path: root/tupkg/update
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2005-05-08Added ModifiedTS to Packages databasesimo
2005-04-10added more safe checks on result codes from file deletes in tupkgupdatepjmattal
2005-04-10fixed bugs in tupkgupdatepjmattal
2005-04-10small fix to the fancy unsupported-->community updatepjmattal
2005-04-10added check for new package going transitioning from unsupported --> communit...pjmattal
2005-04-10added capability to get category from the directory in CVSpjmattal
2005-02-23fixed obvious tupkgupdate bug introduced by other fixpjmattal
2005-02-23fixed minor bugspjmattal
2005-02-23make sure all dummy packages are created in tupkgupdate in location 1pjmattal
2005-02-23fixed several bugspjmattal
2005-01-24switched back to bash for processing PKGBUILDspjmattal
2005-01-24many many changespjmattal
2005-01-23added a LOT of database stuffpjmattal
2005-01-22old changes; fixed one subtle handling where there's no new packagepjmattal
2004-12-15kept it from running gensync when no changes were madepjmattal
2004-09-14added parsing of PKGBUILD by using bashpjmattal
2004-09-13added a lotpjmattal
2004-09-12changed to work with pacman python libpjmattal
2004-09-11added tupkgupdatepjmattal