path: root/staging
diff options
authorNicolas Reynolds <>2011-06-06 11:01:54 -0300
committerNicolas Reynolds <>2011-06-06 11:01:54 -0300
commit113cea3115f41b82346029305d739d1513239929 (patch)
tree0065f209426cbf5584b3ac49f1173ba103a6db46 /staging
parent090589ce217a61645ebcef0f1f3d52c543e47364 (diff)
parent33c22f43a52aae722ce4d9cbe47f8d2fff31f395 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://vparabola/srv/git/projects/abslibre-mips64el
Diffstat (limited to 'staging')
-rw-r--r--staging/php/suhosin-patch-5.3.6-0.9.10.patch.gzbin0 -> 40881 bytes
40 files changed, 5758 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/staging/boost/4994-compile-fix-for-Python32-v2.patch b/staging/boost/4994-compile-fix-for-Python32-v2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22613b3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/boost/4994-compile-fix-for-Python32-v2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Index: libs/python/src/converter/builtin_converters.cpp
+--- libs/python/src/converter/builtin_converters.cpp (revision 67279)
++++ libs/python/src/converter/builtin_converters.cpp (working copy)
+@@ -431,7 +431,11 @@
+ if (!result.empty())
+ {
+ int err = PyUnicode_AsWideChar(
++#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03020000
++ intermediate
+ (PyUnicodeObject *)intermediate
+ , &result[0]
+ , result.size());
diff --git a/staging/boost/PKGBUILD b/staging/boost/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9329f188a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/boost/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126149 2011-06-01 20:01:54Z ibiru $
+# Maintainer: kevin <>
+# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <>
+# Contributor: Kritoke <>
+# Contributor: Luca Roccia <>
+pkgname=('boost-libs' 'boost')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('icu' 'python' 'python2' 'bzip2' 'zlib' 'openmpi')
+ 4994-compile-fix-for-Python32-v2.patch
+ boost-1.46.0-spirit.patch)
+ 'cb59e8adbf2a45ef9264a2f4ab92b849'
+ '9d6e2f13fef23bf27d7bdddc104e182a')
+build() {
+ # set python path for bjam
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/tools"
+ echo "using python : 2.7 : /usr/bin/python2 ;" >> build/v2/user-config.jam
+ echo "using python : 3.2 : /usr/bin/python : /usr/include/python3.2mu : /usr/lib ;" >> build/v2/user-config.jam
+ echo "using mpi ;" >> build/v2/user-config.jam
+ # build bjam
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/tools/build/v2/engine/src"
+ ./ cc
+ _bindir="bin.linuxx86"
+ [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ] && _bindir="bin.linuxx86_64"
+ install -d "${_stagedir}"/usr/bin
+ install ${_bindir}/bjam "${_stagedir}"/usr/bin/bjam
+ # build bcp
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/tools/bcp"
+ ../build/v2/engine/src/${_bindir}/bjam --toolset=gcc
+ install -m755 "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/dist/bin/bcp" \
+ ${_stagedir}/usr/bin/bcp
+ # build libs
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}"
+ #python 3.2 support
+ #
+ patch -Np0 -i "${srcdir}/4994-compile-fix-for-Python32-v2.patch"
+ patch -Np0 -i "${srcdir}/boost-1.46.0-spirit.patch"
+ # default "minimal" install: "release link=shared,static
+ # runtime-link=shared threading=single,multi"
+ # --layout=tagged will add the "-mt" suffix for multithreaded libraries
+ # and installs includes in /usr/include/boost.
+ # --layout=system no longer adds the -mt suffix for multi-threaded libs.
+ # install to ${_stagedir} in preparation for split packaging
+ ./tools/build/v2/engine/src/${_bindir}/bjam \
+ release debug-symbols=off threading=multi \
+ runtime-link=shared link=shared,static \
+ cflags=-fno-strict-aliasing \
+ toolset=gcc \
+ --prefix="${_stagedir}" \
+ -sTOOLS=gcc \
+ --layout=system \
+ install
+ # pyste is unmaintained:
+ # build pyste
+ #cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/libs/python/pyste/install"
+ #python2 install --root=${_stagedir} --optimize=1
+package_boost() {
+ pkgdesc="Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries - Development"
+ depends=("boost-libs=${pkgver}")
+ optdepends=('python: for python bindings'
+ 'python2: for python2 bindings')
+ install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/{include,lib}
+ # headers/source files
+ cp -r "${_stagedir}"/include/ "${pkgdir}"/usr/
+ # static libs
+ cp -r "${_stagedir}"/lib/*.a "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
+ # utilities (bjam, bcp, pyste)
+ cp -r "${_stagedir}"/usr/* "${pkgdir}"/usr/
+ # license
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/LICENSE_1_0.txt" \
+ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt
+package_boost-libs() {
+ pkgdesc="Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries - Runtime"
+ depends=('gcc-libs' 'bzip2' 'zlib' 'icu')
+ optdepends=('openmpi: for mpi support')
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
+ #shared libs
+ cp -r "${_stagedir}"/lib/*.so{,.*} "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/"
+ # license
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_${_boostver}/LICENSE_1_0.txt" \
+ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/boost-libs/LICENSE_1_0.txt
diff --git a/staging/boost/boost-1.46.0-spirit.patch b/staging/boost/boost-1.46.0-spirit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fae331ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/boost/boost-1.46.0-spirit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Index: boost/spirit/home/qi/nonterminal/detail/parameterized.hpp
+--- boost/spirit/home/qi/nonterminal/detail/parameterized.hpp (revision 68724)
++++ boost/spirit/home/qi/nonterminal/detail/parameterized.hpp (revision 68725)
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include <boost/ref.hpp>
++#include <boost/spirit/home/support/handles_container.hpp>
+ #include <boost/spirit/home/qi/parser.hpp>
+ namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
+@@ -59,4 +60,16 @@ namespace boost { namespace spirit { nam
+ };
+ }}}
++namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
++ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ template <typename Subject, typename Params, typename Attribute
++ , typename Context, typename Iterator>
++ struct handles_container<qi::parameterized_nonterminal<Subject, Params>
++ , Attribute, Context, Iterator>
++ : handles_container<typename remove_const<Subject>::type
++ , Attribute, Context, Iterator>
++ {};
+ #endif
+Index: boost/spirit/home/karma/nonterminal/detail/parameterized.hpp
+--- boost/spirit/home/karma/nonterminal/detail/parameterized.hpp (revision 68724)
++++ boost/spirit/home/karma/nonterminal/detail/parameterized.hpp (revision 68725)
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include <boost/ref.hpp>
++#include <boost/spirit/home/support/handles_container.hpp>
+ #include <boost/spirit/home/karma/generator.hpp>
+ namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace karma
+@@ -60,4 +61,17 @@ namespace boost { namespace spirit { nam
+ };
+ }}}
++namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
++ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ template <typename Subject, typename Params, typename Attribute
++ , typename Context, typename Iterator>
++ struct handles_container<karma::parameterized_nonterminal<Subject, Params>
++ , Attribute, Context, Iterator>
++ : handles_container<typename remove_const<Subject>::type
++ , Attribute, Context, Iterator>
++ {};
+ #endif
diff --git a/staging/brltty/PKGBUILD b/staging/brltty/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e173c7e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/brltty/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126155 2011-06-01 20:36:52Z andyrtr $
+# Maintainer:
+# Contributor: Jan de Groot <>
+# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <>
+pkgdesc="Braille display driver for Linux/Unix"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL')
+depends=('libxaw' 'at-spi' 'gpm' 'icu' 'python2' 'tcl' 'atk' 'libxtst')
+makedepends=('pyrex' 'bluez')
+optdepends=('bluez: bluetooth support')
+backup=(etc/brltty.conf etc/conf.d/brltty.conf)
+options=('!makeflags' '!emptydirs')
+ 'brltty-4.2-S_ISCHR.patch'
+ 'brltty'
+ 'brltty.conf')
+ '5954b289efaf2ff17676d06de9a88854'
+ '831ebaf0c56091702929c68805d20c4f'
+ 'a8ab8b3dd059e96e1734bc9cdcf844fc')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --enable-gpm \
+ --disable-java-bindings \
+ --disable-caml-bindings \
+ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/brltty-4.2-S_ISCHR.patch
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/brltty ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/brltty
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/brltty.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/conf.d/brltty.conf
+ install -D -m644 Documents/brltty.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/brltty.conf
diff --git a/staging/brltty/brltty b/staging/brltty/brltty
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5ed21a52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/brltty/brltty
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+. /etc/rc.conf
+. /etc/rc.d/functions
+. /etc/conf.d/$daemon_name.conf
+get_pid() {
+ pidof -o %PPID $daemon_name
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ stat_busy "Starting $daemon_name daemon"
+ PID=$(get_pid)
+ if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
+ [ -f /var/run/$ ] && rm -f /var/run/$
+ # RUN
+ $daemon_name $brltty_args
+ #
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo $(get_pid) > /var/run/$
+ add_daemon $daemon_name
+ stat_done
+ fi
+ else
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ stat_busy "Stopping $daemon_name daemon"
+ PID=$(get_pid)
+ # KILL
+ [ ! -z "$PID" ] && kill $PID &> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ else
+ rm -f /var/run/$ &> /dev/null
+ rm_daemon $daemon_name
+ stat_done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 3
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ stat_busy "Checking $daemon_name status";
+ ck_status $daemon_name
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+exit 0
diff --git a/staging/brltty/brltty-4.2-S_ISCHR.patch b/staging/brltty/brltty-4.2-S_ISCHR.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eddac9616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/brltty/brltty-4.2-S_ISCHR.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -up brltty-4.2/Programs/sys_linux.c.BAD brltty-4.2/Programs/sys_linux.c
+--- brltty-4.2/Programs/sys_linux.c.BAD 2010-05-21 09:04:10.003122084 -0400
++++ brltty-4.2/Programs/sys_linux.c 2010-05-21 09:04:19.376198268 -0400
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <sys/ioctl.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <linux/kd.h>
diff --git a/staging/brltty/brltty.conf b/staging/brltty/brltty.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94115e1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/brltty/brltty.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Specify any arguments to pass to brltty here.
+brltty_args="" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging/enchant/PKGBUILD b/staging/enchant/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f95981e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/enchant/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126152 2011-06-01 20:31:07Z andyrtr $
+# Maintainer: Andrea Scarpino <>
+# Contributor: dorphell <>
+pkgdesc="A wrapper library for generic spell checking"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('aspell' 'dbus-glib' 'hunspell')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-static \
+ --disable-ispell \
+ --with-myspell-dir=/usr/share/myspell
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
diff --git a/staging/gptfdisk/PKGBUILD b/staging/gptfdisk/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3e5215e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/gptfdisk/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126131 2011-06-01 17:33:51Z foutrelis $
+# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <>
+# Contributor: Tobias Powalowski <>
+# Contributor: Hokum <hokum_at_mail_dot_ru>
+pkgdesc="A text-mode partitioning tool that works on Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) disks"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('gcc-libs' 'util-linux' 'popt' 'icu')
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+ make
+package () {
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+ install -d "$pkgdir"/{sbin,usr/share/{man/man8,gdisk}}
+ install -t "$pkgdir/sbin" gdisk sgdisk fixparts
+ install -m644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man8" {gdisk,sgdisk}.8
+ install -m644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/gdisk" README NEWS
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/staging/hunspell/PKGBUILD b/staging/hunspell/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fefa04db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/hunspell/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 125861 2011-05-30 15:55:43Z andyrtr $
+# Maintainer: Andreas Radke <>
+# Contributor: Hussam Al-Tayeb <>
+pkgdesc="Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'MPL')
+depends=('gcc-libs' 'readline')
+optdepends=('perl: for ispellaff2myspell')
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/hunspell-$pkgver"
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static \
+ --with-ui --with-readline --with-experimental
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/hunspell-$pkgver"
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
diff --git a/staging/kdesdk/PKGBUILD b/staging/kdesdk/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afb12e671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/kdesdk/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126168 2011-06-02 00:51:07Z andrea $
+# Maintainer: Andrea Scarpino <>
+# Contributor: Pierre Schmitz <>
+ 'kdesdk-dolphin-plugins'
+ 'kdesdk-kapptemplate'
+ 'kdesdk-kate'
+ 'kdesdk-kcachegrind'
+ 'kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin'
+ 'kdesdk-kdepalettes'
+ 'kdesdk-kioslave'
+ 'kdesdk-kmtrace'
+ 'kdesdk-kompare'
+ 'kdesdk-kpartloader'
+ 'kdesdk-kprofilemethod'
+ 'kdesdk-kstartperf'
+ 'kdesdk-kuiviewer'
+ 'kdesdk-lokalize'
+ 'kdesdk-okteta'
+ 'kdesdk-poxml'
+ 'kdesdk-scripts'
+ 'kdesdk-strigi-analyzer'
+ 'kdesdk-umbrello')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'FDL')
+groups=('kde' 'kdesdk')
+makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'cmake' 'automoc4' 'boost' 'kdepim-runtime' 'subversion'
+ 'antlr2' 'kdebase-konqueror')
+ 'fix-python2-path.patch')
+ 'd05ca0231869c484fd3861955d960a60aff7dcfb')
+build() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}
+ # Fix python2 path
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/fix-python2-path.patch
+ sed -i -e "s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/python$|#!/usr/bin/python2|" \
+ -e "s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/env python$|#!/usr/bin/env python2|" \
+ $(find . -name '*.py')
+ cd ${srcdir}
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ cmake ../${pkgbase}-${pkgver} \
+ make
+package_kdesdk-cervisia() {
+ pkgdesc='CVS Frontend'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/cervisia
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/cervisia
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-dolphin-plugins() {
+ pkgdesc='Extra Dolphin plugins'
+ depends=('kdebase-dolphin' 'subversion' 'git' 'kdesdk-kompare')
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/dolphin-plugins/git
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/dolphin-plugins/svn
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kapptemplate() {
+ pkgdesc='KDE Template Generator'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kapptemplate
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/kapptemplate
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kate() {
+ pkgdesc='Advanced Text Editor'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime' 'kdebase-lib')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk-kate.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kate
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/kate
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kcachegrind() {
+ pkgdesc='Visualization of Performance Profiling Data'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime' 'python2')
+ optdepends=('php: PHP support')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kcachegrind
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/kcachegrind
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin() {
+ pkgdesc='KDE Repository Accounts'
+ depends=('kdepim-runtime')
+ cd $srcdir/build/kdeaccounts-plugin
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kdepalettes() {
+ pkgdesc='Palettes for the Gimp that match the KDE standard color palette'
+ optdepends=('gimp')
+ install -D -m644 $srcdir/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/kdepalettes/KDE_Gimp \
+ $pkgdir/usr/share/gimp/2.0/palettes/KDE.gpl
+package_kdesdk-kioslave() {
+ pkgdesc='KDED Subversion Module'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime' 'subversion')
+ cd $srcdir/build/kioslave
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kmtrace() {
+ pkgdesc='A KDE tool to assist with malloc debugging using glibc´s "mtrace" functionality'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ cd $srcdir/build/kmtrace
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/kmtrace
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kompare() {
+ pkgdesc='Diff/Patch Frontend'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kompare
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/kompare
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kpartloader() {
+ pkgdesc='A test application for KParts'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kpartloader
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kprofilemethod() {
+ pkgdesc='Macros helping to profile'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kprofilemethod
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kstartperf() {
+ pkgdesc='Startup time measurement tool for KDE applications'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ cd $srcdir/build/kstartperf
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-kuiviewer() {
+ pkgdesc='Qt Designer UI File Viewer'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/kuiviewer
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-lokalize() {
+ pkgdesc='Computer-Aided Translation System'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime' 'kdebindings-python')
+ url=""
+ optdepends=('translate-toolkit: enable extra python script')
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/lokalize
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/lokalize
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-okteta() {
+ pkgdesc='Hex Editor'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ replaces=('kdeutils-okteta')
+ conflicts=('kdeutils-okteta')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk-okteta.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/okteta
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/okteta
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-poxml() {
+ pkgdesc='Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files'
+ depends=('qt' 'antlr2')
+ cd $srcdir/build/poxml
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/poxml
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-scripts() {
+ pkgdesc='KDE SDK scripts'
+ depends=('python2')
+ cd $srcdir/build/scripts
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/scripts
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-strigi-analyzer() {
+ pkgdesc='Strigi-Analyzer for KDE SDK'
+ depends=('kdelibs')
+ cd $srcdir/build/strigi-analyzer
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+package_kdesdk-umbrello() {
+ pkgdesc='UML Modeller'
+ depends=('kdebase-runtime')
+ url=""
+ install='kdesdk.install'
+ cd $srcdir/build/umbrello
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+ cd $srcdir/build/doc/umbrello
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
diff --git a/staging/kdesdk/fix-python2-path.patch b/staging/kdesdk/fix-python2-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2c0745d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/kdesdk/fix-python2-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/kcachegrind/converters/hotshot2calltree~ 2010-11-24 11:53:38.586666671 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/kcachegrind/converters/hotshot2calltree 2010-11-24 11:53:38.623333337 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env python
++#!/usr/bin/env python2
+ # _*_ coding: latin1 _*_
+ #
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/lokalize/scripts/ 2010-11-24 11:22:42.120000002 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/lokalize/scripts/ 2010-11-24 11:22:42.146666670 +0100
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", e
+ cmd='%s/odf/ -i %s -t %s -o %s' % (ourPath,xliffpathname,xlifftemplatepathname,xliffpathname)
+- if!='nt': cmd='python '+cmd
++ if!='nt': cmd='python2 '+cmd
+ else: cmd=cmd.replace('/','\\')
+ os.system(cmd)
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/lokalize/scripts/ 2010-11-24 11:24:10.853333336 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/lokalize/scripts/ 2010-11-24 11:24:10.883333336 +0100
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ xliff2odf.convertxliff(xliffinput, translatedodfpathname, odf)
+ ourpath=([p for p in sys.path if os.path.exists(p+'/')]+[''])[0]
+- os.system('python "'+ourpath+'/" "%s" "%s" &'%(translatedodfpathname, Editor.currentEntryId()))
++ os.system('python2 "'+ourpath+'/" "%s" "%s" &'%(translatedodfpathname, Editor.currentEntryId()))
+ try: convert()
+ except: print 'error occured'
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/rename_source_files~ 2010-11-24 11:45:41.040000004 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/rename_source_files 2010-11-24 11:45:41.093333336 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/env python
++#! /usr/bin/env python2
+ #
+ # Copyright David Faure <>, License LGPL v2
+ #
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/ 2010-11-24 11:46:24.863333337 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/ 2010-11-24 11:46:24.896666669 +0100
+@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
+ svn cat svn:// > /tmp/accounts.$PPID
+ echo "Creating changelog...";
+-svn log -v --xml $1 | python $CURRENT/ --users=/tmp/accounts.$PPID --users-charset=UTF8
++svn log -v --xml $1 | python2 $CURRENT/ --users=/tmp/accounts.$PPID --users-charset=UTF8
+ rm /tmp/accounts.$PPID
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/kde_generate_export_header~ 2010-11-24 11:48:49.696666669 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/kde_generate_export_header 2010-11-24 11:48:49.753333338 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/env python
++#! /usr/bin/env python2
+ import os, sys, string
+--- kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/reviewboarddiff~ 2010-11-24 11:49:37.686666670 +0100
++++ kdesdk-4.5.80/scripts/reviewboarddiff 2010-11-24 11:49:37.740000003 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env python
++#!/usr/bin/env python2
+ # encoding: utf-8
+ #
+ # Generates reviewboard compatible diffs from git-svn repositories.
diff --git a/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk-kate.install b/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk-kate.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a60d358ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk-kate.install
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+post_install() {
+ xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+ update-mime-database usr/share/mime &> /dev/null
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+post_remove() {
+ post_install
diff --git a/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk-okteta.install b/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk-okteta.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f06b8deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk-okteta.install
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+post_install() {
+ xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+ update-mime-database usr/share/mime &> /dev/null
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+post_remove() {
+ post_install
diff --git a/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk.install b/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e70c054ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/kdesdk/kdesdk.install
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+post_install() {
+ xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+post_remove() {
+ post_install
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/PKGBUILD b/staging/libreoffice/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fd0cf1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126270 2011-06-03 14:47:40Z stephane $
+# Maintainer: AndyRTR <>
+pkgname=('libreoffice' 'libreoffice-sdk'
+ #'libreoffice-extension-barcode' #
+ 'libreoffice-extension-diagram'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-google-docs'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-hunart'
+ #'libreoffice-extension-lightproof' # no source integration
+ #'libreoffice-extension-mysql-connector' # missing libmysqlcppconn-dev configure: error: mysql_driver.h not found. install MySQL C++ Connectivity
+ 'libreoffice-extension-nlpsolver'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-ct2n'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-numbertext'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-oooblogger'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-pdfimport'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-presenter-screen'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-presentation-minimizer'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-report-builder'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-beanshell'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-javascript'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-scripting-python'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-typo'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-validator'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-watch-window'
+ 'libreoffice-extension-wiki-publisher')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=( # makedepends
+ 'sane' 'perl-archive-zip' 'zip' 'unzip' 'xulrunner' 'unixodbc' 'hsqldb-java' #'boost' - we use internal one for now that has some gcc4.6 fixes.
+ 'apache-ant' 'gperf' 'poppler' 'kdelibs' 'gconf' 'cppunit' #'libmysqlclient'
+ 'beanshell' 'vigra' 'libldap' 'lucene' 'libmythes' 'junit' 'libwpg' 'imagemagick'
+ 'mesa' 'gstreamer0.10-base' 'java-runtime'
+ #'saxon' - currently broken
+ # the depends from libreoffice main pkg
+ "curl>=7.20.0" "hunspell>=1.2.8" "python2>=2.7" 'libwpd>=0.9.2' 'libwps' 'libxaw' "neon>=0.28.6"
+ 'pango' 'nspr' 'libjpeg' 'libxrandr' 'libgl' 'dbus-glib' "icu>=4.6" 'libxslt'
+ 'redland' 'libgraphite' 'hyphen' 'lpsolve' 'gcc-libs' 'sh' 'libtextcat'
+ 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'desktop-file-utils' 'shared-mime-info' 'gtk2' # keep gtk2 for install script
+ 'ttf-dejavu') # to satisfy regression tests
+ # translate-toolkit - todo move them to extra to allow --with-system-foo builds
+source=(${_mirror}/${pkgbase}-{artwork,base,bootstrap,calc,components,extensions,extras,filters,help,impress,libs-core,libs-extern,libs-extern-sys,libs-gui,postprocess,sdk,testing,ure,writer}-${_LOver}.tar.bz2 #,translations
+ ${_additional_source_url}/1f24ab1d39f4a51faf22244c94a6203f-xmlsec1-1.2.14.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/fdb27bfe2dbe2e7b57ae194d9bf36bab-SampleICC-1.3.2.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/2a177023f9ea8ec8bd00837605c5df1b-jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30-src.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/3c219630e4302863a9a83d0efde889db-commons-logging-1.1.1-src.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/2ae988b339daec234019a7066f96733e-commons-lang-2.3-src.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/2c9b0f83ed5890af02c0df1c1776f39b-commons-httpclient-3.1-src.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/af3c3acf618de6108d65fcdc92b492e1-commons-codec-1.3-src.tar.gz
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/
+ ${_additional_source_url}/18f577b374d60b3c760a3a3350407632-STLport-4.5.tar.gz
+ buildfix_i116795.diff
+ buildfix_boost.diff
+ buildfix_ct2n.diff
+ vbahelper.visibility.patch
+ buildfix_bison25.diff)
+ b4cae0700aa1c2aef7eb7f345365e6f1-translate-toolkit-1.8.1.tar.bz2
+ 7a0dcb3fe1e8c7229ab4fb868b7325e6-mdds_0.5.2.tar.bz2
+ 1f24ab1d39f4a51faf22244c94a6203f-xmlsec1-1.2.14.tar.gz
+ fdb27bfe2dbe2e7b57ae194d9bf36bab-SampleICC-1.3.2.tar.gz
+ 2a177023f9ea8ec8bd00837605c5df1b-jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30-src.tar.gz
+ 3c219630e4302863a9a83d0efde889db-commons-logging-1.1.1-src.tar.gz
+ 2ae988b339daec234019a7066f96733e-commons-lang-2.3-src.tar.gz
+ 2c9b0f83ed5890af02c0df1c1776f39b-commons-httpclient-3.1-src.tar.gz
+ af3c3acf618de6108d65fcdc92b492e1-commons-codec-1.3-src.tar.gz
+ 18f577b374d60b3c760a3a3350407632-STLport-4.5.tar.gz
+ 7e7efc5d4a03126bb9ae3ae9aa2c4e87-Barcode_1.3.1.0.oxt
+ 41c9b65ad60af4b3255bbecdfef11736-Diagram_1.1.0.0.oxt
+ 451ccf439a36a568653b024534669971-ConvertTextToNumber-1.3.2.oxt
+ bbdd5639ada63e3130761daaecae1a10-Validator_1.1.0.0.oxt
+ 23bd75552206dfcd8fd4e29137dcac84-WatchWindow_1.2.0.0.oxt
+ b8cbca7b3363e6ca2d02bc0ba2b63904-numbertext_0.9.4.oxt
+ b632bdd25649cc4067bcb410bae23d2b-hunart_0.3.oxt
+ 9d60b6cfa3ef1926848710bbcd11115b-typo_0.4.2.oxt
+ dbaafd21de055e582d92d7d32fe9da13-gdocs_2.3.1.oxt
+ b7b2d0e04e142f26dd96119c80757d1f-oooblogger_0.1.oxt
+ 90401bca927835b6fbae4a707ed187c8-nlpsolver-0.9.tar.bz2
+ f02578f5218f217a9f20e9c30e119c6a-boost_1_44_0.tar.bz2)
+ 'a78a8e08731213da02c65060cedc5589'
+ '596da255e2728faccc8f2361171270ec'
+ '8ed9803a34d13da1764e7523d550d6b0'
+ '9be46d7c4bf3a60ee8dd0a5ef3638f82'
+ 'b60db802866ab71c485de42e6382d1bb'
+ '09e374cf3bd8f07a043883393012d69b'
+ 'af9f25aa04dc4ef7b797f7bcc743877c'
+ 'ad29de786d76d67759f9d2dd574b29be'
+ 'ff13a8ac0ea324122b75773fd80a9245'
+ '6eb8f53e01da7a945ee4cd42b7297732'
+ '90df27d4cbf490668ce4f03ff7dba521'
+ 'c0ea197183564c49306a1c79ca571e51'
+ '91e69ed3c0be542fa7f69ca3da2d7808'
+ 'a81c787b2e5469c2acc9f335b2c9e52f'
+ 'ee1c78af6553657614b1a43adf4750ac'
+ 'c970d6212618fc9b34526907eb030ce6'
+ '6d25488c81af09d87015bf487243042f'
+ '9a39234a49516b7035309e28dd4f0784'
+ '1f24ab1d39f4a51faf22244c94a6203f'
+ '35c94d2df8893241173de1d16b6034c0'
+ '798b2ffdc8bcfe7bca2cf92b62caf685'
+ 'fdb27bfe2dbe2e7b57ae194d9bf36bab'
+ 'ada24d37d8d638b3d8a9985e80bc2978'
+ '2a177023f9ea8ec8bd00837605c5df1b'
+ 'a7983f859eafb2677d7ff386a023bc40'
+ '3c219630e4302863a9a83d0efde889db'
+ '2ae988b339daec234019a7066f96733e'
+ '2c9b0f83ed5890af02c0df1c1776f39b'
+ 'af3c3acf618de6108d65fcdc92b492e1'
+ 'eeb2c7ddf0d302fba4bfc6e97eac9624'
+ '39bb3fcea1514f1369fcfc87542390fd'
+ '3404ab6b1792ae5f16bbd603bd1e1d03'
+ '97b2d4dba862397f446b217e2b623e71'
+ 'f94d9870737518e3b597f9265f4e9803'
+ '8ce2fcd72becf06c41f7201d15373ed9'
+ 'd8bd5eed178db6e2b18eeed243f85aa8'
+ '3bdf40c0d199af31923e900d082ca2dd'
+ 'ace6ab49184e329db254e454a010f56d'
+ 'db60e4fde8dd6d6807523deb71ee34dc'
+ 'ba2930200c9f019c2d93a8c88c651a0f'
+ '18f577b374d60b3c760a3a3350407632'
+ '7a0dcb3fe1e8c7229ab4fb868b7325e6'
+ '185d60944ea767075d27247c3162b3bc'
+ 'b4cae0700aa1c2aef7eb7f345365e6f1'
+ '451ccf439a36a568653b024534669971'
+ '90401bca927835b6fbae4a707ed187c8'
+ 'f02578f5218f217a9f20e9c30e119c6a'
+ '7e7efc5d4a03126bb9ae3ae9aa2c4e87'
+ '41c9b65ad60af4b3255bbecdfef11736'
+ '451ccf439a36a568653b024534669971'
+ 'bbdd5639ada63e3130761daaecae1a10'
+ '23bd75552206dfcd8fd4e29137dcac84'
+ 'b8cbca7b3363e6ca2d02bc0ba2b63904'
+ 'b632bdd25649cc4067bcb410bae23d2b'
+ '9d60b6cfa3ef1926848710bbcd11115b'
+ 'dbaafd21de055e582d92d7d32fe9da13'
+ 'b7b2d0e04e142f26dd96119c80757d1f'
+ '0520d63c946e272ed3bdfc863fbdc42e'
+ 'bc228237108cab7745897a9f466b6d39'
+ 'eee273f501ff45dc5f1365e78c6d57c0'
+ '43b145db28e6c0d73578ae6fd35e510d'
+ '4fa96e04b41a6e86774e74a972024b3e')
+build() {
+ unset J2REDIR; unset J2SDKDIR; unset JAVA_HOME; unset CLASSPATH; unset EXTRAOPTS
+ [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ] && . /etc/profile.d/
+ [ -z "${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}" ] && . /etc/profile.d/
+ [ -z "${ANT_HOME}" ] && . /etc/profile.d/
+ # move all LibO sources into one build directory
+ mkdir ${srcdir}/build && cd ${srcdir}/build
+ for i in libreoffice-{artwork,base,bootstrap,calc,components,extensions,extras,filters,help,impress,libs-core,libs-extern,libs-extern-sys,libs-gui,postprocess,sdk,testing,ure,writer}-${_LOver}; do #,translations
+ mv ${srcdir}/$i/* .
+ done
+ # move external sources into place
+ mkdir ${srcdir}/ext_sources && cd ${srcdir}/ext_sources
+ for source in "${noextract[@]}"; do
+ ln -s ${srcdir}/$source .
+ done
+ cd ${srcdir}/build
+ # buildfixes & bugfixes
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/buildfix_i116795.diff
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/buildfix_boost.diff
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/buildfix_ct2n.diff
+ patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/vbahelper.visibility.patch
+ patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/buildfix_bison25.diff
+ # unset C(XX)FLAGS
+ #
+# unset CFLAGS
+# unset CXXFLAGS
+ #use the CFLAGS but remove the LibO overridden ones
+ for i in $CFLAGS; do
+ case "$i" in
+ -O?|-pipe|-Wall|-g|-fexceptions) continue;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # python2 fix
+ export PYTHON=python2
+ #
+# if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
+# EXTRAOPTS="--without-stlport"
+# else
+# EXTRAOPTS="--with-stlport" # --without-system-boost"
+# # # avoid problems with ixion for now
+# sed -i '/fields-table-formula.diff/d' patches/dev300/apply || return 1
+# fi
+# autoconf -v -f
+ # non-SMP test build
+# export MAKEFLAGS="-j1"
+ ./configure --with-build-version="${_LOver} ArchLinux build-${pkgrel}" --with-vendor="ArchLinux" \
+ --with-unix-wrapper="libreoffice" \
+ --with-max-jobs=${MAKEFLAGS/-j/} --with-num-cpus=${MAKEFLAGS/-j/} \
+ --with-external-tar="${srcdir}/ext_sources" \
+ --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-install-dirname="${pkgbase}" --libdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --with-lang="" \
+ --disable-verbose \
+ --enable-cairo\
+ --enable-crashdump \
+ --enable-dbus \
+ --enable-evolution2\
+ --disable-graphite\
+ --enable-gio\
+ --disable-gnome-vfs\
+ --disable-kde\
+ --enable-kde4\
+ --enable-ldap \
+ --enable-lockdown\
+ --enable-opengl \
+ --enable-odk\
+ --enable-opengl\
+ --enable-ext-barcode \
+ --enable-ext-diagram \
+ --enable-ext-google-docs \
+ --enable-ext-hunart \
+ --disable-ext-lightproof \
+ --disable-ext-mysql-connector \
+ --with-system-mysql \
+ --enable-ext-nlpsolver \
+ --enable-ext-ct2n \
+ --enable-ext-numbertext \
+ --enable-ext-oooblogger \
+ --enable-ext-pdfimport \
+ --enable-ext-presenter-console \
+ --enable-ext-presenter-minimizer \
+ --enable-ext-report-builder \
+ --enable-ext-scripting-beanshell \
+ --enable-ext-scripting-javascript \
+ --enable-ext-scripting-python \
+ --enable-ext-typo \
+ --enable-ext-validator \
+ --enable-ext-watch-window \
+ --enable-ext-wiki-publisher \
+ --without-fonts\
+ --without-afms\
+ --without-ppds\
+ --without-system-libwps\
+ --without-system-mdds\
+ --without-myspell-dicts \
+ --with-system-dicts \
+ --with-external-dict-dir=/usr/share/hunspell \
+ --with-external-hyph-dir=/usr/share/hyphen \
+ --with-external-thes-dir=/usr/share/mythes \
+ --with-system-cppunit\
+ --with-system-libwpg \
+ --with-system-libwps \
+ --with-system-redland\
+ --without-system-saxon\
+ --with-system-libtextcat \
+ --with-external-libtextcat-data \
+ --with-openldap\
+ --with-ant-home="/usr/share/java/apache-ant"\
+ --without-system-boost\
+ --with-system-cairo\
+ --with-system-libs\
+ --with-system-mozilla\
+ --with-system-mythes\
+ --with-system-xrender-headers\
+ --with-system-headers\
+ --with-alloc=system\
+ --with-system-lucene\
+ --with-lucene-core-jar=/usr/share/java/lucene-core.jar\
+ --with-lucene-analyzers-jar=/usr/share/java/lucene-analyzers.jar\
+ $EXTRAOPTS || return 1
+#--with-system-graphite --enable-graohite ?
+# see
+# --with-system-saxon\
+# --with-saxon-jar=/usr/share/java/saxon/saxon9he.jar\
+ touch src.downloaded
+ #./download
+ ./bootstrap
+ make
+#check() {
+# cd ${srcdir}/build
+# make check
+package_libreoffice() {
+ pkgdesc="a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites"
+ install=${pkgbase}.install
+ depends=("curl>=7.20.0" "hunspell>=1.2.8" "python2>=2.7" 'libwpd>=0.9.2' 'libwps' 'libxaw' "neon>=0.28.6"
+ 'pango' 'nspr' 'libjpeg' 'libxrandr' 'libgl' 'dbus-glib' "icu>=4.6" 'libxslt'
+ 'redland' 'libgraphite' 'hyphen' 'lpsolve' 'gcc-libs' 'sh' 'libtextcat'
+ 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'desktop-file-utils' 'shared-mime-info' 'gtk2') # keep gtk2 for install script
+ #'java-runtime'
+ #'saxon'
+ optdepends=('java-runtime: adds java support'
+ 'libcups: adds printing support'
+ 'gconf: adds additional gnome support'
+ 'nss: adds support for signed files/macros'
+ 'pstoedit: translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats'
+ 'poppler: for shipped pdfimport extension'
+ 'kdelibs: for kde integration'
+ 'libmythes: for use in thesaurus'
+ 'hsqldb-java: default database format for'
+ 'beanshell: interactive java -- good for prototyping /macros'
+ 'vigra: C++ computer vision library, usable in Basebmp'
+ 'libmspack: library for Microsoft compression formats for use in FontOOo'
+ 'libwpg: library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images'
+ 'libldap: to get profiles via ldap'
+ 'lucene: full-text search engine library for Java needed in the help section'
+ 'sane: for scanner access'
+ 'unixodbc: adds ODBC database support'
+ 'mesa: for the OGLTrans extension'
+ 'gstreamer0.10-base: + some gstr-plugins to support multimedia content, e.g. in impress')
+ backup=(etc/libreoffice/sofficerc
+ etc/libreoffice/bootstraprc
+ etc/libreoffice/psprint.conf)
+ provides=('go-openoffice')
+ conflicts=('go-openoffice')
+ replaces=('go-openoffice' 'openoffice-base' )
+ cd ${srcdir}/build
+ make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+ # fix missing desktop integration
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ pushd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice ./libreoffice
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice ./soffice
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/sbase ./lobase
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/scalc ./localc
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/sdraw ./lodraw
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/simpress ./loimpress
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/smath ./lomath
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/swriter ./lowriter
+ ln -vs /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/unopkg ./unopkg
+ popd
+ # move sysui desktop files into place we want to use - javafilter and qstarter, but not unneeded printeradmin
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/{applications,icons,mime/packages,pixmaps}
+ rm ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/xdg/printeradmin.desktop
+ for i in base calc draw impress javafilter math qstart startcenter writer; do
+ cp ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/xdg/$i.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-$i.desktop
+ done
+ # remove version in menu entry and make it visible
+ sed -i -e "s/3.4//g" ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop
+ sed -i -e "s/Icon=libreoffice34-/Icon=/g" ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop
+ sed -i -e "/NoDisplay=true/d" ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-qstart.desktop
+ echo "Icon=startcenter" >> ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-qstart.desktop
+ # remove unneeded .desktop files
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/xdg
+ # add missing icon files
+ cp -R ${srcdir}/build/sysui/desktop/icons/{hi,lo}color ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/
+ pushd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps
+ for i in base calc draw impress main math printeradmin startcenter writer; do
+ ln -vs /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/$i.png .
+ done
+ popd
+ sed -i -e 's/Icon=libreoffice-/Icon=/' ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop
+ # add missing mimetype file
+ install -m644 ${srcdir}/build/sysui/unxlng*/misc/libreoffice/ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages/libreoffice.xml
+ # put configuration files into place
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/etc/libreoffice
+ install -m644 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/{bootstraprc,sofficerc} ${pkgdir}/etc/libreoffice/
+ install -m644 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/share/psprint/psprint.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/libreoffice/
+ # install dummy links to make them found by LibO
+ cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/
+ ln -vsf /etc/libreoffice/{bootstraprc,sofficerc} .
+ cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/share/psprint/
+ ln -vsf /etc/libreoffice/psprint.conf .
+ #fix
+ find ${pkgdir} -perm 444 -exec ls -lh {} \;
+ find ${pkgdir} -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+ find ${pkgdir} -perm 555 -exec ls -lh {} \;
+ find ${pkgdir} -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+ # split out extensions
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions ${srcdir}/extensions-install
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ install -m644 ${srcdir}/extensions-install/package.txt ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/
+ # move SDK to separated package
+ mkdir -p ${srcdir}/sdk-install/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/sdk
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/sdk ${srcdir}/sdk-install/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/
+ # cleanup gid_Module files
+ mkdir ${srcdir}/splitlist
+ mv -f ${pkgdir}/gid_Module* ${srcdir}/splitlist/
+package_libreoffice-sdk() {
+ pkgdesc="Software development kit for LibreOffice"
+ depends=('libreoffice' 'gcc-libs' 'sh')
+ cd ${srcdir}/sdk-install
+ cp -r * ${pkgdir}
+ cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/sdk
+ mv setsdkenv_unix && chmod 755
+ rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/sdk/setsdkenv_unix.{csh,sh}.in
+ #fix permissions
+ find examples -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
+package_libreoffice-extension-barcode() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension generates UPC-A, EAN-13, ISBN and JAN barcodes in Draw "
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/7e7efc5d4a03126bb9ae3ae9aa2c4e87-Barcode_1.3.1.0.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/Barcode
+ chmod o-w -R ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/Barcode
+package_libreoffice-extension-diagram() {
+ pkgdesc="An OOo Draw and Impress extension that creates your favorite diagrams with a few clicks"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/41c9b65ad60af4b3255bbecdfef11736-Diagram_1.1.0.0.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/diagram
+package_libreoffice-extension-google-docs() {
+ pkgdesc="Google Documents extension for LibreOffice"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/dbaafd21de055e582d92d7d32fe9da13-gdocs_2.3.1.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/google-docs
+package_libreoffice-extension-hunart() {
+ pkgdesc="Hungarian cross-reference toolbar extension"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/b632bdd25649cc4067bcb410bae23d2b-hunart_0.3.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/hunart
+#package_libreoffice-extension-lightproof() {
+# pkgdesc="Lightproof extension for LibreOffice"
+ #arch=('any')
+# depends=('libreoffice')
+# groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+# install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+# unzip -q ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-build-${_LOver}/build/libreoffice-${_LOver}/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/Lightproof.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/lightproof
+#package_libreoffice-extension-mysql-connector() {
+# pkgdesc="MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice"
+ #arch=('any')
+# depends=('libreoffice')
+# groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+# install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+# unzip -q ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-build-${_LOver}/build/libreoffice-${_LOver}/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/Mysql-connector.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/mysql-connector
+package_libreoffice-extension-nlpsolver() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension integrates into Calc and offers new Solver engines to use for optimizing nonlinear programming models"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/NLPSolver.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/nlpsolver
+package_libreoffice-extension-ct2n() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension enables you to convert text-cells in Calc with numbers and dates, to real numbers and dates."
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/ConvertTextToNumber.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/ct2n
+package_libreoffice-extension-numbertext() {
+ pkgdesc="NUMBERTEXT/MONEYTEXT extensions"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/b8cbca7b3363e6ca2d02bc0ba2b63904-numbertext_0.9.4.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/numbertext
+package_libreoffice-extension-oooblogger() {
+ pkgdesc="An extensions for blogging"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice' 'coreutils')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/b7b2d0e04e142f26dd96119c80757d1f-oooblogger_0.1.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/oooblogger
+package_libreoffice-extension-pdfimport() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension allows you to import and modify PDF documents"
+ depends=('libreoffice' 'poppler')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/pdfimport/pdfimport.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/pdfimport
+package_libreoffice-extension-presenter-screen() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension provides more control over your slide show presentation, such as the ability to see the upcoming slide, the slide notes, and a presentation timer whereas the audience see only the current slide"
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/presenter-screen.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/presenter-screen
+package_libreoffice-extension-presentation-minimizer() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension reduce the file size of the current presentation"
+ depends=('libreoffice' 'gcc-libs')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/presentation-minimizer.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/presentation-minimizer
+package_libreoffice-extension-report-builder() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension creates smart-looking database reports"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/report-builder.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/report-builder
+package_libreoffice-extension-scripting-beanshell() {
+ pkgdesc="LibreOffice extension - Enables support for scripts in BeanShell"
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/script-provider-for-beanshell.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/script-provider-for-beanshell
+package_libreoffice-extension-scripting-javascript() {
+ pkgdesc="LibreOffice extension - Enables support for scripts in JavaScript"
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/script-provider-for-javascript.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/script-provider-for-javascript
+package_libreoffice-extension-scripting-python() {
+ pkgdesc="LibreOffice extension - Enables support for scripts in Python"
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/script-provider-for-python.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/script-provider-for-python
+package_libreoffice-extension-typo() {
+ pkgdesc="Typography toolbar extension"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/9d60b6cfa3ef1926848710bbcd11115b-typo_0.4.2.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/typo
+ chmod o+r -R ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/typo
+package_libreoffice-extension-validator() {
+ pkgdesc="Validator extension for LibreOffice"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/bbdd5639ada63e3130761daaecae1a10-Validator_1.1.0.0.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/validator
+package_libreoffice-extension-wiki-publisher() {
+ pkgdesc="This extension enables you to create Wiki articles on MediaWiki servers without having to know the syntax of the MediaWiki markup language"
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/build/solver/${_OFFICEUPD}/unxlng*/bin/wiki-publisher.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/wiki-publisher
+package_libreoffice-extension-watch-window() {
+ pkgdesc="A OOo Calc extension to add a Watch Window, which keeps the value of the monitored cell on the screen."
+ #arch=('any')
+ depends=('libreoffice')
+ groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
+ unzip -q ${srcdir}/23bd75552206dfcd8fd4e29137dcac84-WatchWindow_1.2.0.0.oxt -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/watch-window
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_64bit_system_libjpeg.diff b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_64bit_system_libjpeg.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f4eb110f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_64bit_system_libjpeg.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- solenv/inc/ 2009-07-02 09:44:33.084467312 +0000
++++ solenv/inc/ 2009-07-02 10:44:03.420819776 +0000
+@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
+ .IF "$(OS)" == "FREEBSD"
+ JPEG3RDLIB=/usr/local/lib/
+ .ELIF "$(CPUNAME)" == "X86_64" || "$(CPUNAME)" == "S390X" || "$(CPUNAME)" == "POWERPC64"
+ JPEG3RDLIB=/usr/lib/
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_bison25.diff b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_bison25.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..869b6c81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_bison25.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- connectivity/source/parse/sqlbison.y 2011-05-20 13:21:02.000000000 -0600
++++ connectivity/source/parse/sqlbison.y 2011-05-20 13:22:11.000000000 -0600
+@@ -4338,7 +4338,7 @@
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-void OSQLParser::error(sal_Char *fmt)
++void OSQLParser::error(const sal_Char *fmt)
+ {
+ if(!m_sErrorMessage.getLength())
+ {
+--- connectivity/inc/connectivity/sqlparse.hxx 2011-05-20 13:23:58.000000000 -0600
++++ connectivity/inc/connectivity/sqlparse.hxx 2011-05-20 13:23:46.000000000 -0600
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
+ // returns the type for a parameter in a given function name
+ static sal_Int32 getFunctionParameterType(sal_uInt32 _nTokenId,sal_uInt32 _nPos);
+- void error(sal_Char *fmt);
++ void error(const sal_Char *fmt);
+ int SQLlex();
+ #ifdef YYBISON
+ void setParseTree(OSQLParseNode * pNewParseTree);
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_boost.diff b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_boost.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8608d0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_boost.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From bae4fdbd105142cd3f317445eddc826da529a732 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Caolán McNamara <>
+Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 14:07:02 +0000
+Subject: silence some more of that annoying gcc#47679
+diff --git a/boost/boost.gcc47679.patch b/boost/boost.gcc47679.patch
+index 1c804aa..9b33a5f 100644
+--- a/boost/boost.gcc47679.patch
++++ b/boost/boost.gcc47679.patch
+@@ -36,3 +36,26 @@
+ template <int MaxDigits>
+ inline bool allow_more_digits(std::size_t i)
+ {
++--- misc/boost_1_44_0/boost/optional/optional.hpp 2011-04-05 13:19:01.223587256 +0100
+++++ misc/build/boost_1_44_0/boost/optional/optional.hpp 2011-04-05 13:19:01.223587256 +0100
++@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
++ #include "boost/optional/optional_fwd.hpp"
+++#include <string.h>
++ // VC6.0 has the following bug:
++ // When a templated assignment operator exist, an implicit conversion
++@@ -114,6 +116,11 @@
++ public:
+++ aligned_storage()
+++ {
+++ memset(&dummy_, 0, sizeof(dummy_));
+++ }
++ void const* address() const { return &[0]; }
++ void * address() { return &[0]; }
++ } ;
+cgit v0.8.3-6-g21f6
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_ct2n.diff b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_ct2n.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..979587f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_ct2n.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+From 90de903b28cb1884042be0eae3f8a55458c5bc29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Caolán McNamara <>
+Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 19:35:51 +0000
+Subject: duplicate NULLs
+diff --git a/ct2n/prj/build.lst b/ct2n/prj/build.lst
+index 91f44b7..714d926 100644
+--- a/ct2n/prj/build.lst
++++ b/ct2n/prj/build.lst
+@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+-ct2n ct2n : solenv NULL NULL
++ct2n ct2n : solenv NULL
+ ct2n ct2n usr1 - all ct2n_mkout NULL
+ ct2n ct2n nmake - all ct2n_ct2n NULL
+cgit v0.8.3-6-g21f6
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_i116795.diff b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_i116795.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8601bc164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/buildfix_i116795.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+diff -r 4ab9e11cb892 connectivity/qa/
+--- a/connectivity/qa/ Thu Mar 03 15:22:23 2011 +0100
++++ b/connectivity/qa/ Fri Mar 04 09:51:48 2011 +0100
+@@ -35,9 +35,16 @@
+ #----- compile .java files -----------------------------------------
+-JARFILES = ridl.jar unoil.jar jurt.jar juh.jar java_uno.jar OOoRunner.jar hsqldb.jar
+ JAVAFILES := $(shell @$(FIND) complex -name "*.java")
++JARFILES = ridl.jar unoil.jar jurt.jar juh.jar java_uno.jar OOoRunner.jar
++JARFILES += hsqldb.jar
+ #----- make a jar from compiled files ------------------------------
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/libreoffice.install b/staging/libreoffice/libreoffice.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27f3173ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/libreoffice.install
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+post_install() {
+gtk-update-icon-cache -f -q /usr/share/icons/hicolor
+update-desktop-database -q
+update-mime-database usr/share/mime > /dev/null 2>&1
+echo " * see"
+echo " * you may want to pacman -Ss libreoffice-extensions"
+echo " to see what extensions are prepared to install"
+echo " * it's recommended to install {hunspell,mythes,hyphen}-xx pkg for spell checking"
+echo " * make sure you have installed some ttf font (ttf-dejavu recommended)"
+post_upgrade() {
+# post_install $1
+gtk-update-icon-cache -f -q /usr/share/icons/hicolor
+update-desktop-database -q
+update-mime-database usr/share/mime > /dev/null 2>&1
+post_remove() {
+update-desktop-database -q
+gtk-update-icon-cache -f -q /usr/share/icons/hicolor
+update-mime-database usr/share/mime > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/staging/libreoffice/vbahelper.visibility.patch b/staging/libreoffice/vbahelper.visibility.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5739100d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libreoffice/vbahelper.visibility.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- vbahelper/inc/vbahelper/vbacollectionimpl.hxx 2011-01-28 20:27:51.507604173 +0000
++++ vbahelper/inc/vbahelper/vbacollectionimpl.hxx 2011-01-28 20:28:26.230045727 +0000
+@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
+ // including a HelperInterface implementation
+ template< typename Ifc1 >
+-class ScVbaCollectionBase : public InheritedHelperInterfaceImpl< Ifc1 >
++class VBAHELPER_DLLPUBLIC ScVbaCollectionBase : public InheritedHelperInterfaceImpl< Ifc1 >
+ {
+ typedef InheritedHelperInterfaceImpl< Ifc1 > BaseColBase;
+ protected:
+--- sc/
++++ sc/
+@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vbaobj,\
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbaquerytable \
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbarange \
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbasheetobject \
+- sc/source/ui/vba/vbasheetobjects \
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbastyle \
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbastyles \
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbatextboxshape \
+@@ -133,6 +132,11 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vbaobj,\
+ sc/source/ui/vba/vbawsfunction \
+ ))
++$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_cxxobjects,vbaobj,\
++ sc/source/ui/vba/vbasheetobjects \
+ $(eval $(call gb_Library_set_ldflags,vbaobj,\
+ $$(LDFLAGS) \
diff --git a/staging/libwebkit/PKGBUILD b/staging/libwebkit/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..032056ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libwebkit/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126165 2011-06-01 22:31:25Z andyrtr $
+# Maintainer: Andreas Radke <>
+pkgname=(libwebkit libwebkit3)
+pkgdesc="An opensource web content engine"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('libxt' 'libxslt' 'sqlite3' 'icu' 'gstreamer0.10-base' 'libsoup' 'enchant')
+makedepends=('gperf' 'gtk-doc' 'gobject-introspection' 'python2' 'gtk2' 'gtk3')
+ gcc46.patch
+ replace-switch-with-given-when.patch)
+ '970a2fa91b9827dff8e9b9edb4867701'
+ '3ba708a26b7af0e1e853867966fe14f7')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/webkit-${pkgver}"
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/gcc46.patch"
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/replace-switch-with-given-when.patch"
+ mkdir build-gtk{2,3}
+ ( cd build-gtk2 && _build --with-gtk=2.0 )
+ ( cd build-gtk3 && _build --with-gtk=3.0 )
+_build() {
+ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ../configure --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-introspection \
+ --with-font-backend=freetype --enable-gtk-doc \
+ --with-unicode-backend=icu \
+ --enable-spellcheck "$@"
+ make all stamp-po
+package_libwebkit() {
+ pkgdesc+=" (for GTK2)"
+ depends+=(gtk2)
+ provides=('webkitgtk-svn')
+ conflicts=('webkitgtk-svn')
+ replaces=('webkitgtk-svn')
+ cd "$srcdir/webkit-$pkgver/build-gtk2"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -Dm644 ../Source/WebKit/LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/libwebkit/LICENSE"
+package_libwebkit3() {
+ pkgdesc+=" (for GTK3)"
+ depends+=(gtk3)
+ cd "${srcdir}/webkit-${pkgver}/build-gtk3"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -Dm644 ../Source/WebKit/LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/libwebkit3/LICENSE"
diff --git a/staging/libwebkit/gcc46.patch b/staging/libwebkit/gcc46.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..befd892d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libwebkit/gcc46.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Index: trunk/Source/WebCore/dom/
+--- trunk/Source/WebCore/dom/ (revision 73989)
++++ trunk/Source/WebCore/dom/ (revision 84123)
+@@ -66,5 +66,5 @@
+ $gccLocation = "/usr/bin/gcc";
+ }
+-my $preprocessor = $gccLocation . " -E -P -x c++";
++my $preprocessor = $gccLocation . " -E -x c++";
+ GetOptions(
diff --git a/staging/libwebkit/libwebkit.install b/staging/libwebkit/libwebkit.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24072f316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libwebkit/libwebkit.install
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+post_install() {
+ usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+post_remove() {
+ post_install
diff --git a/staging/libwebkit/replace-switch-with-given-when.patch b/staging/libwebkit/replace-switch-with-given-when.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e64610bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/libwebkit/replace-switch-with-given-when.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff -upr webkit-1.4.0.orig/Source/WebCore/ webkit-1.4.0/Source/WebCore/
+--- webkit-1.4.0.orig/Source/WebCore/ 2011-04-25 22:27:15.000000000 +0300
++++ webkit-1.4.0/Source/WebCore/ 2011-06-02 00:41:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ use strict;
+-use Switch;
++use feature 'switch';
+ use File::Basename;
+ my $outdir = $ARGV[0];
+@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ shift;
+ my $option = basename($ARGV[0],".gperf");
+-switch ($option) {
++given ($option) {
+-case "DocTypeStrings" {
++when ("DocTypeStrings") {
+ my $docTypeStringsGenerated = "$outdir/DocTypeStrings.cpp";
+ my $docTypeStringsGperf = $ARGV[0];
+@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ case "DocTypeStrings" {
+ system("gperf --key-positions=\"*\" -s 2 $docTypeStringsGperf > $docTypeStringsGenerated") == 0 || die "calling gperf failed: $?";
+-} # case "DocTypeStrings"
++} # when ("DocTypeStrings")
+-case "ColorData" {
++when ("ColorData") {
+ my $colorDataGenerated = "$outdir/ColorData.cpp";
+ my $colorDataGperf = $ARGV[0];
+@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ case "ColorData" {
+ system("gperf --key-positions=\"*\" -D -s 2 $colorDataGperf > $colorDataGenerated") == 0 || die "calling gperf failed: $?";
+-} # case "ColorData"
++} # when ("ColorData")
+-} # switch ($option)
++} # given ($option)
diff --git a/staging/php/PKGBUILD b/staging/php/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccbaae0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126095 2011-06-01 12:12:00Z pierre $
+# Maintainer: Pierre Schmitz <>
+ 'php-cgi'
+ 'php-apache'
+ 'php-fpm'
+ 'php-embed'
+ 'php-pear'
+ 'php-curl'
+ 'php-enchant'
+ 'php-gd'
+ 'php-gmp'
+ 'php-intl'
+ 'php-ldap'
+ 'php-mcrypt'
+ 'php-mssql'
+ 'php-odbc'
+ 'php-pgsql'
+ 'php-pspell'
+ 'php-snmp'
+ 'php-sqlite'
+ 'php-tidy'
+ 'php-xsl')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('apache' 'imap' 'postgresql-libs' 'mysql' 'libldap' 'postfix'
+ 'sqlite3' 'unixodbc' 'net-snmp' 'libzip' 'enchant' 'file' 'freetds'
+ 'libmcrypt' 'tidyhtml' 'aspell' 'libtool' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'icu'
+ 'curl' 'libxslt' 'openssl' 'bzip2' 'db' 'gmp' 'freetype2')
+ "suhosin-patch-${_suhosinver}.patch.gz"
+ 'php.ini.patch' 'apache.conf' 'rc.d.php-fpm' ''
+ 'logrotate.d.php-fpm')
+ 'fff1a38877142f3ae6036dbe5a85d0a6'
+ '39eaa70d276fc3d45d6bcf6cd5ae1106'
+ 'dec2cbaad64e3abf4f0ec70e1de4e8e9'
+ 'b01be5f816988fcee7e78225836e5e27'
+ 'd50ff349da08110a7cc8c691ce2d0423'
+ '07c4e412909ac65a44ec90e7a2c4bade')
+build() {
+ # ldap-sasl does not compile with --as-needed
+ export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS//-Wl,--as-needed}"
+ export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS//,--as-needed}"
+ phpconfig="--srcdir=../${pkgbase}-${pkgver} \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/php \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-layout=GNU \
+ --with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
+ --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
+ --enable-inline-optimization \
+ --disable-debug \
+ --disable-rpath \
+ --disable-static \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --without-pear \
+ "
+ phpextensions="--enable-bcmath=shared \
+ --enable-calendar=shared \
+ --enable-dba=shared \
+ --enable-exif=shared \
+ --enable-ftp=shared \
+ --enable-gd-native-ttf \
+ --enable-intl=shared \
+ --enable-json=shared \
+ --enable-mbregex \
+ --enable-mbstring \
+ --enable-pdo \
+ --enable-phar=shared \
+ --enable-posix=shared \
+ --enable-session \
+ --enable-shmop=shared \
+ --enable-soap=shared \
+ --enable-sockets=shared \
+ --enable-sqlite-utf8 \
+ --enable-sysvmsg=shared \
+ --enable-sysvsem=shared \
+ --enable-sysvshm=shared \
+ --enable-xml \
+ --enable-zip=shared \
+ --with-bz2=shared \
+ --with-curl=shared \
+ --with-db4=/usr \
+ --with-enchant=shared,/usr \
+ --with-freetype-dir=shared,/usr \
+ --with-gd=shared \
+ --with-gdbm=shared \
+ --with-gettext=shared \
+ --with-gmp=shared \
+ --with-iconv=shared \
+ --with-icu-dir=/usr \
+ --with-imap-ssl=shared \
+ --with-imap=shared \
+ --with-jpeg-dir=shared,/usr \
+ --with-ldap=shared \
+ --with-ldap-sasl \
+ --with-mcrypt=shared \
+ --with-mhash \
+ --with-mssql=shared \
+ --with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock \
+ --with-mysql=shared,mysqlnd \
+ --with-mysqli=shared,mysqlnd \
+ --with-openssl=shared \
+ --with-pcre-regex=/usr \
+ --with-pdo-mysql=shared,mysqlnd \
+ --with-pdo-odbc=shared,unixODBC,/usr \
+ --with-pdo-pgsql=shared \
+ --with-pdo-sqlite=shared,/usr \
+ --with-pgsql=shared \
+ --with-png-dir=shared,/usr \
+ --with-pspell=shared \
+ --with-regex=php \
+ --with-snmp=shared \
+ --with-sqlite3=shared,/usr \
+ --with-sqlite=shared \
+ --with-tidy=shared \
+ --with-unixODBC=shared,/usr \
+ --with-xmlrpc=shared \
+ --with-xsl=shared \
+ --with-zlib \
+ --without-db2 \
+ --without-db3 \
+ "
+ EXTENSION_DIR=/usr/lib/php/modules
+ PEAR_INSTALLDIR=/usr/share/pear
+ cd ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}
+ # apply suhosin patch
+ patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/suhosin-patch-${_suhosinver}.patch
+ # adjust paths
+ patch -p0 -i ${srcdir}/php.ini.patch
+ patch -p0 -i ${srcdir}/
+ # php
+ mkdir ${srcdir}/build-php
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-php
+ ln -s ../${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/configure
+ ./configure ${phpconfig} \
+ --disable-cgi \
+ --with-readline \
+ --enable-pcntl \
+ ${phpextensions}
+ make
+ # cgi and fcgi
+ # reuse the previous run; this will save us a lot of time
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/build-php ${srcdir}/build-cgi
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-cgi
+ ./configure ${phpconfig} \
+ --disable-cli \
+ --enable-cgi \
+ ${phpextensions}
+ make
+ # apache
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/build-php ${srcdir}/build-apache
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-apache
+ ./configure ${phpconfig} \
+ --disable-cli \
+ --with-apxs2 \
+ ${phpextensions}
+ make
+ # fpm
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/build-php ${srcdir}/build-fpm
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-fpm
+ ./configure ${phpconfig} \
+ --disable-cli \
+ --enable-fpm \
+ --with-fpm-user=http \
+ --with-fpm-group=http \
+ ${phpextensions}
+ make
+ # embed
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/build-php ${srcdir}/build-embed
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-embed
+ ./configure ${phpconfig} \
+ --disable-cli \
+ --enable-embed=shared \
+ ${phpextensions}
+ make
+ # pear
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/build-php ${srcdir}/build-pear
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-pear
+ ./configure ${phpconfig} \
+ --disable-cgi \
+ --with-readline \
+ --enable-pcntl \
+ --with-pear \
+ ${phpextensions}
+ make
+# check() {
+# cd ${srcdir}/build-php
+# make test
+# }
+package_php() {
+ pkgdesc='An HTML-embedded scripting language'
+ depends=('pcre' 'libxml2' 'bzip2' 'openssl')
+ replaces=('php-fileinfo')
+ provides=('php-fileinfo')
+ conflicts=('php-fileinfo')
+ backup=('etc/php/php.ini')
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-php
+ make -j1 INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pear
+ # install php.ini
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/php.ini-production ${pkgdir}/etc/php/php.ini
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/etc/php/conf.d/
+ # remove static modules
+ rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/*.a
+ # remove modules provided by sub packages
+ rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/{curl,enchant,gd,gmp,intl,ldap,mcrypt,mssql,odbc,pdo_odbc,pgsql,pdo_pgsql,pspell,snmp,sqlite3,pdo_sqlite,tidy,xsl}.so
+package_php-cgi() {
+ pkgdesc='CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP'
+ depends=('php' 'pcre' 'libxml2')
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-cgi/sapi/cgi/php-cgi ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/php-cgi
+package_php-apache() {
+ pkgdesc='Apache SAPI for PHP'
+ depends=('php' 'apache' 'pcre' 'libxml2')
+ backup=('etc/httpd/conf/extra/php5_module.conf')
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-apache/libs/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/httpd/modules/
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/apache.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/httpd/conf/extra/php5_module.conf
+package_php-fpm() {
+ pkgdesc='FastCGI Process Manager for PHP'
+ depends=('php')
+ backup=('etc/php/php-fpm.conf')
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-fpm/sapi/fpm/php-fpm ${pkgdir}/usr/sbin/php-fpm
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/build-fpm/sapi/fpm/php-fpm.8 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man8/php-fpm.8
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/build-fpm/sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/php/php-fpm.conf
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/rc.d.php-fpm ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/php-fpm
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/logrotate.d.php-fpm ${pkgdir}/etc/logrotate.d/php-fpm
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/etc/php/fpm.d
+package_php-embed() {
+ pkgdesc='Embed SAPI for PHP'
+ depends=('php' 'pcre' 'libxml2')
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-embed/libs/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/sapi/embed/php_embed.h ${pkgdir}/usr/include/php/sapi/embed/php_embed.h
+package_php-pear() {
+ pkgdesc='PHP Extension and Application Repository'
+ depends=('php' 'bash')
+ backup=('etc/php/pear.conf')
+ cd ${srcdir}/build-pear
+ make -j1 install-pear INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir}
+ local i
+ while read i; do
+ [ ! -e "$i" ] || rm -rf "$i"
+ done < <(find ${pkgdir} -name '.*')
+package_php-curl() {
+ depends=('php' 'curl')
+ pkgdesc='curl module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-enchant() {
+ depends=('php' 'enchant')
+ pkgdesc='enchant module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-gd() {
+ depends=('php' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'freetype2')
+ pkgdesc='gd module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-gmp() {
+ depends=('php' 'gmp')
+ pkgdesc='gmp module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-intl() {
+ depends=('php' 'icu')
+ pkgdesc='intl module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-ldap() {
+ depends=('php' 'libldap')
+ pkgdesc='ldap module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-mcrypt() {
+ depends=('php' 'libmcrypt' 'libtool')
+ pkgdesc='mcrypt module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-mssql() {
+ depends=('php' 'freetds')
+ pkgdesc='mssql module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-odbc() {
+ depends=('php' 'unixodbc')
+ pkgdesc='ODBC modules for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-pgsql() {
+ depends=('php' 'postgresql-libs')
+ pkgdesc='PostgreSQL modules for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-pspell() {
+ depends=('php' 'aspell')
+ pkgdesc='pspell module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-snmp() {
+ depends=('php' 'net-snmp')
+ pkgdesc='snmp module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-sqlite() {
+ depends=('php' 'sqlite3')
+ pkgdesc='sqlite3 module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-tidy() {
+ depends=('php' 'tidyhtml')
+ pkgdesc='tidy module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
+package_php-xsl() {
+ depends=('php' 'libxslt')
+ pkgdesc='xsl module for PHP'
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/build-php/modules/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/php/modules/
diff --git a/staging/php/apache.conf b/staging/php/apache.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3ca0aad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/apache.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Required modules: dir_module, php5_module
+<IfModule dir_module>
+ <IfModule php5_module>
+ DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
+ <FilesMatch "\.php$">
+ SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
+ </FilesMatch>
+ <FilesMatch "\.phps$">
+ SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source
+ </FilesMatch>
+ </IfModule>
diff --git a/staging/php/logrotate.d.php-fpm b/staging/php/logrotate.d.php-fpm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a1ba2597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/logrotate.d.php-fpm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/var/log/php-fpm.log {
+ missingok
+ postrotate
+ /etc/rc.d/php-fpm logrotate >/dev/null || true
+ endscript
diff --git a/staging/php/ b/staging/php/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93c62430a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+--- sapi/fpm/ 2010-12-11 08:31:47.695294987 +0100
++++ sapi/fpm/ 2010-12-11 08:31:55.907812237 +0100
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ ; Relative path can also be used. They will be prefixed by:
+ ; - the global prefix if it's been set (-p arguement)
+ ; - @prefix@ otherwise
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ; Global Options ;
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ ; Pid file
+ ; Note: the default prefix is @EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR@
+ ; Default Value: none
+-;pid = run/
++pid = run/php-fpm/
+ ; Error log file
+ ; Note: the default prefix is @EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR@
+@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@
+ ; specific port;
+ ; '/path/to/unix/socket' - to listen on a unix socket.
+ ; Note: This value is mandatory.
+-listen =
++;listen =
++listen = /var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock
+ ; Set listen(2) backlog. A value of '-1' means unlimited.
+ ; Default Value: 128 (-1 on FreeBSD and OpenBSD)
+@@ -112,9 +113,9 @@
+ ; BSD-derived systems allow connections regardless of permissions.
+ ; Default Values: user and group are set as the running user
+ ; mode is set to 0666
+-;listen.owner = @php_fpm_user@
+-; = @php_fpm_group@
+-;listen.mode = 0666
++listen.owner = @php_fpm_user@ = @php_fpm_group@
++listen.mode = 0660
+ ; Unix user/group of processes
+ ; Note: The user is mandatory. If the group is not set, the default user's group
+@@ -154,23 +155,23 @@
+ ; The number of child processes created on startup.
+ ; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
+ ; Default Value: min_spare_servers + (max_spare_servers - min_spare_servers) / 2
+-;pm.start_servers = 20
++pm.start_servers = 20
+ ; The desired minimum number of idle server processes.
+ ; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
+ ; Note: Mandatory when pm is set to 'dynamic'
+-;pm.min_spare_servers = 5
++pm.min_spare_servers = 5
+ ; The desired maximum number of idle server processes.
+ ; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
+ ; Note: Mandatory when pm is set to 'dynamic'
+-;pm.max_spare_servers = 35
++pm.max_spare_servers = 35
+ ; The number of requests each child process should execute before respawning.
+ ; This can be useful to work around memory leaks in 3rd party libraries. For
+ ; endless request processing specify '0'. Equivalent to PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS.
+ ; Default Value: 0
+-;pm.max_requests = 500
++pm.max_requests = 500
+ ; The URI to view the FPM status page. If this value is not set, no URI will be
+ ; recognized as a status page. By default, the status page shows the following
+@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@
+ ; Chdir to this directory at the start.
+ ; Note: relative path can be used.
+ ; Default Value: current directory or / when chroot
+-;chdir = /var/www
++;chdir = /srv/http
+ ; Redirect worker stdout and stderr into main error log. If not set, stdout and
+ ; stderr will be redirected to /dev/null according to FastCGI specs.
diff --git a/staging/php/php.ini.patch b/staging/php/php.ini.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..356e190b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/php.ini.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+--- php.ini-production 2011-02-09 01:25:44.000000000 +0100
++++ php.ini-production 2011-03-19 11:11:44.496987763 +0100
+@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
+ ; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. This directive is
+ ; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.
+ ;
+-;open_basedir =
++open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/
+ ; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons.
+ ; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is
+@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"
+-;include_path = ".:/php/includes"
++include_path = ".:/usr/share/pear"
+ ;
+ ; Windows: "\path1;\path2"
+ ;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes"
+@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
+ ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
+ ;
+-; extension_dir = "./"
++extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules/"
+ ; On windows:
+ ; extension_dir = "ext"
+@@ -938,53 +938,49 @@
+ ; If you only provide the name of the extension, PHP will look for it in its
+ ; default extension directory.
+ ;
+-; Windows Extensions
+-; Note that ODBC support is built in, so no dll is needed for it.
+-; Note that many DLL files are located in the extensions/ (PHP 4) ext/ (PHP 5)
+-; extension folders as well as the separate PECL DLL download (PHP 5).
+-; Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.
+-;extension=php_exif.dll ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
+-;extension=php_oci8.dll ; Use with Oracle 10gR2 Instant Client
+-;extension=php_oci8_11g.dll ; Use with Oracle 11g Instant Client
+-; The MIBS data available in the PHP distribution must be installed.
+-; See
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ; Module Settings ;
diff --git a/staging/php/rc.d.php-fpm b/staging/php/rc.d.php-fpm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54bcf4d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/rc.d.php-fpm
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+. /etc/rc.conf
+. /etc/rc.d/functions
+wait_for_pid () {
+ try=0
+ while test $try -lt 35 ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ 'created')
+ if [ -f "$2" ] ; then
+ try=''
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'removed')
+ if [ ! -f "$2" ] ; then
+ try=''
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ stat_append '.'
+ try=`expr $try + 1`
+ sleep 1
+ done
+test_config() {
+ stat_busy 'Checking configuration'
+ if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
+ stat_append '(This script must be run as root)'
+ stat_die
+ fi
+ if [ ! -r /etc/php/php-fpm.conf ]; then
+ stat_append '(/etc/php/php-fpm.conf not found)'
+ stat_die
+ fi
+ local test=$(/usr/sbin/php-fpm -t 2>&1)
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ stat_append '(error in /etc/php/php-fpm.conf)'
+ stat_die
+ elif echo $test | grep -qi 'error'; then
+ stat_append '(error in /etc/php/php.ini)'
+ stat_die
+ fi
+ [ -d /var/run/php-fpm ] || install -d -m755 /var/run/php-fpm
+ stat_done
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ test_config
+ stat_busy 'Starting php-fpm'
+ /usr/sbin/php-fpm
+ if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ wait_for_pid created /var/run/php-fpm/
+ if [ -n "$try" ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ else
+ add_daemon php-fpm
+ stat_done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ test_config
+ stat_busy 'Gracefully shutting down php-fpm'
+ if [ ! -r /var/run/php-fpm/ ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ kill -QUIT `cat /var/run/php-fpm/`
+ wait_for_pid removed /var/run/
+ if [ -n "$try" ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ else
+ rm_daemon php-fpm
+ stat_done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ force-quit)
+ stat_busy 'Terminating php-fpm'
+ if [ ! -r /var/run/php-fpm/ ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ kill -TERM `cat /var/run/php-fpm/`
+ wait_for_pid removed /var/run/php-fpm/
+ if [ -n "$try" ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ else
+ rm_daemon php-fpm
+ stat_done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ test_config
+ stat_busy 'Reload service php-fpm'
+ if [ ! -r /var/run/php-fpm/ ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ kill -USR2 `cat /var/run/php-fpm/`
+ stat_done
+ ;;
+ logrotate)
+ stat_busy 'Reopen php-fpm log'
+ if [ ! -r /var/run/php-fpm/ ] ; then
+ stat_fail
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/php-fpm/`
+ stat_done
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|force-quit|restart|reload|logrotate}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/staging/php/suhosin-patch-5.3.6-0.9.10.patch.gz b/staging/php/suhosin-patch-5.3.6-0.9.10.patch.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7167ce2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/php/suhosin-patch-5.3.6-0.9.10.patch.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/staging/xulrunner/PKGBUILD b/staging/xulrunner/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9ad07e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/xulrunner/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 126161 2011-06-01 20:45:14Z ibiru $
+# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <>
+# Contributor: Alexander Baldeck <>
+pkgdesc="Mozilla Runtime Environment"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('MPL' 'GPL' 'LGPL')
+depends=('gtk2' 'gcc-libs' 'libidl2' 'mozilla-common' 'nss' 'libxt' 'libxrender' 'hunspell' 'startup-notification' 'mime-types' 'dbus-glib' 'alsa-lib' 'libevent' 'sqlite3>=3.7.4' 'libnotify')
+makedepends=('zip' 'pkg-config' 'diffutils' 'python2' 'wireless_tools' 'yasm' 'mesa')
+ mozconfig
+ mozilla-pkgconfig.patch
+ xulrunner-version.patch
+ xulrunner-omnijar.patch
+ port_gnomevfs_to_gio.patch)
+ '2358a2ddd35bcdd62ff42442dfe548d9'
+ '639ea80e823543dd415b90c0ee804186'
+ 'a0236f6c3e55f60b7888d8cf137ff209'
+ '0bf82bc6677e3ce57fd20a147fe8d7b1'
+ '42f83468b296452fb754a81a4317ca64')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/mozilla-2.0"
+ cp "${srcdir}/mozconfig" .mozconfig
+ #fix libdir/sdkdir - fedora
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/mozilla-pkgconfig.patch"
+ #Force installation to the same path for every version
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/xulrunner-version.patch"
+ #
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/xulrunner-omnijar.patch"
+ #
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/port_gnomevfs_to_gio.patch"
+ unset CFLAGS
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ export CXXFLAGS="-fpermissive"
+ make -j1 -f build MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS"
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/mozilla-2.0"
+ make -j1 -f DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ #Remove included dictionaries, add symlink to system myspell path.
+ #Note: this will cause file conflicts when users have installed dictionaries in the old location
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0/dictionaries"
+ ln -sf /usr/share/myspell/dicts "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0/dictionaries"
+ # add xulrunner library path to
+ install -d ${pkgdir}/etc/
+ echo "/usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0" > ${pkgdir}/etc/
diff --git a/staging/xulrunner/mozconfig b/staging/xulrunner/mozconfig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03a352920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/xulrunner/mozconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+. $topsrcdir/xulrunner/config/mozconfig
+ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
+ac_add_options --libdir=/usr/lib
+ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
+ac_add_options --with-system-nss
+ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
+ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
+ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
+ac_add_options --with-system-png
+ac_add_options --with-system-libevent
+ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
+ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite
+ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
+ac_add_options --with-pthreads
+ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2
+ac_add_options --enable-safe-browsing
+ac_add_options --enable-extensions=default
+ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
+ac_add_options --enable-pango
+ac_add_options --enable-svg
+ac_add_options --enable-canvas
+ac_add_options --enable-smil
+ac_add_options --enable-canvas3d
+ac_add_options --enable-places
+ac_add_options --enable-shared-js
+ac_add_options --enable-url-classifier
+ac_add_options --enable-optimize
+ac_add_options --enable-strip
+ac_add_options --enable-install-strip
+ac_add_options --enable-jemalloc
+ac_add_options --enable-xterm-updates
+ac_add_options --enable-printing
+ac_add_options --enable-xinerama
+ac_add_options --disable-javaxpcom
+ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
+ac_add_options --disable-updater
+ac_add_options --disable-tests
+ac_add_options --disable-xprint
+ac_add_options --disable-mochitest
+ac_add_options --disable-debug
+ac_add_options --disable-installer
+ac_add_options --disable-pedantic
+ac_add_options --enable-gio
+ac_add_options --disable-gnomevfs
+ac_add_options --enable-gconf
+ac_add_options --enable-libnotify
+mk_add_options BUILD_OFFICIAL=1
+mk_add_options MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1
diff --git a/staging/xulrunner/mozilla-pkgconfig.patch b/staging/xulrunner/mozilla-pkgconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2203efcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/xulrunner/mozilla-pkgconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 03:25:12.350027359 -0700
+@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
+ Name: libxul-embedding
+ Description: Static library for version-independent embedding of the Mozilla runtime
++Requires: %NSPR_NAME% >= %NSPR_VERSION%
+ Libs: -L${sdkdir}/lib -lxpcomglue -ldl
+ Cflags: -DXPCOM_GLUE -I${includedir} %WCHAR_CFLAGS%
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 03:25:28.010027359 -0700
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ prefix=%prefix%
+ sdkdir=%sdkdir%
+ includedir=%includedir%
+ idldir=%idldir%
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 03:25:55.570027359 -0700
+@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
+ -e "s|%includedir%|$(includedir)|" \
+ -e "s|%idldir%|$(idldir)|" \
+ -e "s|%sdkdir%|$(sdkdir)|" \
++ -e "s|%libdir%|$(installdir)|" \
+ -e "s|%MOZ_APP_NAME%|$(MOZ_APP_NAME)|" \
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 03:26:18.676694023 -0700
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ prefix=%prefix%
+ sdkdir=%sdkdir%
+ includedir=%includedir%
+ Name: mozilla-gtkembedmoz
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 03:26:41.566694025 -0700
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ prefix=%prefix%
+ sdkdir=%sdkdir%
+ includedir=%includedir%
+ Name: mozilla-gtkembedmoz
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 03:27:19.680027357 -0700
+@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
+ Requires: %NSPR_NAME% >= %NSPR_VERSION%
+ Libs: -L${sdkdir}/lib %MOZ_JS_LINK%
+-Cflags: -I${includedir} -DXP_UNIX -DJS_THREADSAFE
++Cflags: -I${includedir} -I${includedir}/js -DXP_UNIX -DJS_THREADSAFE
diff --git a/staging/xulrunner/port_gnomevfs_to_gio.patch b/staging/xulrunner/port_gnomevfs_to_gio.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..797baff42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/xulrunner/port_gnomevfs_to_gio.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1316 @@
+diff -r 49a1b2aa43c5 extensions/gio/
+--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/extensions/gio/ Tue Jan 11 11:17:52 2011 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
++# vim:set ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noet:
++# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
++# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
++# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
++# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
++# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
++# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
++# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
++# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
++# License.
++# The Original Code is the Mozilla gnome-vfs extension.
++# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is IBM Corporation.
++# Portions created by IBM Corporation are Copyright (C) 2004
++# IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
++# Contributor(s):
++# Darin Fisher <>
++# Jan Horak <>
++# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
++# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
++# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
++# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
++# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
++# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
++# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
++# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
++# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
++# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
++# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
++# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
++DEPTH = ../..
++topsrcdir = @top_srcdir@
++srcdir = @srcdir@
++VPATH = @srcdir@
++include $(DEPTH)/config/
++MODULE = nkgio
++LIBRARY_NAME = nkgio
++ nsGIOProtocolHandler.cpp \
++ $(NULL)
++ $(NSPR_LIBS) \
++ $(MOZ_GIO_LIBS) \
++ $(NULL)
++# make sure this component is never statically linked into the main
++# application. this is necessary since we don't want to force users
++# to install gio in order to use the rest of mozilla ;-)
++include $(topsrcdir)/config/
+diff -r 49a1b2aa43c5 extensions/gio/
+--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/extensions/gio/ Tue Jan 11 11:17:52 2011 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++#! /bin/sh
++# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
++# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
++# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
++# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
++# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
++# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
++# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
++# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
++# License.
++# The Original Code is Mozilla Build System
++# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
++# Ben Turner <>
++# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
++# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
++# Contributor(s):
++# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
++# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
++# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
++# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
++# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
++# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
++# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
++# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
++# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
++# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
++# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
++# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
++add_makefiles "
++ extensions/gio/Makefile
+diff -r 49a1b2aa43c5 extensions/gio/nsGIOProtocolHandler.cpp
+--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/extensions/gio/nsGIOProtocolHandler.cpp Tue Jan 11 11:17:52 2011 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@
++/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et cindent: */
++/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
++ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
++ *
++ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
++ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
++ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
++ *
++ *
++ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
++ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
++ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
++ * License.
++ *
++ * The Original Code is the Mozilla gnome-vfs extension.
++ *
++ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is IBM Corporation.
++ *
++ * Portions created by IBM Corporation are Copyright (C) 2004
++ * IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
++ *
++ * Contributor(s):
++ * Darin Fisher <>
++ * Jan Horak <>
++ *
++ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
++ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
++ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
++ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
++ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
++ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
++ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
++ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
++ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
++ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
++ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
++ *
++ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
++ * This code is based on original Mozilla gnome-vfs extension. It implements
++ * input stream provided by GVFS/GIO.
++#include "mozilla/ModuleUtils.h"
++#include "nsIPrefService.h"
++#include "nsIPrefBranch2.h"
++#include "nsIObserver.h"
++#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
++#include "nsProxyRelease.h"
++#include "nsIStringBundle.h"
++#include "nsIStandardURL.h"
++#include "nsMimeTypes.h"
++#include "nsNetUtil.h"
++#include "mozilla/Monitor.h"
++#include <gio/gio.h>
++#define MOZ_GIO_SCHEME "moz-gio"
++#define MOZ_GIO_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS "network.gio.supported-protocols"
++#ifdef PR_LOGGING
++static PRLogModuleInfo *sGIOLog;
++#define LOG(args) PR_LOG(sGIOLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, args)
++#define LOG(args)
++static nsresult
++MapGIOResult(gint code)
++ switch (code)
++ {
++ case G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // shows error
++ case G_IO_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: return NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED; // wrong password/login
++ case G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED: return NS_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED; // shows error
++ case G_IO_ERROR_HOST_NOT_FOUND: return NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST; // shows error
++ case G_IO_ERROR_TIMED_OUT: return NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT; // shows error
++ case G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED: return NS_ERROR_ABORT; // Cancel on login dialog
++/* unhandled:
++ // Make GCC happy
++ default:
++ }
++static nsresult
++MapGIOResult(GError *result)
++ if (!result)
++ return NS_OK;
++ else
++ return MapGIOResult(result->code);
++/** Return values for mount operation.
++ * These enums are used as mount operation return values.
++ */
++typedef enum {
++ MOUNT_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS, /** \enum operation in progress */
++ MOUNT_OPERATION_SUCCESS, /** \enum operation successful */
++ MOUNT_OPERATION_FAILED /** \enum operation not successful */
++} MountOperationResult;
++ * Sort function compares according to file type (directory/file)
++ * and alphabethical order
++ * @param a pointer to GFileInfo object to compare
++ * @param b pointer to GFileInfo object to compare
++ * @return -1 when first object should be before the second, 0 when equal,
++ * +1 when second object should be before the first
++ */
++static gint
++FileInfoComparator(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
++ GFileInfo *ia = ( GFileInfo *) a;
++ GFileInfo *ib = ( GFileInfo *) b;
++ if (g_file_info_get_file_type(ia) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY
++ && g_file_info_get_file_type(ib) != G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
++ return -1;
++ if (g_file_info_get_file_type(ib) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY
++ && g_file_info_get_file_type(ia) != G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
++ return 1;
++ return strcasecmp(g_file_info_get_name(ia), g_file_info_get_name(ib));
++/* Declaration of mount callback functions */
++static void mount_enclosing_volume_finished (GObject *source_object,
++ GAsyncResult *res,
++ gpointer user_data);
++static void mount_operation_ask_password (GMountOperation *mount_op,
++ const char *message,
++ const char *default_user,
++ const char *default_domain,
++ GAskPasswordFlags flags,
++ gpointer user_data);
++class nsGIOInputStream : public nsIInputStream
++ public:
++ nsGIOInputStream(const nsCString &uriSpec)
++ : mSpec(uriSpec)
++ , mChannel(nsnull)
++ , mHandle(nsnull)
++ , mStream(nsnull)
++ , mBytesRemaining(PR_UINT32_MAX)
++ , mStatus(NS_OK)
++ , mDirList(nsnull)
++ , mDirListPtr(nsnull)
++ , mDirBufCursor(0)
++ , mDirOpen(PR_FALSE)
++ , mMonitorMountInProgress("GIOInputStream::MountFinished") { }
++ ~nsGIOInputStream() { Close(); }
++ void SetChannel(nsIChannel *channel)
++ {
++ // We need to hold an owning reference to our channel. This is done
++ // so we can access the channel's notification callbacks to acquire
++ // a reference to a nsIAuthPrompt if we need to handle an interactive
++ // mount operation.
++ //
++ // However, the channel can only be accessed on the main thread, so
++ // we have to be very careful with ownership. Moreover, it doesn't
++ // support threadsafe addref/release, so proxying is the answer.
++ //
++ // Also, it's important to note that this likely creates a reference
++ // cycle since the channel likely owns this stream. This reference
++ // cycle is broken in our Close method.
++ NS_ADDREF(mChannel = channel);
++ }
++ void SetMountResult(MountOperationResult result, gint error_code);
++ private:
++ nsresult DoOpen();
++ nsresult DoRead(char *aBuf, PRUint32 aCount, PRUint32 *aCountRead);
++ nsresult SetContentTypeOfChannel(const char *contentType);
++ nsresult MountVolume();
++ nsresult DoOpenDirectory();
++ nsresult DoOpenFile(GFileInfo *info);
++ nsCString mSpec;
++ nsIChannel *mChannel; // manually refcounted
++ GFile *mHandle;
++ GFileInputStream *mStream;
++ PRUint64 mBytesRemaining;
++ nsresult mStatus;
++ GList *mDirList;
++ GList *mDirListPtr;
++ nsCString mDirBuf;
++ PRUint32 mDirBufCursor;
++ PRPackedBool mDirOpen;
++ MountOperationResult mMountRes;
++ mozilla::Monitor mMonitorMountInProgress;
++ gint mMountErrorCode;
++ * Set result of mount operation and notify monitor waiting for results.
++ * This method is called in main thread as long as it is used only
++ * in mount_enclosing_volume_finished function.
++ * @param result Result of mount operation
++ */
++nsGIOInputStream::SetMountResult(MountOperationResult result, gint error_code)
++ mozilla::MonitorAutoEnter mon(mMonitorMountInProgress);
++ mMountRes = result;
++ mMountErrorCode = error_code;
++ mon.Notify();
++ * Start mount operation and wait in loop until it is finished. This method is
++ * called from thread which is trying to read from location.
++ */
++nsGIOInputStream::MountVolume() {
++ GMountOperation* mount_op = g_mount_operation_new();
++ g_signal_connect (mount_op, "ask-password",
++ G_CALLBACK (mount_operation_ask_password), mChannel);
++ /* g_file_mount_enclosing_volume uses a dbus request to mount the volume.
++ Callback mount_enclosing_volume_finished is called in main thread
++ (not this thread on which this method is called). */
++ g_file_mount_enclosing_volume(mHandle,
++ mount_op,
++ NULL,
++ mount_enclosing_volume_finished,
++ this);
++ mozilla::MonitorAutoEnter mon(mMonitorMountInProgress);
++ /* Waiting for finish of mount operation thread */
++ mon.Wait();
++ g_object_unref(mount_op);
++ if (mMountRes == MOUNT_OPERATION_FAILED) {
++ return MapGIOResult(mMountErrorCode);
++ } else {
++ return NS_OK;
++ }
++ * Create list of infos about objects in opened directory
++ * Return: NS_OK when list obtained, otherwise error code according
++ * to failed operation.
++ */
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ GFileEnumerator *f_enum = g_file_enumerate_children(mHandle,
++ "standard::*,time::*",
++ NULL,
++ &error);
++ if (!f_enum) {
++ nsresult rv = MapGIOResult(error);
++ g_warning("Cannot read from directory: %s", error->message);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ // fill list of file infos
++ GFileInfo *info = g_file_enumerator_next_file(f_enum, NULL, &error);
++ while (info) {
++ mDirList = g_list_append(mDirList, info);
++ info = g_file_enumerator_next_file(f_enum, NULL, &error);
++ }
++ g_object_unref(f_enum);
++ if (error) {
++ g_warning("Error reading directory content: %s", error->message);
++ nsresult rv = MapGIOResult(error);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ mDirOpen = PR_TRUE;
++ // Sort list of file infos by using FileInfoComparator function
++ mDirList = g_list_sort(mDirList, FileInfoComparator);
++ mDirListPtr = mDirList;
++ // Write base URL (make sure it ends with a '/')
++ mDirBuf.Append("300: ");
++ mDirBuf.Append(mSpec);
++ if (mSpec.get()[mSpec.Length() - 1] != '/')
++ mDirBuf.Append('/');
++ mDirBuf.Append('\n');
++ // Write column names
++ mDirBuf.Append("200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n");
++ // Write charset (assume UTF-8)
++ // XXX is this correct?
++ mDirBuf.Append("301: UTF-8\n");
++ return NS_OK;
++ * Create file stream and set mime type for channel
++ * @param info file info used to determine mime type
++ * @return NS_OK when file stream created successfuly, error code otherwise
++ */
++nsGIOInputStream::DoOpenFile(GFileInfo *info)
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ mStream = g_file_read(mHandle, NULL, &error);
++ if (!mStream) {
++ nsresult rv = MapGIOResult(error);
++ g_warning("Cannot read from file: %s", error->message);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ const char * content_type = g_file_info_get_content_type(info);
++ if (content_type) {
++ char *mime_type = g_content_type_get_mime_type(content_type);
++ if (mime_type) {
++ if (strcmp(mime_type, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) != 0) {
++ SetContentTypeOfChannel(mime_type);
++ }
++ g_free(mime_type);
++ }
++ } else {
++ g_warning("Missing content type.");
++ }
++ mBytesRemaining = g_file_info_get_size(info);
++ // Update the content length attribute on the channel. We do this
++ // synchronously without proxying. This hack is not as bad as it looks!
++ mChannel->SetContentLength(mBytesRemaining);
++ return NS_OK;
++ * Start file open operation, mount volume when needed and according to file type
++ * create file output stream or read directory content.
++ * @return NS_OK when file or directory opened successfully, error code otherwise
++ */
++ nsresult rv;
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ NS_ASSERTION(mHandle == nsnull, "already open");
++ mHandle = g_file_new_for_uri( mSpec.get() );
++ GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info(mHandle,
++ "standard::*",
++ NULL,
++ &error);
++ if (error) {
++ if (error->domain == G_IO_ERROR && error->code == G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED) {
++ // location is not yet mounted, try to mount
++ g_error_free(error);
++ if (NS_IsMainThread())
++ error = NULL;
++ rv = MountVolume();
++ if (rv != NS_OK) {
++ return rv;
++ }
++ // get info again
++ info = g_file_query_info(mHandle,
++ "standard::*",
++ NULL,
++ &error);
++ // second try to get file info from remote files after media mount
++ if (!info) {
++ g_warning("Unable to get file info: %s", error->message);
++ rv = MapGIOResult(error);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ } else {
++ g_warning("Unable to get file info: %s", error->message);
++ rv = MapGIOResult(error);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ }
++ // Get file type to handle directories and file differently
++ GFileType f_type = g_file_info_get_file_type(info);
++ if (f_type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
++ // directory
++ rv = DoOpenDirectory();
++ } else if (f_type != G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
++ // file
++ rv = DoOpenFile(info);
++ } else {
++ g_warning("Unable to get file type.");
++ }
++ if (info)
++ g_object_unref(info);
++ return rv;
++ * Read content of file or create file list from directory
++ * @param aBuf read destination buffer
++ * @param aCount length of destination buffer
++ * @param aCountRead number of read characters
++ * @return NS_OK when read successfully, NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED when end of file,
++ * error code otherwise
++ */
++nsGIOInputStream::DoRead(char *aBuf, PRUint32 aCount, PRUint32 *aCountRead)
++ nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
++ if (mStream) {
++ // file read
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ PRUint32 bytes_read = g_input_stream_read(G_INPUT_STREAM(mStream),
++ aBuf,
++ aCount,
++ NULL,
++ &error);
++ if (error) {
++ rv = MapGIOResult(error);
++ *aCountRead = 0;
++ g_warning("Cannot read from file: %s", error->message);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ *aCountRead = bytes_read;
++ mBytesRemaining -= *aCountRead;
++ return NS_OK;
++ }
++ else if (mDirOpen) {
++ // directory read
++ while (aCount && rv != NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED)
++ {
++ // Copy data out of our buffer
++ PRUint32 bufLen = mDirBuf.Length() - mDirBufCursor;
++ if (bufLen)
++ {
++ PRUint32 n = PR_MIN(bufLen, aCount);
++ memcpy(aBuf, mDirBuf.get() + mDirBufCursor, n);
++ *aCountRead += n;
++ aBuf += n;
++ aCount -= n;
++ mDirBufCursor += n;
++ }
++ if (!mDirListPtr) // Are we at the end of the directory list?
++ {
++ }
++ else if (aCount) // Do we need more data?
++ {
++ GFileInfo *info = (GFileInfo *) mDirListPtr->data;
++ // Prune '.' and '..' from directory listing.
++ const char * fname = g_file_info_get_name(info);
++ if (fname && fname[0] == '.' &&
++ (fname[1] == '\0' || (fname[1] == '.' && fname[2] == '\0')))
++ {
++ mDirListPtr = mDirListPtr->next;
++ continue;
++ }
++ mDirBuf.Assign("201: ");
++ // The "filename" field
++ nsCString escName;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsINetUtil> nu = do_GetService(NS_NETUTIL_CONTRACTID);
++ if (nu && fname) {
++ nu->EscapeString(nsDependentCString(fname),
++ nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_URL_PATH, escName);
++ mDirBuf.Append(escName);
++ mDirBuf.Append(' ');
++ }
++ // The "content-length" field
++ // XXX truncates size from 64-bit to 32-bit
++ mDirBuf.AppendInt(PRInt32(g_file_info_get_size(info)));
++ mDirBuf.Append(' ');
++ // The "last-modified" field
++ //
++ // NSPR promises: PRTime is compatible with time_t
++ // we just need to convert from seconds to microseconds
++ GTimeVal gtime;
++ g_file_info_get_modification_time(info, &gtime);
++ PRExplodedTime tm;
++ PRTime pt = ((PRTime) gtime.tv_sec) * 1000000;
++ PR_ExplodeTime(pt, PR_GMTParameters, &tm);
++ {
++ char buf[64];
++ PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(buf, sizeof(buf),
++ "%a,%%20%d%%20%b%%20%Y%%20%H:%M:%S%%20GMT ", &tm);
++ mDirBuf.Append(buf);
++ }
++ // The "file-type" field
++ switch (g_file_info_get_file_type(info))
++ {
++ mDirBuf.Append("FILE ");
++ break;
++ mDirBuf.Append("DIRECTORY ");
++ break;
++ mDirBuf.Append("SYMBOLIC-LINK ");
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ mDirBuf.Append('\n');
++ mDirBufCursor = 0;
++ mDirListPtr = mDirListPtr->next;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return rv;
++ * This class is used to implement SetContentTypeOfChannel.
++ */
++class nsGIOSetContentTypeEvent : public nsRunnable
++ public:
++ nsGIOSetContentTypeEvent(nsIChannel *channel, const char *contentType)
++ : mChannel(channel), mContentType(contentType)
++ {
++ // stash channel reference in mChannel. no AddRef here! see note
++ // in SetContentTypeOfchannel.
++ }
++ {
++ mChannel->SetContentType(mContentType);
++ return NS_OK;
++ }
++ private:
++ nsIChannel *mChannel;
++ nsCString mContentType;
++nsGIOInputStream::SetContentTypeOfChannel(const char *contentType)
++ // We need to proxy this call over to the main thread. We post an
++ // asynchronous event in this case so that we don't delay reading data, and
++ // we know that this is safe to do since the channel's reference will be
++ // released asynchronously as well. We trust the ordering of the main
++ // thread's event queue to protect us against memory corruption.
++ nsresult rv;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> ev =
++ new nsGIOSetContentTypeEvent(mChannel, contentType);
++ if (!ev)
++ {
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ rv = NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev);
++ }
++ return rv;
++ * Free all used memory and close stream.
++ */
++ if (mStream)
++ {
++ g_object_unref(mStream);
++ mStream = nsnull;
++ }
++ if (mHandle)
++ {
++ g_object_unref(mHandle);
++ mHandle = nsnull;
++ }
++ if (mDirList)
++ {
++ // Destroy the list of GIOFileInfo objects...
++ g_list_foreach(mDirList, (GFunc) g_object_unref, nsnull);
++ g_list_free(mDirList);
++ mDirList = nsnull;
++ mDirListPtr = nsnull;
++ }
++ if (mChannel)
++ {
++ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> thread = do_GetMainThread();
++ if (thread)
++ rv = NS_ProxyRelease(thread, mChannel);
++ NS_ASSERTION(thread && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "leaking channel reference");
++ mChannel = nsnull;
++ }
++ mSpec.Truncate(); // free memory
++ // Prevent future reads from re-opening the handle.
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mStatus))
++ return NS_OK;
++ * Return number of remaining bytes available on input
++ * @param aResult remaining bytes
++ */
++nsGIOInputStream::Available(PRUint32 *aResult)
++ if (NS_FAILED(mStatus))
++ return mStatus;
++ /* When remaining bytes are bigger than max PRUint32 value an aResult must
++ be set to PRUint32 maximum */
++ if (mBytesRemaining > PR_UINT32_MAX)
++ *aResult = PR_UINT32_MAX;
++ else
++ *aResult = mBytesRemaining;
++ return NS_OK;
++ * Trying to read from stream. When location is not available it tries to mount it.
++ * @param aBuf buffer to put read data
++ * @param aCount length of aBuf
++ * @param aCountRead number of bytes actually read
++ */
++nsGIOInputStream::Read(char *aBuf,
++ PRUint32 aCount,
++ PRUint32 *aCountRead)
++ *aCountRead = 0;
++ // Check if file is already opened, otherwise open it
++ if (!mStream && !mDirOpen && mStatus == NS_OK) {
++ mStatus = DoOpen();
++ if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) {
++ return mStatus;
++ }
++ }
++ mStatus = DoRead(aBuf, aCount, aCountRead);
++ // Check if all data has been read
++ if (mStatus == NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED)
++ return NS_OK;
++ // Check whenever any error appears while reading
++ return mStatus;
++nsGIOInputStream::ReadSegments(nsWriteSegmentFun aWriter,
++ void *aClosure,
++ PRUint32 aCount,
++ PRUint32 *aResult)
++ // There is no way to implement this using GnomeVFS, but fortunately
++ // that doesn't matter. Because we are a blocking input stream, Necko
++ // isn't going to call our ReadSegments method.
++ NS_NOTREACHED("nsGIOInputStream::ReadSegments");
++nsGIOInputStream::IsNonBlocking(PRBool *aResult)
++ *aResult = PR_FALSE;
++ return NS_OK;
++ * Called when finishing mount operation. Result of operation is set in
++ * nsGIOInputStream. This function is called in main thread as an async request
++ * typically from dbus.
++ * @param source_object GFile object which requested the mount
++ * @param res result object
++ * @param user_data pointer to nsGIOInputStream
++ */
++static void
++mount_enclosing_volume_finished (GObject *source_object,
++ GAsyncResult *res,
++ gpointer user_data)
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ nsGIOInputStream* istream = static_cast<nsGIOInputStream*>(user_data);
++ g_file_mount_enclosing_volume_finish(G_FILE (source_object), res, &error);
++ if (error) {
++ g_warning("Mount failed: %s %d", error->message, error->code);
++ istream->SetMountResult(MOUNT_OPERATION_FAILED, error->code);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ } else {
++ istream->SetMountResult(MOUNT_OPERATION_SUCCESS, 0);
++ }
++ * This function is called when username or password are requested from user.
++ * This function is called in main thread as async request from dbus.
++ * @param mount_op mount operation
++ * @param message message to show to user
++ * @param default_user preffered user
++ * @param default_domain domain name
++ * @param flags what type of information is required
++ * @param user_data nsIChannel
++ */
++static void
++mount_operation_ask_password (GMountOperation *mount_op,
++ const char *message,
++ const char *default_user,
++ const char *default_domain,
++ GAskPasswordFlags flags,
++ gpointer user_data)
++ nsIChannel *channel = (nsIChannel *) user_data;
++ if (!channel) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ // We can't handle request for domain
++ if (flags & G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_DOMAIN) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIAuthPrompt> prompt;
++ NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(channel, prompt);
++ // If no auth prompt, then give up. We could failover to using the
++ // WindowWatcher service, but that might defeat a consumer's purposeful
++ // attempt to disable authentication (for whatever reason).
++ if (!prompt) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ // Parse out the host and port...
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
++ channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
++ if (!uri) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ nsCAutoString scheme, hostPort;
++ uri->GetScheme(scheme);
++ uri->GetHostPort(hostPort);
++ // It doesn't make sense for either of these strings to be empty. What kind
++ // of funky URI is this?
++ if (scheme.IsEmpty() || hostPort.IsEmpty()) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ // Construct the single signon key. Altering the value of this key will
++ // cause people's remembered passwords to be forgotten. Think carefully
++ // before changing the way this key is constructed.
++ nsAutoString key, realm;
++ NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 dispHost(scheme);
++ dispHost.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("://"));
++ dispHost.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(hostPort));
++ key = dispHost;
++ if (*default_domain != '\0')
++ {
++ // We assume the realm string is ASCII. That might be a bogus assumption,
++ // but we have no idea what encoding GnomeVFS is using, so for now we'll
++ // limit ourselves to ISO-Latin-1. XXX What is a better solution?
++ realm.Append('"');
++ realm.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(default_domain));
++ realm.Append('"');
++ key.Append(' ');
++ key.Append(realm);
++ }
++ // Construct the message string...
++ //
++ // We use Necko's string bundle here. This code really should be encapsulated
++ // behind some Necko API, after all this code is based closely on the code in
++ // nsHttpChannel.cpp.
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleSvc =
++ if (!bundleSvc) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> bundle;
++ bundleSvc->CreateBundle("chrome://global/locale/",
++ getter_AddRefs(bundle));
++ if (!bundle) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ nsAutoString nsmessage;
++ if (!realm.IsEmpty()) {
++ const PRUnichar *strings[] = { realm.get(), dispHost.get() };
++ bundle->FormatStringFromName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("EnterLoginForRealm").get(),
++ strings, 2, getter_Copies(nsmessage));
++ } else {
++ const PRUnichar *strings[] = { dispHost.get() };
++ bundle->FormatStringFromName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("EnterUserPasswordFor").get(),
++ strings, 1, getter_Copies(nsmessage));
++ }
++ } else {
++ NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 userName(default_user);
++ const PRUnichar *strings[] = { userName.get(), dispHost.get() };
++ bundle->FormatStringFromName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("EnterPasswordFor").get(),
++ strings, 2, getter_Copies(nsmessage));
++ }
++ } else {
++ g_warning("Unknown mount operation request (flags: %x)", flags);
++ }
++ if (nsmessage.IsEmpty()) {
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ // Prompt the user...
++ nsresult rv;
++ PRBool retval = PR_FALSE;
++ PRUnichar *user = nsnull, *pass = nsnull;
++ if (default_user) {
++ // user will be freed by PromptUsernameAndPassword
++ user = ToNewUnicode(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(default_user));
++ }
++ rv = prompt->PromptUsernameAndPassword(nsnull, nsmessage.get(),
++ key.get(),
++ &user, &pass, &retval);
++ } else {
++ rv = prompt->PromptPassword(nsnull, nsmessage.get(),
++ key.get(),
++ &pass, &retval);
++ }
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !retval) { // was || user == '\0' || pass == '\0'
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* GIO should accept UTF8 */
++ g_mount_operation_set_username(mount_op, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(user).get());
++ g_mount_operation_set_password(mount_op, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(pass).get());
++ nsMemory::Free(user);
++ nsMemory::Free(pass);
++ g_mount_operation_reply(mount_op, G_MOUNT_OPERATION_HANDLED);
++class nsGIOProtocolHandler : public nsIProtocolHandler
++ , public nsIObserver
++ public:
++ nsresult Init();
++ private:
++ void InitSupportedProtocolsPref(nsIPrefBranch *prefs);
++ PRBool IsSupportedProtocol(const nsCString &spec);
++ nsCString mSupportedProtocols;
++NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS2(nsGIOProtocolHandler, nsIProtocolHandler, nsIObserver)
++#ifdef PR_LOGGING
++ sGIOLog = PR_NewLogModule("gio");
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch2> prefs = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
++ if (prefs)
++ {
++ InitSupportedProtocolsPref(prefs);
++ prefs->AddObserver(MOZ_GIO_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, this, PR_FALSE);
++ }
++ return NS_OK;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::InitSupportedProtocolsPref(nsIPrefBranch *prefs)
++ // Get user preferences to determine which protocol is supported.
++ // Gvfs/GIO has a set of supported protocols like obex, network, archive,
++ // computer, dav, cdda, gphoto2, trash, etc. Some of these seems to be
++ // irrelevant to process by browser. By default accept only smb and sftp
++ // protocols so far.
++ nsresult rv = prefs->GetCharPref(MOZ_GIO_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS,
++ getter_Copies(mSupportedProtocols));
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
++ mSupportedProtocols.StripWhitespace();
++ ToLowerCase(mSupportedProtocols);
++ }
++ else
++ mSupportedProtocols.Assign("smb:,sftp:"); // use defaults
++ LOG(("gio: supported protocols \"%s\"\n", mSupportedProtocols.get()));
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::IsSupportedProtocol(const nsCString &aSpec)
++ const char *specString = aSpec.get();
++ const char *colon = strchr(specString, ':');
++ if (!colon)
++ return PR_FALSE;
++ PRUint32 length = colon - specString + 1;
++ // <scheme> + ':'
++ nsCString scheme(specString, length);
++ char *found = PL_strcasestr(mSupportedProtocols.get(), scheme.get());
++ if (!found)
++ return PR_FALSE;
++ if (found[length] != ',' && found[length] != '\0')
++ return PR_FALSE;
++ return PR_TRUE;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::GetScheme(nsACString &aScheme)
++ aScheme.Assign(MOZ_GIO_SCHEME);
++ return NS_OK;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::GetDefaultPort(PRInt32 *aDefaultPort)
++ *aDefaultPort = -1;
++ return NS_OK;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::GetProtocolFlags(PRUint32 *aProtocolFlags)
++ // Is URI_STD true of all GnomeVFS URI types?
++ *aProtocolFlags = URI_STD | URI_DANGEROUS_TO_LOAD;
++ return NS_OK;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::NewURI(const nsACString &aSpec,
++ const char *aOriginCharset,
++ nsIURI *aBaseURI,
++ nsIURI **aResult)
++ const nsCString flatSpec(aSpec);
++ LOG(("gio: NewURI [spec=%s]\n", flatSpec.get()));
++ if (!aBaseURI)
++ {
++ // XXX Is it good to support all GIO protocols?
++ if (!IsSupportedProtocol(flatSpec))
++ PRInt32 colon_location = flatSpec.FindChar(':');
++ if (colon_location <= 0)
++ // Verify that GIO supports this URI scheme.
++ PRBool uri_scheme_supported = PR_FALSE;
++ GVfs *gvfs = g_vfs_get_default();
++ if (!gvfs) {
++ g_warning("Cannot get GVfs object.");
++ }
++ const gchar* const * uri_schemes = g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes(gvfs);
++ while (*uri_schemes != NULL) {
++ // While flatSpec ends with ':' the uri_scheme does not. Therefore do not
++ // compare last character.
++ if (StringHead(flatSpec, colon_location).Equals(*uri_schemes)) {
++ uri_scheme_supported = PR_TRUE;
++ break;
++ }
++ uri_schemes++;
++ }
++ if (!uri_scheme_supported) {
++ }
++ }
++ nsresult rv;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIStandardURL> url =
++ do_CreateInstance(NS_STANDARDURL_CONTRACTID, &rv);
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ return rv;
++ rv = url->Init(nsIStandardURL::URLTYPE_STANDARD, -1, flatSpec,
++ aOriginCharset, aBaseURI);
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
++ rv = CallQueryInterface(url, aResult);
++ return rv;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::NewChannel(nsIURI *aURI, nsIChannel **aResult)
++ nsresult rv;
++ nsCAutoString spec;
++ rv = aURI->GetSpec(spec);
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ return rv;
++ nsRefPtr<nsGIOInputStream> stream = new nsGIOInputStream(spec);
++ if (!stream)
++ {
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // start out assuming an unknown content-type. we'll set the content-type
++ // to something better once we open the URI.
++ rv = NS_NewInputStreamChannel(aResult,
++ aURI,
++ stream,
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
++ stream->SetChannel(*aResult);
++ }
++ return rv;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::AllowPort(PRInt32 aPort,
++ const char *aScheme,
++ PRBool *aResult)
++ // Don't override anything.
++ *aResult = PR_FALSE;
++ return NS_OK;
++nsGIOProtocolHandler::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject,
++ const char *aTopic,
++ const PRUnichar *aData)
++ if (strcmp(aTopic, NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID) == 0) {
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
++ InitSupportedProtocolsPref(prefs);
++ }
++ return NS_OK;
++{ /* ee706783-3af8-4d19-9e84-e2ebfe213480 */ \
++ 0xee706783, \
++ 0x3af8, \
++ 0x4d19, \
++ {0x9e, 0x84, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0xfe, 0x21, 0x34, 0x80} \
++static const mozilla::Module::CIDEntry kVFSCIDs[] = {
++ { &kNS_GIOPROTOCOLHANDLER_CID, false, NULL, nsGIOProtocolHandlerConstructor },
++ { NULL }
++static const mozilla::Module::ContractIDEntry kVFSContracts[] = {
++ { NULL }
++static const mozilla::Module kVFSModule = {
++ mozilla::Module::kVersion,
++ kVFSCIDs,
++ kVFSContracts
++NSMODULE_DEFN(nsGIOModule) = &kVFSModule;
+diff -r 49a1b2aa43c5 netwerk/base/src/nsIOService.cpp
+--- a/netwerk/base/src/nsIOService.cpp Tue Dec 21 12:42:59 2010 +0100
++++ b/netwerk/base/src/nsIOService.cpp Tue Jan 11 11:17:52 2011 +0100
+@@ -454,6 +454,27 @@
+ }
+ #ifdef MOZ_X11
++ // check to see whether GVFS can handle this URI scheme. if it can
++ // create a nsIURI for the "scheme:", then we assume it has support for
++ // the requested protocol. otherwise, we failover to using the default
++ // protocol handler.
++ result);
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
++ nsCAutoString spec(scheme);
++ spec.Append(':');
++ nsIURI *uri;
++ rv = (*result)->NewURI(spec, nsnull, nsnull, &uri);
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
++ NS_RELEASE(uri);
++ return rv;
++ }
++ NS_RELEASE(*result);
++ }
+ // check to see whether GnomeVFS can handle this URI scheme. if it can
+ // create a nsIURI for the "scheme:", then we assume it has support for
+ // the requested protocol. otherwise, we failover to using the default
diff --git a/staging/xulrunner/xulrunner-omnijar.patch b/staging/xulrunner/xulrunner-omnijar.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66ec5206c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/xulrunner/xulrunner-omnijar.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1737 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# Parent a7dea879b4b445a23186f438900562155bb39e99
+Bug 620931 part 1 - Use chrome manifest to register resource://gre-resources/
+diff --git a/layout/style/ b/layout/style/
+--- a/layout/style/
++++ b/layout/style/
+@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+ toolkit.jar:
+ * res/ua.css (ua.css)
+ res/html.css (html.css)
+ res/quirk.css (quirk.css)
+ res/viewsource.css (viewsource.css)
+ * res/forms.css (forms.css)
+ res/arrow.gif (arrow.gif)
+ res/arrowd.gif (arrowd.gif)
++% resource gre-resources %res/
+diff --git a/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp b/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
+--- a/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
++++ b/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
+@@ -75,17 +75,16 @@ static nsResProtocolHandler *gResHandler
+ //
+ // this enables PR_LOG_ALWAYS level information and places all output in
+ // the file log.txt
+ //
+ static PRLogModuleInfo *gResLog;
+ #endif
+ #define kGRE NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("gre")
+-#define kGRE_RESOURCES NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("gre-resources")
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // nsResURL : overrides nsStandardURL::GetFile to provide nsIFile resolution
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ nsresult
+ nsResURL::EnsureFile()
+ {
+@@ -197,28 +196,16 @@ nsResProtocolHandler::Init()
+ //
+ // make resource://gre/ point to the GRE directory
+ //
+ rv = AddSpecialDir(NS_GRE_DIR, kGRE);
+- // make resource://gre-resources/ point to gre toolkit[.jar]/res
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> greURI;
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> greResURI;
+- GetSubstitution(kGRE, getter_AddRefs(greURI));
+- NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(strGRE_RES_URL, "jar:chrome/toolkit.jar!/res/");
+- NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(strGRE_RES_URL, "chrome/toolkit/res/");
+- rv = mIOService->NewURI(strGRE_RES_URL, nsnull, greURI,
+- getter_AddRefs(greResURI));
+- SetSubstitution(kGRE_RESOURCES, greResURI);
+ //XXXbsmedberg Neil wants a resource://pchrome/ for the profile chrome dir...
+ // but once I finish multiple chrome registration I'm not sure that it is needed
+ // XXX dveditz: resource://pchrome/ defeats profile directory salting
+ // if web content can load it. Tread carefully.
+ return rv;
+ }
+@@ -242,22 +229,16 @@ nsResProtocolHandler::Init(nsIFile *aOmn
+ // these entries should be kept in sync with the normal Init function
+ // resource:/// points to jar:omni.jar!/
+ SetSubstitution(EmptyCString(), uri);
+ // resource://gre/ points to jar:omni.jar!/
+ SetSubstitution(kGRE, uri);
+- urlStr += "chrome/toolkit/res/";
+- rv = mIOService->NewURI(urlStr, nsnull, nsnull, getter_AddRefs(uri));
+- // resource://gre-resources/ points to jar:omni.jar!/chrome/toolkit/res/
+- SetSubstitution(kGRE_RESOURCES, uri);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifdef MOZ_IPC
+ static PLDHashOperator
+ EnumerateSubstitution(const nsACString& aKey,
+ nsIURI* aURI,
+# HG changeset patch
+# Parent 3038cccba1a071d6b418e15442d0f2d9f3dcb11d
+Bug 620931 part 2 - When building --with-libxul-sdk, use the right preferences directory
+diff --git a/browser/locales/ b/browser/locales/
+--- a/browser/locales/
++++ b/browser/locales/
+@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ install:: $(addsuffix .xml,$(SEARCH_PLUG
+ $(SYSINSTALL) $(IFLAGS1) $^ $(DESTDIR)$(mozappdir)/searchplugins
+ libs-%:
+ $(NSINSTALL) -D $(DIST)/install
+ @$(MAKE) -C ../../toolkit/locales libs-$* BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
+ @$(MAKE) -C ../../services/sync/locales AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$* BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
+ @$(MAKE) -C ../../extensions/spellcheck/locales AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$* BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
+- @$(MAKE) libs AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$* PREF_DIR=defaults/pref BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
+ repackage-win32-installer: WIN32_INSTALLER_OUT="$(_ABS_DIST)/$(PKG_INST_PATH)$(PKG_INST_BASENAME).exe"
+ repackage-win32-installer: $(WIN32_INSTALLER_IN) $(SUBMAKEFILES)
+ @echo "Repackaging $(WIN32_INSTALLER_IN) into $(WIN32_INSTALLER_OUT)."
+ $(MAKE) -C ../installer/windows CONFIG_DIR=l10ngen l10ngen/setup.exe l10ngen/7zSD.sfx
+diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/installer/ b/toolkit/mozapps/installer/
+--- a/toolkit/mozapps/installer/
++++ b/toolkit/mozapps/installer/
+@@ -307,17 +307,17 @@ OMNIJAR_FILES = \
+ res \
+ defaults \
+ greprefs.js \
+ jsloader \
+ $(NULL)
+ chrome/icons/\* \
+- defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js \
++ $(PREF_DIR)/channel-prefs.js \
+ res/cursors/\* \
+ res/MainMenu.nib/\* \
+ $(NULL)
+ rm -f omni.jar components/binary.manifest && \
+ grep -h '^binary-component' components/*.manifest > binary.manifest ; \
+ sed -e 's/^binary-component/\#binary-component/' components/components.manifest > components.manifest && \
+# HG changeset patch
+# Parent cd8df8030f7ad7530692bd7c4391a8009df56a02
+Bug 620931 part 3 - Allow GRE and XUL application to use omni.jar independently
+We now store two independent locations for an omni.jar, allowing GRE/XRE and
+XUL application to each have their own omni.jar. And since xulrunner setups
+are very independent from the XUL applications, we implement support for both
+omni.jar and non omni.jar cases in the same runtime, with the side effect of
+allowing to switch from one to the other manually without rebuilding the
+We let the mozilla::Omnijar API handle both cases, so that callers don't need
+too much work to support them.
+We also make the preferences service load the same set of preferences in all
+the various cases (unified vs. separate, omni.jar vs. no omni.jar).
+The child process launcher for IPC is modified to pass the base directories
+needed for the mozilla::Omnijar API initialization in the child process.
+Finally, the startupcache file name canonicalization is modified to separate
+APP and GRE resources.
+diff --git a/ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp b/ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp
+--- a/ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp
++++ b/ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp
+@@ -440,26 +440,29 @@ GeckoChildProcessHost::PerformAsyncLaunc
+ // other end of the socketpair() from us
+ std::vector<std::string> childArgv;
+ childArgv.push_back(exePath.value());
+ childArgv.insert(childArgv.end(), aExtraOpts.begin(), aExtraOpts.end());
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ // Make sure the child process can find the omnijar
+ // See XRE_InitCommandLine in nsAppRunner.cpp
+- nsCAutoString omnijarPath;
+- if (mozilla::OmnijarPath()) {
+- mozilla::OmnijarPath()->GetNativePath(omnijarPath);
+- childArgv.push_back("-omnijar");
+- childArgv.push_back(omnijarPath.get());
++ nsCAutoString path;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file = mozilla::Omnijar::GetBase(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE);
++ if (file && NS_SUCCEEDED(file->GetNativePath(path))) {
++ childArgv.push_back("-grebase");
++ childArgv.push_back(path.get());
+ }
++ file = mozilla::Omnijar::GetBase(mozilla::Omnijar::APP);
++ if (file && NS_SUCCEEDED(file->GetNativePath(path))) {
++ childArgv.push_back("-appbase");
++ childArgv.push_back(path.get());
++ }
+ childArgv.push_back(pidstring);
+ #if defined(MOZ_CRASHREPORTER)
+ # if defined(OS_LINUX)
+ int childCrashFd, childCrashRemapFd;
+ if (!CrashReporter::CreateNotificationPipeForChild(
+ &childCrashFd, &childCrashRemapFd))
+@@ -552,26 +555,29 @@ GeckoChildProcessHost::PerformAsyncLaunc
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = aExtraOpts.begin();
+ it != aExtraOpts.end();
+ ++it) {
+ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(UTF8ToWide(*it));
+ }
+ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(std::wstring(mGroupId.get()));
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ // Make sure the child process can find the omnijar
+ // See XRE_InitCommandLine in nsAppRunner.cpp
+- nsAutoString omnijarPath;
+- if (mozilla::OmnijarPath()) {
+- mozilla::OmnijarPath()->GetPath(omnijarPath);
+- cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(UTF8ToWide("-omnijar"));
+- cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(omnijarPath.get());
++ nsAutoString path;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file = mozilla::Omnijar::GetBase(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE);
++ if (file && NS_SUCCEEDED(file->GetPath(path))) {
++ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(UTF8ToWide("-grebase"));
++ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(path.get());
+ }
++ file = mozilla::Omnijar::GetBase(mozilla::Omnijar::APP);
++ if (file && NS_SUCCEEDED(file->GetPath(path))) {
++ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(UTF8ToWide("-appbase"));
++ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(path.get());
++ }
+ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(UTF8ToWide(pidstring));
+ #if defined(MOZ_CRASHREPORTER)
+ cmdLine.AppendLooseValue(
+ UTF8ToWide(CrashReporter::GetChildNotificationPipe()));
+ #endif
+diff --git a/js/src/xpconnect/loader/mozJSComponentLoader.cpp b/js/src/xpconnect/loader/mozJSComponentLoader.cpp
+--- a/js/src/xpconnect/loader/mozJSComponentLoader.cpp
++++ b/js/src/xpconnect/loader/mozJSComponentLoader.cpp
+@@ -81,16 +81,17 @@
+ #include "nsIConsoleService.h"
+ #include "nsIStorageStream.h"
+ #include "nsIStringStream.h"
+ #include "prmem.h"
+ #if defined(XP_WIN)
+ #include "nsILocalFileWin.h"
+ #endif
+ #include "xpcprivate.h"
++#include "nsIResProtocolHandler.h"
+ #include "mozilla/scache/StartupCache.h"
+ #include "mozilla/scache/StartupCacheUtils.h"
+ #endif
+ #include "mozilla/Omnijar.h"
+ #include "jsdbgapi.h"
+@@ -621,34 +622,21 @@ mozJSComponentLoader::LoadModule(nsILoca
+ const mozilla::Module*
+ mozJSComponentLoader::LoadModuleFromJAR(nsILocalFile *aJarFile,
+ const nsACString &aComponentPath)
+ {
+ nsresult rv;
+- nsCAutoString fullSpec;
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- PRBool equal;
+- rv = aJarFile->Equals(mozilla::OmnijarPath(), &equal);
+- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && equal) {
+- fullSpec = "resource://gre/";
+- } else {
+- nsCAutoString fileSpec;
+- NS_GetURLSpecFromActualFile(aJarFile, fileSpec);
+- fullSpec = "jar:";
+- fullSpec += fileSpec;
+- fullSpec += "!/";
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- }
++ nsCAutoString fullSpec, fileSpec;
++ NS_GetURLSpecFromActualFile(aJarFile, fileSpec);
++ fullSpec = "jar:";
++ fullSpec += fileSpec;
++ fullSpec += "!/";
+ fullSpec += aComponentPath;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), fullSpec);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
+ return NULL;
+ nsAutoString hashstring;
+@@ -833,57 +821,138 @@ class JSScriptHolder
+ JSScriptHolder(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script)
+ : mCx(cx), mScript(script) {}
+ ~JSScriptHolder() { ::JS_DestroyScript(mCx, mScript); }
+ private:
+ JSContext *mCx;
+ JSScript *mScript;
+ };
++static const char baseName[2][5] = { "gre/", "app/" };
++static inline PRBool
++canonicalizeBase(nsCAutoString &spec, nsACString &out, mozilla::Omnijar::Type aType)
++ nsCAutoString base;
++ nsresult rv = mozilla::Omnijar::GetURIString(aType, base);
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !base.Length())
++ return PR_FALSE;
++ if (base.Compare(spec.get(), PR_FALSE, base.Length()))
++ return PR_FALSE;
++ out.Append("/resource/");
++ out.Append(baseName[aType]);
++ out.Append(Substring(spec, base.Length()));
++ return PR_TRUE;
+ /**
+ * PathifyURI transforms mozilla .js uris into useful zip paths
+ * to make it makes it easier to manipulate startup cache entries
+ * using standard zip tools.
+ * Transformations applied:
+- * * jsloader/<scheme> prefix is used to group mozJSComponentLoader cache entries in
++ * * jsloader/ prefix is used to group mozJSComponentLoader cache entries in
+ * a top-level zip directory.
+- * * In MOZ_OMNIJAR case resource:/// and resource://gre/ URIs refer to the same path
+- * so treat both of them as resource://gre/
++ * * resource:// URIs are resolved to their corresponding file/jar URI to
++ * canonicalize resources URIs other than gre and app.
++ * * Paths under GRE or APP directory have their base path replaced with
++ * resource/gre or resource/app to avoid depending on install location.
++ * * jar:file:///path/to/file.jar!/sub/path urls are replaced with
++ * /path/to/file.jar/sub/path
+ * * .bin suffix is added to the end of the path to indicate that jsloader/ entries
+ * are binary representations of JS source.
+ * For example:
+- * resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm becomes
+- * jsloader/resource/gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm.bin
++ * resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm or
++ * file://$GRE_DIR/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm or
++ * jar:file://$GRE_DIR/omni.jar!/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm become
++ * jsloader/resource/gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm.bin
++ * file://$PROFILE_DIR/extensions/{uuid}/components/component.js becomes
++ * jsloader/$PROFILE_DIR/extensions/%7Buuid%7D/components/component.js.bin
++ * jar:file://$PROFILE_DIR/extensions/some.xpi!/components/component.js becomes
++ * jsloader/$PROFILE_DIR/extensions/some.xpi/components/component.js.bin
+ */
+ static nsresult
+ PathifyURI(nsIURI *in, nsACString &out)
+ {
+- out = "jsloader/";
+- nsCAutoString scheme;
+- nsresult rv = in->GetScheme(scheme);
+- out.Append(scheme);
+- nsCAutoString host;
+- // OK for GetHost to fail since it's not implemented sometimes
+- in->GetHost(host);
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- if (scheme.Equals("resource") && host.Length() == 0){
+- host = "gre";
+- }
+- if (host.Length()) {
+- out.Append("/");
+- out.Append(host);
+- }
+- nsCAutoString path;
+- rv = in->GetPath(path);
+- out.Append(path);
+- out.Append(".bin");
+- return NS_OK;
++ PRBool equals;
++ nsresult rv;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = in;
++ nsCAutoString spec;
++ out = "jsloader";
++ // Resolve resource:// URIs. At the end of this if/else block, we
++ // have both spec and uri variables identifying the same URI.
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(in->SchemeIs("resource", &equals)) && equals) {
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService = do_GetIOService(&rv);
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIProtocolHandler> ph;
++ rv = ioService->GetProtocolHandler("resource", getter_AddRefs(ph));
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIResProtocolHandler> irph(do_QueryInterface(ph, &rv));
++ rv = irph->ResolveURI(in, spec);
++ rv = ioService->NewURI(spec, nsnull, nsnull, getter_AddRefs(uri));
++ } else {
++ rv = in->GetSpec(spec);
++ }
++ if (!canonicalizeBase(spec, out, mozilla::Omnijar::GRE) &&
++ !canonicalizeBase(spec, out, mozilla::Omnijar::APP)) {
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(uri->SchemeIs("file", &equals)) && equals) {
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> baseFileURL;
++ baseFileURL = do_QueryInterface(uri, &rv);
++ nsCAutoString path;
++ rv = baseFileURL->GetPath(path);
++ out.Append(path);
++ } else if (NS_SUCCEEDED(uri->SchemeIs("jar", &equals)) && equals) {
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIJARURI> jarURI = do_QueryInterface(uri, &rv);
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> jarFileURI;
++ rv = jarURI->GetJARFile(getter_AddRefs(jarFileURI));
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> jarFileURL;
++ jarFileURL = do_QueryInterface(jarFileURI, &rv);
++ nsCAutoString path;
++ rv = jarFileURL->GetPath(path);
++ out.Append(path);
++ rv = jarURI->GetJAREntry(path);
++ out.Append("/");
++ out.Append(path);
++ } else { // Very unlikely
++ nsCAutoString spec;
++ rv = uri->GetSpec(spec);
++ out.Append("/");
++ out.Append(spec);
++ }
++ }
++ out.Append(".bin");
++ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ /* static */
+ nsresult
+ mozJSComponentLoader::ReadScript(StartupCache* cache, nsIURI *uri,
+ JSContext *cx, JSScript **script)
+ {
+diff --git a/modules/libjar/nsJAR.cpp b/modules/libjar/nsJAR.cpp
+--- a/modules/libjar/nsJAR.cpp
++++ b/modules/libjar/nsJAR.cpp
+@@ -171,26 +171,23 @@ nsJAR::Open(nsIFile* zipFile)
+ if (mLock) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Already open!
+ mZipFile = zipFile;
+ mOuterZipEntry.Truncate();
+ mLock = PR_NewLock();
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ // The omnijar is special, it is opened early on and closed late
+ // this avoids reopening it
+- PRBool equals;
+- nsresult rv = zipFile->Equals(mozilla::OmnijarPath(), &equals);
+- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && equals) {
+- mZip = mozilla::OmnijarReader();
++ nsZipArchive *zip = mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(zipFile);
++ if (zip) {
++ mZip = zip;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ return mZip->OpenArchive(zipFile);
+ }
+ nsJAR::OpenInner(nsIZipReader *aZipReader, const char *aZipEntry)
+ {
+@@ -234,23 +231,22 @@ nsJAR::Close()
+ mLock = nsnull;
+ }
+ mParsedManifest = PR_FALSE;
+ mManifestData.Reset();
+ mTotalItemsInManifest = 0;
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- if (mZip == mozilla::OmnijarReader()) {
++ if ((mZip == mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE)) ||
++ (mZip == mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::APP))) {
+ mZip.forget();
+ mZip = new nsZipArchive();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ return mZip->CloseArchive();
+ }
+ nsJAR::Test(const char *aEntryName)
+ {
+ return mZip->Test(aEntryName);
+ }
+@@ -391,22 +387,21 @@ nsJAR::GetInputStreamWithSpec(const nsAC
+ nsJAR::GetCertificatePrincipal(const char* aFilename, nsIPrincipal** aPrincipal)
+ {
+ //-- Parameter check
+ if (!aPrincipal)
+ *aPrincipal = nsnull;
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ // Don't check signatures in the omnijar - this is only
+ // interesting for extensions/XPIs.
+- if (mZip == mozilla::OmnijarReader())
++ if ((mZip == mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE)) ||
++ (mZip == mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::APP)))
+ return NS_OK;
+ //-- Parse the manifest
+ nsresult rv = ParseManifest();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ if (mGlobalStatus == JAR_NO_MANIFEST)
+ return NS_OK;
+ PRInt16 requestedStatus;
+diff --git a/modules/libpref/src/nsPrefService.cpp b/modules/libpref/src/nsPrefService.cpp
+--- a/modules/libpref/src/nsPrefService.cpp
++++ b/modules/libpref/src/nsPrefService.cpp
+@@ -67,20 +67,18 @@
+ #include "prefapi.h"
+ #include "prefread.h"
+ #include "prefapi_private_data.h"
+ #include "PrefTuple.h"
+ #include "nsITimelineService.h"
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ #include "mozilla/Omnijar.h"
+ #include "nsZipArchive.h"
+ // Definitions
+ // Prototypes
+ static nsresult openPrefFile(nsIFile* aFile);
+ static nsresult pref_InitInitialObjects(void);
+@@ -793,124 +791,144 @@ static nsresult pref_LoadPrefsInDirList(
+ pref_LoadPrefsInDir(dir, nsnull, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+-// Initialize default preference JavaScript buffers from
+-// appropriate TEXT resources
+-static nsresult pref_InitDefaults()
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greprefsFile;
+- nsresult rv;
+- rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_GRE_DIR, getter_AddRefs(greprefsFile));
+- rv = greprefsFile->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("greprefs.js"));
+- rv = openPrefFile(greprefsFile);
+- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+- NS_WARNING("Error parsing GRE default preferences. Is this an old-style embedding app?");
+- }
+- return NS_OK;
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ static nsresult pref_ReadPrefFromJar(nsZipArchive* jarReader, const char *name)
+ {
+ nsZipItemPtr<char> manifest(jarReader, name, true);
+ PrefParseState ps;
+ PREF_InitParseState(&ps, PREF_ReaderCallback, NULL);
+ nsresult rv = PREF_ParseBuf(&ps, manifest, manifest.Length());
+ PREF_FinalizeParseState(&ps);
+ return rv;
+ }
+-static nsresult pref_InitAppDefaultsFromOmnijar()
+- nsresult rv;
+- nsZipArchive* jarReader = mozilla::OmnijarReader();
+- if (!jarReader)
+- return pref_InitDefaults();
+- rv = pref_ReadPrefFromJar(jarReader, "greprefs.js");
+- nsZipFind *findPtr;
+- rv = jarReader->FindInit("defaults/pref/*.js$", &findPtr);
+- nsAutoPtr<nsZipFind> find(findPtr);
+- nsTArray<nsCString> prefEntries;
+- const char *entryName;
+- PRUint16 entryNameLen;
+- while (NS_SUCCEEDED(find->FindNext(&entryName, &entryNameLen))) {
+- prefEntries.AppendElement(Substring(entryName, entryName + entryNameLen));
+- }
+- prefEntries.Sort();
+- for (PRUint32 i = prefEntries.Length(); i--; ) {
+- rv = pref_ReadPrefFromJar(jarReader, prefEntries[i].get());
+- if (NS_FAILED(rv))
+- NS_WARNING("Error parsing preferences.");
+- }
+- return NS_OK;
++// Initialize default preference JavaScript buffers from
++// appropriate TEXT resources
+ static nsresult pref_InitInitialObjects()
+ {
+ nsresult rv;
+- // first we parse the GRE default prefs. This also works if we're not using a GRE,
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- rv = pref_InitAppDefaultsFromOmnijar();
+- rv = pref_InitDefaults();
++ // In omni.jar case, we load the following prefs:
++ // - jar:$gre/omni.jar!/greprefs.js
++ // - jar:$gre/omni.jar!/defaults/pref/*.js
++ // In non omni.jar case, we load:
++ // - $gre/greprefs.js
++ //
++ // When $app == $gre, we additionally load, in all cases:
++ // - $gre/defaults/pref/*.js
++ // This is kept for bug 591866 (channel-prefs.js should not be in omni.jar).
++ // We load all files instead of channel-prefs.js only to have the same
++ // behaviour as $app != $gre.
++ //
++ // When $app != $gre, we additionally load, in omni.jar case:
++ // - jar:$app/omni.jar!/defaults/preferences/*.js
++ // - $app/defaults/preferences/*.js
++ // and in non omni.jar case:
++ // - $app/defaults/preferences/*.js
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> defaultPrefDir;
+- // now parse the "application" default preferences
+- rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_PREF_DEFAULTS_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(defaultPrefDir));
++ nsZipFind *findPtr;
++ nsAutoPtr<nsZipFind> find;
++ nsTArray<nsCString> prefEntries;
++ const char *entryName;
++ PRUint16 entryNameLen;
+- /* these pref file names should not be used: we process them after all other application pref files for backwards compatibility */
+- static const char* specialFiles[] = {
++ nsZipArchive* jarReader = mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE);
++ if (jarReader) {
++ // Load jar:$gre/omni.jar!/greprefs.js
++ rv = pref_ReadPrefFromJar(jarReader, "greprefs.js");
++ // Load jar:$gre/omni.jar!/defaults/pref/*.js
++ rv = jarReader->FindInit("defaults/pref/*.js$", &findPtr);
++ find = findPtr;
++ while (NS_SUCCEEDED(find->FindNext(&entryName, &entryNameLen))) {
++ prefEntries.AppendElement(Substring(entryName, entryName + entryNameLen));
++ }
++ prefEntries.Sort();
++ for (PRUint32 i = prefEntries.Length(); i--; ) {
++ rv = pref_ReadPrefFromJar(jarReader, prefEntries[i].get());
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ NS_WARNING("Error parsing preferences.");
++ }
++ } else {
++ // Load $gre/greprefs.js
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greprefsFile;
++ rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_GRE_DIR, getter_AddRefs(greprefsFile));
++ rv = greprefsFile->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("greprefs.js"));
++ rv = openPrefFile(greprefsFile);
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ NS_WARNING("Error parsing GRE default preferences. Is this an old-style embedding app?");
++ }
++ if (!mozilla::Omnijar::HasOmnijar(mozilla::Omnijar::APP)) {
++ // Load $gre/defaults/pref/*.js
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> defaultPrefDir;
++ rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_PREF_DEFAULTS_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(defaultPrefDir));
++ /* these pref file names should not be used: we process them after all other application pref files for backwards compatibility */
++ static const char* specialFiles[] = {
+ #if defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
+ "macprefs.js"
+ #elif defined(XP_WIN)
+ "winpref.js"
+ #elif defined(XP_UNIX)
+ "unix.js"
+-#if defined(_AIX)
++#if defined(VMS)
++ , "openvms.js"
++#elif defined(_AIX)
+ , "aix.js"
+ #endif
+ #elif defined(XP_OS2)
+ "os2pref.js"
++#elif defined(XP_BEOS)
++ "beos.js"
+ #endif
+- };
++ };
+- rv = pref_LoadPrefsInDir(defaultPrefDir, specialFiles, NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(specialFiles));
+- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+- NS_WARNING("Error parsing application default preferences.");
++ rv = pref_LoadPrefsInDir(defaultPrefDir, specialFiles, NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(specialFiles));
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ NS_WARNING("Error parsing application default preferences.");
++ }
++ // Load jar:$app/omni.jar!/defaults/preferences/*.js
++ nsZipArchive *appJarReader = mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::APP);
++ if (appJarReader) {
++ rv = appJarReader->FindInit("defaults/preferences/*.js$", &findPtr);
++ find = findPtr;
++ prefEntries.Clear();
++ while (NS_SUCCEEDED(find->FindNext(&entryName, &entryNameLen))) {
++ prefEntries.AppendElement(Substring(entryName, entryName + entryNameLen));
++ }
++ prefEntries.Sort();
++ for (PRUint32 i = prefEntries.Length(); i--; ) {
++ rv = pref_ReadPrefFromJar(appJarReader, prefEntries[i].get());
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ NS_WARNING("Error parsing preferences.");
++ }
+ }
+ rv = pref_LoadPrefsInDirList(NS_APP_PREFS_DEFAULTS_DIR_LIST);
+diff --git a/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp b/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
+--- a/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
++++ b/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
+@@ -152,97 +152,62 @@ nsResProtocolHandler::nsResProtocolHandl
+ }
+ nsResProtocolHandler::~nsResProtocolHandler()
+ {
+ gResHandler = nsnull;
+ }
+ nsresult
+-nsResProtocolHandler::AddSpecialDir(const char* aSpecialDir, const nsACString& aSubstitution)
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
+- nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(aSpecialDir, getter_AddRefs(file));
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+- rv = mIOService->NewFileURI(file, getter_AddRefs(uri));
+- return SetSubstitution(aSubstitution, uri);
+ nsResProtocolHandler::Init()
+ {
+ if (!mSubstitutions.Init(32))
+ nsresult rv;
+ mIOService = do_GetIOService(&rv);
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> omniJar(mozilla::OmnijarPath());
+- if (omniJar)
+- return Init(omniJar);
+- // these entries should be kept in sync with the omnijar Init function
++ nsCAutoString appURI, greURI;
++ rv = mozilla::Omnijar::GetURIString(mozilla::Omnijar::APP, appURI);
++ rv = mozilla::Omnijar::GetURIString(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE, greURI);
+ //
+- // make resource:/// point to the application directory
++ // make resource:/// point to the application directory or omnijar
+ //
+- rv = AddSpecialDir(NS_OS_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR, EmptyCString());
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
++ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), appURI.Length() ? appURI : greURI);
++ rv = SetSubstitution(EmptyCString(), uri);
+ //
+ // make resource://gre/ point to the GRE directory
+ //
+- rv = AddSpecialDir(NS_GRE_DIR, kGRE);
++ if (appURI.Length()) { // We already have greURI in uri if appURI.Length() is 0.
++ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), greURI);
++ }
++ rv = SetSubstitution(kGRE, uri);
+ //XXXbsmedberg Neil wants a resource://pchrome/ for the profile chrome dir...
+ // but once I finish multiple chrome registration I'm not sure that it is needed
+ // XXX dveditz: resource://pchrome/ defeats profile directory salting
+ // if web content can load it. Tread carefully.
+ return rv;
+ }
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+-nsResProtocolHandler::Init(nsIFile *aOmniJar)
+- nsresult rv;
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+- nsCAutoString omniJarSpec;
+- NS_GetURLSpecFromActualFile(aOmniJar, omniJarSpec, mIOService);
+- nsCAutoString urlStr("jar:");
+- urlStr += omniJarSpec;
+- urlStr += "!/";
+- rv = mIOService->NewURI(urlStr, nsnull, nsnull, getter_AddRefs(uri));
+- // these entries should be kept in sync with the normal Init function
+- // resource:/// points to jar:omni.jar!/
+- SetSubstitution(EmptyCString(), uri);
+- // resource://gre/ points to jar:omni.jar!/
+- SetSubstitution(kGRE, uri);
+- return NS_OK;
+ #ifdef MOZ_IPC
+ static PLDHashOperator
+ EnumerateSubstitution(const nsACString& aKey,
+ nsIURI* aURI,
+ void* aArg)
+ {
+ nsTArray<ResourceMapping>* resources =
+ static_cast<nsTArray<ResourceMapping>*>(aArg);
+diff --git a/startupcache/StartupCache.cpp b/startupcache/StartupCache.cpp
+--- a/startupcache/StartupCache.cpp
++++ b/startupcache/StartupCache.cpp
+@@ -237,27 +237,36 @@ StartupCache::GetBuffer(const char* id,
+ nsZipItemPtr<char> zipItem(mArchive, id, true);
+ if (zipItem) {
+ *outbuf = zipItem.Forget();
+ *length = zipItem.Length();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- if (mozilla::OmnijarReader()) {
++ if (mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::APP)) {
+ // no need to checksum omnijarred entries
+- nsZipItemPtr<char> zipItem(mozilla::OmnijarReader(), id);
++ nsZipItemPtr<char> zipItem(mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::APP), id);
+ if (zipItem) {
+ *outbuf = zipItem.Forget();
+ *length = zipItem.Length();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
++ if (mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE)) {
++ // no need to checksum omnijarred entries
++ nsZipItemPtr<char> zipItem(mozilla::Omnijar::GetReader(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE), id);
++ if (zipItem) {
++ *outbuf = zipItem.Forget();
++ *length = zipItem.Length();
++ return NS_OK;
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ // Makes a copy of the buffer, client retains ownership of inbuf.
+ nsresult
+ StartupCache::PutBuffer(const char* id, const char* inbuf, PRUint32 len)
+ {
+ WaitOnWriteThread();
+diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp b/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
+--- a/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
++++ b/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
+@@ -3897,35 +3897,45 @@ XRE_InitCommandLine(int aArgc, char* aAr
+ CommandLine::Init(aArgc, canonArgs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < aArgc; ++i)
+ free(canonArgs[i]);
+ delete[] canonArgs;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- const char *omnijarPath = nsnull;
+- ArgResult ar = CheckArg("omnijar", PR_FALSE, &omnijarPath);
++ const char *path = nsnull;
++ ArgResult ar = CheckArg("grebase", PR_FALSE, &path);
+ if (ar == ARG_BAD) {
+- PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Error: argument -omnijar requires an omnijar path\n");
++ PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Error: argument -grebase requires a path argument\n");
+ }
+- if (!omnijarPath)
++ if (!path)
+ return rv;
+- nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> omnijar;
+- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(omnijarPath), PR_TRUE,
+- getter_AddRefs(omnijar));
+- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
+- mozilla::SetOmnijar(omnijar);
+- return rv;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> greBase;
++ rv = XRE_GetFileFromPath(path, getter_AddRefs(greBase));
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ return rv;
++ ar = CheckArg("appbase", PR_FALSE, &path);
++ if (ar == ARG_BAD) {
++ PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Error: argument -appbase requires a path argument\n");
++ }
++ nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> appBase;
++ if (path) {
++ rv = XRE_GetFileFromPath(path, getter_AddRefs(appBase));
++ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
++ return rv;
++ }
++ return mozilla::Omnijar::SetBase(greBase, appBase);
+ }
+ nsresult
+ XRE_DeinitCommandLine()
+ {
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ #if defined(MOZ_IPC)
+diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp b/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp
+--- a/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp
++++ b/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp
+@@ -512,19 +512,17 @@ XRE_InitChildProcess(int aArgc,
+ }
+ // Run the UI event loop on the main thread.
+ uiMessageLoop.MessageLoop::Run();
+ // Allow ProcessChild to clean up after itself before going out of
+ // scope and being deleted
+ process->CleanUp();
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- mozilla::SetOmnijar(nsnull);
++ mozilla::Omnijar::SetBase(nsnull, nsnull);
+ }
+ }
+ NS_LogTerm();
+ return XRE_DeinitCommandLine();
+ }
+ MessageLoop*
+diff --git a/xpcom/build/ b/xpcom/build/
+--- a/xpcom/build/
++++ b/xpcom/build/
+@@ -64,28 +64,25 @@ CSRCS = \
+ $(NULL)
+ nsXPComInit.cpp \
+ nsXPCOMStrings.cpp \
+ Services.cpp \
++ Omnijar.cpp \
+ $(NULL)
+ ifeq (,$(filter-out WINNT WINCE OS2,$(OS_ARCH)))
+ CPPSRCS += dlldeps.cpp
+ endif
+ endif
+-CPPSRCS += Omnijar.cpp
+ $(DEPTH)/chrome/src/$(LIB_PREFIX)chrome_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+ ../ds/$(LIB_PREFIX)xpcomds_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+ ../io/$(LIB_PREFIX)xpcomio_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+ ../components/$(LIB_PREFIX)xpcomcomponents_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+ ../threads/$(LIB_PREFIX)xpcomthreads_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+ ../proxy/src/$(LIB_PREFIX)xpcomproxy_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+ ../base/$(LIB_PREFIX)xpcombase_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \
+diff --git a/xpcom/build/Omnijar.cpp b/xpcom/build/Omnijar.cpp
+--- a/xpcom/build/Omnijar.cpp
++++ b/xpcom/build/Omnijar.cpp
+@@ -16,16 +16,17 @@
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Mozilla Foundation.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Michael Wu <>
++ * Mike Hommey <>
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+@@ -33,69 +34,175 @@
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ #include "Omnijar.h"
+-#include "nsILocalFile.h"
+-#include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
++#include "nsIFile.h"
+ #include "nsZipArchive.h"
++#include "nsNetUtil.h"
+-static nsILocalFile* sOmnijarPath = nsnull;
+-static nsZipArchive* sOmnijarReader = nsnull;
++namespace mozilla {
+-static void
++nsIFile *Omnijar::sPath[2] = { nsnull, nsnull };
++PRBool Omnijar::sIsOmnijar[2] = { PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE };
++nsZipArchive *Omnijar::sReader[2] = { nsnull, nsnull };
++static already_AddRefed<nsIFile>
++ComputePath(nsIFile *aPath, PRBool &aIsOmnijar)
+ {
+- if (!sOmnijarPath) {
+- return;
++ PRBool isDir;
++ aIsOmnijar = PR_FALSE;
++ if (!aPath || NS_FAILED(aPath->IsDirectory(&isDir)) || !isDir)
++ return nsnull;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> path;
++ // Search for omni.jar in the given directory
++ if (!isDir || NS_FAILED(aPath->Clone(getter_AddRefs(path))))
++ return nsnull;
++ if (NS_FAILED(path->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("omni.jar"))))
++ return nsnull;
++ if (NS_FAILED(path->Exists(&aIsOmnijar)))
++ return nsnull;
++ if (!aIsOmnijar && NS_FAILED(aPath->Clone(getter_AddRefs(path))))
++ return nsnull;
++ return path.forget();
++Omnijar::SetBase(nsIFile *aGrePath, nsIFile *aAppPath)
++ NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aGrePath || !aAppPath, "Omnijar::SetBase(NULL, something) call forbidden");
++ if (sReader[GRE]) {
++ sReader[GRE]->CloseArchive();
++ delete sReader[GRE];
++ }
++ if (sReader[APP]) {
++ sReader[APP]->CloseArchive();
++ delete sReader[APP];
++ }
++ sReader[APP] = sReader[GRE] = nsnull;
++ nsresult rv;
++ PRBool equals;
++ if (aAppPath) {
++ rv = aAppPath->Equals(aGrePath, &equals);
++ } else {
++ equals = PR_TRUE;
+ }
+- nsZipArchive* zipReader = new nsZipArchive();
+- if (!zipReader) {
+- NS_IF_RELEASE(sOmnijarPath);
+- return;
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> grePath = ComputePath(aGrePath, sIsOmnijar[GRE]);
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> appPath = ComputePath(equals ? nsnull : aAppPath, sIsOmnijar[APP]);
++ sPath[GRE] = grePath;
++ NS_IF_ADDREF(sPath[GRE]);
++ sPath[APP] = appPath;
++ NS_IF_ADDREF(sPath[APP]);
++ return NS_OK;
++Omnijar::GetBase(Type aType)
++ NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(sPath[0], "Omnijar not initialized");
++ if (!sIsOmnijar[aType]) {
++ NS_IF_ADDREF(sPath[aType]);
++ return sPath[aType];
+ }
+- if (NS_FAILED(zipReader->OpenArchive(sOmnijarPath))) {
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file, path;
++ if (NS_FAILED(sPath[aType]->Clone(getter_AddRefs(file))))
++ return nsnull;
++ if (NS_FAILED(file->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(path))))
++ return nsnull;
++ return path.forget();
++nsZipArchive *
++Omnijar::GetReader(Type aType)
++ if (!sIsOmnijar[aType])
++ return nsnull;
++ if (sReader[aType])
++ return sReader[aType];
++ nsZipArchive* zipReader = new nsZipArchive();
++ if (!zipReader)
++ return nsnull;
++ if (NS_FAILED(zipReader->OpenArchive(sPath[aType]))) {
+ delete zipReader;
+- NS_IF_RELEASE(sOmnijarPath);
+- return;
++ return nsnull;
+ }
+- sOmnijarReader = zipReader;
++ return (sReader[aType] = zipReader);
+ }
++nsZipArchive *
++Omnijar::GetReader(nsIFile *aPath)
+ {
+- if (!sOmnijarReader)
+- SetupReader();
++ PRBool equals;
++ nsresult rv;
+- return sOmnijarPath;
++ if (sIsOmnijar[GRE]) {
++ rv = sPath[GRE]->Equals(aPath, &equals);
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && equals)
++ return GetReader(GRE);
++ }
++ if (sIsOmnijar[APP]) {
++ rv = sPath[APP]->Equals(aPath, &equals);
++ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && equals)
++ return GetReader(APP);
++ }
++ return nsnull;
++Omnijar::GetURIString(Type aType, nsCString &result)
++ NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(sPath[0], "Omnijar not initialized");
++ result = "";
++ if ((aType == APP) && (!sPath[APP]))
++ return NS_OK;
++ nsCAutoString omniJarSpec;
++ nsresult rv = NS_GetURLSpecFromActualFile(sPath[aType], omniJarSpec);
++ if (sIsOmnijar[aType]) {
++ result = "jar:";
++ result += omniJarSpec;
++ result += "!";
++ } else {
++ result = omniJarSpec;
++ }
++ result += "/";
++ return NS_OK;
+ }
+- if (!sOmnijarReader)
+- SetupReader();
+- return sOmnijarReader;
+-mozilla::SetOmnijar(nsILocalFile* aPath)
+- NS_IF_RELEASE(sOmnijarPath);
+- if (sOmnijarReader) {
+- sOmnijarReader->CloseArchive();
+- delete sOmnijarReader;
+- sOmnijarReader = nsnull;
+- }
+- sOmnijarPath = aPath;
+- NS_IF_ADDREF(sOmnijarPath);
++} /* namespace mozilla */
+diff --git a/xpcom/build/Omnijar.h b/xpcom/build/Omnijar.h
+--- a/xpcom/build/Omnijar.h
++++ b/xpcom/build/Omnijar.h
+@@ -16,16 +16,17 @@
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Mozilla Foundation.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Michael Wu <>
++ * Mike Hommey <>
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+@@ -34,29 +35,137 @@
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ #ifndef mozilla_Omnijar_h
+ #define mozilla_Omnijar_h
+-class nsILocalFile;
++#include "nscore.h"
++#include "nsTArray.h"
++#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
++#include "nsString.h"
++class nsIFile;
+ class nsZipArchive;
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
++class nsIURI;
+ namespace mozilla {
++class OMNIJAR_EXPORT Omnijar {
+ /**
+- * This returns the path to the omnijar.
+- * If the omnijar isn't available, this function will return null.
+- * Callers should fallback to flat packaging if null.
++ * Store an nsIFile for either a base directory when there is no omni.jar,
++ * or omni.jar itself. We can store two paths here, one for GRE
++ * (corresponding to resource://gre/) and one for APP
++ * (corresponding to resource:/// and resource://app/), but only
++ * store one when both point to the same location (unified).
+ */
+-nsILocalFile *OmnijarPath();
+-nsZipArchive *OmnijarReader();
+-void SetOmnijar(nsILocalFile* aPath);
++static nsIFile *sPath[2];
++ * Store whether the corresponding sPath is an omni.jar or a directory
++ */
++static PRBool sIsOmnijar[2];
++ * Cached nsZipArchives for the corresponding sPath
++ */
++static nsZipArchive *sReader[2];
++enum Type {
++ GRE = 0,
++ APP = 1
++ * Returns whether SetBase has been called at least once with
++ * a valid nsIFile
++ */
++static PRBool
++ // GRE path is always set after initialization.
++ return sPath[0] != nsnull;
++ * Sets the base directories for GRE and APP. APP base directory
++ * may be nsnull, in case the APP and GRE directories are the same.
++ */
++static nsresult SetBase(nsIFile *aGrePath, nsIFile *aAppPath);
++ * Returns an nsIFile pointing to the omni.jar file for GRE or APP.
++ * Returns nsnull when there is no corresponding omni.jar.
++ * Also returns nsnull for APP in the unified case.
++ */
++static already_AddRefed<nsIFile>
++GetPath(Type aType)
++ NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(sPath[0], "Omnijar not initialized");
++ if (sIsOmnijar[aType]) {
++ NS_IF_ADDREF(sPath[aType]);
++ return sPath[aType];
++ }
++ return nsnull;
++ * Returns whether GRE or APP use an omni.jar. Returns PR_False when
++ * using an omni.jar in the unified case.
++ */
++static PRBool
++HasOmnijar(Type aType)
++ return sIsOmnijar[aType];
++ * Returns the base directory for GRE or APP. In the unified case,
++ * returns nsnull for APP.
++ */
++static already_AddRefed<nsIFile> GetBase(Type aType);
++ * Returns a nsZipArchive pointer for the omni.jar file for GRE or
++ * APP. Returns nsnull in the same cases GetPath() would.
++ */
++static nsZipArchive *GetReader(Type aType);
++static nsZipArchive *GetReader(Type aType) { return nsnull; }
++ * Returns a nsZipArchive pointer for the given path IAOI the given
++ * path is the omni.jar for either GRE or APP.
++ */
++static nsZipArchive *GetReader(nsIFile *aPath);
++static nsZipArchive *GetReader(nsIFile *aPath) { return nsnull; }
++ * Returns the URI string corresponding to the omni.jar or directory
++ * for GRE or APP. i.e. jar:/path/to/omni.jar!/ for omni.jar and
++ * /path/to/base/dir/ otherwise. Returns an empty string for APP in
++ * the unified case.
++ * The returned URI is guaranteed to end with a slash.
++ */
++static nsresult GetURIString(Type aType, nsCString &result);
++}; /* class Omnijar */
+ } /* namespace mozilla */
+-#endif /* MOZ_OMNIJAR */
+ #endif /* mozilla_Omnijar_h */
+diff --git a/xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp b/xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp
+--- a/xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp
++++ b/xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp
+@@ -462,35 +462,35 @@ NS_InitXPCOM2(nsIServiceManager* *result
+ nsDirectoryService::gService->Set(NS_XPCOM_LIBRARY_FILE, xpcomLib);
+ }
+ if (appFileLocationProvider) {
+ rv = nsDirectoryService::gService->RegisterProvider(appFileLocationProvider);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ }
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+ NS_TIME_FUNCTION_MARK("Next: Omnijar init");
+- if (!mozilla::OmnijarPath()) {
+- nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> omnijar;
++ if (!mozilla::Omnijar::IsInitialized()) {
++ nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> greDir, appDir;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
+ nsDirectoryService::gService->Get(NS_GRE_DIR,
+ NS_GET_IID(nsIFile),
+ getter_AddRefs(file));
+- if (file)
+- rv = file->Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("omni.jar"));
+- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
+- omnijar = do_QueryInterface(file);
+- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
+- mozilla::SetOmnijar(omnijar);
++ greDir = do_QueryInterface(file);
++ nsDirectoryService::gService->Get(NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR,
++ NS_GET_IID(nsIFile),
++ getter_AddRefs(file));
++ appDir = do_QueryInterface(file);
++ rv = mozilla::Omnijar::SetBase(greDir, appDir);
+ }
+ #ifdef MOZ_IPC
+ if ((sCommandLineWasInitialized = !CommandLine::IsInitialized())) {
+ NS_TIME_FUNCTION_MARK("Next: IPC command line init");
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ CommandLine::Init(0, nsnull);
+ #else
+@@ -769,18 +769,16 @@ ShutdownXPCOM(nsIServiceManager* servMgr
+ sCommandLineWasInitialized = false;
+ }
+ if (sExitManager) {
+ delete sExitManager;
+ sExitManager = nsnull;
+ }
+ #endif
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- mozilla::SetOmnijar(nsnull);
++ mozilla::Omnijar::SetBase(nsnull, nsnull);
+ NS_LogTerm();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ } // namespace mozilla
+diff --git a/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp b/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp
+--- a/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp
++++ b/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp
+@@ -175,18 +175,16 @@ NS_DEFINE_CID(kCategoryManagerCID, NS_CA
+ NS_TIME_FUNCTION_MIN_FMT(5, "%s (line %d) (contractid: %s)", MOZ_FUNCTION_NAME, \
+ __LINE__, (cid))
+ #else
+ #define COMPMGR_TIME_FUNCTION_CID(cid) do {} while (0)
+ #define COMPMGR_TIME_FUNCTION_CONTRACTID(cid) do {} while (0)
+ #endif
+-#define kOMNIJAR_PREFIX NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("resource:///")
+ nsresult
+ nsGetServiceFromCategory::operator()(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr) const
+ {
+ nsresult rv;
+ nsXPIDLCString value;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICategoryManager> catman;
+ nsComponentManagerImpl *compMgr = nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager;
+ if (!compMgr) {
+@@ -390,47 +388,44 @@ nsresult nsComponentManagerImpl::Init()
+ nsCategoryManager::GetSingleton()->SuppressNotifications(true);
+ RegisterModule(&kXPCOMModule, NULL);
+ for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < sStaticModules->Length(); ++i)
+ RegisterModule((*sStaticModules)[i], NULL);
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- if (mozilla::OmnijarPath()) {
+- nsCOMPtr<nsIZipReader> omnijarReader = new nsJAR();
+- rv = omnijarReader->Open(mozilla::OmnijarPath());
+- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
+- RegisterJarManifest(omnijarReader, "chrome.manifest", false);
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> appOmnijar = mozilla::Omnijar::GetPath(mozilla::Omnijar::APP);
++ if (appOmnijar) {
++ cl = sModuleLocations->InsertElementAt(1); // Insert after greDir
++ cl->location = do_QueryInterface(appOmnijar);
++ cl->jar = true;
+ }
++ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greOmnijar = mozilla::Omnijar::GetPath(mozilla::Omnijar::GRE);
++ if (greOmnijar) {
++ cl = sModuleLocations->InsertElementAt(0);
++ cl->location = do_QueryInterface(greOmnijar);
++ cl->jar = true;
++ }
+ for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < sModuleLocations->Length(); ++i) {
+ ComponentLocation& l = sModuleLocations->ElementAt(i);
+ if (!l.jar) {
+ RegisterManifestFile(l.type, l.location, false);
+ continue;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIZipReader> reader = do_CreateInstance(kZipReaderCID, &rv);
+ rv = reader->Open(l.location);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
+ RegisterJarManifest(reader, "chrome.manifest", false);
+ }
+-#ifdef MOZ_OMNIJAR
+- if (mozilla::OmnijarPath()) {
+- cl = sModuleLocations->InsertElementAt(0);
+- cl->location = mozilla::OmnijarPath();
+- cl->jar = true;
+- }
+ nsCategoryManager::GetSingleton()->SuppressNotifications(false);
+ mStatus = NORMAL;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ void
+# HG changeset patch
+# Parent ff1b810f78226d7f4010909d3cde05a57fdcf20c
+Bug 620931 part 4 - Fix resource://app/ to always point to the same as resource:///
+diff --git a/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp b/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
+--- a/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
++++ b/netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
+@@ -74,16 +74,17 @@ static nsResProtocolHandler *gResHandler
+ // set NSPR_LOG_FILE=log.txt
+ //
+ // this enables PR_LOG_ALWAYS level information and places all output in
+ // the file log.txt
+ //
+ static PRLogModuleInfo *gResLog;
+ #endif
++#define kAPP NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("app")
+ #define kGRE NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("gre")
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // nsResURL : overrides nsStandardURL::GetFile to provide nsIFile resolution
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ nsresult
+ nsResURL::EnsureFile()
+@@ -179,16 +180,22 @@ nsResProtocolHandler::Init()
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), appURI.Length() ? appURI : greURI);
+ rv = SetSubstitution(EmptyCString(), uri);
+ //
++ // make resource://app/ point to the application directory or omnijar
++ //
++ rv = SetSubstitution(kAPP, uri);
++ //
+ // make resource://gre/ point to the GRE directory
+ //
+ if (appURI.Length()) { // We already have greURI in uri if appURI.Length() is 0.
+ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), greURI);
+ }
+ rv = SetSubstitution(kGRE, uri);
+diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp b/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
+--- a/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
++++ b/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
+@@ -300,19 +300,16 @@ nsXREDirProvider::GetFile(const char* aP
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(aProperty, XRE_EXECUTABLE_FILE) && gArgv[0]) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> lf;
+ rv = XRE_GetBinaryPath(gArgv[0], getter_AddRefs(lf));
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
+ file = lf;
+ }
+- else if (!strcmp(aProperty, "resource:app")) {
+- rv = GetAppDir()->Clone(getter_AddRefs(file));
+- }
+ else if (!strcmp(aProperty, NS_APP_PROFILE_DIR_STARTUP) && mProfileDir) {
+ return mProfileDir->Clone(aFile);
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(aProperty, NS_APP_PROFILE_LOCAL_DIR_STARTUP)) {
+ if (mProfileLocalDir)
+ return mProfileLocalDir->Clone(aFile);
+# HG changeset patch
+# Parent 7d2228db71a299afca60babff632a967d2d6c456
+Bug 620931 part 5 - Enable omni.jar by default on xulrunner
+diff --git a/xulrunner/ b/xulrunner/
+--- a/xulrunner/
++++ b/xulrunner/
+@@ -36,15 +36,16 @@
+ #
+ # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ MOZ_APP_NAME=xulrunner
+ if test "$MOZ_STORAGE"; then
+ fi
diff --git a/staging/xulrunner/xulrunner-version.patch b/staging/xulrunner/xulrunner-version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e81b23ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging/xulrunner/xulrunner-version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -Nur mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/
+--- mozilla-2.0.orig/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-03 14:12:04.000000000 -0800
++++ mozilla-2.0/xulrunner/installer/ 2011-03-13 01:58:19.663360705 -0800
+@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+ include $(DEPTH)/config/
+ xulrunner-config \
+ regchrome* \