path: root/src
diff options
authorDieter Plaetinck <>2008-11-23 12:26:10 +0100
committerDieter Plaetinck <>2008-11-23 12:26:10 +0100
commitecc499acc3559ff370608d1e3910b7f5e5269577 (patch)
tree11b4612869f66ebffb2ad040976f8917d0935d65 /src
parentd584ea5cdd121a8155cb1638cbcad5d0a3c27c93 (diff)
moving filesystem adding/editing/deleting in separate function
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/libs/ b/src/core/libs/
index 75ca06d..1c2223d 100644
--- a/src/core/libs/
+++ b/src/core/libs/
@@ -226,97 +226,104 @@ interactive_partition() {
-interactive_filesystems() {
- notify "Available Disks:\n\n$(_getavaildisks)\n"
- # Let the user make filesystems and mountpoints
- TMP_MENU=/home/arch/aif/runtime/.tmpmenu
- # $TMP_MENU entry:
- # <blockdevice>(type,[label]) empty/<FS-string> # note that each line must have 2 fields only, separated by 1 space!
- # FS-string:
- # type;mountpoint;opts;label;params[|FS-string|...]
- findpartitions 0 'empty' '(raw,)') > $TMP_MENU
- while [ "$USERHAPPY" = 0 ]
- do
- ask_option no "Manage filesystems, block devices and virtual devices. Note that you don't *need* to specify opts, labels or extra params if you're not using lvm, dm_crypt, etc." `cat $TMP_MENU` DONE _
- [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" == DONE ] && USERHAPPY=1 && break
+# create new, delete, or edit a filesystem
+interactive_filesystem ()
+ part=$1
+ part_type=$2
+ part_label=$3
+ fs=$4
+ if [ $fs = empty ]
+ then
+ fs_type=
+ fs_mount=
+ fs_opts=
+ fs_label=
+ fs_params=
+ else
+ ask_option edit "What do you want to do on $part ($part_type,$part_label) ?" edit EDIT delete 'DELETE (revert to raw partition)'
+ if [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" = delete ]
+ then
+ return 0
+ else
+ fs_type=` cut -d ';' -f 1 <<< $fs`
+ fs_mount=` cut -d ';' -f 2 <<< $fs`
+ fs_opts=` cut -d ';' -f 3 <<< $fs`
+ fs_label=` cut -d ';' -f 4 <<< $fs`
+ fs_params=`cut -d ';' -f 5 <<< $fs`
+ [ "$fs_type" = no_type ] && fs_type=
+ [ "$fs_mount" = no_mount ] && fs_mount=
+ [ "$fs_opts" = no_opts ] && fs_opts=
+ [ "$fs_label" = no_label ] && fs_label=
+ [ "$fs_params" = no_params ] && fs_params=
+ old_fs_type=$fs_type
+ old_fs_mount=$fs_mount
+ old_fs_opts=$fs_opts
+ old_fs_label=$fs_label
+ old_fs_params=$fs_params
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Possible filesystems/software layers on partitions/block devices
+ # name on top of mountpoint? label? DM device? theoretical device? opts? special params?
+ # swap raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt no no no no no no
+ # ext 2 raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
+ # ext 3 raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
+ # reiserFS raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
+ # xfs raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
+ # jfs raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
+ # vfat raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional opt i guess no no optional no
+ # lvm-pv raw/dm_crypt no no no. $pv = $part yes. $part(lvm-pv) optional no
+ # lvm-vg lvm-pv no yes /dev/mapper/$label =dm device optional PV's to use
+ # lvm-lv lvm-vg no yes /dev/mapper/$part_label-$label =dm device optional LV size
+ # dm_crypt raw/rvm-lv no yes /dev/mapper/$label =dm device optional no
+ # Determine which filesystems/blockdevices are available
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which mkfs.ext2 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS ext2 Ext2"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which mkfs.ext2 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS ext3 Ext3"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which mkreiserfs 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS reiserfs Reiser3"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which mkfs.xfs 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS xfs XFS"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which mkfs.jfs 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS jfs JFS"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which mkfs.vfat 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS vfat VFAT"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = dm_crypt ] && which pvcreate 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS lvm-pv LVM Physical Volume"
+ [ $part_type = lvm-pv ] && which vgcreate 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS lvm-vg LVM Volumegroup"
+ [ $part_type = lvm-vg ] && which lvcreate 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS lvm-lv LVM Logical Volume"
+ [ $part_type = raw -o $part_type = lvm-lv ] && which cryptsetup 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS dm_crypt DM_crypt Volume"
- part=`sed 's/(.*)$//' <<< $ANSWER_OPTION`
- part_type=` sed 's/.*(\(.*\))$/\1/' <<< $ANSWER_OPTION | cut -d ',' -f 1`
- part_label=`sed 's/.*(\(.*\))$/\1/' <<< $ANSWER_OPTION | cut -d ',' -f 2`
- fs=` awk "/^$part/ {print \$2} $TMP_MENU" | cut -d ';' -f 1` ; old_fs=$fs
- mount=` awk "/^$part/ {print \$2} $TMP_MENU" | cut -d ';' -f 2` ; old_mount=$mount
- opts=` awk "/^$part/ {print \$2} $TMP_MENU" | cut -d ';' -f 3` ; old_opts=$opts
- label=` awk "/^$part/ {print \$2} $TMP_MENU" | cut -d ';' -f 4` ; old_label=$label
- params=`awk "/^$part/ {print \$2} $TMP_MENU" | cut -d ';' -f 5` ; old_params=$params
- # Possible filesystems/software layers on partitions/block devices
- # name on top of mountpoint? label? DM device? theoretical device? opts? special params? remarks
- # swap raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt no no no no no no
- # ext 2 raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
- # ext 3 raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
- # reiserFS raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
- # xfs raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
- # jfs raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional optional no no optional no
- # vfat raw/lvm-lv/dm_crypt optional opt i guess no no optional no
- # lvm-pv raw/dm_crypt no no no. $pv = $part yes. $part(lvm-pv) optional no
- # lvm-vg lvm-pv no yes /dev/mapper/$label =dm device optional PV's to use TODO: on 1 vg you must be able to create multiple LV's
- # lvm-lv lvm-vg no yes /dev/mapper/$part_label-$label =dm device optional LV size
- # dm_crypt raw/rvm-lv no yes /dev/mapper/$label =dm device optional no
- # Determine which filesystems/blockdevices are available
- FSOPTS="ext2 ext2 ext3 ext3"
- which mkreiserfs 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS reiserfs Reiser3"
- which mkfs.xfs 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS xfs XFS"
- which mkfs.jfs 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS jfs JFS"
- which mkfs.vfat 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS vfat VFAT"
- which pvcreate 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS lvm-pv LVM Physical Volume"
- which vgcreate 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS lvm-vg LVM Volumegroup"
- which lvcreate 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS lvm-lv LVM Logical Volume"
- which cryptsetup 2>/dev/null && FSOPTS="$FSOPTS dm_crypt DM_crypt Volume"
- #TODO: make separate function interactive_filesystem
-# TODO: implement 0..n FS's logic. default fs: no_filesystem;no_mountpoint;no_opts;no_label;no_params
- #TODO: for each $part_type, select only relevant/possible FSOPTS
# ask FS
- [ "$fs" != no_filesystem ] && default="--default-item $fs"
- _dia_DIALOG --menu "Select a filesystem for $part:" $FSOPTS 2>$ANSWER || return 1 #TODO on PV part you can only make PV/vg, on vg you can only make lv etc
- fs=$(cat $ANSWER)
- [ -z "$fs" ] && fs=no_filesystem
+ [ -n "$fs_type" ] && default="--default-item $fs_type"
+ _dia_DIALOG --menu "Select a filesystem for $part:" $FSOPTS 2>$ANSWER || return 1
+ fs_type=$(cat $ANSWER)
# ask mountpoint, if relevant
- if [[ $fs != lvm-* && "$fs" != dm_crypt ]]
+ if [[ $fs_type != lvm-* && "$fs_type" != dm_crypt ]]
- [ "$mount" != no_mountpoint ] && default="$mount"
+ [ -n "$fs_mount" ] && default="$fs_mount"
_dia_DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the mountpoint for $part" 8 65 "$default" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- fs=$(cat $ANSWER)
- [ -z "$mount" ] && mount=no_mountpoint
+ fs_mount=$(cat $ANSWER)
# ask label, if relevant
- if [ "$fs" = lvm-vg -o "$fs" = lvm-lv -o "$fs" = dm_crypt ]
+ if [ "$fs_type" = lvm-vg -o "$fs_type" = lvm-lv -o "$fs_type" = dm_crypt ]
- [ "$label" != no_label ] && default="$label"
+ [ -n "$fs_label" ] && default="$fs_label"
_dia_DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the label/name for $part" 8 65 "$default" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- label=$(cat $ANSWER)
- [ -z "$label" ] && label=no_label
+ fs_label=$(cat $ANSWER)
# ask special params, if relevant
- if [ "$fs" = lvm-vg ]
+ if [ "$fs_type" = lvm-vg ]
- [ "$params" = no_params ] && params=
- for pv in `sed 's/:/ /' <<< $params`
+ for pv in `sed 's/:/ /' <<< $fs_params`
list="$list $pv ^ ON"
@@ -325,24 +332,62 @@ interactive_filesystems() {
! grep -q "$pv ^ ON" && list="$list $pv - OFF"
_dia_DIALOG --checklist "Which lvm PV's must this volume group span?" 19 55 12 $list 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- params="$(sed 's/ /:/' $ANSWER)" #replace spaces by colon's, we cannot have spaces anywhere in any string
- [ -z "$params" ] && params=no_params
+ fs_params="$(sed 's/ /:/' $ANSWER)" #replace spaces by colon's, we cannot have spaces anywhere in any string
- if [ "$fs" = lvm-lv ]
+ if [ "$fs_type" = lvm-lv ]
- [ "$params" = no_params ] && default='5G'
- [ "$params" != no_params ] && default="$params"
- _dia_DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the size for this $fs on $part (suffix K,M,G,T,P,E. default is M)" 8 65 "$default" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- params=$(cat $ANSWER)
- [ -z "$params" ] && params=no_params
+ [ -z "$fs_params" ] && default='5G'
+ [ -n "$fs_params" ] && default="$fs_params"
+ _dia_DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the size for this $fs_type on $part (suffix K,M,G,T,P,E. default is M)" 8 65 "$default" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
+ fs_params=$(cat $ANSWER)
# ask opts
- [ "$opts" != no_opts ] && default="$opts"
- _dia_DIALOG --inputbox "Enter any additional opts for the program that will make $fs on $part" 8 65 "$default" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- opts=$(cat $ANSWER)
- [ -z "$opts" ] && opts=no_opts
+ [ -n "$fs_opts" ] && default="$fs_opts"
+ _dia_DIALOG --inputbox "Enter any additional opts for the program that will make $fs_type on $part" 8 65 "$default" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
+ fs_opts=$(cat $ANSWER)
+ [ -z "$fs_type" ] && fs_type=no_type
+ [ -z "$fs_mount" ] && fs_mount=no_mount
+ [ -z "$fs_opts" ] && fs_opts=no_opts
+ [ -z "$fs_label" ] && fs_label=no_label
+ [ -z "$fs_params" ] && fs_params=no_params
+ NEW_FILESYSTEM="$fs_type;$fs_mount;$fs_opts;$fs_label;$fs_params"
+interactive_filesystems() {
+ notify "Available Disks:\n\n$(_getavaildisks)\n"
+ # Let the user make filesystems and mountpoints
+ TMP_MENU=/home/arch/aif/runtime/.tmpmenu
+ # $TMP_MENU entry:
+ # <blockdevice>(type,[label]) empty/<FS-string> # note that each line must have 2 fields only, separated by 1 space!
+ # FS-string:
+ # type;mountpoint;opts;label;params[|FS-string|...]
+ findpartitions 0 'empty' '(raw,)') > $TMP_MENU
+ while [ "$USERHAPPY" = 0 ]
+ do
+ ask_option no "Manage filesystems, block devices and virtual devices. Note that you don't *need* to specify opts, labels or extra params if you're not using lvm, dm_crypt, etc." `cat $TMP_MENU` DONE _
+ [ "$ANSWER_OPTION" == DONE ] && USERHAPPY=1 && break
+ part=`sed 's/(.*)$//' <<< $ANSWER_OPTION`
+ part_type=` sed 's/.*(\(.*\))$/\1/' <<< $ANSWER_OPTION | cut -d ',' -f 1`
+ part_label=`sed 's/.*(\(.*\))$/\1/' <<< $ANSWER_OPTION | cut -d ',' -f 2`
+ fs=`awk "/^$part/ {print \$2} $TMP_MENU"`
+ if [ $part_type = lvm-vg ]
+ then
+ #TODO: menu here where you can add/edit 0..n lv's
+ else
+ interactive_filesystem $part $part_type $part_label $fs
+ fi
# update the menu