .*|DBPath = ${dbpatharch}|" "${conffilearch}"
+ msg2 "Setting Arch mirrorlist file in %q" "${conffilearch}"
+ sed -i "s|/etc/pacman\.d/mirrorlist$|$baseconfpath/mirrorlist.archlinux|" \
+ "${conffilearch}"
+ enablerepo multilib "${conffilearch}"
+ fi
+ downloadfile \
+ "${mirrorlist}" \
+ "" \
+ "Downloading Parabola %q" \
+ mirrorlist
+ if [[ $? == 255 ]] ; then
+ sed -i 's|^Server|#Server|' "${mirrorlist}"
+ setmirror "Parabola" "$mirror" "$mirrorlist"
+ fi
+ downloadfile \
+ "${mirrorlistarch}" \
+ "" \
+ "Downloading Arch %q" \
+ mirrorlist
+ if [[ $? == 255 ]] ; then
+ setmirror "Arch" "$mirrorarch" "$mirrorlistarch"
+ fi
+repo_test() {
+ for repo in ${repos} ; do
+ if [[ $repo == $1 ]] ; then
+ found=1
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $found != 1 ]] ; then
+ die "The specified Parabola repo \"%s\" cannot be compared. It's \
+not in the list of repos in the configuration variable \"repos\"." "$1"
+ fi
+expac_version_test() {
+ if ! pkgname="$(pacman -Qoq expac 2> /dev/null)" ; then
+ die "The command expac could not be found installed. The package \
+pcr/expac-relative 4-2.parabola1 (or later) must be installed."
+ elif [[ $pkgname == expac-git ]] ; then
+ true
+ elif [[ $pkgname == expac-relative ]] ; then
+ expac_ver="$(expac %v expac-relative)"
+ if [[ $(vercmp "${expac_ver}" 4-2.parabola1) == -1 ]] ; then
+ die "The version of expac-relative installed on the system is \
+lower than needed."
+ fi
+ else
+ die "expac command must be provided by pcr/expac-relative version \
+4-2.parabola1 (or later). This package must be installed."
+ fi
+compare_pkgs() {
+ local cmp
+ if [[ ${verarch[$pkgname]} ]] ; then
+ cmp=$(vercmp "${ver[$pkgname]}" "${verarch[$pkgname]}")
+ if [[ $cmp -lt 0 ]]; then
+ printf "${printf_format}" \
+ '=' \
+ "${pkgname}" \
+ "" \
+ "${ver[$pkgname]}" \
+ "${verarch[$pkgname]}"
+ fi
+ elif [[ ${provides[$pkgname]} ]]; then
+ for provide in "${provides[$pkgname]}"; do
+ if [[ ${verarch["$provide"]} ]]; then
+ cmp=$(vercmp "${ver[$pkgname]}" "${verarch[$provide]}")
+ if [[ $cmp -lt 0 ]]; then
+ printf "${printf_format}" \
+ 'p' \
+ "${pkgname}" \
+ "${provide}" \
+ "${ver[$pkgname]}" \
+ "${verarch[$provide]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ printf "${printf_format_noarch}" \
+ 'o' \
+ "${pkgname}" \
+ "${ver[$pkgname]}"
+ fi
+print_cmp() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ awk -F/ -v repo="$repo" \
+ '$1 == repo {print $2}' \
+ ${parabola_packages_tmp} | \
+ while read -a line ; do
+ ver["${line[0]}"]="${line[1]}"
+ provides[${line[0]}]="${line[@]:2}"
+ pkgname=${line[0]}
+ compare_pkgs
+ done
+usage() {
+ print "Usage: %q [-n|-h]" "$cmd"
+ print 'Show packages that need to be updated from Arch repositories.'
+ echo
+ prose "Compares packages in Parabola repositories. Packages from
+ all configured Parabola repositories are compared. A Parabola
+ repository name can be specified as argument to compare only
+ packages in that repository."
+ prose "The default mode of operation is to download/update all necessary
+ files for comparison, but not compare them. Specify the \`-n\`
+ flag to not download anything, but to compare already downloaded
+ files."
+ echo
+ print 'Options:'
+ flag '-n' "Don't update anything, just compare already downloaded files."
+ flag '-h' 'Show this message'
+ echo
+ print "Output format:
+ type_character parabola_pkgname (arch_pkgname) parabola_pkgver - (arch_pkgver)"
+ echo
+ print "Type characters:
+ = Arch package with the same pkgname and greater pkgver was found
+ p Arch package with pkgname equal to a provide and greater pkgver was found
+ In this case arch_pkgname is a provide of parabola_pkgname
+ o No Arch package with the same pkgname or with pkgname equal to a provide was found"
+main() {
+ local UPDATE=1
+ local arg
+ local repo_arg
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ -n|--noupdate)
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ repo_test "$arg"
+ repo_arg="$arg"
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if (( $UPDATE )) ; then
+ if [[ $EUID != 0 ]]; then
+ die "To initialize %s or update %s pacman \
+databases, %s must be run as root (without arguments). Nothing done." \
+ "$name" \
+ "$name" \
+ "$cmd"
+ fi
+ if ! [[ -e "${conffile}" && \
+ -e "${conffilearch}" && \
+ -e "${mirrorlist}" && \
+ -e "${mirrorlist}" ]]; then
+ warning "At least one %s configuration file is \
+missing." \
+ "${name}"
+ msg "Downloading and preparing missing \
+configuration files."
+ init=1
+ fi
+ createdir "$baseconfpath"
+ createdir "$basedbpath"
+ initialize
+ if ! [[ -d "$dbpath" && \
+ -d "$dbpatharch" ]]; then
+ warning "At least one %s pacman DB directory \
+is missing. Synchronizing %s DB files." "${name}" "${name}"
+ fi
+ createdir "$dbpath"
+ msg "Synchronizing %s pacman databases for Parabola" "$name"
+ pacman --config "${conffile}" -Sy || \
+ die "Failed to synchronize pacman database for Parabola. Exiting."
+ createdir "$dbpatharch"
+ msg "Synchronizing %s pacman databases for Arch" "$name"
+ pacman --config "${conffilearch}" -b "${dbpatharch}" -Sy || \
+ die "Failed to synchronize pacman database for Arch. Exiting."
+ msg "%s pacman databases are updated. %s is ready. Run %q -n to \
+print results." "$name" "$name" "$cmd"
+ return 0
+ else
+ filenotfound "${dbpath}"
+ filenotfound "${dbpatharch}"
+ filenotfound "${conffile}"
+ filenotfound "${conffilearch}"
+ filenotfound "${mirrorlist}"
+ filenotfound "${mirrorlistarch}"
+ unset provides ver verarch
+ declare -gA provides ver verarch
+ if ! [[ -d "$dbpath" && \
+ -d "$dbpatharch" ]]; then
+ die "At least one %s pacman DB directory \
+is missing. To update %s pacman databases, %s must be run as root. \
+Nothing done." \
+ "$name" \
+ "$name" \
+ "$cmd"
+ fi
+ expac_version_test
+ pacman --config "${conffilearch}" -Ss | \
+ grep -v '^ ' | \
+ awk -F/ '{print $2}' \
+ > ${arch_packages_tmp} || \
+ die "pacman command to get Arch \
+package data has failed. Exiting."
+ chmod 777 ${arch_packages_tmp}
+ while read -a line; do
+ verarch["${line[0]}"]="${line[1]}"
+ done < ${arch_packages_tmp}
+ expac --config "${conffile}" -S '%r/%n %v %S' \
+ > ${parabola_packages_tmp} || \
+ die "expac command to get Parabola \
+package data has failed. Exiting."
+ chmod 777 ${parabola_packages_tmp}
+ if [[ ${repo_arg} ]] ; then
+ print_cmp "${repo_arg}"
+ else
+ for repo in ${repos} ; do
+ print "[$repo]"
+ print_cmp "$repo"
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+main "$@"