path: root/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elisp/erbot/erbc2.el')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d84cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+;;; erbc2.el --- mostly: special functions for erbc.el
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc2.el
+;; Package: erbc2
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; this gile contains yet more functions for fs-. The functions
+;; here shall tend to be "specially defined" ones.
+(defconst erbc2-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defcustom erbc2-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbc2."
+ :group 'erbc2)
+(defcustom erbc2-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbc2."
+ :group 'erbc2)
+(run-hooks 'erbc2-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defvar erbn-while-max 10000)
+(defvar erbn-while-ctr 0)
+(defmacro fs-while (cond &rest body)
+ `(let
+ ((erbn-while-ctr 0))
+ (while
+ ,cond
+ ;; this should enable the with-timeout checks..
+ (sleep-for 0.01)
+ (if (> erbn-while-ctr erbn-while-max)
+ (error "Max while iterations exceeded: %S"
+ erbn-while-ctr))
+ (incf erbn-while-ctr)
+ nil
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro fs-dotimes (spec &rest body)
+ `(dotimes
+ ,spec
+ (sleep-for 0.01)
+ nil
+ ,@body))
+(defun fsi-set-difference (a b)
+ (set-difference a b))
+(defun fsi-pp (&optional foo &rest bar)
+ (pp foo))
+(defvar erbn-tmp-avar nil)
+(defvar erbn-tmp-newargs nil)
+(defun erbn-apply-sandbox-args-old (args)
+ (cond
+ ((= (length args) 0) nil)
+ ((= (length args) 1)
+ (if (equal (caar args) 'quote) args
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox-quoted args)))
+ (t
+ (cons (erblisp-sandbox-quoted (car args))
+ (erbn-apply-sandbox-args (cdr args))))))
+(defun erbn-apply-sandbox-args (args)
+ (cond
+ ((not (listp args))
+ (erblisp-sandbox args))
+ ((= (length args) 0) nil)
+ (t
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox args))))
+(defvar erbn-apptmpa)
+(defvar erbn-apptmpb)
+(defvar erbn-apptmpc)
+(defvar erbn-apptmpd)
+(defvar erbn-tmpsymbolp)
+(defmacro fs-apply (fcnsym &rest args)
+ ""
+ (when erbot-paranoid-p
+ (error "This function is disabled: erbot-paranoid-p"))
+ (unless fcnsym (error "No function to fs-apply!"))
+ (let (erbn-tmpargs
+ (erbn-tmplen (length args))
+ erbn-tmpfirstargs
+ erbn-lastargs
+ erbn-tmpspecialp ;; denotes: NIL: no arguments at all.
+ erbn-tmpnoinitialp ;; denotes the case when the len args =1..
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((= (length args) 0)
+ (setq erbn-tmpspecialp t))
+ ((= (length args) 1)
+ (setq erbn-tmpnoinitialp t)))
+ (cond
+ ((null args)
+ (setq erbn-tmpargs nil)
+ (setq erbn-tmplastargs nil)
+ (setq erbn-tmpspecialp nil))
+ (t
+ (setq erbn-tmpargs
+ (append (subseq args 0 (- erbn-tmplen 1))))
+ (setq erbn-tmplastargs
+ (first (last args)))))
+ (setq erbn-tmpargs (erbn-apply-sandbox-args erbn-tmpargs))
+ (setq erbn-tmplastargs
+ (if (and (listp erbn-tmplastargs)
+ (equal (car erbn-tmplastargs) 'quote))
+ erbn-tmplastargs
+ (erbn-apply-sandbox-args erbn-tmplastargs)))
+ (cond
+ ((listp fcnsym)
+ (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+ ((symbolp fcnsym)
+ (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+ (t (error "No clue how to apply that. ")))
+ (cond
+ (erbn-tmpspecialp
+ `(apply (erblisp-sandbox-quoted ,fcnsym) nil))
+ (erbn-tmpnoinitialp
+ `(apply (erblisp-sandbox-quoted ,fcnsym) ,erbn-tmplastargs))
+ (t
+ `(apply (erblisp-sandbox-quoted ,fcnsym) ,@erbn-tmpargs ,erbn-tmplastargs)))))
+;; (defmacro fs-apply-old (fcnsym &rest args)
+;; (error "This function is old.")
+;; (unless fcnsym (error "No function to fs-apply!"))
+;; (let (erbn-tmpargs
+;; (erbn-tmplen (length args))
+;; erbn-tmpnewargs
+;; )
+;; (cond
+;; ((null args)
+;; (setq erbn-tmpargs nil))
+;; (t
+;; (setq erbn-tmpargs
+;; (append (subseq args 0 (- erbn-tmplen 1))
+;; (last args)))))
+;; (let* (
+;; (erbn-tmp-newargs (erbn-apply-sandbox-args erbn-tmpargs))
+;; (erbn-tmp-newlen (length erbn-tmp-newargs)))
+;; (cond
+;; ((listp fcnsym)
+;; (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+;; ((symbolp fcnsym)
+;; (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+;; (t (error "No clue how to apply that. ")))
+;; `(let ((erbn-tmp-avar ,fcnsym))
+;; (cond
+;; ((symbolp erbn-tmp-avar)
+;; (setq erbn-tmp-avar
+;; (erblisp-sandbox-quoted erbn-tmp-avar)))
+;; (t "nada"))
+;; ,(if (= erbn-tmp-newlen 0)
+;; `(apply erbn-tmp-avar nil)
+;; `(apply erbn-tmp-avar ,@erbn-tmp-newargs nil))))))
+(defmacro fs-funcall (symbol &rest args)
+ `(fs-apply ,symbol ,@args nil))
+;; hm, what is this? Was it me? silly me.. Why did I do this??
+(defalias 'fs-function 'identity)
+(defvar erbn-read-mode nil)
+(defvar erbn-read-input nil)
+(defvar fs-internal-botread-prompt "Enter: ")
+(defun fsi-botread (&optional prompt)
+ (unless prompt (setq prompt fs-internal-botread-prompt))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (erbot-reply (concat prompt "") proc nick tgt msg nil))
+ (setq fs-internal-botread-prompt "Enter: ")
+ (setq erbn-read-mode t)
+ (while
+ (not erbn-read-input)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ (sit-for 0.1))
+ (let ((input erbn-read-input))
+ (setq erbn-read-input nil)
+ (setq erbn-read-mode nil)
+ input))
+(defun fsi-dun-mprinc (str)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (erbot-reply str proc nick tgt msg nil))
+ (setq fs-internal-botread-prompt str))
+(defun fsi-botread-feed-internal (str)
+ (setq erbn-read-input str)
+ (format
+ "Thanks for feeding the read-line. Msg obtained: %s"
+ str)
+ (setq erbn-read-mode nil)
+ str)
+;; i love this thing.. just no time to finish this yet..
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr nil)
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb nil)
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprc nil)
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-error nil)
+;;; (defmacro fs-calsmart (&rest exprs)
+;; "This will insert parenthesis appropriately, so you can type stuff
+;; like , c + 2 3 4 - 3 4 * 3 4 5 (- 2 3)
+;; and fsbot will try parenthesis at appropriate places until the
+;; resulting expression makes sense .. "
+;;; (require 'choose)
+;;; (case (length exprs)
+;;; ((1) `(car ,exprs))
+;;; (t
+;;; `(choose-with
+;;; (let* (
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr expr)
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-break-expr erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr))
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprc
+;;; (choose (list erbn-calsmart-expr
+;;; erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb)))
+;;; )
+;;; (cond
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb
+;;; (condition-case erbn-calsmart-tmp-error
+;;; (eval erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprc)
+;;; (error (choose-fail))))
+;;; ;; couldn't break.. just do the normal thing.
+;;; (t (eval erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr))))))))
+;;; (defun erbn-calsmart-break-expr (expr)
+;;; "Expr is a list, which we intend to break. WE prefer breaking such
+;;; that the broken function gets 2 arguments.
+;;; We want to rewrap everything by erbn-calsmart, so things get broken
+;;; further..
+(defun fsi-bash-specific-quote (&optional number &rest ignored)
+ "NUMBER need not be jsut NUMBER. Any argument to
+bash-specific-quotes, like random, should work."
+ (require 'bash-quotes)
+ (let (aa bb bashstr)
+ (unless number
+ (setq number "random"))
+ (bash-specific-quote (format "%s" number))
+ (sit-for 5)
+ ;; (let (aa bb)
+ ;; (set-buffer "*bash*")
+ ;; (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; (setq aa (search-forward "--------" nil t))
+ ;; (forward-line 1)
+ ;; (setq aa (search-forward "--------" nil t))
+ ;; (forward-line 1)
+ ;; (setq aa (point))
+ ;; (setq bb (search-forward "--------" nil t))
+ ;; (forward-line -1)
+ ;; (setq bb (point))
+ ;; (when (and aa bb)
+ ;; (buffer-substring-no-properties aa bb)))
+ (set-buffer "*bash*")
+ (setq bashstr (erbutils-buffer-string))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert bashstr)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq aa (search-forward-regexp "^--------" nil t))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (setq aa (search-forward-regexp "^--------" nil t))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq aa (point))
+ (setq bb (search-forward-regexp "^--------" nil t))
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (setq bb (point))
+ (if (and aa bb)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties aa bb)
+ "No result"))))
+(defalias 'fsi-bsc 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+(defalias 'fs-bash-quote 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+(defalias ' 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+;;(defalias 'fs-bash 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+(defalias 'fsi-lexical-let 'lexical-let)
+(provide 'erbc2)
+(run-hooks 'erbc2-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbc2.el ends here