path: root/FakeRobot/src/livewindowfakerobot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'FakeRobot/src/livewindowfakerobot/')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FakeRobot/src/livewindowfakerobot/ b/FakeRobot/src/livewindowfakerobot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb544d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FakeRobot/src/livewindowfakerobot/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package livewindowfakerobot;
+import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.networktables.NetworkTable;
+import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.tables.ITable;
+import java.util.Timer;
+import java.util.TimerTask;
+ *
+ * @author Sam
+ */
+public class LiveWindowFakeRobot {
+ private static final NetworkTable liveWindow = NetworkTable.getTable("LiveWindow");
+ private static final ITable STATUS = createTable(liveWindow, "~STATUS~", "LW Status"),
+ wrist = createTable(liveWindow, "Wrist", "LW Subsystem"),
+ wPotentiometer = createTable(wrist, "Potentiometer", "Analog Input"),
+ wVictor = createTable(wrist, "Victor", "Speed Controller"),
+ elevator = createTable(liveWindow, "Elevator", "LW Subsystem"),
+ ePotentiometer = createTable(elevator, "Potentiometer", "Analog Input"),
+ eVictor = createTable(elevator, "Victor", "Speed Controller"),
+ testSys = createTable(liveWindow, "TestSystem", "LW Subsystem"),
+ tComp = createTable(testSys, "Compressor", "Compressor"),
+ tGearTooth = createTable(testSys, "Gear Tooth Sensor", "Gear Tooth Sensor"),
+ tVictor = createTable(testSys, "Victor", "Speed Controller"),
+ tPotentiometer = createTable(testSys, "Potentiometer", "Analog Input"),
+ tRelay = createTable(testSys, "Spike", "Relay"),
+ tDigitalOutput = createTable(testSys, "Digital Output", "Digital Output"),
+ tGyro = createTable(testSys, "Gyro", "LWGyro"),
+ tSolenoid = createTable(testSys, "Solenoid", "Solenoid"),
+ tServo = createTable(testSys, "Serov the Servo", "Servo"),
+ tAccel = createTable(testSys, "Accelerometer", "Accelerometer"),
+ tEncoder1 = createTable(testSys, "Encoder 1", "Encoder"),
+ tUltra = createTable(testSys, "Ultrasonic", "Ultrasonic"),
+ tCompass = createTable(testSys, "Compass", "Compass"),
+ tSwitch = createTable(testSys, "Limit Switch", "Digital Input");
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.out.println();
+ STATUS.putBoolean("LW Enabled", false);
+ STATUS.putString("Robot", "Testing");
+ wPotentiometer.putNumber("Value", 2.6);
+ ePotentiometer.putNumber("Value", -11.6872);
+ tSwitch.putString("Value", "Off");
+ (new Timer()).schedule(
+ new TimerTask(){
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ wPotentiometer.putNumber("Value", (Math.random()-.5) * 24);
+ ePotentiometer.putNumber("Value", (Math.random()-.5) * 24);
+ tPotentiometer.putNumber("Value", (Math.random()-.5) * 24);
+ tGyro.putNumber("Value", Math.random() * 360);
+ tAccel.putNumber("Value", (Math.random()-.5)*8);
+ tSwitch.putString("Value", Math.random() < 0.5 ? "On" : "Off");
+ tEncoder1.putNumber("Speed", Math.random() * 20);
+ tEncoder1.putNumber("Distance", Math.random() * 10);
+ tEncoder1.putNumber("Distance per Tick", Math.random());
+ tCompass.putNumber("Value", Math.random());
+ tUltra.putNumber("Value", (Math.random()-.5) * 200);
+ tGearTooth.putNumber("Value", (int)(Math.random() * 100));
+ }},
+ 0, 500);
+ }
+ private static ITable createTable(ITable parent, String name, String type) {
+ ITable table = parent.getSubTable(name);
+ System.out.println(table);
+ table.putString("~TYPE~", type);
+ table.putString("Name", name);
+ return table;
+ }