mirror/parabola/gnu/librebk-fireA Free version of FreeBSD kernel and utils Parabola git mirror9 years
gnu/librebk-fireA Free version of FreeBSD kernel and utils Parabola git mirror9 years
collectd-systemdA collectd plugin to read systemd unit and job counts Luke T. Shumaker6 years
zenity-gtk2A port of Zenity from GTK+-3.0 to GTK+-2.0 Luke T. Shumaker10 years
git-mirrorA script to mirror many git repositories Luke T. Shumaker7 years
emacsutilsA set of utilities for interacting with GNU Emacs from a *NIX environment Luke T. Shumaker7 years
ggammaA simple GTK+ app for fiddling with X11 gamma correction curves Luke T. Shumaker7 years
systemd-qemuA tiny libvirtd alternative that integrates better with systemd Luke T. Shumaker6 years
httpconnectdAn HTTP server that only implements the CONNECT method Luke T. Shumaker7 years
btrfs-progs-ngBetter btrfs userspace tools Luke T. Shumaker9 days
2git/binaryajaxBinary Ajax by Jacob Seidelin <> Luke T. Shumaker7 years
go/cmd/gocovcatCommand gocovcat combines multiple go cover runs. Luke T. Shumaker7 years
go/cmd/gtincCommand gtinc dumps Tinc node connectivity info to influxdb Luke T. Shumaker5 years
go/cmd/posixpageCommand posixpage is a HTML generator linking to POSIX resources. Luke T. Shumaker7 years
2git/javascriptrrd-flotJavascriptRRD "vendored" dependencies (flot et al.) Luke T. Shumaker7 years
thingutilsMiscellaneous utilities that I've written Luke T. Shumaker4 years
lukeshu-automakeMy GNU Make automake(ish) replacement Luke T. Shumaker8 years
blogMy blog, articles and static file generator Luke T. Shumaker14 hours
dotfilesMy configuration Luke T. Shumaker5 years
dashboardMy new-tab page / server monitoring Luke T. Shumaker5 years
mirror/parabola/gnu/knubsd-fireNuBSD-fire kernel and utils Parabola git mirror9 years
gnu/knubsd-fireNuBSD-fire kernel and utils Parabola git mirror9 years
go/libgnulinuxPackage libgnulinux implements access to facilities of the GNU/Linux operating s...Luke T. Shumaker7 years
go/libnslcdPackage libnslcd implements the nslcd protocol of nss-pam-ldapd, and utlities fo...Luke T. Shumaker3 years
go/libsystemdPackage libsystemd implements the client-side of generic system APIs. Luke T. Shumaker
go/lowmemjsonPackage lowmemjson is an alternative to the standard library's encoding/json tha...Luke T. Shumaker
go/typedsyncPackage typedsync is an alternative to the standard library's sync that uses typ...Luke T. Shumaker
go/containersPackage typedsync is an alternative to the standard library's sync that uses typ...Luke T. Shumaker
mirror/parabola/pbs/pbsParabola Build System Parabola git mirror9 years
pbs/pbsParabola Build System Parabola git mirror9 years
mirror/parabola/pbs/pcrParabola Comunity Repository and Users Repositories Parabola git mirror9 years
pbs/pcrParabola Comunity Repository and Users Repositories Parabola git mirror9 years
rvsRVS is a distributed version control system (began as part of thing) Luke T. Shumaker8 years
2git/cvtutfThe CVTUTF Unicode library. NON-FREE, DO NOT USE! Historical interest only! Luke T. Shumaker6 months
thingThe beginnings of a distro I worked on in 2009-2010 (then I found Parabola in 20...Luke T. Shumaker9 years
2git/cvtutf-makeThe scripts to create the 2git/cvtutf repo Luke T. Shumaker6 months
wwwThe website (minus the blog) Luke T. Shumaker
lukeshu-dotfiles/lukeshu-dotfilesUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
kilabytes/wp-plugin-um-authUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
kilabytes/wp-theme-kilabytesUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
statusnet/lukeshus-statusnetUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
statusnet/lukeshus-gnu-socialUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
thingutils/thingutilsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
parabola/packages_jhUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
lukeshu-parabola-repo/lukeshu-parabola-repoUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
messagemanager/messagemanagerUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
northstar/org-quotesUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
northstar/issue-viewerUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
northstar/wordpress-theme-northstar-twentyelevenUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years
northstar/wordpress-theme-northstar-twentytenUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. git-mirror7 years