path: root/support/schema
diff options
authoreric <eric>2004-06-23 15:49:09 +0000
committereric <eric>2004-06-23 15:49:09 +0000
commit342d5dfce063550faa6c8871768367e56577bb2c (patch)
treeca7b01fe57c5e5582ebaf94c387839773e17a1ed /support/schema
parent84912ddb2e9e695980ac42c599ceda8362455790 (diff)
added dummy data for testing
Diffstat (limited to 'support/schema')
-rw-r--r--support/schema/dummy-data.sql.gzbin0 -> 74459 bytes
3 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/schema/aur-schema.sql b/support/schema/aur-schema.sql
index ffd1d98..9c5d920 100644
--- a/support/schema/aur-schema.sql
+++ b/support/schema/aur-schema.sql
@@ -144,8 +144,11 @@ CREATE TABLE PackageVotes (
CREATE TABLE PackageContents (
+ FileName CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
Path CHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ FileSize BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,
INDEX (PackageID),
+ INDEX (FileName),
diff --git a/support/schema/dummy-data.sql.gz b/support/schema/dummy-data.sql.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f50b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/schema/dummy-data.sql.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/support/schema/ b/support/schema/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fe5132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/schema/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# This script seeds the AUR database with dummy data for
+# use during development/testing. It uses random entries
+# from /usr/share/dict/words to create user accounts and
+# package names. It generates the SQL statements to
+# insert these users/packages into the AUR database.
+DBUG = 1
+SEED_FILE = "/usr/share/dict/words"
+DB_HOST = "localhost"
+DB_USER = "aur"
+DB_PASS = "aur"
+USER_ID = 5 # Users.ID of first user
+PKG_ID = 1 # Packages.ID of first package
+MAX_USERS = 100 # how many users to 'register'
+MAX_PKGS = 250 # how many packages to load
+PKG_FILES = (8, 30) # min/max number of files in a package
+VOTING = (.3, .8) # percentage range for package voting
+RANDOM_PATHS = [ # random path locations for package files
+ "/usr/bin", "/usr/lib", "/etc", "/etc/rc.d", "/usr/share", "/lib",
+ "/var/spool", "/var/log", "/usr/sbin", "/opt", "/usr/X11R6/bin",
+ "/usr/X11R6/lib", "/usr/libexec", "/usr/man/man1", "/usr/man/man3",
+ "/usr/man/man5", "/usr/X11R6/man/man1", "/etc/profile.d"
+import random
+import time
+import os
+import sys
+import cStringIO
+if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ sys.stderr.write("Missing output filename argument");
+ raise SystemExit
+# Just let python throw the errors if any happen
+out = open(sys.argv[1], "w")
+# make sure the seed file exists
+if not os.path.exists(SEED_FILE):
+ sys.stderr.write("Please install the 'words' Arch package\n");
+# Make sure database access will be available
+ import MySQLdb
+ sys.stderr.write("Please install the 'mysql-python' Arch package\n");
+ raise SystemExit
+# try to connect to database
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host = DB_HOST, user = DB_USER,
+ db = DB_NAME, passwd = DB_PASS)
+ dbc = db.cursor()
+ sys.stderr.write("Could not connect to database\n");
+ raise SystemExit
+# track what users/package names have been used
+seen_users = {}
+seen_pkgs = {}
+locations = {}
+categories = {}
+location_keys = []
+category_keys = []
+user_keys = []
+# some functions to generate random data
+def genVersion():
+ major = random.randrange(0,10)
+ minor = random.randrange(0,20)
+ if random.randrange(0,2) == 0:
+ revision = random.randrange(0,100)
+ return "%d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, revision)
+ return "%d.%d" % (major, minor)
+def genCategory():
+ return categories[category_keys[random.randrange(0,len(category_keys))]]
+def genLocation():
+ return locations[location_keys[random.randrange(0,len(location_keys))]]
+def genUID():
+ return seen_users[user_keys[random.randrange(0,len(user_keys))]]
+# load the words, and make sure there are enough words for users/pkgs
+if DBUG: print "Grabbing words from seed file..."
+fp = open(SEED_FILE, "r")
+contents = fp.readlines()
+if MAX_USERS > len(contents):
+ MAX_USERS = len(contents)
+if MAX_PKGS > len(contents):
+ MAX_PKGS = len(contents)
+if len(contents) - MAX_USERS > MAX_PKGS:
+ need_dupes = 0
+ need_dupes = 1
+# select random usernames
+if DBUG: print "Generating random user names..."
+user_id = USER_ID
+while len(seen_users) < MAX_USERS:
+ user = random.randrange(0, len(contents))
+ word = contents[user].strip().replace("'", "").replace(" ", "_")
+ if not seen_users.has_key(user):
+ seen_users[word] = user_id
+ user_id += 1
+user_keys = seen_users.keys()
+# select random package names
+if DBUG: print "Generating random package names..."
+num_pkgs = PKG_ID
+while len(seen_pkgs) < MAX_PKGS:
+ pkg = random.randrange(0, len(contents))
+ word = contents[pkg].strip().replace("'", "").replace(" ", "_")
+ if not need_dupes:
+ if not seen_pkgs.has_key(word) and not seen_users.has_key(word):
+ seen_pkgs[word] = num_pkgs
+ num_pkgs += 1
+ else:
+ if not seen_pkgs.has_key(word):
+ seen_pkgs[word] = num_pkgs
+ num_pkgs += 1
+# Load package categories from database
+if DBUG: print "Loading package categories/locations..."
+q = "SELECT * FROM PackageCategories"
+row = dbc.fetchone()
+while row:
+ categories[row[1]] = row[0]
+ row = dbc.fetchone()
+category_keys = categories.keys()
+# Load package locations from database
+q = "SELECT * FROM PackageLocations"
+row = dbc.fetchone()
+while row:
+ locations[row[1]] = row[0]
+ row = dbc.fetchone()
+location_keys = locations.keys()
+# done with the database
+# Begin by creating the User statements
+if DBUG: print "Creating SQL statements for users.",
+count = 0
+for u in user_keys:
+ s = """\
+INSERT INTO Users (ID, AccountTypeID, Username, Email, Passwd)
+ VALUES (%d, 1, '%s', '', '%s');
+ """ % (seen_users[u], u, u, u)
+ out.write(s)
+ if count % 10 == 0:
+ if DBUG: print ".",
+ count += 1
+if DBUG: print "."
+# Create the package statements
+if DBUG: print "Creating SQL statements for packages.",
+count = 0
+for p in seen_pkgs.keys():
+ s = """\
+INSERT INTO Packages (ID, Name, Version, CategoryID, LocationID,
+ SubmittedTS, SubmitterUID, MaintainerUID)
+ VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, 1);
+ """ % (seen_pkgs[p], p, genVersion(), genCategory(), genLocation(),
+ long(time.time()), genUID())
+ out.write(s)
+ if count % 100 == 0:
+ if DBUG: print ".",
+ count += 1
+ # Create package contents
+ #
+ num_files = random.randrange(PKG_FILES[0], PKG_FILES[1])
+ files = {}
+ for f in range(num_files):
+ loc = RANDOM_PATHS[random.randrange(len(RANDOM_PATHS))]
+ if "lib" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/lib" + p + ".so"
+ elif "man" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/" + p + "." + loc[-1] + ".gz"
+ elif "share" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/" + p + "/sounds/" + p + ".wav"
+ elif "profile" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/" + p + ".sh"
+ elif "rc.d" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/" + p
+ elif "etc" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/" + p + ".conf"
+ elif "opt" in loc:
+ path = loc + "/" + p + "/bin/" + p
+ else:
+ path = loc + "/" + p
+ if not files.has_key(path):
+ files[path] = 1
+ s = """\
+INSERT INTO PackageContents (PackageID, FileName, Path, FileSize)
+ VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d);
+ """ % (seen_pkgs[p], os.path.basename(path), path,
+ random.randrange(0,99999999))
+ out.write(s)
+if DBUG: print "."
+# Cast votes
+if DBUG: print "Casting votes for packages.",
+count = 0
+for u in user_keys:
+ num_votes = random.randrange(len(seen_pkgs)*VOTING[0],
+ len(seen_pkgs)*VOTING[1])
+ pkgvote = {}
+ for v in range(num_votes):
+ pkg = random.randrange(0, len(seen_pkgs))
+ if not pkgvote.has_key(pkg):
+ s = """\
+INSERT INTO PackageVotes (UsersID, PackageID) VALUES (%d, %d);
+ """ % (seen_users[u], pkg)
+ pkgvote[pkg] = 1
+ out.write(s)
+ if count % 100 == 0:
+ if DBUG: print ".",
+ count += 1
+# close output file
+if DBUG: print "."
+if DBUG: print "Done."