path: root/skins/common/sorttable.js
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2007-01-11 19:06:07 +0000
committerPierre Schmitz <>2007-01-11 19:06:07 +0000
commita58285fd06c8113c45377c655dd43cef6337e815 (patch)
treedfe31d3d12652352fe44890b4811eda0728faefb /skins/common/sorttable.js
parent20194986f6638233732ba1fc3e838f117d3cc9ea (diff)
Aktualisierung auf MediaWiki 1.9.0
Diffstat (limited to 'skins/common/sorttable.js')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skins/common/sorttable.js b/skins/common/sorttable.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24877865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skins/common/sorttable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ * Table sorting script by Joost de Valk, check it out at
+ * Based on a script from
+ * Distributed under the MIT license: .
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Stuart Langridge, Joost de Valk.
+ *
+ * @todo don't break on colspans/rowspans (bug 8028)
+ * @todo language-specific digit grouping/decimals (bug 8063)
+ * @todo support all accepted date formats (bug 8226)
+ */
+var image_path = stylepath+"/common/images/";
+var image_up = "sort_up.gif";
+var image_down = "sort_down.gif";
+var image_none = "sort_none.gif";
+var europeandate = wgContentLanguage != "en"; // The non-American-inclined can change to "true"
+var alternate_row_colors = true;
+hookEvent( "load", sortables_init);
+var thead = false;
+function sortables_init() {
+ var idnum = 0;
+ // Find all tables with class sortable and make them sortable
+ if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
+ tbls = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
+ for (ti=0;ti<tbls.length;ti++) {
+ thisTbl = tbls[ti];
+ if ( (' '+thisTbl.className+' ').indexOf("sortable") != -1 ) {
+ if (! {
+ thisTbl.setAttribute('id','sortable_table_id_'+idnum);
+ ++idnum;
+ }
+ ts_makeSortable(thisTbl);
+ }
+ }
+function ts_makeSortable(table) {
+ if (table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) {
+ if (table.tHead && table.tHead.rows.length > 0) {
+ var firstRow = table.tHead.rows[table.tHead.rows.length-1];
+ thead = true;
+ } else {
+ var firstRow = table.rows[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!firstRow) return;
+ // We have a first row: assume it's the header, and make its contents clickable links
+ for (var i=0;i<firstRow.cells.length;i++) {
+ var cell = firstRow.cells[i];
+ var txt = ts_getInnerText(cell);
+ if (cell.className != "unsortable" && cell.className.indexOf("unsortable") == -1) {
+ cell.innerHTML = txt+'&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" class="sortheader" onclick="ts_resortTable(this);return false;"><span class="sortarrow"><img src="'+ image_path + image_none + '" alt="&darr;"/></span></a>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (alternate_row_colors) {
+ alternate(table);
+ }
+function ts_getInnerText(el) {
+ if (typeof el == "string") return el;
+ if (typeof el == "undefined") { return el };
+ if (el.innerText) return el.innerText; //Not needed but it is faster
+ var str = "";
+ var cs = el.childNodes;
+ var l = cs.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ switch (cs[i].nodeType) {
+ case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE
+ str += ts_getInnerText(cs[i]);
+ break;
+ case 3: //TEXT_NODE
+ str += cs[i].nodeValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+function ts_resortTable(lnk) {
+ // get the span
+ var span;
+ for (var ci=0;ci<lnk.childNodes.length;ci++) {
+ if (lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName && lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') span = lnk.childNodes[ci];
+ }
+ var spantext = ts_getInnerText(span);
+ var td = lnk.parentNode;
+ var column = td.cellIndex;
+ var table = getParent(td,'TABLE');
+ // Work out a type for the column
+ if (table.rows.length <= 1) return;
+ for( var i = 1, itm = ""; itm.match(/^([\s]|\n|\&nbsp;|<!--[^-]+-->)*$/); i++) {
+ var itm = ts_getInnerText(table.tBodies[0].rows[i].cells[column]);
+ itm = trim(itm);
+ }
+ sortfn = ts_sort_caseinsensitive;
+ if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/. -][a-zA-Z]{3}[\/. -]\d\d\d\d$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_date;
+ if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/.-]\d\d[\/.-]\d\d\d\d$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_date;
+ if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/.-]\d\d[\/.-]\d\d$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_date;
+ if (itm.match(/^[£$€Û¢´]/)) sortfn = ts_sort_currency;
+ if (itm.match(/^[\d.,]+\%?$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_numeric;
+ var firstRow = new Array();
+ var newRows = new Array();
+ for (k=0;k<table.tBodies.length;k++) {
+ for (i=0;i<table.tBodies[k].rows[0].length;i++) {
+ firstRow[i] = table.tBodies[k].rows[0][i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (k=0;k<table.tBodies.length;k++) {
+ if (!thead) {
+ // Skip the first row
+ for (j=1;j<table.tBodies[k].rows.length;j++) {
+ newRows[j-1] = table.tBodies[k].rows[j];
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Do NOT skip the first row
+ for (j=0;j<table.tBodies[k].rows.length;j++) {
+ newRows[j] = table.tBodies[k].rows[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newRows.sort(sortfn);
+ if (span.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'down') {
+ ARROW = '<img src="'+ image_path + image_down + '" alt="&darr;"/>';
+ newRows.reverse();
+ span.setAttribute('sortdir','up');
+ } else {
+ ARROW = '<img src="'+ image_path + image_up + '" alt="&uarr;"/>';
+ span.setAttribute('sortdir','down');
+ }
+ // We appendChild rows that already exist to the tbody, so it moves them rather than creating new ones
+ // don't do sortbottom rows
+ for (i=0; i<newRows.length; i++) {
+ if (!newRows[i].className || (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') == -1))) {
+ table.tBodies[0].appendChild(newRows[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // do sortbottom rows only
+ for (i=0; i<newRows.length; i++) {
+ if (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') != -1))
+ table.tBodies[0].appendChild(newRows[i]);
+ }
+ // Delete any other arrows there may be showing
+ var allspans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
+ for (var ci=0;ci<allspans.length;ci++) {
+ if (allspans[ci].className == 'sortarrow') {
+ if (getParent(allspans[ci],"table") == getParent(lnk,"table")) { // in the same table as us?
+ allspans[ci].innerHTML = '<img src="'+ image_path + image_none + '" alt="&darr;"/>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ span.innerHTML = ARROW;
+ alternate(table);
+function getParent(el, pTagName) {
+ if (el == null) {
+ return null;
+ } else if (el.nodeType == 1 && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == pTagName.toLowerCase()) { // Gecko bug, supposed to be uppercase
+ return el;
+ } else {
+ return getParent(el.parentNode, pTagName);
+ }
+function sort_date(date) {
+ // y2k notes: two digit years less than 50 are treated as 20XX, greater than 50 are treated as 19XX
+ dt = "00000000";
+ if (date.length == 11) {
+ monthstr = date.substr(3,3);
+ monthstr = monthstr.toLowerCase();
+ switch(monthstr) {
+ case "jan": var month = "01"; break;
+ case "feb": var month = "02"; break;
+ case "mar": var month = "03"; break;
+ case "apr": var month = "04"; break;
+ case "may": var month = "05"; break;
+ case "jun": var month = "06"; break;
+ case "jul": var month = "07"; break;
+ case "aug": var month = "08"; break;
+ case "sep": var month = "09"; break;
+ case "oct": var month = "10"; break;
+ case "nov": var month = "11"; break;
+ case "dec": var month = "12"; break;
+ // default: var month = "00";
+ }
+ dt = date.substr(7,4)+month+date.substr(0,2);
+ return dt;
+ } else if (date.length == 10) {
+ if (europeandate == false) {
+ dt = date.substr(6,4)+date.substr(0,2)+date.substr(3,2);
+ return dt;
+ } else {
+ dt = date.substr(6,4)+date.substr(3,2)+date.substr(0,2);
+ return dt;
+ }
+ } else if (date.length == 8) {
+ yr = date.substr(6,2);
+ if (parseInt(yr) < 50) {
+ yr = '20'+yr;
+ } else {
+ yr = '19'+yr;
+ }
+ if (europeandate == true) {
+ dt = yr+date.substr(3,2)+date.substr(0,2);
+ return dt;
+ } else {
+ dt = yr+date.substr(0,2)+date.substr(3,2);
+ return dt;
+ }
+ }
+ return dt;
+function ts_sort_date(a,b) {
+ dt1 = sort_date(ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]));
+ dt2 = sort_date(ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]));
+ if (dt1==dt2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (dt1<dt2) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+function ts_sort_currency(a,b) {
+ aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');
+ bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');
+ return compare_numeric(aa,bb);
+function ts_sort_numeric(a,b) {
+ aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
+ bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
+ return compare_numeric(aa,bb);
+function compare_numeric(a,b) {
+ a = parseFloat(a.replace(/,/, ""));
+ a = (isNaN(a) ? 0 : a);
+ b = parseFloat(b.replace(/,/, ""));
+ b = (isNaN(b) ? 0 : b);
+ return a - b;
+function ts_sort_caseinsensitive(a,b) {
+ aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
+ bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
+ if (aa==bb) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (aa<bb) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+function ts_sort_default(a,b) {
+ aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
+ bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
+ if (aa==bb) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (aa<bb) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture)
+// addEvent and removeEvent
+// cross-browser event handling for IE5+, NS6 and Mozilla
+// By Scott Andrew
+ if (elm.addEventListener){
+ elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
+ return true;
+ } else if (elm.attachEvent){
+ var r = elm.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
+ return r;
+ } else {
+ alert("Handler could not be removed");
+ }
+function replace(s, t, u) {
+ /*
+ ** Replace a token in a string
+ ** s string to be processed
+ ** t token to be found and removed
+ ** u token to be inserted
+ ** returns new String
+ */
+ i = s.indexOf(t);
+ r = "";
+ if (i == -1) return s;
+ r += s.substring(0,i) + u;
+ if ( i + t.length < s.length) {
+ r += replace(s.substring(i + t.length, s.length), t, u);
+ }
+ return r;
+function trim(s) {
+ return s.replace(/^([ \t]|\n|\&nbsp;|<!--[^-]+-->)*/, "").replace(/([ \t]|\n|\&nbsp;|<!--[^-]+-->)*$/, "");
+function alternate(table) {
+ // Take object table and get all it's tbodies.
+ var tableBodies = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody");
+ // Loop through these tbodies
+ for (var i = 0; i < tableBodies.length; i++) {
+ // Take the tbody, and get all it's rows
+ var tableRows = tableBodies[i].getElementsByTagName("tr");
+ // Loop through these rows
+ // Start at 1 because we want to leave the heading row untouched
+ for (var j = 0; j < tableRows.length; j++) {
+ // Check if j is even, and apply classes for both possible results
+ if ( (j % 2) == 0 ) {
+ if ( !(tableRows[j].className.indexOf('odd') == -1) ) {
+ tableRows[j].className = replace(tableRows[j].className, 'odd', 'even');
+ } else {
+ if ( tableRows[j].className.indexOf('even') == -1 ) {
+ tableRows[j].className += " even";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( !(tableRows[j].className.indexOf('even') == -1) ) {
+ tableRows[j].className = replace(tableRows[j].className, 'even', 'odd');
+ } else {
+ if ( tableRows[j].className.indexOf('odd') == -1 ) {
+ tableRows[j].className += " odd";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }