path: root/community/pdns
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'community/pdns')
4 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/community/pdns/PKGBUILD b/community/pdns/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffec56609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/pdns/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 94038 2013-07-13 12:35:15Z svenstaro $
+# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <>
+# Contributor: Jan de Groot <>
+# Contributor: Kevin Mihelich <>
+pkgdesc='Modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+depends=('boost-libs' 'gcc-libs' 'postgresql-libs' 'libmariadbclient' 'sqlite' 'libldap' 'lua51')
+provides=('pdns-ldap' 'pdns-mysql' 'pdns-sqlite' 'pdns-pgsql')
+replaces=('pdns-ldap' 'pdns-mysql' 'pdns-sqlite' 'pdns-pgsql')
+conflicts=('pdns-ldap' 'pdns-mysql' 'pdns-sqlite' 'pdns-pgsql')
+options=('!makeflags' '!libtool')
+ 'pdns.service'
+ 'pdns.conf')
+ 'b2358a5951ac944feee15ac03d42ffe9c2a72fa6f57746f77ef8997d54a82040'
+ 'a1afcccb0d2fb6a6f7a5960de95f8d38ce1ac75ac5e3dcecf09e49f0de10166e')
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/powerdns \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
+ --libdir=/usr/lib/powerdns \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --with-modules='' \
+ --with-dynmodules="ldap pipe gmysql gpgsql gsqlite3 geo" \
+ --disable-static \
+ --sbindir=/usr/bin \
+ --bindir=/usr/bin
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ install -m644 "$srcdir/pdns.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/powerdns/"
+ install -Dm644 "$srcdir/pdns.service" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/pdns.service"
+ rm -f "$pkgdir/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf-dist"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/community/pdns/pdns.conf b/community/pdns/pdns.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e71d7155c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/pdns/pdns.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+# Autogenerated configuration file template
+# allow-axfr-ips Allow zonetransfers only to these subnets
+# allow-axfr-ips=,::/0
+# allow-recursion List of subnets that are allowed to recurse
+# cache-ttl Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
+# chroot If set, chroot to this directory for more security
+# config-dir Location of configuration directory (pdns.conf)
+# config-name Name of this virtual configuration - will rename the binary image
+# config-name=
+# control-console Debugging switch - don't use
+# control-console=no
+# daemon Operate as a daemon
+# default-soa-name name to insert in the SOA record if none set in the backend
+# default-soa-name=a.misconfigured.powerdns.server
+# default-ttl Seconds a result is valid if not set otherwise
+# default-ttl=3600
+# disable-axfr Disable zonetransfers but do allow TCP queries
+# disable-axfr=no
+# disable-tcp Do not listen to TCP queries
+# disable-tcp=no
+# distributor-threads Default number of Distributor (backend) threads to start
+# do-ipv6-additional-processing Do AAAA additional processing
+# do-ipv6-additional-processing=yes
+# edns-subnet-option-number EDNS option number to use
+# edns-subnet-option-number=20730
+# edns-subnet-processing If we should act on EDNS Subnet options
+# edns-subnet-processing=no
+# entropy-source If set, read entropy from this file
+# entropy-source=/dev/urandom
+# experimental-direct-dnskey EXPERIMENTAL: fetch DNSKEY RRs from backend during DNSKEY synthesis
+# experimental-direct-dnskey=no
+# experimental-json-interface If the webserver should serve JSON data
+# experimental-json-interface=no
+# experimental-logfile Filename of the log file for JSON parser
+# experimental-logfile=/var/log/pdns.log
+# fancy-records Process URL and MBOXFW records
+# fancy-records=no
+# guardian Run within a guardian process
+# launch Which backends to launch and order to query them in
+# launch=
+# load-modules Load this module - supply absolute or relative path
+# load-modules=
+# local-address Local IP addresses to which we bind
+# local-ipv6 Local IP address to which we bind
+# local-ipv6=
+# local-port The port on which we listen
+# log-dns-details If PDNS should log DNS non-erroneous details
+# log-dns-details=
+# log-dns-queries If PDNS should log all incoming DNS queries
+# log-dns-queries=no
+# log-failed-updates If PDNS should log failed update requests
+# log-failed-updates=
+# logging-facility Log under a specific facility
+# logging-facility=
+# loglevel Amount of logging. Higher is more. Do not set below 3
+# lua-prequery-script Lua script with prequery handler
+# lua-prequery-script=
+# master Act as a master
+# master=no
+# max-cache-entries Maximum number of cache entries
+# max-cache-entries=1000000
+# max-ent-entries Maximum number of empty non-terminals in a zone
+# max-ent-entries=100000
+# max-queue-length Maximum queuelength before considering situation lost
+# max-queue-length=5000
+# max-tcp-connections Maximum number of TCP connections
+# max-tcp-connections=10
+# module-dir Default directory for modules
+# negquery-cache-ttl Seconds to store negative query results in the QueryCache
+# no-shuffle Set this to prevent random shuffling of answers - for regression testing
+# no-shuffle=off
+# out-of-zone-additional-processing Do out of zone additional processing
+# out-of-zone-additional-processing=yes
+# overload-queue-length Maximum queuelength moving to packetcache only
+# overload-queue-length=0
+# pipebackend-abi-version Version of the pipe backend ABI
+# pipebackend-abi-version=1
+# query-cache-ttl Seconds to store query results in the QueryCache
+# query-cache-ttl=20
+# query-local-address Source IP address for sending queries
+# query-local-address=
+# query-local-address6 Source IPv6 address for sending queries
+# query-local-address6=::
+# query-logging Hint backends that queries should be logged
+# query-logging=no
+# queue-limit Maximum number of milliseconds to queue a query
+# queue-limit=1500
+# receiver-threads Default number of Distributor (backend) threads to start
+# receiver-threads=1
+# recursive-cache-ttl Seconds to store packets for recursive queries in the PacketCache
+# recursive-cache-ttl=10
+# recursor If recursion is desired, IP address of a recursing nameserver
+# recursor=no
+# retrieval-threads Number of AXFR-retrieval threads for slave operation
+# retrieval-threads=2
+# send-root-referral Send out old-fashioned root-referral instead of ServFail in case of no authority
+# send-root-referral=no
+# server-id Returned when queried for '' TXT or NSID, defaults to hostname
+# server-id=
+# setgid If set, change group id to this gid for more security
+# setuid If set, change user id to this uid for more security
+# signing-threads Default number of signer threads to start
+# signing-threads=3
+# slave Act as a slave
+# slave=no
+# slave-cycle-interval Reschedule failed SOA serial checks once every .. seconds
+# slave-cycle-interval=60
+# slave-renotify If we should send out notifications for slaved updates
+# slave-renotify=no
+# smtpredirector Our smtpredir MX host
+# smtpredirector=a.misconfigured.powerdns.smtp.server
+# soa-expire-default Default SOA expire
+# soa-expire-default=604800
+# soa-minimum-ttl Default SOA minimum ttl
+# soa-minimum-ttl=3600
+# soa-refresh-default Default SOA refresh
+# soa-refresh-default=10800
+# soa-retry-default Default SOA retry
+# soa-retry-default=3600
+# soa-serial-offset Make sure that no SOA serial is less than this number
+# soa-serial-offset=0
+# socket-dir Where the controlsocket will live
+# strict-rfc-axfrs Perform strictly rfc compliant axfrs (very slow)
+# strict-rfc-axfrs=no
+# tcp-control-address If set, PowerDNS can be controlled over TCP on this address
+# tcp-control-address=
+# tcp-control-port If set, PowerDNS can be controlled over TCP on this address
+# tcp-control-port=53000
+# tcp-control-range If set, remote control of PowerDNS is possible over these networks only
+# tcp-control-range=,,,, ::1/128, fe80::/10
+# tcp-control-secret If set, PowerDNS can be controlled over TCP after passing this secret
+# tcp-control-secret=
+# traceback-handler Enable the traceback handler (Linux only)
+# traceback-handler=yes
+# trusted-notification-proxy IP address of incoming notification proxy
+# trusted-notification-proxy=
+# urlredirector Where we send hosts to that need to be url redirected
+# urlredirector=
+# version-string PowerDNS version in packets - full, anonymous, powerdns or custom
+# version-string=full
+# webserver Start a webserver for monitoring
+# webserver-address IP Address of webserver to listen on
+# webserver-address=
+# webserver-password Password required for accessing the webserver
+# webserver-password=
+# webserver-port Port of webserver to listen on
+# webserver-port=8081
+# webserver-print-arguments If the webserver should print arguments
+# webserver-print-arguments=no
+# wildcard-url Process URL and MBOXFW records
+# wildcard-url=no
diff --git a/community/pdns/pdns.install b/community/pdns/pdns.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f41b36b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/pdns/pdns.install
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+post_install() {
+ cat << 'EOM'
+==> PowerDNS is built without recursor now. To use the recursor,
+==> please install the pdns-recursor package and update the
+==> configuration in /etc/powerdns/recursor.conf
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install $1
diff --git a/community/pdns/pdns.service b/community/pdns/pdns.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b544ba73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/pdns/pdns.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=PowerDNS Authorative Server
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/pdns_server --daemon --guardian=yes
+ExecReload=/usr/bin/pdns_control cycle
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/pdns_control quit