path: root/src
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1 files changed, 85 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/libs/ b/src/core/libs/
index 3bea3cc..c191347 100644
--- a/src/core/libs/
+++ b/src/core/libs/
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+#TODO: this should be fixed on the installcd.
+modprobe dm-crypt || show_warning modprobe 'Could not modprobe dm-crypt. no support for disk encryption'
+modprobe aes-i586 || show_warning modprobe 'Could not modprobe aes-i586. no support for disk encryption'
@@ -205,74 +211,42 @@ mapdev() {
-# _mkfs() taken from setup code and slightly improved.
+# _mkfs() taken from setup code and altered.
# Create and mount filesystems in our destination system directory.
# args:
-# $1 domk: Whether to make the filesystem or use what is already there (yes/no)
-# $2 device: Device filesystem is on
+# $2 device: target block device
# $3 fstype: type of filesystem located at the device (or what to create)
-# $4 dest: Mounting location for the destination system
-# $5 mountpoint: Mount point inside the destination system, e.g. '/boot'
+# $3 opts: extra opts for the mkfs program (optional)
# returns: 1 on failure
_mkfs() {
- local _domk=$1
- local _device=$2
- local _fstype=$3
- local _dest=$4
- local _mountpoint=$5
- debug "_mkfs: domk: $1, _device: $2, fstype: $3, dest: $4, mountpoint: $5"
- # we have two main cases: "swap" and everything else.
- if [ "${_fstype}" = "swap" ]; then
- swapoff ${_device} >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${_domk}" = "yes" ]; then
- mkswap ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1 || ( show_warning "Error creating swap: mkswap ${_device}" ; return 1 )
- fi
- swapon ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1 || ( show_warning "Error activating swap: swapon ${_device}" ; return 1 )
- else
- # make sure the fstype is one we can handle
- local knownfs=0
- for fs in xfs jfs reiserfs ext2 ext3 vfat; do
- [ "${_fstype}" = "${fs}" ] && knownfs=1 && break
- done
- [ $knownfs -eq 0 ] && ( show_warning "unknown fstype ${_fstype} for ${_device}" ; return 1 )
- # if we were tasked to create the filesystem, do so
- if [ "${_domk}" = "yes" ]; then
- local ret
- case ${_fstype} in
- xfs) mkfs.xfs -f ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
- jfs) yes | mkfs.jfs ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
- reiserfs) yes | mkreiserfs ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
- ext2) mke2fs "${_device}" >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
- ext3) mke2fs -j ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
- vfat) mkfs.vfat ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
- # don't handle anything else here, we will error later
- esac
- [ $ret != 0 ] && ( show_warning "Error creating filesystem ${_fstype} on ${_device}" ; return 1 )
- sleep 2
- fi
- # create our mount directory
- mkdir -p ${_dest}${_mountpoint}
- # mount the bad boy
- mount -t ${_fstype} ${_device} ${_dest}${_mountpoint} >$LOG 2>&1
- [ $? != 0 ] && ( show_warning "Error mounting ${_dest}${_mountpoint}" ; return 1 )
- fi
- # add to temp fstab
- local _uuid="$(getuuid ${_device})"
- if [ -n "${_uuid}" ]; then
- _device="UUID=${_uuid}"
- fi
- echo -n "${_device} ${_mountpoint} ${_fstype} defaults 0 " >>$TMP_FSTAB
+ local _device=$2
+ local _fstype=$3
+ local _opts=$3
+ debug "_mkfs: _device: $1, fstype: $2, opts: $3"
+ # make sure the fstype is one we can handle
+ local knownfs=0
+ for fs in xfs jfs reiserfs ext2 ext3 vfat swap; do
+ [ "${_fstype}" = "${fs}" ] && knownfs=1 && break
+ done
- if [ "${_fstype}" = "swap" ]; then
- echo "0" >>$TMP_FSTAB
- else
- echo "1" >>$TMP_FSTAB
- fi
+ [ $knownfs -eq 0 ] && ( show_warning 'mkfs' "unknown fstype ${_fstype} for ${_device}" ; return 1 )
+ local ret
+ case ${_fstype} in
+ xfs) mkfs.xfs -f ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ jfs) yes | mkfs.jfs ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ reiserfs) yes | mkreiserfs ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ ext2) mke2fs "${_device}" >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ ext3) mke2fs -j ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ vfat) mkfs.vfat ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ swap) mkswap ${_device} >$LOG 2>&1; ret=$? ;;
+ # don't handle anything else here, we will error later
+ esac
+ [ "$ret" != 0 ] && ( show_warning mkfs "Error creating filesystem ${_fstype} on ${_device}" ; return 1 )
+ sleep 2
@@ -431,13 +405,10 @@ fix_filesystems_deprecated ()
# file layout:
# disk something-sfdisk-compliant
-#blockdevice:filesystem:mountpoint(can be null for lvm/dm_crypt stuff):recreate FS? (yes/no)[:extra options for specific filesystem]
# go over each disk in $TMP_PARTITIONS and partition it
process_partitions ()
@@ -448,6 +419,8 @@ process_partitions ()
# go over each filesystem in $TMP_FILESYSTEMS, reorder them so that each entry has it's correspondent block device available (eg if you need /dev/mapper/foo which only becomes available after some other entry is processed) and process them
process_filesystems ()
+ #TODO: reorder file by strlen of mountpoint, so that we don't get 'overridden' mountpoints (eg you don't mount /a/b/c and then /a/b. checking whether the parent dir exists is not good
+ #TODO: 'deconstruct' the mounted filesystems in the right order before doing this (opposite order of construct) (and swapoff)
debug "process_filesystems Called. checking all entries in $TMP_FILESYSTEMS"
while [ $devs_avail = 1 ]
@@ -472,7 +445,55 @@ process_filesystems ()
+#TMP_FILESYSTEMS beware, the 'mount?' for now just matters for the location (if 'target', the target path gets prepended)
+#blockdevice:filesystem:mountpoint:recreate FS?(yes/no):mount?(target,runtime,no)[:extra options for specific filesystem]
+# make a filesystem on a blockdevice and mount if requested.
process_filesystem ()
+ [ -z "$1" ] && die_error "process_filesystem needs a FS entry"
debug "process_filesystem $1"
+ line=$1
+ BLOCK=$( echo $line | cut -d: -f 1)
+ FSTYPE=$(echo $line | cut -d: -f 2)
+ MP=$( echo $line | cut -d: -f 3) # can be null for lvm/dm_crypt stuff
+ DOMKFS=$(echo $line | cut -d: -f 4)
+ DOMNT=$( echo $line | cut -d: -f 5)
+ OPTS=$( echo $line | cut -d: -f 6)
+ if [ "$DOMKFS" = yes ]
+ then
+ _mkfs $BLOCK $FSTYPE $OPTS || return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$DOMNT" = runtime -o "$DOMNT" = target ]
+ then
+ if [ "$FSTYPE" != swap ]
+ then
+ [ "$DOMNT" = runtime ] && dst=$MP
+ [ "$DOMNT" = target ] && dst=$var_TARGET_DIR$MP
+ debug "mounting $BLOCK on $dst"
+ mount -t $FSTYPE $BLOCK $dst >$LOG 2>&1 || ( show_warning 'Mount' "Error mounting $BLOCK on $dst" ; return 1 )
+ else
+ debug "swaponning $BLOCK"
+ swapon $BLOCK >$LOG 2>&1 || ( show_warning 'Swapon' "Error activating swap: swapon $BLOCK" ; return 1 )
+ fi
+ fi
+ # add to temp fstab
+ if [ $MP != null -a $DOMNT = target ]
+ then
+ local _uuid="$(getuuid $BLOCK)"
+ if [ -n "${_uuid}" ]; then
+ _device="UUID=${_uuid}"
+ fi
+ echo -n "$BLOCK ${_mountpoint} $FSTYPE defaults 0 " >>$TMP_FSTAB
+ if [ "$FSTYPE" = "swap" ]; then
+ echo "0" >>$TMP_FSTAB
+ else
+ echo "1" >>$TMP_FSTAB
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
} \ No newline at end of file