path: root/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD b/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdfbee155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 103015 2010-12-14 07:09:05Z pierre $
+# Maintainer: Pierre Schmitz <>
+# Maintainer (Parabola): fauno <>
+pkgdesc='Base filesystem for Parabola'
+depends=('iana-etc' 'bash' 'coreutils')
+backup=('etc/fstab' 'etc/crypttab' 'etc/group' 'etc/hosts' 'etc/' 'etc/passwd'
+ 'etc/shadow' 'etc/gshadow' 'etc/resolv.conf' 'etc/motd' 'etc/nsswitch.conf'
+ 'etc/shells' 'etc/host.conf' 'etc/securetty' 'etc/profile' 'etc/issue')
+source=('group' 'issue' 'nsswitch.conf' 'securetty' 'host.conf' ''
+ 'passwd' 'shadow' 'fstab' 'crypttab' 'hosts' 'motd' 'resolv.conf' 'shells'
+ 'gshadow' 'profile' 'modprobe.d.usb-load-ehci-first')
+ '140787c0dc6f3f1272cfd381b92b0155'
+ '13753e4e0964f3652b0cc60a28528bdf'
+ '4c4540eeb748bf1f71d631b8c1dcf0b3'
+ 'f28150d4c0b22a017be51b9f7f9977ed'
+ '6e488ffecc8ba142c0cf7e2d7aeb832e'
+ '8a9042a2cedf6b6b47eb8973f14289cb'
+ 'b8355d9d2782f424f4cedcf682651be0'
+ 'ef40305da5803ca69d22e428ffc2ab9b'
+ 'e5d8323a4dbee7a6d0d2a19cbf4b819f'
+ '7bc65f234dfb6abf24e7c3b03e86f4ff'
+ 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
+ '6f48288b6fcaf0065fcb7b0e525413e0'
+ '40dac0de4c6b99c8ca97effbd7527c84'
+ '59768b5f4080b96b67bcde5f66984ad5'
+ '51ac5c337236235bf8fe85a9b07b6db1'
+ '8098ffd9fbf890468d3198277596b85a')
+package() {
+ cd ${srcdir}
+ #
+ # setup root filesystem
+ #
+ for d in bin boot dev etc home lib/modules media mnt sbin usr var opt srv/http sys; do
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/${d}
+ done
+ install -d -m555 ${pkgdir}/proc
+ install -d -m0750 ${pkgdir}/root
+ install -d -m1777 ${pkgdir}/tmp
+ # vsftpd won't run with write perms on /srv/ftp
+ install -d -m555 -g ftp ${pkgdir}/srv/ftp
+ # setup /etc
+ install -d ${pkgdir}/etc/{,skel,profile.d}
+ for f in fstab group host.conf hosts issue motd nsswitch.conf passwd resolv.conf securetty shells profile; do
+ install -m644 ${srcdir}/${f} ${pkgdir}/etc/
+ done
+ for f in gshadow shadow crypttab; do
+ install -m600 ${srcdir}/${f} ${pkgdir}/etc/
+ done
+ touch ${pkgdir}/etc/arch-release
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/modprobe.d.usb-load-ehci-first ${pkgdir}/etc/modprobe.d/usb-load-ehci-first.conf
+ # setup /var
+ for d in cache/man local opt run log/old lib/misc empty; do
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/var/${d}
+ done
+ install -d -m1777 ${pkgdir}/var/{lock,tmp,spool/mail}
+ # allow setgid games to write scores
+ install -d -m775 -g games ${pkgdir}/var/games
+ ln -s spool/mail ${pkgdir}/var/mail
+ # prevent pacman from removing directory (FS#16886)
+ touch ${pkgdir}/var/empty/.keep
+ #
+ # setup /usr hierarchy
+ #
+ for d in bin include lib sbin share/misc src; do
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/usr/${d}
+ done
+ for d in $(seq 8); do
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man${d}
+ done
+ #
+ # setup /usr/local hierarchy
+ #
+ for d in bin etc games include lib man sbin share src; do
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/usr/local/${d}
+ done
+ ln -s ../man ${pkgdir}/usr/local/share/man