path: root/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/widgets.php
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2016-05-01 15:30:02 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2016-05-01 15:30:02 -0400
commit1de335ad3f395ca6861085393ba366a9e3fb4a0d (patch)
treef1fdd326034e05177596851be6a7127615d81498 /vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/widgets.php
parent9c75fa8ff6d4d38ef552c00fef5969fb154765e8 (diff)
parentf6d65e533c62f6deb21342d4901ece24497b433e (diff)
Merge commit 'f6d65'
# Conflicts: # skins/ArchLinux/ArchLinux.php
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/widgets.php')
1 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/widgets.php b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/widgets.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..494a7ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/widgets.php
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+ $autoload = '../vendor/autoload.php';
+ if ( !file_exists( $autoload ) ) {
+ echo '<h1>Did you forget to run <code>composer install</code>?</h1>';
+ exit();
+ }
+ require_once $autoload;
+ $theme = ( isset( $_GET['theme'] ) && $_GET['theme'] === 'apex' ) ? 'apex' : 'mediawiki';
+ $themeClass = 'OOUI\\' . ( $theme === 'apex' ? 'Apex' : 'MediaWiki' ) . 'Theme';
+ OOUI\Theme::setSingleton( new $themeClass() );
+ $graphicSuffixMap = array(
+ 'mixed' => '',
+ 'vector' => '.vector',
+ 'raster' => '.raster',
+ );
+ $graphic = ( isset( $_GET['graphic'] ) && isset( $graphicSuffixMap[ $_GET['graphic'] ] ) )
+ ? $_GET['graphic'] : 'vector';
+ $graphicSuffix = $graphicSuffixMap[ $graphic ];
+ $direction = ( isset( $_GET['direction'] ) && $_GET['direction'] === 'rtl' ) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
+ $directionSuffix = $direction === 'rtl' ? '.rtl' : '';
+ OOUI\Element::setDefaultDir( $direction );
+ $query = array(
+ 'theme' => $theme,
+ 'graphic' => $graphic,
+ 'direction' => $direction,
+ );
+ $styleFileName = "oojs-ui-$theme$graphicSuffix$directionSuffix.css";
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <title>OOjs UI Widget Demo</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/<?php echo $styleFileName; ?>" title="theme">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/demo<?php echo $directionSuffix; ?>.css">
+<body class="oo-ui-<?php echo $direction; ?>">
+ <div class="oo-ui-demo">
+ <div class="oo-ui-demo-menu">
+ <?php
+ echo new OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'id' => 'theme-mediawiki',
+ 'label' => 'MediaWiki',
+ 'data' => 'mediawiki',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'theme' => 'mediawiki' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'id' => 'theme-apex',
+ 'label' => 'Apex',
+ 'data' => 'apex',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'theme' => 'apex' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ )
+ ) );
+ echo new OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Mixed',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'graphic' => 'mixed' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Vector',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'graphic' => 'vector' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Raster',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'graphic' => 'raster' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ )
+ ) );
+ echo new OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'LTR',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'direction' => 'ltr' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'RTL',
+ 'href' => '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $query, array( 'direction' => 'rtl' ) ) ),
+ ) ),
+ )
+ ) );
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ <?php
+ $demoContainer = new OOUI\PanelLayout( array(
+ 'expanded' => false,
+ 'padded' => true,
+ 'framed' => true,
+ ) );
+ $demoContainer->addClasses( array( 'oo-ui-demo-container' ) );
+ $styles = array(
+ array(),
+ array(
+ 'flags' => array( 'progressive' ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'flags' => array( 'destructive' ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'progressive' ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'constructive' ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'destructive' ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $states = array(
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Button',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Button',
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Button',
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'indicator' => 'down',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'title' => "Title text",
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'indicator' => 'down',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'indicator' => 'down',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Button',
+ 'disabled' => true,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'title' => "Title text",
+ 'disabled' => true,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'indicator' => 'down',
+ 'disabled' => true,
+ ),
+ );
+ $buttonStyleShowcaseWidget = new OOUI\Widget();
+ foreach ( $styles as $style ) {
+ foreach ( $states as $state ) {
+ $buttonStyleShowcaseWidget->appendContent(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array_merge( $style, $state, array( 'infusable' => true ) ) )
+ );
+ }
+ $buttonStyleShowcaseWidget->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( '<br />' ) );
+ }
+ $horizontalAlignmentWidget = new OOUI\Widget( array(
+ 'classes' => array( 'oo-ui-demo-horizontal-alignment' )
+ ) );
+ # Adding content after the fact does not play well with
+ # infusability. We should be using a proper Layout here.
+ $horizontalAlignmentWidget->appendContent(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array( 'label' => 'Button' ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget( array( 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array( 'label' => 'A' ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array( 'label' => 'B' ) )
+ ) ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( array( 'label' => 'ButtonInput' ) ),
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array( 'value' => 'TextInput' ) ),
+ new OOUI\DropdownInputWidget( array( 'options' => array(
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'DropdownInput',
+ 'data' => null
+ )
+ ) ) ),
+ new OOUI\CheckboxInputWidget( array( 'selected' => true ) ),
+ new OOUI\RadioInputWidget( array( 'selected' => true ) ),
+ new OOUI\LabelWidget( array( 'label' => 'Label' ) )
+ );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Simple buttons',
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array( 'label' => 'Normal' ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (normal)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Progressive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'progressive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (progressive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Constructive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (constructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Destructive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'destructive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (destructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Primary progressive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'progressive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (primary, progressive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Primary constructive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'constructive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (primary, constructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Primary destructive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'destructive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (primary, destructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Disabled',
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Constructive',
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' ),
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (constructive, disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Constructive',
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' ),
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (constructive, icon, disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Icon',
+ 'icon' => 'tag'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (icon)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Icon',
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'flags' => array( 'progressive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (icon, progressive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Indicator',
+ 'indicator' => 'down'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (indicator)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Indicator',
+ 'indicator' => 'down',
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (indicator, constructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'icon' => 'help',
+ 'title' => 'Icon only'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (icon only)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'label' => 'Labeled'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (frameless)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'flags' => array( 'progressive' ),
+ 'icon' => 'check',
+ 'label' => 'Progressive'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (frameless, progressive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'flags' => array( 'destructive' ),
+ 'icon' => 'remove',
+ 'label' => 'Destructive'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (frameless, destructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' ),
+ 'icon' => 'add',
+ 'label' => 'Constructive'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (frameless, constructive)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'label' => 'Disabled',
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (frameless, disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'framed' => false,
+ 'flags' => array( 'constructive' ),
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'label' => 'Constructive',
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "ButtonWidget (frameless, constructive, disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ) );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Button sets',
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget( array(
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'icon' => 'tag',
+ 'label' => 'One'
+ ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Two'
+ ) ),
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'indicator' => 'required',
+ 'label' => 'Three'
+ ) )
+ )
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'ButtonGroupWidget',
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ) );
+ # Note that $buttonStyleShowcaseWidget is not infusable,
+ # because the contents would not be preserved -- we assume
+ # that widgets will manage their own contents by default,
+ # but here we've manually appended content to the widget.
+ # If we embed it in an infusable FieldsetLayout, it will be
+ # (recursively) made infusable. We protect the FieldLayout
+ # by wrapping it with a new <div> Tag, so that it won't get
+ # rebuilt during infusion.
+ $wrappedFieldLayout = new OOUI\Tag( 'div' );
+ $wrappedFieldLayout->appendContent(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ $buttonStyleShowcaseWidget,
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Button style showcase',
+ 'items' => array( $wrappedFieldLayout ),
+ ) ) );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Form widgets',
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\CheckboxInputWidget( array(
+ 'selected' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'inline',
+ 'label' => 'CheckboxInputWidget'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\CheckboxInputWidget( array(
+ 'selected' => true,
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'inline',
+ 'label' => "CheckboxInputWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E"
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\RadioInputWidget( array(
+ 'name' => 'oojs-ui-radio-demo'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'inline',
+ 'label' => 'Connected RadioInputWidget #1'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\RadioInputWidget( array(
+ 'name' => 'oojs-ui-radio-demo',
+ 'selected' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'inline',
+ 'label' => 'Connected RadioInputWidget #2'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\RadioInputWidget( array(
+ 'selected' => true,
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'inline',
+ 'label' => "RadioInputWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E"
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array( 'value' => 'Text input' ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array( 'icon' => 'search' ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget (icon)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array(
+ 'indicator' => 'required',
+ 'required' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget (indicator, required)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array( 'placeholder' => 'Placeholder' ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget (placeholder)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array(
+ 'value' => 'Readonly',
+ 'readOnly' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget (readonly)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array(
+ 'value' => 'Disabled',
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array(
+ 'multiline' => true,
+ 'value' => "Multiline\nMultiline"
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "TextInputWidget (multiline)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\DropdownInputWidget( array(
+ 'options' => array(
+ array(
+ 'data' => 'a',
+ 'label' => 'First'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'data' => 'b',
+ 'label' => 'Second'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'data' => 'c',
+ 'label' => 'Third'
+ )
+ ),
+ 'value' => 'b'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'DropdownInputWidget',
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Submit the form',
+ 'type' => 'submit'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'top',
+ 'label' => "ButtonInputWidget\xE2\x80\x8E"
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Submit the form',
+ 'type' => 'submit',
+ 'useInputTag' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'align' => 'top',
+ 'label' => "ButtonInputWidget (using <input/>)\xE2\x80\x8E"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ) );
+ # Again, $horizontalAlignmentWidget is not infusable because
+ # it manually added content after creation. If we embed it
+ # in an infusable FieldsetLayout, it will (recursively) be made
+ # infusable. So protect the widget by wrapping it in a
+ # <div> Tag.
+ $wrappedFieldLayout = new OOUI\Tag( 'div' );
+ $wrappedFieldLayout->appendContent(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ $horizontalAlignmentWidget,
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Multiple widgets shown as a single line, ' .
+ 'as used in compact forms or in parts of a bigger widget.',
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Horizontal alignment',
+ 'items' => array( $wrappedFieldLayout ),
+ ) ) );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Other widgets',
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\IconWidget( array(
+ 'icon' => 'picture',
+ 'title' => 'Picture icon'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "IconWidget (normal)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\IconWidget( array(
+ 'icon' => 'remove',
+ 'flags' => 'destructive',
+ 'title' => 'Remove icon'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "IconWidget (flagged)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\IconWidget( array(
+ 'icon' => 'picture',
+ 'title' => 'Picture icon',
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "IconWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\IndicatorWidget( array(
+ 'indicator' => 'required',
+ 'title' => 'Required indicator'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "IndicatorWidget (normal)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\IndicatorWidget( array(
+ 'indicator' => 'required',
+ 'title' => 'Required indicator',
+ 'disabled' => true
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "IndicatorWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\LabelWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Label'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "LabelWidget (normal)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\LabelWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Label',
+ 'disabled' => true,
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "LabelWidget (disabled)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\LabelWidget( array(
+ 'label' => new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( '<b>Fancy</b> <i>text</i> <u>formatting</u>!' ),
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => "LabelWidget (with html)\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ) );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'label' => 'Field layouts',
+ 'help' => 'I am an additional, helpful information. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cibo pri ' .
+ "in, duo ex inimicus perpetua complectitur, mel periculis similique at.\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonWidget( array(
+ 'label' => 'Button'
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'FieldLayout with help',
+ 'help' => 'I am an additional, helpful information. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cibo pri ' .
+ "in, duo ex inimicus perpetua complectitur, mel periculis similique at.\xE2\x80\x8E",
+ 'align' => 'top'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ) );
+ $demoContainer->appendContent( new OOUI\FormLayout( array(
+ 'infusable' => true,
+ 'method' => 'GET',
+ 'action' => 'widgets.php',
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( array(
+ 'label' => 'Form layout',
+ 'items' => array(
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array(
+ 'name' => 'username',
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'User name',
+ 'align' => 'top',
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\TextInputWidget( array(
+ 'name' => 'password',
+ 'type' => 'password',
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Password',
+ 'align' => 'top',
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\CheckboxInputWidget( array(
+ 'name' => 'rememberme',
+ 'selected' => true,
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Remember me',
+ 'align' => 'inline',
+ )
+ ),
+ new OOUI\FieldLayout(
+ new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( array(
+ 'name' => 'login',
+ 'label' => 'Log in',
+ 'type' => 'submit',
+ 'flags' => array( 'primary', 'progressive' ),
+ 'icon' => 'check',
+ ) ),
+ array(
+ 'label' => null,
+ 'align' => 'top',
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ ) )
+ )
+ ) ) );
+ echo $demoContainer;
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Demonstrate JavaScript "infusion" of PHP widgets -->
+ <script src="../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../node_modules/oojs/dist/oojs.jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../dist/oojs-ui.js"></script>
+ <script src="../dist/oojs-ui-apex.js"></script>
+ <script src="../dist/oojs-ui-mediawiki.js"></script>
+ <script src="./infusion.js"></script>