path: root/community/haskell-gtk
diff options
authorroot <>2013-07-17 00:58:52 -0700
committerroot <>2013-07-17 00:58:52 -0700
commitdee9f17b595ea903a982d31d1124b302bb17e2ff (patch)
tree295fdab78e28e1952fbc13ce824d57c88ede4e3b /community/haskell-gtk
parent380530d02a5449fdef97b63b394a6743c3de0092 (diff)
Wed Jul 17 00:58:51 PDT 2013
Diffstat (limited to 'community/haskell-gtk')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 655 deletions
diff --git a/community/haskell-gtk/PKGBUILD b/community/haskell-gtk/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index c7b150561..000000000
--- a/community/haskell-gtk/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 89303 2013-04-28 16:52:24Z td123 $
-# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <>
-pkgdesc="Binding to the gtk library for Gtk2Hs."
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('ghc' 'gtk2' "haskell-pango" 'haskell-mtl')
- ghc-7.6.1.patch)
- '5fb93f37fe3f494b30ee682a36b8f1b6')
-build() {
- cd ${srcdir}/gtk-${pkgver}
-# patch -p1 <$srcdir/ghc-7.6.1.patch
- runhaskell Setup configure -O -p --enable-split-objs --enable-shared \
- --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/haskell-gtk \
- --libsubdir=\$compiler/site-local/\$pkgid
- sed -i 's|import Foreign.C.Types.*(CULong, CUInt)|import Foreign.C.Types (CULong(..), CUInt(..))|' Graphics/UI/Gtk/Types.chs
- runhaskell Setup build
- runhaskell Setup haddock
- runhaskell Setup register --gen-script
- runhaskell Setup unregister --gen-script
- sed -i -r -e "s|ghc-pkg.*unregister[^ ]* |&'--force' |"
-package() {
- _hmtlver=`pacman -Q haskell-mtl | cut -f2 -d\ | cut -f1 -d-`
- _hpangover=`pacman -Q haskell-pango | cut -f2 -d\ | cut -f1 -d-`
- depends=("ghc" "gtk2" "haskell-pango=${_hpangover}" "haskell-mtl=${_hmtlver}")
- cd ${srcdir}/gtk-${pkgver}
- install -D -m744 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/haskell/gtk2hs-gtk/
- install -m744 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/haskell/gtk2hs-gtk/
- install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries
- ln -s /usr/share/doc/haskell-gtk/html ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/gtk2hs-gtk
- runhaskell Setup copy --destdir=${pkgdir}
diff --git a/community/haskell-gtk/ghc-7.6.1.patch b/community/haskell-gtk/ghc-7.6.1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e259a38f..000000000
--- a/community/haskell-gtk/ghc-7.6.1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Object.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Object.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
- {#pointer GWeakNotify#}
--foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkDestructor :: IO () -> IO GWeakNotify
-+foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkDestructor
-+ :: (Ptr () -> Ptr GObject -> IO ()) -> IO GWeakNotify
- -- | Attach a callback that will be called after the
- -- destroy hooks have been called
-@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
- objectWeakref :: ObjectClass o => o -> IO () -> IO GWeakNotify
- objectWeakref obj uFun = do
- funPtrContainer <- newIORef nullFunPtr
-- uFunPtr <- mkDestructor $ do
-+ uFunPtr <- mkDestructor $ \_ _ -> do
- uFun
- funPtr <- readIORef funPtrContainer
- freeHaskellFunPtr funPtr
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Entry/Entry.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Entry/Entry.chs 2012-10-02 16:27:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@
- entrySetCompletion,
- entryGetCompletion,
- #endif
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2,18,0)
-+ entryGetBuffer,
-+ entrySetBuffer,
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,20,0)
- entryGetIconWindow,
- entryGetTextWindow,
-@@ -104,6 +108,9 @@
- entryAlignment,
- entryCompletion,
- #endif
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2,18,0)
-+ entryBuffer,
- -- * Signals
- entryActivate,
-@@ -157,6 +164,9 @@
- import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM (EventM, EButton, EKey)
- import Control.Monad.Reader ( ask )
- import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO )
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2,18,0)
-+import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Entry.EntryBuffer
- {#import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types#}
- {#import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Signals#}
-@@ -429,6 +439,23 @@
- (toEntry self)
- #endif
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,18,0)
-+-- | Get the 'EntryBuffer' object which holds the text for this widget.
-+entryGetBuffer :: EntryClass self => self
-+ -> IO EntryBuffer
-+entryGetBuffer self =
-+ makeNewGObject mkEntryBuffer $
-+ {# call gtk_entry_get_buffer #}
-+ (toEntry self)
-+-- | Set the 'EntryBuffer' object which holds the text for this widget.
-+entrySetBuffer :: (EntryClass self, EntryBufferClass buffer) => self
-+ -> buffer -> IO ()
-+entrySetBuffer self =
-+ {# call gtk_entry_set_buffer #}
-+ (toEntry self) . toEntryBuffer
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,20,0)
- -- | Returns the 'Window' which contains the entry's icon at @iconPos@. This function is useful when
- -- drawing something to the entry in an 'eventExpose' callback because it enables the callback to
-@@ -623,6 +650,15 @@
- entrySetCompletion
- #endif
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,18,0)
-+entryBuffer :: (EntryClass self, EntryBufferClass buffer) =>
-+ ReadWriteAttr self EntryBuffer buffer
-+entryBuffer = newAttr
-+ entryGetBuffer
-+ entrySetBuffer
- --------------------
- -- Signals
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/EventM.hsc
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/EventM.hsc 2012-10-02 16:27:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -639,14 +639,16 @@
- -- | Execute an event handler and assume it handled the event unless it
---- threw a pattern match exception.
-+-- threw a pattern match exception or calls mzero (e.g. via guard).
- tryEvent :: EventM any () -> EventM any Bool
- tryEvent act = do
- ptr <- ask
- liftIO $ (runReaderT (act >> return True) ptr)
- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
- `catches` [ Handler (\ (PatternMatchFail _) -> return False)
-- , Handler (\ e -> if isUserError e && "Pattern" `isPrefixOf` ioeGetErrorString e
-+ , Handler (\ e -> if isUserError e &&
-+ ("Pattern" `isPrefixOf` ioeGetErrorString e ||
-+ "mzero" == ioeGetErrorString e)
- then return False
- else throw e) ]
- #else
-@@ -654,6 +656,8 @@
- IOException e
- | "user error (Pattern" `isPrefixOf` show e ->
- return False
-+ | "user error (mzero" `isPrefixOf` show e ->
-+ return False
- PatternMatchFail _ -> return False
- _ -> throw e)
- #endif
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Pixbuf.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Pixbuf.chs 2012-10-02 16:27:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
- -- * Constructors
- pixbufNew,
-+ pixbufNewFromData,
- pixbufNewFromFile,
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,4,0)
- pixbufNewFromFileAtSize,
-@@ -402,6 +403,19 @@
- (fromBool hasAlpha) (fromIntegral bitsPerSample) (fromIntegral width)
- (fromIntegral height)
-+pixbufNewFromData :: Ptr CUChar -> Colorspace -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Pixbuf
-+pixbufNewFromData imData cSpace hasAlpha bitsPerSample width height rowStride
-+ = wrapNewGObject mkPixbuf $
-+ {#call pixbuf_new_from_data #}
-+ imData
-+ (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ cSpace)
-+ (fromBool hasAlpha)
-+ (fromIntegral bitsPerSample)
-+ (fromIntegral width)
-+ (fromIntegral height)
-+ (fromIntegral rowStride)
-+ nullFunPtr nullPtr
- -- | Create a new image from a String.
- --
- -- * Creates a new pixbuf from a string description.
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Clipboard.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Clipboard.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
- -- data succeeded.
- clipboardSetWithData self targets getFunc clearFunc = do
- gFunPtr <- mkClipboardGetFunc
-- (\_ sPtr info -> runReaderT (getFunc info) sPtr >> return ())
-+ (\_ sPtr info _ -> runReaderT (getFunc info) sPtr >> return ())
- cFunPtr <- mkClipboardClearFunc
- (\_ _ -> clearFunc)
- res <- withTargetEntries targets $ \nTargets targets ->
-@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
- {#pointer ClipboardClearFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardGetFunc ::
-- (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> {#type guint#} -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardGetFunc
-+ (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> {#type guint#} -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardGetFunc
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardClearFunc ::
- (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardClearFunc
-@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
- -- ignored.
- clipboardSetWithOwner self targets getFunc clearFunc owner = do
- gFunPtr <- mkClipboardGetFunc
-- (\_ sPtr info -> runReaderT (getFunc info) sPtr >> return ())
-+ (\_ sPtr info _ -> runReaderT (getFunc info) sPtr >> return ())
- cFunPtr <- mkClipboardClearFunc
- (\_ _ -> clearFunc)
- res <- withTargetEntries targets $ \nTargets targets ->
-@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
- clipboardRequestContents self (Atom target) callback = do
- cbRef <- newIORef nullFunPtr
- cbPtr <- mkClipboardReceivedFunc
-- (\_ sPtr -> do
-+ (\_ sPtr _ -> do
- freeHaskellFunPtr =<< readIORef cbRef
- runReaderT callback sPtr
- return ())
-@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
- {#pointer ClipboardReceivedFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardReceivedFunc ::
-- (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardReceivedFunc
-+ (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardReceivedFunc
- -- %hash c:7bb1 d:4ef1
- -- | Requests the contents of the clipboard as text. When the text is later
-@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
- clipboardRequestText self callback = do
- cbRef <- newIORef nullFunPtr
- cbPtr <- mkClipboardTextReceivedFunc
-- (\_ sPtr -> do
-+ (\_ sPtr _ -> do
- freeHaskellFunPtr =<< readIORef cbRef
- mStr <- if sPtr==nullPtr then return Nothing else
- liftM Just $ peekUTFString sPtr
-@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
- {#pointer ClipboardTextReceivedFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardTextReceivedFunc ::
-- (Ptr Clipboard -> CString -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardTextReceivedFunc
-+ (Ptr Clipboard -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardTextReceivedFunc
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,6,0)
-@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
- clipboardRequestImage self callback = do
- cbRef <- newIORef nullFunPtr
- cbPtr <- mkClipboardImageReceivedFunc
-- (\_ sPtr -> do
-+ (\_ sPtr _ -> do
- freeHaskellFunPtr =<< readIORef cbRef
- mPixbuf <- maybeNull (makeNewGObject mkPixbuf) (return sPtr)
- callback mPixbuf)
-@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
- {#pointer ClipboardImageReceivedFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardImageReceivedFunc ::
-- (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr Pixbuf -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardImageReceivedFunc
-+ (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr Pixbuf -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardImageReceivedFunc
- #endif
-@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
- clipboardRequestTargets self callback = do
- cbRef <- newIORef nullFunPtr
- cbPtr <- mkClipboardTargetsReceivedFunc
-- (\_ tPtr len -> do
-+ (\_ tPtr len _ -> do
- -- We must free Haskell pointer *in* the callback to avoid segfault.
- freeHaskellFunPtr =<< readIORef cbRef
- mTargets <- if tPtr==nullPtr then return Nothing else
-@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
- {#pointer ClipboardTargetsReceivedFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardTargetsReceivedFunc ::
-- (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr (Ptr ()) -> {#type gint#} -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardTargetsReceivedFunc
-+ (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr (Ptr ()) -> {#type gint#} -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO ClipboardTargetsReceivedFunc
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,10,0)
- -- %hash c:5601 d:d6a6
-@@ -552,10 +552,10 @@
- clipboardRequestRichText self buffer callback = do
- cbRef <- newIORef nullFunPtr
- cbPtr <- mkClipboardRichTextReceivedFunc
-- (\_ tPtr sPtr len -> do
-+ (\_ tPtr sPtr len _ -> do
- freeHaskellFunPtr =<< readIORef cbRef
- mRes <- if sPtr==nullPtr then return Nothing else liftM Just $ do
-- str <- peekUTFStringLen (sPtr,fromIntegral len)
-+ str <- peekUTFStringLen (castPtr sPtr,fromIntegral len)
- return (Atom tPtr, str)
- callback mRes)
- writeIORef cbRef cbPtr
-@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
- {#pointer ClipboardRichTextReceivedFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkClipboardRichTextReceivedFunc ::
-- (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> CString -> {#type gsize#} -> IO ()) ->
-+ (Ptr Clipboard -> Ptr () -> Ptr CUChar -> {#type gsize#} -> Ptr () -> IO ()) ->
- IO ClipboardRichTextReceivedFunc
- #endif
- #endif
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs 2012-10-02 16:27:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
- -- their arguments from the main loop, that is, from the OS thread of Gtk,
- -- thereby ensuring that any Gtk and OS function can be called.
- --
--{#fun unsafe gdk_threads_enter as threadsEnter {} -> `()' #}
-+{#fun gdk_threads_enter as threadsEnter {} -> `()' #}
- -- | Release the global Gtk lock.
- --
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/MenuComboToolbar/ComboBox.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/MenuComboToolbar/ComboBox.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -493,17 +493,17 @@
- {# call gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func #}
- (toComboBox self) nullFunPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr
- comboBoxSetRowSeparatorSource self (Just (model, extract)) = do
-- funPtr <- mkRowSeparatorFunc $ \_ iterPtr -> do
-+ funPtr <- mkRowSeparatorFunc $ \_ iterPtr _ -> do
- iter <- peek iterPtr
- value <- customStoreGetRow model iter
-- return (extract value)
-+ return (fromBool $ extract value)
- {# call gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func #}
- (toComboBox self) funPtr (castFunPtrToPtr funPtr) destroyFunPtr
- {#pointer TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkRowSeparatorFunc ::
-- (Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO Bool) -> IO TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc
-+ (Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr () -> IO {#type gboolean #}) -> IO TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc
- -- %hash c:5bf8
- -- | Sets whether the popup menu should have a tearoff menu item.
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/MenuComboToolbar/MenuItem.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/MenuComboToolbar/MenuItem.chs 2012-10-02 16:27:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -76,6 +76,12 @@
- menuItemNewWithMnemonic,
- -- * Methods
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,16,0)
-+ menuItemSetLabel,
-+ menuItemGetLabel,
-+ menuItemSetUseUnderline,
-+ menuItemGetUseUnderline,
- menuItemSetSubmenu,
- menuItemGetSubmenu,
- menuItemRemoveSubmenu,
-@@ -89,6 +95,10 @@
- -- * Attributes
- menuItemSubmenu,
- menuItemRightJustified,
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,16,0)
-+ menuItemLabel,
-+ menuItemUseUnderline,
- -- * Signals
- menuItemActivateItem,
-@@ -163,7 +173,36 @@
- --------------------
- -- Methods
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,16,0)
-+-- | Sets text on the MenuItem label
-+menuItemSetLabel :: (MenuItemClass self) => self -> String -> IO ()
-+menuItemSetLabel self label =
-+ withUTFString label $ {# call gtk_menu_item_set_label #} (toMenuItem self)
-+-- | Gets text on the MenuItem label
-+menuItemGetLabel :: (MenuItemClass self) => self -> IO String
-+menuItemGetLabel self =
-+ {# call gtk_menu_item_get_label #}
-+ (toMenuItem self)
-+ >>= \strPtr -> if strPtr == nullPtr
-+ then return ""
-+ else peekUTFString strPtr
-+-- | If True, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
-+menuItemSetUseUnderline :: (MenuItemClass self) => self -> Bool -> IO ()
-+menuItemSetUseUnderline self =
-+ {# call gtk_menu_item_set_use_underline #} (toMenuItem self) . fromBool
-+-- | Checks if an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
-+menuItemGetUseUnderline :: (MenuItemClass self) => self -> IO Bool
-+menuItemGetUseUnderline self =
-+ liftM toBool $ {# call gtk_menu_item_get_use_underline #}
-+ (toMenuItem self)
- -- | Sets the item's submenu, or changes it.
- --
- menuItemSetSubmenu :: (MenuItemClass self, MenuClass submenu) => self -> submenu -> IO ()
-@@ -278,6 +317,22 @@
- menuItemGetRightJustified
- menuItemSetRightJustified
-+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,16,0)
-+-- | \'label\' property. See 'menuItemSetLabel' and 'menuItemGetLabel'
-+menuItemLabel :: MenuItemClass self => Attr self String
-+menuItemLabel = newAttr
-+ menuItemGetLabel
-+ menuItemSetLabel
-+-- | \'useUnderline\' property. See 'menuItemSetUseUnderline' and
-+-- 'menuItemGetUseEUnderline'
-+menuItemUseUnderline :: MenuItemClass self => Attr self Bool
-+menuItemUseUnderline = newAttr
-+ menuItemGetUseUnderline
-+ menuItemSetUseUnderline
- --------------------
- -- Signals
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/CustomStore.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/CustomStore.chs 2012-10-02 16:27:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
- customTreeDragSourceIface = fromMaybe dummyDragSource mDragSource,
- customTreeDragDestIface = fromMaybe dummyDragDest mDragDest }
- privPtr <- newStablePtr priv
-- liftM con $ makeNewGObject (CustomStore, objectUnref) $
-+ liftM con $ wrapNewGObject (CustomStore, objectUnref) $
- gtk2hs_store_new implPtr privPtr
- foreign import ccall unsafe "Gtk2HsStore.h gtk2hs_store_new"
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeModel.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeModel.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
- {#pointer TreeModelForeachFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTreeModelForeachFunc ::
-- (Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr () -> IO CInt) ->
-+ (Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr () -> IO CInt) ->
- IO TreeModelForeachFunc
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,2,0)
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeModelFilter.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeModelFilter.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
- {#pointer TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc #}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTreeModelFilterVisibleFunc ::
-- (Ptr TreeModelFilter -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr () -> IO {#type gboolean#}) ->
-+ (Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr () -> IO {#type gboolean#}) ->
- IO TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc
- -- %hash c:a56d d:b42e
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeSelection.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeSelection.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
- treeSelectionSetSelectFunction :: TreeSelectionClass self => self
- -> TreeSelectionCB -> IO ()
- treeSelectionSetSelectFunction ts fun = do
-- fPtr <- mkTreeSelectionFunc (\_ _ tp _ -> do
-+ fPtr <- mkTreeSelectionFunc (\_ _ tp _ _ -> do
- path <- peekTreePath (castPtr tp)
- liftM fromBool $ fun path
- )
-@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
- {#pointer TreeSelectionFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTreeSelectionFunc ::
-- (Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr TreePath -> Ptr () -> IO CInt)->
-+ (Ptr TreeSelection -> Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> {#type gint#} -> Ptr () -> IO CInt)->
- IO TreeSelectionFunc
- -- | Retrieve the 'TreeView' widget that this 'TreeSelection' works on.
-@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
- -> TreeSelectionForeachCB
- -> IO ()
- treeSelectionSelectedForeach self fun = do
-- fPtr <- mkTreeSelectionForeachFunc (\_ _ iterPtr -> do
-+ fPtr <- mkTreeSelectionForeachFunc (\_ _ iterPtr _ -> do
- -- make a deep copy of the iterator. This makes it possible to store this
- -- iterator in Haskell land somewhere. The TreeModel parameter is not
- -- passed to the function due to performance reasons. But since it is
-@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
- {#pointer TreeSelectionForeachFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTreeSelectionForeachFunc ::
-- (Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO ()) -> IO TreeSelectionForeachFunc
-+ (Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr () -> IO ()) -> IO TreeSelectionForeachFunc
- #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,2,0)
- -- | Creates a list of paths of all selected rows.
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeView.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/TreeView.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
- {#pointer TreeViewColumnDropFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTreeViewColumnDropFunc ::
-- (Ptr () -> Ptr TreeViewColumn -> Ptr TreeViewColumn -> Ptr TreeViewColumn ->
-+ (Ptr TreeView -> Ptr TreeViewColumn -> Ptr TreeViewColumn -> Ptr TreeViewColumn ->
- Ptr () -> IO {#type gboolean#}) -> IO TreeViewColumnDropFunc
- -- | Scroll to a coordinate.
-@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
- {#pointer TreeViewMappingFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTreeViewMappingFunc ::
-- (Ptr () -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> Ptr () -> IO ()) ->
-+ (Ptr TreeView -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> Ptr () -> IO ()) ->
- IO TreeViewMappingFunc
- -- | Check if row is expanded.
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Multiline/TextBuffer.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Multiline/TextBuffer.chs 2012-10-02 16:27:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1251,16 +1251,26 @@
- -- | A 'Pixbuf' is inserted into the buffer.
- --
-+-- * See note in 'bufferInsertText'.
- insertPixbuf :: TextBufferClass self => Signal self (TextIter -> Pixbuf -> IO ())
- insertPixbuf = Signal (connect_BOXED_OBJECT__NONE "insert-pixbuf" mkTextIterCopy)
- -- | The 'insertChildAnchor' signal is emitted to insert a 'TextChildAnchor' in a 'TextBuffer'.
- -- Insertion actually occurs in the default handler.
- --
-+-- * See note in 'bufferInsertText'.
- insertChildAnchor :: TextBufferClass self => Signal self (TextIter -> TextChildAnchor -> IO ())
- insertChildAnchor = Signal (connect_BOXED_OBJECT__NONE "insert-child-anchor" mkTextIterCopy)
---- | Some text was inserted.
-+-- | Some text is inserted. Insertion actually occurs in the default handler.
-+-- * The function connected to this handler may not modify the buffer since
-+-- this would invalidate the iterator. If this function replaces the
-+-- default handler, it needs to stop the emission of this signal in order
-+-- to prevent the default handler from running. If additional text should
-+-- be inserted, this can be done using the 'after' function to connect.
- --
- bufferInsertText :: TextBufferClass self => Signal self (TextIter -> String -> IO ())
- bufferInsertText = Signal $ \after obj handler ->
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Multiline/TextIter.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Multiline/TextIter.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
- {#pointer TextCharPredicate#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkTextCharPredicate ::
-- ({#type gunichar#} -> Ptr () -> {#type gboolean#}) -> IO TextCharPredicate
-+ ({#type gunichar#} -> Ptr () -> IO {#type gboolean#}) -> IO TextCharPredicate
- -- | Move 'TextIter' forward until a
- -- predicate function returns True.
-@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@
- textIterForwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter ->
- IO Bool
- textIterForwardFindChar ti pred limit = do
-- fPtr <- mkTextCharPredicate (\c _ -> fromBool $ pred (chr (fromIntegral c)))
-+ fPtr <- mkTextCharPredicate (\c _ -> return $ fromBool $ pred (chr (fromIntegral c)))
- res <- liftM toBool $ {#call text_iter_forward_find_char#}
- ti fPtr nullPtr (fromMaybe (TextIter nullForeignPtr) limit)
- freeHaskellFunPtr fPtr
-@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
- textIterBackwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter ->
- IO Bool
- textIterBackwardFindChar ti pred limit = do
-- fPtr <- mkTextCharPredicate (\c _ -> fromBool $ pred (chr (fromIntegral c)))
-+ fPtr <- mkTextCharPredicate (\c _ -> return $ fromBool $ pred (chr (fromIntegral c)))
- res <- liftM toBool $ {#call text_iter_backward_find_char#}
- ti fPtr nullPtr (fromMaybe (TextIter nullForeignPtr) limit)
- freeHaskellFunPtr fPtr
-diff -wbBur /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Windows/Assistant.chs
---- /home/sergej/community-my.svn/haskell-gtk/trunk/src/gtk- 2012-06-18 01:39:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Windows/Assistant.chs 2012-10-02 16:30:54.000000000 +0400
-@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
- {#pointer AssistantPageFunc#}
- foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkAssistantPageFunc ::
-- ({#type glong#} -> Ptr () -> IO {#type glong#})
-+ ({#type gint#} -> Ptr () -> IO {#type gint#})
- -> IO AssistantPageFunc
- -- | Sets the page type for @page@. The page type determines the page behavior
diff --git a/community/haskell-gtk/gtk-gthread.h-include.patch b/community/haskell-gtk/gtk-gthread.h-include.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fc600d6be..000000000
--- a/community/haskell-gtk/gtk-gthread.h-include.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff -u gtk-0.12.2/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/hsgthread.c\~ gtk-0.12.2/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/hsgthread.c
---- gtk-0.12.2/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/hsgthread.c~ 2011-11-14 07:15:41.000000000 +0900
-+++ gtk-0.12.2/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/hsgthread.c 2012-01-08 14:58:45.849209318 +0900
-@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
- */
- #include <glib.h>
--#include <glib/gthread.h>
-+/* f17 gives Error "Only <glib.h> can be included directly."
-+ #include <glib/gthread.h> */
- #include <gdk/gdk.h>
- #include "hsgthread.h"
-Diff finished. Sun Jan 8 14:58:54 2012
diff --git a/community/haskell-gtk/gtk2hs-gtk.install b/community/haskell-gtk/gtk2hs-gtk.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed674b78..000000000
--- a/community/haskell-gtk/gtk2hs-gtk.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
- ${HS_DIR}/
- (cd usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries; ./gen_contents_index)
-pre_upgrade() {
- ${HS_DIR}/
-post_upgrade() {
- ${HS_DIR}/
- (cd usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries; ./gen_contents_index)
-pre_remove() {
- ${HS_DIR}/
-post_remove() {
- (cd usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries; ./gen_contents_index)