path: root/test
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1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 4837c71652..aed5139275 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -92,6 +92,45 @@ class NetworkdTestingUtilities:
self.addCleanup(os.remove, dropin_path)
+ def assert_link_states(self, **kwargs):
+ """Match networkctl link states to the given ones.
+ Each keyword argument should be the name of a network interface
+ with its expected value of the "SETUP" column in output from
+ networkctl. The interfaces have five seconds to come online
+ before the check is performed. Every specified interface must
+ be present in the output, and any other interfaces found in the
+ output are ignored.
+ A special interface state "managed" is supported, which matches
+ any value in the "SETUP" column other than "unmanaged".
+ """
+ if not kwargs:
+ return
+ interfaces = set(kwargs)
+ # Wait for the requested interfaces, but don't fail for them.
+[NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE, '--timeout=5'] +
+ ['--interface=%s' % iface for iface in kwargs])
+ # Validate each link state found in the networkctl output.
+ out = subprocess.check_output(['networkctl', '--no-legend']).rstrip()
+ for line in out.decode('utf-8').split('\n'):
+ fields = line.split()
+ if len(fields) >= 5 and fields[1] in kwargs:
+ iface = fields[1]
+ expected = kwargs[iface]
+ actual = fields[-1]
+ if (actual != expected and
+ not (expected == 'managed' and actual != 'unmanaged')):
+"Link %s expects state %s, found %s" %
+ (iface, expected, actual))
+ interfaces.remove(iface)
+ # Ensure that all requested interfaces have been covered.
+ if interfaces:
+"Missing links in status output: %s" % interfaces)
class ClientTestBase(NetworkdTestingUtilities):
"""Provide common methods for testing networkd against servers."""
@@ -720,6 +759,83 @@ DNS=''')
+class UnmanagedClientTest(unittest.TestCase, NetworkdTestingUtilities):
+ """Test if networkd manages the correct interfaces."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Write .network files to match the named veth devices."""
+ # Define the veth+peer pairs to be created.
+ # Their pairing doesn't actually matter, only their names do.
+ self.veths = {
+ 'm1def': 'm0unm',
+ 'm1man': 'm1unm',
+ }
+ # Define the contents of .network files to be read in order.
+ self.configs = (
+ "[Match]\nName=m1def\n",
+ "[Match]\nName=m1unm\n[Link]\nUnmanaged=yes\n",
+ "[Match]\nName=m1*\n[Link]\nUnmanaged=no\n",
+ )
+ # Write out the .network files to be cleaned up automatically.
+ for i, config in enumerate(self.configs):
+ self.write_network("" % i, config)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Stop networkd."""
+['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd'])
+ def create_iface(self):
+ """Create temporary veth pairs for interface matching."""
+ for veth, peer in self.veths.items():
+ subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'add',
+ 'name', veth, 'type', 'veth',
+ 'peer', 'name', peer])
+ self.addCleanup(,
+ ['ip', 'link', 'del', 'dev', peer])
+ def test_unmanaged_setting(self):
+ """Verify link states with Unmanaged= settings, hot-plug."""
+ subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'start', 'systemd-networkd'])
+ self.create_iface()
+ self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
+ m1man='managed',
+ m1unm='unmanaged',
+ m0unm='unmanaged')
+ def test_unmanaged_setting_coldplug(self):
+ """Verify link states with Unmanaged= settings, cold-plug."""
+ self.create_iface()
+ subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'start', 'systemd-networkd'])
+ self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
+ m1man='managed',
+ m1unm='unmanaged',
+ m0unm='unmanaged')
+ def test_catchall_config(self):
+ """Verify link states with a catch-all config, hot-plug."""
+ # Don't actually catch ALL interfaces. It messes up the host.
+ self.write_network('', "[Match]\nName=m[01]???\n")
+ subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'start', 'systemd-networkd'])
+ self.create_iface()
+ self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
+ m1man='managed',
+ m1unm='unmanaged',
+ m0unm='managed')
+ def test_catchall_config_coldplug(self):
+ """Verify link states with a catch-all config, cold-plug."""
+ # Don't actually catch ALL interfaces. It messes up the host.
+ self.write_network('', "[Match]\nName=m[01]???\n")
+ self.create_iface()
+ subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'start', 'systemd-networkd'])
+ self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
+ m1man='managed',
+ m1unm='unmanaged',
+ m0unm='managed')
if __name__ == '__main__':