path: root/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD b/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 69edeeb16..000000000
--- a/libre/filesystem/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 180021 2013-03-14 19:23:11Z dreisner $
-# Maintainer: Tom Gundersen <>
-# Maintainer (Parabola): Nicolás Reynolds <>
-# Maintainer (Parabola): André Silva <>
-pkgdesc='Base filesystem (Parabola rebranded)'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el')
-backup=('etc/fstab' 'etc/crypttab' 'etc/group' 'etc/hosts' 'etc/' 'etc/passwd'
- 'etc/shadow' 'etc/gshadow' 'etc/resolv.conf' 'etc/motd' 'etc/nsswitch.conf'
- 'etc/shells' 'etc/host.conf' 'etc/securetty' 'etc/profile' 'etc/issue')
-source=('group' 'issue' 'nsswitch.conf' 'securetty' 'host.conf' ''
- 'passwd' 'shadow' 'fstab' 'crypttab' 'hosts' 'motd' 'os-release' 'resolv.conf'
- 'shells' 'gshadow' 'profile' 'modprobe.d.usb-load-ehci-first' 'parabola.7.txt'
- '')
-build() {
- cd ${srcdir}
- a2x -d manpage -f manpage parabola.7.txt
-package() {
- cd ${pkgdir}
- #
- # setup root filesystem
- #
- for d in boot dev etc home mnt usr var opt srv/http run; do
- install -d -m755 ${d}
- done
- install -d -m555 proc
- install -d -m555 sys
- install -d -m0750 root
- install -d -m1777 tmp
- # vsftpd won't run with write perms on /srv/ftp
- install -d -m555 -g ftp srv/ftp
- # setup /etc
- install -d etc/{,skel,profile.d}
- for f in fstab group host.conf hosts issue motd nsswitch.conf os-release passwd resolv.conf securetty shells profile; do
- install -m644 ${srcdir}/${f} etc/
- done
- ln -s /proc/self/mounts etc/mtab
- for f in gshadow shadow crypttab; do
- install -m600 ${srcdir}/${f} etc/
- done
- touch etc/parabola-release
- ln -s parabola-release etc/arch-release
- install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/modprobe.d.usb-load-ehci-first usr/lib/modprobe.d/usb-load-ehci-first.conf
- install -m755 ${srcdir}/ etc/profile.d/
- # setup /var
- for d in cache/man local opt log/old lib/misc empty; do
- install -d -m755 var/${d}
- done
- install -d -m1777 var/{tmp,spool/mail}
- # allow setgid games to write scores
- install -d -m775 -g games var/games
- ln -s spool/mail var/mail
- ln -s ../run var/run
- ln -s ../run/lock var/lock
- #
- # setup /usr hierarchy
- #
- for d in bin include lib share/misc src; do
- install -d -m755 usr/${d}
- done
- for d in $(seq 8); do
- install -d -m755 usr/share/man/man${d}
- done
- #
- # add lib symlinks
- #
- ln -s usr/lib ${pkgdir}/lib
- [[ ${CARCH} = "x86_64" ]] && (
- ln -s usr/lib ${pkgdir}/lib64
- ln -s lib ${pkgdir}/usr/lib64
- )
- [[ ${CARCH} = "mips64el" ]] && (
- # For the N32 ABI.
- ln -s usr/lib ${pkgdir}/lib32
- ln -s lib ${pkgdir}/usr/lib32
- )
- #
- # add bin symlinks
- #
- ln -s usr/bin ${pkgdir}/bin
- ln -s usr/bin ${pkgdir}/sbin
- ln -s bin ${pkgdir}/usr/sbin
- #
- # install parabola(7) manpage
- #
- install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/parabola.7 usr/share/man/man7/parabola.7
- #
- # setup /usr/local hierarchy
- #
- for d in bin etc games include lib man sbin share src; do
- install -d -m755 usr/local/${d}
- done
- ln -s ../man usr/local/share/man
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