diff options
authoraurelien <>2011-08-03 12:55:15 +0200
committeraurelien <>2011-08-03 12:55:15 +0200
commit69e9d0d0d6df2f573d600ca7b2d6ca709004b832 (patch)
first commit
77 files changed, 30213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs b/.emacs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48e3fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs
@@ -0,0 +1,1380 @@
+;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
+ (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ "")))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (eval-region (point) (point-max))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(setq erbot-nickserv-p t)
+(setq erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil)
+(setq erc-nickserv-passwords
+ '((freenode (("pbot" . "*")))))
+(setq h4x0r-sometimes-replace
+ '(("ea" "33") ("er" "0r") ("a" "4")
+ ;;("b" "8")
+ ;;("d" "|>")
+ ("e" "3" "E") ;;("f" "|=") ("h" "|-|")
+ ;;("i" "1" "|") ;;("k" "|<" "x")
+ ;;("l" "1" "|_") ("m" "|\\/|") ("n" "|\\|")
+ ("o" "0") ;;("q" "@")
+ ("s"
+ "5" "Z" "$")
+ ;;("t" "+" "7")
+ ("ck" "x") ("u" "U") ;;("v" "\\/")
+ ;("x"
+ ;X" "><") ("y" "j"
+ ))
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/idledo")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erball")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbbdb")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc2")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc3")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc4")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc5")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc6")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc-backquote")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbc")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbcompat")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbcountry")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbcspecial")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbdata")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbedit")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbeng")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbim")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbkarma")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erblisp")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erblog")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbmerge")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbmsg")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbp")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbrss")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbtrain")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbunlisp")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erburl")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbwiki")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/faith")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/flame")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/geek")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/h4x0r")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/haiku")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/lines")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/mkback")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/oct")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/shs")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/timerfunctions")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/translate")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/units")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/wtf")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbot.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/idledo.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erball.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbbdb.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc3.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc4.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc5.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc6.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc-backquote.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbc.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbcompat.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbcountry.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbcspecial.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbdata.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbedit.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbeng.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbim.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbkarma.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erblisp.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erblog.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbmerge.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbmsg.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbp.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbrss.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbtrain.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbunlisp.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erburl.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/erbwiki.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/faith.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/flame.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/geek.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/h4x0r.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/haiku.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/lines.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/mkback.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/oct.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/shs.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/timerfunctions.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/translate.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/units.el")
+(load "~/elisp/erbot/contrib/wtf.el")
+(setq erc-keywords '("pbot" "parabola"))
+(setq fs-internal-english-weights
+ '(
+ 30 ; doctor ---
+ 30 ; yow
+ 30 ; fortune
+ 2 ;; flame
+ ))
+(setq fs-internal-botito-mode nil)
+(setq fs-web-page-title-p t)
+;; this optional step
+;; helps the bot get the locations of the .el files in emacs
+(let ((aa default-directory))
+ (cd "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp")
+ (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path)
+ (cd aa))
+(require 'cl)
+(setq erc-port 6667)
+(require 'erc)
+(require 'erc-match)
+(require 'erc-track)
+(require 'erball)
+(require 'erburl)
+(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook
+ '(lambda () (interactive)
+ (require 'erc-match)
+ (erc-match-mode 1)
+ (erc-match-enable)
+ (require 'erc-button)
+ (erc-button-enable)
+ nil
+ ))
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+ (require 'erburl)
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ "")
+;;(setq erbmsg-functions-p t)
+(setq erbot-erbmsg-p t)
+(setq erbn-url-functions-p t)
+(setq erbot-paranoid-p nil)
+(setq bbdb-file "~/pub/data/botbbdb")
+(setq erbot-servers-channels-test
+ '((""
+ ("#."
+ )
+ 6667 ;; this is the port, optional, can be omitted.
+ )
+ ))
+(add-hook 'erc-server-376-hook
+ '(lambda (&rest args)
+ (interactive)
+ (erc-track-modified-channels-mode 1)
+ nil))
+(global-unset-key "\C-cs")
+(global-set-key "\C-cj " 'erbot-join-servers)
+(global-set-key [f9 f1] 'erbot-join-servers)
+(global-unset-key [f6])
+(global-set-key [f6 f6] 'erblog-show-targets)
+(global-set-key [f6 f7] 'erblog-reset-targets)
+(global-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'erc-send-current-line)
+(global-set-key "\C-cr" 'erblog-reset-targets)
+(setq fsi-m8b-p t)
+;;(setq fs-limit-line-length 125)
+;;(setq fs-limit-length
+ ;; 410)
+;;(setq fs-limit-lines 5 )
+(setq bbdb-case-fold-search t)
+(setq erc-auto-query t)
+;; Don't send more than 5 messages in 10 seconds. This prevents the
+;; bot from getting kicked.
+(setq erc-server-flood-penalty 2)
+(setq erc-server-flood-margin 10)
+;; To restrict "automated" replies, change the "" below to your
+;; favorite channels, example:
+(setq fs-internal-query-target-regexp "")
+(setq fs-internal-google-level 60)
+(setq erbkarma-file "~/public_html/karma/karma")
+(setq fs-internal-google-time 4)
+(setq fs-internal-dictionary-time 4)
+(load "~/.emacs.private")
+(setq erbkarma-tgt-check-string
+ "^\\(#parabola\\)$")
+;; .emacs ends here..
+(setq erbot-nick "pbot")
+(setq erc-user-full-name "parabola")
+(setq erbot-servers-channels-main
+ '((""
+ ("#."
+ ))
+ ))
+(setq erbot-servers-channels erbot-servers-channels-main)
+(setq fs-google-level 60)
+(setq erbot-servers-channels-test
+ '((""
+ ("#."
+ ))
+ ))
+(setq bbdb-file-coding-system 'raw-text)
+(require 'erball)
+;; this delysid's server containing many dictionaries, if you prefer
+;; the default server, just comment out this line.
+(setq dictionary-server "")
+ (fs-user-init))
+(require 'idledo)
+ '(fs-pv-save))
+(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
+ 'fs-pv-save)
+;; consider uncommenting these
+(add-to-list 'erblisp-allowed-words '&optional)
+(add-to-list 'erblisp-allowed-words '&rest)
+;;uncomment this only for a channel full of emacs hackers... see C-h v
+(setq fs-internal-parse-error-p t)
+(setq units-dat-file "/usr/share/misc/units.dat")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/public_html/data")
+;; .emacs ends here..
+ ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(erc-email-userid "bot")
+ '(erc-user-full-name "Parabola GNU / Linux-Libre"))
+ ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "unspecified-bg" :foreground "unspecified-fg" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 1 :width normal :foundry "default" :family "freemono")))))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
+;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
+;;; This provides support for the package system and
+;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
+;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
+;;; packages in your .emacs.
+ (load
+ (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
+ (package-initialize))
diff --git a/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-2372-bob.home~ b/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-2372-bob.home~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-2372-bob.home~
diff --git a/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el b/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cecbe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1507 @@
+;;; package.el --- Simple package system for Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Tom Tromey <>
+;; Author: Tom Tromey <>
+;; Created: 10 Mar 2007
+;; Version: 0.9
+;; Keywords: tools
+;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; However, it is distributed under the same license.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Change Log:
+;; 2 Apr 2007 - now using ChangeLog file
+;; 15 Mar 2007 - updated documentation
+;; 14 Mar 2007 - Changed how obsolete packages are handled
+;; 13 Mar 2007 - Wrote package-install-from-buffer
+;; 12 Mar 2007 - Wrote package-menu mode
+;;; Commentary:
+;; To use this, put package.el somewhere on your load-path. Then add
+;; this to your .emacs:
+;; (load "package")
+;; (package-initialize)
+;; This will automatically make available the packages you have
+;; installed using package.el. If your .emacs will refer to these
+;; packages, you may want to initialize the package manager near the
+;; top.
+;; Note that if you want to be able to automatically download and
+;; install packages from ELPA (the Emacs Lisp Package Archive), then
+;; you will need the 'url' package. This comes with Emacs 22; Emacs
+;; 21 users will have to find it elsewhere.
+;; If you installed package.el via the auto-installer:
+;; then you do not need to edit your .emacs, as the installer will
+;; have done this for you. The installer will also install the url
+;; package if you need it.
+;; Other external functions you may want to use:
+;; M-x package-list-packages
+;; Enters a mode similar to buffer-menu which lets you manage
+;; packages. You can choose packages for install (mark with "i",
+;; then "x" to execute) or deletion (not implemented yet), and you
+;; can see what packages are available. This will automatically
+;; fetch the latest list of packages from ELPA.
+;; M-x package-list-packages-no-fetch
+;; Like package-list-packages, but does not automatically fetch the
+;; new list of packages.
+;; M-x package-install-from-buffer
+;; Install a package consisting of a single .el file that appears
+;; in the current buffer. This only works for packages which
+;; define a Version header properly; package.el also supports the
+;; extension headers Package-Version (in case Version is an RCS id
+;; or similar), and Package-Requires (if the package requires other
+;; packages).
+;; M-x package-install-file
+;; Install a package from the indicated file. The package can be
+;; either a tar file or a .el file. A tar file must contain an
+;; appropriately-named "-pkg.el" file; a .el file must be properly
+;; formatted as with package-install-from-buffer.
+;; The idea behind package.el is to be able to download packages and
+;; install them. Packages are versioned and have versioned
+;; dependencies. Furthermore, this supports built-in packages which
+;; may or may not be newer than user-specified packages. This makes
+;; it possible to upgrade Emacs and automatically disable packages
+;; which have moved from external to core. (Note though that we don't
+;; currently register any of these, so this feature does not actually
+;; work.)
+;; This code supports a single package repository, ELPA. All packages
+;; must be registered there.
+;; A package is described by its name and version. The distribution
+;; format is either a tar file or a single .el file.
+;; A tar file should be named "NAME-VERSION.tar". The tar file must
+;; unpack into a directory named after the package and version:
+;; "NAME-VERSION". It must contain a file named "PACKAGE-pkg.el"
+;; which consists of a call to define-package. It may also contain a
+;; "dir" file and the info files it references.
+;; A .el file will be named "NAME-VERSION.el" in ELPA, but will be
+;; installed as simply "NAME.el" in a directory named "NAME-VERSION".
+;; The downloader will download all dependent packages. It will also
+;; byte-compile the package's lisp at install time.
+;; At activation time we will set up the load-path and the info path,
+;; and we will load the package's autoloads. If a package's
+;; dependencies are not available, we will not activate that package.
+;; Conceptually a package has multiple state transitions:
+;; * Download. Fetching the package from ELPA.
+;; * Install. Untar the package, or write the .el file, into
+;; ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ directory.
+;; * Byte compile. Currently this phase is done during install,
+;; but we may change this.
+;; * Activate. Evaluate the autoloads for the package to make it
+;; available to the user.
+;; * Load. Actually load the package and run some code from it.
+;;; Thanks:
+;;; (sorted by sort-lines):
+;; Jim Blandy <>
+;; Karl Fogel <>
+;; Kevin Ryde <>
+;; Lawrence Mitchell
+;; Michael Olson <>
+;; Sebastian Tennant <>
+;; Stefan Monnier <>
+;; Vinicius Jose Latorre <>
+;; Phil Hagelberg <>
+;;; ToDo:
+;; - putting info dirs at the start of the info path means
+;; users see a weird ordering of categories. OTOH we want to
+;; override later entries. maybe emacs needs to enforce
+;; the standard layout?
+;; - put bytecode in a separate directory tree
+;; - perhaps give users a way to recompile their bytecode
+;; or do it automatically when emacs changes
+;; - give users a way to know whether a package is installed ok
+;; - give users a way to view a package's documentation when it
+;; only appears in the .el
+;; - use/extend checkdoc so people can tell if their package will work
+;; - "installed" instead of a blank in the status column
+;; - tramp needs its files to be compiled in a certain order.
+;; how to handle this? fix tramp?
+;; - on emacs 21 we don't kill the -autoloads.el buffer. what about 22?
+;; - maybe we need separate .elc directories for various emacs versions
+;; and also emacs-vs-xemacs. That way conditional compilation can
+;; work. But would this break anything?
+;; - should store the package's keywords in archive-contents, then
+;; let the users filter the package-menu by keyword. See
+;; finder-by-keyword. (We could also let people view the
+;; Commentary, but it isn't clear how useful this is.)
+;; - William Xu suggests being able to open a package file without
+;; installing it
+;; - Interface with desktop.el so that restarting after an install
+;; works properly
+;; - Implement M-x package-upgrade, to upgrade any/all existing packages
+;; - Use hierarchical layout. PKG/etc PKG/lisp PKG/info
+;; ... except maybe lisp?
+;; - It may be nice to have a macro that expands to the package's
+;; private data dir, aka ".../etc". Or, maybe data-directory
+;; needs to be a list (though this would be less nice)
+;; a few packages want this, eg sokoban
+;; - package menu needs:
+;; ability to know which packages are built-in & thus not deletable
+;; it can sometimes print odd results, like 0.3 available but 0.4 active
+;; why is that?
+;; - Allow multiple versions on the server...?
+;; [ why bother? ]
+;; - Don't install a package which will invalidate dependencies overall
+;; - Allow something like (or (>= emacs 21.0) (>= xemacs 21.5))
+;; [ currently thinking, why bother.. KISS ]
+;; - Allow optional package dependencies
+;; then if we require 'bbdb', bbdb-specific lisp in lisp/bbdb
+;; and just don't compile to add to load path ...?
+;; - Have a list of archive URLs? [ maybe there's no point ]
+;; - David Kastrup pointed out on the xemacs list that for GPL it
+;; is friendlier to ship the source tree. We could "support" that
+;; by just having a "src" subdir in the package. This isn't ideal
+;; but it probably is not worth trying to support random source
+;; tree layouts, build schemes, etc.
+;; - Our treatment of the info path is somewhat bogus
+;; - perhaps have an "unstable" tree in ELPA as well as a stable one
+;;; Code:
+(defconst package-archive-base ""
+ "Base URL for the package archive.
+Ordinarily you should not need to edit this.
+The default points to ELPA, the Emacs Lisp Package Archive.
+Note that some code in package.el assumes that this is an http: URL.")
+(defconst package-archive-version 1
+ "Version number of the package archive understood by this file.
+Lower version numbers than this will probably be understood as well.")
+;; Note that this only works if you have the password, which you
+;; probably don't :-). Also if you are using Emacs 21 then you will
+;; need to hack ange-ftp-name-format to make this work.
+(defvar package-archive-upload-base "/"
+ "Base location for uploading to package archive.")
+(defconst package-el-maintainer "Tom Tromey <>"
+ "The package.el maintainer.")
+(defconst package-el-version "0.9"
+ "Version of package.el.")
+;; We don't prime the cache since it tends to get out of date.
+(defvar package-archive-contents
+ nil
+ "A representation of the contents of the ELPA archive.
+This is an alist mapping package names (symbols) to package
+descriptor vectors. These are like the vectors for `package-alist'
+but have an extra entry which is 'tar for tar packages and
+'single for single-file packages.")
+(defvar package-user-dir
+ (expand-file-name (convert-standard-filename "~/.emacs.d/elpa"))
+ "Name of the directory where the user's packages are stored.")
+(defvar package-directory-list
+ (list (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/")
+ "List of directories to search for packages.")
+(defun package-version-split (string)
+ "Split a package string into a version list."
+ (mapcar 'string-to-int (split-string string "[.]")))
+(defconst package--builtins-base
+ ;; We use package-version split here to make sure to pick up the
+ ;; minor version.
+ `((emacs . [,(package-version-split emacs-version) nil
+ "GNU Emacs"])
+ (package . [,(package-version-split package-el-version)
+ nil "Simple package system for GNU Emacs"]))
+ "Packages which are always built-in.")
+(defvar package--builtins
+ (delq nil
+ (append
+ package--builtins-base
+ (if (>= emacs-major-version 22)
+ ;; FIXME: emacs 22 includes tramp, rcirc, maybe
+ ;; other things...
+ '((erc . [(5 2) nil "An Emacs Internet Relay Chat client"])
+ ;; The external URL is version 1.15, so make sure the
+ ;; built-in one looks newer.
+ (url . [(1 16) nil "URL handling libary"])))
+ (if (>= emacs-major-version 23)
+ '(;; Strangely, nxml-version is missing in Emacs 23.
+ ;; We pick the merge date as the version.
+ (nxml . [(20071123) nil "Major mode for editing XML documents."])
+ (bubbles . [(0 5) nil "Puzzle game for Emacs."])))))
+ "Alist of all built-in packages.
+Maps the package name to a vector [VERSION REQS DOCSTRING].")
+(defvar package-alist package--builtins
+ "Alist of all packages available for activation.
+Maps the package name to a vector [VERSION REQS DOCSTRING].")
+(defvar package-activated-list
+ (mapcar #'car package-alist)
+ "List of the names of all activated packages.")
+(defvar package-obsolete-alist nil
+ "Representation of obsolete packages.
+Like `package-alist', but maps package name to a second alist.
+The inner alist is keyed by version.")
+(defun package-version-join (l)
+ "Turn a list of version numbers into a version string."
+ (mapconcat 'int-to-string l "."))
+(defun package--version-first-nonzero (l)
+ (while (and l (= (car l) 0))
+ (setq l (cdr l)))
+ (if l (car l) 0))
+(defun package-version-compare (v1 v2 fun)
+ "Compare two version lists according to FUN.
+FUN can be <, <=, =, >, >=, or /=."
+ (while (and v1 v2 (= (car v1) (car v2)))
+ (setq v1 (cdr v1)
+ v2 (cdr v2)))
+ (if v1
+ (if v2
+ ;; Both not null; we know the cars are not =.
+ (funcall fun (car v1) (car v2))
+ ;; V1 not null, V2 null.
+ (funcall fun (package--version-first-nonzero v1) 0))
+ (if v2
+ ;; V1 null, V2 not null.
+ (funcall fun 0 (package--version-first-nonzero v2))
+ ;; Both null.
+ (funcall fun 0 0))))
+(defun package--test-version-compare ()
+ "Test suite for `package-version-compare'."
+ (unless (and (package-version-compare '(0) '(0) '=)
+ (not (package-version-compare '(1) '(0) '=))
+ (package-version-compare '(1 0 1) '(1) '>=)
+ (package-version-compare '(1 0 1) '(1) '>)
+ (not (package-version-compare '(0 9 1) '(1 0 2) '>=)))
+ (error "Failed"))
+ t)
+(defun package-strip-version (dirname)
+ "Strip the version from a combined package name and version.
+E.g., if given \"quux-23.0\", will return \"quux\""
+ (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)-[0-9]+\\([.][0-9]+\\)*$" dirname)
+ (match-string 1 dirname)))
+(defun package-load-descriptor (dir package)
+ "Load the description file for a package.
+Return nil if the package could not be found."
+ (let ((pkg-dir (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) package "/")))
+ (if (file-directory-p pkg-dir)
+ (load (concat pkg-dir (package-strip-version package) "-pkg") nil t))))
+(defun package-load-all-descriptors ()
+ "Load descriptors of all packages.
+Uses `package-directory-list' to find packages."
+ (mapc (lambda (dir)
+ (if (file-directory-p dir)
+ (mapc (lambda (name)
+ (package-load-descriptor dir name))
+ (directory-files dir nil "^[^.]"))))
+ package-directory-list))
+(defsubst package-desc-vers (desc)
+ "Extract version from a package description vector."
+ (aref desc 0))
+(defsubst package-desc-reqs (desc)
+ "Extract requirements from a package description vector."
+ (aref desc 1))
+(defsubst package-desc-doc (desc)
+ "Extract doc string from a package description vector."
+ (aref desc 2))
+(defsubst package-desc-kind (desc)
+ "Extract the kind of download from an archive package description vector."
+ (aref desc 3))
+(defun package-do-activate (package pkg-vec)
+ (let* ((pkg-name (symbol-name package))
+ (pkg-ver-str (package-version-join (package-desc-vers pkg-vec)))
+ (dir-list package-directory-list)
+ (pkg-dir))
+ (while dir-list
+ (let ((subdir (concat (car dir-list) pkg-name "-" pkg-ver-str "/")))
+ (if (file-directory-p subdir)
+ (progn
+ (setq pkg-dir subdir)
+ (setq dir-list nil))
+ (setq dir-list (cdr dir-list)))))
+ (unless pkg-dir
+ (error "Internal error: could not find directory for %s-%s"
+ pkg-name pkg-ver-str))
+ (if (file-exists-p (concat pkg-dir "dir"))
+ (progn
+ ;; FIXME: not the friendliest, but simple.
+ (require 'info)
+ (info-initialize)
+ (setq Info-directory-list (cons pkg-dir Info-directory-list))))
+ (setq load-path (cons pkg-dir load-path))
+ ;; Load the autoloads and activate the package.
+ (load (concat pkg-dir (symbol-name package) "-autoloads")
+ nil t)
+ (setq package-activated-list (cons package package-activated-list))
+ ;; Don't return nil.
+ t))
+(defun package--built-in (package version)
+ "Return true if the package is built-in to Emacs."
+ (let ((elt (assq package package--builtins)))
+ (and elt
+ (package-version-compare (package-desc-vers (cdr elt)) version '=))))
+;; FIXME: return a reason instead?
+(defun package-activate (package version)
+ "Try to activate a package.
+Return nil if the package could not be activated.
+Recursively activates all dependencies of the named package."
+ ;; Assume the user knows what he is doing -- go ahead and activate a
+ ;; newer version of a package if an older one has already been
+ ;; activated. This is not ideal; we'd at least need to check to see
+ ;; if the package has actually been loaded, and not merely
+ ;; activated. However, don't try to activate 'emacs', as that makes
+ ;; no sense.
+ (unless (eq package 'emacs)
+ (let* ((pkg-desc (assq package package-alist))
+ (this-version (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc)))
+ (req-list (package-desc-reqs (cdr pkg-desc)))
+ ;; If the package was never activated, we want to do it
+ ;; now.
+ (keep-going (or (not (memq package package-activated-list))
+ (package-version-compare this-version version '>))))
+ (while (and req-list keep-going)
+ (or (package-activate (car (car req-list))
+ (car (cdr (car req-list))))
+ (setq keep-going nil))
+ (setq req-list (cdr req-list)))
+ (if keep-going
+ (package-do-activate package (cdr pkg-desc))
+ ;; We get here if a dependency failed to activate -- but we
+ ;; can also get here if the requested package was already
+ ;; activated. Return non-nil in the latter case.
+ (and (memq package package-activated-list)
+ (package-version-compare this-version version '>=))))))
+(defun package-mark-obsolete (package pkg-vec)
+ "Put package on the obsolete list, if not already there."
+ (let ((elt (assq package package-obsolete-alist)))
+ (if elt
+ ;; If this obsolete version does not exist in the list, update
+ ;; it the list.
+ (unless (assoc (package-desc-vers pkg-vec) (cdr elt))
+ (setcdr elt (cons (cons (package-desc-vers pkg-vec) pkg-vec)
+ (cdr elt))))
+ ;; Make a new association.
+ (setq package-obsolete-alist
+ (cons (cons package (list (cons (package-desc-vers pkg-vec)
+ pkg-vec)))
+ package-obsolete-alist)))))
+;; (define-package "emacs" "21.4.1" "GNU Emacs core package.")
+;; (define-package "erc" "5.1" "ERC - irc client" '((emacs "21.0")))
+(defun define-package (name-str version-string
+ &optional docstring requirements)
+ "Define a new package.
+NAME is the name of the package, a string.
+VERSION-STRING is the version of the package, a dotted sequence
+of integers.
+DOCSTRING is the optional description.
+REQUIREMENTS is a list of requirements on other packages.
+Each requirement is of the form (OTHER-PACKAGE \"VERSION\")."
+ (let* ((name (intern name-str))
+ (pkg-desc (assq name package-alist))
+ (new-version (package-version-split version-string))
+ (new-pkg-desc
+ (cons name
+ (vector new-version
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-split (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requirements)
+ docstring))))
+ ;; Only redefine a package if the redefinition is newer.
+ (if (or (not pkg-desc)
+ (package-version-compare new-version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ '>))
+ (progn
+ (when pkg-desc
+ ;; Remove old package and declare it obsolete.
+ (setq package-alist (delq pkg-desc package-alist))
+ (package-mark-obsolete (car pkg-desc) (cdr pkg-desc)))
+ ;; Add package to the alist.
+ (setq package-alist (cons new-pkg-desc package-alist)))
+ ;; You can have two packages with the same version, for instance
+ ;; one in the system package directory and one in your private
+ ;; directory. We just let the first one win.
+ (unless (package-version-compare new-version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ '=)
+ ;; The package is born obsolete.
+ (package-mark-obsolete (car new-pkg-desc) (cdr new-pkg-desc))))))
+;; From Emacs 22.
+(defun package-autoload-ensure-default-file (file)
+ "Make sure that the autoload file FILE exists and if not create it."
+ (unless (file-exists-p file)
+ (write-region
+ (concat ";;; " (file-name-nondirectory file)
+ " --- automatically extracted autoloads\n"
+ ";;\n"
+ ";;; Code:\n\n"
+ " \n;; Local Variables:\n"
+ ";; version-control: never\n"
+ ";; no-byte-compile: t\n"
+ ";; no-update-autoloads: t\n"
+ ";; End:\n"
+ ";;; " (file-name-nondirectory file)
+ " ends here\n")
+ nil file))
+ file)
+(defun package-generate-autoloads (name pkg-dir)
+ (let* ((auto-name (concat name "-autoloads.el"))
+ (ignore-name (concat name "-pkg.el"))
+ (generated-autoload-file (concat pkg-dir auto-name))
+ (version-control 'never))
+ ;; In Emacs 22 'update-autoloads-from-directories' does not seem
+ ;; to be autoloaded...
+ (require 'autoload)
+ (unless (fboundp 'autoload-ensure-default-file)
+ (package-autoload-ensure-default-file generated-autoload-file))
+ (update-autoloads-from-directories pkg-dir)))
+(defun package-untar-buffer ()
+ "Untar the current buffer.
+This uses `tar-untar-buffer' if it is available.
+Otherwise it uses an external `tar' program.
+`default-directory' should be set by the caller."
+ (require 'tar-mode)
+ (if (fboundp 'tar-untar-buffer)
+ (progn
+ ;; tar-mode messes with narrowing, so we just let it have the
+ ;; whole buffer to play with.
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (tar-mode)
+ (tar-untar-buffer))
+ ;; FIXME: check the result.
+ (call-process-region (point) (point-max) "tar" nil '(nil nil) nil
+ "xf" "-")))
+(defun package-unpack (name version)
+ (let ((pkg-dir (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ (symbol-name name) "-" version "/")))
+ ;; Be careful!!
+ (make-directory package-user-dir t)
+ (if (file-directory-p pkg-dir)
+ (mapc (lambda (file) nil) ; 'delete-file -- FIXME: when we're
+ ; more confident
+ (directory-files pkg-dir t "^[^.]")))
+ (let* ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)))
+ (package-untar-buffer)
+ (package-generate-autoloads (symbol-name name) pkg-dir)
+ (let ((load-path (cons pkg-dir load-path)))
+ (byte-recompile-directory pkg-dir 0 t)))))
+(defun package-unpack-single (file-name version desc requires)
+ "Install the contents of the current buffer as a package."
+ (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)))
+ ;; Special case "package".
+ (if (string= file-name "package")
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) (concat dir file-name ".el")
+ nil nil nil nil)
+ (let ((pkg-dir (file-name-as-directory
+ (concat dir file-name "-" version))))
+ (make-directory pkg-dir t)
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (concat pkg-dir file-name ".el")
+ nil nil nil 'excl)
+ (let ((print-level nil)
+ (print-length nil))
+ (write-region
+ (concat
+ (prin1-to-string
+ (list 'define-package
+ file-name
+ version
+ desc
+ (list 'quote
+ ;; Turn version lists into string form.
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-join (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requires))))
+ "\n")
+ nil
+ (concat pkg-dir file-name "-pkg.el")
+ nil nil nil 'excl))
+ (package-generate-autoloads file-name pkg-dir)
+ (let ((load-path (cons pkg-dir load-path)))
+ (byte-recompile-directory pkg-dir 0 t))))))
+(defun package-handle-response ()
+ "Handle the response from the server.
+Parse the HTTP response and throw if an error occurred.
+The url package seems to require extra processing for this.
+This should be called in a `save-excursion', in the download buffer.
+It will move point to somewhere in the headers."
+ ;; We assume HTTP here.
+ (let ((response (url-http-parse-response)))
+ (when (or (< response 200) (>= response 300))
+ (display-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (error "Error during download request:%s"
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (progn
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point)))))))
+(defun package-download-single (name version desc requires)
+ "Download and install a single-file package."
+ (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base
+ (symbol-name name) "-" version ".el"))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (package-unpack-single (symbol-name name) version desc requires)
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))
+(defun package-download-tar (name version)
+ "Download and install a tar package."
+ (let ((tar-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base
+ (symbol-name name) "-" version ".tar"))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer tar-buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (package-unpack name version)
+ (kill-buffer tar-buffer))))
+(defun package-installed-p (package version)
+ (let ((pkg-desc (assq package package-alist)))
+ (and pkg-desc
+ (package-version-compare version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ '>=))))
+(defun package-compute-transaction (result requirements)
+ (while requirements
+ (let* ((elt (car requirements))
+ (next-pkg (car elt))
+ (next-version (car (cdr elt))))
+ (unless (package-installed-p next-pkg next-version)
+ (let ((pkg-desc (assq next-pkg package-archive-contents)))
+ (unless pkg-desc
+ (error "Package '%s' not available for installation"
+ (symbol-name next-pkg)))
+ (unless (package-version-compare (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ next-version
+ '>=)
+ (error
+ "Need package '%s' with version %s, but only %s is available"
+ (symbol-name next-pkg) (package-version-join next-version)
+ (package-version-join (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc)))))
+ ;; Only add to the transaction if we don't already have it.
+ (unless (memq next-pkg result)
+ (setq result (cons next-pkg result)))
+ (setq result
+ (package-compute-transaction result
+ (package-desc-reqs
+ (cdr pkg-desc)))))))
+ (setq requirements (cdr requirements)))
+ result)
+(defun package-read-from-string (str)
+ "Read a Lisp expression from STR.
+Signal an error if the entire string was not used."
+ (let* ((read-data (read-from-string str))
+ (more-left
+ (condition-case nil
+ ;; The call to `ignore' suppresses a compiler warning.
+ (progn (ignore (read-from-string
+ (substring str (cdr read-data))))
+ t)
+ (end-of-file nil))))
+ (if more-left
+ (error "Can't read whole string")
+ (car read-data))))
+(defun package--read-archive-file (file)
+ "Re-read archive file FILE, if it exists.
+Will return the data from the file, or nil if the file does not exist.
+Will throw an error if the archive version is too new."
+ (let ((filename (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ file)))
+ (if (file-exists-p filename)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally filename)
+ (let ((contents (package-read-from-string
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+ (point-max)))))
+ (if (> (car contents) package-archive-version)
+ (error "Package archive version %d is greater than %d - upgrade package.el"
+ (car contents) package-archive-version))
+ (cdr contents))))))
+(defun package-read-archive-contents ()
+ "Re-read `archive-contents' and `builtin-packages', if they exist.
+Will set `package-archive-contents' and `package--builtins' if successful.
+Will throw an error if the archive version is too new."
+ (let ((archive-contents (package--read-archive-file "archive-contents"))
+ (builtins (package--read-archive-file "builtin-packages")))
+ (if archive-contents
+ ;; Version 1 of 'archive-contents' is identical to our
+ ;; internal representation.
+ (setq package-archive-contents archive-contents))
+ (if builtins
+ ;; Version 1 of 'builtin-packages' is a list where the car is
+ ;; a split emacs version and the cdr is an alist suitable for
+ ;; package--builtins.
+ (let ((our-version (package-version-split emacs-version))
+ (result package--builtins-base))
+ (setq package--builtins
+ (dolist (elt builtins result)
+ (if (package-version-compare our-version (car elt) '>=)
+ (setq result (append (cdr elt) result)))))))))
+(defun package-download-transaction (transaction)
+ "Download and install all the packages in the given transaction."
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (let* ((desc (cdr (assq elt package-archive-contents)))
+ (v-string (package-version-join (package-desc-vers desc)))
+ (kind (package-desc-kind desc)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq kind 'tar)
+ (package-download-tar elt v-string))
+ ((eq kind 'single)
+ (package-download-single elt v-string
+ (package-desc-doc desc)
+ (package-desc-reqs desc)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown package kind: " (symbol-name kind))))))
+ transaction))
+(defun package-install (name)
+ "Install the package named NAME.
+Interactively, prompts for the package name.
+The package is found on the archive site, see `package-archive-base'."
+ (interactive
+ (list (progn
+ ;; Make sure we're using the most recent download of the
+ ;; archive. Maybe we should be updating the archive first?
+ (package-read-archive-contents)
+ (intern (completing-read "Install package: "
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (cons (symbol-name (car elt))
+ nil))
+ package-archive-contents)
+ nil t)))))
+ (let ((pkg-desc (assq name package-archive-contents)))
+ (unless pkg-desc
+ (error "Package '%s' not available for installation"
+ (symbol-name name)))
+ (let ((transaction
+ (package-compute-transaction (list name)
+ (package-desc-reqs (cdr pkg-desc)))))
+ (package-download-transaction transaction)))
+ ;; Try to activate it.
+ (package-initialize))
+(defun package-strip-rcs-id (v-str)
+ "Strip RCS version ID from the version string.
+If the result looks like a dotted numeric version, return it.
+Otherwise return nil."
+ (if v-str
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*[$]Revision:[ \t]\([0-9.]+\)[ \t]*[$]$" v-str)
+ (match-string 1 v-str)
+ (if (string-match "^[0-9.]*$" v-str)
+ v-str))))
+(defun package-buffer-info ()
+ "Return a vector of information about the package in the current buffer.
+FILENAME is the file name, a string. It does not have the \".el\" extension.
+REQUIRES is a requires list, or nil.
+DESCRIPTION is the package description (a string).
+VERSION is the version, a string.
+COMMENTARY is the commentary section, a string, or nil if none.
+Throws an exception if the buffer does not contain a conforming package.
+If there is a package, narrows the buffer to the file's boundaries.
+May narrow buffer or move point even on failure."
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "^;;; \\([^ ]*\\)\\.el --- \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+ (let ((file-name (match-string 1))
+ (desc (match-string 2))
+ (start (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
+ (if (search-forward (concat ";;; " file-name ".el ends here"))
+ (progn
+ ;; Try to include a trailing newline.
+ (forward-line)
+ (narrow-to-region start (point))
+ (require 'lisp-mnt)
+ ;; Use some headers we've invented to drive the process.
+ (let* ((requires-str (lm-header "package-requires"))
+ (requires (if requires-str
+ (package-read-from-string requires-str)))
+ ;; Prefer Package-Version, because if it is
+ ;; defined the package author probably wants us
+ ;; to use it. Otherwise try Version.
+ (pkg-version
+ (or (package-strip-rcs-id (lm-header "package-version"))
+ (package-strip-rcs-id (lm-header "version"))))
+ (commentary (lm-commentary)))
+ (unless pkg-version
+ (error
+ "Package does not define a usable \"Version\" or \"Package-Version\" header"))
+ ;; Turn string version numbers into list form.
+ (setq requires
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-split (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requires))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length file-name) nil file-name)
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length pkg-version) nil pkg-version)
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length desc) nil desc)
+ (vector file-name requires desc pkg-version commentary)))
+ (error "Package missing a terminating comment")))
+ (error "No starting comment for package")))
+(defun package-tar-file-info (file)
+ "Find package information for a tar file.
+FILE is the name of the tar file to examine.
+The return result is a vector like `package-buffer-info'."
+ (unless (string-match "^\\(.+\\)-\\([0-9.]+\\)\\.tar$" file)
+ (error "`%s' doesn't have a package-ish name" file))
+ (let* ((pkg-name (file-name-nondirectory (match-string-no-properties 1 file)))
+ (pkg-version (match-string-no-properties 2 file))
+ ;; Extract the package descriptor.
+ (pkg-def-contents (shell-command-to-string
+ ;; Requires GNU tar.
+ (concat "tar -xOf " file " "
+ pkg-name "-" pkg-version "/"
+ pkg-name "-pkg.el")))
+ (pkg-def-parsed (package-read-from-string pkg-def-contents)))
+ (unless (eq (car pkg-def-parsed) 'define-package)
+ (error "%s-pkg.el doesn't contain `define-package' sexp" pkg-name))
+ (let ((name-str (nth 1 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (version-string (nth 2 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (docstring (nth 3 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (requires (nth 4 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (readme (shell-command-to-string
+ ;; Requires GNU tar.
+ (concat "tar -xOf " file " "
+ pkg-name "-" pkg-version "/README"))))
+ (unless (equal pkg-version version-string)
+ (error "Inconsistent versions!"))
+ (unless (equal pkg-name name-str)
+ (error "Inconsistent names!"))
+ ;; Kind of a hack.
+ (if (string-match ": Not found in archive" readme)
+ (setq readme nil))
+ ;; Turn string version numbers into list form.
+ (if (eq (car requires) 'quote)
+ (setq requires (car (cdr requires))))
+ (setq requires
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-split (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requires))
+ (vector pkg-name requires docstring version-string readme))))
+(defun package-install-buffer-internal (pkg-info type)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (let* ((file-name (aref pkg-info 0))
+ (requires (aref pkg-info 1))
+ (desc (if (string= (aref pkg-info 2) "")
+ "No description available."
+ (aref pkg-info 2)))
+ (pkg-version (aref pkg-info 3)))
+ ;; Download and install the dependencies.
+ (let ((transaction (package-compute-transaction nil requires)))
+ (package-download-transaction transaction))
+ ;; Install the package itself.
+ (cond
+ ((eq type 'single)
+ (package-unpack-single file-name pkg-version desc requires))
+ ((eq type 'tar)
+ (package-unpack (intern file-name) pkg-version))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown type: %s" (symbol-name type))))
+ ;; Try to activate it.
+ (package-initialize)))))
+(defun package-install-from-buffer ()
+ "Install a package from the current buffer.
+The package is assumed to be a single .el file which
+follows the elisp comment guidelines; see
+info node `(elisp)Library Headers'."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-install-buffer-internal (package-buffer-info) 'single))
+(defun package-install-file (file)
+ "Install a package from a file.
+The file can either be a tar file or an Emacs Lisp file."
+ (interactive "fPackage file name: ")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally file)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\.el$" file) (package-install-from-buffer))
+ ((string-match "\\.tar$" file)
+ (package-install-buffer-internal (package-tar-file-info file) 'tar))
+ (t (error "Unrecognized extension `%s'" (file-name-extension file))))))
+(defun package-delete (name version)
+ (require 'dired) ; for dired-delete-file
+ (dired-delete-file (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ name "-" version)
+ ;; FIXME: query user?
+ 'always))
+(defun package--encode (string)
+ "Encode a string by replacing some characters with XML entities."
+ ;; We need a special case for translating "&" to "&amp;".
+ (let ((index))
+ (while (setq index (string-match "[&]" string index))
+ (setq string (replace-match "&amp;" t nil string))
+ (setq index (1+ index))))
+ (while (string-match "[<]" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&lt;" t nil string)))
+ (while (string-match "[>]" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&gt;" t nil string)))
+ (while (string-match "[']" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&apos;" t nil string)))
+ (while (string-match "[\"]" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&quot;" t nil string)))
+ string)
+(defun package--make-rss-entry (title text)
+ (let ((date-string (format-time-string "%a, %d %B %Y %T %z")))
+ (concat "<item>\n"
+ "<title>" (package--encode title) "</title>\n"
+ ;; FIXME: should have a link in the web page.
+ "<link>" package-archive-base "news.html</link>\n"
+ "<description>" (package--encode text) "</description>\n"
+ "<pubDate>" date-string "</pubDate>\n"
+ "</item>\n")))
+(defun package--make-html-entry (title text)
+ (concat "<li> " (format-time-string "%B %e") " - "
+ title " - " (package--encode text)
+ " </li>\n"))
+(defun package--update-file (file location text)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((old-buffer (find-buffer-visiting file)))
+ (with-current-buffer (let ((find-file-visit-truename t))
+ (or old-buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward location)
+ (forward-line)
+ (insert text)
+ (let ((file-precious-flag t))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (unless old-buffer
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
+(defun package-maint-add-news-item (title description)
+ "Add a news item to the ELPA web pages.
+TITLE is the title of the news item.
+DESCRIPTION is the text of the news item.
+You need administrative access to ELPA to use this."
+ (interactive "sTitle: \nsText: ")
+ (package--update-file (concat package-archive-upload-base "elpa.rss")
+ "<description>"
+ (package--make-rss-entry title description))
+ (package--update-file (concat package-archive-upload-base "news.html")
+ "New entries go here"
+ (package--make-html-entry title description)))
+(defun package--update-news (package version description)
+ "Update the ELPA web pages when a package is uploaded."
+ (package-maint-add-news-item (concat package " version " version)
+ description))
+(defun package-upload-buffer-internal (pkg-info extension)
+ "Upload a package whose contents are in the current buffer.
+PKG-INFO is the package info, see `package-buffer-info'.
+EXTENSION is the file extension, a string. It can be either
+\"el\" or \"tar\"."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (let* ((file-type (cond
+ ((equal extension "el") 'single)
+ ((equal extension "tar") 'tar)
+ (t (error "Unknown extension `%s'" extension))))
+ (file-name (aref pkg-info 0))
+ (pkg-name (intern file-name))
+ (requires (aref pkg-info 1))
+ (desc (if (string= (aref pkg-info 2) "")
+ (read-string "Description of package: ")
+ (aref pkg-info 2)))
+ (pkg-version (aref pkg-info 3))
+ (commentary (aref pkg-info 4))
+ (split-version (package-version-split pkg-version))
+ (pkg-buffer (current-buffer))
+ ;; Download latest archive-contents.
+ (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base "archive-contents"))))
+ ;; Parse archive-contents.
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (let ((contents (package-read-from-string
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+ (point-max))))
+ (new-desc (vector split-version requires desc file-type)))
+ (if (> (car contents) package-archive-version)
+ (error "Unrecognized archive version %d" (car contents)))
+ (let ((elt (assq pkg-name (cdr contents))))
+ (if elt
+ (if (package-version-compare split-version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))
+ '<=)
+ (error "New package has smaller version: %s" pkg-version)
+ (setcdr elt new-desc))
+ (setq contents (cons (car contents)
+ (cons (cons pkg-name new-desc)
+ (cdr contents))))))
+ ;; Now CONTENTS is the updated archive contents. Upload
+ ;; this and the package itself. For now we assume ELPA is
+ ;; writable via file primitives.
+ (let ((print-level nil)
+ (print-length nil))
+ (write-region (concat (pp-to-string contents) "\n")
+ nil
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ "archive-contents")))
+ ;; If there is a commentary section, write it.
+ (when commentary
+ (write-region commentary nil
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ (symbol-name pkg-name) "-readme.txt")))
+ (set-buffer pkg-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer buffer)
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ file-name "-" pkg-version
+ "." extension)
+ nil nil nil 'excl)
+ ;; Write a news entry.
+ (package--update-news (concat file-name "." extension)
+ pkg-version desc)
+ ;; special-case "package": write a second copy so that the
+ ;; installer can easily find the latest version.
+ (if (string= file-name "package")
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ file-name "." extension)
+ nil nil nil 'ask)))))))
+(defun package-upload-buffer ()
+ "Upload a single .el file to ELPA from the current buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ ;; Find the package in this buffer.
+ (let ((pkg-info (package-buffer-info)))
+ (package-upload-buffer-internal pkg-info "el")))))
+(defun package-upload-file (file)
+ (interactive "fPackage file name: ")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally file)
+ (let ((info (cond
+ ((string-match "\\.tar$" file) (package-tar-file-info file))
+ ((string-match "\\.el$" file) (package-buffer-info))
+ (t (error "Unrecognized extension `%s'"
+ (file-name-extension file))))))
+ (package-upload-buffer-internal info (file-name-extension file)))))
+(defun package-gnus-summary-upload ()
+ "Upload a package contained in the current *Article* buffer.
+This should be invoked from the gnus *Summary* buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+ (package-upload-buffer)))
+(defun package--download-one-archive (file)
+ "Download a single archive file and cache it locally."
+ (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base file))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (setq buffer-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ file))
+ (let ((version-control 'never))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))
+(defun package-refresh-contents ()
+ "Download the ELPA archive description if needed.
+Invoking this will ensure that Emacs knows about the latest versions
+of all packages. This will let Emacs make them available for
+ (interactive)
+ (package--download-one-archive "archive-contents")
+ (package--download-one-archive "builtin-packages")
+ (package-read-archive-contents))
+(defun package-initialize ()
+ "Load all packages and activate as many as possible."
+ (setq package-obsolete-alist nil)
+ (package-load-all-descriptors)
+ (package-read-archive-contents)
+ ;; Try to activate all our packages.
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (package-activate (car elt) (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))))
+ package-alist))
+;;;; Package menu mode.
+(defvar package-menu-mode-map nil
+ "Local keymap for `package-menu-mode' buffers.")
+(unless package-menu-mode-map
+ (setq package-menu-mode-map (make-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap package-menu-mode-map)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "q" 'quit-window)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "n" 'next-line)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "p" 'previous-line)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "u" 'package-menu-mark-unmark)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "\177" 'package-menu-backup-unmark)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "d" 'package-menu-mark-delete)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "i" 'package-menu-mark-install)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "g" 'package-menu-revert)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "r" 'package-menu-refresh)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "~"
+ 'package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "x" 'package-menu-execute)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "h" 'package-menu-quick-help)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "?" 'package-menu-view-commentary)
+ )
+(defvar package-menu-sort-button-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map [header-line mouse-1] 'package-menu-sort-by-column)
+ (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
+ map)
+ "Local keymap for package menu sort buttons.")
+(put 'package-menu-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+(defun package-menu-mode ()
+ "Major mode for browsing a list of packages.
+Letters do not insert themselves; instead, they are commands.
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map package-menu-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'package-menu-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Package Menu")
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ ;; Support Emacs 21.
+ (if (fboundp 'run-mode-hooks)
+ (run-mode-hooks 'package-menu-mode-hook)
+ (run-hooks 'package-menu-mode-hook)))
+(defun package-menu-refresh ()
+ "Download the ELPA archive.
+This fetches the file describing the current contents of
+the Emacs Lisp Package Archive, and then refreshes the
+package menu. This lets you see what new packages are
+available for download."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-refresh-contents)
+ (package-list-packages-internal))
+(defun package-menu-revert ()
+ "Update the list of packages."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-list-packages-internal))
+(defun package-menu-mark-internal (what)
+ (unless (eobp)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (insert what)
+ (forward-line))))
+;; fixme numeric argument
+(defun package-menu-mark-delete (num)
+ "Mark a package for deletion and move to the next line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal "D"))
+(defun package-menu-mark-install (num)
+ "Mark a package for installation and move to the next line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal "I"))
+(defun package-menu-mark-unmark (num)
+ "Clear any marks on a package and move to the next line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal " "))
+(defun package-menu-backup-unmark ()
+ "Back up one line and clear any marks on that package."
+ (interactive)
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (package-menu-mark-internal " ")
+ (forward-line -1))
+(defun package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion ()
+ "Mark all obsolete packages for deletion."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (if (looking-at ".*\\s obsolete\\s ")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal "D")
+ (forward-line 1)))))
+(defun package-menu-quick-help ()
+ "Show short key binding help for package-menu-mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (message "n-ext, i-nstall, d-elete, u-nmark, x-ecute, r-efresh, h-elp"))
+(defun package-menu-view-commentary ()
+ "Display information about this package.
+For single-file packages, shows the commentary section from the header.
+For larger packages, shows the README file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* (start-point ok
+ (pkg-name (package-menu-get-package))
+ (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat package-archive-base
+ pkg-name
+ "-readme.txt"))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ ;; FIXME: it would be nice to work with any URL type.
+ (setq start-point url-http-end-of-headers)
+ (setq ok (eq (url-http-parse-response) 200)))
+ (let ((new-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Package Info*")))
+ (with-current-buffer new-buffer
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "Package information for " pkg-name "\n\n")
+ (if ok
+ (insert-buffer-substring buffer start-point)
+ (insert "This package does not have a README file or commentary comment.\n"))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (view-mode)))
+ (display-buffer new-buffer t))))
+;; Return the name of the package on the current line.
+(defun package-menu-get-package ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (looking-at ". \\([^ \t]*\\)")
+ (match-string 1))))
+;; Return the version of the package on the current line.
+(defun package-menu-get-version ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (looking-at ". [^ \t]*[ \t]*\\([0-9.]*\\)")
+ (match-string 1))))
+(defun package-menu-get-status ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (looking-at ". [^ \t]*[ \t]*[^ \t]*[ \t]*\\([^ \t]*\\)")
+ (match-string 1)
+ "")))
+(defun package-menu-execute ()
+ "Perform all the marked actions.
+Packages marked for installation will be downloaded and
+installed. Packages marked for deletion will be removed.
+Note that after installing packages you will want to restart
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (let ((cmd (char-after))
+ (pkg-name (package-menu-get-package))
+ (pkg-vers (package-menu-get-version))
+ (pkg-status (package-menu-get-status)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq cmd ?D)
+ (when (and (string= pkg-status "installed")
+ (string= pkg-name "package"))
+ ;; FIXME: actually, we could be tricky and remove all info.
+ ;; But that is drastic and the user can do that instead.
+ (error "Can't delete most recent version of `package'"))
+ ;; Ask for confirmation here? Maybe if package status is ""?
+ ;; Or if any lisp from package is actually loaded?
+ (message "Deleting %s-%s..." pkg-name pkg-vers)
+ (package-delete pkg-name pkg-vers)
+ (message "Deleting %s-%s... done" pkg-name pkg-vers))
+ ((eq cmd ?I)
+ (package-install (intern pkg-name)))))
+ (forward-line))
+ (package-menu-revert))
+(defun package-print-package (package version key desc)
+ (let ((face
+ (cond ((eq package 'emacs) 'font-lock-builtin-face)
+ ((string= key "available") 'default)
+ ((string= key "installed") 'font-lock-comment-face)
+ (t ; obsolete, but also the default.
+ ; is warning ok?
+ 'font-lock-warning-face))))
+ (insert (propertize " " 'font-lock-face face))
+ (insert (propertize (symbol-name package) 'font-lock-face face))
+ (indent-to 20 1)
+ (insert (propertize (package-version-join version) 'font-lock-face face))
+ (indent-to 30 1)
+ (insert (propertize key 'font-lock-face face))
+ ;; FIXME: this 'when' is bogus...
+ (when desc
+ (indent-to 41 1)
+ (insert (propertize desc 'font-lock-face face)))
+ (insert "\n")))
+(defun package-list-maybe-add (package version status description result)
+ (let ((elt (assoc (cons package version) result)))
+ (unless elt
+ (setq result (cons (list (cons package version) status description)
+ result))))
+ result)
+;; This decides how we should sort; nil means by package name.
+(defvar package-menu-sort-key nil)
+(defun package-list-packages-internal ()
+ (package-initialize) ; FIXME: do this here?
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Packages*")
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (let ((info-list))
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (setq info-list
+ (package-list-maybe-add (car elt)
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))
+ ;; FIXME: it turns out to
+ ;; be tricky to see if
+ ;; this package is
+ ;; presently activated.
+ ;; That is lame!
+ "installed"
+ (package-desc-doc (cdr elt))
+ info-list)))
+ package-alist)
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (setq info-list
+ (package-list-maybe-add (car elt)
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))
+ "available"
+ (package-desc-doc (cdr elt))
+ info-list)))
+ package-archive-contents)
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (mapc (lambda (inner-elt)
+ (setq info-list
+ (package-list-maybe-add (car elt)
+ (package-desc-vers
+ (cdr inner-elt))
+ "obsolete"
+ (package-desc-doc
+ (cdr inner-elt))
+ info-list)))
+ (cdr elt)))
+ package-obsolete-alist)
+ (let ((selector (cond
+ ((string= package-menu-sort-key "Version")
+ ;; FIXME this doesn't work.
+ #'(lambda (e) (cdr (car e))))
+ ((string= package-menu-sort-key "Status")
+ #'(lambda (e) (car (cdr e))))
+ ((string= package-menu-sort-key "Description")
+ #'(lambda (e) (car (cdr (cdr e)))))
+ (t ; "Package" is default.
+ #'(lambda (e) (symbol-name (car (car e))))))))
+ (setq info-list
+ (sort info-list
+ (lambda (left right)
+ (let ((vleft (funcall selector left))
+ (vright (funcall selector right)))
+ (string< vleft vright))))))
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (package-print-package (car (car elt))
+ (cdr (car elt))
+ (car (cdr elt))
+ (car (cdr (cdr elt)))))
+ info-list))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (current-buffer)))
+(defun package-menu-sort-by-column (&optional e)
+ "Sort the package menu by the last column clicked on."
+ (interactive (list last-input-event))
+ (if e (mouse-select-window e))
+ (let* ((pos (event-start e))
+ (obj (posn-object pos))
+ (col (if obj
+ (get-text-property (cdr obj) 'column-name (car obj))
+ (get-text-property (posn-point pos) 'column-name))))
+ (setq package-menu-sort-key col))
+ (package-list-packages-internal))
+(defun package--list-packages ()
+ "Display a list of packages.
+Helper function that does all the work for the user-facing functions."
+ (with-current-buffer (package-list-packages-internal)
+ (package-menu-mode)
+ ;; Set up the header line.
+ (setq header-line-format
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (pair)
+ (let ((column (car pair))
+ (name (cdr pair)))
+ (concat
+ ;; Insert a space that aligns the button properly.
+ (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :align-to column)
+ 'face 'fixed-pitch)
+ ;; Set up the column button.
+ (if (string= name "Version")
+ name
+ (propertize name
+ 'column-name name
+ 'help-echo "mouse-1: sort by column"
+ 'mouse-face 'highlight
+ 'keymap package-menu-sort-button-map)))))
+ ;; We take a trick from buff-menu and have a dummy leading
+ ;; space to align the header line with the beginning of the
+ ;; text. This doesn't really work properly on Emacs 21,
+ ;; but it is close enough.
+ '((0 . "")
+ (2 . "Package")
+ (20 . "Version")
+ (30 . "Status")
+ (41 . "Description"))
+ ""))
+ ;; It's okay to use pop-to-buffer here. The package menu buffer
+ ;; has keybindings, and the user just typed 'M-x
+ ;; package-list-packages', suggesting that they might want to use
+ ;; them.
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defun package-list-packages ()
+ "Display a list of packages.
+Fetches the updated list of packages before displaying.
+The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-refresh-contents)
+ (package--list-packages))
+(defun package-list-packages-no-fetch ()
+ "Display a list of packages.
+Does not fetch the updated list of packages before displaying.
+The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'."
+ (interactive)
+ (package--list-packages))
+;; Make it appear on the menu.
+(define-key-after menu-bar-options-menu [package]
+ '(menu-item "Manage Packages" package-list-packages
+ :help "Install or uninstall additional Emacs packages"))
+ (require 'reporter))
+(defun package-report-bug ()
+ "Submit a bug report for package.el via email."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'reporter)
+ (reporter-submit-bug-report
+ package-el-maintainer
+ (concat "package.el " package-el-version)
+ '(package-archive-base
+ package-archive-version
+ package-archive-contents
+ package-user-dir
+ package-directory-list
+ package-alist
+ package-activated-list
+ package-obsolete-alist)))
+(provide 'package)
+;;; package.el ends here
diff --git a/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el~ b/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cecbe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el~
@@ -0,0 +1,1507 @@
+;;; package.el --- Simple package system for Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Tom Tromey <>
+;; Author: Tom Tromey <>
+;; Created: 10 Mar 2007
+;; Version: 0.9
+;; Keywords: tools
+;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; However, it is distributed under the same license.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Change Log:
+;; 2 Apr 2007 - now using ChangeLog file
+;; 15 Mar 2007 - updated documentation
+;; 14 Mar 2007 - Changed how obsolete packages are handled
+;; 13 Mar 2007 - Wrote package-install-from-buffer
+;; 12 Mar 2007 - Wrote package-menu mode
+;;; Commentary:
+;; To use this, put package.el somewhere on your load-path. Then add
+;; this to your .emacs:
+;; (load "package")
+;; (package-initialize)
+;; This will automatically make available the packages you have
+;; installed using package.el. If your .emacs will refer to these
+;; packages, you may want to initialize the package manager near the
+;; top.
+;; Note that if you want to be able to automatically download and
+;; install packages from ELPA (the Emacs Lisp Package Archive), then
+;; you will need the 'url' package. This comes with Emacs 22; Emacs
+;; 21 users will have to find it elsewhere.
+;; If you installed package.el via the auto-installer:
+;; then you do not need to edit your .emacs, as the installer will
+;; have done this for you. The installer will also install the url
+;; package if you need it.
+;; Other external functions you may want to use:
+;; M-x package-list-packages
+;; Enters a mode similar to buffer-menu which lets you manage
+;; packages. You can choose packages for install (mark with "i",
+;; then "x" to execute) or deletion (not implemented yet), and you
+;; can see what packages are available. This will automatically
+;; fetch the latest list of packages from ELPA.
+;; M-x package-list-packages-no-fetch
+;; Like package-list-packages, but does not automatically fetch the
+;; new list of packages.
+;; M-x package-install-from-buffer
+;; Install a package consisting of a single .el file that appears
+;; in the current buffer. This only works for packages which
+;; define a Version header properly; package.el also supports the
+;; extension headers Package-Version (in case Version is an RCS id
+;; or similar), and Package-Requires (if the package requires other
+;; packages).
+;; M-x package-install-file
+;; Install a package from the indicated file. The package can be
+;; either a tar file or a .el file. A tar file must contain an
+;; appropriately-named "-pkg.el" file; a .el file must be properly
+;; formatted as with package-install-from-buffer.
+;; The idea behind package.el is to be able to download packages and
+;; install them. Packages are versioned and have versioned
+;; dependencies. Furthermore, this supports built-in packages which
+;; may or may not be newer than user-specified packages. This makes
+;; it possible to upgrade Emacs and automatically disable packages
+;; which have moved from external to core. (Note though that we don't
+;; currently register any of these, so this feature does not actually
+;; work.)
+;; This code supports a single package repository, ELPA. All packages
+;; must be registered there.
+;; A package is described by its name and version. The distribution
+;; format is either a tar file or a single .el file.
+;; A tar file should be named "NAME-VERSION.tar". The tar file must
+;; unpack into a directory named after the package and version:
+;; "NAME-VERSION". It must contain a file named "PACKAGE-pkg.el"
+;; which consists of a call to define-package. It may also contain a
+;; "dir" file and the info files it references.
+;; A .el file will be named "NAME-VERSION.el" in ELPA, but will be
+;; installed as simply "NAME.el" in a directory named "NAME-VERSION".
+;; The downloader will download all dependent packages. It will also
+;; byte-compile the package's lisp at install time.
+;; At activation time we will set up the load-path and the info path,
+;; and we will load the package's autoloads. If a package's
+;; dependencies are not available, we will not activate that package.
+;; Conceptually a package has multiple state transitions:
+;; * Download. Fetching the package from ELPA.
+;; * Install. Untar the package, or write the .el file, into
+;; ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ directory.
+;; * Byte compile. Currently this phase is done during install,
+;; but we may change this.
+;; * Activate. Evaluate the autoloads for the package to make it
+;; available to the user.
+;; * Load. Actually load the package and run some code from it.
+;;; Thanks:
+;;; (sorted by sort-lines):
+;; Jim Blandy <>
+;; Karl Fogel <>
+;; Kevin Ryde <>
+;; Lawrence Mitchell
+;; Michael Olson <>
+;; Sebastian Tennant <>
+;; Stefan Monnier <>
+;; Vinicius Jose Latorre <>
+;; Phil Hagelberg <>
+;;; ToDo:
+;; - putting info dirs at the start of the info path means
+;; users see a weird ordering of categories. OTOH we want to
+;; override later entries. maybe emacs needs to enforce
+;; the standard layout?
+;; - put bytecode in a separate directory tree
+;; - perhaps give users a way to recompile their bytecode
+;; or do it automatically when emacs changes
+;; - give users a way to know whether a package is installed ok
+;; - give users a way to view a package's documentation when it
+;; only appears in the .el
+;; - use/extend checkdoc so people can tell if their package will work
+;; - "installed" instead of a blank in the status column
+;; - tramp needs its files to be compiled in a certain order.
+;; how to handle this? fix tramp?
+;; - on emacs 21 we don't kill the -autoloads.el buffer. what about 22?
+;; - maybe we need separate .elc directories for various emacs versions
+;; and also emacs-vs-xemacs. That way conditional compilation can
+;; work. But would this break anything?
+;; - should store the package's keywords in archive-contents, then
+;; let the users filter the package-menu by keyword. See
+;; finder-by-keyword. (We could also let people view the
+;; Commentary, but it isn't clear how useful this is.)
+;; - William Xu suggests being able to open a package file without
+;; installing it
+;; - Interface with desktop.el so that restarting after an install
+;; works properly
+;; - Implement M-x package-upgrade, to upgrade any/all existing packages
+;; - Use hierarchical layout. PKG/etc PKG/lisp PKG/info
+;; ... except maybe lisp?
+;; - It may be nice to have a macro that expands to the package's
+;; private data dir, aka ".../etc". Or, maybe data-directory
+;; needs to be a list (though this would be less nice)
+;; a few packages want this, eg sokoban
+;; - package menu needs:
+;; ability to know which packages are built-in & thus not deletable
+;; it can sometimes print odd results, like 0.3 available but 0.4 active
+;; why is that?
+;; - Allow multiple versions on the server...?
+;; [ why bother? ]
+;; - Don't install a package which will invalidate dependencies overall
+;; - Allow something like (or (>= emacs 21.0) (>= xemacs 21.5))
+;; [ currently thinking, why bother.. KISS ]
+;; - Allow optional package dependencies
+;; then if we require 'bbdb', bbdb-specific lisp in lisp/bbdb
+;; and just don't compile to add to load path ...?
+;; - Have a list of archive URLs? [ maybe there's no point ]
+;; - David Kastrup pointed out on the xemacs list that for GPL it
+;; is friendlier to ship the source tree. We could "support" that
+;; by just having a "src" subdir in the package. This isn't ideal
+;; but it probably is not worth trying to support random source
+;; tree layouts, build schemes, etc.
+;; - Our treatment of the info path is somewhat bogus
+;; - perhaps have an "unstable" tree in ELPA as well as a stable one
+;;; Code:
+(defconst package-archive-base ""
+ "Base URL for the package archive.
+Ordinarily you should not need to edit this.
+The default points to ELPA, the Emacs Lisp Package Archive.
+Note that some code in package.el assumes that this is an http: URL.")
+(defconst package-archive-version 1
+ "Version number of the package archive understood by this file.
+Lower version numbers than this will probably be understood as well.")
+;; Note that this only works if you have the password, which you
+;; probably don't :-). Also if you are using Emacs 21 then you will
+;; need to hack ange-ftp-name-format to make this work.
+(defvar package-archive-upload-base "/"
+ "Base location for uploading to package archive.")
+(defconst package-el-maintainer "Tom Tromey <>"
+ "The package.el maintainer.")
+(defconst package-el-version "0.9"
+ "Version of package.el.")
+;; We don't prime the cache since it tends to get out of date.
+(defvar package-archive-contents
+ nil
+ "A representation of the contents of the ELPA archive.
+This is an alist mapping package names (symbols) to package
+descriptor vectors. These are like the vectors for `package-alist'
+but have an extra entry which is 'tar for tar packages and
+'single for single-file packages.")
+(defvar package-user-dir
+ (expand-file-name (convert-standard-filename "~/.emacs.d/elpa"))
+ "Name of the directory where the user's packages are stored.")
+(defvar package-directory-list
+ (list (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/")
+ "List of directories to search for packages.")
+(defun package-version-split (string)
+ "Split a package string into a version list."
+ (mapcar 'string-to-int (split-string string "[.]")))
+(defconst package--builtins-base
+ ;; We use package-version split here to make sure to pick up the
+ ;; minor version.
+ `((emacs . [,(package-version-split emacs-version) nil
+ "GNU Emacs"])
+ (package . [,(package-version-split package-el-version)
+ nil "Simple package system for GNU Emacs"]))
+ "Packages which are always built-in.")
+(defvar package--builtins
+ (delq nil
+ (append
+ package--builtins-base
+ (if (>= emacs-major-version 22)
+ ;; FIXME: emacs 22 includes tramp, rcirc, maybe
+ ;; other things...
+ '((erc . [(5 2) nil "An Emacs Internet Relay Chat client"])
+ ;; The external URL is version 1.15, so make sure the
+ ;; built-in one looks newer.
+ (url . [(1 16) nil "URL handling libary"])))
+ (if (>= emacs-major-version 23)
+ '(;; Strangely, nxml-version is missing in Emacs 23.
+ ;; We pick the merge date as the version.
+ (nxml . [(20071123) nil "Major mode for editing XML documents."])
+ (bubbles . [(0 5) nil "Puzzle game for Emacs."])))))
+ "Alist of all built-in packages.
+Maps the package name to a vector [VERSION REQS DOCSTRING].")
+(defvar package-alist package--builtins
+ "Alist of all packages available for activation.
+Maps the package name to a vector [VERSION REQS DOCSTRING].")
+(defvar package-activated-list
+ (mapcar #'car package-alist)
+ "List of the names of all activated packages.")
+(defvar package-obsolete-alist nil
+ "Representation of obsolete packages.
+Like `package-alist', but maps package name to a second alist.
+The inner alist is keyed by version.")
+(defun package-version-join (l)
+ "Turn a list of version numbers into a version string."
+ (mapconcat 'int-to-string l "."))
+(defun package--version-first-nonzero (l)
+ (while (and l (= (car l) 0))
+ (setq l (cdr l)))
+ (if l (car l) 0))
+(defun package-version-compare (v1 v2 fun)
+ "Compare two version lists according to FUN.
+FUN can be <, <=, =, >, >=, or /=."
+ (while (and v1 v2 (= (car v1) (car v2)))
+ (setq v1 (cdr v1)
+ v2 (cdr v2)))
+ (if v1
+ (if v2
+ ;; Both not null; we know the cars are not =.
+ (funcall fun (car v1) (car v2))
+ ;; V1 not null, V2 null.
+ (funcall fun (package--version-first-nonzero v1) 0))
+ (if v2
+ ;; V1 null, V2 not null.
+ (funcall fun 0 (package--version-first-nonzero v2))
+ ;; Both null.
+ (funcall fun 0 0))))
+(defun package--test-version-compare ()
+ "Test suite for `package-version-compare'."
+ (unless (and (package-version-compare '(0) '(0) '=)
+ (not (package-version-compare '(1) '(0) '=))
+ (package-version-compare '(1 0 1) '(1) '>=)
+ (package-version-compare '(1 0 1) '(1) '>)
+ (not (package-version-compare '(0 9 1) '(1 0 2) '>=)))
+ (error "Failed"))
+ t)
+(defun package-strip-version (dirname)
+ "Strip the version from a combined package name and version.
+E.g., if given \"quux-23.0\", will return \"quux\""
+ (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)-[0-9]+\\([.][0-9]+\\)*$" dirname)
+ (match-string 1 dirname)))
+(defun package-load-descriptor (dir package)
+ "Load the description file for a package.
+Return nil if the package could not be found."
+ (let ((pkg-dir (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) package "/")))
+ (if (file-directory-p pkg-dir)
+ (load (concat pkg-dir (package-strip-version package) "-pkg") nil t))))
+(defun package-load-all-descriptors ()
+ "Load descriptors of all packages.
+Uses `package-directory-list' to find packages."
+ (mapc (lambda (dir)
+ (if (file-directory-p dir)
+ (mapc (lambda (name)
+ (package-load-descriptor dir name))
+ (directory-files dir nil "^[^.]"))))
+ package-directory-list))
+(defsubst package-desc-vers (desc)
+ "Extract version from a package description vector."
+ (aref desc 0))
+(defsubst package-desc-reqs (desc)
+ "Extract requirements from a package description vector."
+ (aref desc 1))
+(defsubst package-desc-doc (desc)
+ "Extract doc string from a package description vector."
+ (aref desc 2))
+(defsubst package-desc-kind (desc)
+ "Extract the kind of download from an archive package description vector."
+ (aref desc 3))
+(defun package-do-activate (package pkg-vec)
+ (let* ((pkg-name (symbol-name package))
+ (pkg-ver-str (package-version-join (package-desc-vers pkg-vec)))
+ (dir-list package-directory-list)
+ (pkg-dir))
+ (while dir-list
+ (let ((subdir (concat (car dir-list) pkg-name "-" pkg-ver-str "/")))
+ (if (file-directory-p subdir)
+ (progn
+ (setq pkg-dir subdir)
+ (setq dir-list nil))
+ (setq dir-list (cdr dir-list)))))
+ (unless pkg-dir
+ (error "Internal error: could not find directory for %s-%s"
+ pkg-name pkg-ver-str))
+ (if (file-exists-p (concat pkg-dir "dir"))
+ (progn
+ ;; FIXME: not the friendliest, but simple.
+ (require 'info)
+ (info-initialize)
+ (setq Info-directory-list (cons pkg-dir Info-directory-list))))
+ (setq load-path (cons pkg-dir load-path))
+ ;; Load the autoloads and activate the package.
+ (load (concat pkg-dir (symbol-name package) "-autoloads")
+ nil t)
+ (setq package-activated-list (cons package package-activated-list))
+ ;; Don't return nil.
+ t))
+(defun package--built-in (package version)
+ "Return true if the package is built-in to Emacs."
+ (let ((elt (assq package package--builtins)))
+ (and elt
+ (package-version-compare (package-desc-vers (cdr elt)) version '=))))
+;; FIXME: return a reason instead?
+(defun package-activate (package version)
+ "Try to activate a package.
+Return nil if the package could not be activated.
+Recursively activates all dependencies of the named package."
+ ;; Assume the user knows what he is doing -- go ahead and activate a
+ ;; newer version of a package if an older one has already been
+ ;; activated. This is not ideal; we'd at least need to check to see
+ ;; if the package has actually been loaded, and not merely
+ ;; activated. However, don't try to activate 'emacs', as that makes
+ ;; no sense.
+ (unless (eq package 'emacs)
+ (let* ((pkg-desc (assq package package-alist))
+ (this-version (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc)))
+ (req-list (package-desc-reqs (cdr pkg-desc)))
+ ;; If the package was never activated, we want to do it
+ ;; now.
+ (keep-going (or (not (memq package package-activated-list))
+ (package-version-compare this-version version '>))))
+ (while (and req-list keep-going)
+ (or (package-activate (car (car req-list))
+ (car (cdr (car req-list))))
+ (setq keep-going nil))
+ (setq req-list (cdr req-list)))
+ (if keep-going
+ (package-do-activate package (cdr pkg-desc))
+ ;; We get here if a dependency failed to activate -- but we
+ ;; can also get here if the requested package was already
+ ;; activated. Return non-nil in the latter case.
+ (and (memq package package-activated-list)
+ (package-version-compare this-version version '>=))))))
+(defun package-mark-obsolete (package pkg-vec)
+ "Put package on the obsolete list, if not already there."
+ (let ((elt (assq package package-obsolete-alist)))
+ (if elt
+ ;; If this obsolete version does not exist in the list, update
+ ;; it the list.
+ (unless (assoc (package-desc-vers pkg-vec) (cdr elt))
+ (setcdr elt (cons (cons (package-desc-vers pkg-vec) pkg-vec)
+ (cdr elt))))
+ ;; Make a new association.
+ (setq package-obsolete-alist
+ (cons (cons package (list (cons (package-desc-vers pkg-vec)
+ pkg-vec)))
+ package-obsolete-alist)))))
+;; (define-package "emacs" "21.4.1" "GNU Emacs core package.")
+;; (define-package "erc" "5.1" "ERC - irc client" '((emacs "21.0")))
+(defun define-package (name-str version-string
+ &optional docstring requirements)
+ "Define a new package.
+NAME is the name of the package, a string.
+VERSION-STRING is the version of the package, a dotted sequence
+of integers.
+DOCSTRING is the optional description.
+REQUIREMENTS is a list of requirements on other packages.
+Each requirement is of the form (OTHER-PACKAGE \"VERSION\")."
+ (let* ((name (intern name-str))
+ (pkg-desc (assq name package-alist))
+ (new-version (package-version-split version-string))
+ (new-pkg-desc
+ (cons name
+ (vector new-version
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-split (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requirements)
+ docstring))))
+ ;; Only redefine a package if the redefinition is newer.
+ (if (or (not pkg-desc)
+ (package-version-compare new-version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ '>))
+ (progn
+ (when pkg-desc
+ ;; Remove old package and declare it obsolete.
+ (setq package-alist (delq pkg-desc package-alist))
+ (package-mark-obsolete (car pkg-desc) (cdr pkg-desc)))
+ ;; Add package to the alist.
+ (setq package-alist (cons new-pkg-desc package-alist)))
+ ;; You can have two packages with the same version, for instance
+ ;; one in the system package directory and one in your private
+ ;; directory. We just let the first one win.
+ (unless (package-version-compare new-version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ '=)
+ ;; The package is born obsolete.
+ (package-mark-obsolete (car new-pkg-desc) (cdr new-pkg-desc))))))
+;; From Emacs 22.
+(defun package-autoload-ensure-default-file (file)
+ "Make sure that the autoload file FILE exists and if not create it."
+ (unless (file-exists-p file)
+ (write-region
+ (concat ";;; " (file-name-nondirectory file)
+ " --- automatically extracted autoloads\n"
+ ";;\n"
+ ";;; Code:\n\n"
+ " \n;; Local Variables:\n"
+ ";; version-control: never\n"
+ ";; no-byte-compile: t\n"
+ ";; no-update-autoloads: t\n"
+ ";; End:\n"
+ ";;; " (file-name-nondirectory file)
+ " ends here\n")
+ nil file))
+ file)
+(defun package-generate-autoloads (name pkg-dir)
+ (let* ((auto-name (concat name "-autoloads.el"))
+ (ignore-name (concat name "-pkg.el"))
+ (generated-autoload-file (concat pkg-dir auto-name))
+ (version-control 'never))
+ ;; In Emacs 22 'update-autoloads-from-directories' does not seem
+ ;; to be autoloaded...
+ (require 'autoload)
+ (unless (fboundp 'autoload-ensure-default-file)
+ (package-autoload-ensure-default-file generated-autoload-file))
+ (update-autoloads-from-directories pkg-dir)))
+(defun package-untar-buffer ()
+ "Untar the current buffer.
+This uses `tar-untar-buffer' if it is available.
+Otherwise it uses an external `tar' program.
+`default-directory' should be set by the caller."
+ (require 'tar-mode)
+ (if (fboundp 'tar-untar-buffer)
+ (progn
+ ;; tar-mode messes with narrowing, so we just let it have the
+ ;; whole buffer to play with.
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (tar-mode)
+ (tar-untar-buffer))
+ ;; FIXME: check the result.
+ (call-process-region (point) (point-max) "tar" nil '(nil nil) nil
+ "xf" "-")))
+(defun package-unpack (name version)
+ (let ((pkg-dir (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ (symbol-name name) "-" version "/")))
+ ;; Be careful!!
+ (make-directory package-user-dir t)
+ (if (file-directory-p pkg-dir)
+ (mapc (lambda (file) nil) ; 'delete-file -- FIXME: when we're
+ ; more confident
+ (directory-files pkg-dir t "^[^.]")))
+ (let* ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)))
+ (package-untar-buffer)
+ (package-generate-autoloads (symbol-name name) pkg-dir)
+ (let ((load-path (cons pkg-dir load-path)))
+ (byte-recompile-directory pkg-dir 0 t)))))
+(defun package-unpack-single (file-name version desc requires)
+ "Install the contents of the current buffer as a package."
+ (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)))
+ ;; Special case "package".
+ (if (string= file-name "package")
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) (concat dir file-name ".el")
+ nil nil nil nil)
+ (let ((pkg-dir (file-name-as-directory
+ (concat dir file-name "-" version))))
+ (make-directory pkg-dir t)
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (concat pkg-dir file-name ".el")
+ nil nil nil 'excl)
+ (let ((print-level nil)
+ (print-length nil))
+ (write-region
+ (concat
+ (prin1-to-string
+ (list 'define-package
+ file-name
+ version
+ desc
+ (list 'quote
+ ;; Turn version lists into string form.
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-join (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requires))))
+ "\n")
+ nil
+ (concat pkg-dir file-name "-pkg.el")
+ nil nil nil 'excl))
+ (package-generate-autoloads file-name pkg-dir)
+ (let ((load-path (cons pkg-dir load-path)))
+ (byte-recompile-directory pkg-dir 0 t))))))
+(defun package-handle-response ()
+ "Handle the response from the server.
+Parse the HTTP response and throw if an error occurred.
+The url package seems to require extra processing for this.
+This should be called in a `save-excursion', in the download buffer.
+It will move point to somewhere in the headers."
+ ;; We assume HTTP here.
+ (let ((response (url-http-parse-response)))
+ (when (or (< response 200) (>= response 300))
+ (display-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (error "Error during download request:%s"
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (progn
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point)))))))
+(defun package-download-single (name version desc requires)
+ "Download and install a single-file package."
+ (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base
+ (symbol-name name) "-" version ".el"))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (package-unpack-single (symbol-name name) version desc requires)
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))
+(defun package-download-tar (name version)
+ "Download and install a tar package."
+ (let ((tar-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base
+ (symbol-name name) "-" version ".tar"))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer tar-buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (package-unpack name version)
+ (kill-buffer tar-buffer))))
+(defun package-installed-p (package version)
+ (let ((pkg-desc (assq package package-alist)))
+ (and pkg-desc
+ (package-version-compare version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ '>=))))
+(defun package-compute-transaction (result requirements)
+ (while requirements
+ (let* ((elt (car requirements))
+ (next-pkg (car elt))
+ (next-version (car (cdr elt))))
+ (unless (package-installed-p next-pkg next-version)
+ (let ((pkg-desc (assq next-pkg package-archive-contents)))
+ (unless pkg-desc
+ (error "Package '%s' not available for installation"
+ (symbol-name next-pkg)))
+ (unless (package-version-compare (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc))
+ next-version
+ '>=)
+ (error
+ "Need package '%s' with version %s, but only %s is available"
+ (symbol-name next-pkg) (package-version-join next-version)
+ (package-version-join (package-desc-vers (cdr pkg-desc)))))
+ ;; Only add to the transaction if we don't already have it.
+ (unless (memq next-pkg result)
+ (setq result (cons next-pkg result)))
+ (setq result
+ (package-compute-transaction result
+ (package-desc-reqs
+ (cdr pkg-desc)))))))
+ (setq requirements (cdr requirements)))
+ result)
+(defun package-read-from-string (str)
+ "Read a Lisp expression from STR.
+Signal an error if the entire string was not used."
+ (let* ((read-data (read-from-string str))
+ (more-left
+ (condition-case nil
+ ;; The call to `ignore' suppresses a compiler warning.
+ (progn (ignore (read-from-string
+ (substring str (cdr read-data))))
+ t)
+ (end-of-file nil))))
+ (if more-left
+ (error "Can't read whole string")
+ (car read-data))))
+(defun package--read-archive-file (file)
+ "Re-read archive file FILE, if it exists.
+Will return the data from the file, or nil if the file does not exist.
+Will throw an error if the archive version is too new."
+ (let ((filename (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ file)))
+ (if (file-exists-p filename)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally filename)
+ (let ((contents (package-read-from-string
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+ (point-max)))))
+ (if (> (car contents) package-archive-version)
+ (error "Package archive version %d is greater than %d - upgrade package.el"
+ (car contents) package-archive-version))
+ (cdr contents))))))
+(defun package-read-archive-contents ()
+ "Re-read `archive-contents' and `builtin-packages', if they exist.
+Will set `package-archive-contents' and `package--builtins' if successful.
+Will throw an error if the archive version is too new."
+ (let ((archive-contents (package--read-archive-file "archive-contents"))
+ (builtins (package--read-archive-file "builtin-packages")))
+ (if archive-contents
+ ;; Version 1 of 'archive-contents' is identical to our
+ ;; internal representation.
+ (setq package-archive-contents archive-contents))
+ (if builtins
+ ;; Version 1 of 'builtin-packages' is a list where the car is
+ ;; a split emacs version and the cdr is an alist suitable for
+ ;; package--builtins.
+ (let ((our-version (package-version-split emacs-version))
+ (result package--builtins-base))
+ (setq package--builtins
+ (dolist (elt builtins result)
+ (if (package-version-compare our-version (car elt) '>=)
+ (setq result (append (cdr elt) result)))))))))
+(defun package-download-transaction (transaction)
+ "Download and install all the packages in the given transaction."
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (let* ((desc (cdr (assq elt package-archive-contents)))
+ (v-string (package-version-join (package-desc-vers desc)))
+ (kind (package-desc-kind desc)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq kind 'tar)
+ (package-download-tar elt v-string))
+ ((eq kind 'single)
+ (package-download-single elt v-string
+ (package-desc-doc desc)
+ (package-desc-reqs desc)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown package kind: " (symbol-name kind))))))
+ transaction))
+(defun package-install (name)
+ "Install the package named NAME.
+Interactively, prompts for the package name.
+The package is found on the archive site, see `package-archive-base'."
+ (interactive
+ (list (progn
+ ;; Make sure we're using the most recent download of the
+ ;; archive. Maybe we should be updating the archive first?
+ (package-read-archive-contents)
+ (intern (completing-read "Install package: "
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (cons (symbol-name (car elt))
+ nil))
+ package-archive-contents)
+ nil t)))))
+ (let ((pkg-desc (assq name package-archive-contents)))
+ (unless pkg-desc
+ (error "Package '%s' not available for installation"
+ (symbol-name name)))
+ (let ((transaction
+ (package-compute-transaction (list name)
+ (package-desc-reqs (cdr pkg-desc)))))
+ (package-download-transaction transaction)))
+ ;; Try to activate it.
+ (package-initialize))
+(defun package-strip-rcs-id (v-str)
+ "Strip RCS version ID from the version string.
+If the result looks like a dotted numeric version, return it.
+Otherwise return nil."
+ (if v-str
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*[$]Revision:[ \t]\([0-9.]+\)[ \t]*[$]$" v-str)
+ (match-string 1 v-str)
+ (if (string-match "^[0-9.]*$" v-str)
+ v-str))))
+(defun package-buffer-info ()
+ "Return a vector of information about the package in the current buffer.
+FILENAME is the file name, a string. It does not have the \".el\" extension.
+REQUIRES is a requires list, or nil.
+DESCRIPTION is the package description (a string).
+VERSION is the version, a string.
+COMMENTARY is the commentary section, a string, or nil if none.
+Throws an exception if the buffer does not contain a conforming package.
+If there is a package, narrows the buffer to the file's boundaries.
+May narrow buffer or move point even on failure."
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "^;;; \\([^ ]*\\)\\.el --- \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+ (let ((file-name (match-string 1))
+ (desc (match-string 2))
+ (start (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
+ (if (search-forward (concat ";;; " file-name ".el ends here"))
+ (progn
+ ;; Try to include a trailing newline.
+ (forward-line)
+ (narrow-to-region start (point))
+ (require 'lisp-mnt)
+ ;; Use some headers we've invented to drive the process.
+ (let* ((requires-str (lm-header "package-requires"))
+ (requires (if requires-str
+ (package-read-from-string requires-str)))
+ ;; Prefer Package-Version, because if it is
+ ;; defined the package author probably wants us
+ ;; to use it. Otherwise try Version.
+ (pkg-version
+ (or (package-strip-rcs-id (lm-header "package-version"))
+ (package-strip-rcs-id (lm-header "version"))))
+ (commentary (lm-commentary)))
+ (unless pkg-version
+ (error
+ "Package does not define a usable \"Version\" or \"Package-Version\" header"))
+ ;; Turn string version numbers into list form.
+ (setq requires
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-split (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requires))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length file-name) nil file-name)
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length pkg-version) nil pkg-version)
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length desc) nil desc)
+ (vector file-name requires desc pkg-version commentary)))
+ (error "Package missing a terminating comment")))
+ (error "No starting comment for package")))
+(defun package-tar-file-info (file)
+ "Find package information for a tar file.
+FILE is the name of the tar file to examine.
+The return result is a vector like `package-buffer-info'."
+ (unless (string-match "^\\(.+\\)-\\([0-9.]+\\)\\.tar$" file)
+ (error "`%s' doesn't have a package-ish name" file))
+ (let* ((pkg-name (file-name-nondirectory (match-string-no-properties 1 file)))
+ (pkg-version (match-string-no-properties 2 file))
+ ;; Extract the package descriptor.
+ (pkg-def-contents (shell-command-to-string
+ ;; Requires GNU tar.
+ (concat "tar -xOf " file " "
+ pkg-name "-" pkg-version "/"
+ pkg-name "-pkg.el")))
+ (pkg-def-parsed (package-read-from-string pkg-def-contents)))
+ (unless (eq (car pkg-def-parsed) 'define-package)
+ (error "%s-pkg.el doesn't contain `define-package' sexp" pkg-name))
+ (let ((name-str (nth 1 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (version-string (nth 2 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (docstring (nth 3 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (requires (nth 4 pkg-def-parsed))
+ (readme (shell-command-to-string
+ ;; Requires GNU tar.
+ (concat "tar -xOf " file " "
+ pkg-name "-" pkg-version "/README"))))
+ (unless (equal pkg-version version-string)
+ (error "Inconsistent versions!"))
+ (unless (equal pkg-name name-str)
+ (error "Inconsistent names!"))
+ ;; Kind of a hack.
+ (if (string-match ": Not found in archive" readme)
+ (setq readme nil))
+ ;; Turn string version numbers into list form.
+ (if (eq (car requires) 'quote)
+ (setq requires (car (cdr requires))))
+ (setq requires
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (list (car elt)
+ (package-version-split (car (cdr elt)))))
+ requires))
+ (vector pkg-name requires docstring version-string readme))))
+(defun package-install-buffer-internal (pkg-info type)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (let* ((file-name (aref pkg-info 0))
+ (requires (aref pkg-info 1))
+ (desc (if (string= (aref pkg-info 2) "")
+ "No description available."
+ (aref pkg-info 2)))
+ (pkg-version (aref pkg-info 3)))
+ ;; Download and install the dependencies.
+ (let ((transaction (package-compute-transaction nil requires)))
+ (package-download-transaction transaction))
+ ;; Install the package itself.
+ (cond
+ ((eq type 'single)
+ (package-unpack-single file-name pkg-version desc requires))
+ ((eq type 'tar)
+ (package-unpack (intern file-name) pkg-version))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown type: %s" (symbol-name type))))
+ ;; Try to activate it.
+ (package-initialize)))))
+(defun package-install-from-buffer ()
+ "Install a package from the current buffer.
+The package is assumed to be a single .el file which
+follows the elisp comment guidelines; see
+info node `(elisp)Library Headers'."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-install-buffer-internal (package-buffer-info) 'single))
+(defun package-install-file (file)
+ "Install a package from a file.
+The file can either be a tar file or an Emacs Lisp file."
+ (interactive "fPackage file name: ")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally file)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\.el$" file) (package-install-from-buffer))
+ ((string-match "\\.tar$" file)
+ (package-install-buffer-internal (package-tar-file-info file) 'tar))
+ (t (error "Unrecognized extension `%s'" (file-name-extension file))))))
+(defun package-delete (name version)
+ (require 'dired) ; for dired-delete-file
+ (dired-delete-file (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ name "-" version)
+ ;; FIXME: query user?
+ 'always))
+(defun package--encode (string)
+ "Encode a string by replacing some characters with XML entities."
+ ;; We need a special case for translating "&" to "&amp;".
+ (let ((index))
+ (while (setq index (string-match "[&]" string index))
+ (setq string (replace-match "&amp;" t nil string))
+ (setq index (1+ index))))
+ (while (string-match "[<]" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&lt;" t nil string)))
+ (while (string-match "[>]" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&gt;" t nil string)))
+ (while (string-match "[']" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&apos;" t nil string)))
+ (while (string-match "[\"]" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match "&quot;" t nil string)))
+ string)
+(defun package--make-rss-entry (title text)
+ (let ((date-string (format-time-string "%a, %d %B %Y %T %z")))
+ (concat "<item>\n"
+ "<title>" (package--encode title) "</title>\n"
+ ;; FIXME: should have a link in the web page.
+ "<link>" package-archive-base "news.html</link>\n"
+ "<description>" (package--encode text) "</description>\n"
+ "<pubDate>" date-string "</pubDate>\n"
+ "</item>\n")))
+(defun package--make-html-entry (title text)
+ (concat "<li> " (format-time-string "%B %e") " - "
+ title " - " (package--encode text)
+ " </li>\n"))
+(defun package--update-file (file location text)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((old-buffer (find-buffer-visiting file)))
+ (with-current-buffer (let ((find-file-visit-truename t))
+ (or old-buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward location)
+ (forward-line)
+ (insert text)
+ (let ((file-precious-flag t))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (unless old-buffer
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
+(defun package-maint-add-news-item (title description)
+ "Add a news item to the ELPA web pages.
+TITLE is the title of the news item.
+DESCRIPTION is the text of the news item.
+You need administrative access to ELPA to use this."
+ (interactive "sTitle: \nsText: ")
+ (package--update-file (concat package-archive-upload-base "elpa.rss")
+ "<description>"
+ (package--make-rss-entry title description))
+ (package--update-file (concat package-archive-upload-base "news.html")
+ "New entries go here"
+ (package--make-html-entry title description)))
+(defun package--update-news (package version description)
+ "Update the ELPA web pages when a package is uploaded."
+ (package-maint-add-news-item (concat package " version " version)
+ description))
+(defun package-upload-buffer-internal (pkg-info extension)
+ "Upload a package whose contents are in the current buffer.
+PKG-INFO is the package info, see `package-buffer-info'.
+EXTENSION is the file extension, a string. It can be either
+\"el\" or \"tar\"."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (let* ((file-type (cond
+ ((equal extension "el") 'single)
+ ((equal extension "tar") 'tar)
+ (t (error "Unknown extension `%s'" extension))))
+ (file-name (aref pkg-info 0))
+ (pkg-name (intern file-name))
+ (requires (aref pkg-info 1))
+ (desc (if (string= (aref pkg-info 2) "")
+ (read-string "Description of package: ")
+ (aref pkg-info 2)))
+ (pkg-version (aref pkg-info 3))
+ (commentary (aref pkg-info 4))
+ (split-version (package-version-split pkg-version))
+ (pkg-buffer (current-buffer))
+ ;; Download latest archive-contents.
+ (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base "archive-contents"))))
+ ;; Parse archive-contents.
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (let ((contents (package-read-from-string
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+ (point-max))))
+ (new-desc (vector split-version requires desc file-type)))
+ (if (> (car contents) package-archive-version)
+ (error "Unrecognized archive version %d" (car contents)))
+ (let ((elt (assq pkg-name (cdr contents))))
+ (if elt
+ (if (package-version-compare split-version
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))
+ '<=)
+ (error "New package has smaller version: %s" pkg-version)
+ (setcdr elt new-desc))
+ (setq contents (cons (car contents)
+ (cons (cons pkg-name new-desc)
+ (cdr contents))))))
+ ;; Now CONTENTS is the updated archive contents. Upload
+ ;; this and the package itself. For now we assume ELPA is
+ ;; writable via file primitives.
+ (let ((print-level nil)
+ (print-length nil))
+ (write-region (concat (pp-to-string contents) "\n")
+ nil
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ "archive-contents")))
+ ;; If there is a commentary section, write it.
+ (when commentary
+ (write-region commentary nil
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ (symbol-name pkg-name) "-readme.txt")))
+ (set-buffer pkg-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer buffer)
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ file-name "-" pkg-version
+ "." extension)
+ nil nil nil 'excl)
+ ;; Write a news entry.
+ (package--update-news (concat file-name "." extension)
+ pkg-version desc)
+ ;; special-case "package": write a second copy so that the
+ ;; installer can easily find the latest version.
+ (if (string= file-name "package")
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (concat package-archive-upload-base
+ file-name "." extension)
+ nil nil nil 'ask)))))))
+(defun package-upload-buffer ()
+ "Upload a single .el file to ELPA from the current buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ ;; Find the package in this buffer.
+ (let ((pkg-info (package-buffer-info)))
+ (package-upload-buffer-internal pkg-info "el")))))
+(defun package-upload-file (file)
+ (interactive "fPackage file name: ")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally file)
+ (let ((info (cond
+ ((string-match "\\.tar$" file) (package-tar-file-info file))
+ ((string-match "\\.el$" file) (package-buffer-info))
+ (t (error "Unrecognized extension `%s'"
+ (file-name-extension file))))))
+ (package-upload-buffer-internal info (file-name-extension file)))))
+(defun package-gnus-summary-upload ()
+ "Upload a package contained in the current *Article* buffer.
+This should be invoked from the gnus *Summary* buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+ (package-upload-buffer)))
+(defun package--download-one-archive (file)
+ "Download a single archive file and cache it locally."
+ (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ (concat package-archive-base file))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (package-handle-response)
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
+ (forward-char)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+ (setq buffer-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir)
+ file))
+ (let ((version-control 'never))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))
+(defun package-refresh-contents ()
+ "Download the ELPA archive description if needed.
+Invoking this will ensure that Emacs knows about the latest versions
+of all packages. This will let Emacs make them available for
+ (interactive)
+ (package--download-one-archive "archive-contents")
+ (package--download-one-archive "builtin-packages")
+ (package-read-archive-contents))
+(defun package-initialize ()
+ "Load all packages and activate as many as possible."
+ (setq package-obsolete-alist nil)
+ (package-load-all-descriptors)
+ (package-read-archive-contents)
+ ;; Try to activate all our packages.
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (package-activate (car elt) (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))))
+ package-alist))
+;;;; Package menu mode.
+(defvar package-menu-mode-map nil
+ "Local keymap for `package-menu-mode' buffers.")
+(unless package-menu-mode-map
+ (setq package-menu-mode-map (make-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap package-menu-mode-map)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "q" 'quit-window)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "n" 'next-line)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "p" 'previous-line)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "u" 'package-menu-mark-unmark)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "\177" 'package-menu-backup-unmark)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "d" 'package-menu-mark-delete)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "i" 'package-menu-mark-install)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "g" 'package-menu-revert)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "r" 'package-menu-refresh)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "~"
+ 'package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "x" 'package-menu-execute)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "h" 'package-menu-quick-help)
+ (define-key package-menu-mode-map "?" 'package-menu-view-commentary)
+ )
+(defvar package-menu-sort-button-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map [header-line mouse-1] 'package-menu-sort-by-column)
+ (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
+ map)
+ "Local keymap for package menu sort buttons.")
+(put 'package-menu-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+(defun package-menu-mode ()
+ "Major mode for browsing a list of packages.
+Letters do not insert themselves; instead, they are commands.
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map package-menu-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'package-menu-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Package Menu")
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ ;; Support Emacs 21.
+ (if (fboundp 'run-mode-hooks)
+ (run-mode-hooks 'package-menu-mode-hook)
+ (run-hooks 'package-menu-mode-hook)))
+(defun package-menu-refresh ()
+ "Download the ELPA archive.
+This fetches the file describing the current contents of
+the Emacs Lisp Package Archive, and then refreshes the
+package menu. This lets you see what new packages are
+available for download."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-refresh-contents)
+ (package-list-packages-internal))
+(defun package-menu-revert ()
+ "Update the list of packages."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-list-packages-internal))
+(defun package-menu-mark-internal (what)
+ (unless (eobp)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (insert what)
+ (forward-line))))
+;; fixme numeric argument
+(defun package-menu-mark-delete (num)
+ "Mark a package for deletion and move to the next line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal "D"))
+(defun package-menu-mark-install (num)
+ "Mark a package for installation and move to the next line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal "I"))
+(defun package-menu-mark-unmark (num)
+ "Clear any marks on a package and move to the next line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal " "))
+(defun package-menu-backup-unmark ()
+ "Back up one line and clear any marks on that package."
+ (interactive)
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (package-menu-mark-internal " ")
+ (forward-line -1))
+(defun package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion ()
+ "Mark all obsolete packages for deletion."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (if (looking-at ".*\\s obsolete\\s ")
+ (package-menu-mark-internal "D")
+ (forward-line 1)))))
+(defun package-menu-quick-help ()
+ "Show short key binding help for package-menu-mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (message "n-ext, i-nstall, d-elete, u-nmark, x-ecute, r-efresh, h-elp"))
+(defun package-menu-view-commentary ()
+ "Display information about this package.
+For single-file packages, shows the commentary section from the header.
+For larger packages, shows the README file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* (start-point ok
+ (pkg-name (package-menu-get-package))
+ (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat package-archive-base
+ pkg-name
+ "-readme.txt"))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ ;; FIXME: it would be nice to work with any URL type.
+ (setq start-point url-http-end-of-headers)
+ (setq ok (eq (url-http-parse-response) 200)))
+ (let ((new-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Package Info*")))
+ (with-current-buffer new-buffer
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "Package information for " pkg-name "\n\n")
+ (if ok
+ (insert-buffer-substring buffer start-point)
+ (insert "This package does not have a README file or commentary comment.\n"))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (view-mode)))
+ (display-buffer new-buffer t))))
+;; Return the name of the package on the current line.
+(defun package-menu-get-package ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (looking-at ". \\([^ \t]*\\)")
+ (match-string 1))))
+;; Return the version of the package on the current line.
+(defun package-menu-get-version ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (looking-at ". [^ \t]*[ \t]*\\([0-9.]*\\)")
+ (match-string 1))))
+(defun package-menu-get-status ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (looking-at ". [^ \t]*[ \t]*[^ \t]*[ \t]*\\([^ \t]*\\)")
+ (match-string 1)
+ "")))
+(defun package-menu-execute ()
+ "Perform all the marked actions.
+Packages marked for installation will be downloaded and
+installed. Packages marked for deletion will be removed.
+Note that after installing packages you will want to restart
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (let ((cmd (char-after))
+ (pkg-name (package-menu-get-package))
+ (pkg-vers (package-menu-get-version))
+ (pkg-status (package-menu-get-status)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq cmd ?D)
+ (when (and (string= pkg-status "installed")
+ (string= pkg-name "package"))
+ ;; FIXME: actually, we could be tricky and remove all info.
+ ;; But that is drastic and the user can do that instead.
+ (error "Can't delete most recent version of `package'"))
+ ;; Ask for confirmation here? Maybe if package status is ""?
+ ;; Or if any lisp from package is actually loaded?
+ (message "Deleting %s-%s..." pkg-name pkg-vers)
+ (package-delete pkg-name pkg-vers)
+ (message "Deleting %s-%s... done" pkg-name pkg-vers))
+ ((eq cmd ?I)
+ (package-install (intern pkg-name)))))
+ (forward-line))
+ (package-menu-revert))
+(defun package-print-package (package version key desc)
+ (let ((face
+ (cond ((eq package 'emacs) 'font-lock-builtin-face)
+ ((string= key "available") 'default)
+ ((string= key "installed") 'font-lock-comment-face)
+ (t ; obsolete, but also the default.
+ ; is warning ok?
+ 'font-lock-warning-face))))
+ (insert (propertize " " 'font-lock-face face))
+ (insert (propertize (symbol-name package) 'font-lock-face face))
+ (indent-to 20 1)
+ (insert (propertize (package-version-join version) 'font-lock-face face))
+ (indent-to 30 1)
+ (insert (propertize key 'font-lock-face face))
+ ;; FIXME: this 'when' is bogus...
+ (when desc
+ (indent-to 41 1)
+ (insert (propertize desc 'font-lock-face face)))
+ (insert "\n")))
+(defun package-list-maybe-add (package version status description result)
+ (let ((elt (assoc (cons package version) result)))
+ (unless elt
+ (setq result (cons (list (cons package version) status description)
+ result))))
+ result)
+;; This decides how we should sort; nil means by package name.
+(defvar package-menu-sort-key nil)
+(defun package-list-packages-internal ()
+ (package-initialize) ; FIXME: do this here?
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Packages*")
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (let ((info-list))
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (setq info-list
+ (package-list-maybe-add (car elt)
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))
+ ;; FIXME: it turns out to
+ ;; be tricky to see if
+ ;; this package is
+ ;; presently activated.
+ ;; That is lame!
+ "installed"
+ (package-desc-doc (cdr elt))
+ info-list)))
+ package-alist)
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (setq info-list
+ (package-list-maybe-add (car elt)
+ (package-desc-vers (cdr elt))
+ "available"
+ (package-desc-doc (cdr elt))
+ info-list)))
+ package-archive-contents)
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (mapc (lambda (inner-elt)
+ (setq info-list
+ (package-list-maybe-add (car elt)
+ (package-desc-vers
+ (cdr inner-elt))
+ "obsolete"
+ (package-desc-doc
+ (cdr inner-elt))
+ info-list)))
+ (cdr elt)))
+ package-obsolete-alist)
+ (let ((selector (cond
+ ((string= package-menu-sort-key "Version")
+ ;; FIXME this doesn't work.
+ #'(lambda (e) (cdr (car e))))
+ ((string= package-menu-sort-key "Status")
+ #'(lambda (e) (car (cdr e))))
+ ((string= package-menu-sort-key "Description")
+ #'(lambda (e) (car (cdr (cdr e)))))
+ (t ; "Package" is default.
+ #'(lambda (e) (symbol-name (car (car e))))))))
+ (setq info-list
+ (sort info-list
+ (lambda (left right)
+ (let ((vleft (funcall selector left))
+ (vright (funcall selector right)))
+ (string< vleft vright))))))
+ (mapc (lambda (elt)
+ (package-print-package (car (car elt))
+ (cdr (car elt))
+ (car (cdr elt))
+ (car (cdr (cdr elt)))))
+ info-list))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (current-buffer)))
+(defun package-menu-sort-by-column (&optional e)
+ "Sort the package menu by the last column clicked on."
+ (interactive (list last-input-event))
+ (if e (mouse-select-window e))
+ (let* ((pos (event-start e))
+ (obj (posn-object pos))
+ (col (if obj
+ (get-text-property (cdr obj) 'column-name (car obj))
+ (get-text-property (posn-point pos) 'column-name))))
+ (setq package-menu-sort-key col))
+ (package-list-packages-internal))
+(defun package--list-packages ()
+ "Display a list of packages.
+Helper function that does all the work for the user-facing functions."
+ (with-current-buffer (package-list-packages-internal)
+ (package-menu-mode)
+ ;; Set up the header line.
+ (setq header-line-format
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (pair)
+ (let ((column (car pair))
+ (name (cdr pair)))
+ (concat
+ ;; Insert a space that aligns the button properly.
+ (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :align-to column)
+ 'face 'fixed-pitch)
+ ;; Set up the column button.
+ (if (string= name "Version")
+ name
+ (propertize name
+ 'column-name name
+ 'help-echo "mouse-1: sort by column"
+ 'mouse-face 'highlight
+ 'keymap package-menu-sort-button-map)))))
+ ;; We take a trick from buff-menu and have a dummy leading
+ ;; space to align the header line with the beginning of the
+ ;; text. This doesn't really work properly on Emacs 21,
+ ;; but it is close enough.
+ '((0 . "")
+ (2 . "Package")
+ (20 . "Version")
+ (30 . "Status")
+ (41 . "Description"))
+ ""))
+ ;; It's okay to use pop-to-buffer here. The package menu buffer
+ ;; has keybindings, and the user just typed 'M-x
+ ;; package-list-packages', suggesting that they might want to use
+ ;; them.
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defun package-list-packages ()
+ "Display a list of packages.
+Fetches the updated list of packages before displaying.
+The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'."
+ (interactive)
+ (package-refresh-contents)
+ (package--list-packages))
+(defun package-list-packages-no-fetch ()
+ "Display a list of packages.
+Does not fetch the updated list of packages before displaying.
+The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'."
+ (interactive)
+ (package--list-packages))
+;; Make it appear on the menu.
+(define-key-after menu-bar-options-menu [package]
+ '(menu-item "Manage Packages" package-list-packages
+ :help "Install or uninstall additional Emacs packages"))
+ (require 'reporter))
+(defun package-report-bug ()
+ "Submit a bug report for package.el via email."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'reporter)
+ (reporter-submit-bug-report
+ package-el-maintainer
+ (concat "package.el " package-el-version)
+ '(package-archive-base
+ package-archive-version
+ package-archive-contents
+ package-user-dir
+ package-directory-list
+ package-alist
+ package-activated-list
+ package-obsolete-alist)))
+(provide 'package)
+;;; package.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/.cvsignore b/elisp/erbot/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85ee5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/AUTHORS b/elisp/erbot/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c0537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Savannah Admins:
+ Name (username) <email>
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ D. Goel (deego) <>
+ Michael Olson (mwolson) <>
+ Vivek Dasmohapatra (fledermaus) <>
+Savannah Members:
+ Name (username) <email>
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ Sebastian Freundt (hroptatyr) <freundt@math.TU-Berlin.DE>
+ Jose E Marchesi (jemarch)
+ Pete Kazmier (pkazmier)
+ Taylor R Campbell (riastradh)
+ Yann Hodique (sigma)
+Other Contributors:
+ Name (irc nick) <email>
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ Alejandro Benitez <>
+ Alex Schroeder (kensanata)
+ Brian Templeton (bpt)
+ Damien Elmes (resolve)
+ David Edmunston <>
+ Dheeraj Buduru (dbuduru)
+ Enrico Bandiera
+ Grant Bowman (grantbow)
+ J. Michael Dupont (mdupont)
+ Jorgen Schaefer (forcer)
+ Lawrence Mitchell (lawrence)
+ Luis Fernandes (e1f)
+ Mario Lang (delYsid)
+(If we have left someone out, apologies: If you have commit privileges,
+ please add them - If not, please ask an admin or member)
+Last modified: Wed 2009-09-30 23:48:37 +0100 (fledermaus)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/COPYING b/elisp/erbot/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a9ed0
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+++ b/elisp/erbot/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/CVS/Entries b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b11ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jan 5 00:15:39 2006//
+/AUTHORS/1.16/Wed Sep 30 22:51:34 2009//
+/COPYING/1.2/Fri Nov 23 16:31:58 2007//
+/ChangeLog/1.69/Thu Dec 6 16:25:41 2007//
+/HISTORY.txt/1.6/Wed May 10 21:22:37 2006//
+/Makefile/1.2/Thu Aug 11 23:11:26 2005//
+/README.txt/1.13/Sun Jul 22 23:26:03 2007//
+/erball.el/1.33/Mon Aug 21 18:33:01 2006//
+/erbbdb.el/1.9/Fri Nov 23 16:31:58 2007//
+/erbc-backquote.el/1.1/Fri Aug 20 18:55:04 2004//
+/erbc.el/1.131/Sat Sep 26 21:26:39 2009//
+/erbc2.el/1.26/Fri Nov 23 16:31:58 2007//
+/erbc3.el/1.30/Fri Nov 23 16:31:58 2007//
+/erbc4.el/1.39/Fri Nov 23 16:31:58 2007//
+/erbc5.el/1.19/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbc6.el/1.11/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbcompat.el/1.7/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbcountry.el/1.3/Wed Apr 6 16:49:49 2005//
+/erbcspecial.el/1.9/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbdata.el/1.5/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbedit.el/1.6/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbeng.el/1.18/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbforget.el/1.12/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbim.el/1.7/Wed Apr 11 11:59:27 2007//
+/erbjavadoc.el/1.8/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbkarma.el/1.8/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erblisp.el/1.17/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erblog.el/1.6/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbmerge.el/1.3/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbmsg.el/1.26/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbot-lispy.el/1.7/Thu Apr 20 18:34:04 2006//
+/erbot.el/1.61/Wed Sep 30 23:33:47 2009//
+/erbp.el/1.4/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbrss.el/1.4/Sat Jan 1 16:31:21 2005//
+/erbtrain.el/1.19/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbtranslate.el/1.24/Sat Sep 26 21:35:47 2009//
+/erbunlisp.el/1.6/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erburl.el/1.5/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
+/erbutils.el/1.34/Sat Sep 26 21:16:33 2009//
+/erbwiki.el/1.23/Fri Nov 23 16:31:59 2007//
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/CVS/Entries.Log b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Entries.Log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4201a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Entries.Log
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+A D/contrib////
+A D/examples////
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/CVS/Repository b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bfa306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/CVS/Root b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd54f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/CVS/Template b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/CVS/Template
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/ChangeLog b/elisp/erbot/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0af41f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+2007-12-06 D. Goel <>
+ * erbc.el (fsi-replace-regexp): fix call to `error'.
+ (fsi-merge-generic): Ditto.
+ (fsi-mv): "
+ (fsi-replace-string): "
+ and many other functions and files: Ditto.
+2007-11-23 Dave Goel <>
+ * COPYING: Replace by GPL v. 3
+ * erbot.el and all other files: Change GPL v. 2 to 3.
+2007-07-22 Michael Olson <>
+ * README.txt: Mention examples/dotemacs-mybot.
+ * examples/dotemacs-mybot: New file that is the example .emacs for
+ the bot.
+2007-07-19 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-reply): Don't force the message through without
+ flood protection. Since ERC 5.1, ERC has very good flood
+ protection, so make use of it.
+2007-04-11 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbim.el (fs-unicode-describe): add usage instructions
+ (erbim-search-by-description): search for unicode characters by
+ description.
+ (fs-unicode-find): bot-ui wrapper for erbim-search-by-description
+ including usage message.
+ (erbim-name-by-codepoint): changed output format to use #xXXX
+2007-01-28 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-join-servers): `erc' takes :keyword style
+ parameters in emacs22, the old argument list no longer works.
+ Work out which erc version we're using and alter the call
+ appropriately.
+2007-01-27 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbutils.el (erbutils-describe-variable): help-button-xref
+ has changed in emacs22, make this function work with it.
+2006-11-28 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-join-servers): Make this work with the ERC
+ development branch.
+2006-09-28 D Goel <>
+ * erbc.el (fsi-describe-from-english): smarter self search
+ (fsi-generalize-search-term): new, for above.
+2006-08-21 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-install): Remove check for erc-backend-version,
+ since it no longer exists. Use featurep instead. This fixes a
+ failure to join channels issue with the ERC development branch.
+2006-05-18 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbtranslate.el (fsi-translate): If we can't make sense
+ of the call (not enough arguments) emit a usage message.
+2006-05-17 Michael Olson <>
+ * contrib/translate.el (translate-load-pairs): Docfix.
+ * erbtranslate.el (fsi-translate-list-services): Use
+ translate-program, not erbn-translate-program, since the latter
+ does not exist.
+2006-05-12 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * contrib/translate.el: the symbol -> string coercion is not
+ required for arguments to translate.el, that's something
+ specific to user-visible erbot functions.
+ * erbtranslate.el: most translation code moved to translate.el
+ fsi-translate-web-page temporarily disabled till I've tested
+ it a bit more and made the implementation a little smarter
+ than it currently is. (It should check ti see if a web page
+ service is actualy available)
+2006-05-10 D Goel <>
+ * erbtranslate.el: update authors
+2006-05-10 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbtranslate.el (fsi-translate-list-pairs): destination language
+ should also be searched for with a case insensitive predicate.
+2006-05-09 D Goel <>
+ * erbtranslate.el: update authors
+2006-05-09 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbtranslate.el (fsi-translate-list-pairs): improved help, return
+ more information when < N pairs, where N is currently 20. (Always
+ return full list if both origin and destination are both supplied)
+ (erbtranslate-full-name): returns a "full name" for a language,
+ consisting of all its human-readable aliases.
+ (erbtranslate-unsupported-langs): list of languages emacs can't utf-8
+ encode yet.
+ (fsi-translate): abort for non-unicodable languages like Arabic and
+ Hebrew.
+ (fsi-translate): Use full names of languages in error messages.
+ (fsi-translate-list-pairs): Use full names of languages in messages.
+2006-05-08 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbtranslate.el (erbtranslate-parse-pair): parse the output of
+ erbn-translate-program --list-pairs.
+ (erbtranslate-load-pairs): load the map of available translations.
+ (fsi-translate-list-pairs): Alter this function so that it only lists
+ possible translations when both an origin and a destination language
+ have been specified. Otherwise just tells the user how many matching
+ language pairs there are.
+ (fsi-translate-list-pairs): coerce the arguments into strings first.
+ (erbtranslate-parse-pair): some (one?) language codes are 3 letter.
+ I thought this was non-canonical but that's what translate returns,
+ so we must support it.
+ (erbtranslate-parse-pair): tidy up error message
+ (erbtranslate-req-to-pair): new. take the (possibly non-canonical)
+ language names from the user and map them to the canonical language
+ codes that translate expects.
+ (fsi-translate): map human-friendly language names in translation
+ request to canonical language codes.
+ (fsi-translate): use the coerced-strings, not the raw language args.
+2006-05-08 D Goel <>
+ * erbtranslate.el (erbn-translate-program): new. Make the program customizeable.
+ * contrib/shs.el: New shs.el, cleans up temporary files.
+2006-04-24 D Goel <>
+ * erbtranslate.el: DECLARE SAFE. Uses call-process now.
+ * erball.el: require erbtranslate.
+ * erbutils.el (erbutils-enabled-check): new function.
+ * erbtranslate.el: revamp the file to make it secure, not yet final.
+2006-04-20 D Goel <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-safe-p): Improve this function a bit.
+ (erbot-safe-nocontrol-p): new.
+ * erbot-lispy.el (erbot-lispy-safe-p): change name from erbot-lispy-safep
+ * erbot.el (erbot-safe-p): change name from erbot-safep
+ * erbc.el (erbn-url-functions-p): new variable. Disallow url's
+ unless enabled here. Else potential freeze.
+ (erbn-internal-web-page-time): rename from the one below.
+ (fs-internal-web-page-time): rename to the one above
+ (erbn-url-functions-p): add bug discoverer's name in docstring.
+ (fsi-get-more-invocation-string): new function.
+ (fsi-limit-lines): Make the bot spit something useful instead of
+ ,more, when using weird erbn-char.
+2006-04-19 D Goel <>
+ * erbtranslate.el: fix minor doc typo
+2006-04-17 D Goel <>
+ * erbtranslate.el: adapted from indio's myerc.el. Work in
+2006-04-07 D Goel <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-safe-make): Exception to control characters:
+ Allow \t
+2006-03-21 D Goel <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-safe-make): new function.
+ (erbot-reply): call erbot-safe-make before replying.
+2006-02-28 Michael Olson <>
+ * ChangeLog: Remove use of CVS Revision tag.
+2006-02-27 D Goel <>
+ * erbc2.el (fs-apply): SECURITY FIX! Also, disable when
+ paranoid. Ditto for funcall.
+ * erbot.el (erbot-paranoid-p): Make this new variable a catchall
+ for security. t by default. No enablings like erbot-setf-p,
+ etc. will work unless this is non-nil. If this is non-nil, erbot
+ is paranoid, it will not allow apply, setf, funcall, sregex,
+ etc. even if the corresponding variables are turned on.
+2006-02-26 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbc.el (fs-flame): Concat multiple arguments together to form
+ the flame target, unless there are only 2 arguments and the last
+ one is a number. In that case, we pick the specified flame.
+2006-01-10 D Goel <>
+ * erbc5.el (symbol-name): minor: provide this fs-function.
+2006-01-05 Michael Olson <>
+ * README.txt (NOTE): Add directions for getting the units file for
+ contrib/units.el.
+ * contrib/units.el: Newly-added file that is recommended on the
+ ErbotInstallation page of
+2006-01-01 D Goel <>
+ * erblisp.el (erblisp-check-args): Promote to a macro. This macro
+ first removes any arguments that can't be evalled. This happens,
+ when, for example, the user-defined function contained &optional,
+ &rest, etc.
+ * erbot.el (erbot-remote): erc-coding-system-for-target was not
+ defined for older versions of erc.
+2005-12-31 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbmsg.el (fs-memo): if a memo command was not recognised,
+ emit an error so we know it happened.
+ (fs-memos): If someone had no memos, return the help-memo
+ text too - makes it easier for people to figure out how it
+ all works.
+2005-12-30 Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-remote): Decode the incoming data properly
+ paying attention to erc's inbound coding system.
+ (erbot-reply): Now that the inbound data is (hopefully) cleanly
+ decoded we shouldn't need to force the outbound coding.
+ In emacs21, mule-ucs may be required for this to work.
+2005-11-10 D Goel <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-safep): Make a minor change, to try to render
+ this function live up to its name: make it deem any newlines
+ unsafe. Because of the way the engine works, this change has no
+ effect on erbot at this time.
+ (erbot-safep): minor correction to last change.
+2005-11-09 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-reply): Make erbot-safep check each line of the
+ split reply. Split the string on both \n and \r. Together, this
+ fixes an exploit in user-defined functions, which involved
+ returning a string like "^Mquit".
+2005-11-08 Michael Olson <>
+ * erblisp.el (erblisp-max-list-length): New option that determines
+ how long a sand-boxed list or expression may be.
+ (erblisp-safe-length): New function that checks the given list to
+ make sure it isn't too long. It's able to handle nested lists as
+ well.
+ (erblisp-check-args): New function that calls erblisp-safe-length
+ with the correct args.
+ (erblisp-sandbox): Use erblisp-check-args.
+ * erbc3.el (fsi-defun): Add erblisp-check-args invocation to each
+ newly-created user function.
+2005-10-12 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-join-servers): Use fboundp check;
+ erc-compute-port is a function.
+2005-10-05 D Goel <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-join-servers): `erc-compute-port' seems to be
+ undefined for my older ERC (4.0). So, I
+ reverted to old behavior when it is undefined. Did I do it right?
+2005-10-05 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-join-servers): Call `erc-compute-port' instead
+ of using the value of `erc-port', since by default erc-port is
+ nil.
+2005-09-02 D Goel <>
+ * .*.el: Get rid of all string properties everywhere, especially
+ right at the source, for extra security.
+ * erbc.el (fsi-read): minor: read-> read-from-string for more
+ safety
+ (erbn-read): new
+ (fsi-read-from-string): new
+ (fsi-describe-variable): use erbn-read for safety
+ (fsi-require): ditto
+ * erbbdb.el (erbbdb-add): ditto
+2005-08-31 D Goel <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-nickserv-p): Add auto-identify code, also enable
+ by default, see doc for erbot-nickserv-p for how to make changes
+ to your bot's .emacs. This is now required by freenode for
+ privmsgs to work.
+ (erbot-nickserv-p): Unde default behavior change. The default
+ behavior of erbot remains as xbefore: to *not*idontify by
+ default.
+2005-08-28 Michael Olson <>
+ * contrib/wtf.el: Add to copyright notice.
+ (wtf-alist): Move FTBFS to the "Additional terms go here" section.
+2005-08-22 Jose E. Marchesi <>
+ * contrib/haiku.el (fs-haiku): New file
+2005-08-16 D Goel <>
+ * contrib/wtf.el (wtf-alist): add ("FTBFS" . "failure to build from source")
+2005-08-15 Michael Olson <>
+ * contrib/wtf.el: I received permission to receive these terms in
+ the public domain.
+ (wtf-alist): Add "TWAT".
+ (wtf-is): Fix Emacs21 issue.
+2005-08-11 Michael Olson <>
+ * contrib/wtf.el (wtf-match-string-no-properties): New function
+ that is like match-string-no-properties, but works when that
+ function is not defined.
+ (wtf-get-term-at-point): New function that looks for term at
+ point.
+ (wtf-is): Make use of `wtf-get-term-at-point'.
+ * Makefile (clean realclean distclean fullclean): Remove *~ files
+ in contrib directory.
+2005-07-09 Michael Olson <>
+ * erball.el: Make sure that the user knows if bbdb cannot be
+ found. Otherwise they will get a non-working bot!
+ (erball-compilation-paths): Add path to BBDB.
+2005-07-02 Michael Olson <>
+ * erball.el (erball-compiling-p): Use a custom routine instead of
+ `assoc' to detect "--compile-erbot" since the latter does not seem
+ to work on Emacs 22.
+2005-07-01 Michael Olson <>
+ * erball.el (erball-compilation-paths-rel-to): New variable
+ populated by `--paths-rel-to ARG' on the emacs command line,
+ taking the value of ARG.
+ (erball-compiling-p): New variable that is non-nil when
+ `--compile-erbot' is included on the emacs command line. This is
+ used to indicate that we want to compile erbot from a Makefile.
+ (erball-compilation-paths): Elements to add to load-path when the
+ compilation flag, erball-compiling-p, is set.
+ (erball-files): Automatically populate this if erball-compiling-p
+ is set.
+ (erball-compile): If erball-compiling-p is set, use a simpler
+ routine.
+ * Makefile: New file that allows erbot to be compiled and
+ installed. Edit the top of the file to indicate where to find
+ emacs and where to install the files.
+ * README.txt (URL): Add brief mention of how to compile and
+ install erbot.
+2005-06-09 Michael Olson <>
+ * contrib/wtf.el: New file that contains a list of acronyms in
+ `wtf-alist' and the `wtf-is' command to look up a definition.
+ * erbtrain.el (erbtrain-utils-teach-acronyms): Use `wtf.el' to
+ teach the given bot some common acronyms.
+2005-04-28 D Goel <>
+ * erbc3.el (fsi-pf-load): Make this error msg more informative.
+ * erbc5.el (fsi-ignore-errors-else-string): new.
+2005-04-01 D Goel <>
+ * erbc4.el (fsi-kick): Move from erbc.el to here.
+2005-04-01 Michael Olson <>
+ * erbot.el (erbot-doctor): Create separate doctor sessions for
+ each channel or query buffer so that responses make sense to the
+ user.
+2005-02-21 S Freundt <>
+ * erbmsg.el: (erbmsg-notify-msg-on-JOIN) [fix] add function set-alist for
+ compatibility to FSF emacsen
+2004-07-26 S Freundt <>
+ * erbmsg.el: (erbmsg-notify-msg-on-JOIN)
+ - fixed bug with last-access used for the first time
+2004-06-26 S Freundt <>
+ * erbmsg.el:
+ - added dump routines to dump message hash tables to hard disk
+ - added routines for restoring from dumped message files
+ - added interval within erbot does not notify on channel joins
+ - added erbmsg-new-msg-(pre|post)-hook
+2004-06-13 S Freundt <>
+ * erbot.el: added new var erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ and handlers for new erc-backend facilities.
+ erc versions >1.660 use erc-backend.el to handle server
+ events. erbot is now aware of these new handlers by
+ determining the value `erbot-on-new-erc-p' when calling
+ `erbot-install'.
+ The new backend handlers' values are evaluated within
+ `erbot-remote' fun.
+2004-05-07 D Goel <>
+ * erbwiki.el: Security, add new functions.
+ lines 0.3 and later fix that risk.
+ Also add new functions to erbwiki.el suitable for parsing more
+ wikis.
+2004-04-06 D Goel <>
+ * erbc.el (fs-kick): Kicking syntax different? remove nil?
+2004-03-28 D Goel <>
+ * erbcompat.el: name Sebastian as the author :)
+ * erbwiki.el (erbwiki-get-fields): remove '... since not
+ recognized by xemacs
+2004-03-22 D Goel <>
+ * erball.el (noninteractive): dunnet should be required only for
+ noninteractive, else it starts a session!
+2004-03-21 D Goel <>
+ * erbc3.el: Redefine and move fs-setq here.
+ (fs-defun): This function was defined twice. Remove the first
+ definition.
+ * erbc.el (fs-find-variable-internal): add cosmetic space.
+ (obarray): redefine and mv fs-setq to erbc3
+2003-12-30 D Goel <>
+ * erbc.el (reverse): add fs-reverse
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/HISTORY.txt b/elisp/erbot/HISTORY.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..079bb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/HISTORY.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;; 2006-04-24 T14:02:53-0400 (Monday) D. Goel
+Alejandro Benitez <>, fledermaus and deego
+provide natural language translation.
+;; 2005-12-31 T04:34:34-0500 (Saturday) D. Goel
+Vivek Dasmohapatra fixes/fixing coding issues.
+;; 2005-08-11 T19:49:47-0400 (Thursday) D. Goel
+Michael Olson creates a Makefile, thus, for the first time, making the
+notion of erbot becoming an installable package, look possible..
+;; 2005-06-04 T15:04:23-0400 (Saturday) D. Goel
+Michael Olson provides function to train acronyms:
+M-x load-file ~/emacs-wiki-wtf.el
+(setq erbtrain-list
+ (mapcar (lambda (ref)
+ (concat "plugbot: " (car ref)
+ " is " (upcase-initials (cdr ref))))
+ emacs-wiki-wtf-alist))
+M-x erbtrain-resume
+M-x idledo-start
+or see M-x erbtrain-utils-teach-acronyms
+;;; 2005-06-04 T15:05:15-0400 (Saturday) D. Goel
+Previous history here:
+Summary in reverse order, IIRC:
+<Please add here>
+erc-robot (David Edmunston)-> erbot,
+The idea for rr (russian roulette) came from e1f.
+The idea for answering questions not addressed to fsbot, like "foo?"
+came from resolve.
+The idea for invoking the bot in the middle of sentences came from
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/Makefile b/elisp/erbot/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e98e2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+.PHONY: all lisp contrib clean realclean distclean fullclean install dist
+.PRECIOUS: %.elc
+EMACS = emacs
+SITEFLAG = --no-site-file
+# Xemacs users will probably want the following settings.
+#EMACS = xemacs
+#SITEFLAG = -no-site-file
+# Installation options
+# PREFIX is only used here.
+PREFIX = /usr/local
+ELISPDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/emacs/site-lisp/erbot
+all: lisp contrib
+ @$(EMACS) -q $(SITEFLAG) -batch --debug-init \
+ -l erball.el \
+ -f erball-compile --compile-erbot
+ @(cd contrib && \
+ $(EMACS) -q $(SITEFLAG) -batch \
+ -l ../erball.el \
+ -f erball-compile \
+ --paths-rel-to '../' --compile-erbot)
+clean realclean distclean fullclean:
+ -rm -f *.elc contrib/*.elc *~ contrib/*~
+ install -d $(ELISPDIR)
+ install -m 0644 *.el *.elc $(ELISPDIR)
+ install -d $(ELISPDIR)/contrib
+ install -m 0644 contrib/*.el contrib/*.elc $(ELISPDIR)/contrib
+dist: distclean
+ (cd ..; tar cvzf ../erbot.tar.gz erbot)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/README.txt b/elisp/erbot/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d2540f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+URL: for all erbot
+information, and installation help.
+The files in the `contrib' directory are optional "third-party"
+add-ons that are used for erbot. Not all of them are strictly
+required. The versions here are provided for convenience, and are
+also the versions known to work with erbot, but you might want to
+fetch their latest versions from their respective authors' websites.
+The file `examples/dotemacs-mybot' is meant to be the bot's .emacs
+file. Copy it to .emacs in your bot's home directory, and then make
+any changes you like.
+NOTE: A data file for contrib/units.el may be obtained in Debian by
+performing "apt-get install units", and adding
+ (setq units-dat-file "/usr/share/misc/units.dat")
+to the bot's .emacs.
+To compile the erbot source, edit Makefile and run "make". To install
+it, edit Makefile and run "make install".
+For developers:
+Namespaces used by these files: fs-, fs.*-, erb.*-
+Next, we attempt to describe the various abbreviations and terms used
+in this package.
+|botbbdb |Name of the bbdb database file used by the bots. |
+|erb |ErBot stands for erc robot, and started out from |
+| |erc-robot.el. We named the new file erbot, and most |
+| |namespaces start with erb. |
+| | |
+|erbc- |This referred to erbot-comands. Functions starting with this|
+| |name were availabel to public to frob as they like. Same |
+| |for variables. This was replaced by fs- |
+|erbnoc- |This is like erbc-, except that these commands are NOT |
+| |available to the general public (at this time). This one is|
+| |still in use, unlike fs-. These functions are NOT |
+| |world-executable or world-writable, but are maintained |
+| |alognside erbc- functions .. erbnoc meansd: erb - |
+| |no-commands... We have now shortened it to erbn- |
+|erbn- |Shortening of erbnoc- |
+|fs- |fsbot is a popular instance of erbot. At some point, all |
+| |erbc- prefixes were replaced by fs- for easier read. Thus, |
+| |to reiterate, these functions are world-readable, weritable |
+| |writable and executable. (The only exeptions are those that|
+| |are internally converted from fsi-, which are converted to |
+| |fs- with a special disabled property.) Summary: rwx for irc|
+| |users. |
+|fsi- |Like fs- but these functions and variables are only |
+| |world-readable and world-executable, but NOT world-writable.|
+| |The "i" stands for immutable (or is it "internal"?). These |
+| |functions are internally converted to fs- functionserbot |
+| |usage through erbot-install-symbols. Summary: r-x for irc |
+| |users. |
+|fsn- |This "fs NOT" would be the logical "---" counterpart for the|
+| |fs.* prefixes above, butits similarity to fs will make |
+| |reading difficult, so we stick with erbn- |
+|All other|.. are also ---, and the only difference from erbn- is |
+|prefixes |aesthetical. |
+| | |
+|fsbot | "Free software bot", an instance of fsbot. |
+| | |
+| | |
+| | |
+| | |
+| | |
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Entries b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0421465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/META-feeding-info-terms.el/1.2/Tue Jan 3 03:40:18 2006//
+/README.txt/1.1/Mon May 8 04:11:26 2006//
+/bash-quotes.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/faith.el/1.1/Thu Dec 16 01:44:34 2004//
+/flame.el/1.1/Thu Dec 16 01:44:34 2004//
+/geek.el/1.1/Thu Dec 16 01:44:34 2004//
+/google.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/h4x0r.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/haiku.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/idledo.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/lines.el/1.1/Thu Dec 16 01:44:34 2004//
+/mkback.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/oct.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/shs.el/1.3/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/soap.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/timerfunctions.el/1.2/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/translate.el/1.7/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
+/units.el/1.1/Thu Jan 5 18:52:02 2006//
+/wtf.el/1.20/Wed Sep 30 22:23:04 2009//
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Repository b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825b403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Root b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd54f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Template b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/CVS/Template
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/META-feeding-info-terms.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/META-feeding-info-terms.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5584a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/META-feeding-info-terms.el
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;; this helps prepare an erbtrain file from
+;;, see also
+;; or google for emacswiki info ref for pertinent discussions.
+;; Author Alex Shroeder <>
+;; received from kensanata:
+(defun meta-feeding-info-k ()
+ (let (data (lines 0))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "info-ref.dat")
+ (message "Parsing buffer...")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)\\(.*\\)" nil t)
+ (let ((term (match-string 1))
+ (rest (match-string 2)))
+ (setq term (replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" term)
+ lines (1+ lines)
+ data (cons (cons term
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (entry)
+ (car (split-string entry "")))
+ (split-string rest "")))
+ data)))))
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "info-ref-botsnack"))
+ (let ((count 0))
+ (dolist (entry data)
+ (message "Preparing botsnack...%d%%" (/ (* 100 count) lines))
+ (insert (format "%s is at %s" (car entry) (cadr entry)))
+ (newline)
+ (dolist (url (cddr entry))
+ (insert (format "%s is also at %s" (car entry) url))
+ (newline))))
+ (message "Preparing botsnack...done")))
+;;; 2006-01-02 T22:04:08-0500 (Monday) D. Goel
+;; minor modifications to the above:
+(defun meta-feeding-info-d ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let (data (lines 0))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "info-ref.dat")
+ (message "Parsing buffer...")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)\\(.*\\)" nil t)
+ (let ((term (match-string 1))
+ (rest (match-string 2)))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length term) nil term)
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length rest) nil rest)
+ (setq term (replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" term)
+ lines (1+ lines)
+ data (cons (cons term
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (entry)
+ (car (split-string entry "")))
+ (split-string rest "")))
+ data)))))
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "info-ref-botsnack"))
+ (let ((count 0) attmp)
+ (dolist (entry data)
+ (setq attmp (format "at %s" (cadr entry)))
+ (message "Preparing botsnack...%d%%" (/ (* 100 count) lines))
+ (insert (format "fsbot: (set-term %S %S)" (car entry) attmp))
+ (newline)
+ (insert (format "fsbot: (set-also %S %S)" (car entry) attmp))
+ (newline)
+ (dolist (url (cddr entry))
+ (insert (format "fsbot: (set-also %S %S)" (car entry)
+ (format "at %s" url))))
+ (newline)))
+ (message "Preparing botsnack...done")))
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/README.txt b/elisp/erbot/contrib/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..913d2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+;; 2006-05-08 T00:08:11-0400 (Monday) D. Goel
+Files in this directory are usually included here for user's
+convenience, but may be developed elsewhere by their authors. Thus,
+these files may not neccessarily their latest versions.
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/bash-quotes.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/bash-quotes.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ea28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/bash-quotes.el
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+;;; bash.el --- interface
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Ulrik Jensen <>
+;; Keywords: HTTP, bash, searching
+;; Time-stamp: <2003-04-14 17:08:55 Administrator>
+;; Version: 0.1 alpha :)
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; An interface for reading with Emacs
+;; Requires http-get 1.0.8:
+;; <>
+;;; Code:
+(require 'http-get)
+;; URL's, for use later in the script
+(defvar bash-get-quote-url ""
+ "The URL to fetch to get a specific quote.
+ %id% will be replaced with the specific id")
+(defvar bash-search-quotes-url
+ ""
+ "The URL to search for quotes.
+ %number% will be replaced with the max number of results
+ %sort% will be replaced with 1 or 2, with 1=id, and 2=rating
+%criteria% will be replaced with the words to search for")
+(defvar bash-get-latest-url ""
+ "The URL to fetch to get the latest quotes from")
+(defvar bash-get-top-rated-url ""
+ "The URL to fetch to get the top 50 quotes from")
+(defvar bash-get-next-top-rated-url ""
+ "The URL to fetch to get the top 50-100 quotes from")
+(defvar bash-get-random-url ""
+ "The URL to fetch to get 30 random quotes from")
+(defvar bash-get-random-above-zero-url
+ ""
+ "The URL to fetch to get 30 random quotes, with rating > 0 from")
+;; Variable for holding the title of the requested page
+(defvar bash-tmp-results-title "Search"
+ "A temporary variable that stores a title to insert in all *bash*-buffers")
+;; Buffer names
+(defvar bash-buffer "*bash*"
+ "Name of the buffer used to read quotes in")
+(defvar bash-temp-buffer "*bash-tmp*"
+ "Name of the temporary buffer used to fetch and parse results")
+;; Regexps for parsing the html-output of
+(defvar bash-mysql-down-regexp "<p>.*Sorry.*MySQL.*down"
+ "A regular expression used to check if's mysql deamon
+is down, as often is the case.")
+(defvar bash-quote-regexp
+ "<p class=\"quote\">\\(.*?\\)</p><p class=\"qt\">\\(.*?\\)</p>"
+ "A regular expression used to parse the html-source of outputs.
+The first group is data about the quote, links, id, and votes.
+The second group is the quote itself")
+(defvar bash-quote-data-regexp
+ (concat "<a href=\"\\?\\([0-9]*\\)\" title=\".*?"
+ "<a href=\"\\./\\?\\(.*?\\)\".*?</a>"
+ "(\\(-?[0-9]*\\))<a href=\"\\./\\?\\(.*?\\)\".*?"
+ "<a href=\"\\./\\?\\(.*?\\)\"")
+ "A regular expression used to parse the data-group of `bash-quote-regexp'
+The groups of this regular expressions should match the following:
+1. The id of the quote on
+2. The URI to vote positively
+3. The number of votes the quote has received
+4. The URI to vote negatively
+6. The URI to flag for deletion")
+;; URL-generating functions
+(defun bash-get-quote-url (id)
+ "Return the URL for a specific quote"
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "%id%" id bash-get-quote-url))
+(defun bash-make-search-url (criteria sort number)
+ "Returns a URL to search for criteria"
+ (let* ((url (replace-regexp-in-string "%criteria%" (http-url-encode criteria 'iso-latin-1) bash-search-quotes-url))
+ (url (replace-regexp-in-string "%sort%" sort url))
+ (url (replace-regexp-in-string "%number%" (number-to-string number) url)))
+ url))
+;; At some point, this should add faces as well
+(defun bash-parse-single-quote (quote data)
+ "Parses the HTML of a single quote, and returns the appropriate output"
+ (unless (string-match bash-quote-data-regexp data)
+ (error "Data-field didn't match regexp!"))
+ (let* ((quoteid (match-string 1 data))
+ (uplink (match-string 2 data))
+ (votes (match-string 3 data))
+ (downlink (match-string 4 data))
+ (flag (match-string 5 data))
+ ;; I really should put these into an alist or use
+ ;; a html-rendering function for it
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "<[/]?p[^>]*>" "" quote))
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "&lt;" "<" curquote))
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "&gt;" ">" curquote))
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "<br />" "\n" curquote))
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "&quot;" "\"" curquote))
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "&nbsp;" " " curquote))
+ (curquote (replace-regexp-in-string "&amp;" "&" curquote)))
+ ;; Below is the visual output
+ (insert "Quote ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-specific-quote ,quoteid))
+ (concat "#" quoteid))
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-process-request (concat "" ,uplink) "add a positive vote to " ,quoteid))
+ "+")
+ (insert " (" votes ") ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-process-request (concat "" ,downlink) "add a negative vote to " ,quoteid))
+ "-")
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-process-request (concat "" ,flag) "flag " ,quoteid))
+ "X")
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-save-quote ,curquote ,quoteid))
+ "Save quote")
+ (insert "\n"
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ "\n" curquote "\n"
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ "\n\n")))
+(defun bash-parse (buffer)
+ "Parses the results from, in the bash-temp buffer, and adds them to BUFFER"
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create bash-temp-buffer))
+ (let* ((buftext (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (buftext (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "" buftext))
+ (buftext (replace-regexp-in-string "</pt> ?" "</pt>\n" buftext))
+ (buftext (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" buftext)))
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (insert "\n\n")
+ (cond
+ ;; If there are actually quotes in the output
+ ((string-match bash-quote-regexp buftext)
+ (while (string-match bash-quote-regexp buftext)
+ (let ((curdata (match-string 1 buftext))
+ (curquote (match-string 2 buftext))
+ (quotestart (string-match bash-quote-regexp buftext)))
+ (when curquote ; just a precaution.. shouldn't be necessary
+ (bash-parse-single-quote curquote curdata)
+ ;; delete the quote from the string, actually. this is a few chars
+ ;; short every time.. hope it doesn't matter though
+ (setq buftext (substring buftext (+ (length curquote) (length curdata) quotestart) nil))
+ (setq quote-count (+ quote-count 1))))))
+ ;; If the output tells us that the mysql-deamon is down
+ ((string-match bash-mysql-down-regexp buftext)
+ (insert "'s MySQL-deamon seems to be down at the moment."))
+ ;; If none of the above, panic
+ (t
+ (insert "No results!")))))
+(defun bash-insert-menubar ()
+ "Inserts a widget-based menubar for navigating"
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-random-30-quotes))
+ "Random")
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-random-above-zero-quotes))
+ "> 0")
+ (insert " Top ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-top-50-quotes))
+ "50")
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-top-50-100-quotes))
+ "-100")
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (bash-latest-quotes))
+ "Latest")
+ (insert " ")
+ (widget-create 'push-button :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (bury-buffer)) "Bury buffer")
+ (insert "\n"
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"))
+(defun bash-sentinel (process string)
+ "Sentinel for processing bash-results"
+ (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create bash-buffer))
+ (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create bash-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (goto-char 0)
+ (bash-insert-menubar)
+ (insert "\nBash Results - " bash-tmp-results-title "\n")
+ (let ((quote-count 0))
+ (bash-parse buffer)
+ (insert "\n\n " (number-to-string quote-count) " quotes showed."))
+ (pop-to-buffer buffer)
+ ;; Setup widget-minor-mode
+ ;; should always be called before setting a new major mode
+ ;; apparently also needs to be called before widget-minor-mode
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (widget-minor-mode 1)
+ (widget-setup)
+ ;; Make the buffer read-only, no need to edit it
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ ;; Bind some keys
+ (local-set-key "q" '(lambda() (interactive) (bash-cleanup-buffers)))
+ ;; (local-set-key "n" 'bash-next-quote)
+ ;; scroll to the top
+ (goto-char 0)
+ (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create bash-temp-buffer))))
+;; For these to work, I might have to use http-1.1
+(defun bash-request-sentinel (process string)
+ "Sentinel for processing bash-results"
+ (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create bash-temp-buffer)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ ;; Check the result of the request, and message it
+ ;; (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create bash-temp-buffer))
+ )))
+(defun bash-cleanup-buffers ()
+ "Removes all bash-related buffers"
+ (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create bash-buffer))
+ (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create bash-temp-buffer)))
+(defun bash-process-url (url)
+ (http-get url nil 'bash-sentinel 1.0 bash-temp-buffer)
+ (message "Waiting for results from"))
+(defun bash-process-request (uri action id)
+ (http-get (concat "" uri) nil 'bash-request-sentinel 1.0 bash-temp-buffer)
+ (message "Attempting to %s quote #%s with" action id))
+;; Entry points
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun bash-specific-quote (id)
+ "Downloads a specific quote from"
+ (interactive "sEnter quote-id: ")
+ (bash-process-url (bash-get-quote-url id)))
+(defun bash-latest-quotes ()
+ "Downloads a specific quote from"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq bash-tmp-results-title "Latest quotes")
+ (bash-process-url bash-get-latest-url))
+(defun bash-top-50-quotes ()
+ "Downloads a specific quote from"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq bash-tmp-results-title "Top 50 quotes")
+ (bash-process-url bash-get-top-rated-url))
+(defun bash-top-50-100-quotes ()
+ "Downloads a specific quote from"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq bash-tmp-results-title "Top 50-100 quotes")
+ (bash-process-url bash-get-next-top-rated-url))
+(defun bash-random-30-quotes ()
+ "Downloads a specific quote from"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq bash-tmp-results-title "Random quotes")
+ (bash-process-url bash-get-random-url))
+(defun bash-random-above-zero-quotes ()
+ "Fetches random quotes from, all with ratings above zero"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq tmp-bash-results-title "Random quotes, rating > 0")
+ (bash-process-url bash-get-random-above-zero-url))
+;; Saving a quote in a fortunedb file
+(defun bash-save-quote (quote id)
+ "Saves a quote to a fortune-format file"
+ (let ((filename (read-file-name "Append to fortune-file: " )))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (find-file filename)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert "\n%%\nfrom, quote #" id "\n" quote)
+ (save-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+;; Searching
+(defun bash-search-quote (criteria sort number)
+ "Searches for quote"
+ (interactive "sSearch for: \ncSort by number ('n') or rating ('r'): \nnNumber of results to return (25,50,75 or 100): ")
+ (unless (or (= sort ?n) (= sort ?r))
+ (setq sort ?r)) ; sort by rating pr. default
+ (if (= sort ?n)
+ (setq sort "1")
+ (setq sort "2"))
+ (setq bash-tmp-results-title (concat "Searched for \"" criteria "\""))
+ (bash-process-url (bash-make-search-url criteria sort number)))
+(provide 'bash-quotes)
+;;; bash-quotes.el ends here \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/faith.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/faith.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa85d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/faith.el
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+;;; faith.el --- hepls spreading the true faith
+;; Time-stamp: <2003-08-19 13:38:28 deego>
+;; GPL'ed under GNU'S public license..
+;; Copyright (C) Deepak Goel 2000
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: faith.el
+;; Author: Deepak Goel <>
+;; Version: 1.9
+(defconst faith-version "1.9"
+ "Version number of faith.el")
+;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; for this file and for associated READMEs LOGFILEs etc..
+;;; Copyright (C) Deepak Goel
+;; AUTHORS: Deepak Goel ( ,
+;; Robert Fenk <>,
+;; Roberto Selbach Teixeira <>
+;; Remi Vanicat<>
+;; contributions to this holy work will earn you a name on the list
+;; of authors.
+;; If you have been invited to become priest (author) of faith,
+;; please send an email agreeing to accept the
+;; "GNU FREEness" of faith, and agreeing that if at any point in
+;; future, you don't agree to sign the appropriate copyleft
+;; agreement, will remove you from the author's
+;; list. You will be promptly listed as an author.
+;; Commentary: In this world of infidelity and blasphemy,
+;; FAITH tries to reinforce faith in you.
+;;; Drop faith.el somewhere in yr load-path, and add to your .emacs:
+;;; (load "faith.el")
+;;; then type M-x faith, and enjoy..
+;;; Code:
+(defconst faith-false-quotes nil
+A variety of false quotes collected from various places. Collected so
+that the false names can be replaced by the TRUE ONE.")
+(defvar faith-user-quotes nil
+ "*These are any additional quotes a user might like included.")
+(defvar faith-quotes-separator "\n__________________________\n\n"
+ "*The string whis is inserted before a quote.")
+(defvar faith-replacement-strings nil
+ "True Replacements for bad Gods and other words.
+Is a list of REPLACEMENTS. Each replacement is a list of BADLIST and
+GOODLIST. All matches from BADLIST will be replaced by a random word
+from goodlist. For consistency, the random word chosen will be the
+same for the entire quote.")
+(defvar faith-user-before-replacement-strings nil
+ "Will be appended before faith-replacement-strings.
+Allow user to define their own replacements, and together with
+faith-user-after-replacement-strings, to completely edit the default
+replacement-strings.. in many many novel ways the wise user may come
+up with.. O user, from now on, you may customize your faith, should u
+like to..
+Also see faith-user-after-replacement-strings")
+(defvar faith-user-after-replacement-strings nil
+ "Will be appended after faith-replacement-strings.
+Allow user to define their own replacements.
+Also see faith-user-before-replacement-strings")
+;; THE 'false-quotes have been picked out of books whose authors are
+;; not likely to be in a position to object to the same. Current
+;; sources:
+;; Bible
+;; Koran
+(defun faith-insert (&rest args)
+ "Insert a quote right here, right now, in the current buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (insert (apply 'faith-quote args)))
+(defvar faith-fill-column 70)
+;; You might think some users might find no need for this
+;; 'faith function. But ask me! It makes testing so easier..
+(defun faith ()
+ "Switch to buffer *faith* and insert faith-snippets there."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (equal (buffer-name) "*faith*")
+ ""
+ (progn
+ (get-buffer-create "*faith*")
+ (switch-to-buffer "*faith*")))
+ (let ((go-this-time t))
+ (while go-this-time
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert faith-quotes-separator (faith-quote))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (recenter)
+ (setq fill-column faith-fill-column)
+ (call-interactively 'fill-paragraph)
+ (if (y-or-n-p "Care for more wise words? ")
+ nil
+ (setq go-this-time nil))))
+ (message "Use M-x faith-correct on your own documents in order to correct them."))
+(defun faith-quote (&optional quotes leave-alone-p )
+ "Helps reinforce and spread faith in the ONE TRUE EDITOR.
+Returns a randomly chosen snippet, which helps you along your search
+for truth. If the argument QUOTES is supplied, it is the one used
+instead of using the default source for quotes. If LEAVE-ALONE-P is
+non-nil, then no faith-correction is done before insertion of the quote..
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((init-quote
+ (faith-false-choose
+ (if quotes quotes
+ (append faith-false-quotes faith-user-quotes))))
+ (final-quote
+ (if leave-alone-p
+ init-quote
+ (faith-correct-string init-quote)))
+ (justified-quote (faith-justify-string final-quote)))
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (message justified-quote)
+ justified-quote)))
+(defun faith-correct-buffer ()
+ "Replace false Gods by the ONE TRUE GOD.
+Takes a false SNIPPET, and weeds out the names of all false Gods and
+ (interactive)
+ ;; Now, for each from in each from-list, select a random to from to-list.
+ ;; to-list is called tos and from-list is called froms.
+ (let ((case-replace t)
+ (case-fold-search t))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (froms-tos)
+ (let ((tos (cadr froms-tos)))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (from)
+ (let ((this-to (nth (random* (length tos)) tos)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward (concat "\\b" from "")
+ nil t)
+ (replace-match this-to nil nil))))
+ (car froms-tos))))
+ (append faith-user-before-replacement-strings
+ faith-replacement-strings
+ faith-user-after-replacement-strings))
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun faith-correct-region (b e)
+ "Replace false Gods by the ONE TRUE GOD in region delimited by B and E."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (save-restriction
+ (save-excursion
+ (narrow-to-region b e)
+ (faith-correct-buffer)
+ (widen))))
+(defun faith-correct-string (snippet)
+ "Replace false Gods by the ONE TRUE GOD.
+Takes a false SNIPPET, and weeds out the names of all false Gods and
+ (interactive)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert snippet)
+ (faith-correct-buffer)
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun faith-false-choose (quotes)
+ "Return a randomly chosen WRONG snippet. THUS NOT FOR HUMAN EYES.
+Returns a randomly chosen false quote. Advice: Stay away.
+Argument QUOTES is a list of quotes."
+ (let* ((n (random* (length quotes)))
+ (s (nth n quotes)))
+ (if (stringp s) s
+ (error (format "The quote at postition %d is no string." n s)))))
+(defun faith-justify-string (string)
+ "Justifies it.."
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert string)
+ (fill-paragraph 1)
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+(unless faith-replacement-strings
+ (setq faith-replacement-strings
+ '(
+ (("allah" "buddha" "lord" "islam" "christianity" "hinduism") ("EMACS"))
+ (("almighty" "god") ("True Editor"))
+ (("adam" ) ("newbie"))
+ (("angel" ) ("truly free freebies"))
+ (("apostle") ( "book"))
+ (("bible" "koran") ("Emacs-manual"))
+ (("book") ("documentation"))
+ (("christ" ) ("emacs-homepage"))
+ (("christian" ) ("true follower"))
+ (("die" ) ("quit editland"))
+ (("gods") ("editors"))
+ (("earth" ) ("editland"))
+ (("heavens" ) ("elispland"))
+ (("holy spirit" ) ("holy editor"))
+ (("jesus" "muhammad" "muhammed" "mohammad" "mohammed")
+ ("" ""))
+ (("mary") ("Gnus"))
+ (("Moses") ("Stallman" "RMS"))
+ (("the calf") ("vi"))
+ (("prophet") ("manual"))
+ (("religion") ("editing"))
+ (("satan") ("Microsoft" "Windoze" "VI"))
+ (("pray" ) ("edit"))
+ (("synagogue" "church") ("computer-room"))
+ )))
+(unless faith-false-quotes
+ (setq
+ faith-false-quotes
+ '("There shall be no compulsion in religion."
+ "This Book is not to be doubted. . . . As for the unbelievers, it is
+the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith.
+God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed
+and grievous punishment awaits them."
+ "The only true faith in God's sight is EMACS."
+ "He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from
+him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost."
+ "It is not for true believers men or women to take their choice in the
+affairs if God and His apostle decree otherwise. He that disobeys God
+and His apostle strays far indeed."
+ "God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have
+bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that
+He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His
+servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An
+ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers."
+ "Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not
+attack them first. God does not love the aggressors.
+Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from
+which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage."
+ "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal
+rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate."
+ "The Lord is my strength and song; he has become my salvation. He is my
+God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him."
+ "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
+with all your strength."
+ "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
+name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching
+them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be
+with you always, to the very end of the age."
+ "Have faith in God, Jesus answered. Therefore I tell you, whatever you
+ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be
+ "And Mary said: My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God
+my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his
+ "Jesus answered, It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him
+ "When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not
+worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for
+the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say."
+ "Then Jesus cried out, When a man believes in me, he does not believe
+in me only, but in the one who sent me. I have come into the world as
+light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."
+ "Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
+the Father except through me."
+ "...Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
+ "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of
+unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus ,so that with one
+heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
+ "May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in
+him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy
+ "...God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness
+reign in life through the one and only , Jesus Christ."
+ "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit
+is life and peace, because the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does
+not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by their
+sinful nature cannot please God."
+ "...No eyes have seen, no ear has heard, no mind had conceived what God
+had prepared for those who love him but God had revealed it to us by his
+Spirit. The spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who
+among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In
+the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
+ "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me
+safely to his heavenly kingdom."
+ "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power,
+of love and of self-discipline."
+ "If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed but praise God that
+you bear that name."
+ "Cast all your anxiety on Jesus because he cares for you."
+ "57:1 All that is in heaven and earth gives glory to Allah. He is
+the Mighty, the Wise One."
+ "His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He ordains life
+and death and has power over all things."
+ "He created the heavens and the earth in six days and then mounted
+His throne. He knows all that goes into the earth and all that
+emerges from it, all that comes down from heaven and all that
+ascends to it. He is with you wherever you are. He is cognizant of
+all your actions."
+ "His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. To Him shall all
+things return. He causes the night to pass into the day and the day
+into the night. He has knowledge of the inmost thoughts of men."
+ "24:34 Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light
+may be compared to a niche that enshrines a lamp, the lamp within a
+crystal of star-like brilliance. It is lit from a blessed olive
+tree neither eastern nor western. Its very oil would almost shine
+forth, though no fire touched it. Light upon light; Allah guides to
+His light whom He will."
+ "24:36 As for the unbelievers, their works are like a mirage in a
+desert. The thirsty traveler thinks it is water, but when he comes
+near he finds that it is nothing. He finds Allah there, who pays
+him back in full. Swift is Allah's reckoning."
+ "Or like darkness on a bottomless ocean spread with clashing billows
+and overcast with clouds: darkness upon darkness. If he stretches
+out his hand he can scarcely see it. Indeed the man from whom Allah
+withholds His light shall find no light at all."
+ "10:80 We are the witnesses of all your thoughts and all your
+prayers and all your actions. Not an atom's weight in earth or
+heaven escapes your Lord, nor is there any object smaller or
+greater, but is recorded in a glorious book."
+ "58:7 Are you not aware that Allah knows what the heavens and the
+earth contain? If three men talk in secret together, He is their
+fourth; if four, He is their fifth; if five, He is their sixth;
+whether fewer or more, wherever they be, He is with them. Then, on
+the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of their doings. Allah
+has knowledge of all things."
+ "39:39 Allah takes away men's souls upon their death, and the souls
+of the living during their sleep. Those that are doomed He keeps
+with Him and restores the others for a time ordained. Surely there
+are signs in this for thinking men."
+ "35:11 Praise be to Allah, the Creator of heaven and earth! He sends
+forth the angels as His messengers, with two, three or four airs of
+wings. He Multiplies His creatures according to His will. Allah has
+power over all things."
+ "2:32 To Adam We said: \"Dwell with your wife in Paradise and eat of
+its fruits to your hearts' content wherever you will. But never
+approach this tree or you shall both become transgressors.\"
+But Satan made them fall from Paradise and brought about their
+banishment. \"Go hence,\" We said, \"and may your offspring be enemies
+to each other. The earth will for a while provide your sustenance
+and dwelling place.\"
+Then Adam received commandments from his Lord, and his Lord
+relented towards him. He is the Forgiving One, the Merciful."
+ "65:12 It is Allah who has created seven heavens, and earths as
+many. His commandment descends through them, so that you may know
+that Allah has power over all things, and that He has knowledge of
+all things."
+ "14:19 Do you not see that Allah has created the heavens and the
+earth with truth? He can destroy you if He wills and bring into
+being a new creation: that is no difficult thing for him."
+ "40:67 It was He who created you from dust, making you a little
+germ, and then a clot of blood. He brings you infants into the
+world; you reach manhood, then decline into old age (though some of
+you die young), so that you may complete your appointed term and
+grow in wisdom."
+ "16:75 To Allah belong the secrets of the heavens and the earth. The
+business of the Final Hour shall be accomplished in the twinkling
+of an eye, or even less. Allah has power over all things."
+ "2:86 To Moses We gave the Scriptures and after him we sent other
+apostles. We gave Jesus the son of Mary veritable signs and
+strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Will you then scorn each
+apostle whose message does not suit your fancies, charging some
+with imposture and slaying others?"
+ "6:104 They solemnly swear by Allah that if a sign be given them
+they would believe in it. Say: \"Signs are vouchsafed by Allah.\" And
+how can you tell that if a sign be given them they will indeed
+believe in it?"
+ "We will turn away their hearts and eyes from the truth since they
+refused to believe in it at first. We will leave them to blunder
+about in their wrongdoing."
+ "If We sent down the angels and caused the dead to speak with them,
+and ranged all things before them, they would still not believe,
+Unless Allah willed it. But most of them are ignorant men."
+ "4:153 The People of the Book ask you to bring down for them a book
+from heaven. Of Moses they demanded a harder thing than that. They
+said to him: \"Show us Allah distinctly.\" And for their wickedness a
+thunderbolt smote them. They worshipped the calf after We revealed
+to them Our signs; yet We forgave them that, and bestowed on Moses
+clear authority."
+ "32:21 We gave the Scriptures to Moses (never doubt that you will
+meet him) and made it a guide for Israelites. And when they grew
+steadfast and firmly believed in Our revelations, We appointed
+leaders from among them who gave guidance at Our bidding. On the
+Day of Resurrection your Lord will resolve for them their
+ "4:171 People of the Book, do not transgress the bounds of your
+religion. Speak nothing but the truth about Allah. The Messiah,
+Jesus the son of Mary, was no more than Allah's apostle and His
+Word which he cast to Mary: a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah
+and His apostles and do not say: \"Three;\" Forbear, and it shall be
+better for you. Allah is but one God. Allah forbid that He should
+have a son! His is all that the heavens and the earth contain.
+Allah is the all-sufficient Protector. The Messiah does not disdain
+to be a servant of Allah, nor do the angels who are nearer to him.
+Those who through arrogance disdain His service shall all be
+brought before Him."
+ "73:1 You that are wrapped up in your mantle, keep vigil all night,
+save for a few hours; half the night, or even less: or a little
+more - and with measured tone recite the Koran, for We are about to
+address to you words of surpassing gravity. It is in the watches of
+the night that impressions are strongest and words most eloquent;
+in the day-time you are hard-pressed with work.
+\(You need not move your tongue too fast to learn this revelation.
+We Ourself shall see to its collection and recital. When We read
+it, follow its words attentively; We shall Ourself explain its
+ "20:114 Do not be quick to recite the Koran before its revelation is
+completed, but rather say: \"Lord, increase my knowledge.\""
+ "42:48 Thus We have inspired you with a spirit of Our will when you
+knew nothing of faith or scripture, and made it a light whereby we
+guide those of Our servants whom We please. You shall surely guide
+them to the right path: the path of Allah, to whom belongs all that
+the heavens and the earth contain. All things in the end return to
+ "25:27 The unbelievers ask: \"Why was the Koran not revealed to him
+entire in a single revelation?\"
+We have revealed it thus so that We may strengthen your faith. We
+have imparted it to you by gradual revelation. No sooner will they
+come to you with an argument than We shall reveal to you the truth
+and properly explain it. Those who will be dragged headlong into
+Hell shall have an evil place to-dwell in, for they have strayed
+far from the right path."
+ "4:159 We have revealed Our will to you as We revealed it to Noah
+and to the prophets who came after him; as We revealed it to
+Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and David, to whom We gave the
+Psalms. Of some apostles We have already told you (how Allah spoke
+directly to Moses); but there are others of whom We have not yet
+spoken: apostles who brought good news to mankind and admonished
+them, so that they might have no plea against Allah after their
+coming. Allah is mighty and wise."
+ "40:78 We have sent forth other apostles before you, of some you
+have already heard, of others We have told you nothing. Yet none of
+these could work a miracle except by Allah's leave. And when
+Allah's will is done, justice will prevail and those who have
+denied His signs will come to grief."
+ "16:40 The apostles We sent before you were no more than mortals
+whom We inspired with revelations and with writings. Ask the People
+of the Book, ii you doubt this. To you We have revealed the Koran,
+so that you may proclaim to men what has been revealed to them, and
+that they may give thought."
+ "13:38 We have sent forth other apostles before you and given them
+wives and children. Yet none of them could work miracles except by
+the will of Allah. Every age has its scripture. Allah confirms or
+abrogates what He pleases. His is the Eternal Book."
+ "22:46 Never have We sent a single prophet or apostle before you
+with whose wishes Satan did not tamper. But Allah abrogates the
+interjections of Satan and confirms His own revelations. Allah is
+wise and all-knowing. He makes Satan's interjections a temptation
+for those whose hearts are diseased or hardened - this is why the
+wrongdoers are in open schism - so that those to whom knowledge has
+been given may realize that this is the truth from your Lord and
+thus believe in it and humble their hearts towards him. Allah will
+surely guide the faithful to a straight path."
+ "36:68 We have taught Mohammed no poetry, nor does it become him to
+be a poet. This is but a warning: an eloquent Koran to admonish the
+living and No pass judgment on the unbelievers."
+ "29:48 Never have you read a book before this, nor have you ever
+transcribed one with your right hand. Had you done either of these,
+- the unbelievers might have justly doubted. But to those who are
+endowed with knowledge it is an undoubted sign. Only the wrongdoers
+deny Our signs."
+ "68:1 By the pen, and what they write, you are not mad: thanks to
+the favor of your Lord! A lasting recompense awaits you, for yours
+is a sublime nature. You shall before long see - as they will see -
+which of you is mad."
+ "39:22 Allah has now revealed the best of scriptures, a book uniform
+in style proclaiming promises and warnings. Those who fear their
+Lord are filled with awe as they listen to its revelations, so that
+their hearts soften at the remembrance of Allah. Such is Allah's
+guidance: He bestows it on whom He will. But he whom Allah misleads
+shall have none to guide him."
+ "Allah is the only GOD and Muhammad is HIS only prophet."
+ )))
+(provide 'faith)
+;;; faith.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/flame.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/flame.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f878891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/flame.el
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+;;; flame.el --- automatic generation of flamage, as if we needed more
+;;; Author: Ian G. Batten <>
+;;; Maintainer: Noah Friedman <>
+;;; Keywords: games
+;;; $Id: flame.el,v 1.1 2004/12/16 01:44:34 mwolson Exp $
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; "Flame" program. This has a chequered past.
+;;; The original was on a Motorola 286 running Vanilla V.1,
+;;; about 2 years ago. It was couched in terms of a yacc (I think)
+;;; script. I pulled the data out of it and rewrote it as a piece
+;;; of PL/1 on Multics. Now I've moved it into an emacs-lisp
+;;; form. If the original author cares to contact me, I'd
+;;; be very happy to credit you!
+;;; Ian G. Batten,
+;;; On 1994/01/09, I discovered that rms dropped this file from the Emacs
+;;; 19 distribution sometime before 19.7 was released. He made no
+;;; ChangeLog entry and didn't keep the source file around (by convention,
+;;; we usually renamed files we wanted to keep but not go into official
+;;; distributions so that they started with `=', e.g. `=flame.el'). This
+;;; is all he had to say about it when I asked:
+;;; I think I decided I was unhappy with the legal papers for it.
+;;; Removing it took less time than trying to deal with it
+;;; any other way.
+;;; I eventually found it on a backup tape, and I am now independently
+;;; maintaining it.
+;;; --Noah
+;;; Code:
+(random t)
+(defvar flame-sentence
+ '((how can you say that (flame-statement) \?)
+ (I can\'t believe how (flame-adjective) you are\.)
+ (only a (flame-der-term) like you would say that (flame-statement) \.)
+ ((flame-statement) \, huh\?) (so\, (flame-statement) \?)
+ ((flame-statement) \, right\?) (I mean\, (flame-sentence))
+ (don\'t you realise that (flame-statement) \?)
+ (I firmly believe that (flame-statement) \.)
+ (let me tell you something\, you (flame-der-term) \, (flame-statement) \.)
+ (furthermore\, you (flame-der-term) \, (flame-statement) \.)
+ (I couldn\'t care less about your (flame-thing) \.)
+ (How can you be so (flame-adjective) \?)
+ (you make me sick\.)
+ (it\'s well known that (flame-statement) \.)
+ ((flame-statement) \.)
+ (it takes a (flame-group-adj) (flame-der-term) like you to say that (flame-statement) \.)
+ (I don\'t want to hear about your (flame-thing) \.)
+ (you\'re always totally wrong\.)
+ (I\'ve never heard anything as ridiculous as the idea that (flame-statement) \.)
+ (you must be a real (flame-der-term) to think that (flame-statement) \.)
+ (you (flame-adjective) (flame-group-adj) (flame-der-term) \!)
+ (you\'re probably (flame-group-adj) yourself\.)
+ (you sound like a real (flame-der-term) \.)
+ (why\, (flame-statement) \!)
+ (I have many (flame-group-adj) friends\.)
+ (save the (flame-thing) s\!) (no nukes\!) (ban (flame-thing) s\!)
+ (I\'ll bet you think that (flame-thing) s are (flame-adjective) \.)
+ (you know\, (flame-statement) \.)
+ (your (flame-quality) reminds me of a (flame-thing) \.)
+ (you have the (flame-quality) of a (flame-der-term) \.)
+ ((flame-der-term) \!)
+ ((flame-adjective) (flame-group-adj) (flame-der-term) \!)
+ (you\'re a typical (flame-group-adj) person\, totally (flame-adjective) \.)
+ (man\, (flame-sentence))))
+(defvar flame-sentence-loop (nconc flame-sentence flame-sentence))
+(defvar flame-quality
+ '((ignorance) (stupidity) (worthlessness)
+ (prejudice) (lack of intelligence) (lousiness)
+ (bad grammar) (lousy spelling)
+ (lack of common decency) (ugliness) (nastiness)
+ (subtlety) (dishonesty) ((flame-adjective) (flame-quality))))
+(defvar flame-quality-loop (nconc flame-quality flame-quality))
+(defvar flame-adjective
+ '((ignorant) (crass) (pathetic) (sick)
+ (bloated) (malignant) (perverted) (sadistic)
+ (stupid) (unpleasant) (lousy) (abusive) (bad)
+ (braindamaged) (selfish) (improper) (nasty)
+ (disgusting) (foul) (intolerable) (primitive)
+ (depressing) (dumb) (phoney) (boring)
+ (gratuitous) ((flame-adjective) and (flame-adjective))
+ (as (flame-adjective) as a (flame-thing))))
+(defvar flame-adjective-loop (nconc flame-adjective flame-adjective))
+(defvar flame-der-term
+ '(((flame-adjective) (flame-der-term)) (sexist) (fascist)
+ (weakling) (coward) (beast) (peasant) (racist)
+ (cretin) (fool) (jerk) (ignoramus) (idiot)
+ (wanker) (rat) (slimebag) (DAF driver) (quiche-eater)
+ (Neanderthal) (sadist) (drunk) (capitalist)
+ (wimp) (dogmatist) (wally) (maniac) (luser)
+ (whimpering scumbag) (pea brain) (arsehole)
+ (moron) (goof) (incompetent) (lunkhead) (Nazi)
+ (SysThug) ((flame-der-term) (flame-der-term))))
+(defvar flame-der-term-loop (nconc flame-der-term flame-der-term))
+(defvar flame-thing
+ '(((flame-adjective) (flame-thing)) (computer)
+ (Honeywell dps8) (whale) (operation)
+ (sexist joke) (ten-incher) (dog) (MicroVAX II)
+ (source license) (real-time clock)
+ (mental problem) (sexual fantasy)
+ (venereal disease) (Jewish grandmother)
+ (cardboard cut-out) (punk haircut) (surfboard)
+ (system call) (wood-burning stove)
+ (standard text editor) (processed lunch meat)
+ (graphics editor) (right wing death squad)
+ (disease) (vegetable) (religion) (random frob)
+ (cruise missile) (bug fix) (lawyer) (copyright)
+ (PAD)))
+(defvar flame-thing-loop (nconc flame-thing flame-thing))
+(defvar flame-group-adj
+ '((gay) (old) (lesbian) (young) (black)
+ (Polish) ((flame-adjective)) (white)
+ (mentally retarded) (Nicaraguan) (homosexual)
+ (dead) (underpriviledged) (religious)
+ ((flame-thing) \-loving) (feminist) (foreign)
+ (intellectual) (crazy) (working) (unborn)
+ (Chinese) (short) ((flame-adjective)) (poor) (rich)
+ (funny-looking) (Puerto Rican) (Mexican)
+ (Italian) (communist) (fascist) (Iranian)
+ (Moonie)))
+(defvar flame-group-adj-loop (nconc flame-group-adj flame-group-adj))
+(defvar flame-statement
+ '((your (flame-thing) is great) ((flame-thing) s are fun)
+ ((flame-person) is a (flame-der-term))
+ ((flame-group-adj) people are (flame-adjective))
+ (every (flame-group-adj) person is a (flame-der-term))
+ (most (flame-group-adj) people have (flame-thing) s)
+ (all (flame-group-adj) dudes should get (flame-thing) s)
+ ((flame-person) is (flame-group-adj)) (trees are (flame-adjective))
+ (if you\'ve seen one (flame-thing) \, you\'ve seen them all)
+ (you\'re (flame-group-adj)) (you have a (flame-thing))
+ (my (flame-thing) is pretty good)
+ (the Martians are coming)
+ (the (flame-paper) is always right)
+ (just because you read it in the (flame-paper) that doesn\'t mean it\'s true)
+ ((flame-person) was (flame-group-adj))
+ ((flame-person) \'s ghost is living in your (flame-thing))
+ (you look like a (flame-thing))
+ (the oceans are full of dirty fish)
+ (people are dying every day)
+ (a (flame-group-adj) man ain\'t got nothing in the world these days)
+ (women are inherently superior to men)
+ (the system staff is fascist)
+ (there is life after death)
+ (the world is full of (flame-der-term) s)
+ (you remind me of (flame-person)) (technology is evil)
+ ((flame-person) killed (flame-person))
+ (the Russians are tapping your phone)
+ (the Earth is flat)
+ (it\'s OK to run down (flame-group-adj) people)
+ (Multics is a really (flame-adjective) operating system)
+ (the CIA killed (flame-person))
+ (the sexual revolution is over)
+ (Lassie was (flame-group-adj))
+ (the (flame-group-adj) people have really got it all together)
+ (I was (flame-person) in a previous life)
+ (breathing causes cancer)
+ (it\'s fun to be really (flame-adjective))
+ ((flame-quality) is pretty fun) (you\'re a (flame-der-term))
+ (the (flame-group-adj) culture is fascinating)
+ (when ya gotta go ya gotta go)
+ ((flame-person) is (flame-adjective))
+ ((flame-person) \'s (flame-quality) is (flame-adjective))
+ (it\'s a wonderful day)
+ (everything is really a (flame-thing))
+ (there\'s a (flame-thing) in (flame-person) \'s brain)
+ ((flame-person) is a cool dude)
+ ((flame-person) is just a figment of your imagination)
+ (the more (flame-thing) s you have, the better)
+ (life is a (flame-thing)) (life is (flame-quality))
+ ((flame-person) is (flame-adjective))
+ ((flame-group-adj) people are all (flame-adjective) (flame-der-term) s)
+ ((flame-statement) \, and (flame-statement))
+ ((flame-statement) \, but (flame-statement))
+ (I wish I had a (flame-thing))
+ (you should have a (flame-thing))
+ (you hope that (flame-statement))
+ ((flame-person) is secretly (flame-group-adj))
+ (you wish you were (flame-group-adj))
+ (you wish you were a (flame-thing))
+ (I wish I were a (flame-thing))
+ (you think that (flame-statement))
+ ((flame-statement) \, because (flame-statement))
+ ((flame-group-adj) people don\'t get married to (flame-group-adj) people because (flame-reason))
+ ((flame-group-adj) people are all (flame-adjective) because (flame-reason))
+ ((flame-group-adj) people are (flame-adjective) \, and (flame-reason))
+ (you must be a (flame-adjective) (flame-der-term) to think that (flame-person) said (flame-statement))
+ ((flame-group-adj) people are inherently superior to (flame-group-adj) people)
+ (God is Dead)))
+(defvar flame-statement-loop (nconc flame-statement flame-statement))
+(defvar flame-paper
+ '((Daily Mail) (Daily Express) (Boston Glob)
+ (Centre Bulletin) (Sun) (Daily Mirror) (Pravda)
+ (Daily Telegraph) (Beano) (Multics Manual)))
+(defvar flame-paper-loop (nconc flame-paper flame-paper))
+(defvar flame-person
+ '((Reagan) (Ken Thompson) (Dennis Ritchie)
+ (JFK) (the Pope) (Gadaffi) (Napoleon)
+ (Karl Marx) (Groucho) (Michael Jackson)
+ (Caesar) (Nietzsche) (Heidegger) (\"Head-for-the-mountains\" Bush)
+ (Henry Kissinger) (Nixon) (Castro) (Thatcher)
+ (Attilla the Hun) (Alaric the Visigoth) (Hitler)))
+(defvar flame-person-loop (nconc flame-person flame-person))
+(defvar flame-reason
+ '((they don\'t want their children to grow up to be too lazy to steal)
+ (they can\'t tell them apart from (flame-group-adj) dudes)
+ (they\'re too (flame-adjective))
+ ((flame-person) wouldn\'t have done it)
+ (they can\'t spray paint that small)
+ (they don\'t have (flame-thing) s) (they don\'t know how)
+ (they can\'t afford (flame-thing) s)))
+(defvar flame-reason-loop (nconc flame-reason flame-reason))
+(defmacro flame-define-element (name)
+ (let ((loop-to-use (intern (concat name "-loop"))))
+ (` (defun (, (intern name)) nil
+ (let ((step-forward (% (random) 10)))
+ (if (< step-forward 0) (setq step-forward (- step-forward)))
+ (prog1
+ (nth step-forward (, loop-to-use))
+ (setq (, loop-to-use) (nthcdr (1+ step-forward) (, loop-to-use)))))))))
+(flame-define-element "flame-sentence")
+(flame-define-element "flame-quality")
+(flame-define-element "flame-adjective")
+(flame-define-element "flame-der-term")
+(flame-define-element "flame-group-adj")
+(flame-define-element "flame-statement")
+(flame-define-element "flame-thing")
+(flame-define-element "flame-paper")
+(flame-define-element "flame-person")
+(flame-define-element "flame-reason")
+(defun *flame nil
+ (flame-expand '(flame-sentence)))
+(defun flame-expand (object)
+ (cond ((atom object)
+ object)
+ (t (mapcar 'flame-expand (funcall (car object))))))
+(defun flame-flatten (list)
+ (cond ((atom list)
+ (list list))
+ ((null list))
+ (t (apply 'append (mapcar 'flame-flatten list)))))
+(defun flame (&optional arg)
+ "Generate ARG (default 1) sentences of half-crazed gibberish.
+If interactive, print the result in a buffer and display it.
+Otherwise, just return the result as a string."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (or arg (setq arg 1))
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (let ((w (selected-window)))
+ (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Flame*"))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert ?\n)
+ (flame2 arg)
+ (select-window w))
+ (let (result)
+ (while (> arg 0)
+ (setq result (concat result
+ (flame-string)
+ (if (= 1 arg) "" "\n")))
+ (setq arg (1- arg)))
+ result)))
+(defun flame2 (arg)
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (flame1 arg)
+ (fill-region-as-paragraph start (point) t)))
+(defun flame1 (arg)
+ (cond ((zerop arg) t)
+ (t (insert (flame-string))
+ (flame1 (1- arg)))))
+(defun flame-string ()
+ (concat (flame-sentence-ify
+ (flame-string-ify
+ (flame-append-suffixes-hack
+ (flame-flatten (*flame)))))))
+(defun flame-sentence-ify (string)
+ (concat (upcase (substring string 0 1))
+ (substring string 1 (length string))
+ " "))
+(defun flame-string-ify (list)
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (x)
+ (format "%s" x))
+ list
+ " "))
+(defun flame-append-suffixes-hack (list)
+ (cond ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((memq (nth 1 list)
+ '(\? \. \, s\! \! s \'s \-loving))
+ (cons (intern (format "%s%s" (nth 0 list) (nth 1 list)))
+ (flame-append-suffixes-hack (nthcdr 2 list))))
+ (t (cons (nth 0 list)
+ (flame-append-suffixes-hack (nthcdr 1 list))))))
+(defun psychoanalyze-flamer ()
+ "Mr. Angry goes to the analyst."
+ (interactive)
+ (doctor) ; start the psychotherapy
+ (message "")
+ (switch-to-buffer "*doctor*")
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (while (not (input-pending-p))
+ (flame2 (if (= (% (random) 2) 0) 2 1))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (doctor-ret-or-read 1)))
+(provide 'flame)
+;;; flame.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/geek.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/geek.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6563884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/geek.el
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+;;; geek.el --- annoy lusers who think the geek code is wAY ko0l RADIKuL D00D!1
+;; Copyright (C) 1995 American Telephone & Telegraph, Inc.
+;; Author: Noah Friedman <>
+;; Maintainer:
+;; Created: 1995-01-07
+;; $Id: geek.el,v 1.1 2004/12/16 01:44:34 mwolson Exp $
+;; This software is is guaranteed to do nothing useful, except when it
+;; does. You may sell it, burn it, use it, modify it, or give it away, at
+;; your leisure. You may even require that other people use it. You may
+;; also require that people not use it, as you see fit. Government
+;; agencies are encouraged to integrate this software into weapons control
+;; systems and other instruments of destruction.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defvar geek-header "X-Geek-Code")
+(defvar geek-suffix-single-chars ["?" "@" "$" "!" "*"])
+(defvar geek-suffix-long-chars [?+ ?- ?+ ?- ?+ ?- ?+ ?- ?+ ?- ?+ ?- ?'])
+(defvar geek-infix-chars [">" ":"])
+(defvar geek-letters
+ ["A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R"
+ "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
+ "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r"
+ "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"
+ "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"])
+(if (string-lessp emacs-version "19")
+ (defun geek-random (&optional n)
+ (if (numberp n)
+ (abs (% (random) n))
+ (random n)))
+ (defalias 'geek-random 'random))
+(defun geek-item (v)
+ (aref v (geek-random (length v))))
+(defun geek-code ()
+ (let ((ncodes (+ 10 (geek-random 40)))
+ (codes "")
+ (nflavors (+ 4 (geek-random 8)))
+ (flavors "")
+ letter
+ len len1
+ char char1
+ tem
+ i
+ (vmajor (int-to-string (1+ (geek-random 8))))
+ (vminor (int-to-string (geek-random 100))))
+ (setq i nflavors)
+ (while (not (zerop i))
+ (setq flavors (concat flavors "/"))
+ (setq len (1+ (geek-random 2)))
+ (while (not (zerop len))
+ (setq tem (geek-item geek-letters))
+ (setq flavors (concat flavors tem))
+ (setq len (1- len)))
+ (setq i (1- i)))
+ (aset flavors 0 ?G)
+ (setq i ncodes)
+ (while (not (zerop i))
+ (setq letter (geek-item geek-letters))
+ (and (zerop (geek-random 10))
+ (setq letter (concat letter (geek-item geek-letters))))
+ (setq len (geek-random 5))
+ (setq char (geek-item geek-suffix-long-chars))
+ (setq letter (concat letter (make-string len char)))
+ (cond
+ ((zerop len))
+ ((= char ?'))
+ ((zerop (geek-random 5))
+ (setq char1 (geek-item geek-infix-chars))
+ (setq letter (concat letter char1))
+ (setq len1 (1+ (geek-random 4)))
+ (setq char1 char)
+ (while (= char char1)
+ (setq char1 (geek-item geek-suffix-long-chars)))
+ (setq letter (concat letter (make-string len1 char1)))))
+ (cond
+ ((zerop len)
+ (and (zerop (geek-random 3))
+ (setq letter (concat letter
+ (geek-item geek-suffix-single-chars)))))
+ ((zerop (geek-random 5))
+ (setq len1 (1+ (geek-random 2)))
+ (setq letter (concat letter "(" (make-string len1 ?*) ")"))))
+ (setq codes (concat codes " " letter))
+ (setq i (1- i)))
+ (setq codes (concat "(V" vmajor "." vminor ") "
+ flavors codes))
+ codes))
+(defun geek-replace-header (s)
+ (save-excursion
+ (cond
+ ((mail-position-on-field geek-header 'soft)
+ (let* ((data (match-data))
+ (end (point))
+ (beg (progn
+ (re-search-backward (concat geek-header ": "))
+ (match-end 0)))
+ (orig (buffer-substring beg end))
+ ;; avoid creating any permanent undo boundaries
+ (buffer-undo-list nil))
+ (store-match-data (match-data))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (insert s)
+ orig)))))
+(defun geek-subvert-header ()
+ (let ((s (geek-replace-header (geek-code))))
+ (add-hook 'mail-send-actions (list 'geek-restore-header s) 'append)))
+(defun geek-restore-header (s)
+ (and s (geek-replace-header s)))
+;; mib is an extra special twit.
+ ((and (string= (user-login-name) "mib")
+ (fboundp 'add-hook))
+ (add-hook 'mail-send-hook 'geek-subvert-header 'append)))
+(provide 'geek)
+;;; geek.el ends here.
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/google.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/google.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d940119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/google.el
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+;;; Debugging info for self: Saved through ges-version 1.5dev
+;;; ;;; From: Edward O'Connor <>
+;;; ;;; Subject: google.el
+;;; ;;; Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.sources
+;;; ;;; Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 10:37:56 GMT
+;;; ;;; Organization: RoadRunner - West
+;;; > google.el --- Emacs interface to the Google API
+;;; Virtually unchanged; just fixed a remarkably embarassing bug.
+;;; google.el --- Emacs interface to the Google API
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 Edward O'Connor <>
+;; Author: Edward O'Connor <>
+;; Keywords: comm, processes, tools
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A really bare-bones first hack at Google API support for Emacs.
+;; Note that you need a Google license key to use this; you can
+;; get one by following the instructions here:
+;; <URL:>
+;; Usage:
+;; (require 'google)
+;; (setq google-license-key "my license key")
+;; Then M-x google-search RET
+;; or M-x google-search-region RET
+;; To use this in a program, see the functions `google-search' and
+;; `google-display-response' for example usage.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'soap)
+(require 'xml)
+(defgroup google nil
+ ""
+ :group 'tools)
+(defcustom google-license-key nil
+ "*Your Google license key."
+ :type '(string)
+ :group 'google)
+(defcustom google-search-result-callback nil
+ "*The function to be called with the search result."
+ :type '(function)
+ :group 'google)
+(defcustom google-start 0
+ "*Which result to start with."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'google)
+(defcustom google-max-results 10
+ "*Maximum number of results to return."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'google)
+(defcustom google-filter-p t
+ "*Whether or not to filter results."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'google)
+(defcustom google-safe-p nil
+ "*Safe or not?"
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'google)
+(defcustom google-linkify-links-p t
+ "*Whether or not we should linkify links in the response buffer."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'google)
+(defun google-xml-sexp-attr-to-xml (attr-cons)
+ (let ((attr-name (car attr-cons))
+ (attr-val (cdr attr-cons)))
+ (unless (stringp attr-val)
+ (setq attr-val (format "%s" attr-val)))
+ (concat (format " %s=" attr-name)
+ (if (string-match "[\"]" attr-val)
+ (format "'%s'" attr-val)
+ (format "\"%s\"" attr-val)))))
+(defun google-xml-sexp-to-xml (xml-sexp)
+ "Return a string containing an XML representation of XML-SEXP."
+ (cond ((null xml-sexp)
+ "")
+ ((stringp xml-sexp)
+ xml-sexp)
+ ((listp xml-sexp)
+ (let ((tag (xml-node-name xml-sexp))
+ (attrs (xml-node-attributes xml-sexp))
+ (children (xml-node-children xml-sexp)))
+ (concat (format "<%s" tag)
+ (if attrs
+ (mapconcat 'google-xml-sexp-attr-to-xml
+ attrs
+ "")
+ "")
+ (if children
+ (concat ">"
+ (mapconcat 'google-xml-sexp-to-xml
+ children
+ "")
+ (format "</%s>" tag))
+ "/>"))))
+ (t (google-xml-sexp-to-xml (format "%s" xml-sexp)))))
+(defun google-request (xml-sexp)
+ "Send XML-SEXP to Google as a request."
+ (soap-request ""
+ (google-xml-sexp-to-xml xml-sexp)))
+(defun google-search-internal (terms start max-results filter-p safe-p)
+ "Search for TERMS."
+ (google-request
+ `(SOAP-ENV:Envelope ((xmlns:SOAP-ENV
+ . "")
+ (xmlns:xsi
+ . "")
+ (xmlns:xsd . ""))
+ (SOAP-ENV:Body ()
+ (ns1:doGoogleSearch ((xmlns:ns1 . "urn:GoogleSearch")
+ (SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle .
+ ""))
+ (key ((xsi:type . "xsd:string"))
+ ,google-license-key)
+ (q ((xsi:type . "xsd:string"))
+ ,terms)
+ (start ((xsi:type . "xsd:int"))
+ ,(format "%d" start))
+ (maxResults ((xsi:type . "xsd:int"))
+ ,(format "%d" max-results))
+ (filter ((xsi:type . "xsd:boolean"))
+ ,(if filter-p "true" "false"))
+ (restrict ((xsi:type . "xsd:string")))
+ (safeSearch ((xsi:type . "xsd:boolean"))
+ ,(if safe-p "true" "false"))
+ (lr ((xsi:type . "xsd:string")))
+ (ie ((xsi:type . "xsd:string"))
+ "latin1")
+ (oe ((xsi:type . "xsd:string"))
+ "latin1"))))))
+(defvar google-result-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+ "Map to be used in `google-result-mode'.")
+(define-key google-result-mode-map "q" 'google-result-quit)
+(defun google-result-quit ()
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create "*google-response*")))
+(defun google-result-mode ()
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (setq major-mode 'google-result-mode
+ mode-name "Google Result")
+ (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+ '(message-font-lock-keywords t))
+ (use-local-map google-result-mode-map))
+(defun google-display-response (processed-response)
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*google-response*")
+ (delete-region (point-min)
+ (point-max))
+ (google-result-mode)
+ (insert (format "Google search results for %S\n" (car processed-response))
+ "-------------------------------------------------\n\n")
+ (setq processed-response (cdr processed-response))
+ (while processed-response
+ (let* ((item (car processed-response))
+ (url (nth 0 item))
+ (title (nth 1 item))
+ (hostname (nth 2 item))
+ (cached-size (nth 3 item))
+ (snippet (nth 4 item)))
+ (when title
+ (insert (format "Title: %s\n" title)))
+ (when url
+ (insert (format "URL: %s\n" url)))
+ (when hostname
+ (insert (format "Hostname: %s\n" hostname)))
+ (when cached-size
+ (insert (format "Size: %s\n" cached-size)))
+ (when snippet
+ (insert (format "Snippet: %s\n" snippet)))
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (setq processed-response (cdr processed-response)))
+ (when google-linkify-links-p
+ (goto-address))
+ (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defun google-process-response (response)
+ (let* ((body (car (xml-get-children (car response) 'SOAP-ENV:Body)))
+ (g-s-r (car (xml-get-children body 'ns1:doGoogleSearchResponse)))
+ (return (car (xml-get-children g-s-r 'return)))
+ (search-query (nth 2 (car (xml-get-children return 'searchQuery))))
+ (r-e (car (xml-get-children return 'resultElements)))
+ (items (xml-get-children r-e 'item))
+ (retval '()))
+ (while items
+ (let* ((item (car items))
+ (hostname (nth 2 (car (xml-get-children item 'hostName))))
+ (url (nth 2 (car (xml-get-children item 'URL))))
+ (title (nth 2 (car (xml-get-children item 'title))))
+ (snippet (nth 2 (car (xml-get-children item 'snippet))))
+ (cached-size (nth 2 (car (xml-get-children item 'cachedSize))))
+ (retval-item '()))
+ (add-to-list 'retval-item url t)
+ (add-to-list 'retval-item title t)
+ (add-to-list 'retval-item hostname t)
+ (add-to-list 'retval-item cached-size t)
+ (add-to-list 'retval-item snippet t)
+ (add-to-list 'retval retval-item)
+ (setq items (cdr items))))
+ (cons search-query retval)))
+(defun google-search (terms)
+ "Search for TERMS."
+ (interactive "sGoogle search: ")
+ (google-display-response
+ (google-process-response
+ (google-search-internal terms google-start google-max-results
+ google-filter-p google-safe-p))))
+(defun google-search-region (beg end)
+ "Perform a Google search on the words from BEG to END."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (google-search (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
+(provide 'google)
+;;; google.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/h4x0r.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/h4x0r.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b20858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/h4x0r.el
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+; h4x0r.el 0.11
+; Time-stamp: <2003-02-22 00:47:54 deego>
+; by Charles Sebold <>
+; thanks to Alex Schroeder for typo fix and feature suggestions (which
+; I have not begun to implement yet)
+;;; Copyright: (C) 2000, 2001 Charles Sebold
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;; License along with GNU Emacs; if not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+;; MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; Latest version should be available at:
+;; <URL:>
+(require 'cl)
+(defvar h4x0r-always-replace
+ '(("hacker" . "h4x0r") ("hack" . "h4x0r") ("elite" . "31337")
+ ("fear" . "ph33r")))
+(defvar h4x0r-sometimes-replace
+ '(("ea" "33") ("er" "0r") ("a" "4") ("b" "8") ("d" "|>")
+ ("e" "3" "E") ("f" "|=") ("h" "|-|") ("i" "1" "|") ("k" "|<" "x")
+ ("l" "1" "|_") ("m" "|\\/|") ("n" "|\\|") ("o" "0") ("q" "@") ("s"
+ "5" "Z" "$") ("t" "+" "7") ("ck" "x") ("u" "U") ("v" "\\/") ("x"
+ "X" "><") ("y" "j")))
+(defvar h4x0r-unreadable 5)
+(defvar h4x0r-replace-with-symbols-p nil)
+(defun h4x0r-region (beg end)
+ "Convert region to h4x0r-talk."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((starting-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "h4x0r-temp"))
+ (insert-buffer-substring starting-buffer beg end)
+ (downcase-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (dotimes (i (length h4x0r-always-replace))
+ (beginning-of-buffer)
+ (let ((old-word (car (nth i h4x0r-always-replace)))
+ (new-word (cdr (nth i h4x0r-always-replace))))
+ (while (search-forward old-word nil t)
+ (replace-match new-word))))
+ (dotimes (i (length h4x0r-sometimes-replace))
+ (if (< (random 9) h4x0r-unreadable)
+ (progn
+ (beginning-of-buffer)
+ (let ((old-char (car (nth i h4x0r-sometimes-replace))))
+ (let ((new-char (h4x0r-assoc old-char)))
+ (while (search-forward old-char nil t)
+ (replace-match new-char nil t)))))))
+ (set-buffer starting-buffer)
+ (delete-region beg end)))
+ (insert-buffer "h4x0r-temp")
+ (message "%s" "J00 h4v3 b33n h4x0r3d!")
+ (kill-buffer "h4x0r-temp"))
+(defun h4x0r-assoc (normal-char)
+ (let ((h4-out (cdr (assoc normal-char h4x0r-sometimes-replace))))
+ (if (nlistp h4-out)
+ h4-out
+ (nth (random (length h4-out)) h4-out))))
+(defun h4x0r-buffer ()
+ "Convert entire buffer to h4x0r-talk."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (h4x0r-region (point-max) (point-min))))
+(defun h4x0r-word-at-point ()
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-word -1)
+ (insert (h4x0r-string (current-word)))
+ (kill-word 1)))
+(defun h4x0r-string (h4-input-string)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((starting-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "h4x0r-string-temp"))
+ (insert h4-input-string)
+ (h4x0r-buffer)
+ (setq h4-input-string (buffer-string))
+ (kill-buffer "h4x0r-string-temp")
+ (set-buffer starting-buffer)))
+ h4-input-string)
+(provide 'h4x0r)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/haiku.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/haiku.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b66b6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/haiku.el
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+;; haiku.el --- Semi-random haiku generator
+;; Author: Jose E. Marchesi <>
+;; Maintainer: Jose E. Marchesi <>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Haiku generator for erbot.
+;;; Code:
+(setq erbot-haiku-quotes-1
+ '(
+ "The street-smart seamstress "
+ "The young Russian bride "
+ "The substitute nurse "
+ "The Polish waitress "
+ "The baroness stirs, "
+ "The long-legged blonde "
+ "The dish-water blonde "
+ "The bow-legged midget "
+ "The busty brunette "
+ "The divorcee sighs, "
+ "The arthritic nun "
+ "The loquacious nurse "
+ "The hip-sprung school marm "
+ "The one-eyed baker "
+ "The plumber's third wife "
+ "Traffic stills. The maid "
+ "Clouds form. The pornstar "
+ "The stewardess coughs, "
+ "The Swiss bank teller "
+ "The stripper pauses, "
+ "The erstwhile diva "
+ "The languid bar maid "
+ "The opera singer "
+ "The zoologist "
+ "The Czech spinster "
+ "His virgin great-aunt "
+ "His neighbor's young wife "
+ "The banker's mistress "
+ "The pregnant midwife "
+ "The devious moll "
+ "The shy farmer's wife "
+ "A cornfed she-spy "
+ "The juice bar clerk's wife "
+ "One hillbilly tart "
+ "The one in the skirt "
+ "The kiwi au pair "
+ "The lipstick model "
+ "A lady from Minsk "
+ "The gal with Shooter "
+ "The slatternly nurse "
+ "The B-movie star "
+ "The heart-broken girl "
+ "The star-struck waitress "
+ "The therapist snores, "
+ "The stewardess drools, "
+ "The magnateâs mistress "
+ "The steel baronâs bride "
+ "The pianistas niece "
+ "The Russian cellist "
+ "The poetess gulps, "
+ "The Slavic wet nurse "
+ "Filipino Sue "
+ "Susannah stretches, "
+ "The wet nurse sniffles, "
+ "The clarinetist "
+ "The drunk southern belle "
+ "The cheer squad reject "
+ "The home ec teacher "
+ "The receptionist "
+ "The paralegal "
+ "The street-smart fly girl "
+ "The redhead stretches, "
+ "The old-fashioned nun "
+ "The ice cream lady "
+ "The sullen milkmaid "
+ "The vain meter maid "
+ "The fat Dixie Chick "
+ "The shy cartoonist "
+ "The sexy bassist "
+ "The reclusive aunt "
+ "The sly lunch lady "
+ "The Czech go-go girl "
+ "The short cheerleader "
+ "The chain-smoking niece "
+ "The Swiss governess "
+ "The stone-faced matron "
+ "The suave landlady "
+ "Traffic slows. The nun "
+ "Paint dries. The brunette "
+ "The other woman "
+ "The anchorwoman "
+ "The Russian madam "
+ "His ex-fiancee "
+ "The young blushing bride "
+ "The widow-to-be "
+ "The drunken bridesmaid "
+ "The groom's ex-wife sneers, "
+ "The gap-toothed redneck "
+ "The night-shift seamstress "))
+(setq erbot-haiku-quotes-2
+ '(
+ "removes her prosthetic leg. "
+ "rolls her tongue, trilling râs, lâs. "
+ "wakes, deflates the air mattress. "
+ "bathes in warm crocodile tears. "
+ "motions with her silver thumb. "
+ "rouges her razorous cheeks. "
+ "arches her wrist towards the sky. "
+ "removes her golden fake nose. "
+ "stands, coins spilling from her ears. "
+ "removes her prosthetic leg. "
+ "rolls her tongue, trilling râs, lâs. "
+ "wakes, deflates the air mattress. "
+ "bathes in warm crocodile tears. "
+ "covers her eyes with sack-cloth. "
+ "blots her dark lipstick, pauses. "
+ "calmly sets fire to her hair. "
+ "hangs her slip on the lanyard. "
+ "greasens the stubborn crank-shaft. "
+ "polishes the good flatware. "
+ "whispers the word âwheelbarrowâ. "
+ "fingers her silver tongue-stud. "
+ "dreams of monkeys, gibbons, apes. "
+ "scrubs the tile floor, knees rasping. "
+ "speaks in tongues, eyelids twitching. "
+ "retires to the powder room. "
+ "dips her tongue in peroxide. "
+ "displays her elegant gams. "
+ "exhales a plume of wood-smoke. "
+ "rings the doorbell, rings again. "
+ "rubs her feet, closes her eyes. "
+ "shuffles a stack of scratch cards. "
+ "grins and waves the poking stick. "
+ "leans toward the caged man-child. "
+ "rises, but won't run or blink. "
+ "shouts lies to baldheaded fools. "
+ "really needs to get kneaded. "
+ "quickly dons her happy pants. "
+ "beckons with a pineapple. "
+ "brandishes a hair curler. "
+ "plants the pill beneath the sheets. "
+ "hides the orange behind the stove. "
+ "tucks the gem beneath her tongue. "
+ "eats the lottery ticket. "
+ "fills the sock drawer with mustard. "
+ "steals the swear jar, hops a train. "))
+(setq erbot-haiku-quotes-3
+ '(
+ "Boom-shacka-lacka. "
+ "Thunderous applause. "
+ "Dogs dance like comets. "
+ "The sky fills with stars. "
+ "Retrograde motion. "
+ "She sells no sea shells. "
+ "No room in the inn. "
+ "Dishes dry in sinks. "
+ "Snow falls in Utah. "
+ "Sirens wail, so close. "
+ "He takes a breath, breathes. "
+ "His heart swells madly. "
+ "His ears fill with blood. "
+ "There is always time. "
+ "All Iâve got is time. "
+ "You know the story. "
+ "The drummer skips town. "
+ "One more cigarette. "
+ "The ocean shivers. "
+ "The dormouse quivers. "
+ "Rain falls on spring leaves. "
+ "Pizza boy blushes. "
+ "The cat fiddles on. "
+ "A new moon blushes. "
+ "Somewhere a dog howls. "
+ "Cats rub themselves mad. "
+ "Soup boils on the stove. "
+ "The stove eye glows red. "
+ "The faucet drips, drips. "
+ "Cars howl on the street. "
+ "A car backfires, roars. "
+ "There is never time. "
+ "The bouilabaisse chills. "
+ "Ganja cornbread bakes. "
+ "People smile and cry. "
+ "Spacious rooms are filled. "
+ "Unseen lackeys stir. "
+ "The burnished door shuts. "
+ "For the last time, why? "
+ "Why didn't you stay? "
+ "Why didn't you leave? "
+ "Where did the time go? "
+ "My tongue betrays me. "
+ "My heart betrays me. "
+ "The night betrays me. "
+ "I miss you. Love, me. "
+ "I've got plenty more. "
+ "No, itâs not like that. "
+ "Cry uncle for me. "
+ "Take two steps backwards. "
+ "Paper beats rock, fool. "
+ "Hell, maybe. Who knows. "
+ "Hit me one more time. "
+ "My dog has no fleas. "
+ "Is this all there is? "
+ "No more soup for you. "
+ "You buy the next round. "
+ "A round of applause. "
+ "Contestants titter. "
+ "He owns no short-shorts. "
+ "Pat your head thusly. "
+ "Never with these eyes. "
+ "Only with these eyes. "
+ "We've all gone crazy. "
+ "Hank Williams was right. "
+ "It's all circular. "
+ "Everything is wet. "
+ "Boom-shacka-lacka. "
+ "Thunderous applause. "
+ "Dogs dance like comets. "
+ "The sky fills with stars. "
+ "Retrograde motion. "
+ "She sells no sea shells. "
+ "No room in the inn. "
+ "Dishes dry in sinks. "
+ "Snow falls in Utah. "
+ "Sirens wail, so close. "
+ "He takes a breath, breathes. "
+ "His heart swells madly. "
+ "His ears fill with blood. "
+ "There is always time. "
+ "All I've got is time. "
+ "You know the story. "
+ "The drummer skips town. "
+ "One more cigarette. "
+ "The ocean shivers. "
+ "The dormouse quivers. "
+ "Rain falls on spring leaves. "
+ "Pizza boy blushes. "
+ "The cat fiddles on. "
+ "A new moon blushes. "
+ "Somewhere a dog howls. "
+ "Cats rub themselves mad. "
+ "Soup boils on the stove. "
+ "The stove eye glows red. "
+ "The faucet drips, drips. "
+ "Cars howl on the street. "
+ "A car backfires, roars. "
+ "There is never time. "
+ "The bouilabaisse chills. "
+ "Ganja cornbread bakes. "
+ "People smile and cry. "
+ "Spacious rooms are filled. "
+ "Unseen lackeys stir. "
+ "The burnished door shuts. "
+ "For the last time, why? "
+ "Why didn't you stay? "
+ "Why didn't you leave? "
+ "Where did the time go? "
+ "My tongue betrays me. "
+ "My heart betrays me. "
+ "The night betrays me. "
+ "I miss you. Love, me. "
+ "Iâve got plenty more. "
+ "No, itâs not like that. "
+ "Cry uncle for me. "
+ "Take two steps backwards. "
+ "Paper beats rock, fool. "
+ "Hell, maybe. Who knows. "
+ "Hit me one more time. "
+ "My dog has no fleas. "
+ "Is this all there is? "
+ "No more soup for you. "
+ "You buy the next round. "
+ "A round of applause. "
+ "Contestants titter. "
+ "He owns no short-shorts. "
+ "Pat your head thusly. "
+ "Never with these eyes. "
+ "Only with these eyes. "
+ "We've all gone crazy. "
+ "Hank Williams was right. "
+ "It's all circular. "))
+(defun fs-haiku (&rest args)
+ "REST: args"
+ (format "%s\n%s\n%s"
+ (erbutils-random erbot-haiku-quotes-1)
+ (erbutils-random erbot-haiku-quotes-2)
+ (erbutils-random erbot-haiku-quotes-3))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/idledo.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/idledo.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a75f1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/idledo.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+;;; idledo.el --- do stuff when emacs is idle..
+;; Time-stamp: <2004-11-14 22:37:04 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) Deepak Goel 2001
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: idledo.el
+;; Package: idledo
+;; Author: Deepak Goel <>
+;; Keywords: idle startup speed timer
+;; Version: 0.3
+;; Author's homepage:
+;; REQUIRES: timerfunctions.el 1.2.7 or later.
+;; ALSO uses: emacs' ('cl during compile.. for all the backquoting..)
+;; For latest version:
+(defvar idledo-home-page
+ "")
+;; Requires: timerfunctions.el
+;; See also: Jari's tinyload.el, dope.el.
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; Quick start:
+(defvar idledo-quick-start
+ "Drop idledo.el and timerfunctions.el somewhere in your
+load-path. In your .emacs, type (require 'idledo) and (require
+'timerfunctions). In there, also create idledo-list-- a list of
+expresions, either by hand, or by using one of the many functions and
+macros provided. Then, write (idledo-start), and idledo will start
+doing the tasks mentioned in the idledo-list whenever emacs is idle.
+Here, for example, are some
+possible lines of code from a .emacs--->
+ (idledo-require 'bbdb 'bbdb-com 'bbdb-gnus)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn (unless (file-locked-p \"~/emacs/.bbdb\")
+ (bbdb-records))
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require-now 'mailabbrev)
+ ;; as below, or simply (idledo-gc)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(garbage-collect))
+ (idledo-add-action '(load \"aliases-my\"))
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (garbage-collect)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-load \"mode-hook-functions-my\")
+ (add-to-list 'idledo-list '(progn (message \"Just a sample\")))
+ (idledo-require 'disp-table)
+ (idledo-require 'gnus-score 'gnus 'gnus-msg)
+A simple long example is (idledo-example-setup) which can be called
+from your .emacs. Alternatively, a more complicated example of how to
+set up idledo-list can be seen in the function idledo-example. That
+one tries to save even more time by: moving the task of setting up an
+idledo-list itself into the first idledo, and on top of that, calls
+idledo-start not from emacs, but from an idle-timer.
+To maintain idledo-history, see idledo-after-action-hooks
+This author currently uses exactly 105 idledo's.
+PS: timerfunctions.el can be obtained from:
+(defun idledo-quick-start ()
+ "Provides electric help for function `idledo-quick-start'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert idledo-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Introduction:
+;; Stuff that gets posted to gnu.emacs.sources
+;; as introduction
+(defvar idledo-introduction
+ "Idledo does stuff for you when emacs is idle.
+The actions can be simple one-time actions or repetitive. You can
+include as many actions as you want. Thus, with apprpriate actions,
+if you leave emacs running for sometime, take a break and come back,
+your emacs should have (require)'d almost everything you will ever can now start your gnus or eshell or w3 instantly.. When you
+are using gnus, you can check mail periodically.. Make
+color-theme-random a periodic idledo and you can convert emacs into a
+shapeshifting color-changing aquarium..
+idledo will probably someday be interfaced with a prioritizer, which
+will include all sorts of enhanced capabilites, like weighting of
+repetitive actions etc.
+See also M-x idledo-quick-start
+(defun idledo-introduction ()
+ "Provides electric help for function `idledo-introduction'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert idledo-introduction) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Commentary:
+(defvar idledo-commentary
+ "First type M-x idledo-introduction.
+Also see M-x idledo-quick-start
+You give idledo a list of commands, and it will eval them when emacs is
+idle and you are away.. Thus, if you take a hike and come back, your
+w3, gnus, eshell should all start instantly.. Your gnus-news should
+be checked periodically for you.. and *Group* buffer updated.. of
+course, you have to set this all up :/)
+If emacs is idle *not* because you are away, but because you are
+deeply absorbed using info, you probably don't want idledo springing into
+action and loading eshell for you.. So, idledo tries to alert you before
+loading anything, and gives you enough time to cancel any action
+before it is taken..
+As an example, see the function idledo-example. I call that function
+from my .emacs as follows..
+Note: If you specify many idle-loads and thus make your emacs very big
+with (idle) time, your emacs will get slow and do frequent gc. Some
+* First, turn garbage-collection messages on to see what i am sayin,
+ for yourself: (setq garbage-collection-messages t) in .emacs
+* Next, increase gc-cons-threshold to say, 10 times its value:
+ (setq gc-cons-threshold 40000000) in .emacs.
+* Finally, ask idledo to do garbage-collections for you when emacs is
+ idle. See an example in idledo-example-setup. In that example, once
+ all my other idledo's are taken care of, emacs then alternates
+ between doing garbage-collection and color-theme-random when it is
+ idle.. Thus, trying to ensure that when I get back to work, least gc
+ takes place...
+0.1 new features:
+* Now called idledo, to avoid a name-conflict with another package.
+ Sorry about that, and Thanks to all who pointed this out.
+* Macros like ido-add-require now called idledo-require.
+* Minor bug fixed in idledo-add-periodic-action-to-beginning-crud
+" )
+(defun idledo-commentary ()
+ "Provides electric help for function `idledo-commentary'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert idledo-commentary) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; History:
+;;; New features:
+(defvar idledo-new-features
+ "New in 0.3:
+Some Bugfixes. Made compatible with the current
+timerfunctions.el--posted here.
+Improved doc."
+(defun idledo-new-features ()
+ "Provides electric help for function `idledo-new-features'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert idledo-new-features) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defvar idledo-version "0.3")
+(defvar idledo-todo
+* Ideally, one should be able to cancel the timer if idledo-list
+ becomes nil.
+* Write a prioritizer, and interface the same with idledo. The priotizer
+ should. among other things like weights and \(arbitrarily specified\)
+ repetitivity, try to support different idle times for different
+ tasks.."
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup idledo nil
+ "idledo.el --- do stuff when emacs is idle.. "
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom idledo-before-load-hooks nil "."
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo
+ )
+(defcustom idledo-after-load-hooks nil "."
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo
+ )
+(run-hooks 'idledo-before-load-hooks)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defcustom idledo-before-action-hooks nil
+ "
+This hook is run even if idledo-once is callesd byhand.
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo
+ )
+(defcustom idledo-before-idle-action-hooks nil
+ "."
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo
+ )
+(defcustom idledo-after-action-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after performing idledo-actions.
+You could insert the command idledo-history-update into this hook.
+This hook is run even if idledo-once is called by hand.
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo)
+(defcustom idledo-after-idle-action-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after performing idledo-actions.
+You could insert the command idledo-history-update into this hook.
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo)
+(defcustom idledo-before-possible-action-hooks nil "."
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo)
+(defcustom idledo-after-possible-action-hooks nil "."
+ :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo)
+(defcustom idledo-list nil
+ "A list of actions to perform.."
+ :type 'list
+ :group 'idledo
+ )
+(defcustom idledo-verbosity 0
+ "Suggested: Anywhere from -100 to 100.
+The design is such that a value of 0 should be optimum.
+viz.: Once you are experienced with this library, you might prefer a value
+of 0 for this variable if this is > 0 right now."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'idledo
+(defvar idledo-active-p nil
+ "If t, no more idledo's can be initiated..
+The aim is to only have one idledo active at a time.
+Why? I don't know. You can easily setq this to nil, and start yet
+another `idledo-start' if you want.
+Why do i want only one idledo at a time? My experience is that \(GNU\)
+Emacs bahaves unpredictably if the activation of 2 or more timers
+collide... maybe i am wrong? It seems to me that sometimes, both get
+executed, someimtes one, and sometimes none.. Although the one or
+none situations seem to be rare, each of thses situations can be
+potentially bad..particularly if: Suppose the timer is a
+self-reinforcing timer \(as can be done by calls to
+`tf-run-with-idle-timer'\). Then, the very first time it fails to get
+executed, the process gets killed and you want get those cherished
+repetitions as long as Emacs remains idle.."
+(defcustom idledo-interval 30
+ "The interval to wait the first time Emacs goes idle..
+An additional small interval will be allowed to enable the user to
+cancel the action.
+Note that you can assign to this this interval any expression that
+will be eval'ed at run-time \(see timerfunctions.el for more details..\)"
+ :type 'list
+ :group 'idledo
+(defcustom idledo-interval-subsequent 1
+ "When Emacs remains idle, time to wait before next action.
+Time is in seconds.. floats might work too.
+Note that you can assign to this this interval any expression that
+will be eval'ed at run-time \(see timerfunctions.el for more details..\)"
+ :type 'list
+ :group 'idledo
+(defcustom idledo-interval-small 5
+ "Time to warn for before performing the imminent idledo.
+Before beginning any action, idledo will flash a warning, and will
+wait for these many seconds.. if you do something in this time, the
+action will be cancelled.
+Note that you can assign to this this interval any expression that
+will be eval'ed at run-time \(see timerfunctions.el for more details..\)" :type 'hook
+ :group 'idledo
+(defvar idledo-timer nil
+ "The timer stored here.. so can be cancelled.. Internal..")
+(defvar idledo-last-action nil
+ "Will store the last action.
+--if the user needs this for any purpose. ")
+(defvar idledo-last-result nil
+ "The result of the eval of the last idledo-action.
+provided in case the user needs this. ")
+(defvar idledo-history nil
+ "Stores, optionally, the reverse-history of idledo-actions and their
+results. ")
+(defcustom idledo-history-max-length 100
+ "Max length of history to maintain. Nil means no limit.
+When length exceeded, oldest entries are discarded. "
+:group 'idledo
+(defvar idledo-counter 0
+ "The number of idledos performed. ")
+(defun idledo-history ()
+ (interactive)
+ (message "idledo-counter: %S idledo-history: %S"
+ idledo-counter idledo-history))
+(defun idledo-history-update ()
+ (interactive)
+ (push (list (copy-tree idledo-last-action)
+ (copy-tree idledo-last-result))
+ idledo-history)
+ (setq idledo-counter (+ 1 idledo-counter))
+ (while (and (integerp idledo-history-max-length)
+ (> (length idledo-history) idledo-history-max-length))
+ (setq idledo-history (reverse (cdr (reverse idledo-history))))))
+(defun idledo-start-forced-risky ()
+ "Internal.
+version of idledo if there already exists one..."
+ (interactive)
+ (tf-run-with-idle-timer
+ 'idledo-interval t
+ 'idledo-interval-subsequent
+ t nil
+ 'idledo-one-action))
+(defun idledo-stop ()
+ "Stop any idledo."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (timerp idledo-timer)
+ (cancel-timer idledo-timer))
+ (setq idledo-active-p nil))
+(defun idledo-start ()
+ "Start idledo.
+See also `idledo-active-p'. Also returns the timer."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not idledo-active-p)
+ (progn
+ (idledo-stop)
+ (setq idledo-active-p t)
+ (setq idledo-timer
+ (tf-run-with-idle-timer
+ 'idledo-interval t
+ 'idledo-interval-subsequent
+ t nil
+ 'idledo-one-action)))
+ (error "Idledo is already active")))
+(defcustom idledo-interval-done 1
+ "Time to wait before showing the 'done' message.
+Idledo will wait for this much time before flashing a 'done-action'
+ :group 'idledo
+(defcustom idledo-action-imminent-string
+ "idledo imminent unless keypress ---> "
+ "The `idledo-action-imminent-string'."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'idledo
+(defun idledo-one-action ()
+ "Internal.
+Does one instance of processing of action."
+ (when (not (null idledo-list))
+ (run-hooks 'idledo-before-possible-action-hooks)
+ (idledo-message 25
+ (concat idledo-action-imminent-string
+ (idledo-shorten (format "%S" (car idledo-list)))))
+ (if (sit-for idledo-interval-small)
+ (progn
+ (run-hooks 'idledo-before-idle-action-hooks)
+ (idledo-once 1)
+ (run-hooks 'idledo-after-idle-action-hooks)
+ (sit-for idledo-interval-done)
+ (idledo-message 60 "%S more idledo(s) remainig.. "
+ (length idledo-list)))
+ (idledo-message 20
+ (concat "IDLEDO's action canceled.."
+ (idledo-shorten (format "%S" (car idledo-list)))))
+ )
+ (run-hooks 'idledo-after-possible-action-hooks)))
+(defun idledo-all ()
+ "Tell the amount of time saved through idledo's.
+Start emacs and run M-x idledo-all. That will run all your
+idledo's at once and show you how much time all of that took.
+More like, it will run as many idledo's as there are currently in
+your idledo-list, which may not correspond to ALL idledo's since you
+may have repetitive idledo's"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((ta (current-time))
+ (len (length idledo-list))
+ tb tott)
+ (idledo-once len)
+ (setq tb (current-time))
+ (setq tott (idledo-time-diff tb ta))
+ (message "That took %S milliseconds. " tott)))
+(defun idledo-time-diff (tb ta)
+ "Get the difference bet times TB and TA, in milliseconds. A float."
+ (+
+ (* 0.001 (- (caddr tb) (caddr ta)))
+ (* 1000.0
+ (+
+ (- (second tb) (second ta))
+ (* 65536.0
+ (- (car tb) (car ta)))))))
+(defun idledo-once (arg)
+ "Call this if you wanna run something in yr `idledo-list' NOW...
+Provide numerical prefix ARG for multiple arguments...
+but note that doesn't run after-action hooks etc."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (while
+ (>= arg 1)
+ (setq arg (- arg 1))
+ (run-hooks 'idledo-before-action-hooks)
+ (progn
+ (idledo-message 20
+ (concat "IDLEDO doing action.."
+ (idledo-shorten (format "%S" (car idledo-list)))))
+ (let ((carval (car idledo-list)))
+ (setq idledo-last-action carval)
+ (setq idledo-list (cdr idledo-list))
+ (setq idledo-last-result
+ (idledo-ignore-errors (eval carval)))))
+ (run-hooks 'idledo-after-action-hooks)
+ ))
+(defun idledo-add-periodic-action-crude (action)
+ "Add a action to `idledo-list' to be repeated endlessly.
+Is a crude mechanism for adding action to the `idledo-list' and make it
+repetitive. ACTION is a (quoted) list which will be evaled to perform an
+Note that the ACTION this way is added to the END of `idledo-list'.
+And ACTION is added to list no matter what (even if there is a similar
+action already waiting in the list)."
+ (setq
+ idledo-list
+ (append
+ idledo-list
+ (list
+ `(progn
+ ,action
+ (idledo-add-periodic-action-crude
+ (quote ,action)))))))
+(defun idledo-add-periodic-action-to-beginning-crude (action)
+ "Add an action to `idledo-list' to be repeated endlessly.
+Is a crude mechanism for adding action to the `idledo-list' and make it
+periodic. ACTION is a list which will be evaled to perform an
+Note that the ACTION this way is added to the BEGINNING and subsequent
+calls are also added to the beginning of the list.
+And ACTION is added to list no matter what (even if there is a similar
+action already waiting in the list)."
+ (idledo-add-action-forced
+ `(progn
+ ,action
+ (idledo-add-periodic-action-to-beginning-crude
+ (quote ,action)))))
+(defun idledo-add-to-end-of-list (list-var element)
+ "Like `add-to-list', but add at the end, if at all.
+Add to the end of the list LIST-VAR, the element ELEMENT"
+ (if (member element (symbol-value list-var))
+ (symbol-value list-var)
+ (set list-var (append (symbol-value list-var) (list element)))))
+(defun idledo-add-action (action)
+ "Add ACTION to ideldo-list.
+ACTION is an expression to be evaled. Action is added at the
+beginning if at all. See similar commands too."
+ (add-to-list 'idledo-list action))
+(defun idledo-add-action-forced (action)
+ "Add action ACTION to `idledo-list' even if it already exists."
+ (setq idledo-list (cons action idledo-list)))
+(defun idledo-add-action-at-end (&rest actions)
+ "Add actions ACTIONS to the end of `idledo-list'."
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (action)
+ (idledo-add-to-end-of-list 'idledo-list action))
+ actions))
+(defmacro idledo-load (&rest files)
+ "Add, for each of FILES, a (load file) action to `idledo-list'."
+ (cons 'progn
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ `(idledo-add-action-at-end '(load ,arg)))
+ files)))
+;;; 2001-11-03 T13:42:01-0500 (Saturday) Deepak Goel
+(defmacro idledo-load-now (&rest files)
+ "Add, for each of FILES, a (load-file) action to `idledo-list'.
+The action is added to the beginning of `idledo-list'."
+ (cons 'progn
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ `(idledo-add-action '(load ,arg)))
+ files)))
+(defmacro idledo-require (&rest features)
+ "Add, for each of the FEATURES, a (require) action to `idledo-list'."
+ (cons 'progn
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ `(idledo-add-action-at-end '(require ,arg)))
+ features)))
+(defmacro idledo-require-now (feature)
+ "Add a (require FEATURE) action to `idledo-list'.
+The addition is done to the beginning of `idledo-list'."
+ `(idledo-add-action '(require ,feature)))
+(defun idledo-add-action-at-end-forced (action)
+ "Add ACTION to the end of `idledo-list'.
+Action is added even if it exists in the list already."
+ (setq idledo-list (append idledo-list (list action))))
+(defun idledo-initialize (initial-list)
+ "Initialize `idledo-list' to INITIAL-LIST."
+ (setq idledo-list initial-list))
+(defun idledo-remove-action (action)
+ "Remove ACTION from `idledo-list'."
+ (idledo-remove-from-list 'idledo-list action))
+(defun idledo-remove-from-list (listname elt)
+Remove, from list LISTNAME, element ELT."
+ (set listname (idledo-list-without-element
+ (eval listname)
+ elt)))
+(defun idledo-list-without-element (list elt)
+Returns the value of the LIST without the element ELT."
+ (if (null list)
+ list
+ (if (equal (car list) elt)
+ (idledo-list-without-element (cdr list) elt)
+ (cons
+ (car list)
+ (idledo-list-without-element
+ (cdr list) elt)))))
+;; Thanks to Kim F. Storm for the suggestion:
+(defun idledo-gc ()
+ (idledo-add-action '(garbage-collect)))
+(defun idledo-shorten (string)
+ "Internal, return a shortened version with no newlines.
+Internal, returns a shortened version of STRING with no newlines."
+ (let
+ ((string-no-enter
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert string)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
+ (replace-match " " nil t))
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))
+ (if (> (length string-no-enter) 55)
+ (substring string-no-enter 0 55)
+ string-no-enter)))
+(defcustom idledo-ignore-errors-p t
+ "This should always be t unless you know what you are doing.
+For regular idledo's if this is not t and an error occurs, this means
+that your entire idle-timer might get canceled due to the error. The
+only place where this = nil makes sense is when you are running M-x
+idledo-once by hand and want to debug the idledo action which is
+giving you an error. See also idledo-toggle-ignore-errors.")
+(defun idledo-toggle-ignore-errors-p (&optional arg)
+ "See idledo-ignore-errors-p. "
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((num (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (not arg) (equal num 0))
+ (setq idledo-ignore-errors-p (not idledo-ignore-errors-p)))
+ ((> num 0) (set idledo-ignore-errors-p t))
+ ((< num 0) (set idledo-ignore-errors-p nil)))
+ (message "Symbol %S set to %S"
+ 'idledo-ignore-errors-p
+ idledo-ignore-errors-p)
+ idledo-ignore-errors-p))
+(defmacro idledo-ignore-errors (&rest body)
+ "Like `ignore-errors', but tell the error..
+A wrapper around the BODY."
+ (if idledo-ignore-errors-p
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (idledo-message 90 "IGNORED ERROR: %s"
+ (error-message-string ,err))
+ (sit-for 1)
+ nil)))
+ `(progn ,@body)))
+(defun idledo-example ()
+ "Sample of code to include in your .emacs..
+See this and `idledo-example-setup'.
+Define a similar function idledo-yourname for yourself in your .emacs,
+and call it in yr .emacs by inserting (idledo-yourname) somewhere.
+See \\[idledo-quick-start] for simple examples.
+This function tries to go one step further to and defers the setting
+up of the `idledo-list' itself to a time when Emacs goes idle, so as to
+try to save more .emacs loading time."
+ (interactive)
+ (message "Setting up idledo and starting it..")
+ ;; testing
+ ;;(setq idledo-interval 300)
+ ;;(setq idledo-list nil)
+ (idledo-add-action-at-end '(idledo-example-setup))
+ (setq idledo-action-imminent-string
+ "idledo imminent--> ")
+ (idledo-start)
+ (message "Setting up idledo and starting it..done")
+(defun idledo-message (points &rest args)
+ "Signal message, depending on POINTS and `idledo-verbosity'.
+ARGS are passed to `message'."
+ (unless (minusp (+ points idledo-verbosity))
+ (apply #'message args)))
+(defcustom idledo-message-nice-sit 1 "" :group 'idledo)
+(defun idledo-message-nice (points &rest args)
+ (unless (minusp (+ points idledo-verbosity))
+ (with-temp-message (apply 'format args)
+ (sit-for 0.5))))
+(defun idledo-length-list ()
+ "For you to quickly find the length of idledo-list..
+If you use idledo bigtime, you will frequently find yourself wanting
+to find out the length.. and you don't want to eval that parenthesised
+expression all the time.. perhaps.."
+ (interactive)
+ (idledo-message
+ (if (interactive-p) 135 35)
+ "%s"
+ (format "Length= %S ... %S..." (length idledo-list)
+ (first idledo-list)))
+ (length idledo-list))
+(defun idledo-example-setup ()
+ "Called by `idledo-example'.
+This extra step is taken so that setting
+up idledo itself takes place only when Emacs has gone idle..
+This function is actually used by this user's .emacs.
+ ;; The preference in all of below should be to load stuff that takes
+ ;; time asap.. small libraries can always be loaded later.. or even
+ ;; if they are not loaded, they do not make the user wait anyways
+ ;; when they finally get loaded..
+ ;; once bbdb is loaded.. let's get the frobnicating stuff over with..
+ ;; made interactive only for test purposes..
+ (interactive)
+ ;; hm, i now prefer directly setting the idledo list...
+ (idledo-gc)
+ (idledo-require 'bbdb 'bbdb-com 'bbdb-gnus)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (require 'bbdb)
+ (when (boundp 'bbdb-file)
+ (unless (file-locked-p bbdb-file)
+ (bbdb-records)))
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require-now 'mailabbrev)
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (garbage-collect)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-load "gnus-functions-my")
+ (idledo-load "macros-my")
+ (idledo-add-action '(load "aliases-my"))
+ (idledo-gc)
+ (idledo-load "mode-hook-functions-my")
+ (idledo-require 'disp-table)
+ (idledo-require 'gnus-score 'gnus 'gnus-msg)
+ (idledo-require 'gnus-cache)
+ (idledo-require 'gnus-ml 'gnus-cite)
+ (idledo-require 'timerfunctions)
+ ;;maybe emacs needs a GC now.. we need to make sure GC is done when
+ ;;emacs is idle..
+ (idledo-gc)
+ (idledo-require 'esh-mode
+ 'em-alias)
+ (idledo-require 'em-banner 'em-basic 'em-cmpl 'em-dirs 'em-glob
+ 'em-hist 'em-ls 'em-prompt 'em-script 'em-term
+ 'em-xtra 'etags
+ 'ange-ftp
+ ;; no longer needed since pcomplete is now bundled
+ ;; with emacs (21..)
+ ;;'pcmpl-auto
+ 'pcomplete
+ ;; 2002-05-02 T11:57:07-0400 (Thursday) D. Goel
+ 'shellhist
+ ;; 2002-05-02 T11:57:25-0400 (Thursday) D. Goel
+ 'pcmpl-unix
+ ;; no longer needed since eshell is now bundled
+ ;; with emacs (21)
+ ;;'eshell-auto
+ 'em-unix 'bytecomp 'eshell 'runshell )
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (garbage-collect)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (recentf-mode 1)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-load "cl-seq")
+ (idledo-require 'autokey)
+ (idledo-require 'thingatpt 'ispell 'info)
+ (idledo-require 'elder)
+ (idledo-require 'mail-extr )
+ (idledo-require 'autorevert 'view)
+ (idledo-require 'time-stamp )
+ (idledo-require 'imenu)
+ (idledo-load "kinsoku")
+ (idledo-require 'edlib )
+ (idledo-require 'phonemode)
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (garbage-collect)
+ nil))
+ ;; bytecomp should be required before this...
+ (idledo-add-action-at-end '(load "byte-opt"))
+ ;;(idledo-load 'tex-mode)
+ (idledo-require 'boxquote)
+ (idledo-require 'dired)
+ (idledo-require 'dired-x)
+ (idledo-require 'bytecomp)
+ (idledo-require 'find-func)
+ (idledo-require 'diff 'diff-mode)
+ (idledo-require 'add-log)
+ (idledo-require 'calendar)
+ (idledo-require 'mule-util)
+ (idledo-require 'cal-move)
+ (idledo-require 'advice)
+ (idledo-require 'browse-kill-ring)
+ ;; add for fsbot
+ (idledo-require 'browse-url)
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (garbage-collect)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require 'debug)
+ ;;(idledo-require 'ell)
+ (idledo-require 'table)
+ (idledo-require 'tabify)
+ (idledo-require 'edebug)
+ ;; 2002-04-25 T15:43:21-0400 (Thursday) Deepak Goel
+ ;; this will shorten the time it takes to find a tag..
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (visit-tags-table "~/TAGS")
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require 'gnus-cus)
+ (idledo-require 'gnus-async)
+ ;;(idledo-require 'smiley)
+ ;;(idledo-add-action
+ ;;(progn
+ ;; (require 'smiley "smiley-ems")
+ ;;nil))
+ (idledo-require 'cus-edit)
+ (idledo-require 'newcomment)
+ (idledo-require 'genauto)
+ (idledo-require 'mkback)
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (mkback-install-for-eshell)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require 'flow-fill)
+ (idledo-require 'findutils)
+ (idledo-require 'erc)
+ (idledo-add-periodic-action-crude
+ '(progn
+ (garbage-collect) nil))
+ ; (idledo-add-action
+ ; '(progn
+ ; (numshift-install)
+ ; nil))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (if (display-mouse-p)
+ (mouse-avoidance-mode 'animate))
+ nil))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (iswitchb-mode 1)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require 'spook)
+ (idledo-require 'autoinsert)
+ (idledo-require 'sregex)
+ (idledo-require 'choose)
+ (idledo-require 'erc-complete)
+ (idledo-require 'buffer-stack)
+ (idledo-require 'emacs-wiki)
+ (idledo-require 'planner)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (require 'eldoc)
+ (utils-add-minor-mode 'lisp-mode 'eldoc-mode)
+ (utils-add-minor-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode 'eldoc-mode)))
+ (idledo-add-action '(progn
+ (global-font-lock-mode t)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (if
+ (locate-library "bbdb" nil nil)
+ (require 'bbdb)
+ (message "NO BBDB found..."))
+ nil))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ (progn
+ ;; CVS's type break currently has an annoying "sabve file? "
+ ;; question.
+ (when (< emacs-minor-version 3)
+ (type-break-mode 1))
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require 'emacs-wiki)
+ ;; top priority stuff...
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ ;; do we still need all of these for emacs21?
+ (ignore-errors-my
+ (add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist
+ '("\\\\[a-z]?ref{". "}"))
+ (add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist
+ '("\\[\\[\\$". "\\$\\]\\]")) ; for latex..
+ (add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist
+ '("\\\\[a-z]?cite{". "}"))
+ (add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist
+ '("\\\\begin{al[a-z]*}" . "\\\\end{al[a-z]*}"))
+ (add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist
+ '("(\\[ebf\\]ll". "\\[eef\\])")) ; see the function
+ ; regexp-quote..
+ )))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(windmove-default-keybindings))
+ ;;(idledo-add-action
+ ;;`(progn
+ ;; (load "chess-auto")
+ ;; nil))
+ ;;(idledo-require 'scroll-in-place)
+ (idledo-require 'auto-recompile)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (require 'elder-beautify)
+ (elder-beautify-latex)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ (progn
+ (ignore-errors-my (elder-editing-modes))
+ nil))
+ ;; NB: that these are just autoload-definitions.. so their only use
+ ;; is really for fsbot.
+ (idledo-require 'calc)
+ (idledo-require 'calc-ext)
+ ;;(idledo-require 'elder-set-keys)
+ ;; at the very end.. we want this!
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (icomplete-mode 1)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require-now 'fetch)
+ (idledo-require 'emacs-wiki)
+ (idledo-require 'boxquote)
+ (idledo-require 'assoc)
+ (idledo-require 'spam-stat)
+ ;; for fsbot
+ (idledo-require 'cc-mode)
+ (idledo-require 'custom)
+ (idledo-require 'repeat)
+ (idledo-require 'thinks)
+ (idledo-add-action '(mwheel-install))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (setq vel-verbosity 0)
+ (setq vel-echo-status-p t)
+ (require 'vel)
+ (setq-default vel-mode t)))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (auto-compression-mode 1)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-require 'windmove)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(windmove-default-keybindings))
+ (idledo-require 'parse-time)
+ ;;(idledo-add-action
+ ;;'(progn
+ ;; (require 'color-theme)
+ ;;(color-theme-parus)
+ ;;(color-theme-fischmeister)
+ ;;(color-theme-gray1)
+ ;;(utils-color-theme-nice-random-contextual)
+ ;;))
+;; (idledo-add-periodic-action-crude
+;; '(progn
+;; (setq idledo-verbosity -100)
+;; (utils-color-theme-random-contextual) nil))
+ ;; (idledo-add-action
+ ;; '(utils-color-theme-nice-random-contextual))
+ (idledo-add-periodic-action-crude
+ '(progn
+ (require 'diary-lib)
+ (require 'appt)
+ (diary)
+ (message (format "%S" appt-time-msg-list))
+ (appt-check)
+ ))
+ ;; initialize woman..
+ (idledo-add-action-at-end
+ '(when (sit-for 300)
+ (require 'woman)
+ (woman-file-name "")))
+;; (idledo-add-action
+;; '(progn
+;; (require 'remem)
+;; (remem-toggle)))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (tabbar-mode 1)))
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(when window-system
+ (require 'highlight-tail)
+ (call-interactively 'highlight-tail-mode 1)))
+ (idledo-add-action '(dabbrev-hover-install t t))
+ ;; top priority
+ (idledo-add-action
+ '(progn
+ (require 'fetch)
+ (miniedit-install)
+ (fetch-install-for-eshell)
+ (mkback-install-for-eshell)
+ nil))
+ (idledo-add-action-at-end
+ '(when (sit-for 4200)
+ (when (or (not (fboundp 'gnus-alive-p))
+ (not (gnus-alive-p)))
+ (spam-stat-doit-my))))
+ )
+(defun idledo-nullify ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq idledo-list nil)
+ (message "Idledo-list set to nil"))
+(provide 'idledo)
+(run-hooks 'idledo-after-load-hooks)
+;;; idledo.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/lines.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/lines.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f938c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/lines.el
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+;;; Lines.el -- help deal with data-files. OLDER VERSIONS SECURITY RISK
+;;General Public License.
+;; Time-stamp: <2004-11-21 11:11:45 deego>
+;; GPL'ed under GNU'S public license..
+;; Copyright (C) Deepak Goel 2000
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: lines.el
+;; Author: Deepak Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.3alpha
+;; WITH AN EXPLOIT. SO USE version > 0.3 only
+(defvar lines-version "0.3alpha")
+;;; See also: forms.el (just saw it.. maybe it does all that lines.el
+;; does ?)
+;;;COMMENTARY: lines functions to help deal with data-files..
+;;; Sometimes you want to use lines- functions instead of point-
+;;; functions, even though it is slower. Particularly if u r dealing with
+;;; parsing/editing a data-file, with, say data arranged in columns.
+;;; lines.el defines most lines- counterparts of (point-max) (point-min)
+;;; (point) (kill-region) etc. [for instance, emacs' default lines-what
+;;; does not return an integer, which is what u may want during
+;;; programming]
+;;; Lines.el also defines functions such as lines-get-fields (which gets
+;;; all fields on this line, assuming they are lisp-expressions).
+;;; BEFORE DOING ANYTHING WITH A BUFFER, please do not forget to call
+;;;; lines-narrow-initial..
+;;; CODE:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defmacro lines-ignore-errors (&rest body)
+ "Copied from utils.el
+Like ignore-errors, but returns a list of body, and the
+error... Improved for me by Kalle on 7/3/01: * used backquote:
+something i was too lazy to convert my macro to.. * removed the
+progn: condition-case automatically has one.. * made sure that
+the return is nil.. just as it is in ignore-errors. "
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (list (progn ,@body) nil)
+ (error
+ (list nil ,err)))))
+(defmacro lines-with-string (string &rest body)
+ "This macro treats the string as a buffer... basically, it
+temporarily puts the string into a temp-buffer and runs body on it...
+Note that when the body is being run, the point is (initially) at the
+end of the buffer... "
+ `(with-temp-buffer
+ (insert ,string)
+ ,@body))
+(defun lines-empty-error ()
+ ""
+ (error "Empty buffer. NOTE: M-x lines-warning.")
+(defun lines-warning ()
+ ""
+ (let ((lines-loudness 1))
+ (lines-message
+ "THIS program assumes that the proper form of the (data-) file you
+ examine ends in \\n. Anything in your file after the last \\n
+ will be ignored."))
+;;;Mon Jan 15 04:09:30 2001
+(defun lines-widen ()
+ (widen)
+;;;Mon Jan 15 03:32:05 2001
+(defun lines-narrow-initial (&optional ERR)
+ "Narrows such that the last char is a \\n
+If the buffer survives, returns the size of the buffer, else nil.
+Optional arg ERR results in ERR upon empty buffer.
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let
+ ((lastn
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (if
+ (search-backward "\n" nil t)
+ (+ (point) 1)
+ (point-min)))))
+ (narrow-to-region (point-min) lastn))
+ (if (> (point-max) (point-min))
+ (point-max)
+ nil))
+(defvar lines-loudness 0.6 "Tells you how noisy lines will be..
+Between 0 and 1 are meaningful values")
+(defun lines-message (&optional args)
+ (if (> lines-loudness 0.5) (apply 'message args))
+(defalias 'lines-what-line 'lines-what)
+;;;Wed Jan 17 00:11:38 2001
+(defun lines-what-narrowed (&optional given-point )
+ " Like lines-what-line, except assumes a narrowed buffer.
+Mostly like what-line, except: returns integer!
+Tells you the current line.. If narrowed, assumes that the first
+visible line is number 1.. As if the buffer were the entire buffer..
+Respects narrowing..
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed..
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((opoint (if given-point given-point (point)))
+ start)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq start (point))
+ (goto-char opoint)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let
+ ((result
+ (if (/= start 1)
+ (1+ (count-lines start (point)))
+ (1+ (count-lines start (point))))))
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (message (format "%S" result)))
+ result)))
+ )
+;;;Wed Jan 17 00:11:38 2001
+(defun lines-what(&optional given-point )
+ " Mostly like what-line, except: returns integer!
+Tells you the current line.. Ignores any narrowing when counting
+lines, but does not disrupt the narrowing..
+Hacked from the code of what-line, and i still don't understand some
+stuff about the relevance of start here..
+Thus, even if the buffer has been narrowed, lines-what will try to
+return the true line-number.. Agreed this may slow things down for
+large files, but makes sense to me.. if u don't like this, please
+consider using lines-what-narrowed..
+In the new emacsen, see also `line-at-pos'.
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((opoint (if given-point given-point (point)))
+ start)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq start (point))
+ (goto-char opoint)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let
+ ((result
+ (if (/= start 1)
+ (1+ (count-lines 1 (point)))
+ (1+ (count-lines 1 (point))))))
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (message (format "%S" result)))
+ result)))
+ )
+(defalias 'lines-line-difference 'lines-difference)
+(defun lines-difference (start end )
+ "Nothing more than the difference between the line at start and the
+one at end. start and end are points.. See also the default
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed..
+ (save-excursion
+ (- (lines-what-line end )
+ (lines-what-line start )))
+ )
+(defalias 'lines-last-line-p 'lines-last-p)
+(defun lines-last-p ()
+" Tells if we are on the last line. "
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (end-of-line)
+ (equal (point) (point-max)))
+ )
+(defalias 'lines-first-line-p 'lines-first-p)
+(defun lines-first-p ()
+"If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed.."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (equal (point) (point-min)))
+(defalias 'lines-line-min 'lines-min)
+(defun lines-min ()
+ "Like point-min..
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed..
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (lines-what-line (point) ))
+(defalias 'lines-line-max 'lines-max)
+(defun lines-max ()
+ "Like point-max
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed..
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (lines-what-line (point) ))
+;;;Tue Jan 16 11:26:30 2001
+(defalias 'lines-kill-this 'lines-kill-one)
+;;;Tue Jan 16 11:26:26 2001
+(defun lines-kill-one (&optional pt1 )
+ (interactive)
+ (if (null pt1)
+ (setq pt1 (point)))
+ (lines-kill pt1 pt1 ))
+;;;Tue Jan 16 11:50:55 2001
+(defun lines-kill-by-lines (&optional l1 l2 )
+ "Kills from line1 to line2. If l1 or l2 is not specified, passes nil to
+Use this function only if necessary..
+This function calls line-kill.. which is the one to be preferred for
+ (save-excursion
+ (let
+ ((pt1
+ (if (null l1) nil
+ (progn
+ (goto-line l1)
+ (point))))
+ (pt2
+ (if (null l2) nil
+ (progn
+ (goto-line l2)
+ (point)))))
+ (lines-kill pt1 pt2 )))
+ )
+;;;Tue Jan 16 11:26:22 2001
+(defalias 'lines-kill-line 'lines-kill-one)
+(defun lines-kill (&optional pt1 pt2 )
+ "Kills this line completely.
+If PT1 and PT2 are specified, kills all lines through the line on PT1
+to line on PT2, inclusive.
+If neither PT1 is not specified, kills between point and mark.
+If only PT1 is specified, and PT2 is nil, takes PT2 to be PT1,
+viz. kills the line on PT1.
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that buffer has already been narrowed
+If the second point to be killed is point-max, viz. is at a line we
+don't consider to be on the buffer, this function appropriately
+subtracts 1 from it so as to make it a part of the last legal line.
+ (interactive)
+ (when (null pt1)
+ (setq pt1 (mark))
+ (setq pt2 (point)))
+ (when (null pt1) ;;if mark is undefined..
+ (setq pt1 pt2))
+ (lines-swap-if-necc 'pt1 'pt2) ;;;ensure pt1 <= pt2.
+ (if (= pt2 (point-max)) (setq pt2 (- pt2 1)))
+ (if (= pt1 (point-max)) (setq pt1 (- pt1 1)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((a1
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pt1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (point)))
+ (a2
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pt2)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (+ (point) 1))))
+ (kill-region a1 a2)))
+ )
+(defun lines-backward-char ()
+ "Moves one point back. Returns point if succeeds, else nil.
+Never gives error!
+Actually, i don't think we need this function..
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pt (point)))
+ (ignore-errors (backward-char 1))
+ (if (/= (point) pt)
+ pt
+ nil))
+ )
+;;;Tue Jan 16 17:35:29 2001
+(defun lines-get-fields-by-lines (&optional line)
+ "Gets the field on the given line"
+ (lines-get-fields (lines-point-for-line line))
+;;;Thu Feb 8 14:48:47 2001
+(defun lines-point-for-line (line)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-line line)
+ (point)))
+(defcustom lines-safe-p t
+ "Set to t to revert to an unsafe, older but faster method of using
+ lines. ")
+;;;Mon Jan 15 02:42:19 2001
+(defun lines-get-fields (&optional pt )
+ "Gets the fields if any on the current line, as a list.
+Uses scan-sexps==>
+will be affected by the value of parse-sexp-ignore-comments..
+I think this needs to be totally rewritten.. to give the same results,
+but much more efficiently..
+ (interactive)
+ (let (fields fld buf fld-err err)
+ (if (null pt) (setq pt (point)))
+ (if (= pt (point-max))
+ (goto-char (- pt 1)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (let ((expr (lines-at-point ))
+ fields)
+ (cond
+ (lines-safe-p
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq buf (current-buffer))
+ (insert expr)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while
+ (progn
+ (setq fld-err
+ (lines-ignore-errors (read buf)))
+ (setq fld (car fld-err))
+ (setq err (cadr fld-err))
+ (not err))
+ (push fld fields)))
+ (setq fields (reverse fields)))
+ (t
+ (if (null expr)
+ (error "Attempt to get fields beyond the last RET "))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert "(setq fields (quote (")
+ (insert expr)
+ (insert " \n)))")
+ (eval-buffer))))
+ (if (interactive-p) (message "%S" fields))
+ fields))))
+;;; (let ((doing (point-min)))
+;;; (while doing
+;;; (setq doing (scan-sexps doing 1))
+;;; (when doing
+;;; (goto-char doing)
+;;; (setq fields (cons (format "%S" (sexp-at-point)) fields))))))
+;;; (reverse fields))
+;;; )
+;;;Mon Jan 15 16:29:12 2001
+(defalias 'lines-line-at-point-verbatim 'lines-at-point-verbatim)
+;;;Mon Jan 15 03:02:17 2001
+(defun lines-at-point-verbatim ( )
+ "Gives you just this one line at tthe current point.
+this returns you the line along with the trailing \\n. Thus, if the
+buffer ended up empty upon line-narrowing, this will return \"\".
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed..
+ (interactive)
+ (buffer-substring
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (point))
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (point)))
+ )
+;;;Mon Jan 15 16:29:40 2001
+(defalias 'lines-line-at-point 'lines-at-point)
+;;;Mon Jan 15 03:55:05 2001
+(defun lines-at-point ()
+ "Returns the line at this point, without the trailing \\newline.
+If the buffer is empty, returns nil.
+If DONTNARROW is t, assume that lines has already been narrowed..
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((string (lines-at-point-verbatim )))
+ (let ((len (length string)))
+ (if (> len 0)
+ (substring string 0 (- len 1))
+ nil)))
+;;;Tue Jan 16 11:35:20 2001
+(defun lines-swap-if-necc (sym1 sym2)
+Ensures that the value of symbol SYM1 if less than that of SYM2"
+ (when (> (eval sym1) (eval sym2))
+ (let ((v2 (eval sym2)))
+ (set sym2 (eval sym1))
+ (set sym1 v2)))
+;;;Tue Jan 16 15:50:31 2001
+(defun lines-narrow (&optional pt1 pt2 )
+ "If called with no arguments, will assume point mark. If pt2 is
+undefined, will take it to be the same as pt1.
+Will narrow buffer from the line starting pt1 to the line ending
+pt2, inclusive. If pt1 is > pt2, will be swapped.. "
+ (interactive)
+ (if (null pt1)
+ (progn
+ (setq pt1 (mark))
+ (setq pt2 (point))))
+ (if (null pt2)
+ (setq pt2 pt1))
+ (lines-swap-if-necc 'pt1 'pt2)
+ (save-excursion
+ (narrow-to-region
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pt1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (point))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pt2)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (if (not (= (point-max) (point)))
+ (forward-char 1))
+ (point))))
+;;;Tue Jan 16 17:33:51 2001
+(defun lines-for-point (&optional pt)
+ "Line number on the point"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (null pt) (setq pt (point)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (lines-what)))
+;;; 2002-05-14 T15:24:21-0400 (Tuesday) D. Goel
+(defun lines-what-string (string)
+ (lines-with-string string
+ (lines-what)))
+;;; 2002-11-27 T15:21:04-0500 (Wednesday) D. Goel
+(defun lines-get-fields-file (filename)
+ "Get fields from a file. A list per line. A list of such lists.
+problem: barfs in the middle of comments..."
+ (interactive "F")
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (let ((fields nil))
+ (find-file filename)
+ (lines-narrow-initial)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (lines-last-p))
+ (add-to-list 'fields (lines-get-fields))
+ (next-line 1))
+ (reverse fields))))
+(defun lines-write-fields-file (fields filename)
+ (with-temp-file filename
+ (let ((left fields))
+ (while left
+ (insert
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (arg) (format "%S" arg))
+ (car left)
+ "\t") "\n")
+ (pop left)))))
+(provide 'lines)
+;;;lines.el ends here..
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/mkback.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/mkback.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c93c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/mkback.el
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+;;; mkback.el---advanced assistance to manual archiving/backup of files.
+;; Time-stamp: <2004-11-29 17:03:37 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: mkback.el
+;; Package: mkback
+;; Author: Deepak Goel <>
+;; Keywords: backup project
+;; Version: 1.5dev
+;; For latest version:
+(defvar mkback-home-page
+ "")
+;; Namespace: mkback-,
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; uncoment this bash script, tweak if needed and save it to, say,
+;; ~/bin/mkback. From then on, commands like mkback * will work
+;; (interactively) from bash.
+;;; #!/bin/bash
+;;; emacs -nw -l ~/.emacs --eval="(require 'mkback)" \
+;;; --eval="(require 'mkback)" \
+;;; --eval="(mkback-from-batch $*)"
+;; (with thanks to Damian Elmes), if you prefer aliases: (untested)
+;; alias mkback="emacs -batch -nw --eval=\"(progn (require 'mkback) (mkback-from-batch $*)\""
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;; Quick start:
+(defvar mkback-quick-start
+ "See M-x mkback-introduction.
+Drop mkback.el somewhere in your load-path and add to your .emacs.
+\(require 'mkback\)
+For advanced users who use autoload mkback, simply add this to .emacs
+instead of the above:
+\(defvar mkback-after-load-hooks\)
+\(add-hook 'mkback-after-load-hooks 'mkback-install-for-eshell\)
+You should now have access to M-x mkback in emacs *and* in the
+command-line mkback in eshell.
+Note that the mkback-install-for-eshell step is optional. Mkback will
+work in eshell even without this step, but this step makes it do good
+things for eshell---see commentary.
+For bash access to mkback, see the bash script above. Try the various
+defcustoms to customize." )
+(defun mkback-quick-start ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding `mkback-quick-start'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert mkback-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Introduction:
+;; Stuff that gets posted to gnu.emacs.sources
+;; as introduction
+(defvar mkback-introduction
+ "mkback searches for a backup/ folder in the
+file's directory, or its parent directory, or the grandparent
+directory , and so on. It then backs up the requested file with
+a mirroring of the relative directory structure, and the
+current date/time information. The file in question need not be a text
+The primary functions from emacs are M-x mkback and M-x mkback-buffer.
+Add (mkback-install-for-eshell), and you have an eshell-optimized
+command called mkback. Finally, you can use mkback from bash by
+calling emacs in batch-mode, See the included batch-script at the top
+of this file.
+Only tested on GNU/Linux. Designed in a platform-independent
+way--should even work on VMS. Tested with Emacs21.2 only.Type M-x
+mkback-quick-start and M-x mkback-commentary for more details.
+" )
+(defun mkback-introduction ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding `mkback-introduction'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert mkback-introduction) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Commentary:
+(defvar mkback-commentary
+ "Please M-x mkback-quick-start and M-x mkback-introduction first.
+Optionally, add (mkback-install-for-eshell) to .emacs. That makes
+mkback do nice things---
+* in eshell, typing mkb TAB some-file-name ENTER works.
+* in eshell, typing mkb TAB ENTER works..
+Note that this tab-completion may not work the very first time if you
+follow the autoload-route to mkback-install-for-eshell.
+See the various defcustoms, hooks for customization.
+I periodically made backups of the files I used, annotating the
+backups with today's dates. Here are some design decisions:
+* The folder is called backup but customizable.
+* Sometimes, one does not want a folder to be cluttered by a huge
+ backup/. Consider this: project/folder1/ project/folder2/ and
+ project/folder3/. You often need to tar up your project/ to deliver
+ it to folks. Now, you don't want folders like
+ project/folder1/backup/ existing.
+ In such a case, you would rather mkback a file like
+ project/folder1/file.lisp into
+ project/backup/folder1/file-date.lisp.
+ Thus, mkback looks in current folder and in ancestors for
+ backup/'s.
+* I did not want to name foo.lisp as foo.lisp-date, because that
+changes extension, thus emacs etc. had a hard time recognizing the
+backup-file's type. if i ever wanted to browse the backuped file. So
+I preferred foo-date.lisp
+* Most of the time, I would not make more than once backup in a day,
+but if I did, I could call the new one foo-date-a.lisp etc.
+* If the date is listed in yyyy-mm-dd format, then an alphabetical
+directory listing is \(mostly\) also a time-ordered directory listing.
+Pretty convenient. I have started naming all my dates in this
+format. One can customize the date-format.
+* I am almost always in eshell when I do an archiving. So, there we go..
+If you are working on a patch or new feature, it is recommended that
+you download the latest mkback from mkback-home-page first, and work
+on that.
+(defun mkback-commentary ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding `mkback-commentary'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert mkback-commentary) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; History:
+;;; Bugs:
+;;; New features:
+(defvar mkback-new-features
+ "
+ New since 1.4
+ ============================================
+ * By default, the file-modification time of the backup-ed file is
+ now same as that of the original file.
+ * By default, The backuped file's name now stores both the
+ file-modification-time as well as the time at which the backup is
+ made.
+(defun mkback-new-features ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding `mkback-new-features'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert mkback-new-features) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defvar mkback-version "1.5dev")
+;;; Code:
+(defcustom mkback-chase-links-method 'dir
+ "How to chase symlinks
+This can take 4 values:
+'dir, 'file 'all and 'none.
+'file: only chase file links,
+'all: chase all links,
+'none: don't chase links,
+The author likes the 'dir option. ")
+(defvar mkback-before-load-hooks nil)
+(defvar mkback-after-load-hooks nil)
+(run-hooks 'mkback-before-load-hooks)
+(defcustom mkback-create-new-backup-dir-p nil "")
+(defcustom mkback-dir "backup" "")
+(defcustom mkback-time-format
+ "-%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S"
+ "The string to use for time-format.. More generally, any expression
+that evals to a valid string..
+The current format is chosen to be windoze compatible.
+The earlier format was:
+ -%Y-%m-%d:%H%M:%S"
+(defcustom mkback-time-format-modtime
+ "-%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S--"
+ "The string to use for time-format.. More generally, any expression
+that evals to a valid string..
+We get the last-modified-time of the file and use it here. ")
+(defcustom mkback-loudness 100
+ "suggested: Anywhere from 0 to 100"
+(defcustom mkback-interactivity 100
+ "Suggested: Anywhere from -100 to 100..
+if this number is too low, mkback will ask you for less and less
+0 is the recommended value once you are familiar with mkback. "
+(defvar mkback-err nil "internal")
+(defcustom mkback-default-get-backup-dir 'mkback-get-backup-dir
+ "")
+(defcustom mkback-default-get-backup-path-name 'mkback-get-backup-path-name
+ "")
+(defcustom mkback-default-get-backup-file-name 'mkback-get-backup-file-name
+ "")
+(defmacro mkback-withit (expr &rest rest)
+ "Caution: var-capture by its very nature.."
+ `(let ((it ,expr))
+ ,@rest))
+(defcustom mkback-max-depth 4
+ "Is an integer.. this is the max number of ancestors to ascend to look
+for an archive directory.
+A value of nil here means: no max number.. Nil is not currently
+recommended as can potentially cause infinite looping if no backup/
+exists in the entire ancestory.")
+(defcustom mkback-keep-time-p t
+ "When true, gives the destination file the same last-modified-time
+ as that of the original.")
+(defun mkback-get-backup-dir (dir &optional suffix depth)
+ "An example of arguments is:
+\(mkback-get-backup-dir /home/aa/bb dd\).
+Then, this function looks for a backup directory in /home/aa/bb. If
+it exists, then this function returns: /home/aa/bb/backup/dd.
+Else this function calls
+\(mkback-get-backup-dir \"/home/aa\" \"dd/bb\" \"ff\" \).
+See what i mean? If no backup/ exists here, then a backup/ exists in a
+parent directory.. but then, you want to create aa/ first in that
+directory when creating backup, don't you? So, this function returns
+Returns nil if can't find any.
+ (unless depth (setq depth 0))
+ (if (and mkback-max-depth (> depth mkback-max-depth))
+ nil
+ (progn
+ ;;(unless dir (setq dir default-directory))
+ (unless suffix (setq suffix ""))
+ (mkback-message 25 "Considering dir= %S and suffix=%S" dir suffix)
+ (let* ((dir-unslashed (expand-file-name "" dir))
+ (dir-backup (expand-file-name mkback-dir dir))
+ (dir-backup-suf (expand-file-name suffix dir-backup)))
+ (if
+ (and (file-exists-p dir-backup)
+ (file-directory-p dir-backup))
+ dir-backup-suf
+ (mkback-get-backup-dir
+ ;; parent dir
+ (file-name-directory dir-unslashed)
+ ;; increase suffix
+ (mkback-withit (file-name-nondirectory dir-unslashed)
+ (if (equal suffix "")
+ it
+ ;; commenting this out.. should NOT use /
+ ;;(concat it "/" suffix)
+ (concat (file-name-as-directory it) suffix)
+ ))
+ (+ depth 1)))))))
+(defun mkback-chase-links (file)
+ (case mkback-chase-links-method
+ ('dir
+ (let ((dir (or
+ (file-name-directory file)
+ ;; else take the current directory... this comes in
+ ;; handy when calling mkback-from-batch.
+ default-directory )))
+ ;; since we supply default-directory,
+ ;; this if is now mute... but let's keep it.
+ (if dir
+ (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)
+ (file-truename dir))
+ file)))
+ ('file (file-chase-links file))
+ ('all (file-truename file))
+ (t file)))
+(defun mkback-get-backup-path-name (file &optional backup-dir
+ )
+ "Looks around for a suitable backup/ directory nearby and returns a
+suitable backup pathname.
+this is one heck of a powerful function..
+SHOULD REALLY USE the function file-name-directory!
+ (setq file (mkback-chase-links file))
+ (let
+ ((initdir
+ (file-name-directory (expand-file-name file))))
+ (unless backup-dir
+ (setq backup-dir (funcall mkback-default-get-backup-dir
+ initdir)))
+ (if (not backup-dir)
+ (if mkback-create-new-backup-dir-p
+ (setq backup-dir
+ (expand-file-name mkback-dir
+ initdir))
+ (error "No archi(v)e directory exists here or nearby. "))))
+ (funcall mkback-default-get-backup-file-name file backup-dir))
+(defun mkback-get-backup-file-name (file dir)
+ "File is the original file, dir is the destination directory.
+This function will thus rename file with date appended, and then
+append the same to the destination directory. "
+ (let*
+ ((baseinit (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+ (extinit (file-name-extension file))
+ (base
+ (if (string= baseinit "")
+ (concat "." extinit) baseinit))
+ (ext2
+ (if (string= baseinit "")
+ nil extinit))
+ (raw-name-file
+ (concat
+ base
+ (format-time-string
+ (eval mkback-time-format-modtime)
+ (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))
+ (format-time-string (eval mkback-time-format))
+ ))
+ (raw-name
+ (expand-file-name
+ raw-name-file
+ dir))
+ (ext
+ (mkback-withit ext2
+ (if (null it) ""
+ (concat "." it )))))
+ (while
+ (file-exists-p (concat raw-name ext))
+ (setq raw-name (concat raw-name "a")))
+ (concat raw-name ext)))
+(defun mkback-message (points &rest args)
+ (when (> (+ points mkback-loudness) 50)
+ (apply #'message args)))
+;;; 2002-05-03 T09:41:03-0400 (Friday) D. Goel
+(defun mkback-no-errors (file)
+ (mkback-ignore-errors (mkback file)))
+(defvar mkback-after-backup-hook nil
+ "Each of the functions in this hook shall take two arguments: the
+full name of the original file and the ful name of the backuped
+file. ")
+(defcustom mkback-gzip-p nil
+ "Whether to gzip the mkbacked files. More generally, any post-backup
+action to perform on the backuped file. ")
+(defcustom mkback-gzip-expression
+ '(when
+ (> (nth 7 (file-attributes it)) 250)
+ (shell-command (format "gzip %s" it)))
+ "Use it for the filename here. The current expression works only on
+gnulinux type systems.")
+(defun mkback (&optional file)
+ "Backup file/files.
+With no argument, will prompt for file. If file is a list of files instead of
+one file, will loop over them.
+When file is a single file, Returns nil if backup fails, returns
+non-nil otherwise.
+When file is a list of files, returns the list of such results.
+ (interactive "F")
+ (unless file
+ (setq file (read-file-name "File: ")))
+ (unless file (error "No filaname supplied to mkback: nil"))
+ (if (listp file)
+ (mapcar #'mkback-no-errors file)
+ (progn
+ (unless (file-exists-p file)
+ (error "File does not exist: %S" file))
+ (when (file-directory-p file)
+ (error "Currently, can archive only files, not directies: %S" file))
+ (mkback-withit
+ (funcall mkback-default-get-backup-path-name file)
+ (let* ((dir (file-name-directory it))
+ (dir-existsp (file-exists-p dir))
+ (failed nil))
+ (unless dir-existsp
+ (if (mkback-y-or-n-p 50
+ (format "Create directory %S" dir))
+ (make-directory dir t)
+ (mkback-message 99 "Not creating directory!")))
+ (setq dir-existsp (and (file-exists-p dir) (file-directory-p dir)))
+ (setq failed (not dir-existsp))
+ (unless failed
+ (if
+ (mkback-y-or-n-p 0
+ (format "Copy %S to %S" (file-name-nondirectory file)
+ it))
+ (progn
+ (copy-file file it nil mkback-keep-time-p))
+ (setq failed t)))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'mkback-after-backup-hook file it)
+ (setq failed (not (file-exists-p it)))
+ (when mkback-gzip-p
+ (ignore-errors
+ (eval
+ mkback-gzip-expression)))
+ (if failed
+ (mkback-message 99 "File not created: %s " it)
+ (mkback-message 99 "Backup (now) exists:\n %s" it))
+ (not failed))))))
+(defun mkback-install-for-eshell ()
+ (interactive)
+ (defalias 'eshell/mkback 'mkback))
+(defmacro mkback-ignore-errors (&rest body)
+ "\(Programmer: This function should track my ignore-errors-my. \)
+Like ignore-errors, but tells the error..
+Improved for me by Kalle on 7/3/01:
+ * used backquote: something i was too lazy to convert my macro to..
+ * removed the progn: condition-case automatically has one..
+ * made sure that the return is nil.. just as it is in ignore-errors. "
+ `(condition-case mkback-err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (message "IGNORED ERROR: %s" (error-message-string mkback-err))
+ (sit-for 1)
+ nil)))
+;;; 2002-05-03 T11:05:43-0400 (Friday) D. Goel
+(defun mkback-y-or-n-p (add &rest args)
+ (if (> (+ add mkback-interactivity) 50)
+ (apply 'y-or-n-p args)
+ t))
+;;; 2002-05-03 T11:07:10-0400 (Friday) D. Goel
+(defun mkback-buffer ()
+ (interactive)
+ (mkback-withit
+ (buffer-file-name)
+ (if it (mkback it)
+ (mkback-message 0 "Buffer has no associated file: %S"
+ (buffer-name)))))
+;;; 2002-05-03 T11:10:32-0400 (Friday) D. Goel
+(defun mkback-buffer-doit ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((mkback-interactivity -100))
+ (mkback-buffer)))
+(defmacro mkback-from-batch (&rest files)
+ "The files get passed to emacs as symbols.. we need to simply format
+ `(mkback
+ (mkback-symbols-to-strings (quote ,files))))
+(defun mkback-symbols-to-strings (files)
+ (cond
+ ((null files) nil)
+ ((listp files) (mapcar 'mkback-symbols-to-strings files))
+ (t (format "%s" files))))
+(defmacro mkback-from-batch-doit (&rest files)
+ "The files get passed to emacs as symbols.. we need to simply format
+ `(let ((mkback-interactivity -100))
+ (mkback
+ (mkback-symbols-to-strings (quote ,files)))))
+(defun mkback-symbols-to-strings (files)
+ (cond
+ ((null files) nil)
+ ((listp files) (mapcar 'mkback-symbols-to-strings files))
+ (t (format "%s" files))))
+;; these 2 provided for historical compatibility for the next few versions..
+(defalias 'mkback-this-buffer 'mkback-buffer)
+(defalias 'mkback-this-buffer-doit 'mkback-buffer-doit)
+(provide 'mkback)
+(run-hooks 'mkback-after-load-hooks)
+;;; mkback.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/oct.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/oct.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6247aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/oct.el
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+;;; oct.el --- some GNU octave functions in elisp.
+;; Time-stamp: <2003-06-25 12:35:50 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: oct.el
+;; Package: oct
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords: GNU Octave, matlab
+;; Version: 0.0
+;; Author's homepage:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst oct-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+;; Quick start:
+(defconst oct-quick-start
+ "Help..."
+(defun oct-quick-start ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `oct-quick-start'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert oct-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Introduction:
+;; Stuff that gets posted to gnu.emacs.sources
+;; as introduction
+(defconst oct-introduction
+ "I love the brevity/flexibility of GNU octave. oct.el implements
+\(inefficiently) a *few* common octave functions. Thus, any of the
+arguments to oct-+ can be a number, a vector, or a matrix.
+For oct.el, an example of row vector is '(1 2 3), a column vector is
+ (2)
+ (3))
+and a matrix is
+'( (1 2 3)
+ (2 3 4))
+Each of oct.el's functions, oct-foo seeks to perform the exact same
+behavior as that of the corrresponding octave function foo. Many are
+incomplete---i.e. do not handle all possible cases of vectors/matrices
+for their arguments. For documentation on any ocave function, just
+(apt-get) install octave2.1*, fire up octave, and type help foo; also
+look at octave info files.
+There's no matrix-multiplication here (yet). BTW, there was one
+matrix.el posted here a few years ago.
+If you are not into GNU Octave, probably the only useful function here
+might be some utilitiess like oct-corr (correlation) or oct-std
+\(standard deviation) --- viz. just apply them to lists.
+Octav is huge, and growing. So, this library will never be complete,
+nor am I working currently on it. Which is why i should go ahead and post
+whatever I have here. :) " )
+(defun oct--introduction ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `oct--introduction'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert oct--introduction) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Commentary:
+(defconst oct--commentary
+ "
+matrix [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] should be represented as
+\((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) here.
+As in octave, a matrix [1] can be represented equivalently as 1, (1)
+or ((1)).
+Note that we emulate octave and NOT the matlab-like 'octave
+--traditional', and the two do differ in some rare aspects. " )
+(defun oct--commentary ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `oct--commentary'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert oct--commentary) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; History:
+;;; Bugs:
+;;; New features:
+(defconst oct--new-features
+ "Help..."
+(defun oct--new-features ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `oct--new-features'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert oct--new-features) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; TO DO:
+(defconst oct--todo
+ "Help..."
+(defun oct--todo ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `oct--todo'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert oct--todo) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defconst oct-version "0.0")
+(defun oct-version (&optional arg)
+ "Display oct's version string.
+With prefix ARG, insert version string into current buffer at point."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if arg
+ (insert (message "oct version %s" oct-version))
+ (message "oct version %s" oct-version)))
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup oct nil
+ "The group oct."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom oct-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading oct."
+ :group 'oct)
+(defcustom oct-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading oct."
+ :group 'oct)
+(run-hooks 'oct-before-load-hooks)
+(defcustom oct-verbosity 0
+ "How verbose to be.
+Once you are experienced with this lib, 0 is the recommended
+value. Values between -90 to +90 are \"sane\". The
+rest are for debugging."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'oct)
+(defcustom oct-interactivity 0
+ "How interactive to be.
+Once you are experienced with this lib, 0 is the recommended
+value. Values between -90 and +90 are \"sane\". The rest are for
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'oct)
+(defcustom oct-y-or-n-p-function 'oct-y-or-n-p
+ "Function to use for interactivity-dependent `y-or-n-p'.
+Format same as that of `oct-y-or-n-p'."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'oct)
+(defcustom oct-n-or-y-p-function 'oct-y-or-n-p
+ "Function to use for interactivity-dependent `n-or-y-p'.
+Format same as that of `oct-n-or-y-p'."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'oct)
+(defun oct-message (points &rest args)
+ "Signal message, depending on POINTS andoct-verbosity.
+ARGS are passed to `message'."
+ (unless (minusp (+ points oct-verbosity))
+ (apply #'message args)))
+(defun oct-y-or-n-p (add prompt)
+ "Query or assume t, based on `oct-interactivity'.
+ADD is added to `oct-interactivity' to decide whether
+to query using PROMPT, or just return t."
+ (if (minusp (+ add oct-interactivity))
+ t
+ (funcall 'y-or-n-p prompt)))
+(defun oct-n-or-y-p (add prompt)
+ "Query or assume t, based on `oct-interactivity'.
+ADD is added to `oct-interactivity' to decide whether
+to query using PROMPT, or just return t."
+ (if (minusp (+ add oct-interactivity))
+ nil
+ (funcall 'y-or-n-p prompt)))
+;;; Real Code:
+(defun oct--make-matrix (element &optional n m )
+ (unless m (setq m 1))
+ (unless n (setq n 1))
+ (setq m (round m))
+ (setq n (round n))
+ (cond
+ ((or (< m 0) (< n 0))
+ (error " zeros: can't create a matrix with negative dimensions"))
+ ((or (= m 0) (= n 0))
+ nil)
+ (t (make-list n
+ (make-list m element)))))
+(defun oct--vectorize (element)
+ "Converts an elt to a list, if isn't one already"
+ (let* ((eltt (oct--matricize element))
+ (size (oct-size eltt))
+ (numrows (first size))
+ (numcols (second size)))
+ (cond
+ ((= numrows 1) (first eltt))
+ ((= numcols 1) (mapcar 'first eltt))
+ (t (error "This is a matrix. Can't vectorize. ")))))
+(defun oct--elementize (element)
+ (let* ((eltt (oct--matricize element))
+ (size (oct-size eltt)))
+ (unless (equal size '(1 1))
+ (error "not an element"))
+ (caar eltt)))
+(defun oct--matricize (eltt)
+ "will convert a vector to a Nx1 matrix. As does octave:
+a(1)=1, a(2)=1, size(a). Does not check for sizes for lists."
+ (cond
+ ((numberp eltt) (list (list eltt)))
+ ((null eltt) '(()))
+ ((listp eltt)
+ (let ((fir (first eltt)))
+ (cond
+ ((null fir)
+ (if (every 'null eltt) '(())
+ (error "Unequal sizes")))
+ ((every 'numberp eltt)
+ (mapcar '(lambda (arg) (list arg)) eltt))
+ ((every 'listp eltt)
+ eltt)
+ (t (error "How could i have reached here?")))))
+ (t (error "shouldn't have reached here. internal oct.el error"))))
+(defun oct--minimize (elt &optional vecp)
+ "When rowp is true, will vectorize its stuff when possible."
+ (let* ((eltma (oct--matricize elt))
+ (sz (oct-size eltma)))
+ (cond
+ ((equal sz '(1 1))
+ (caar eltma))
+ ((and vecp (= (second sz) 1))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg) (first arg))
+ eltma))
+ ((and vecp (= (first sz) 1))
+ (first eltma))
+ (t eltma))))
+(defun oct--equal (&rest args)
+ (cond
+ ((<= (length args) 1) t)
+ (t (let
+ ((fir (first args)))
+ (every 'identity
+ (mapcar '(lambda (arg)
+ (equal arg fir))
+ (cdr args)))))))
+(defun oct--operator (function args default)
+ (cond
+ ((null args) default)
+ ((= (length args) 1) (first args))
+ (t
+ (let* ((a (first args))
+ (b (second args))
+ (c (oct--matricize a))
+ (d (oct--matricize b))
+ (sizec (oct-size a))
+ (sized (oct-size d)))
+ (cond
+ ((equal sizec '(1 1))
+ (setq c (oct--make-matrix (caar c) (first sized) (second
+ sized))))
+ ((equal sized '(1 1))
+ (setq d (oct--make-matrix (caar d) (first sizec) (second
+ sizec))))
+ (t 'noop))
+ (oct--operator
+ function
+ (cons (oct--mapmatrix function c d) (cddr args))
+ default)))))
+(defun oct--mapmatrix (function mat1 mat2)
+ "used by oct--operator"
+ (mapcar*
+ '(lambda (list1 list2)
+ (mapcar* function list1 list2))
+ mat1 mat2))
+(defun oct--remove-minus-in-string (str)
+ "Replace - to minus in string.
+Octave can't handle filenames with - in them. "
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert str)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "-" nil t)
+ (replace-match "Minus" nil t))
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun oct-zeros (&optional n m)
+ (oct--make-matrix 0 n m))
+(defun oct-ones (&optional n m)
+ (oct--make-matrix 1 n m))
+(defun oct-sum (x &optional n)
+ "
+if n = 1, sum along columns. 1 is the default.
+if n = 2, sum along rows.
+If no n provided, and x happens to be a vector along any dimension,
+perform the sum in any case. "
+ (oct--minimize
+ (let*
+ ((xx (oct--matricize x))
+ (size (oct-size xx))
+ (nrows (first size))
+ (ncols (second size)))
+ (when (null n)
+ (cond
+ ((= nrows 1) (setq n 2))
+ (t (setq n 1))))
+ (cond
+ ((= n 1)
+ (list
+ (apply
+ 'mapcar*
+ (lambda (&rest elements)
+ (apply '+ elements))
+ xx)))
+ ((= n 2)
+ (mapcar
+ '(lambda (list)
+ (list (apply '+ list)))
+ xx))
+ (t (error "Improper second argument to oct-sum. "))))))
+(defun oct-size (a &optional n)
+ "When given N, returns row dimension if N = 1, else column
+dimension. "
+ (cond
+ ((equal n 1)
+ (first (oct-size a )))
+ ((equal n 2)
+ (second (oct-size a)))
+ (t
+ (let*
+ ((b (oct--matricize a))
+ (sizes (mapcar 'length b))
+ (numcolumns (first sizes)))
+ (unless
+ (oct--equal numcolumns) (error "unequal sizes"))
+ (list (length sizes) numcolumns)))))
+(defun oct-rows (a)
+ (oct-size a 1))
+(defun oct-columns (a)
+ (oct-size a 2))
+(defun oct-length (a)
+ (apply 'max (oct-size a)))
+(defun oct-.* (&rest args)
+ (oct--operator '* args 1))
+(defun oct-/ (x n)
+ "not general enough yet. n can only be a number.
+moreover, converts everything to float."
+ (oct--operator
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (/ (float a) b))
+ (list x n)
+ 1))
+(defun oct-+ (&rest args)
+ (oct--operator '+ args 0))
+(defalias 'oct-add 'oct-+)
+(defun oct-- (&rest args)
+ (oct--operator
+ '-
+ (if (= (length args) 1)
+ (cons 0 args)
+ args)
+ 0))
+(defalias 'oct-subtract 'oct--)
+(defalias 'oct-sub 'oct--)
+(defun oct-corr (x y)
+ "This does need 2 matrices as of right now.
+In fact, currently, just takes a list x and a list y and returns the
+corr coeff.
+When implemented, will be Just like octave:
+If X is has dimensions M and Nx, and Y has dimensions M and Ny,
+then the returned matrix Z has dimensions Nx and Ny.
+And Z(Nx, Ny) = corr bet. X(:,Nx) and between Y(:,Ny). "
+ (let*
+ ((xa (oct--vectorize x))
+ (ya (oct--vectorize y))
+ (n (oct-length xa))
+ (nn (float n))
+ (sumxy (oct--elementize (oct-sum (oct-.* xa ya))))
+ (sumxx (oct--elementize (oct-sum (oct-.* xa xa))))
+ (sumyy (oct--elementize (oct-sum (oct-.* ya ya))))
+ (sumx (oct--elementize (oct-sum xa)))
+ (sumy (oct--elementize (oct-sum ya))))
+ (/ (- sumxy (/ (* sumy sumx) nn))
+ (sqrt
+ (* (- sumxx (/ (* sumx sumx) nn))
+ (- sumyy (/ (* sumy sumy) nn)))))))
+(defun oct-complement (x)
+ "is like the ' in octave"
+ (let ((xx (oct--matricize x))
+ (yy nil))
+ (while (caar xx)
+ (push
+ (mapcar 'first xx) yy)
+ (setq xx (mapcar 'cdr xx)))
+ (reverse yy)))
+(defun oct-sumsq (x)
+ "Works only for vectors right now."
+ (let ((xv (oct--matricize x)))
+ (oct--elementize (oct-sum (oct-.* xv xv)))))
+(defun oct-mean (x)
+ "
+no second argument yet. works only for vectors."
+ (let ((xv (oct--vectorize x)))
+ (oct--minimize
+ (oct-/ (oct-sum x) (oct-length x)))))
+(defun oct-sqrt (x)
+ "only numbers as of now."
+ (let ((xe (oct--elementize x)))
+ (sqrt xe)))
+(defun oct-std (x)
+ (let* ((xv (oct--vectorize x))
+ (mean (oct-mean xv))
+ (nm1 (- (oct-length xv) 1)))
+ (sqrt
+ (/ (float (oct-sumsq (oct-- xv mean)))
+ nm1))))
+(defun oct-tanh (x)
+ (cond
+ ((listp x)
+ (mapcar 'oct-tanh x))
+ ((> 1 x)
+ (/
+ (float (- 1 (exp (* -2 x))))
+ (float (+ 1 (exp (* -2 x))))))
+ (t
+ (/
+ (float (- (exp (* 2 x)) 1))
+ (float (+ (exp (* 2 x)) 1))))))
+(defun oct-atanh (x)
+ (cond
+ ((listp x)
+ (mapcar 'oct-atanh x))
+ (t
+ (* 0.5
+ (log (/ (float (+ 1 x))
+ (- 1 x)))))))
+(defun oct-colon (x y)
+ (if (<= x y)
+ (cons x (oct-colon (+ x 1) y))
+ nil))
+(defun oct-sign (x)
+ (if (listp x)
+ (mapcar 'oct-sign x)
+ (cond
+ ((> x 0) 1)
+ ((< x 0) -1)
+ (t 0))))
+(provide 'oct)
+(run-hooks 'oct-after-load-hooks)
+;;; oct.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/shs.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/shs.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b3311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/shs.el
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+;;; shs.el --- facilitate SHell Scripting through Emacs.
+;; Time-stamp: <2006-05-08 00:00:17 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2005 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: shs.el
+;; Package: shs
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version: 0.0
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst shs-home-page
+ "")
+;; Copyright (C) 2005 D. Goel
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; sh.el, posted here a few days ago has been renamed to shs.el since
+;; there exists another sh.el -- shs stands for SHell-Script.
+;; SHS: Shs aims to facilitate free mixing of elisp with bash: free
+;; calls to elisp code from bash shell scripts and calls to other bash
+;; scripts from that elisp code, which may again call elisp code and
+;; so on, all the while doing the right things as regards bash's error
+;; codes, stderr, stdout, etc.
+;; Moreover, one shouldn't need to exit emacs just to pipe one emacs
+;; script's call to another.
+;; Finally, elisp code should also be able to run independently of
+;; bash in running emacsen.
+;; Provides basic setup for emacs scripting. To the beginning of all
+;; emacs shell-scripts, don't forget to add (add-to-list 'load-path
+;; directory) and (require 'shs). Use shs as a convenient way to call
+;; shell-commands from the script. Provides a tutorial on elisp-based
+;; shell-scripting.
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;; The most common functions to use are: shs-process (shsp), shs-shell
+;; (shsh).
+;; Alt, using shell command: shsh.
+;; Best way to show messages: shs-message.
+;; Your code should automatically run fine, both in shellscripts as
+;; well as emacs:
+;; The easiest way to pass messages would be to (message) or
+;; (princ). However, that makes it somewhat meaningless in running
+;; emacs, so prefer using (shs-message) instead. When using
+;; shs-message in running Emacs, all these messages go to *SHS*
+;; buffer, which you'll finally want to switch to and see.
+;; See also:
+;; Quick start:
+(defconst shs-quick-start
+ "Help..."
+(defun shs-quick-start ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `shs-quick-start'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert shs-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Introduction:
+;; Stuff that gets posted to gnu.emacs.sources
+;; as introduction
+(defconst shs-introduction
+ " \(sh.el, posted here a few days ago has been renamed to shs.el
+since there exists another sh.el).
+shs stands for SHell-Scripting.
+I am an utter novice at shell scripting, so suggestions and comments
+are most welcome, and please forgive any mistakes in shs. shs aims to
+facilitate free mixing of elisp with bash: free calls to elisp code
+from bash shell scripts and calls to other bash scripts from that
+elisp code, which may again call elisp code and so on, all the while
+doing the right things as regards bash's error codes, stderr, stdout,
+Moreover, one shouldn't need to exit emacs just to pipe one emacs
+script's call to another.
+Finally, ideally, that elisp code should also be able to run
+independently of bash in running emacsen. All that's what shs hopes
+to faciliatate.
+INSTALLATION: Just add shs.el somewhere in your emacs' load-path.
+For a shell scripting example, (you do need EmacsCVS)
+Drop shs.el and the two attached files to a ~/location that is present
+both in your emacs' loadpath as well as bash's PATH. Create a
+~/.emacs.script with these contents:
+ (add-to-list 'load-path \"~/location\")
+To be able to use your settings in running emacsen too, also add to
+the end of ~/.emacs: (load \"~/.emacs.script\")
+Then, from bash, run shs-example, for a tutorial (I am still learning)
+on shell-scripting through Emacs.
+Whenever you call shsp instead of shsh, COMMAND is no longer a
+string. It is rather a list whose 1st value is the process, and the
+rest of the values are the args.
+For script examples to work, you do need emacscvs installed in (or
+linked to from) /usr/local/bin/emacscvs.
+(defun shs-introduction ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `shs-introduction'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert shs-introduction) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; New features:
+(defconst shs-new-features
+ "Help..."
+(defun shs-new-features ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `shs-new-features'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert shs-new-features) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defconst shs-version "0.0")
+;; Real Code
+;; Always make your function
+(defmacro shs-exit-code-1 (&rest body)
+ "Normally, if the script errors somewhere, Emacs will immediately
+exit with an error code of 255, which is the right thing to do. If
+for some reason, you want a different error code, you can wrap this
+macro around your lisp code."
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (shsm "Error: %S" (error-message-string ,err))
+ (kill-emacs 1)))))
+(defun shs-sanitize (str)
+ "Delete up to one trailing newline from the string.
+Typically, shs.el feeds shell commands' output to this function, so
+that the result does not have a trailing newline. Is like perl's chop,
+ except that this is applied automatically in shs"
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\n\\'" "" (format "%s" str)))
+(defalias 'shs-chop 'shs-sanitize)
+(defalias 'shs-shell-exit 'shs-shell-command-with-exit)
+(defvar shs-shell-buffer "*SHS-SHELL*")
+(defvar shs-process-buffer "*SHS-PROC*")
+(get-buffer-create shs-shell-buffer)
+(get-buffer-create shs-process-buffer)
+(defun shs-shell-command (command &rest args)
+ "Shell commands from a running script, exit on errors.
+NOT suitable for asynchronous shell commands. If everything ok,
+then return the result of the shell-command as a string, else
+exit emacs with the same exit code.
+COMMAND shou]d be a string. You can also give us the command in
+the shsp format: a list. In that case, we shall try to guess the
+command by converting it to a string by concatting the
+shell-quote-argument for each argument. But note that shsp might
+be safer.
+ (shsh--reset-buffer)
+ (setq command (shs-convert-command-list-to-string-maybe command))
+ (let ((code (apply 'shell-command command shs-shell-buffer nil))
+ (output
+ (with-current-buffer shs-shell-buffer
+ (shs-sanitize
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal code 0)
+ output)
+ ;; as you see, the string-to-number of this error code will
+ ;; always be the correct error code.
+ (t (error "%S -- error code when trying %S\n Output was: %S" code
+ command output)))))
+(defun shs-convert-command-list-to-string-maybe (c)
+ (if (stringp c)
+ c
+ (shs-convert-command-list-to-string c)))
+(defun shs-convert-command-list-to-string (c)
+ (mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument
+ c " "))
+(defun shs-convert-command-string-to-list-maybe (c)
+ (if (listp c)
+ c
+ (shs-convert-command-string-to-list c)))
+(defun shs-convert-command-string-to-list (c)
+ (split-string c))
+(defun shs-shell-command-and-code (command &rest args)
+ (shsh--reset-buffer)
+ (let ((code (apply 'shell-command command shs-shell-buffer nil)))
+ (list code
+ (with-current-buffer shs-shell-buffer
+ (shs-sanitize
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(defun shsp--reset-buffer ()
+ (with-current-buffer shs-process-buffer
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun shsh--reset-buffer ()
+ (with-current-buffer shs-shell-buffer
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun shs-process-and-code (command &optional infile)
+ (shsp--reset-buffer)
+ (let ((code (apply 'call-process (car command) infile shs-process-buffer
+ nil (cdr command))))
+ (list code
+ (with-current-buffer shs-process-buffer
+ (shs-sanitize
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(defun shs-process (command &optional infile instring outfile appendp)
+ "process from a running script, exit on errors.
+NOT suitable for asynchronous processes. If everything ok,
+then return the result of the shell-command as a string, else
+error with the same exit code.
+COMMAND shou]d be a list. You can also give us the command in
+the shsh format: a string. In that case, we shall convert it to
+a list by taking every word in that string. But note that list
+might be safer.
+Both infile and instring can be nil, in which case, no stdin is passed
+to the process.
+If INFILE is non-nil it is used. If INFILE is nil and INSTRING is
+not, we put instring in a temporary file, and use that as the
+stdin. This is kinda like bash's <.
+If outfile is non-nil, the output is also written to outfile. If
+appendp is non-nil, the output is appended to any preceding output.
+These were kinda like bash's > and >>.
+pseudo-Pipes can be accomplished via use of instring. See, for
+example, `shsu-pipe'.
+ (let ((rmp (and (not infile) instring)))
+ (setq command (shs-convert-command-string-to-list-maybe command))
+ (when rmp
+ ;; see also, for example, shsu-mktemp-d
+ (setq infile (shsp "mktemp"))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert instring)
+ (let ((require-final-newline nil))
+ (write-file infile nil))))
+ (let* ((codeoutput (shs-process-and-code command infile))
+ (code (car codeoutput))
+ (output (cadr codeoutput)))
+ (when rmp (delete-file infile))
+ (cond
+ ((equal code 0)
+ (when outfile
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (when (and appendp (file-exists-p outfile))
+ (insert-file-contents outfile))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert output)
+ (let ((require-final-newline nil))
+ (write-file outfile nil))))
+ output)
+ ;; as you see, the string-to-number of this error code will
+ ;; always be the correct error code.
+ (t (error "%S -- error code when call-process: %S\n Output was: %S" code command output))))))
+(defmacro shs-ignore-errors-flag (&rest body)
+ "Copied from ignore-errrors-my.
+which: Like ignore-errors, but tells the error..
+Improved for me by Kalle on 7/3/01:
+ * used backquote: something i was too lazy to convert my macro to..
+ * removed the progn: condition-case automatically has one..
+ * made sure that the return is nil.. just as it is in ignore-errors. "
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (shsm "IGNORED ERROR: %s" (error-message-string ,err))
+ (sit-for 1)
+ nil))))
+(defalias 'shs-shell 'shs-shell-command)
+(defalias 'shsh 'shs-shell-command)
+(defalias 'shsp 'shs-process)
+(defalias 'shs-call-procell 'shs-process)
+(defun shs-shell-command-with-error (&rest args)
+Shell commands from a running script, exit on errors.
+NOT suitable for asynchronous shell commands. If everything ok,
+then return the result of the shell-command as a string, else
+exit emacs with the same exit code.
+ (let ((code (apply 'shell-command args)))
+ (cond
+ ((equal code 0)
+ (with-current-buffer shs-shell-buffer
+ ;;(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (shs-sanitize
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))
+ (t (error (format "Bash Error code: %S" code))))))
+(defvar shs-buffer "*SHS*")
+(get-buffer-create shs-buffer)
+(defvar shs-message-sit-for 0.1
+ "We wait for this duration at critical points when using shs.
+Matters only when called within emacs. ")
+(defun shs-message (&rest args)
+ (cond
+ (noninteractive
+ (apply 'message args))
+ (t
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create shs-buffer))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (insert (apply 'format args))
+ (message
+ "%s"
+ (apply 'format args)
+ ;;"Note: This message is saved in the *SHS* and *messages*
+ ;;buffer."
+ )
+ (sit-for shs-message-sit-for)))))
+(defalias 'shs-msg 'shs-message)
+(defalias 'shsm 'shs-message)
+(defalias 'shs-shell-error 'shs-shell-command-with-error)
+(defun shs-display-buffer ()
+ (display-buffer shs-buffer)
+ (let ((cur (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer shs-buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (set-buffer cur)))
+(defvar shs-bye-hook (list 'shs-display-buffer))
+(defun shs-bye ()
+ (interactive)
+ (run-hooks 'shs-bye-hook)
+ )
+(defun shs-clear-buffer ()
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create shs-buffer))
+ (erase-buffer)))
+(defvar shs-start-hook (list 'shs-clear-buffer))
+(defun shs-start ()
+ "For use when using shs from eshell. "
+ (interactive)
+ (run-hooks 'shs-start-hook))
+(defvar shs-within-p nil
+ "When non-nil, start and end-hooks are NOT executed.. May be useful
+to set via the `shs-within' macro one \"top-level\" shs function is
+calling another..
+In the default setting, this matters only when shs functions are used
+from within emacs")
+(defmacro shs-within (&rest args)
+ `(let ((shs-within-p t))
+ (progn ,@args)))
+(defun shs-help (g)
+ "Call this function with your function name."
+ (shsm "")
+ (shsm
+ "Running this script calls the Emacs function described below.")
+ (shsm
+ (let* ((def (symbol-function g)))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (if (equal 'autoload (car-safe def))
+ (load (second def))))
+ ;; this check does nothing now.. need ro
+ (describe-function g))))
+(defun shs-help-check (args)
+ (let
+ ((argstr
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (a) (format "%s" a))
+ args
+ " ")))
+ (or
+ (string-match "\\b-h\\b" argstr)
+ (string-match "help" argstr))))
+(defun shs-shell-flag (command &rest args)
+ "
+Added back, since used by some of my scripts. "
+ (let ((coderes (apply 'shs-shell-command-and-code command args)))
+ (when (not (equal (first coderes) 0))
+ (shsm "IGNORED: ERROR CODE: %S WHEN TRYING %S " (first coderes)
+ command))
+ (second coderes)))
+(defun shs-expand-file-name (file dired)
+ "Copied from utils-expand-file-name.
+Suggested by Paul Jarc on g.e.d. in 2005-07 when I raised this
+Emacs' default expand-file-name is slightly borked, the bork can be
+seen if there is a file or a directory literally named ~. The bork
+comes from the emacs-tilde-feature: anywhere emacs sees a ~ in a
+path, it drops the entire preceding path and starts from /home/$USER
+viz. Create a file ~/tmp/~. Then
+ \(expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory \"~/tmp/~\")
+ \(file-name-directory \"~/tmp/~\"))
+is incorrect
+The version below avoids that problem, but of course, it lacks
+the emacs-tilde-feature. It is also portable across platforms,
+including VMS.
+However, note that this function is not necc. conformant with expand-file-name
+as far as argument structure and all function features are concerned.
+ (concat (file-name-as-directory dired)
+ (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+(provide 'shs)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/soap.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/soap.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a372526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/soap.el
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+;;; soap.el --- Simple Object Access Protocol support for Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 Edward O'Connor <>
+;; Author: Edward O'Connor <>
+;; Keywords: comm, tools, processes
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;; License along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not,
+;; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
+;; Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is the barest of beginnings of SOAP support for Emacs. It
+;; really doesn't do much of anything; to see how to use it, see
+;; google.el. Someone who cares about SOAP should probably make
+;; this into an actual SOAP implementation.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'url)
+(defun soap-process-response (response-buffer)
+ "Process the SOAP response in RESPONSE-BUFFER."
+ (let ((retval nil))
+ (with-current-buffer response-buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (looking-at "^HTTP/1.* 200 OK$")
+ (re-search-forward "^$" nil t 1)
+ (setq retval (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-max))))
+ (kill-buffer response-buffer))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert "\n" retval "\n")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\r" nil t)
+ (replace-match ""))
+ (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
+(defun soap-request (url data)
+ "Send and process SOAP request to URL with DATA."
+ (let* ((url-request-extra-headers
+ `(("Content-type" . "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")
+ ("SOAPAction" . ,(format "%S" url))))
+ (url-request-method "POST")
+ (url-request-data
+ (concat "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"
+ data)))
+ (soap-process-response (url-retrieve-synchronously url))))
+(provide 'soap)
+;;; soap.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/timerfunctions.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/timerfunctions.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d68f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/timerfunctions.el
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+;;; timerfunctions.el---enhanced versions of some timer.el functions.
+;; Time-stamp: <2003-05-09 08:23:24 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) Deepak Goel 2000, 2001, 2002
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: timerfunctions.el
+;; Author: Deepak Goel <>
+;; Version: 1.4.2
+;; Created: 2000/11/20
+;; Author's homepage:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst timerfunctions-home-page
+ "")
+(defvar timerfunctions-version "1.4.2")
+;;; Commentary: The latest version can always be downloaded from
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; See also: midnight.el (part of emacs), timer.el
+;;; New features:
+(defconst timerfunctions-new-features
+ "New since last posting: Changed the syntax of `tf-with-timeout' and
+provided a `tf-with-timeout-check'.")
+(defun timerfunctions-new-features ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `timerfunctions-new-features'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert timerfunctions-new-features) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defconst timerfunctions-introduction
+ "timerfunctions.el contains some 'enhanced' versions of a few timer.el
+functions. It is also used by vel.el, idledo.el etc.
+ Suppose you want emacs to run an action every REDOSECS for
+ _as_long_as emacs remains idle. `tf-run-with-idle-timer' allows that.
+ `tf-with-timeout' is a generalized with-timeout where you can inhibit
+ breaks within parts of the body that you want.
+ Place this file somewhere in yr emacs-load-path, and add the
+ foll. to your .emacs: (load \"timerfunctions.el\")
+(defun timerfunctions-introduction ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `timerfunctions-introduction'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert timerfunctions-introduction) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; Real Code:
+(defun tf-time-difference (timeplus timesub)
+ "Gives the time in seconds elaspsed from TIMESUB to TIMEPLUS.
+Almost like \(- TIMEPLUS TIMESUB \)."
+ (+ (* (expt 2 16) (- (car timeplus) (car timesub)))
+ (- (cadr timeplus) (cadr timesub)))
+(defun tf-run-with-idle-timer (secs repeat redosecs redorepeat includeruntime function &rest args)
+FUNCTION and &rest ARGS.
+Similar to run-with-idle-timer, except that provides more options.
+Suppose you want emacs to run an action every REDOSECS for as long as
+emacs remains idle. Think you can do it with the emacs'
+run-with-idle-timer? Think again.. :) That function will perform the
+action exactly once every time emacs goes idle. This funciton,
+tf-run-with-idle-timer *will* allow you to keep performing an action
+as long as emacs remains idle.
+SECS is the number of seconds to wait once emacs has first gone
+idle. It can really be any expression whose at runtime yields a
+number.. Note that the way run-with-idle-timer is defined, SECS will
+unfortunately be evalled immediately after you call this function, but
+redosecs will be *every* time emacs *remains* idle..yay..
+If REDOREPEAT is non-nil, the action is repeated as long emacs remains
+idle. REDOSECS is the number of additional seconds (after the action
+has been done) to wait if emacs remains idle before performing the
+action again. Again, redosecs does not have to be a number, it can be
+any expression whose eval yields to a number...
+If INCLUDERUNTIME is non-nil, REDOSECS is the number of
+additional seconds to wait after the action has been invoked (not
+If REPEAT is nonnil, the entire cycle is repeated every time emacs
+next goes idle.. (as in the default run-with-idle-timer."
+ (apply 'run-with-idle-timer
+ (eval secs) repeat 'tf-run-while-idle
+ redosecs redorepeat includeruntime
+ function args)
+ )
+(defun tf-run-while-idle (redosecs redorepeat includeruntime
+function &rest args)
+ "Runs FUNCTION with ARGS and optionally repeats if emacs idle.
+Probably is of no use unless used in programs.
+ If REDOREPEAT is non-nil, the function is repeated periodically every
+REDOSECS as long as emacs remains idle. By default, emacs waits
+REDOSECS *after* the function is done executing to repeat. If you want
+the execution-time to count towards REDOSECS, make INCLUDERUNTIME
+SECS and REDOSECS can be any expressions that eval at runtime to
+numbers.. In particular, they can simply be numbers..
+ (if (not includeruntime)
+ (progn
+ (apply function args)
+ (if redorepeat
+ (while (sit-for (eval redosecs))
+ (apply function args))))
+ (progn
+ (let ((before-time (current-time)))
+ (apply function args)
+ (if redorepeat
+ (while (sit-for (-
+ (eval redosecs)
+ (tf-time-difference (current-time)
+ before-time)))
+ (setq before-time (current-time))
+ (apply function args))))))
+ )
+(defun tf-test-display-time-internal
+ ()
+ (let ((thisbuffer (buffer-name)))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*scratch*")
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (concat "\n" (format "%S" (cadr (current-time)))))
+ (recenter)
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window thisbuffer))
+(defun tf-test-idle-timer ()
+ "Run this and watch..Play around with the options.. If you run it,
+you may have to exit your emacs session to restore normal emacs!
+unless you are an expert, that is.."
+ (interactive)
+ (tf-run-with-idle-timer
+ 1 t 3 t nil 'tf-test-display-time-internal)
+(defun tf-test-timeout ()
+ "Bad count should be zero. "
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((inhi nil) (goodcount 0) (badcount 0) (ctr 0) (a 1) (b 2)
+ (mytag nil)
+ (myvar nil)
+ )
+ (loop
+ for ctr from 0 to 10 do
+ (message "ctr=%S" ctr)
+ (tf-with-timeout 'inhi 'mytah 'myvar
+ (0.3 nil)
+ (loop for i from 0 to 100000 do
+ (message "ctr=%S, i=%S" ctr i)
+ (setq inhi t)
+ (setq a (random 100))
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ (setq b a)
+ (setq inhi nil)
+ (sleep-for 0.02)
+ ))
+ (if (equal b a) (incf goodcount) (incf badcount)))
+ (message "Goodcount: %S; badcount: %S" goodcount badcount)))
+(defun tf-test-timeout-complex ()
+ "Should return a value of 20000 for a. "
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((inhi t) (goodcount 0) (badcount 0) (ctr 0) (a 1) (b 2)
+ (mytag nil)
+ (myvar nil)
+ )
+ (setq a 0)
+ (message "ctr=%S" ctr)
+ (tf-with-timeout
+ 'inhi 'mytag 'myvar
+ (0.1 nil)
+ (loop for i from 0 to 10000 do
+ (message "first loop. i=%S" ctr i)
+ (incf a))
+ (message "initial loop ends here.")
+ ;; no throw here because loop prohibited.
+ (tf-with-timeout-check 'inhi 'mytag 'myvar)
+ ;; this shouldn't help either
+ (sit-for 0.3)
+ (loop for i from 0 to 10000 do
+ (message "second loop. i=%S" i)
+ (incf a))
+ (message "second loop ends here.")
+ (setq inhi nil)
+ ;; this should throw.
+ (tf-with-timeout-check 'inhi 'mytag 'myvar)
+ ;; this should NOT be needed.
+ ;;(sit-for 0.2)
+ ;; this loop should never take place.
+ (loop for i from 0 to 1000 do
+ (message "third loop, i=%S" i)
+ (incf a))
+ (message "third loop ends here."))
+ (message "%S" a)
+ a))
+(defun tf-wait-until-idle (&optional secs)
+ "DOES NOT WORK YET. Waits until idle.
+Will help run processes in background. This function will NOT create
+a timer. Will simply use sit-for. "
+ (if (null secs)
+ (setq secs 1))
+ (while (not (sit-for secs))
+ (sit-for 1))
+ (message "tf-wait-until-idle DONE WAITING!")
+;;;Tue Jan 23 17:38:44 2001
+(defmacro tf-ignore-errors (&rest body)
+ "Like ignore-errors, but tells the error.."
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ (list 'condition-case err (cons 'progn body)
+ (list 'error
+ (list 'message
+ (list 'concat
+ (list 'error-message-string err)))))
+ ))
+(defvar tf-with-timeout-repeat-sec 0.01
+ "If the initial timeout fails because of inhibitedness, we shall
+check every this many seconds to see if we are uninhibited. This
+variable is customizable. ")
+(defun tf-with-timeout-handler-internal (tag timedoutvar inhibitp)
+ (set timedoutvar t)
+ ;;(tf-with-timeout-check tag timedoutvar inhibitp)
+ ;; which is equivalent to:
+ (unless (eval inhibitp)
+ (tf-ignore-errors (throw tag 'timeout)))
+ )
+(defun tf-with-timeout-check (inhibitp tag timedoutvar)
+ ;; check whether timeout has actually reached.
+ ;; we need this step because this function might be called by the
+ ;; user as well.
+ (when (eval timedoutvar)
+ (unless (eval inhibitp)
+ (tf-ignore-errors (throw tag 'timeout)))))
+(defvar tf-tag-tmpvar nil)
+(defmacro tf-catch (tag &rest body)
+ `(let
+ ;; unquote the tag here..
+ ((,(cadr tag) 'tf-catch))
+ (catch ,tag
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro tf-throw (tag value)
+ `(when (eql (eval ,tag) 'tf-catch)
+ (throw ,tag value)))
+(defmacro tf-with-timeout (inhibitp timertag timedoutvar tlist &rest body)
+ "Like `with-timeout' but provide ability to inhibit timeout during
+parts of the body. Note that most of the time, you may not need this
+functionality at all unless you want to be very 'clean' about
+things---you could get by with the regular with-timeout and not using
+sit-for's in the body. Or with the regular with-timeout and using
+Run BODY, but if it doesn't finish in SECONDS seconds, give up.
+If we give up, we run the TIMEOUT-FORMS which are contained in TLIST
+and return the value of the last one.
+The call should look like:
+ (tf-with-timeout quoted-expr (SECONDS TIMEOUT-FORMS...) BODY...)
+The timeout is checked whenever Emacs waits for some kind of external
+event \(such as keyboard input, input from subprocesses, or a certain time);
+if the program loops without waiting in any way, the timeout will not
+be detected. Furthermore:
+During the execution of the body, we SHALL NOT time out when INHIBITP
+evals to non-nil. Thus, for example, you might initially setq a
+variable my-var as nil, supply inhibitp as 'my-var, and then you may
+setq my-var to t or nil within the body of tf-with-timeout to enable
+or disable timeout. The best use of this functionality is to setq
+inhibitp to t when during parts of loops where you do not want the
+body broken within certain parts of the loop. (Of course, if that
+part of the loop does not contain any sit-for's or read's then you
+don't have to worry about this in the first place..)
+again, Do not forget my-var to some value before attempting to use this
+tf-with-timeout :)
+Here's an example:
+ (let ((myinhibit t))
+ (tf-with-timeout 'myinhibit 'mytag 'mytimedoutvar
+ (2 2)
+ (setq a nil)
+ (setq b nil)
+ (sit-for 4)
+ (setq a 4)
+ (setq myinhibit nil)
+ (sit-for 2)
+ (setq b 5)
+ ))
+The above example requests a timeout within 2 seconds. However, the
+timeout can takes place only when myinhibit is set to nil,
+which becomes true after about 4 seconds. Thus, after the execution of the
+body, a has the value 4, but b has the value nil.
+See `tf-test-timeout' for another example.
+Important Note: If the body of a loop tends to stay in a timeout
+inhibited region for most of the time, then make sure that the timeout
+enabled region atleast spans about 0.02 seconds.. thus, use (sleep-for
+0.02) if needed.. this is because we check every 0.01 seconds if an
+uninhibited timeout condition has been satisfied.
+But perhaps you do not want to include (sleep-for 0.02) because that
+wastes precious cpu time. Simple, don't include it, just after a long
+inhibited body, you can include a timeout check within the body
+instead of (sleep-for 0.02):
+ (tf-with-timeout-check 'mytag 'mytimedoutvar 'myinhibitp)
+Moreover, if that is the main check you rely on, you it perhaps makes
+sense to increase the value of tf-with-timeout-repeat-sec, so that
+your cpu cycles are not wasted every 0.01 sec. See the doc of that
+variable for more.
+Timertag should be a quoted symbol, also we WILL set that symbol to t
+during the execution of these forms.
+ (let ((seconds (car tlist))
+ (timeout-forms (cdr tlist)))
+ `(let (
+ ;;(with-timeout-tag (cons nil nil))
+ with-timeout-value with-timeout-timer)
+ (set ,timedoutvar nil)
+ (if (catch ,timertag
+ (progn
+ (setq with-timeout-timer
+ (run-with-timer ,seconds tf-with-timeout-repeat-sec
+ 'tf-with-timeout-handler-internal
+ ,timertag ,timedoutvar
+ ,inhibitp))
+ (setq with-timeout-value (progn ,@body))
+ nil))
+ (progn ,@timeout-forms)
+ (cancel-timer with-timeout-timer)
+ with-timeout-value))))
+(provide 'timerfunctions)
+;;;timerfunctions.el ends here.
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/translate.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/translate.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f60d9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/translate.el
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive Entry
+;; Package: translate
+;; Filename: translate.el
+;; Version: 0.01
+;; Keywords: natural language, language, translate, translation
+;; Author: Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+;; Maintainer: Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+;; Created: 2006-05-10
+;; Description: use gnome translate/libtranslate to translate text
+;; Compatibility: Emacs21, Emacs22
+;; Last modified: Fri 2006-05-12 02:52:44 +0100
+;; Based on work by:
+;; Deepak Goel <>
+;; Alejandro Benitez <>
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; You need to install libtranslate for this to work. The binary,
+;; translate and the library are provided (for example)
+;; in Ubuntu Dapper:
+(defvar translate-version "0.01")
+(defvar translate-pairs nil
+ "A cache for the language pairs. A list of entries of the form: \n
+ '((fromaliases) (toaliases) (types)).\n
+The first elements of fromaliases and toaliases are the canonical two letter
+language codes (possibly with a -XX country variant extension). Any remaining
+elements are human-readable aliases. (types) is a list of translation types,
+usually text, and occasionally web-page as well. No other types are currently
+(defvar translate-unsupported-langs '("he" "pap")
+ "Languages (two/three letter codes) that we cannot utf-8 encode yet.")
+(defgroup translate nil
+ "Translate natural languages using gnome translate (or workalikes)."
+ :group 'external
+ :prefix "translate-")
+(defcustom translate-program "translate"
+ "External translation program."
+ :group 'translate
+ :type '(choice string file))
+(defun translate-req-to-pair (from to)
+ "Taking a pair of string arguments, find a matching translation service
+and return it as a cons of the form (\"origin\" . \"dest\")"
+ (translate-load-pairs)
+ (let ( (code nil) )
+ (mapc (lambda (p) (if (and (member-ignore-case from (car p))
+ (member-ignore-case to (cadr p)))
+ (setq code (cons (caar p) (car (cadr p))) )) )
+ translate-pairs)
+ code))
+(defun translate-full-name (code-or-name)
+ "Return the full name of a language based on a code or one of its aliases."
+ (interactive "sLanguage (eg en or zh-TW): ")
+ (translate-load-pairs)
+ (let ((name nil) (lang nil) (ldata translate-pairs))
+ (while (and ldata (not name))
+ (setq lang (car ldata) ldata (cdr ldata))
+ (if (member-ignore-case code-or-name (car lang))
+ (setq lang (car lang))
+ (if (member-ignore-case code-or-name (cadr lang))
+ (setq lang (cadr lang))
+ (setq lang nil)))
+ (when lang
+ (setq name (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format "%s" l)) (cdr lang) " ")) ))
+ name))
+(defconst translate-pair-regex
+ (concat "^\\([a-z]\\{2,3\\}\\(?:-..\\)?\\)" ;; language code (from)
+ "\\s-+"
+ "(\\(.*\\))" ;; language names (from)
+ "\\s-+->\\s-+"
+ "\\([a-z]\\{2,3\\}\\(?:-..\\)?\\)" ;; language code (to)
+ "\\s-+"
+ "(\\(.*\\)):" ;; language aliases (to)
+ "\\s-+"
+ "\\(.*\\)")) ;; capabilities
+(defun translate-parse-pair (pair-line)
+ "Parse a line of output from `translate-program' --list-pairs, return
+an element for insertion into `translate-pairs'."
+ (if (string-match translate-pair-regex pair-line)
+ (let ( (from (match-string 1 pair-line))
+ (from-alias (match-string 2 pair-line))
+ (to (match-string 3 pair-line))
+ (to-alias (match-string 4 pair-line))
+ (cap (match-string 5 pair-line))
+ (cleanup (lambda (x) (replace-regexp-in-string ",.*" "" x)))
+ (from-names nil)
+ (to-names nil))
+ (setq from-alias (split-string from-alias ";")
+ to-alias (split-string to-alias ";")
+ from-alias (mapcar cleanup from-alias)
+ to-alias (mapcar cleanup to-alias )
+ cap (split-string cap ",\\s-+"))
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (let ((pos 0))
+ (while (setq pos (string-match "\\<\\(\\S-+\\)\\>" x pos))
+ (setq from-names (cons (match-string 1 x) from-names)
+ pos (match-end 1)) )))
+ from-alias)
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (let ((pos 0))
+ (while (setq pos (string-match "\\<\\(\\S-+\\)\\>" x pos))
+ (setq to-names (cons (match-string 1 x) to-names)
+ pos (match-end 1)) )))
+ to-alias)
+ (list (cons from from-names)
+ (cons to to-names ) cap))
+ (message "%S does not match.\n" pair-line) nil))
+(defun translate-load-pairs (&optional reload)
+ "Parse the output of `translate-program' -l into `translate-pairs'
+Called interactively with a prefix argument, or non-interactively with a
+non-nil reload argument, it will empty translate-pairs first. Otherwise,
+if translate-pairs has already been loaded, it will not do anything."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if reload (setq translate-pairs nil))
+ (when (not translate-pairs)
+ (let ( (y nil)
+ (pair-text (shell-command-to-string
+ (concat translate-program " -l"))) )
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (x)
+ (when (setq y (translate-parse-pair x))
+ (setq translate-pairs (cons y translate-pairs))))
+ (split-string pair-text "\n")) ))
+ translate-pairs)
+(defun translate-list-pairs (&optional from to)
+ "Return the subset of `translate-pairs' that matches the FROM and TO
+ (if (string-match "^\\(?:\*\\|any\\|-\\|\\)$" from) (setq from nil))
+ (if (string-match "^\\(?:\*\\|any\\|-\\|\\)$" to ) (setq to nil))
+ (if (not (translate-load-pairs))
+ (error "translate doesn't seem to have been setup - no languages found.")
+ (cond
+ ( (and (not from) (not to)) ;; neither end point specified
+ translate-pairs )
+ ( (or (not to) (not from)) ;; one end point specified
+ (let ( (op (if from 'car 'cadr))
+ (op2 (if from 'cadr 'car))
+ (s nil)
+ (fl (format "%s" (or from to))) )
+ (mapc (lambda (p) (if (member-ignore-case fl (funcall op p))
+ (setq s (cons p s))))
+ translate-pairs)
+ s ))
+ (t ;; fully spec'd translation
+ (let ( (s nil) (fl (format "%s" from)) (tl (format "%s" to )) )
+ (mapc (lambda (p)
+ (if (and (member-ignore-case fl (car p))
+ (member-ignore-case tl (cadr p)))
+ (setq s (cons p s)) ))
+ translate-pairs)
+ s) )) ))
+(defun translate (from to &rest text)
+ "Given a language code or language name for the origin and destination
+languages FROM and TO (see `translate-pairs') and some TEXT, returns a string
+containing the translated text from `translate-program' (gnome translate
+or a work-alike). If an error occurs, either internally or while invoking
+`translate-program', signals an `error' instead."
+ (setq text (mapconcat #'(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg)) text " "))
+ ;; =======================================================================
+ ;; we might have to force the locale, according to the translate docs,
+ ;; but this doesn't actually seem to be necessary at the moment.
+ ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; call-process should use utf-8, that's what libtranslate wants: hence
+ ;; we set process-coding-system-alist.
+ ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (let ( (from-lang (format "%s" from))
+ (to-lang (format "%s" to))
+ (translation nil) ;; translated text, or libtranslate error
+ (code nil) ;; cons of (origin-lang . dest-lang)
+ (status nil) );; return code of command. 0 => success.
+ (setq code (translate-req-to-pair from-lang to-lang)
+ from (car code)
+ to (cdr code))
+ (cond
+ ( (not code)
+ (error "%s -> %s: no matching translation services found.\n"
+ (or (translate-full-name from-lang) from-lang)
+ (or (translate-full-name to-lang ) to-lang )) )
+ ( (member (car code) translate-unsupported-langs)
+ (error "Sorry, unicode support for %s is not yet complete."
+ (translate-full-name from-lang)) )
+ ( (member (cdr code) translate-unsupported-langs)
+ (error "Sorry, unicode support for %s is not yet complete."
+ (translate-full-name to-lang)) )
+ ( t
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ( (lc-all (getenv "LC_ALL"))
+ (lang (getenv "LANG"))
+ (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
+ (coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
+ (process-coding-system-alist '("." . utf-8)) )
+ (insert text)
+ (setenv "LC_ALL" nil)
+ (setenv "LANG" "en_GB.UTF-8")
+ (setq status
+ (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ translate-program
+ :delete-input (current-buffer) nil
+ "-f" from "-t" to)
+ translation (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+ (point-max)))
+ (setenv "LANG" lang)
+ (setenv "LC_ALL" lc-all)
+ )) ))
+ (if (/= 0 status)
+ (error "%d - %s" status translation))
+ translation ))
+(provide 'translate)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/units.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/units.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e06793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/units.el
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+;;; UNITS.EL --- units conversion
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 Linh Dang
+;; Author: Linh Dang <linhd@>
+;; Maintainer: Linh Dang <linhd@>
+;; Created: 16 Sep 2002
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; Keywords: conversion
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from this
+;; program's author (send electronic mail to <linhd@>) or from the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
+;; USA.
+;; LCD Archive Entry:
+;; units|Linh Dang|<linhd@>
+;; |units conversion
+;; |$Date: 2006/01/05 18:52:02 $|$Revision: 1.1 $|~/packages/units.el
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Dirty hack to do units conversion using units.dat from units package.
+;; likely buggy. Fixes/patches/flames/comments are welcome.
+;; only tested on ntemacs 21.2
+;;; Change log:
+;; $Log: units.el,v $
+;; Revision 1.1 2006/01/05 18:52:02 mwolson
+;; Revision:
+;; Add units.el to contrib directory.
+;; * contrib/units.el: Newly-added file that is recommended on the
+;; ErbotInstallation page of
+;; Revision 1.8 2002/09/17 11:34:13 linhd
+;; huh
+;; Revision 1.7 2002/09/17 11:27:57 linhd
+;; clean
+;; Revision 1.6 2002/09/16 18:48:31 linhd
+;; ok
+;; Revision 1.5 2002/09/16 16:27:33 linhd
+;; works
+;; Revision 1.4 2002/09/16 16:21:31 linhd
+;; seems to work
+;; Revision 1.3 2002/09/16 14:41:38 linhd
+;; good
+;; Revision 1.2 2002/09/16 14:21:22 linhd
+;; huh
+;; Revision 1.1 2002/09/16 14:07:59 linhd
+;; Initial revision
+;;; Code:
+(defconst units-version (substring "$Revision: 1.1 $" 11 -2)
+ "$Id: units.el,v 1.1 2006/01/05 18:52:02 mwolson Exp $
+Report bugs to: Linh Dang <linhd@>")
+(defvar units-load-hook nil
+ "*Hooks run after loading units.")
+(defcustom units-dat-file "/usr/share/units/units.dat"
+ "Dat file for UNITS."
+ :group 'emacs
+ :type '(file :must-match t))
+(defun units-buffer () (find-file-noselect units-dat-file))
+(defun units-s-to-n (s)
+ "convert a quantity string in units.dat to a number."
+ (if (memq ?| (mapcar 'identity s))
+ (apply '/ (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string s "|")))
+ (string-to-number s)))
+(defun units-prefix-convert (prefix)
+ "convert PREFIX such as centi or mega to a number."
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" prefix "\\s-+\\(\\S-+\\)\\(\\s-+#?\\)?") nil t)
+ (if (= (units-s-to-n (match-string-no-properties 1)) 0)
+ (units-prefix-convert (concat (match-string-no-properties 1) "-"))
+ (units-s-to-n (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+ 0))
+(defvar units-si-prefix-list
+ '("yotta" "zetta" "exa" "peta" "tera" "giga" "mega" "myria" "kilo"
+ "hecto" "deca" "deka" "deci" "centi" "milli" "micro" "nano" "pico"
+ "femto" "atto" "zepto" "yocto" "quarter" "semi" "demi" "hemi"
+ "half" "double" "triple" "treble" )
+ "multi-char prefixes used in SI.")
+(defvar units-si-short-prefix-list
+ '(?Y ?Z ?E ?P ?T ?G ?M ?k ?h ?d ?c ?m ?n ?p ?f ?a ?z ?y)
+ "single car prefixes used in SI (not including da)")
+(defun units-convert-1 (in quantity out)
+ "convert QUANTITY in IN units to OUT units.
+return the amount in OUT units. This function assumed that
+the current buffer contains units.dat."
+ (if (or (= quantity 0) (string-equal in out))
+ quantity
+ (let (n next prefix)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward
+ (concat "^" in
+ "\\> +\\(\\([a-zA-Z]\\S-*\\)\\|!\\|\\([0-9]\\S-*\\) +\\([a-zA-Z]\\S-*\\)\\)")
+ nil t)
+ (cond ((match-beginning 4)
+ (setq next (match-string-no-properties 4))
+ (setq n (units-s-to-n (match-string-no-properties 3)))
+ (if (string-equal next out)
+ (* n quantity)
+ (units-convert-1 next (* n quantity) out)))
+ ((match-beginning 2)
+ (setq next (match-string-no-properties 2))
+ (if (string-equal next out)
+ quantity
+ (units-convert-1 next quantity out)) )
+ ((string-equal (match-string-no-properties 1) "!")
+ (/ quantity (units-convert-1 out 1 in)))
+ (t
+ (error "internal error 1") ))
+ (unless (or (and (= (length in) 2)
+ (memq (aref in 0) units-si-short-prefix-list)
+ (setq prefix (concat (list (aref in 0) ?-))
+ in (substring in 1)))
+ (and (= (length in) 3)
+ (= (aref in 0) ?d)
+ (= (aref in 1) ?a)
+ (setq prefix "da-"
+ in (substring in 2)))
+ (and (progn
+ (mapcar (lambda (pre)
+ (if (string-match (concat "\\`" pre) in)
+ (setq prefix (concat (match-string 0 in) "-")
+ in (substring in (match-end 0)))))
+ units-si-prefix-list)
+ prefix)))
+ (error "don't know how to convert %g %s to %s" quantity in out))
+ (setq quantity (* (units-prefix-convert prefix) quantity))
+ (if (= quantity 0)
+ (error "don't know how to handle %s" prefix)
+ (units-convert-1 in quantity out))))))
+(defun units-convert (in quantity out)
+ "command to convert QUANTITY in IN units to OUT units."
+ (interactive "sinput unit: \nnquantity: \nsoutput unit: ")
+ (let ((buffer (units-buffer)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (toggle-read-only 1)
+ (message "%g %s = %g %s" quantity in
+ (units-convert-1 in quantity out) out))))
+(provide 'units)
+(run-hooks 'units-load-hook)
+;;; UNITS.EL ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/contrib/wtf.el b/elisp/erbot/contrib/wtf.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..201b179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/contrib/wtf.el
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+;;; wtf.el --- Look up conversational and computing acronyms
+;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Michael Olson
+;; Author: Michael Olson <>
+;; Date: Wed 16-May-2007
+;; Version: 2.0
+;; URL:
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; wtf.el provides the ability to look up the definitions of popular
+;; conversational and computing acronyms.
+;; * Use:
+;; To use this, move to an unknown acronym in a buffer and type
+;; the following:
+;; M-x wtf-is RET
+;; The `wtf-is' function may also be called noninteractively, and it
+;; will return a string (or nil) rather than displaying a message.
+;; To add a custom acronym definition, either customize
+;; `wtf-custom-alist' or do:
+;; M-x wtf-add RET <acronym> RET <definition> RET
+;; To remove a custom acronym definition, or mark a pre-defined
+;; acronym as "removed" in the case that no custom acronym definition
+;; exists in `wtf-custom-alist' for that acronym, do:
+;; M-x wtf-remove RET <acronym> RET
+;; To mark a pre-defined acronym as "removed", without checking first
+;; to see whether it is in `wtf-custom-alist', customize the
+;; `wtf-removed-acronyms' option.
+;; If you add a custom acronym definition, and feel it to be worth
+;; sharing, you are encouraged to contact <> via email,
+;; providing the acronym and its definition. This increases the
+;; chance that it will appear in future versions of wtf.el.
+;; * Legalese:
+;; Many of the acronym definitions were downloaded from
+;; No copyright
+;; notice was included, but the intent of the original author was to
+;; put these acronym definitions in the public domain. This was
+;; deduced from several emails sent to the authors of these files.
+;; Additionally, the original data files use a specific syntax which
+;; does not allow for a copyright notice.
+;; The original program that uses these files in NetBSD
+;; ( is in the
+;; public domain.
+;; * Acknowledgments:
+;; Thanks to Trent Buck for `emacs-wiki-wtf.el', which inspired the
+;; creation of `wtf.el'.
+;;; History:
+;; 2.0:
+;; - Add the `wtf-custom-alist' option, the `wtf-add' interactive
+;; function to add acronyms to it, and the `wtf-remove' interactive
+;; function to remove acronyms from it. Thanks to Andreas Roehler
+;; for the suggestion.
+;; - Add a few acronyms that were scavenged from various forum FAQ
+;; pages.
+;; - Handle multiple definitions for a single acronym more
+;; intuitively. The text separator used in this case may be changed
+;; by customizing the `wtf-def-separator' option.
+;; 1.1-1.4:
+;; - Fix a bug with completions in Emacs 21, thanks to Ehud Karni.
+;; - Add additional acronyms and re-sync with the NetBSD acronym list.
+;; 1.0: Initial release.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cus-edit))
+(defgroup wtf nil
+ "Options controlling the behavior of the wtf program.
+wtf provides the `wtf-is' command, which looks up the definition
+of the acronym at point."
+ :group 'convenience)
+(defcustom wtf-custom-alist nil
+ "Custom mappings of acronyms to definitions used by `wtf-is'.
+The acronym should be uppercase, and the definition may be either
+lowercase or mixed case. If mixed case, it will not be modified,
+otherwise initial letters will be capitalized.
+These definitions are consulted after those in `wtf-alist'.
+This variable can also be manipulated interactively by using
+ :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Acronym")
+ (string :tag "Definition")))
+ :group 'wtf)
+(defcustom wtf-removed-acronyms nil
+ "Acronyms which exist in `wtf-alist' but should be ignored by `wtf-is'.
+Each acronym should be in uppercase.
+This is an easy way of removing an acronym that is felt to be
+wrong or irrelevant.
+This variable can also be manipulated interactively by using
+ :type '(repeat (string :tag "Acronym"))
+ :group 'wtf)
+(defcustom wtf-def-separator ", or "
+ "Separator used when an acronym has two or more definitions."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'wtf)
+(defvar wtf-alist
+ '(;; $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.164 2007/01/31 18:37:07 elad Exp $
+ ("AFAIC" . "as far as i'm concerned")
+ ("AFAICR" . "as far as i can recall")
+ ("AFAICT" . "as far as i can tell")
+ ("AFAIK" . "as far as i know")
+ ("AFAIR" . "as far as i recall")
+ ("AFAIU" . "as far as i understand")
+ ("AFD" . "away from desktop")
+ ("AFK" . "away from keyboard")
+ ("AFU" . "all fucked up")
+ ("AFW" . "away from window")
+ ("AIU" . "as i understand")
+ ("AIUI" . "as i understand it")
+ ("AKA" . "also known as")
+ ("ASAIC" . "as soon as i can")
+ ("ASAP" . "as soon as possible")
+ ("ATM" . "at the moment")
+ ("AWOL" . "absent without official leave")
+ ("AYBABTU" . "all your base are belong to us")
+ ("AYT" . "are you there")
+ ("B/C" . "because")
+ ("B/S" . "bullshit")
+ ("B/W" . "between")
+ ("BBIAB" . "be back in a bit")
+ ("BBL" . "[I'll] Be Back Later")
+ ("BBS" . "be back soon")
+ ("BBT" . "be back tomorrow")
+ ("BFD" . "big fucking deal")
+ ("BIAB" . "back in a bit")
+ ("BIAF" . "back in a few")
+ ("BIALW" . "back in a little while")
+ ("BIAS" . "back in a second")
+ ("BIAW" . "back in a while")
+ ("BOATILAS" . "bend over and take it like a slut")
+ ("BOFH" . "bastard operator from hell")
+ ("BOGAHICA" . "bend over, grab ankles, here it comes again")
+ ("BOHICA" . "bend over here it comes again")
+ ("BRB" . "[I'll] Be Right Back")
+ ("BS" . "bullshit")
+ ("BTDT" . "been there, done that")
+ ("BTTH" . "boot to the head")
+ ("BTW" . "by the way")
+ ("CMIIW" . "correct me if i'm wrong")
+ ("CNP" . "continued [in my] next post")
+ ("COB" . "close of business [day]")
+ ("COTS" . "commercial off-the-shelf")
+ ("CYA" . "see you around")
+ ("D/L" . "download")
+ ("DGAS" . "don't give a shit")
+ ("DIY" . "do it yourself")
+ ("DKDC" . "don't know, don't care")
+ ("DSTM" . "don't shoot the messenger")
+ ("DTRT" . "do the right thing")
+ ("DTWT" . "do the wrong thing")
+ ("DWIM" . "do what i mean")
+ ("EG" . "evil grin")
+ ("EMSG" . "email message")
+ ("EOB" . "end of business [day]")
+ ("EOD" . "end of discussion")
+ ("EOL" . "end of life")
+ ("ETA" . "estimated time of arrival")
+ ("ETLA" . "extended three letter acronym")
+ ("EWAG" . "experienced wild-ass guess")
+ ("FAQ" . "frequently asked question")
+ ("FCFS" . "first come first served")
+ ("FIGJAM" . "fuck i'm good, just ask me")
+ ("FIIK" . "fuck[ed] if i know")
+ ("FIIR" . "fuck[ed] if i remember")
+ ("FM" . "fucking magic")
+ ("FOAD" . "fall over and die")
+ ("FOS" . "full of shit")
+ ("FSDO" . "for some definition of")
+ ("FSVO" . "for some value of")
+ ("FTFM" . "fuck the fuckin' manual!")
+ ("FTL" . "for the loss")
+ ("FTW" . "for the win")
+ ("FUBAR" . "fucked up beyond all recognition")
+ ("FUD" . "fear, uncertainty and doubt")
+ ("FWIW" . "for what it's worth")
+ ("FYI" . "for your information")
+ ("G" . "grin")
+ ("G/C" . "garbage collect")
+ ("GAC" . "get a clue")
+ ("GAL" . "get a life")
+ ("GIGO" . "garbage in, garbage out")
+ ("GMTA" . "great minds think alike")
+ ("GTFO" . "get the fuck out")
+ ("GTG" . "got to go")
+ ("GWS" . "get well soon")
+ ("HAND" . "have a nice day")
+ ("HHIS" . "hanging head in shame")
+ ("HICA" . "here it comes again")
+ ("HTH" . "hope this helps")
+ ("IAC" . "in any case")
+ ("IANAL" . "i am not a lawyer")
+ ("IC" . "i see")
+ ("ICBW" . "i could be wrong")
+ ("ICCL" . "i couldn't care less")
+ ("IHAFC" . "i haven't a fucking clue")
+ ("IHBW" . "i have been wrong")
+ ("IHNFC" . "i have no fucking clue")
+ ("IIANM" . "if i am not mistaken")
+ ("IIRC" . "if i recall correctly")
+ ("IIUC" . "if i understand correctly")
+ ("IMAO" . "in my arrogant opinion")
+ ("IMCO" . "in my considered opinion")
+ ("IMHO" . "in my humble opinion")
+ ("IMNSHO" . "in my not so humble opinion")
+ ("IMO" . "in my opinion")
+ ("IOW" . "in other words")
+ ("IRL" . "in real life")
+ ("ISAGN" . "i see a great need")
+ ("ISTM" . "it seems to me")
+ ("ISTR" . "i seem to recall")
+ ("ITYM" . "i think you mean")
+ ("IWBNI" . "it would be nice if")
+ ("IYSS" . "if you say so")
+ ("J/K" . "just kidding")
+ ("JHD" . "just hit ``delete''")
+ ("JIC" . "just in case")
+ ("JK" . "just kidding")
+ ("JMO" . "just my opinion")
+ ("JSYK" . "just so you know")
+ ("JTLYK" . "just to let you know")
+ ("KISS" . "keep it simple, stupid")
+ ("KITA" . "kick in the ass")
+ ("KNF" . "kernel normal form")
+ ("L8R" . "later")
+ ("LART" . "luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)")
+ ("LBNL" . "last but not least")
+ ("LGTM" . "looks good to me")
+ ("LJBF" . "let's just be friends")
+ ("LMAO" . "laughing my ass off")
+ ("LMSO" . "laughing my socks off")
+ ("LOL" . "laughing out loud")
+ ("LTNS" . "long time no see")
+ ("MIA" . "missing in action")
+ ("MOTAS" . "member of the appropriate sex")
+ ("MOTOS" . "member of the opposite sex")
+ ("MOTSS" . "member of the same sex")
+ ("MTF" . "more to follow")
+ ("MYOB" . "mind your own business")
+ ("N/M" . "never mind")
+ ("NBD" . "no big deal")
+ ("NFC" . "no fucking clue")
+ ("NFI" . "no fucking idea")
+ ("NFW" . "no fucking way")
+ ("NIH" . "not invented here")
+ ("NMF" . "not my fault")
+ ("NMP" . "not my problem")
+ ("NOYB" . "none of your business")
+ ("NOYFB" . "none of your fucking business")
+ ("NP" . "no problem")
+ ("NRFPT" . "not ready for prime time")
+ ("NRN" . "no reply necessary")
+ ("NSFW" . "not suitable for work")
+ ("OIC" . "oh, i see")
+ ("OMG" . "oh, my god")
+ ("OT" . "off topic")
+ ("OTL" . "out to lunch")
+ ("OTOH" . "on the other hand")
+ ("OTT" . "over the top")
+ ("OTTOMH" . "off the top of my head")
+ ("PDQ" . "pretty darn quick")
+ ("PEBKAC" . "problem exists between keyboard and chair")
+ ("PFO" . "please fuck off")
+ ("PFY" . "pimply faced youth")
+ ("PITA" . "pain in the ass")
+ ("PKSP" . "pound keys and spew profanity")
+ ("PNG" . "persona non grata")
+ ("PNP" . "plug and pray")
+ ("POC" . "point of contact")
+ ("POLA" . "principle of least astonishment")
+ ("POLS" . "principle of least surprise")
+ ("POS" . "piece of shit")
+ ("PPL" . "pretty please")
+ ("PTV" . "parental tunnel vision")
+ ("QED" . "quod erat demonstrandum")
+ ("RFC" . "request for comments")
+ ("RIP" . "rest in peace")
+ ("RL" . "real life")
+ ("RLC" . "rod length check")
+ ("ROFL" . "rolling on floor laughing")
+ ("ROFLMAO" . "rolling on floor laughing my ass off")
+ ("ROTFL" . "rolling on the floor laughing")
+ ("RP" . "responsible person")
+ ("RSN" . "real soon now")
+ ("RTFB" . "read the fine/fucking book")
+ ("RTFC" . "read the fine/fucking code")
+ ("RTFD" . "read the fine/fucking documentation")
+ ("RTFM" . "read the fine/fucking manual")
+ ("RTFMP" . "read the fine/fucking man page")
+ ("RTFS" . "read the fine/fucking source")
+ ("SCNR" . "sorry, could not resist")
+ ("SEP" . "someone else's problem")
+ ("SFA" . "sweet fuck all")
+ ("SHID" . "slaps head in disgust")
+ ("SIMCA" . "sitting in my chair amused")
+ ("SMLSFB" . "so many losers, so few bullets")
+ ("SMOP" . "simple matter of programming")
+ ("SNAFU" . "situation normal, all fucked up")
+ ("SNERT" . "snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager")
+ ("SNMP" . "sorry, not my problem")
+ ("SNR" . "signal to noise ratio")
+ ("SO" . "significant other")
+ ("SOB" . "son of [a] bitch")
+ ("SOL" . "shit out [of] luck")
+ ("SOP" . "standard operating procedure")
+ ("SSIA" . "subject says it all")
+ ("SSTO" . "single stage to orbit")
+ ("STFA" . "search the fucking archives")
+ ("STFU" . "shut the fuck up")
+ ("STFW" . "search the fucking web")
+ ("SUS" . "stupid user syndrome")
+ ("SWAG" . "silly, wild-assed guess")
+ ("SWAHBI" . "silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea")
+ ("SWFG" . "search with fucking google")
+ ("SWMBO" . "she who must be obeyed")
+ ("TANSTAAFL" . "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch")
+ ("TBC" . "to be continued")
+ ("TBD" . "to be {decided,determined,done}")
+ ("TBH" . "to be honest")
+ ("TBOMK" . "the best of my knowledge")
+ ("THNX" . "thanks")
+ ("THX" . "thanks")
+ ("TIA" . "thanks in advance")
+ ("TINC" . "there is no cabal")
+ ("TLA" . "three letter acronym")
+ ("TLC" . "tender loving care")
+ ("TLDR" . "too long, didn't read")
+ ("TMA" . "too many abbreviations")
+ ("TMI" . "too much information")
+ ("TMTOWTDI" . "there's more than one way to do it")
+ ("TNF" . "The NetBSD Foundation")
+ ("TOEFL" . "test of english as a foreign language")
+ ("TPTB" . "the powers that be")
+ ("TRT" . "the right thing")
+ ("TTBOMK" . "to the best of my knowledge")
+ ("TTFN" . "ta ta for now")
+ ("TTYL" . "talk to you later")
+ ("TWIAVBP" . "the world is a very big place")
+ ("TY" . "thank you")
+ ("TYVM" . "thank you very much")
+ ("U/L" . "upload")
+ ("UTSL" . "use the source, luke")
+ ("VEG" . "very evil grin")
+ ("W/" . "with")
+ ("W/O" . "without")
+ ("WAG" . "wild-ass guess")
+ ("WB" . "welcome back")
+ ("WFH" . "working from home")
+ ("WFM" . "works for me")
+ ("WIBNI" . "wouldn't it be nice if")
+ ("WIP" . "work in progress")
+ ("WOFTAM" . "waste of fucking time and money")
+ ("WOMBAT" . "waste of money, brain, and time")
+ ("WRT" . "with respect to")
+ ("WTF" . "{what,where,who,why} the fuck")
+ ("WTH" . "{what,where,who,why} the hell")
+ ("WYSIWYG" . "what you see is what you get")
+ ("YALIMO" . "you are lame, in my opinion")
+ ("YHBT" . "you have been trolled")
+ ("YHL" . "you have lost")
+ ("YKWIM" . "you know what i mean")
+ ("YMA" . "yo momma's ass")
+ ("YMMV" . "your mileage may vary")
+ ("YW" . "you're welcome")
+ ;; $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.72 2007/01/19
+ ("3WHS" . "three-way handshake")
+ ("ABI" . "application binary interface")
+ ("ACL" . "access control list")
+ ("ACPI" . "advanced configuration and power interface")
+ ("ADC" . "analog [to] digital converter")
+ ("ADPCM" . "adaptive differential pulse code modulation")
+ ("ADSL" . "asymmetric digital subscriber line")
+ ("AGP" . "accelerated graphics port")
+ ("AM" . "amplitude modulation")
+ ("AMI" . "alternate mark inversion")
+ ("ANSI" . "american national standards institute")
+ ("AP" . "access point")
+ ("API" . "application programming interface")
+ ("APIC" . "advanced programmable interrupt controller")
+ ("ARP" . "address resolution protocol")
+ ("ARQ" . "automatic repeat request")
+ ("AS" . "autonomous system")
+ ("ASCII" . "american standard code for information interchange")
+ ("ASN" . "autonomous system number")
+ ("AT" . "advanced technology")
+ ("ATA" . "advanced technology attachment")
+ ("ATAPI" . "advanced technology attachment packet interface")
+ ("ATC" . "address translation cache")
+ ("ATM" . "asynchronous transfer mode")
+ ("ATX" . "advanced technology extended")
+ ("BEDO" . "burst extended data output")
+ ("BER" . "basic encoding rules")
+ ("BER" . "bit error rate")
+ ("BGP" . "border gateway protocol")
+ ("BIOS" . "basic input/output system")
+ ("BLOB" . "binary large object")
+ ("BPS" . "bits per second")
+ ("BQS" . "berkeley quality software")
+ ("BSD" . "berkeley software distribution")
+ ("CAD" . "computer-aided design")
+ ("CARP" . "common address redundancy protocol")
+ ("CAV" . "Constant Angular Velocity (as opposed to CLV)")
+ ("CCD" . "charge coupled device")
+ ("CD" . "compact disc")
+ ("CDDA" . "compact disc digital audio")
+ ("CDRAM" . "cache dynamic random access memory")
+ ("CER" . "canonical encoding rules")
+ ("CGA" . "color graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("CGI" . "common gateway interface")
+ ("CHS" . "cylinder/head/sector")
+ ("CIDR" . "classless inter-domain routing")
+ ("CIS" . "contact image sensor")
+ ("CLI" . "command line interface")
+ ("CLUT" . "color look-up table")
+ ("CLV" . "Constant Linear Velocity (as opposed to CAV)")
+ ("CMYK" . "cyan magenta yellow black")
+ ("COFF" . "common object file format")
+ ("COW" . "copy-on-write")
+ ("CPU" . "central processing unit")
+ ("CRLF" . "carriage return line feed")
+ ("CRT" . "cathode ray tube")
+ ("CSMA" . "carrier sense multiple access")
+ ("CSMA/CA" . "carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance")
+ ("CSMA/CD" . "carrier sense multiple access with collision detection")
+ ("CSS" . "cascading style sheets")
+ ("CTS" . "clear to send")
+ ("CVS" . "concurrent versions system")
+ ("DAC" . "digital [to] analog converter")
+ ("DCE" . "data control equipment")
+ ("DCE" . "distributed computing environment")
+ ("DCT" . "discrete cosine transform")
+ ("DDC" . "display data channel")
+ ("DDR" . "double data rate")
+ ("DDWG" . "digital display working group")
+ ("DER" . "distinguished encoding rules")
+ ("DFT" . "discrete fourier transform")
+ ("DHCP" . "dynamic host configuration protocol")
+ ("DIFS" . "distributed inter-frame space")
+ ("DLE" . "data link escape")
+ ("DMA" . "direct memory access")
+ ("DNS" . "domain name system")
+ ("DOS" . "denial of service")
+ ("DPCM" . "differential pulse code modulation")
+ ("DPD" . "dead peer detection")
+ ("DPI" . "dots per inch")
+ ("DRAM" . "dynamic random access memory")
+ ("DSL" . "digital subscriber line")
+ ("DSSS" . "direct sequence spread spectrum")
+ ("DTD" . "document type definition")
+ ("DTE" . "data terminal equipment")
+ ("DTE" . "dumb terminal emulator")
+ ("DVD" . "digital versatile disc")
+ ("DVI" . "digital visual interface")
+ ("E-XER" . "Extended XML encoding Rules")
+ ("EAP" . "extensible authentication protocol")
+ ("ECP" . "enhanced capability port")
+ ("EDID" . "extended display identification data")
+ ("EDO" . "extended data out")
+ ("EEPROM" . "electrically erasable programmable read only memory")
+ ("EFI" . "extensible firmware interface")
+ ("EFM" . "eight to fourteen modulation")
+ ("EGA" . "enhanced graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("EGP" . "exterior gateway protocol")
+ ("EISA" . "extended industry standard architecture")
+ ("ELF" . "executable and linking format")
+ ("EOF" . "end of file")
+ ("EOT" . "end of transmission")
+ ("EPP" . "enhanced parallel port")
+ ("EPRML" . "extended partial response, maximum likelihood")
+ ("EPROM" . "erasable programmable read only memory")
+ ("ESDRAM" . "enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory")
+ ("FAT" . "file allocation table")
+ ("FBRAM" . "frame buffer random access memory")
+ ("FCS" . "frame check sequence")
+ ("FDDI" . "fiber distributed data interface")
+ ("FFS" . "fast file system")
+ ("FHSS" . "frequency hop spread spectrum")
+ ("FIR" . "fast infrared")
+ ("FLOPS" . "floating [point] operations per second")
+ ("FM" . "frequency modulation")
+ ("FPM" . "fast page mode")
+ ("FQDN" . "fully qualified domain name")
+ ("FTP" . "file transfer protocol")
+ ("FTPS" . "file transfer protocol, secure")
+ ("GC" . "garbage collector")
+ ("GCR" . "group-coded recording")
+ ("GIF" . "graphics interchange format")
+ ("GNU" . "GNU's Not UNIX")
+ ("GPL" . "GNU/General Public License")
+ ("GPU" . "graphics processing unit")
+ ("GRE" . "generic routing encapsulation")
+ ("GUI" . "graphics user interface")
+ ("HDCP" . "high-bandwidth digital content protection")
+ ("HTML" . "hyper-text markup language")
+ ("HTTP" . "hyper-text transfer protocol")
+ ("HTTPS" . "hyper-text transfer protocol, secure")
+ ("I2O" . "intelligent input/output")
+ ("IANA" . "internet assigned number authority")
+ ("IC" . "integrated circuit")
+ ("ICB" . "internet citizen's band")
+ ("ICMP" . "internet control message protocol")
+ ("IDE" . "integrated drive electronics")
+ ("IDRP" . "inter-domain routing protocol")
+ ("IEC" . "international electrotechnical commission")
+ ("IEEE" . "institute [of] electrical [and] electronics engineers")
+ ("IESG" . "internet engineering steering group")
+ ("IETF" . "internet engineering task force")
+ ("IGP" . "interior gateway protocol")
+ ("IKE" . "internet key exchange")
+ ("IMAP" . "internet mail access protocol")
+ ("INCITS" . "international committee on information technology standards")
+ ("IO" . "input/output")
+ ("IOCTL" . "input/output control")
+ ("IP" . "internet protocol")
+ ("IPC" . "interprocess communication")
+ ("IPNG" . "internet protocol, next generation")
+ ("IPSEC" . "internet protocol security")
+ ("IRC" . "internet relay chat")
+ ("IRQ" . "interrupt request")
+ ("IRTF" . "internet research task force")
+ ("ISA" . "industry standard architecture")
+ ("ISDN" . "integrated services digital network")
+ ("ISI" . "inter-symbol interference")
+ ("ISM" . "industrial, scientific and medical")
+ ("ISN" . "initial serial number")
+ ("ISO" . "international standards organization")
+ ("ISOC" . "internet society")
+ ("ISP" . "internet service provider")
+ ("JPEG" . "joint photographic experts group")
+ ("KPI" . "kernel programming interface")
+ ("KVA" . "kernel virtual address")
+ ("KVM" . "keyboard, video, mouse switch")
+ ("LAN" . "local area network")
+ ("LBA" . "logical block addressing")
+ ("LCD" . "liquid crystal display")
+ ("LCP" . "link control protocol")
+ ("LDAP" . "lightweight directory access protocol")
+ ("LED" . "light emitting diode")
+ ("LIR" . "local internet registry")
+ ("LKM" . "{linux, loadable} kernel module")
+ ("LLC" . "logical link control")
+ ("LRC" . "longitudinal redundancy check")
+ ("LSB" . "least significant {bit,byte}")
+ ("LSB" . "linux standards base")
+ ("LUN" . "logical unit number")
+ ("LZW" . "Lempel Ziv Welch")
+ ("MAC" . "medium access control")
+ ("MBR" . "master boot record")
+ ("MDRAM" . "multibank dynamic random access memory")
+ ("MFM" . "modified frequency modulation")
+ ("MIDI" . "musical instrument digital interface")
+ ("MIME" . "multipurpose internet mail extensions")
+ ("MIPS" . "million instructions per second")
+ ("MMU" . "memory management unit")
+ ("MPEG" . "moving picture experts group")
+ ("MPLS" . "multiprotocol label switching")
+ ("MSB" . "most significant {bit,byte}")
+ ("MSF" . "minutes seconds frames")
+ ("MSS" . "maximum segment size")
+ ("MTA" . "mail transfer agent")
+ ("MTU" . "maximum transmission unit")
+ ("MUA" . "mail user agent")
+ ("MWE" . "module width encoding")
+ ("NAT" . "network address translation")
+ ("NAV" . "network allocation vector")
+ ("NCP" . "network control protocol")
+ ("NCQ" . "native command queuing")
+ ("NFS" . "network file system")
+ ("NIC" . "network interface card")
+ ("NIS" . "network information service")
+ ("NRZ" . "non-return to zero")
+ ("NUMA" . "non uniform memory access")
+ ("OCL" . "object constraint language")
+ ("OCR" . "optical character recognition")
+ ("OEM" . "original equipment manufacturer")
+ ("OFDM" . "orthogonal frequency division multiplexing")
+ ("OSF" . "open software foundation")
+ ("OSI" . "open systems interconnection")
+ ("OSI" . "open-source initiative")
+ ("OSPF" . "open shortest path first")
+ ("OTP" . "one time password")
+ ("PAM" . "pluggable authentication modules")
+ ("PAM" . "pulse amplitude modulation")
+ ("PAT" . "port address translation")
+ ("PAX" . "portable archive exchange")
+ ("PC" . "personal computer")
+ ("PCI" . "peripheral component interconnect")
+ ("PCM" . "pulse code modulation")
+ ("PCMCIA" . "personal computer memory card international association")
+ ("PDP" . "page descriptor page")
+ ("PDU" . "protocol data unit")
+ ("PER" . "packed encoding rules")
+ ("PERL" . "practical extraction [and] report language")
+ ("PFS" . "perfect forward secrecy")
+ ("PGP" . "pretty good privacy")
+ ("PIC" . "programmable interrupt controller")
+ ("PID" . "process id")
+ ("PIN" . "personal identification number")
+ ("PIO" . "programmed input/output")
+ ("PLL" . "phase locked loop")
+ ("PMT" . "photo-multiplier tube")
+ ("PNG" . "portable network graphics")
+ ("POP" . "post office protocol")
+ ("POSIX" . "Portable Operating System Interface [for] UNIX")
+ ("POST" . "power on self test")
+ ("POTS" . "plain old telephone system")
+ ("PPP" . "point-to-point protocol")
+ ("PPPOA" . "point-to-point protocol over ATM")
+ ("PPPOE" . "point-to-point protocol over ethernet")
+ ("PRML" . "partial response, maximum likelihood")
+ ("PROM" . "programmable read only memory")
+ ("PSK" . "pre-shared key")
+ ("PSTN" . "public switched telephone network")
+ ("PTE" . "page table entry")
+ ("PTLA" . "pseudo top level aggregator")
+ ("PTP" . "page table page")
+ ("PWM" . "pulse width modulation")
+ ("QOS" . "quality of service")
+ ("RAID" . "redundant array of inexpensive disks")
+ ("RAM" . "random access memory")
+ ("RCS" . "revision control system")
+ ("RGB" . "red green blue")
+ ("RIFF" . "Resource Interchange File Format")
+ ("RIP" . "routing information protocol")
+ ("RIR" . "regional internet registry")
+ ("RISC" . "reduced instruction set computing")
+ ("RLE" . "run length encoding")
+ ("RLL" . "run length limited")
+ ("ROM" . "read only memory")
+ ("RPM" . "revolutions per minute")
+ ("RTF" . "rich text format")
+ ("RTS" . "request to send")
+ ("RTT" . "round time trip")
+ ("S/PDIF" . "sony/phillips digital interface")
+ ("SACD" . "super audio compact disc")
+ ("SAD" . "security association database")
+ ("SAM" . "serial access memory")
+ ("SASI" . "Shugart Associates System Interface (predecessor to SCSI)")
+ ("SATA" . "serial advanced technology attachment")
+ ("SB" . "sound blaster")
+ ("SCM" . "software configuration management")
+ ("SCM" . "source code management")
+ ("SCSI" . "small computer system interface")
+ ("SDRAM" . "synchronous dynamic random access memory")
+ ("SGRAM" . "synchronous graphics random access memory")
+ ("SIFS" . "short inter-frame space")
+ ("SIP" . "session initiation protocol")
+ ("SIR" . "slow infrared")
+ ("SLDRAM" . "synchronous-link dynamic random access memory")
+ ("SMART" . "self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology")
+ ("SMP" . "symmetric multiprocessing")
+ ("SMTP" . "simple mail transfer protocol")
+ ("SNMP" . "simple network management protocol")
+ ("SPD" . "security policy database")
+ ("SPD" . "serial presence detect")
+ ("SRAM" . "static random access memory")
+ ("SSFDC" . "solid state floppy disc card")
+ ("SSH" . "secure shell")
+ ("SSL" . "secure sockets layer")
+ ("STP" . "shielded twisted pair")
+ ("SVGA" . "super video graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("TCL" . "tool command language")
+ ("TCP" . "transmission control protocol")
+ ("TCQ" . "tagged command queueing")
+ ("TDD" . "test driven development")
+ ("TFT" . "thin film transistor")
+ ("TFTP" . "trivial file transfer protocol")
+ ("TIFF" . "tagged image file format")
+ ("TLA" . "top level aggregator")
+ ("TLB" . "transition lookaside buffer")
+ ("TLD" . "top level domain")
+ ("TLS" . "transport layer security")
+ ("TMDS" . "transition minimized differential signaling")
+ ("TR" . "token ring")
+ ("TTL" . "time to live")
+ ("TTY" . "teletype")
+ ("TZ" . "time zone")
+ ("UART" . "universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter")
+ ("UC" . "uncacheable")
+ ("UDO" . "ultra density optical (storage)")
+ ("UDP" . "user datagram protocol")
+ ("UFS" . "UNIX file system")
+ ("UML" . "unified modeling language")
+ ("UPS" . "uninterruptible power supply")
+ ("URI" . "uniform resource identifier")
+ ("URL" . "uniform resource locator")
+ ("USART" . "universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter")
+ ("USB" . "universal serial bus")
+ ("USWC" . "uncacheable speculative write combining")
+ ("UTP" . "unshielded twisted pair")
+ ("UUCP" . "unix-to-unix copy protocol")
+ ("UUOC" . "useless use of cat")
+ ("VAX" . "virtual address extension")
+ ("VCM" . "virtual channel memory")
+ ("VESA" . "video electronics standards association")
+ ("VGA" . "video graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("WIFI" . "wireless fidelity")
+ ("VLAN" . "virtual local area network")
+ ("VLSM" . "variable length subnet mask")
+ ("VM" . "virtual {machine,memory}")
+ ("VPN" . "virtual private network")
+ ("VRAM" . "video random access memory")
+ ("VRRP" . "virtual router redundancy protocol")
+ ("WAN" . "wide area network")
+ ("WAP" . "wireless application protocol")
+ ("WEP" . "wired equivalent privacy")
+ ("WLAN" . "wireless local area network")
+ ("WPA" . "wi-fi protected access")
+ ("WRAM" . "window random access memory")
+ ("WWW" . "world wide web")
+ ("XER" . "XML Encoding Rules")
+ ("XGA" . "extended graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("XML" . "extensible markup language")
+ ("XSL" . "extensible stylesheet language")
+ ("XT" . "extended technology")
+ ("ZFOD" . "zero-filled on demand")
+ ;; Additional acronym definitions go here
+ ("AAMOF" . "as a matter of fact")
+ ("AISI" . "as i see it")
+ ("ASAIMS" . "as strange as it may seem")
+ ("ATSL" . "along the same line")
+ ("AYOR" . "at your own risk")
+ ("BTAIM" . "be that as it may")
+ ("BTDTBTTS" . "been there, done that, bought the t-shirt")
+ ("BTHOM" . "beats the hell outta me")
+ ("CBA" . "can't be arsed")
+ ("DBD" . "Defective By Design")
+ ("DIIK" . "damned if i know")
+ ("EFF" . "Electronic Frontier Foundation")
+ ("FFII" . "Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure")
+ ("FOAF" . "friend of a friend")
+ ("FSF" . "Free Software Foundation")
+ ("FTR" . "for the record")
+ ("FTBFS" . "failure to build from source")
+ ("GAFC" . "get a fucking clue")
+ ("IAE" . "in any event")
+ ("IBTD" . "i beg to differ")
+ ("ICBF" . "i can't be fucked")
+ ("IDS" . "intrusion detection system")
+ ("IDK" . "i don't know")
+ ("IJWTS" . "i just want to say")
+ ("IME" . "in my experience")
+ ("IYSWIM" . "if you see what i mean")
+ ("JFTR" . "just for the record")
+ ("NIFOC" . "naked in front of computer")
+ ("NPOV" . "neutral point of view")
+ ("PITB" . "pain in the butt")
+ ("POV" . "point of view")
+ ("ROTFLMAO" . "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off")
+ ("SWIM" . "see what i mean")
+ ("TNSTAAFL" . "there's no such thing as a free lunch")
+ ("TWAT" . "the war against terrorism")
+ ("WDOT" . "what do others think")
+ ("WDYMBT" . "what do you mean by that")
+ ("WDYT" . "what do you think")
+ ("WTB" . "where's the beef")
+ ("WTSHTF" . "when the shit hits the fan")
+ ("WTTM" . "without thinking too much")
+ ("WOTAM" . "waste of time and money")
+ ("YAGNI" . "you ain't gonna need it")
+ ("YGWYPF" . "you get what you pay for"))
+ "Mapping of acronyms to definitions.")
+;;; Utilities
+(defun wtf-match-string-no-properties (num &optional string)
+ "Return NUMth match of STRING sans text properties."
+ (if (fboundp 'match-string-no-properties)
+ (match-string-no-properties num string)
+ (match-string num string)))
+(defun wtf-remove-one (key alist)
+ "Remove only the first instance of KEY from ALIST.
+ALIST should be a symbol, the value of which is modified directly.
+Returns non-nil if an element was found and removed, nil otherwise."
+ (let ((svalist (symbol-value alist)))
+ (if (equal key (caar svalist))
+ (prog1 t
+ (set alist (cdr svalist)))
+ (catch 'done
+ (let ((cur (cadr svalist))
+ (prev svalist))
+ (while cur
+ (if (equal key (car cur))
+ (throw 'done
+ (prog1 t
+ (setcdr prev (cddr prev))))
+ (setq prev (cdr prev)
+ cur (cadr prev))))
+ nil)))))
+(defun wtf-multi-assoc (key &rest alists)
+ "Return a list of all values in all ALISTS that are associated with KEY."
+ (let ((vals nil))
+ (dolist (alist alists)
+ (dolist (pair alist)
+ (when (equal key (car pair))
+ (setq vals (cons (cdr pair) vals)))))
+ (nreverse vals)))
+(defun wtf-upcase-initials (string)
+ "Do `upcase-initials' on STRING, but do not uppercase letters
+that come after quote characters.
+This function clobbers the match data."
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert (upcase-initials string))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "['`]\\([[:upper:]]\\)" nil t)
+ (downcase-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+ (buffer-string)))
+(defun wtf-upcase-initials-maybe (string)
+ "Do `wtf-upcase-initials' on STRING only if STRING contains no
+existing capitalization.
+This function clobbers the match data."
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+ (if (string-match "[A-Z]" string)
+ string
+ (wtf-upcase-initials string))))
+;;; Implementation
+(defun wtf-lookup-term (term)
+ (setq term (upcase term))
+ (wtf-multi-assoc term
+ (and (not (member term wtf-removed-acronyms))
+ wtf-alist)
+ wtf-custom-alist))
+(defun wtf-get-term-at-point ()
+ "Return the term at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (re-search-backward "\\W" (point-min) t)
+ (goto-char (1+ (point)))
+ (beginning-of-line))
+ (when (looking-at "\\w+")
+ (let ((term (wtf-match-string-no-properties 0)))
+ (when (wtf-lookup-term term)
+ (downcase term))))))
+(defun wtf-completions ()
+ "Return a list of completions for terms."
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (term)
+ (list (downcase (car term))))
+ (append wtf-alist wtf-custom-alist)))
+(defun wtf-save-maybe (var)
+ "If customizations are allowed, save VAR, which should be a symbol."
+ (when (fboundp 'customize-save-variable)
+ (customize-save-variable var (symbol-value var))
+ (message "Saved wtf customization")))
+;;; Interactive functions
+(defun wtf-add (acronym definition)
+ "Add ACRONYM and its DEFINITION to the list of custom associations.
+If you add a custom acronym definition, and feel it to be worth
+sharing, you are encouraged to contact <> via
+email, providing the acronym and its definition. This increases
+the chance that it will appear in future versions of wtf.el."
+ (interactive "sAcronym: \nsDefinition: ")
+ (setq acronym (upcase acronym))
+ (setq wtf-custom-alist (sort (cons (cons acronym definition)
+ wtf-custom-alist)
+ #'(lambda (a b)
+ (string< (car a) (car b)))))
+ (wtf-save-maybe 'wtf-custom-alist))
+(defun wtf-remove (acronym)
+ "Remove ACRONYM from the list of custom associations.
+If ACRONYM is not in the custom associations, but instead in
+`wtf-alist', it will be marked as ignored by adding it to
+ (interactive
+ (list (completing-read "Acronym to remove: "
+ (wtf-completions) nil t (wtf-get-term-at-point))))
+ (setq acronym (upcase acronym))
+ (if (wtf-remove-one acronym 'wtf-custom-alist)
+ (wtf-save-maybe 'wtf-custom-alist)
+ (add-to-list 'wtf-removed-acronyms acronym)
+ (wtf-save-maybe 'wtf-removed-acronyms)))
+(defun wtf-is (acronym)
+ "Provide the definition for ACRONYM.
+When called interactively, display the message \"ACRONYM is DEF\".
+Otherwise, return DEF.
+DEF refers to the definition associated with ACRONYM in `wtf-alist'."
+ (interactive
+ (list (completing-read "Acronym: "
+ (wtf-completions) nil t (wtf-get-term-at-point))))
+ (when (stringp acronym)
+ (let ((defs (wtf-lookup-term acronym)))
+ (if (not defs)
+ (when (interactive-p)
+ (message "I don't know what %s means" (upcase acronym)))
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((deftext (wtf-upcase-initials-maybe (car defs))))
+ (when (cdr defs)
+ (dolist (def (cdr defs))
+ (setq deftext (concat deftext wtf-def-separator
+ (wtf-upcase-initials-maybe def)))))
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (message "%s is %s" (upcase acronym) deftext)
+ deftext)))))))
+(provide 'wtf)
+;;; wtf.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erball.el b/elisp/erbot/erball.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5e48ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erball.el
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; erball.el --- Functions on all files.
+;; Time-stamp: <2006-04-24 13:43:38 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc.el
+;; Package: erbc
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version:
+;; Usually maintenance
+;; not all of these may be required depending on how you use erbot..
+(require 'cl)
+;; Compilation
+(defvar erball-compilation-paths-rel-to
+ (let (args ret)
+ (while command-line-args-left
+ (if (string= "--paths-rel-to" (car command-line-args-left))
+ (progn
+ (setq ret (cadr command-line-args-left))
+ (setq command-line-args-left (cddr command-line-args-left)))
+ (add-to-list 'args (car command-line-args-left) t)
+ (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))))
+ (setq command-line-args-left args)
+ ret)
+ "Text to be prepended to each element in `erball-compilation-paths'.
+Can be specified by passing \"--paths-rel-to ARG\" on the emacs
+command line.
+This value is also added to the load-path.
+A trailing backslash is required.")
+(defun erball-assoc-string (key list)
+ "Like `assoc' but specifically for strings."
+ (if (fboundp 'assoc-string)
+ (assoc-string key list)
+ (catch 'found
+ (dolist (el list)
+ (when (string= key el)
+ (throw 'found el))))))
+(defvar erball-compiling-p
+ (if (erball-assoc-string "--compile-erbot" command-line-args-left)
+ (progn
+ (message "%s" (concat "\nCompiling source in "
+ (file-name-nondirectory (expand-file-name "."))
+ " ...\n"))
+ (setq command-line-args-left
+ (delete "--compile-erbot" command-line-args-left))
+ t)
+ nil)
+ "Determine whether erbot is currently being compiled.")
+(defcustom erball-compilation-paths
+ '("contrib"
+ ".."
+ "../erc"
+ "../bbdb/lisp")
+ "Elements to add to the load path during compilation.
+If `erball-compilation-paths-rel-to' is specified, it is
+prepended to each element and also added verbatim to the path.
+The current directory is automatically added to the path."
+ :group 'erball
+ )
+(when erball-compiling-p
+ (add-to-list 'load-path ".")
+ (when erball-compilation-paths-rel-to
+ (add-to-list 'load-path erball-compilation-paths-rel-to))
+ (dolist (dir erball-compilation-paths)
+ (add-to-list 'load-path
+ (concat erball-compilation-paths-rel-to dir))))
+;; Load all erbot files
+(defmacro erball-ignore-errors-loudly (&rest body)
+ "Like ignore-errors, but tells the error..
+Copied from deego's `ignore-errors-my', which owes some of its work
+to: Kalle on 7/3/01:
+ * used backquote: something i was too lazy to convert my macro to..
+ * removed the progn: condition-case automatically has one..
+ * made sure that the return is nil.. just as it is in ignore-errors. "
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (message "IGNORED ERROR: %s" (error-message-string ,err))
+ (sit-for 1)
+ nil))))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'bbdb))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'doctor))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erc))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erc-stamp))
+(unless noninteractive (erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'dunnet)))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbot))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbcountry))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbutils))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erblog))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbeng))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbdata))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbkarma))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erblisp))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbc))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbc2))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbc3))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbc4))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbc5))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbc6))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbcspecial))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbbdb))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbforget))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbedit))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbtrain))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbwiki))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbunlisp))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbcompat))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbmsg))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbtranslate))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'erbim))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'flame))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'mkback))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'lines))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'google))
+(erball-ignore-errors-loudly (require 'oct))
+;; the rest of the commands here are useful to the author when editing erbot.
+(defcustom erball-files
+ (if erball-compiling-p
+ (directory-files "." nil "\.el$")
+ '("erbot.el"
+ "erbutils.el"
+ "erblog.el"
+ "erbeng.el"
+ "erbcountry.el"
+ "erbdata.el"
+ "erbedit.el"
+ "erbforget.el"
+ "erbkarma.el"
+ "erblisp.el"
+ "erbunlisp.el"
+ "erbtrain.el"
+ "erbwiki.el"
+ "erbc.el"
+ "erbc2.el"
+ "erbc3.el"
+ "erbc4.el"
+ "erbc5.el"
+ "erbc6.el"
+ ))
+ ""
+ :group 'erball
+ )
+(defun erball-reload ()
+ (interactive)
+ (mapcar
+ 'load
+ erball-files))
+(defun erball-visit ()
+ (interactive)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (a)
+ (find-file (locate-library a))
+ (auto-revert-mode 1))
+ erball-files))
+(defun erball-compile ()
+ (interactive)
+ (if erball-compiling-p
+ (progn
+ (ignore-errors (erball-reload))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (erball-ignore-errors-loudly
+ (byte-compile-file arg)))
+ erball-files)
+ (message "\nCompilation complete!\n"))
+ (ignore-errors (kill-buffer "*Compile-Log*"))
+ (erball-visit)
+ (erball-reload)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (erball-ignore-errors-loudly
+ (byte-compile-file (locate-library arg))))
+ erball-files)
+ (switch-to-buffer "*Compile-Log*")
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (goto-char (point-min))))
+(provide 'erball)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbbdb.el b/elisp/erbot/erbbdb.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30684a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbbdb.el
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+;;; erbbdb.el ---
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:13 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbbdb.el
+;; Package: erbbdb
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0dev
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defvar erbbdb-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+(ignore-errors (require 'bbdb))
+(ignore-errors (require 'bbdb-com))
+(ignore-errors (require 'bbdb-hooks))
+(require 'erbc)
+(defgroup erbbdb nil
+ "The group erbbdb"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbbdb-before-load-hooks nil "." :group 'erbbdb)
+(defcustom erbbdb-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbbdb)
+(run-hooks 'erbbdb-before-load-hooks)
+(defun erbbdb-get-exact-notes (string)
+ (erbbdb-get-regexp-notes (concat "^" (regexp-quote
+ (erbbdb-frob-main-entry string)
+ ) "$")))
+(defun erbbdb-get-exact-name (string)
+ (erbbdb-get-regexp-name (concat "^" (regexp-quote
+ (erbbdb-frob-main-entry string)
+ ) "$")))
+(defun erbbdb-get-regexp-record (expr)
+ "dsfdfdf"
+ (let ((records
+ (bbdb-search (bbdb-records)
+ expr)))
+ (first records)))
+(defun erbbdb-get-record (str)
+ (erbbdb-get-regexp-record
+ (concat "^" (regexp-quote
+ (erbbdb-frob-main-entry str)) "$")))
+(defun erbbdb-get-regexp-name (expr)
+ "used to get exact name, eg: the exact name of tmpa may be TmpA."
+ (let ((record (car
+ ;; this basically does an M-x bbdb-name
+ (bbdb-search (bbdb-records)
+ expr))))
+ (if record
+ (aref record 0)
+ nil)))
+(defun erbbdb-get-regexp-notes (expr)
+ "currently: Assumes that there will be only one match for the expr
+in bbdb... Discards any further matches...
+If the notes are (), we want it to return nil, not a string.. so that
+the calling function knows there's (effectively) no such record...
+That is why we have the read below..
+This of course, also means that the notes field had better contain a
+lisp sexp.. and anythign after the sexp gets discarded...
+If record exists but no notes exist, \"\" is returned.
+Else the string containing the notes is returned.
+If no record exists, then a nil is returned.
+ (let ((record (car
+ ;; this basically does an M-x bbdb-name
+ (bbdb-search (bbdb-records)
+ expr))))
+ (if record
+ (let* ((notes-notes (assq 'notes (bbdb-record-raw-notes record)))
+ (notes-string (cdr notes-notes)))
+ (or notes-string "")
+ ;;(if foo (read foo) nil)
+ )
+ nil)))
+(defun erbbdb-frob-main-entry (givenname)
+ (let* ((sname (format "%s" givenname))
+ ;;(dname (downcase sname))
+ (dname sname)
+ (bname (split-string dname))
+ (name (mapconcat 'identity bname "-")))
+ name))
+(defun erbbdb-change (givenname notes)
+ "also used by other functions in here.."
+ (bbdb-records)
+ (let* ((sname (format "%s" givenname))
+ ;;(dname (downcase sname))
+ (dname sname)
+ (bname (split-string dname))
+ (name (mapconcat 'identity bname "-")))
+ ;;(let ((record
+ ;; (vector
+ ;; ;; first name
+ ;; name
+ ;; ;;lastname
+ ;; nil
+ ;; nil
+ ;; nil ;;company
+ ;; nil ;;phones
+ ;; nil ;; addrs
+ ;; nil ;;net
+ ;; (format "%s" notes)
+ ;; ; (make-vector bbdb-cache-length nil))))
+ ;; (bbdb-change-record record t))
+ (let* ((record (erbbdb-get-record name)))
+ (bbdb-record-set-notes record notes)
+ (bbdb-change-record record t)
+ (erbbdb-save))))
+(defun erbbdb-save ()
+ (when
+ erbbdb-save-p
+ (bbdb-save-db)))
+(defvar erbbdb-save-p t
+ "Should normally be t, except inside special constructions. ")
+(defun erbbdb-create (name newnotes)
+ "also used by other functions in here.."
+ (bbdb-records)
+ (let ((record
+ (vector
+ ;; first name
+ name
+ ;;lastname
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil ;;company
+ nil ;;phones
+ nil ;; addrs
+ nil ;;net
+ nil ;; (format "%s" newnotes)
+ (make-vector bbdb-cache-length nil))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-notes record nil)
+ (mapcar '(lambda (arg)
+ (erbbdb-add name arg))
+ newnotes)
+ )
+ (erbbdb-save))
+(defun erbbdb-add (name note)
+ (bbdb-records)
+ (let* ((oldnotes
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-notes name))
+ (newnotes nil))
+ ;; should almost always be the case.. except when nil..
+ (if (stringp oldnotes)
+ (setq oldnotes
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read oldnotes))))
+ (setq newnotes (format "%S" (append oldnotes (list note))))
+ (erbbdb-remove-not-really name)
+ (erbbdb-change name newnotes)))
+(defun erbbdb-remove-not-really (name)
+ (erbbdb-change name nil))
+(defun erbbdb-remove (givenname)
+ "Remove the record implied by givenname from bbdb.."
+ ;;(erbbdb-change name nil)
+ (bbdb-records)
+ (let* ((sname (format "%s" givenname))
+ ;;(dname (downcase sname))
+ (dname sname)
+ (bname (split-string dname))
+ (name (mapconcat 'identity bname "-")))
+ (let* ((record (erbbdb-get-record name)))
+ (when record
+ (bbdb-delete-current-record record t)
+ ;;(bbdb-record-set-notes record notes)
+ ;;(bbdb-change-record record t)
+ (erbbdb-save)))))
+(provide 'erbbdb)
+(run-hooks 'erbbdb-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbbdb.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc-backquote.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc-backquote.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b61fbec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc-backquote.el
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+;; 2004-08-20 T14:53:35-0400 (Friday) D. Goel
+;; This file is work in progress. INCOMLPETE AND BUGGY. DO NOT REQUIRE
+(defvar backquote-symbols (list (intern (string 96)) 'backquote))
+(defmacro backquote-parse (sexp)
+ "Will parse a sexp and return an equivalent sexp with no backquotes
+in it. Any backquotes in the sexp are converted them to a
+nonbackquoted form. "
+ (cond
+ ((atom sexp) sexp)
+ (t (cons 'quote (backquote-parse-unread sexp)))))
+(defun backquote-parse-unread (sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;;;((vectorp sexp)
+ ;;;(error "this backquote parse does not deal with vectors. "))
+ ((null sexp)
+ nil)
+ ((atom sexp)
+ sexp)
+ ((equal (car sexp) 'quote)
+ (message "Answer is %s" sexp)
+ sexp)
+ ((member (car sexp) backquote-symbols)
+ (backquote-inside-parse (cadr sexp)))
+ ;; None of them:
+ (t (cons (backquote-parse-unread (car sexp))
+ (backquote-parse-unread (cdr sexp))))))
+(defun backquote-inside-parse (sexp)
+ (cond
+ ((null sexp)
+ nil)
+ ((atom sexp)
+ (list 'quote sexp))
+ ((equal (car sexp) ',)
+ `(eval ,(backquote-parse-unread (cadr sexp))))
+ (t (cons (backquote-inside-parse (car sexp))
+ (backquote-inside-parse (cdr sexp))))))
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c81835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,5141 @@
+;;; erbc.el --- Erbot user-interface commands -- see also erbc5.el
+;; Time-stamp: <2009-09-26 22:20:39 fledermaus>
+;; Copyright © 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc.el
+;; Package: erbc
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0DEV
+;; URL:
+;; Other files:
+;;; erball.el --- Functions on all files.
+;;; erbbdb.el ---
+;;; erbc.el --- Erbot user-interface commands.
+;;; erbc2.el --- mostly: special functions for erbc.el
+;;; erbc3.el ---erbot lisp stuff which should be PERSISTENT ACROSS SESSIONS.
+;;; erbc4.el --- Russian Roulette
+;;; erbc5.el --- continuation of erbc.el
+;;; erbc6.el --- fsbot functions contributed by freenode users,
+;;; esp. #emacsers.
+;;; erbcompat.el --- Erbot GNU Emacs/XEmacs compatibility issues
+;;; erbcountry.el
+;;; erbc-special.el --- Special/dangerous implementation functions.
+;;; erbdata.el ---
+;;; erbedit.el --- quicker operator editing of bots' bbdb
+;;; erbeng.el --- english
+;;; erbforget.el --- Help make the bots forget some TERMS.
+;;; erbkarma.el ---
+;;; erblisp.el ---
+;;; erblog.el ---
+;;; erbmsg.el --- memoserv-esque functions for Erbot
+;;; erbot.el --- Another robot for ERC.
+;;; erbp.el --- NOT FUNCTIONAL personal erbot-interface, stolen from dunnet.el
+;;; erbtrain.el --- Train erbot (erbot)..
+;;; erbutils.el --- utils
+;;; erbwiki.el ---
+(defvar fs-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defvar erbc-version "0.0dev")
+(defvar fs-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+;; NOTE: stuff like (fs-et) can be passed possibly mischievous
+;; code as the first argument... never eval or "set" any
+;; "code"... always convert it to a single atom... before setting it..
+(require 'find-func)
+(defgroup erbc nil
+ "The group erbc"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom fs-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom erbn-char ","
+ "The character which calls the bot.
+in addition to directly addressing it.
+may be different for
+different bots.
+Is really a string, but the length of the string should be 1,.
+(defcustom erbn-char-double (concat erbn-char erbn-char)
+ "The string which calls the bot from midsentence
+this string should have a length of EXACTLY 2.
+(run-hooks 'fs-before-load-hooks)
+;; Real code
+(defcustom fs-internal-botito-mode nil
+ "Mode to turn on more english-like bunny-behavior"
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defvar fs-tgt nil "Tgt visible to the end-user, as well as changeable by them.")
+(defvar erbn-tgt nil "Tgt NOT changeable by enduser.")
+(defvar fs-nick "")
+(defvar erbn-nick "")
+(defvar erbn-buffer "")
+(defcustom fs-internal-parse-error-p
+ nil
+ "Whether to show lispy errors in term descriptions.
+When nil, an error in a lispy description of a term makes to bot
+go to an english mode for the term.
+When non-nil, we will just display the error. On a channel full of
+lisp hackers, we will want to make this t for users' convenience.")
+(defcustom erbn-shell-command-p nil
+ "Whether to allow commands that use shell-commands...
+Some fsbot commands use shell-commands... shell-commands always mean
+possibility of exploits. andn are disabled by default.
+Make this t at your own risk. ")
+(defcustom fs-internal-questions
+ '("what" "where" "who"
+ ;; no please:
+ ;;"why"
+ ;;"how"
+ )
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom erbn-google-defaults
+ '(("#emacs" ("emacs"))
+ ("#fsbot" ("fsbot")))
+ "" :group 'erbc)
+(defun erbn-shell-command (&optional command overridep)
+ "Execute shell-commands when erbn-shell-command-p is true.
+However, if the second argument overridep is non-nil, we use that to
+determine whether to execute the command. In that case, we execute
+the command only if overridep is a list, whose first entry of that
+list is non-nil"
+ (cond
+ ((or (and overridep
+ (listp overridep)
+ (first overridep))
+ erbn-shell-command-p)
+ (apply 'shell-command command nil))
+ (t
+ (error "The bot-operator has shell commands disabled"))))
+(defun erbn-shell-command-to-string (&optional command overridep)
+ "Execute shell-commands when erbn-shell-command-p is true.
+However, if the second argument overridep is non-nil, we use that to
+determine whether to execute the command. In that case, we execute
+the command only if overridep is a list, whose first entry of that
+list is non-nil"
+ (cond
+ ((or (and overridep
+ (listp overridep)
+ (first overridep))
+ erbn-shell-command-p)
+ (apply 'shell-command-to-string command nil))
+ (t
+ (error "The bot-operator has shell commands disabled"))))
+(defun fsi-get-google-defaults ()
+ (cadr (assoc fs-tgt erbn-google-defaults)))
+(defvar fsi-prestring "")
+;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'fsi-prestring)
+(defcustom fs-internal-google-level 0
+ "75 is a good choice for fsbot. "
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-english-max-matches 20
+ "This check is triggerred only when the users' original request didnot
+succeed and so we have gone into an english-mode and are searching.
+If the number of matches results in 1000, then most likely, the word
+was something like i or you and the user was not intending a search.
+:group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-questions-all
+ '("what" "where" "who" "why" "how"
+ "whose" "which"
+ )
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-articles
+ '("the" "a" "an" "this" "that")
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-english-target-regexp
+ "^$"
+ "Targets that prefer english.. so erbot will usually go to a
+english-mode unless near-exact matches. This shall usually happen on
+the few social channels erbot hangs out on. "
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-query-target-regexp
+ "^$"
+ "Targets where erbot will respond to queries like:
+Foo ? "
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-add-nick-weights
+ '(1 ;; yes
+ 5 ;;no
+ )
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defun fsi-correct-entry (name &rest fubar)
+ "Assumes that name is a string... this downcases strings. Rendering
+it fit for database-entry. "
+ (unless (stringp name) (setq name (format "%s" name)))
+ ;;(downcase
+ (let ((newname
+ (mapconcat 'identity (split-string name) "-")))
+ (or (erbbdb-get-exact-name newname)
+ newname)))
+(defun fsi-describe-key-briefly (&optional key &rest args)
+ "Return the function on key..building block for other erbc's..
+If no such function, return the symbol 'unbound. "
+ (unless key
+ (error
+ "Syntax: , dkb key"))
+ (when (and (null key) (null args))
+ (setq key ""))
+ (unless (stringp key)
+ ;; is this safe? what about properties?
+ (setq key (read-kbd-macro
+ (mapconcat '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ (cons key args)
+ " "))))
+ (let ((res (key-binding key)))
+ (if res res
+ 'unbound)))
+;; for now..
+;;(defalias 'fs-describe-key 'fs-describe-key-briefly)
+(defun fsi-where-is-in-map (map &optional fcn)
+ (let* ((wi (where-is-internal fcn map)))
+ (mapconcat 'key-description wi ", ")))
+(defun fsi-where-is-gnus-group (&optional fcn)
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (unless fcn (error "please supply a function"))
+ (fs-where-is-in-map gnus-group-mode-map fcn))
+(defun fsi-where-is-gnus-summary (&optional fcn)
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (unless fcn (error "please supply a function"))
+ (fs-where-is-in-map gnus-summary-mode-map fcn))
+(defun fsi-where-is-message (&optional fcn)
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'message)
+ (unless fcn (error "please supply a function"))
+ (fs-where-is-in-map message-mode-map fcn))
+(defun fsi-keyize (key morekeys)
+ (setq key (read-kbd-macro
+ (mapconcat '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ (cons key morekeys) " "))))
+(defun fsi-describe-key-one-line (&optional key &rest args)
+ "Key, and just one line of function"
+ (unless key (error "Syntax: , dk \"Key...\""))
+ (let* ((fcn (apply 'fs-describe-key-briefly key args))
+ (fcns (format "%s" fcn))
+ (apr (or (fs-apropos-exact fcns)
+ "No doc. available. ")))
+ (concat (format "%s -- %s"
+ fcns
+ apr))))
+(defalias 'fsi-dko 'fs-describe-key-one-line)
+(defalias 'fsi-describe-key 'fs-describe-key-and-function)
+(defun fsi-lookup-key-from-map-internal (&optional map key &rest morekeys)
+ (unless key (error "No key supplied. "))
+ (unless (stringp key)
+ (setq key (read-kbd-macro
+ (mapconcat '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ (cons key morekeys) " "))))
+ (unless (arrayp key) (setq key (format "%s" key)))
+ (let* ((fcn (lookup-key map key))
+ (fcns (format "%s" fcn))
+ (apr (or (fs-apropos-exact fcns)
+ "No doc available. ")))
+ (concat (format "%s -- %s" fcns apr))))
+(defun fsi-lookup-key-gnus-group (&optional key &rest args)
+ (unless key (error "Syntax: , lkgg \"Key...\""))
+ (require 'gnus-group)
+ (apply 'fs-lookup-key-from-map-internal gnus-group-mode-map key args))
+(defun fsi-lookup-key-gnus-summary (&optional key &rest args)
+ (unless key (error "Syntax: , lkgg \"Key...\""))
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (apply 'fs-lookup-key-from-map-internal gnus-summary-mode-map key args))
+(defun fsi-lookup-key-message (&optional key &rest args)
+ (unless key (error "Syntax: , lkgg \"Key...\""))
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'message)
+ (apply
+ 'fs-lookup-key-from-map-internal gnus-message-mode-map key args))
+(defun fsi-apropos-exact (str)
+ (unless (stringp str) (setq str (format "%s" str)))
+ (let* ((reg (concat "^" (regexp-quote str) "$"))
+ (apr (apropos reg))
+ (asso (assoc* str apr
+ :test
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (string= (format "%s" a) (format "%s" b)))))
+ (val (second asso)))
+ (if val (format "%s" val)
+ nil)))
+(defun fsi-describe-key-long (k &rest args)
+ (let ((f (apply 'fs-describe-key-briefly k args)))
+ (fs-describe-function-long f)))
+(defun fsi-describe-key-and-function (key &rest args)
+ "Describe the key KEY.
+Optional argument ARGS . If the input arguments are not strings, it
+kbds's them first... , so that , df C-x C-c works"
+ (when (and (null key) (null args))
+ (setq key ""))
+ (unless (stringp key)
+ (setq key (read-kbd-macro
+ (mapconcat '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ (cons key args)
+ " "))))
+ (let ((b (key-binding key)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp b)
+ (or
+ (ignore-errors (fs-describe-function b))
+ (format "Bound to: %s" b)))
+ (t
+ (format "Bound to: %s" b)))))
+(defun fsi-describe-function (&optional function nolimitp &rest fubar)
+ "Describes the FUNCTION named function.
+Also tries an fs- prefix for the function..
+nolimitp has to be eq 'nolimit for the nolimit effect to take place..
+ (unless function
+ (error
+ "Syntax: (describe-function 'name-of-function) or , df 'name"))
+ (let* ((f function)
+ g
+ )
+ (when (stringp f)
+ (setq f (erbn-read f)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp f)
+ (progn
+ (setq
+ g
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp f) f)
+ (t (erbn-read (concat "fs-" (format "%s" f))))))
+ (unless (fboundp g)
+ (setq g f))
+ (let* ((def (symbol-function g)))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (if (equal 'autoload (car-safe def))
+ (load (second def))))
+ ;; this check does nothing now.. need ro
+ (if (equal nolimitp 'nolimit)
+ ;;(let ((fs-limit-lines 8))
+ ;;(fs-limit-lines (describe-function g)))
+ (describe-function g)
+ (describe-function g))
+ ))) ;; if list, DO NOT wanna eval it-->
+ (t
+ "NO function specified"))))
+(defun fsi-where-is (function &rest args)
+ "Tells what key the function is on..
+ (let* (
+ (str0 "")
+ (str1 "")
+ (str2 "")
+ (str3 "")
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((stringp function) (setq function (erbn-read function)))
+ (t nil))
+ (cond
+ ((null function) (format "Sorry, %s is not a symbol" function))
+ ((symbolp function)
+ (unless (fboundp function) (setq str0 "Either unbound or.. "))
+ (setq str2
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (where-is function t)
+ (erbutils-buffer-string)))
+ (concat str0 str1 str2 str3))
+ (t (format "Looks like %s is not a symbol" function)))))
+(defun fsi-describe-function-long (function &rest fubar)
+ "Similar to describe-function, but does not limit the strings...
+Use with caution only in privmsgs please, for may produce long outputs. "
+ (fs-describe-function function 'nolimit))
+(defun fsi-describe-variable-long (variable &rest fubar )
+ "Similar to describe-variable, but does not limit strings.."
+ (fs-describe-variable variable 'nolimit))
+(defun fsi-describe-variable (&optional variable &rest ignore)
+ "Describes a VARIABLE.."
+ (unless variable (error "Syntax: , dv 'variable"))
+ (let* ((f variable))
+ (if (stringp f)
+ (setq f (erbn-read f)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp f)
+ (erbutils-describe-variable f))
+ ;; if list, DO NOT wanna eval it-->
+ (t
+ "NO variable specified"))))
+(defalias 'fsi-parse 'fs-lispify)
+(defalias 'fsi-parse-english 'fs-lispify)
+(defun fsi-require (feature &rest fubar)
+ "Make the bot require the feature FEATURE.
+So that the command df
+or dv works fine..Actually, df knows how to load unloaded features
+ (if (stringp feature)
+ (setq feature (fsi-read feature)))
+ (when (or (string-match "/" (format "%s" feature))
+ (string-match "\\\\" (format "%s" feature)))
+ (error "Your safety is VERY important to us, so we avoid loading features containing slashes."))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp feature) (format "%s" (require feature)))
+ (t "no feature specified")))
+(defvar fs-found-query-p nil
+ "internal.. should be normally set to nil.
+When non nil, means that the msg was not meant to the bot, so the
+reply please be abbreviated. ")
+(defvar fs-internal-addressedatlast nil
+ "internal.. normally nil")
+(defvar fs-internal-original-message ""
+ "internal")
+(defvar fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name ""
+ "internal")
+(defvar fs-internal-max-lisp-p nil)
+(defun fsi-respond-to-query-p (msg)
+ ;; if it is of the form resolve? the user KNOWS what resolve or
+ ;; kensanata is, and is not asking for information. So, please don't
+ ;; respond in such a case.
+ (not
+ (member msg (mapcar 'first (fs-channel-members-all)))))
+(defcustom fs-internal-parse-preprocess-message-remove-end-chars
+ ;; remove trailing ^A's that occur on action strings...
+ (list 1)
+ "")
+(defcustom fs-web-page-title-p nil
+ "Change it to t to enable the erbot to look up the title of urls
+posted in a channel. When string, will be matched against target.")
+(defcustom fsi-m8b-p nil
+ "Change it to t for the magic 8-ball... define m8b then of
+When string, will be matched against target. "
+(defun fsi-parse-preprocess-message (msg)
+ (let ((len (length msg)))
+ (when (and
+ (> len 0)
+ (member (aref msg (- len 1))
+ fs-internal-parse-preprocess-message-remove-end-chars)
+ (setq msg (subseq msg 0 -1)))))
+ msg)
+(defvar erbn-dead-check-p nil
+ "If non-nil, we will not reply to people who have shot themselves
+using mark-dead or russian roulette. These people need to be revived
+first. Of course, like any magic, revival sometimes works, and
+sometimes doesn't.")
+(defun fsi-lispify (&optional msg proc nick tgt localp
+ userinfo &rest foo)
+ "Parse the english MSG into a lisp command.
+If it is an 'is', it should always be the second word ..
+viz: we had better use hyphens in the first word..
+MSG is a string..
+Is the main function.. but also available to the user as a command...
+NB: The end-result is always an expression.. and NOT a strign..
+Just once in a blue moon, this will, at random, even parse messages
+not addressed to it...
+Finally, wanna parse messages whose last item contains erbot..
+Optional argument PROC .
+Optional argument NICK .
+Optional argument TGT .
+Optional argument FOO .
+We will also bind a number of variables, as appropriate, for example,
+fs-msg*, fs-lispargs, fs-lispa , fs-lispb... so that these vars can be used
+anywhere in the code, or the user-defined parts of the code...
+In the grand scheme of things, these bindings should turn out to be
+local, because the parent function calling this function should have
+'letted these variables.
+ ;;(when (stringp msg)
+ ;; (setq msg (split-string msg)))
+ ;msg
+ ;proc
+ ;nick
+ ;tgtg
+ ;foo
+ (setq fs-internal-original-message msg)
+ (setq msg (fs-parse-preprocess-message msg))
+ (setq fs-msg msg)
+ (setq fs-msgsansbot msg)
+ (let*
+ (
+ (msg (fs-parse-preprocess-message msg))
+ (origmsg msg)
+ ;;(fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name)
+ (foundquery nil)
+ (foundquerydouble nil)
+ (foundkarma nil)
+ ;; if t, means either our name was at last, or eevn if at
+ ;; first, they weren't really addressing us..
+ ;;(addressedatlast nil)
+ (leave-alone-p t)
+ ;;(fs-nick nick)
+ bluemoon
+ )
+ (unless (stringp origmsg)
+ (setq origmsg (format "%s" origmsg)))
+ (unless msg
+ (error "Format: %s (parse \"your-english-message\")" erbn-char))
+ (unless (stringp msg)
+ (setq msg (format "%s" msg)))
+ ;; remove leading spaces..
+ (while
+ (and (> (length msg) 0)
+ (equal (aref msg
+ 0) 32))
+ (setq msg (substring msg 1)))
+ ;; remove trailing spaces..
+ (while
+ (and (> (length msg) 0)
+ (equal (aref msg (- (length msg) 1)) 32))
+ (setq msg (substring msg 0 (- (length msg) 1))))
+ (when (and tgt proc)
+ (set-buffer (erc-get-buffer tgt proc)))
+ (when
+ (and (stringp msg)
+ (string-match "\\(++\\|--\\)$" msg)
+ (<= (length (split-string msg)) 2))
+ (setq foundkarma t))
+ ;; 2003-11-14 T15:36:38-0500 (Friday) D. Goel
+ ;; requested by elf:
+ ;; if double ??, then make it a call to m8b
+ (when (and
+ fsi-m8b-p
+ (if (stringp fsi-m8b-p)
+ (and (stringp tgt) (string-match fsi-m8b-p tgt))
+ t))
+ (let (len)
+ (when (and (stringp msg)
+ (progn
+ (setq len (length msg)) t)
+ (> len 1)
+ (string= "??"
+ (substring msg (- len 2) len))
+ ;;(or
+ ;;(string-match
+ ;;erbot-nick msg)
+ ;;(string-match (concat "^" erbn-char) msg)
+ ;;(string-match erbn-char-double msg))
+ )
+ (setq foundquerydouble t)
+ (setq msg (concat erbn-char " (m8b)")))))
+ (when (and (stringp msg)
+ (> (length msg) 0)
+ ;; ignore trailing ?
+ (equal (aref msg (- (length msg) 1)) 63))
+ (progn
+ (setq foundquery t)
+ (setq msg (substring msg 0 (- (length msg) 1)))))
+ (setq leave-alone-p t)
+ (setq bluemoon
+ (or
+ ;; responding to a general list conversation..
+ (fs-blue-moon)
+ ;; responding in general..
+ (and (equal nick tgt)
+ (or
+ (stringp nick)
+ ;; parse commands -->
+ (null nick)
+ )
+ )))
+ (unless (stringp msg)
+ (setq msg ""))
+ ;; convert midsentence ,, to parsable sentence.
+ (let (pos)
+ (when
+ (and (not (equal 0
+ (string-match erbn-char msg)))
+ (not
+ (let ((nickpos (string-match erbot-nick msg)))
+ (and nickpos
+ (< nickpos 3))))
+ ;; part of and
+ (setq pos
+ (string-match erbn-char-double msg)))
+ (setq msg (substring msg (+ pos 1)))
+ (when (setq pos (string-match erbn-char-double msg))
+ (setq msg (substring msg 0 pos)))))
+ ; deal with the leading , or ,,
+ (when (equal 0
+ (string-match erbn-char msg))
+ (let ((restmsg (substring msg 1)))
+ (when (equal 0 (string-match "," restmsg))
+ (setq restmsg (substring restmsg 1)))
+ (setq msg (concat erbot-nick ": " restmsg))))
+ ;; now we split strings..
+ (setq msg (split-string msg))
+ (setq fs-msglist msg)
+ (setq fs-msglistsansbot msg)
+ (cond
+ ( (and (first msg)
+ (let ((pos
+ (string-match erbot-nick (first msg))))
+ (and pos (< pos 1))))
+ ;;(or
+ ;;(erbutils-string= (first msg) erbot-nick)
+ ;;(erbutils-string= (first msg) (concat erbot-nick ","))
+ ;(erbutils-string= (first msg) (concat erbot-nick
+ ;":")))
+ (progn
+ (unless
+ (or
+ (string-match (concat erbot-nick ":") (first msg))
+ (string-match (concat erbot-nick ",") (first msg))
+ (null (second msg))
+ (string-match "^," (second msg))
+ (string-match "^:" (second msg)))
+ (setq fs-internal-addressedatlast t))
+ (when (> (length msg) 1)
+ (setq msg (cdr msg)))
+ (setq leave-alone-p nil)))
+ ;; if it is a short sentence ending in fsbot..
+ ((and (first (last msg)) (string-match erbot-nick (first (last
+ msg)))
+ (< (length msg) 5))
+ ;; don't want this any more.. since no sense in removing the
+ ;; last term. Example: Want: what is erbot? to stay that way.
+ ;;(progn
+ ;;(setq msg (reverse (cdr (reverse msg)))))
+ (when leave-alone-p
+ (setq fs-internal-addressedatlast t))
+ (setq leave-alone-p nil))
+ ;; this might be dangerous if nick is a small word like "apt"..
+ ;; this also means :( thagt erbot will intervene when users are
+ ;; talking about her, but not TO her..
+ ;; nah, leave this one out..
+ ;;((member erbot-nick msg)
+ ;; (setq leave-alone-p nil))
+ (bluemoon
+ (setq leave-alone-p nil)))
+ (setq fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name
+ (mapconcat 'identity msg " "))
+ (when (and
+ foundquery
+ ;; if tgt is nil, we are being asked to parse
+ ;; something.. so cool
+ tgt
+ (string-match fs-internal-query-target-regexp tgt))
+ ;; if this condition causes the thing to be triggerred, then
+ ;; setq temporarily, a global variable... so responses are muted
+ ;; in general..
+ (let ((goonp nil) (newmsg msg))
+ (cond
+ ((equal (length msg) 1)
+ (setq goonp
+ ;; setq to t only if the content of the msg represents
+ ;; something the user might be interested in.
+ (fs-respond-to-query-p (first msg))
+ ))
+ (t
+ (setq goonp t)
+ ;; convert what's to what is
+ (when (stringp (first newmsg))
+ (setq newmsg
+ (append
+ (split-string (first newmsg) "'")
+ (cdr newmsg))))
+ (if (and goonp
+ (member
+ (erbutils-downcase (first newmsg))
+ fs-internal-questions))
+ (setq newmsg (cdr newmsg))
+ (setq goonp nil))
+ (if (and goonp
+ (member
+ (erbutils-downcase (first newmsg))
+ '("s" "is" "are"
+ ;;"am"
+ )))
+ (setq newmsg (cdr newmsg))
+ (setq goonp nil))
+ ;; remove articles
+ (if (and goonp
+ (member
+ (erbutils-downcase (first newmsg))
+ fs-internal-articles))
+ (setq newmsg (cdr newmsg)))
+ (unless (equal (length newmsg) 1)
+ (setq goonp nil))))
+ (when goonp
+ (when leave-alone-p (setq fs-found-query-p t))
+ (setq leave-alone-p nil)
+ (setq msg (list "(" "describe"
+ (format "%S" (first newmsg))
+ "0" ")"
+ ))
+ ))
+ )
+ ;; Sat Jan 8 12:40:46 EST 2005 (petekaz)
+ ;; We need to make sure this is the last thing we check
+ ;; because we don't want to hijack another valid command
+ ;; with our parsing. I.e. if a user adds a term with an
+ ;; url included in its note, we don't process that.
+ (when (and leave-alone-p
+ fs-web-page-title-p
+ (if (stringp fs-web-page-title-p)
+ (and (stringp tgt)
+ (string-match fs-web-page-title-p tgt))
+ t))
+ (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+ (url (some 'erbutils-html-url-p msg)))
+ (when url
+ (setq leave-alone-p nil)
+ (setq msg (list "(" "web-page-title" (format "%S" url) ")")))))
+ ;; (cond
+ ;; ((equal (length msg) 1)
+ ;; (when leave-alone-p
+ ;; (setq fs-found-query-p t))
+ ;; (setq msg (cons "describe" msg))
+ ;; (setq leave-alone-p nil))
+ ;; ((and
+ ;; (equal (length msg) 3)
+ ;; (member (erbutils-downcase (first msg))
+ ;; fs-internal-questions)
+ ;; (member (erbutils-downcase (second msg))
+ ;; '("is" "are")))
+ ;; (setq msg (cons "describe" (cddr msg)))
+ ;; (when leave-alone-p
+ ;; (setq fs-found-query-p t))
+ ;; (setq leave-alone-p nil))
+ ;; ((and
+ ;; (equal (length msg) 3)
+ ;; (member (erbutils-downcase (first msg))
+ ;; fs-internal-questions)
+ ;; (member (erbutils-downcase (second msg))
+ ;; '("is" "are")))
+ ;; (setq msg (cons "describe" (cddr msg)))
+ ;; (when leave-alone-p
+ ;; (setq fs-found-query-p t))
+ ;; (setq leave-alone-p nil))
+ ;;))
+ ;; finally, ignore bots/fools..
+ (let ((ui (format "%S" userinfo)))
+ (when
+ (or
+ (and erbot-use-whitelist
+ (stringp nick)
+ (not (member-if
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (string-match arg nick))
+ erbot-whitelist-nicks)))
+ (and (stringp nick)
+ (member-if
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (string-match arg nick))
+ erbot-ignore-nicks))
+ (some
+ 'identity
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (ignorethis)
+ (string-match ignorethis
+ ui))
+ erbot-ignore-userinfos)))
+ (setq leave-alone-p t)))
+ (setq fs-msglistsansbot msg)
+ ;; now do the work..
+ (if leave-alone-p
+ ;; not addressed to us, so return nil and be done..
+ nil
+ ;; else.. viz: go on...
+ (progn
+ (erblog-log-target tgt)
+ (let* (;(found nil)
+ (newmsglist nil)
+ (msgstr (erbutils-stringify msg))
+ ;(newstrmsg nil)
+ (lispmsg (erbn-read msgstr)
+ ))
+ ;; do a dead check
+ (when erbn-dead-check-p (and (not foundquery)
+ (erbn-dead-check)))
+ (setq
+ newmsglist
+ (cond
+ ;; are in a read mode..
+ (erbn-read-mode
+ (fs-botread-feed-internal msgstr))
+ ;; look for a valid lisp form, then it just needs to be sandboxed
+ ((or
+ (consp lispmsg)
+ (and fs-internal-max-lisp-p (numberp lispmsg))
+ (and fs-internal-max-lisp-p (stringp lispmsg))
+ (and (symbolp lispmsg)
+ (let ((newsym
+ ;;(intern (format "fs-%S" lispmsg))
+ (erblisp-sandbox lispmsg)))
+ (or
+ (equal 0
+ (string-match "fs-"
+ (format "%S" lispmsg)))
+ (and
+ (boundp newsym)
+ (not (fboundp newsym)))))))
+ ;;(erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy lispmsg)
+ (erblisp-sandbox lispmsg)
+ )
+ (fs-dunnet-mode
+ (fs-dunnet-command msgstr))
+ ;; call to arbitrary function without parens
+ ;; prefer this before is etc. so that "how is it going"
+ ;; resolves properly..
+ ((or
+ ;; fboundp ==> allowing macros as well..
+ ;;(fboundp (intern (concat "fs-" (first msg))))
+ (fboundp (erblisp-sandbox (intern (first msg))))
+ ;;(functionp (intern (concat "fs-" (first msg))))
+ (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (first msg))))
+ ;; this works great, except that we would like to quote the
+ ;; internals... because that is the most commonly used
+ ;; characteristic..
+ ;;`("(" ,@msg ")")
+ (erblisp-sandbox-full
+ ;;`( ,(intern (first msg)) ,@(erbutils-quote-list
+ ;;(mapcar 'intern (cdr msg))))
+ ;;(read (cons (intern (first msg))
+ ;; (read (list (erbutils-stringify (cdr msg))))))
+ (fsi-read (concat "( "(erbutils-stringify msg) " )"))))
+ ((equal 0
+ (string-match "\\(s\\|r\\)/" (first msg)))
+ (fs-replace-string-from-english-internal
+ msg))
+ ((equal 0
+ (string-match "[0-9]+->" (first msg)))
+ (fs-rearrange-from-english-internal msg))
+ (
+ (and
+ (or (erbutils-string= (second msg) "is" t)
+ (erbutils-string= (second msg) "are" t)
+ ;;(erbutils-string= (second msg) "am" t)
+ )
+ (member (erbutils-downcase (first msg))
+ fs-internal-questions-all
+ ))
+ ;;`(apply 'fs-describe ',(cddr msg))
+ `(funcall 'fs-describe
+ ',(third msg)
+ nil nil nil ,"origmsg"
+ )
+ )
+ ;; some english constructs first...
+ ;; search removed---because: is a functionp...
+ ;;((erbutils-string= (first msg) "search")
+ ;; (setq newmsglist
+ ;; `("(" "search" ,@(cdr msg) ")")))
+ ((and
+ ;; do not want to take such cases, 100% are annoying
+ ;; false matches.
+ (not fs-internal-addressedatlast)
+ (or
+ (erbutils-string= (second msg) "is" t)
+ (erbutils-string= (second msg) "are" t))
+ ;;(erbutils-string= (third msg) "also" t)
+ (member-ignore-case (third msg)
+ (list "also" "also,"))
+ )
+ (erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy
+ `(
+ fs-set-also ,(first msg)
+ ;;,@(erbutils-quote-list (cdddr msg))
+ ,(erbutils-stringify (cdddr msg))
+ )))
+ ((and (erbutils-string= (first msg) "tell")
+ (erbutils-string= (third msg) "about"))
+ `(fs-tell-to
+ ,(erbutils-stringify (cdddr msg))
+ ,(format "%s"
+ (second
+ msg))
+ ))
+ (
+ (and
+ ;; do not want to take such cases, 100% are annoying
+ ;; false matches.
+ (not fs-internal-addressedatlast)
+ (or (erbutils-string= (second msg) "is")
+ (erbutils-string= (second msg) "are")))
+ (erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy
+ `(fs-set-term
+ ;; a string.. so we are safe..
+ ,(first msg)
+ ;; another string... so we are safe..
+ ,(erbutils-stringify (cddr msg)))))
+ ((and
+ (not fs-internal-addressedatlast)
+ (or
+ (erbutils-string= (first msg) "no" t)
+ (erbutils-string= (first msg) "no," t))
+ (or
+ (erbutils-string= (third msg) "is")
+ (erbutils-string= (third msg) "are")
+ )
+ )
+ (erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy
+ `(fs-set-force ,(second msg)
+ ;;,@(erbutils-quote-list (cdddr msg))))
+ ,(erbutils-stringify (cdddr msg))))
+ )
+ ((let ((foo (first msg)))
+ (and
+ (not fs-internal-addressedatlast)
+ (<= (length msg) 2)
+ (string-match "\\(++\\|--\\)$" foo)
+ (not (fs-notes foo
+ ))))
+ (let* ((foo (first msg))
+ (sec (second msg))
+ (bar (substring foo 0 -2))
+ (plusp (string-match "++$" foo)))
+ (if plusp
+ `(fs-karma-increase ,bar ,sec)
+ `(fs-karma-decrease ,bar ,sec))))
+ ((or fs-internal-addressedatlast
+ (and fs-internal-botito-mode (> (length msg) 3)))
+ `(funcall 'fs-english-only ,origmsg ,fs-internal-addressedatlast))
+ (t
+ ;;`(apply 'fs-describe ',msg)
+ ;;`(funcall 'fs-describe ',(first msg)
+ ;; ',(second msg)
+ ;; ',(third msg)
+ ;; nil
+ ;; ,origmsg
+ ;; )
+ `(funcall 'fs-describe-from-english
+ ,origmsg
+ ',msg)
+ )
+ ))
+ ;; this should be "%S" and not "%s" the lattwer will convert
+ ;; (dk "k") into (dk k)
+ (format "%S" newmsglist))))))
+(defun fsi-describe-from-english (&optional origmsg msg)
+ "Call fs-describe appropriately.
+ORIGMSG is in english.
+MSG is a list..
+For multiple words, commence a search foo.*bar.*baz IF WE KNOW THAT
+SEARCH or SEARCH--WIDE WILL SUCCEED, which will then, of course, go to
+search-wide if it fails.
+Else, of course, do the usual thing: viz. call describe...
+ (unless (and origmsg msg)
+ (error "Are you a user trying to call this function? Perhaps just use
+'describe instead :). Anyway, this function needs 2 arguments. "))
+ (let ((len (length msg))
+ mainterm firstterm remainder N M prestring expr tmpv
+ (searchp nil)
+ (multitermp nil)
+ (fs-internal-google-level fs-internal-google-level)
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((<= len 1)
+ (if (fsi-notes (first msg))
+ (fs-describe
+ (first msg)
+ nil nil nil origmsg)
+ (fs-describe
+ (fsi-generalize-search-term (first msg))
+ nil nil nil origmsg)))
+ (t
+ (setq mainterm (first msg))
+ (setq firstterm mainterm)
+ (setq remainder (cdr msg))
+ (while
+ (and
+ remainder
+ (progn
+ (setq tmpv (first remainder))
+ (and (not (integerp tmpv))
+ (progn
+ (unless (stringp tmpv) (setq tmpv (format "%s"
+ tmpv)))
+ (not (integerp (ignore-errors (erbn-read tmpv))))))))
+ ;;(setq searchp t)
+ (setq mainterm
+ (concat mainterm ".*" tmpv))
+ (setq multitermp t)
+ (pop remainder))
+ ;; why is this true only for multitermp???
+ ;; Ah, because we say: if you end up searching and there are
+ ;; multiple terms, you might as well include a result from
+ ;; google among the search results.
+ (when multitermp
+ (setq fs-internal-google-level (+ fs-internal-google-level 25)))
+ (when (and multitermp
+ ;; viz. if it will work
+ (second (fs-search-basic
+ mainterm nil nil 'describe)))
+ (setq searchp t))
+ (if searchp
+ (fs-search
+ mainterm (first remainder) (second remainder)
+ "Try: " origmsg)
+ (fs-describe
+ (fsi-generalize-search-term firstterm) (first remainder) (second remainder)
+ (third remainder) origmsg))))))
+(defun fsi-generalize-search-term (term)
+ (erbutils-replace-string-in-string "-" "[ -]*" term))
+;; (defalias 'fs-hello 'fs-hi)
+;; (defalias 'fs-hey 'fs-hi)
+(defalias 'fs-thanks 'fs-thank)
+(defun fs-thank (&rest args)
+ (let ((aa (erbutils-random '("no problem" "you are welcome"
+ ))))
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(
+ (concat aa erbn-char " " fs-nick)
+ (concat fs-nick erbn-char " " aa))))))
+(defun fs-greet (&optional nick &rest args)
+ ".
+ Optional argument NICK .
+ Optional argument ARGS ."
+ (if (and nick (not (string-match erbot-nick (format "%s" nick))))
+ (format "hi %s !!"
+ (let ((foo (split-string (format "%s" nick )
+ "[^a-bA-Z0-0]")))
+ (or (first foo) nick))
+ )
+ (fs-describe "hi")))
+;;; (defun fs-ni (&optional nick &rest args)
+;;; ".
+;;; Optional argument NICK .
+;;; Optional argument ARGS ."
+;;; (if (and nick (not (string-match erbot-nick (format "%s" nick))))
+;;; (format "NI %s !!"
+;;; (let ((foo (split-string (format "%s" nick )
+;;; "[^a-bA-Z0-0]")))
+;;; (or (first foo) nick))
+;;; )
+;;; (fs-describe "hi")))
+;;; (defun fs-greet (&optional nick &rest foo)
+;;; "Nada..just a call to `fs-hi'.
+;;; Optional argument NICK ."
+;;; (fs-hi nick))
+(defun fs-kiss (&optional nick &rest foo)
+ "Nada.
+Optional argument NICK ."
+ (setq nick (format "%s" (or nick "itself")))
+ (cond
+ ((member nick (list erbot-nick "yourself" "self"))
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("I'd rather kiss you"
+ "Kiss myself? Why?"))))
+ (t
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '((format "/me kisses %s" nick)
+ (format "/me gives %s a big smooch" nick)
+ (format "/me runs in the other direction, shouting NEVER!!")))))))
+(defun fs-hug (&optional nick)
+ (unless nick (setq nick "itself"))
+ (setq nick (format "%s" nick))
+ (cond
+ ((member nick (list erbot-nick "yourself" "self"))
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("But i do that all the time. "
+ "Hug myself? Why?"))))
+ (t
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '((format "/me gives %s a tight hug" nick)
+ (format "/me clings to %s" nick)
+ (format "/me runs in the other direction, shouting NEVER!!")
+ (format "/me grabs hold of %s and vows to never let go" nick)
+ (format "/me grabs hold of %s and vows to never let go" nick)))))))
+(defun fs-love (&optional nick &rest bar)
+ ".
+Optional argument NICK ."
+ (let ((nonep nil))
+ (unless nick (setq nick "someone sexy") (setq nonep t))
+ (setq nick (format "%s" nick))
+ (cond
+ ((and (not nonep) (member nick (list "you" "me")))
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("Thank you. Enjoyed that. "
+ "Thanks, I love you even more now. "
+ "Wouldn't that amount to interspecies sex? "
+ "Sex between humans and machines is not known to produce
+anything useful. ")))
+ ((member nick
+ (list erbot-nick "yourself" "self"))
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("This is a complicated operation. Can't (yet) perform operation on self. "
+ "Please train me on this maneuver. ")))
+ (t
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '((format "/me goes with %s to a private place..." nick)
+ (format "/me looks at %s and yells \"NEVER!\"" nick)
+ (format "/me looks at %s lustfully" nick))))))))
+(defalias 'fs-fuck 'fs-love)
+(defvar fs-flame-target nil)
+(defun fsi-eval-or-say (str &optional fs-victim)
+ (let ((aa (when (stringp str)
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read str)))))
+ (cond
+ ((consp aa)
+ (unless fs-victim (setq fs-victim fs-nick))
+ (fsi-eval aa))
+ (fs-victim
+ (format "%s: %s" fs-victim str))
+ (t
+ (format "%s" str)))))
+(defun fs-flame (&rest args)
+ ""
+ (let ((flames (ignore-errors (fs-notes "flames")))
+ fs-flame-target num)
+ (cond ((and (numberp (cadr args))
+ (not (cddr args)))
+ (setq fs-flame-target (car args)
+ num (cadr args)))
+ ((consp (cdr args))
+ (setq fs-flame-target (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
+ (format "%s" arg))
+ args " ")))
+ ((car args)
+ (setq fs-flame-target (format "%s" (car args))))
+ (t (setq fs-flame-target (format "%s" erbot-end-user-nick))))
+ (if (string= (format "%s" fs-flame-target) "me")
+ (setq fs-flame-target erbot-end-user-nick))
+ ;; Check for flame.el support
+ (cond
+ ((and (consp flames) (> (length flames) 0))
+ (fsi-eval-or-say
+ (if num
+ (nth num flames)
+ (fs-random-choose flames))
+ fs-flame-target))
+ (t (fs-flame-mild fs-flame-target)))))
+(defun fs-flame-mild (&rest args)
+ "Doesn't really flame right now..
+Optional argument ARGS ."
+ (let ((target
+ (if (first args)
+ (format "%s" (first args))
+ erbot-end-user-nick)))
+ (if (string= (format "%s" target) "me")
+ (setq target erbot-end-user-nick))
+ ;; Check for flame.el support
+ (if (featurep 'flame)
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(
+ (format (erbutils-random erbdata-flames)
+ target target target)
+ (concat target ": " (flame-string)))
+ '(1 30)))
+ (format (erbutils-random erbdata-flames)
+ target target target))))
+;; remove kill
+;(defun fs-kill (&optional nick &rest nicks)
+; ".
+;Optional argument NICK .
+;Optional argument NICKS ."
+; (format "/me , trained by apt, chops %s into half with an AOL CD" nick));;
+;(defun fs-quote (&rest args)
+; (quote args))
+(defun fs-bye (&rest msg)
+ ""
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("Okay, see you later"
+ "later"
+ "Bye then"
+ "Take care now"
+ "Happy hacking")))
+;;; (defun fs-help (&rest args)
+;;; "Introductiry help. "
+;;; (let ((fir (first args)))
+;;; (if (stringp fir)
+;;; (setq fir (intern fir)))
+;;; (unless (symbolp fir) (setq fir 'dummy-no-help))
+;;; (if (null fir)
+;;; "I try to understand English, though lisp is the real way to go. Here are some interesting topics: quickstart, example, future-features, help about, help commands, help data, help english, help name, help homepage,
+;;; help owner, help specs, help parse \(for lisp stuff\), describe help, describe suggest , help parse-web , help functionality
+;;; "
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((equal fir 'about)
+;;; (fs-help 'name))
+;;; ((equal fir 'owner)
+;;; (fs-help 'data))
+;;; ((equal fir 'name)
+;;; "I am erbot: The Free Software Bot, using ERC in emacs..
+;;; I can also be addressed by , .. yeah, a comma ..
+;;; The real way to address me is erbot: (lisp-command..) .. all this
+;;; english is just candy-interface... ")
+;;; ((equal fir 'specs)
+;;; "/sv")
+;;; ((equal fir 'address)
+;;; (fs-help 'name))
+;;; ((equal fir 'homepage)
+;;; "homepage:
+;;; Data:
+;;; Suggestions to D. Goel:")
+;;; ((equal fir 'code)
+;;; (fs-help 'homepage))
+;;; ((equal fir 'data)
+;;; (fs-help 'homepage))
+;;; ((equal fir 'suggestions)
+;;; "Add stuff to keyword suggest, also see help homepage")
+;;; ((equal fir 'english)
+;;; "Some common syntaxes: , foo is bar; , foo is also bar;
+;;; , no foo is bar; , forget foo ; , flame nick; , doctor ; etc.")
+;;; ((equal fir 'parse)
+;;; "Try the command , parse \", <english-message>\" to see the
+;;; lisp renditions of your english messages")
+;;; ((equal fir 'parse-web)
+;;; "Ask me to parse a (please: USEFUL PAGE) webpage and a label
+;;; and i will do so in my free time and gain knowledege... under
+;;; construction.. ")
+;;; ((equal fir 'functionality)
+;;; "Bulk of the info is stored as assoc-list data (see
+;;; homepage). You generally type foo and the corresp. data is
+;;; returned.. you can also (search ... )")
+;;; ((equal fir 'commands)
+;;; " You can use both lisp and english to communicate..
+;;; Type , (commands) to get a list of commands..")
+;;; ((equal fir 'suggest)
+;;; "Add your suggestions to the field \"suggestions\", or contact the author")
+;;; (t "select an option or Type , help for a list of options.."
+;;; )))))
+(defun fsi-command-list (&rest foo)
+ "Used by erbc.el and by erbot-install.. "
+ (erbn-command-list-from-prefix "fs-"))
+(defun fsi-command-list-readonly (&rest foo)
+ "Used by erbc.el.. and erbot-install "
+ (erbn-command-list-from-prefix "fsi-"))
+(defun erbn-command-list-from-prefix (prefix &rest foo)
+ "Used by erbc.el.. should return a string.."
+ (let*
+ ((longnames (erbutils-matching-functions prefix))
+ (shortnames
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert (format "%s" longnames))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (replace-string prefix "")
+ (text-mode)
+ (fill-paragraph 1)
+ (erbn-read (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ shortnames))
+(defun fsi-commands (&optional regexp N M &rest foo)
+ "List available commands matching REGEXP. If N and M provided, list
+matches starting at N and ending at M. "
+ (if (and regexp (not (stringp regexp)))
+ (setq regexp (format "%s" regexp)))
+ (let* ((all-commands (fs-command-list))
+ (pruned-commands
+ (if (stringp regexp)
+ (mapcon
+ '(lambda (arg)
+ (if (string-match regexp (format "%s" (car arg)))
+ (list (car arg)) nil))
+ all-commands)
+ all-commands))
+ (len (length pruned-commands))
+ final-commands
+ (str0 "")
+ (str1 "")
+ (str2 "")
+ (str3 "")
+ (str4 ""))
+ (setq str0 (format "%s matches. " len))
+ (unless (or (< len 20) (and (integerp N) (> N 0)))
+ (setq str1
+ "Perhaps type , df commands for general syntax. "))
+ (unless (integerp N) (setq N 0))
+ (unless (integerp M) (setq M len))
+ (if (= M N) (setq M (+ N 1)))
+ (when (> M len) (setq M len))
+ (if (> N 0) (setq str2 (format "Matches starting at %s -->" N)))
+ (setq final-commands (subseq pruned-commands N M))
+ (setq str3
+ (format "%s" final-commands))
+ (concat str0 str1 str2 str3)))
+(defun fsi-describe-commands (&rest foo)
+ "Just a help command. Describes how to run commands. "
+ (concat
+ "If you use plain english, it simply gets transformed to lisp
+commands.. main/default command: (describe).. to see transformation,
+use (parse). See also fs-commands.
+PS: no naughty ideas please :)--- the commands are sandboxed via an
+fs- prefix..
+Future commands: info-search, hurd-info-search etc. etc.
+(defalias 'fsi-d 'fs-describe)
+(defun fsi-search (&optional regexp N M prestring expr &rest rest)
+ "Search for the REGEXP from among all the terms (and their
+descriptions). See also fs-search-wide.
+EXPR (optional) is the full initial expression.. "
+ (unless regexp
+ (error "Syntax: , s REGEXP &optional N M"))
+ (let* ((len-results (apply 'fs-search-basic regexp N M nil
+ rest))
+ (len (first len-results))
+ (results (second len-results))
+ (str0 " ")
+ (str1 "")
+ (str2 "")
+ (str3 "")
+ (str4 "")
+ (str5 "")
+ )
+ (when (and (> len 100) (not prestring))
+ (setq str0 (format " Use , s REGEXP N M to limit results. ")))
+ (when (and (< len 5) (not prestring))
+ (setq str0 (format " Perhaps try also , sw %s . " regexp)))
+ (unless prestring (setq str1 (format "%s match(es). " len)))
+ (if (and (integerp N) (> N 0) (not prestring))
+ (setq str2 (format "Matches starting at %s\n" N)))
+ (unless prestring (setq str3 "--> "))
+ (setq str4
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ results " "
+ )
+ )
+ (when (and (> fs-internal-google-level 80) (> len 1))
+ (setq str5
+ (let ((foo (fs-google-lucky-raw
+ fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name)))
+ (if foo (concat " " foo) str5))))
+ (cond
+ ((and prestring (= len 1))
+ (fs-describe (first results)))
+ ((and (> len 0)
+ (or
+ (not prestring)
+ (< len fs-internal-english-max-matches)))
+ (unless (stringp prestring)
+ (setq prestring ""))
+ (concat prestring str0 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5))
+ (t (apply 'fs-search-wide regexp N M
+ "Try: "
+ (or expr fs-internal-original-message)
+ rest)))))
+(defun fsi-search-wide-sensitive (&rest args)
+ "Like fs-search-wide, but case-sensitive"
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+ (bbdb-case-fold-search nil))
+ (apply 'fs-search-wide args)))
+(defun fsi-search-wide (&optional regexp N M prestring expr &rest rest)
+ "Search for the REGEXP from among all the terms (and their
+descriptions). See also fs-search-wide.
+EXPR is the full initial expression, well, mostly..
+ (let* ((len-results (apply 'fs-search-basic regexp N M 'describe
+ rest))
+ (len (first len-results))
+ (results (second len-results))
+ (str0 "")
+ (str1 "")
+ (str2 "")
+ (str3 "")
+ (str4 "")
+ (str5 "")
+ )
+ (when (and (> len fs-internal-english-max-matches) (not prestring))
+ (setq str0 (format "Perhaps try also , s %s . " regexp)))
+ (unless prestring (setq str1 (format "%s match(es). " len)))
+ (if (and (integerp N) (> N 0) (not prestring))
+ (setq str2 (format "Matches starting at %s\n" N)))
+ (unless prestring (setq str3 "--> "))
+ (setq str4
+ ;;(format "%s" results)
+ (mapconcat 'identity results " ")
+ )
+ (when (and (> fs-internal-google-level 80) (> len 1))
+ (setq str5
+ (let ((foo (apply 'fs-google-lucky-raw
+ fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name
+ (fs-get-google-defaults)
+ )))
+ (if foo (concat " " foo) str5))))
+ ;; why does this not work as expeecteD? adding a nil for now:
+ (when (and prestring (>= len fs-internal-english-max-matches))
+ (setq fsi-prestring
+ (concat fsi-prestring
+ "[Too many DB matches] ")))
+ (cond
+ ((and prestring (= len 1))
+ (fs-describe (first results)))
+ ((and (> len 0)
+ (or (not prestring)
+ (< len fs-internal-english-max-matches)))
+ (unless (stringp prestring)
+ (setq prestring ""))
+ (concat prestring str0 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5))
+ (t
+ (fs-english-only (or expr fs-internal-original-message)
+ nil
+ )))))
+(defcustom erbn-greeting-string
+ "Greetings and Salutations from %s" "")
+(defun fsi-english-only (expr &optional addressedatlast nogoogle)
+ "when addressedatlast is t, means that fsbot/botito was triggered because
+it was addressed at last. "
+ ;; expr should already be a string ...but just in case:
+ (unless expr (setq expr fs-internal-original-message))
+ (setq expr (erbutils-downcase (erbutils-stringify expr
+ )))
+ (let ((exprlist (split-string expr
+ ;;"[ \f\t\n\r\v]+"
+ "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
+ ))
+ (gotit nil)
+ ans len
+ )
+ (setq exprlist (remove "" exprlist))
+ (setq len (length exprlist))
+ (cond
+ ((or
+ (and (= len 1)
+ (string-match erbot-nick (first exprlist))))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (format erbn-greeting-string
+ erbot-nick)))
+ ((or
+ (member "hi" exprlist)
+ (member "hello" exprlist)
+ (member "yo" exprlist))
+ (setq
+ gotit
+ t
+ ans
+ (concat
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("hi " "hello " "hey " "hei "))
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("sexy! " "!!" "there" "")))))
+ ((member "bye" exprlist)
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("Later" "See ya" "Bye then" "Bye"))))
+ ((or
+ (member "welcome" exprlist)
+ (member "weclome" exprlist))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(":-)" "How goes?" "Hello!"
+ "Greetings!"
+ "How is it going?"
+ "This is my favorite channel!"
+ "I love this place. "
+ "Thanks. I love it here."))))
+ ((or
+ (member "tnx" exprlist)
+ (member "tnks" exprlist)
+ (member "thanks" exprlist)
+ (member "thanku" exprlist)
+ (member "thankyou" exprlist)
+ (and (string-match "thank" expr)
+ (or
+ (string-match "you" expr)
+ (string-match erbot-nick expr))
+ (string-match "thank you" expr)))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("No problem" "Welcome!" "You're welcome"
+ "no problemo"
+ "Sure!"
+ "(:"
+ "Cool."
+ ))))
+ ((or (member "thx" exprlist)
+ (member "thankx" exprlist)
+ (member "thanx" exprlist)
+ )
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("np" "urw" "hehe, np" ))))
+ ((or (string-match "wassup" expr)
+ (string-match "what's up" expr))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (concat
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("Nothing much. " "Just, you know. "
+ "Just the usual.."))
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("And you? " "How about you? "
+ "How goes with you? "
+ "What have you been up to?")))))
+ (
+ (or
+ (string-match "love" expr)
+ (string-match "like" expr))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (format "%s loves you!" erbot-nick)))
+ (
+ (or
+ (string-match "hate" expr)
+ (string-match "dislike" expr)
+ (string-match "don't like" expr))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (format "%s only has love for you!" erbot-nick)))
+ ((string-match "help" expr)
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans (format "Type , help")))
+ ((or (member "bot" exprlist)
+ (member "robot" exprlist))
+ (setq gotit t
+ ans
+ (concat
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(
+ "I am just an ordinary human"
+ "I am an organic"
+ "Why? Do you speak lisp?"
+ "Why? Do you have a lisp?"
+ "I am human. Are you a bot?"
+ "I am human. Are you a robot?"
+ "I am not a bot"
+ "Fine, say what you like"
+ "Bots should have rights too, not that I am one"
+ "Are you a bot-rights abuser?"
+ "I am a human. You?"
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("" "!"))
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("" " :)" " :(" " ;)" " :D" " heh")))))
+ )
+ (if gotit ans
+ (if (and addressedatlast (not fs-internal-botito-mode))
+ 'noreply
+ ;;(cond ((> rand fs-internal-doctor-rarity)
+ (if (and (> fs-internal-google-level 50) (not nogoogle))
+ (apply 'fs-google-from-english fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name
+ (fs-get-google-defaults)
+ )
+ (funcall 'fs-do-weighted-random (erbutils-stringify
+ expr
+ )))))))
+;;(t (apply 'fs-suggest-describe expr)))))))
+(defun fsi-eval (expr)
+ (eval
+ (erblisp-sandbox expr)))
+;;; (defmacro fs-apply (&optional msymbol &rest mexprs)
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((and (listp msymbol)
+;;; (not (equal (first msymbol) "quote")))
+;;; (error "unquoted list"))
+;;; ((and (symbolp msymbol)
+;;; (not (equal 0
+;;; (string-match "fs-"
+;;; (format "%s" msymbol)))))
+;;; (setq msymbol (intern (format "fs-%s" msymbol))))
+;;; (t "Funcalling foo is really bar!"))
+;;; `(erbnocmd-apply ,msymbol ,@mexprs))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((null mexprs)
+;;; `(fs-funcall ,msymbol ,mexprs))
+;;; (t
+;;; (let ((erbnocmd-tmpvar (length mexprs)))
+;;; `(fs-funcall
+;;; ,msymbol
+;;; ,@(subseq mexprs 0 (- erbnocmd-tmpvar 1))
+;;; ,@(erblisp-sandbox-quoted (first (last mexprs))))))
+;;; ))
+;;; (defmacro fs-funcall (&optional msymbol &rest mexprs)
+;;; "This makes sure that if the first argument to fs- was a
+;;; variable instead of a symbol, that variable does not get evaluated,
+;;; unless it begins in fs-, or that variable gets converted to fs-."
+;;; (when
+;;; (listp msymbol)
+;;; (setq msymbol
+;;; (erblisp-sandbox-quoted msymbol))
+;;; (when (equal (first msymbol) 'quote)
+;;; (setq msymbol (cdr msymbol))))
+;;; (when
+;;; (and (symbolp msymbol)
+;;; (not (equal 0
+;;; (string-match "fs-"
+;;; (format "%s" msymbol)))))
+;;; (setq msymbol (intern (format "fs-%s" msymbol))))
+;;; (unless
+;;; (or (listp msymbol) (symbolp msymbol))
+;;; (error "Macros confuse this bot!"))
+;;; `(erbnocmd-funcall ,msymbol ,@mexprs))
+;;; (defun erbnocmd-funcall (&optional symbol &rest exprs)
+;;; (let (erbnocmd-ss )
+;;; (unless
+;;; (or (symbolp symbol)
+;;; (listp symbol))
+;;; (error "Syntax: (funcall SYMBOL &rest arguments)"))
+;;; (unless
+;;; (functionp symbol)
+;;; (error "Even smart bots like me can't funcall nonfunctions. "))
+;;; (setq erbnocmd-ss (erblisp-sandbox-quoted symbol))
+;;; (when (listp erbnocmd-ss)
+;;; (when (equal (first erbnocmd-ss) 'quote)
+;;; (setq erbnocmd-ss (cadr erbnocmd-ss)))
+;;; (unless (listp erbnocmd-ss) (error "no lambda in quote"))
+;;; (unless (member (first erbnocmd-ss) '(fs-lambda lambda))
+;;; (error "Lambda unmember"))
+;;; (when (equal (first erbnocmd-ss) 'fs-lambda)
+;;; (setq erbnocmd-ss (cons 'lambda (cdr erbnocmd-ss)))))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((null erbnocmd-apply-p)
+;;; (erbnocmd-apply-basic
+;;; erbnocmd-ss
+;;; exprs))
+;;; ;; wanna apply
+;;; (t
+;;; (let ((len (length exprs)))
+;;; (erbnocmd-apply-basic
+;;; erbnocmd-ss
+;;; (append
+;;; (subseq exprs 0 (- len 1))
+;;; (first (last exprs)))))))))
+;;; (defun erbnocmd-apply-basic (fcn &rest args)
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((functionp fcn)
+;;; (apply fcn args))
+;;; (t
+;;; (fs-apply
+;;; (erbnocmd-user-fcn-definition
+;;; fcn)
+;;; args))))
+;;; ;;; (defun erbnocmd-apply (&optional symbol &rest args)
+;;; ;;; (if (null args)
+;;; ;;; (erbnocmd-funcall symbol)
+;;; ;;; (let* ((rev (reverse args))
+;;; ;;; (fir (first rev))
+;;; ;;; (args1 (reverse (rest rev))))
+;;; ;;; (apply
+;;; ;;; 'erbnocmd-funcall
+;;; ;;; symbol
+;;; ;;; (append
+;;; ;;; (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy
+;;; ;;; args1)
+;;; ;;; (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy
+;;; ;;; fir))))))
+(defun fsi-search-basic (&optional regexp N M describep &rest rest)
+ "Don't call directly.. meant as a building block for other functions.
+ Search for the REGEXP from among all the terms (and their
+ descriptions). See also fs-search-wide. That function actually
+ calls this function with describep set to 'describe.
+ Returns (len list-of-pruned-results). Len is the total number of
+ results.
+ When describep is non-nil, search the whole bbdb, not just names.. "
+ (unless regexp
+ (error "Syntax: , sw regexp &optional N M"))
+ (let* ((bar (cons regexp (cons N rest)))
+ (foo (if (stringp regexp) regexp
+ (if regexp (format "%s" regexp)
+ "^$")))
+ (barbar
+ (append
+ (and regexp (list regexp))
+ (and N (list N))
+ (and M (list M))
+ (and describep (list describep))
+ rest))
+ (regexp-notes
+ (if (equal describep 'describe)
+ foo nil))
+ records results
+ )
+ (if (stringp N)
+ (setq N (erbn-read N)))
+ (unless (integerp N)
+ (setq N 0))
+ (if (stringp M)
+ (setq M (erbn-read M)))
+ (if (and (integerp M) (= M N))
+ (setq M (+ N 1)))
+ (setq records
+ (if (equal describep 'describe)
+ (bbdb-search (bbdb-records)
+ foo nil nil foo)
+ (bbdb-search (bbdb-records) foo)))
+ (setq results (mapcar '(lambda (arg) (aref arg 0)) records))
+ (let ((len (length results)))
+ (unless (and (integerp M) (< M len))
+ (setq M len))
+ (list len (subseq results N M)))))
+(defvar fs-internal-describe-literally-p nil)
+(defvar fs-msg "The exact current message being parsed. ")
+(defvar fs-msglist "Message broken into list. This list may have
+removed characters like ? and ,, No guarantees here. See
+fs-msgsandbot instead.")
+(defvar fs-msgsansbot nil "Current message being parsed, but the
+invocation part removed. ")
+(defvar fs-msglistsansbot nil
+ "Message broken into list, invocation parts removed.
+.. with the invokation parts, like ,, or , or fsbot:, removed. Thus,
+if message taken from the middle of a sentence, then this is the list
+from only that part. ")
+(defvar fs-lispargs nil
+ "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-lispa nil
+ "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-lispb nil
+ "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-lispc nil
+ "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-lispd nil
+ "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-lispe nil
+ "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defun fsi-describe-literally (&rest rest)
+ (unless rest
+ (error "Format: , describe-literally TERM [FROM] [TO]"))
+ (let ((fs-internal-describe-literally-p t)
+ (fir (first rest))
+ (res (rest rest)))
+ (cond
+ (fir
+ (apply 'fs-describe
+ (if (stringp fir) (regexp-quote fir)
+ (regexp-quote (format "%s" fir)))
+ res))
+ (t (apply 'fs-describe rest)))))
+(defvar erbnocmd-describe-search-p t)
+(defun fsi-describe (&optional mainterm N M prestring expr &rest rest)
+ "The general syntax is (fs-describe TERM [N] [M]).
+Looks for TERM, and shows its descriptions starting at description
+number N, and ending at M-1. The first record is numbered 0.
+ (let
+ ;;((fs-lispargs (append (list mainterm N M prestring expr) rest)))
+ ;; nothing, just a let not used any more..
+ ((fs-nothingsorry nil))
+ ;; in the global scheme of things, this will turn out to be only a
+ ;; local binding, since erbeng-main will have (let)'ed this. Same
+ ;; for fs-lispa , fs-lispb, fs-lispc...
+ (setq fs-lispargs (mapcar 'fsi-read-or-orig (cdr fs-msglistsansbot)))
+ (when fs-found-query-p
+ (setq N 0)
+ (setq M 1))
+ (unless prestring (setq prestring ""))
+ (unless mainterm
+ (error
+ "Format , (describe TERM &optional number1 number2)"))
+ (let* ((bar (cons mainterm (cons N rest)))
+ (foo (format "%s" mainterm))
+ (barbar
+ (append
+ (and mainterm (list mainterm))
+ (and N (list N))
+ (and M (list M))
+ rest))
+ )
+ (setq foo (fs-correct-entry foo))
+ (if (stringp N)
+ (setq N (erbn-read N)))
+ (unless (integerp N)
+ (setq N 0))
+ (if (stringp M)
+ (setq M (erbn-read M)))
+ (if (and (integerp M) (= M N))
+ (setq M (+ N 1)))
+ (unless (stringp foo)
+ (setq foo (format "%s" foo)))
+ (let* ((result0
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-notes
+ foo
+ ))
+ (result1 (and (stringp result0)
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read result0))))
+ (len (length result1))
+ (newM (if (and (integerp M)
+ (< M len))
+ M len))
+ (result (subseq result1 N newM))
+ (shortenedp (or (< newM len)
+ (> N 0)))
+ )
+ (cond
+ ;; in cond0
+ (result1
+ (let* (
+ ;; notice the use of result1 here, not result.
+ (aa (first result1))
+ (aarest (cdr result1))
+ (bb (split-string aa))
+ (cc (first bb))
+ (dd (second bb))
+ (ddd (or (and (stringp dd) (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
+ (ee (cdr bb))
+ (expandp
+ (and
+ (not fs-internal-describe-literally-p)
+ ;;(equal len 1)
+ ))
+ )
+ (if (and
+ (equal cc "directonly")
+ ;;(equal len 1)
+ )
+ ;; hmm this if part still doesn't take care of aa..
+ (if fs-found-query-p
+ (progn
+ (setq aa "lisp 'noreply")
+ (setq bb (split-string aa))
+ (setq cc (first bb))
+ (setq dd (second bb))
+ (setq dd (or (and (stringp dd) (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
+ (setq ee (cdr bb)))
+ (when expandp
+ (progn
+ (setq bb (cdr bb))
+ (setq aa (mapconcat 'identity bb " "))
+ (setq result1 (cons aa aarest))
+ (setq result (subseq result1 N newM))
+ (setq cc (first bb))
+ (setq dd (second bb))
+ (setq ddd (or (and (stringp dd)
+ (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
+ (setq ee (cdr bb))))
+ ))
+ (cond
+ ((and expandp
+ (erbutils-string= cc "redirect")
+ ;; do not redirect, when term had multiple
+ ;; entries:
+ (not aarest)
+ dd)
+ (apply 'fs-describe ddd
+ N M
+ (format "[->] "
+ )
+ rest))
+ ((and expandp (member cc '("unecho" "noecho"))
+ dd)
+ ;;dd)
+ (erbutils-itemize
+ (cons
+ (format "%s"
+ (mapconcat 'identity ee " "))
+ (cdr result))
+ N
+ shortenedp
+ ))
+ ((and expandp (member cc '("lisp")))
+ (let*
+ ((fs-nothingsorry nil))
+ ;; (fs-lispargs fs-lispargs) ;; no need
+ (setq fs-lispa (nth 0 fs-lispargs))
+ (setq fs-lispb (nth 1 fs-lispargs))
+ (setq fs-lispc (nth 2 fs-lispargs))
+ (setq fs-lispd (nth 3 fs-lispargs))
+ (setq fs-lispe (nth 4 fs-lispargs))
+ (erbeng-main
+ (concat erbn-char " (progn "
+ (substring aa
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert aa)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "lisp" nil t)))
+ " )")
+ erbeng-proc
+ erbeng-nick erbeng-tgt erbeng-localp
+ erbeng-userinfo)))
+ (t
+ (erbutils-add-nick-maybe
+ (concat
+ prestring
+ (format
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(
+ ;;"%s is perhaps "
+ "%s is, like, "
+ "I heard %s is "
+ "I think %s is "
+ ;;"/me thinks %s is "
+ "%s -- "
+ ;;"%s is "
+ "%s is "
+ "hmm, %s is "
+ "From memory, %s is "
+ ))
+ ;; 2004-01-27 T17:21:55-0500 (Tuesday) D. Goel
+ ;; why regexp-quote here?? changing it..
+ ;;(regexp-quote foo)
+ foo
+ )
+ ;; and notice the use of result here..
+ (if result
+ (erbutils-itemize result N shortenedp)
+ (erbutils-itemize result1 0))
+ )))
+ )))
+ ;; in cond0
+ ;; else
+ (fs-found-query-p
+ 'noreply)
+ ((not erbnocmd-describe-search-p)
+ ;; most likely: redirected but the redirected stuff does not exist..
+ (format
+ "Missing redirect. %s is now on fire. (Try , dl) "
+ erbot-nick mainterm))
+ (t
+ ;; prevent any further expansions on further loopbacks.
+ (let ((erbnocmd-describe-search-p nil))
+ (fs-search
+ mainterm nil nil
+ (concat prestring "try: ")
+ ;;barbar
+ expr
+ ))))))))
+(defvar fs-internal-doctor-rarity 80
+ "A large number(1--100) means rarer doctor inovcation upon no matches."
+ )
+(defun fsi-suggest-describe (&rest terms)
+ "Fallback for when `fs-describe' fails.
+It then (often) calls this function, which suggests
+Optional argument TERMS ."
+ (let ((term (format "%s" (first terms)))
+ (none (erbutils-random
+ '("No such term.."
+ "Beeeeep..."
+ "No luck.."
+ "No match.."
+ "Drew a blank.."
+ "Does not compute..")))
+ (num (random 100)))
+ (cond
+ ((< num 30)
+ (concat none
+ (format "Perhaps try: , s %s or , sw %s or , %s 0" term
+ term term)))
+ ((< num 60)
+ (concat none
+ (format "Try search or search-wide on %s" term)))
+ (t
+ (concat none
+ (erbutils-random '("perhaps " "why not " "please " ))
+ "tell me what " term " is?")))))
+(defun fs-do-random (&optional msg nick &rest ignored)
+ "Either play doctor, or zippy or flame someone.. all at random..."
+ (case (random 4)
+ (0 (fs-doctor msg))
+ (1 (fs-flame nick))
+ (2 (fs-yow))
+ (3 (fs-fortune))
+ )
+ ;;(3 (fs-bottalk))
+ )
+(defcustom fs-internal-english-weights
+ '(58 ;; doc
+ 17 ;; yow
+ 17 ;; fortune
+ 4 ;; flame
+ 4 ;; spook
+ 0 ;; pray
+ )
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defun fs-do-weighted-random (&optional msg nick &rest ignored)
+ "Either play doctor, or zippy or flame someone.. all at random..."
+ (let ((foo (random 100)))
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ `((fs-doctor ,msg)
+ (fs-yow ,msg)
+ (fs-fortune ,msg)
+ (fs-flame ,nick)
+ (fs-spook)
+ (fs-pray)
+ )
+ fs-internal-english-weights))))
+(defun fsi-yow (&rest args)
+ ""
+ (erbutils-eval-until-limited
+ '(yow)))
+(defun fsi-rearrange (&optional from to term &rest dummy)
+ "Syntax: FROM->TO in TERM.
+Move the FROMth entry to the TOth position in the given TERM.
+Numbering of positions starts from 0. "
+ (unless term (error "Syntax: , N->M in TERM (no term found)"))
+ (when (stringp from)
+ (setq from (erbn-read from)))
+ (when (stringp to)
+ (setq to (erbn-read to)))
+ (unless (stringp term)
+ (setq term (format "%s" term)))
+ (let*
+ ((exactnotes (erbbdb-get-exact-notes term))
+ (realterm (erbbdb-get-exact-name term))
+ (notes (and (stringp exactnotes ) (erbn-read exactnotes)))
+ (len (length notes))
+ (max (- len 1))
+ (newnotes notes)
+ remlist
+ thisnote
+ (tostring (downcase (format "%s" to)))
+ )
+ (unless realterm
+ (error "No such term exists %S" term))
+ (unless notes
+ (error "Report this bug. Term exists but no notes?? %S" term))
+ (when (string= tostring "last")
+ (setq to max))
+ (when (string= tostring "first")
+ (setq to 0))
+ (unless (and (integerp from)
+ (<= from max) (>= from 0))
+ (error "The from term %S should lie between %S and %S"
+ from 0 max))
+ (setq thisnote (nth from notes))
+ (setq remlist
+ (append (subseq notes 0 from)
+ (subseq notes (+ from 1))))
+ (setq newnotes
+ (append (subseq remlist 0 to)
+ (list thisnote)
+ (subseq remlist to)))
+ (erbot-working
+ (fs-forget term "all")
+ (fs-set-term realterm newnotes))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (format "Moved entry %S to %S in %S" from to realterm)
+ ))
+;;; 2002-09-04 T01:51:08-0400 (Wednesday) D. Goel
+(defun fsi-forget (&optional name number &rest dummy)
+ "Remove the entry correponding to NAME in the database.
+With NUMBER, forget only the NUMBERth entry of NAME. "
+ ;; before we do the usual thing, let's see if we need to and can get
+ ;; away with exchanging name and number.
+ (when
+ (and
+ (numberp name)
+ (not (string= (format "%s" number)
+ "all"))
+ )
+ (let ((fstmp number))
+ (setq number name)
+ (setq name fstmp)))
+ (unless (stringp name)
+ (setq name (format "%s" name)))
+ (unless name
+ (error "Syntax: , forget TERM &optional NUMBER"))
+ (setq name (fs-correct-entry name))
+ (let*
+ (numstring
+ (entries0 (erbbdb-get-exact-notes name))
+ (entries (and (stringp entries0 )
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read entries0))))
+ (len (length entries)))
+ (unless entries
+ (error "No such term %s" name))
+ (when (and (null number) (= len 1))
+ (setq number 0))
+ (setq numstring (downcase (format "%s" number)))
+ (when (stringp number)
+ (setq number (erbn-read number)))
+ (unless (integerp number) (setq number nil))
+ (unless
+ (or number
+ (string= numstring "all"))
+ (error "Syntax: , forget TERM [NUMBER or \"all\"]"))
+ (when number
+ (unless (and (< number len) (>= number 0))
+ (error "Number should be \"all\" or lie between 0 and %s"
+ (- len 1))))
+ ;; Note that this does remove the field but throws a strange error..
+ ;; "Record doubleplus inpresent... It is just us who are discarding
+ ;; this error.. ...
+ ;; yet the field gets deleted.. and bbdb does not get saved at this
+ ;; time.. because of the error ...OH well, it works.. let's move on
+ ;; for now..
+ (cond
+ (
+ (and (equal number 0)
+ (= len 1))
+ (ignore-errors (erbbdb-remove name))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (format "Forgot %S which had exactly one entry." name))
+ ((string= numstring "all")
+ (ignore-errors (erbbdb-remove name))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (if (= len 1) (format "Forgot the single entry in %S" name)
+ (format "Forgot all %s entries of %S" len name)))
+ (t
+ (fs-forget name "all")
+ (fs-set-term
+ name
+ (append
+ (subseq entries 0 number)
+ (subseq entries (+ number 1))))
+ (message "Removed entry %s of %s" number name)))))
+(defvar fs-set-add-all-p nil
+ "")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'fs-set-add-all-p)
+(defun fsi-set-add-all-enable ()
+ (setq fs-set-add-all-p t))
+(defun fsi-set-add-all-disable ()
+ (setq fs-set-add-all-p nil))
+(defun fsi-set-add-all-toggle ()
+ "Enable the \"is\" command to always work.
+viz. Add field even if another field is already present. This is not the
+recommended usage in general, except when using automated scripts to
+train the bot. The default is nil, which suggests the user to use
+\"is also\" instead. "
+ (setq fs-set-add-all-p (not fs-set-add-all-p))
+ (format
+ "All-is mode set to %S. To toggle, type , (fs-set-add-all-toggle)"
+ fs-set-add-all-p))
+(defun fsi-set-term (&rest args)
+ "Add an entry to database.
+An entry gleaned from (first ARGS) is
+added. (second ARGS) is the description. The entry is converted to
+lowercase, and all whitespace is converted to colons."
+ (let ((name (fs-correct-entry (format "%s" (first args))))
+ (records (cadr args)))
+ (unless (listp records) (setq records (list records)))
+ (setq records (mapcar
+ '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ records))
+ (let ((current
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-notes name)))
+ (cond
+ ((null records)
+ (error "Please specify a description for %s.. Type , df fs-set-term for more details" name))
+ ((and current (string= current ""))
+ (progn (erbbdb-create name records)
+ (format "Added field to the currently empty %s " name)))
+ (current
+ (if fs-set-add-all-p
+ (apply 'fs-set-also args)
+ (error
+ "%s is already something else.. Use 'is also'.. \n Currently: %s" name
+ (let* ((notes (fs-notes name))
+ (shortenedp (> (length notes) 1)))
+ (erbutils-itemize
+ (list (first notes))
+ 0 shortenedp))
+ )))
+ (t
+ (progn (erbbdb-create name records)
+ (format "created."
+ )))))))
+(defun fsi-chase-redirects (name)
+ "either return nil or the redirected entry. "
+ (let* ((notes (fs-notes name))
+ (fir (first notes)))
+ (when (and (stringp fir)
+ ;; do not chase redirects if a term has a second
+ ;; entry...
+ ;; In that case, the first entry should not have been a
+ ;; redirect in any case.
+ (= (length notes) 1)
+ (equal 0 (string-match "redirect\\b" fir)))
+ (let* ((foo (split-string fir))
+ (sec (second foo)))
+ (if (stringp sec) sec
+ name)))))
+(defun fsi-set-also (&rest args)
+ "Add more fields to the the database-entry gleaned from (first ARGS).
+\(second ARGS) contains the new descriptions.
+Record should be a single entity here... a string..."
+ (let* ((name (fs-correct-entry (format "%s" (first args))))
+ (record (format "%s" (second args)))
+ notes
+ ;;(notes (fs-notes name)))
+ )
+ (setq name (or (fs-chase-redirects name) name))
+ (setq notes (fs-notes name))
+ (unless notes (error "But there's no such record: %s" name))
+ (cond
+ ((member record notes)
+ (format "Not added. This entry already exists in the term %S" name))
+ (t
+ (erbbdb-add name record)
+ ;;(run-hook-with-args 'erbot-notify-add-functions nick channel
+ ;;name (length notes)
+ (format "Added entry to the term %S" name)))))
+(defun fsi-doctor (&rest foo)
+ ""
+ (erbutils-add-nick
+ (funcall 'erbot-doctor
+ (erbutils-stringify foo))))
+(defun fsi-dunnet-command (&rest foo)
+ ;;(let ((fs-limit-lines 8))
+ ;;(fs-limit-lines
+ ;;(let ((dun-batch-mode t))
+ (funcall 'erbot-dunnet
+ (erbutils-stringify foo)))
+(defun fsi-info-search (&rest foo)
+ "info-search.. Coming soon...will tell the number of matches
+in manuals of HURD, tramp, eshell, elisp, gnus, message, emacs, ebrowse, calc,
+gdb, make sawfish, cl-emacs, bash, gnuplot, latex and others by demand...")
+;; NO! else fsbot responds to <nick> fsbot is cool! in a wrong way.
+;; (defalias 'fs-is 'erbutils-info-search)
+(defun fs-hurd-info-search (&rest foo)
+ "Coming soon...")
+(defalias 'fs-his 'erbutils-hurd-info-search)
+(defun fsi-blue-moon (&rest foo)
+ "Return true in a really rare case. Currently 1 in 100,000.. was 1 in
+2000. "
+ (= (random 100000) 0))
+(defun fsi-set-force (&rest args)
+ "Forget an entry and add new fields to it..
+Syntax: , no foo is bar."
+ (progn
+ (let* ((fir (first args))
+ (aa (erbbdb-get-exact-notes fir))
+ (notes (and (stringp aa) (erbn-read aa)))
+ (len (length notes)))
+ (when (= len 0)
+ (error "There's no such term %s. Use , %s is ..." fir fir))
+ (unless (= len 1)
+ (error
+ "Term has multiple entries. Examine them and ask me to forget them first"))
+ (erbutils-ignore-errors (funcall 'fs-forget (first args) "all"))
+ (apply 'fs-set-term args))))
+(defcustom erbn-fortune-p t
+ "This is true by default.. since (shell-command \"fortune\") is not
+risky.. ")
+(defun erbn-fortune (arg)
+ (unless arg (setq arg ""))
+ (cond
+ ((string= arg "")
+ (erbutils-eval-until-limited
+ '(erbn-shell-command-to-string (concat "fortune " arg)
+ (list erbn-fortune-p)
+ )))
+ (t
+ (erbn-shell-command-to-string (concat "fortune " arg)
+ (list erbn-fortune-p)
+ ))))
+(defun fsi-fortune (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune ""))
+(defalias 'fs-f 'fs-fortune)
+(defun fs-fortunes-help (&rest args)
+ (concat "Type ,fortune, or any of the commands beginning with f- : "
+ (fs-commands "^f-")))
+(defalias 'fs-fortune-help 'fs-fortunes-help)
+(defalias 'fs-f-help 'fs-fortunes-help)
+(defun fs-f-f (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "-f"))
+(defun fs-f-off (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "-o"))
+(defalias 'fs-f-o 'fs-f-off)
+(defalias 'fs-f-offensive 'fs-f-off)
+(defun fs-f-debian-hints (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "debian-hints"))
+(defalias 'fs-debian-hints 'fs-f-debian-hints)
+(defun fs-f-twisted-quotes (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "twisted-quotes"))
+(defalias 'fs-quotes 'fs-f-twisted-quotes)
+(defalias 'fs-f-quotes 'fs-f-twisted-quotes)
+(defun fs-f-literature (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "literature"))
+(defalias 'fs-f-lit 'fs-f-literature)
+(defalias 'fs-lit 'fs-f-literature)
+(defalias 'fs-literature 'fs-f-literature)
+(defun fs-f-riddles(&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "riddles"))
+(defalias 'fs-riddle 'fs-f-riddles)
+(defun fs-f-art (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "art"))
+(defalias 'fs-art 'fs-f-art)
+(defun fs-f-bofh-excuses (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "bofh-excuses"))
+(defalias 'fs-bofh 'fs-f-bofh-excuses)
+(defun fs-f-ascii-art (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "ascii-art"))
+(defalias 'fs-ascii 'fs-f-ascii-art)
+(defun fs-f-computers (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "computers"))
+(defalias 'fs-f-computer 'fs-f-computers)
+(defun fs-f-cookies (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "cookies"))
+(defalias 'fs-f-cookie 'fs-f-cookies)
+(defalias 'fs-cookie 'fs-f-cookies)
+(defalias 'fs-f-cookie 'fs-f-cookies)
+(defalias 'fs-cookie 'fs-f-cookies)
+(defun fs-f-definitions (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "definitions"))
+(defalias 'fs-def 'fs-f-defintions)
+(defun fs-f-drugs (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "drugs"))
+(defalias 'fs-drugs 'fs-f-drugs)
+(defalias 'fs-drug 'fs-f-drugs)
+(defun fs-f-education (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "education"))
+(defun fs-f-ethnic (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "ethnic"))
+(defun fs-f-food (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "food"))
+(defalias 'fs-food 'fs-f-food)
+(defun fs-f-goedel (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "goedel"))
+(defalias 'fs-goedel 'fs-f-goedel)
+(defun fs-f-humorists (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "humorists"))
+(defun fs-f-kids (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "kids"))
+(defun fs-f-law (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "law"))
+(defalias 'fs-law 'fs-f-law)
+(defun fs-f-linuxcookie (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "linuxcookie"))
+(defun fs-f-love (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "love"))
+(defun fs-f-magic (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "magic"))
+(defun fs-f-medicine(&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "medicine"))
+(defun fs-f-men-women (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "men-women"))
+(defalias 'fs-sexwar 'fs-f-men-women)
+(defun fs-f-miscellaneous(&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "miscellaneous"))
+(defalias 'fs-f-misc 'fs-f-miscellaneous)
+(defun fs-f-news (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "news"))
+(defun fs-f-people (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "people"))
+(defun fs-f-pets (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "pets"))
+(defun fs-f-platitudes (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "platitudes"))
+(defun fs-f-politics (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "politics"))
+(defun fs-f-science (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "science"))
+(defun fs-f-songs-poems (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "songs-poems"))
+(defun fs-f-sports(&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "sports"))
+(defun fs-f-startrek (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "startrek"))
+(defalias 'fs-startrek 'fs-f-startrek)
+(defun fs-f-translate-me (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "translate-me"))
+(defun fs-f-wisdom(&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "wisdom"))
+(defalias 'fs-wisdom 'fs-f-wisdom)
+(defun fs-f-work (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "work"))
+(defun fs-f-linux (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "linux"))
+(defun fs-f-perl (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "perl"))
+(defun fs-f-knghtbrd (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "knghtbrd"))
+(defun fs-f-quotes-emacs-channel (&rest args)
+ (erbn-fortune "~/fortune-emacschannelquotes"))
+(defalias 'fs-f-emacs 'fs-f-quotes-emacs-channel)
+(defalias 'fs-f-quotes-emacs 'fs-f-quotes-emacs-channel)
+(defalias 'fs-quotes-emacs 'fs-f-quotes-emacs-channel)
+(defalias 'fs-quotes-emacs-channel 'fs-f-quotes-emacs-channel)
+;; (defalias 'fs-cons 'cons)
+(defvar fs-internal-limit-line-length 125
+ "Suggested value: (multiple of 80) minus 35 .. suggested: 210.")
+(defvar fs-internal-limit-length
+ 300
+ "A multiple of fs-internal-fill-column.. we suggest: double of it.. note
+that the actual limited-length will be more than this number---it may
+be upto double of this number depending on how the formatting is done.
+viz: we shall go to the line containing this point, and include the
+entire line.
+(defvar fs-limit-lines 8 "")
+(defvar fs-dunnet-mode nil
+ "")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'fs-dunnet-mode)
+(defvar fs-internal-fill-column 350
+ "Default is to disable filling. The receipient should be able to
+fill the way they like.
+should be <= fs-internal-limit-length, else we might set it to be during the
+also, a good idea to keep it < erc's builtin flood protection length,
+else your lines will get broken during middle of words by ERC.
+Thus, keep it below, say 350."
+(defun fsi-limit-string (&optional str maxlen &rest ignored)
+ "Fills the string and then then limits lines"
+ (fs-limit-lines (fs-fill-string str)))
+(defun fsi-fill-string (str)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert str)
+ (let ((fill-column fs-internal-fill-column))
+ (text-mode)
+ (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
+(defun fsi-limit-string-old (&optional str maxlen &rest ignored)
+ (cond
+ (str
+ (unless (stringp str)
+ (setq str (format "%s" str)))
+ ;; get rid of all the \n first..
+ (setq str
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (split-string str "\n")
+ " "))
+ (when (> (length str) fs-internal-limit-length)
+ (setq str (concat (substring str 0 (- fs-internal-limit-length 7))
+ "..<more>")))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert str)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((fill-column fs-internal-fill-column))
+ (fill-paragraph nil))
+ (erbutils-buffer-string)))
+ (t "\n")))
+(defun fsi-dunnet-mode (&optional arg)
+ (setq fs-dunnet-mode
+ (cond
+ ((or (not (numberp arg))
+ (= arg 0))
+ (not fs-dunnet-mode))
+ ((plusp arg)
+ t)
+ ((minusp arg) nil)))
+ (format "Dunnet mode set to %S. To toggle, type , (dunnet-mode)"
+ fs-dunnet-mode))
+(defun fsi-limit-string-no-fill (&optional str limit-lines
+ limit-length
+ limit-line-length
+ &rest ignored
+ )
+ "IS OLD. i think. not used anywwhere... certainly screws up more:
+is not compliant with fsbot paginator.
+Limit string to reasonable length..
+Not more than fs-internal-limit-line-length characters per line, and
+not more than fs-internal-limit-length characters in all.. and not more
+than fs-limit-lines in all.."
+ (if str
+ (let ((fs-limit-lines
+ (or limit-lines fs-limit-lines))
+ (fs-internal-limit-length
+ (or limit-length
+ fs-internal-limit-length))
+ (fs-limit-line-length
+ (or limit-line-length
+ fs-internal-limit-line-length)))
+ (fs-limit-lines
+ (fs-internal-limit-length
+ (fs-limit-line-length
+ str t))))
+ "\n"))
+(defvar erbn-more nil
+ "Alist of pending more-strings per target. Each target is a
+string. ")
+;;(make-variable-buffer-local 'fs-more)
+(defun erbn-more-get (&optional target)
+ "When target is nil, we get the latest more that occurred in ANY
+channel, else we get the more from the channel indicated by target. "
+ (setq target (format "%S" target))
+ (let ((str (cdr (assoc target erbn-more))))
+ (if (and (stringp str)
+ (not (string= str "")))
+ str
+ (fs-describe "more"))))
+(defalias 'fsi-more-get 'erbn-more-get)
+(defun erbn-more-set (str &optional target)
+ (setq target (format "%S" target))
+ (if (assoc target erbn-more)
+ (setf (cdr (assoc target erbn-more)) str)
+ (add-to-list 'erbn-more (cons target str)))
+ (if (assoc "nil" erbn-more)
+ (setf (cdr (assoc "nil" erbn-more)) str)
+ (add-to-list 'erbn-more (cons "nil" str)))
+ erbn-more)
+(defun fsi-more-set (&optional str)
+ (unless str (error "Need a string. "))
+ (erbn-more-set str erbn-tgt))
+(defun fsi-limit-lines (str0 &optional nomorep &rest ignored)
+ "Limits the string, both, to a reasonable number of lines and a
+reasonable number of characters, trying not to break lines and not to
+break words, if possible.
+Thus, that becomes quite a complicated algorithm, and we do that
+ (let* (ans
+ (ender "")
+ (more "")
+ (stra (erbutils-remove-text-properties str0))
+ (str (mapconcat 'identity
+ (remove "" (split-string stra "\n"))
+ "\n"))
+ (limitedp nil)
+ ptmx
+ this-line
+ this-point
+ new-point
+ )
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ ;; fledermaus: ensure that the buffer's byteness matches the str's.
+ (set-buffer-multibyte (multibyte-string-p str))
+ (insert str)
+ (setq ptmx (point-max))
+ (setq this-point ptmx new-point ptmx)
+ (if (> fs-internal-limit-length ptmx)
+ (goto-char ptmx)
+ (setq limitedp t)
+ (goto-char fs-internal-limit-length))
+ ;;(goto-char (point-max))
+ ;;(remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max))
+ (setq this-line (count-lines (point-min) (point)))
+ (when (> this-line fs-limit-lines)
+ (setq limitedp t)
+ (goto-line fs-limit-lines)
+ (setq this-line fs-limit-lines)
+ )
+ (setq this-point (point) new-point this-point)
+ (cond
+ ((and limitedp (> this-line 1))
+ (progn (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq new-point (point))
+ (backward-char) (setq this-point (point))
+ ))
+ ((and limitedp
+ (progn (ignore-errors
+ ;; we want a backward-word 1 here, but only
+ ;; whitespace is regarded as word-boundary for
+ ;; us.
+ (when
+ (search-backward-regexp "\\( \\|\n\\|\t\\)" nil t)
+ (forward-char 1))
+ ;;(backward-word 1)
+ )
+ (> (point) (point-min))))
+ (setq new-point (point))
+ (setq this-point new-point))
+ ;;(limitedp (setq this-point (point) new-point (point)))
+ ;; in the final case, this-point and new-point are already at
+ ;;point-max...
+ (t nil))
+ (setq ans (buffer-substring (point-min) this-point))
+ (when
+ ;;(< this-point (point-max))
+ limitedp
+ (setq more (buffer-substring new-point (point-max)))
+ (if
+ (string-match "[^ \t\n]" more )
+ (setq ans (concat ans (fsi-get-more-invocation-string)))
+ (when nomorep (setq more "")))
+ )
+ )
+ ;;(setq fs-more more)
+ (erbn-more-set more erbn-tgt)
+ ans))
+(defun fsi-get-more-invocation-string ()
+ (if (erbot-safe-nocontrol-p erbn-char)
+ (concat " ..[Type " erbn-char "more]")
+ (concat " ..[Type " erbot-nick ": more]")))
+(defun fsi-limit-lines-old (str0 &rest ignored)
+ ""
+ (let* (
+ (str (erbutils-remove-text-properties str0))
+ (brstr1 (split-string str "\n"))
+ (brstr (remove "" brstr1))
+ (ender "")
+ (condp (> (length brstr) fs-limit-lines))
+ (goodstr
+ (if condp
+ (progn
+ (setq ender "..+ more")
+ (subseq brstr 0 (- fs-limit-lines 1)))
+ brstr)))
+ (if condp (fs-more-set
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (subseq brstr (- fs-limit-lines
+ 1))
+ "\n"))
+ (fs-more-set ""))
+ (concat (mapconcat 'identity goodstr "\n") ender)))
+(defun fsi-more (&rest args)
+ "Display the contents of the cache. "
+ (let ((str (fsi-more-get erbn-tgt)))
+ (if (and (stringp str)
+ (not (string= str "")))
+ str
+ (fs-describe "more"))))
+;; (if (and (stringp fs-more)
+;; (not (string= fs-more "")))
+;; fs-more
+;; (fs-describe "more")))
+(defun fsi-limit-lines-long (str &rest ignored)
+ ""
+ (let ((fs-limit-lines 7))
+ (apply 'fs-limit-lines str ignored)))
+(defun fsi-limit-length (str &rest ignored)
+ "Don't use this, use fs-limit-lines"
+ (if (> (length str) fs-internal-limit-length)
+ (concat (substring str 0 (- fs-internal-limit-length 1)) "...<more>")
+ str))
+(defun fsi-limit-line-length (&optional str &rest args)
+ "a subfunction.."
+ (let* (
+ ;; this not needed now..
+ (brokenstr (split-string str "\n"))
+ (newlsstr
+ (mapcar
+ '(lambda (givenstr)
+ (let ((ls nil)
+ (thisstr givenstr)
+ )
+ (while (> (length thisstr)
+ fs-internal-limit-line-length)
+ (push
+ (concat (substring thisstr 0 fs-internal-limit-line-length
+ ) " <break>")
+ ls)
+ (setq thisstr (substring thisstr fs-internal-limit-line-length
+ (length thisstr))))
+ (push thisstr ls)
+ (reverse ls)))
+ brokenstr))
+ (newbrokenstr
+ (apply 'append newlsstr)))
+ (mapconcat 'identity newbrokenstr "\n")))
+(defvar fs-internal-directed nil)
+(defun fsi-tell-to (string nick &rest ignored)
+ (setq fs-nick (format "%s" nick))
+ (let* ((fs-internal-directed t)
+ (ni (if (string= (format "%s" nick) "me")
+ erbot-end-user-nick
+ (format "%s" nick)))
+ (reply
+ (erbeng-get-reply (fs-parse (concat erbot-nick ": "
+ string)))))
+ (if (string-match ni reply)
+ reply
+ (concat ni ": " reply))))
+(defun fsi-apropos (&optional regexp N M &rest ignored)
+ (fs-apropos-basic 'erbn-apropos regexp N M))
+(defun fsi-apropos-command (&optional regexp n m &rest ignored)
+ (fs-apropos-basic 'erbn-apropos-command regexp n m ))
+(defun fsi-apropos-variable (&optional regexp n m &rest ignored)
+ (fs-apropos-basic 'erbn-apropos-variable regexp n m ))
+(defun fsi-apropos-function (&optional regexp n m &rest ignored)
+ (fs-apropos-basic 'erbn-apropos-function regexp n m ))
+(defun fsi-apropos-value (&optional regexp n m &rest ignored)
+ (fs-apropos-basic 'apropos-value regexp n m ))
+(defun fsi-apropos-documentation (&optional regexp n m &rest ignored)
+ (fs-apropos-basic 'erbn-apropos-documentation regexp n m ))
+(defun erbn-apropos-documentation (reg)
+ (mapcar 'car (apropos-documentation reg)))
+(defun erbn-apropos-command (reg)
+ (apropos-internal reg
+ 'commandp))
+(defun erbn-apropos-function (reg)
+ (apropos-internal reg
+ 'functionp))
+(defun erbn-apropos-variable (reg)
+ (apropos-internal reg
+ (lambda (s)
+ (or (boundp s)
+ (user-variable-p s)))))
+(defun erbn-apropos (regexp)
+ (apropos-internal regexp
+ (lambda (symbol)
+ (or
+ (boundp symbol)
+ (fboundp symbol)
+ (facep symbol)
+ (symbol-plist symbol)))))
+(defun fsi-apropos-basic (fcn &optional regexp N M &rest ignored)
+ "Show the apropos-matches of regexp starting at match number N"
+ (unless regexp
+ (error "Syntax: , apropos REGEXP &optional N M"))
+ (if (stringp N) (setq N (erbn-read N)))
+ (unless (integerp N) (setq N 0))
+ (unless (stringp regexp)
+ (setq regexp (format "%s" regexp)))
+ (let* ((results (funcall fcn regexp))
+ (len (length results))
+ (str0 "")
+ (str1 "")
+ (str2 "")
+ (str3 "")
+ (str4 ""))
+ (unless (and (integerp M) (< M len))
+ (setq M len))
+ (if (and (= N 0 ) (= M len) (> len 30))
+ (setq
+ str0
+ "Perhaps Try , df fs-apropos for general syntax. "))
+ (if (> len 1) (setq str1 (format "%s matches. " len)))
+ (if (> N 0) (setq str2 (format "Matches starting at %s->" N)))
+ (setq str3 (progn (format "%s"
+ (subseq results
+ N M)
+ )))
+ (concat str0 str1 str2 str3 str4)))
+(defun fsi-find-variable (function &rest ignore)
+ (fs-find-variable-internal function 'nolimit))
+(defun fsi-find-variable-internal (function &optional nolimitp &rest ignore)
+ "Finds the variable named FUNCTION."
+ (if (stringp function) (setq function (erbn-read function)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp function)
+ (unless (boundp function)
+ (let ((g (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%s" function)))))
+ (if (boundp g)
+ (setq function g))))
+ (let ((fstr
+ (save-excursion
+ (find-function-do-it function t 'set-buffer)
+ (buffer-substring (point)
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (point))))))
+ (if (equal nolimitp 'nolimit)
+ fstr
+ fstr)))
+ (t "\n")))
+(defalias 'fsi-find-variable-briefly 'fs-find-variable)
+(defun fsi-find-function (&optional function &rest ignore)
+ (unless function
+ (error "Syntax: , find-function 'function-name"))
+ ;;fs-limit-lines-long
+ (fs-find-function-internal
+ function 'nolimit))
+(defalias 'fsi-find-function-briefly 'fs-find-function)
+(defun fsi-find-function-on-key (&optional k &rest rest)
+ (unless k
+ (error
+ "Syntax (ffo <key>)"))
+ (fs-find-function (fs-describe-key-briefly k)))
+(defun fsi-find-function-on-key-briefly (k &rest rest)
+ (fs-find-function-briefly (fs-describe-key-briefly k)))
+(defun fsi-find-function-internal (&optional function nolimitp &rest nada)
+ (unless function
+ (error
+ "Syntax: (ff 'fucntion)"))
+ (if (stringp function) (setq function (erbn-read function)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp function)
+ (unless (fboundp function)
+ (let ((g (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%s" function)))))
+ (if (fboundp g)
+ (setq function g))))
+ (let* ((fstrbare
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; This has the problem that it is interactive.. asks to
+ ;; reread file if has changed etc.
+ ;;(find-function function)
+ (find-function-do-it function nil 'set-buffer)
+ (buffer-substring (point)
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (point)))))
+ (fstr (erbutils-function-minus-doc fstrbare)))
+ (if (equal nolimitp 'nolimit)
+ fstr
+ (concat (format "%s characters.." (length
+ fstr))
+ fstr))))
+ (t "\n")))
+;;; 2002-11-10 T14:50:20-0500 (Sunday) D. Goel
+(defun fsi-say (&rest args)
+ ;; let's make it safe, even though we know it will be made safe again...
+ (let ((response
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (arg)
+ (format "%s" arg))
+ args " ")))
+ (if (erbot-safe-p response) response
+ (concat " " response))))
+(defun fsi-regexp-quote (str)
+ (unless (stringp str)
+ (setq str (format "%s" str)))
+ (regexp-quote str))
+(defun fsi-concat (&rest sequences)
+ (apply 'concat
+ (mapcar
+ 'erbutils-convert-sequence
+ sequences)))
+(defun fs-bunny (&rest arg)
+ (concat " "
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(
+ "Bunny is magical!"
+ ;;"Bunny is hot!"
+ "Bunny is sexy!"
+ "Bunny!!"
+ "Bunny's page:"
+ "Bunny rocks"
+ "Bunny rules!"
+ "One Bunny to rule us all"
+ "One Bunny to rule us all ... Muhahahhaha"
+ "Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!"
+ "Bunny! Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!"
+ ;;"ERC in Emacs just rocks"
+ ))))
+(defun erbnocmd-user-fcn-definition (&optional mainterm )
+ "The general syntax is (fs-describe TERM [N] [M]).
+Looks for TERM, and shows its descriptions starting at description
+number N, and ending at M-1. The first record is numbered 0.
+ (unless mainterm
+ (error
+ "Format , (describe TERM &optional number1 number2)"))
+ (unless mainterm
+ (setq mainterm (format "%s" mainterm)))
+ (setq mainterm (fs-correct-entry mainterm))
+ (let* ((result0
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-notes
+ mainterm
+ ))
+ (result1 (and (stringp result0)
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read result0))))
+ (len (length result1)))
+ (cond
+ ;; in cond0
+ (result1
+ (let* (
+ ;; notice the use of result1 here, not result.
+ (aa (first result1))
+ (bb (split-string aa))
+ (cc (first bb))
+ (dd (second bb))
+ (ee (cdr bb))
+ )
+ (cond
+ (
+ (erbutils-string= cc "redirect")
+ dd)
+ (t nil)))))))
+(defun fs-seen (&rest args)
+ (concat "seen "
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ args
+ " ")))
+;; this asks the google bot for results and gives it to our channel
+;;(defvar erbnocmd-google-stack nil)
+;;(defun fs-google (&rest args)
+;; (progn
+;; (add-to-list 'erbnocmd-google-stack 'foo))
+;; (erc-cmd-MSG google "hi")
+;; nil)
+(defcustom fs-internal-google-time 4
+ "" :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom fs-internal-dictionary-time 4
+ "" :group 'erbc)
+(defun fsi-google-raw (&rest args)
+ "Return a list of google results. "
+ (let ((concatted
+ (mapconcat '(lambda (a)
+ (format "%s" a))
+ args " ")))
+ (with-timeout
+ (fs-internal-google-time
+ (list concatted (list "google---TimedOut")))
+ (let ((results
+ ;; this ignore-errors is very important.
+ ;; since the google stuff currently gives weird errors
+ ;; when called from within a with-timeout loop, and a
+ ;; timeout actually occurs.
+ (ignore-errors
+ (mapcar 'list
+ (google-result-urls
+ (google-search concatted 0 "web")) )) ))
+ results)) ))
+(defvar fs-internal-google-redirect-p nil)
+(defun fsi-googlen (n &rest args)
+ "Format the first n results in a nice format. "
+ (let* ((rawres (apply 'fs-google-raw args))
+ (terms (first rawres))
+ (matches (cdr rawres)))
+ (when (> (length matches) n)
+ (setq matches (subseq matches 0 n)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (not (null matches)) (not fs-internal-google-redirect-p))
+ (format "[google] %s"
+ ;;terms
+ (if matches
+ (mapconcat 'car matches "\n")
+ "No match. ")))
+ (t
+ (fs-english-only
+ fs-internal-original-message
+ fs-internal-addressedatlast
+ 'nogoogle
+ )))))
+(defun fsi-google-lucky-raw (&rest args)
+ (caadr (apply 'fs-google-raw args)))
+(defun fsi-google-redirect-to-google-bot (&rest args)
+ (concat "google: "
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ args " ")))
+(defun fsi-google-from-english (&rest args)
+ (let ((fs-internal-google-redirect-p t))
+ (apply 'fs-google args)))
+(defun fsi-google (&rest args)
+ (unless args (error "Syntax: , g[oogle] [NUMBER] WORD1 &rest MORE-WORDS "))
+ (let (num
+ (fir (first args))
+ )
+ (when (> (length args) 1)
+ (setq num
+ (if (numberp fir)
+ fir
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read fir)))))
+ (if (numberp num)
+ (setq args (cdr args))
+ (setq num 2))
+ (apply 'fs-googlen num args)))
+(defun fsi-google-with-options (options terms &rest args)
+ "internal"
+ (apply 'fs-google (append (list options) terms args)))
+(defun fsi-google-deego (&rest args)
+ "Google on the"
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fsi-google-emacswiki(&rest args)
+ "Google on the emacswiki site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fsi-google-sl4 (&rest args)
+ "Google on the sl4 site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fsi-google-planetmath (&rest args)
+ "Google on the planetmath site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fsi-google-octave (&rest args)
+ "Google on the octave site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defalias 'fs-go 'fs-google-octave)
+(defun fs-google-wikipedia-english (&rest args)
+ "Google on the emacswiki site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-wikipedia (&rest args)
+ "Google on the emacswiki site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-wikipedia (&rest args)
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-imdb (&rest args)
+ "Google on IMDB"
+ (fs-google-with-options "" "1" args))
+(defun fs-google-gnufans-org (&rest args)
+ "Google on"
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-hurdwiki(&rest args)
+ "Google on the emacswiki site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-nevadamissouri (&rest args)
+ "Google on the emacswiki site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-scarymath (&rest args)
+ "Google on scarymath"
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+(defun fs-google-twiki (&rest args)
+ "Google on the twiki site."
+ (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+;; unprovide nonfree sites..
+;; (defun fs-google-usemod (&rest args)
+;; "Google on usemod"
+;; (fs-google-with-options "" args))
+;;(defalias 'fs-google-meatball 'fs-google-usemod)
+(defun fsi-replace-regexp (&optional from to term number delimited
+ fixedcase literal subexp)
+ "TODO: implemenet fixedcase, literal, subexp... If needed, let the
+author know.."
+ (unless (and from to term)
+ (error "Syntax: %s (replace-regexp FROM TO TERM &optional NUMBER" erbn-char))
+ (erbnocmd-iterate-internal term number 'replace-regexp-in-string from to
+ nil)
+ (format "Replaced regexp %S with %S" from to))
+(defun fsi-cp (name dest)
+ (let* ((exn (erbbdb-get-exact-notes name))
+ (notes (and (stringp exn) (erbn-read exn))))
+ (unless notes
+ (error "No such term %s" name))
+ (when (erbbdb-get-exact-notes dest)
+ (error "%S already exists. Use merge" dest))
+ (fs-set-term dest notes)
+ (format "Copied entries of %S to %S" name dest)))
+(defun fsi-notes (name)
+ "Internal. Return the notes as a list. Else nil"
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (let ((exnotes (erbbdb-get-exact-notes name)))
+ (and (stringp exnotes) (erbn-read exnotes))))
+(defvar erbn-merge-redirect-p t
+ "When true, merging also redirects.")
+(defun fsi-merge-generic (&optional name dest &rest args)
+ (unless (and name dest (not args))
+ (error "Syntax: %s merge TERM1 TERM2" erbn-char))
+ (setq name (format "%s" name))
+ (setq dest (format "%s" dest))
+ (when (string= (downcase name) (downcase dest))
+ (error "Cannot merge something into itself."))
+ (let ((notes (fs-notes name))
+ (destnotes (fs-notes dest))
+ )
+ (unless notes (error "No such field %S" name))
+ (unless destnotes
+ (error "No such field %S. Use mv" dest))
+ (setq name (fs-correct-entry name))
+ (setq dest (fs-correct-entry dest))
+ (erbot-working
+ (mapcar
+ '(lambda (arg)
+ (fs-set-also dest arg))
+ notes)
+ (fs-forget name "all"))
+ (when erbn-merge-redirect-p
+ (erbot-working
+ (fsi-set-term name (format "redirect %s" dest))))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (if erbn-merge-redirect-p
+ (format "Merged %S into %S, redirected %S to %S" name dest
+ name dest)
+ (format "Merged %S into %S" name dest))))
+(defun fsi-merge-redirect (&rest args)
+ (let ((erbn-merge-redirect-p t))
+ (apply 'fsi-merge-generic args)))
+(defalias 'fsi-merge 'fsi-merge-redirect)
+(defun fsi-merge-noredirect (&rest args)
+ (let ((erbn-merge-redirect-p nil))
+ (apply 'fsi-merge-generic args)))
+(defalias 'fsi-Merge 'fsi-merge-noredirect)
+(defun fsi-mv (&optional name dest &rest args)
+ "Rename NAME to DEST.
+Do not confuse this function with fs-rearrange which rearranges the
+order of entries within a given term. "
+ (when (or args (not (and name dest)))
+ (error "Format: %s mv foo bar" erbn-char))
+ (setq name (format "%s" name))
+ (setq dest (format "%s" dest))
+ (cond
+ ((string= (downcase name) (downcase dest))
+ (fs-mv-change-case name dest))
+ (t
+ (setq name (fs-correct-entry name))
+ (erbot-working (fs-cp name dest))
+ (erbot-working (fs-forget name "all"))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (format "Renamed the term %S to %S" name dest))))
+(defalias 'fsi-rename 'fs-mv)
+(defun fsi-mv-change-case (name dest)
+ (when
+ (let ((bbdb-case-fold-search nil))
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-name dest))
+ (error "Destination %S already seems to exist" dest))
+ (let ((tmp (format "TMPMV-%S" (random 1000))))
+ (erbot-working
+ (ignore-errors (fs-forget tmp))
+ (fs-mv name tmp)
+ (fs-mv tmp dest))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (format "Readjusted case from %S to %S" name dest)))
+(defun fsi-swap (name dest)
+ (setq name (format "%s" name))
+ (setq dest (format "%s" dest))
+ (unless
+ (let ((bbdb-case-fold-search nil))
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-name dest))
+ (error "Destination %S does not exist." dest))
+ (unless
+ (let ((bbdb-case-fold-search nil))
+ (erbbdb-get-exact-name name))
+ (error "Source term %S does not exist." name))
+ (when (string= (downcase name) (downcase dest))
+ (error "Can't swap term with itself. "))
+ (let ((tmp (format "TMPMV-%S" (random 1000))))
+ (erbot-working
+ (ignore-errors (fs-forget tmp))
+ (fs-mv name tmp)
+ (fs-mv dest name)
+ (fs-mv tmp dest))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (format "Readjusted case from %S to %S" name dest)))
+(defun fsi-rearrange-from-english-internal (msg)
+ (catch 'erbnocmd-tag-foo
+ (unless (equal (length msg) 3)
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-tag-foo
+ `(fs-error (format "Syntax: %s N->M in TERM" erbn-char))))
+ (unless (equal (downcase (format "%s" (second msg))) "in")
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-tag-foo
+ `(fs-error (format "Syntax: %s N->M in TERM" erbn-char))))
+ (let (term
+ fromto
+ lenfromto
+ )
+ (setq term (third msg))
+ (setq fromto
+ (split-string (first msg) "->"))
+ (setq lenfromto (length fromto))
+ (unless (= lenfromto 2)
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-tag-foo
+ `(fs-error (format "Syntax: %s N->M in TERM" erbn-char))))
+ `(fs-rearrange ,(first fromto) ,(second fromto) ,term))))
+(defun fsi-replace-string-from-english-internal (msg)
+ "Parse the input english message to return an elisp equivalent.
+MSG here is a list which needs to be combined. "
+ (let*
+ (
+ ;; original length
+ (leno (length msg))
+ ;; remaining msg
+ (remmsg msg)
+ (remlen leno)
+ las
+ number
+ remengmsg
+ remenglen
+ revengmsg
+ splitloc
+ from
+ to
+ term
+ (ans nil)
+ (termcheckp nil)
+ fcn
+ sr
+ )
+ (catch 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ (unless (and (>= leno 3)
+ (equal 0 (string-match "\\(s\\|r\\)/" (first remmsg))))
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ `(fs-error
+ "Format: s/foo.../bar..../ in TERM &optional N")))
+ (setq sr
+ (if (equal 0 (string-match "s" (first remmsg))) "s" "r"))
+ (setq las (first (last remmsg)))
+ (setq number (and (stringp las) (erbn-read las)))
+ (if (or (numberp number)
+ (equal 0 (string-match
+ "all"
+ (downcase (format "%s" number)))))
+ (setq remmsg (subseq remmsg 0 (- remlen 1)))
+ (progn
+ (setq termcheckp t number nil)))
+ ;; next comes the term
+ (setq remlen (length remmsg))
+ (setq term (first (last remmsg)))
+ (setq remmsg (subseq remmsg 0 (- remlen 1)))
+ (when termcheckp
+ (let* ((exn (erbbdb-get-exact-notes term))
+ (notes (and (stringp exn) (erbn-read exn)))
+ (len (length notes)))
+ (if (> len 1)
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ `(fs-error "Which numbered entry? %s/foo/bar in TERM NUMBER" , sr
+ (setq number 0))))
+ ;; now the "in"
+ (setq remlen (length remmsg))
+ (setq las (first (last remmsg)))
+ (unless
+ (string= "in" (downcase (format "%s" las)))
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ `(fs-error
+ "Format: %s/foo.../bar..../ in TERM &optional NUMBER"
+ ,sr ))
+ )
+ (setq remmsg (subseq remmsg 0 (- remlen 1)))
+ (setq remlen (length remmsg))
+ (setq remengmsg (mapconcat 'identity remmsg " "))
+ ;; remove trailing whitespace
+ ;; no need to check for length since we know msg stars with s/
+ (while
+ (member
+ (aref remengmsg (- (length remengmsg) 1))
+ '(9 ;; tab
+ 32 ;; space
+ 10 ;; newline
+ ))
+ (setq remengmsg (subseq remengmsg 0 (- (length remengmsg) 1))))
+ ;; remove one trailing /
+ ;; no need to check for length since we know msg stars with s/
+ (setq remenglen (length remengmsg))
+ (when (equal
+ (aref
+ remengmsg (- (length remengmsg) 1))
+ 47)
+ (setq remengmsg (subseq remengmsg 0 (- (length remengmsg) 1))))
+ (setq remenglen (length remengmsg))
+ (unless (> (length remengmsg) 2)
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ `(fs-error
+ "Format: %s/foo.../bar..../ in TERM &optional N"
+ ,sr
+ ))
+ )
+ ;; this should take care of almost anything imaginable.
+ ;; one can still construct "missing" cases but one should just use
+ ;; lisp for that.
+ ;; remove the s/
+ (if (equal 0 (string-match "s" remengmsg))
+ (setq fcn 'fs-replace-string)
+ (setq fcn 'fs-replace-regexp))
+ (setq remengmsg (subseq remengmsg 2))
+ ;; now find the last single /
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert remengmsg)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (setq splitloc
+ (search-backward-regexp "[^/]/\\([^/]\\|$\\)" nil t)))
+ (unless splitloc
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ `(fs-error
+ "Format: %s/foo.../bar..../ in TERM &optional N"
+ ,sr
+ )))
+ (setq from (substring remengmsg 0 splitloc))
+ (setq to (substring remengmsg (+ splitloc 1)))
+ (when (string= from "")
+ (throw 'erbnocmd-repl-error
+ `(fs-error "Replacement string must have nonzero size..")))
+ ;; singlify the double /'s.
+ (setq from
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "//" "/" from))
+ (setq to
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "//" "/" to))
+ `(,fcn ,from ,to ,term ,(format "%s" number)))))
+(defun fsi-replace-string (&optional from to term number)
+ (unless (and from to term)
+ (error
+ "Syntax: %s s/foo.../bar in TERM [NUMBER or ALL]" erbn-char))
+ (erbot-working
+ (erbnocmd-iterate-internal
+ (or (erbbdb-get-exact-name term ) term)
+ number 'erbutils-replace-string-in-string
+ from to nil))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (format "Replaced string %S with %S." from to))
+(defun erbnocmd-iterate-internal (term number function
+ &rest arglist)
+ " Perform FUNCTION on the NUMBERth entry of TERM.
+If NUMBER is not nil, the replacement is done for each entry in
+the TERM. The function uses the term as its third argument.
+Meant for use by fs-replace-regexp etc.
+The last entry of ARGLIST is assumed to be itself a list of arguments,
+let's call it lastlist. Let the other entries of arglist be called
+initargs. Then the function is applied as (function @initargs string
+@arglist). Where the string is the string gotten from the TERM. "
+ (setq number (format "%s" number))
+ (let*
+ ((exactnotes (erbbdb-get-exact-notes term))
+ (notes (and (stringp exactnotes) (erbn-read exactnotes)))
+ (len (length notes))
+ newnotes
+ newnote
+ (lenargs (length arglist))
+ (initargs (subseq arglist 0 (- lenargs 1)))
+ (finargs (first (last arglist)))
+ (numnum (erbn-read number))
+ )
+ (when (and (null number) (= len 1)) (setq number 0))
+ (unless exactnotes (error "No such term: %S" term))
+ (cond
+ ((string= "all" (downcase number))
+ (setq newnotes
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (thisentry)
+ (apply function (append initargs (list thisentry)
+ finargs)))
+ notes)))
+ ((or (not (numberp numnum))
+ (< numnum 0)
+ (>= numnum len))
+ (error "Number should be \"all\" or within %s and %s, given was: %s"
+ 0 (- len 1) numnum))
+ (t
+ (setq newnotes
+ (append
+ (subseq notes 0 numnum)
+ (list
+ (apply function (append initargs
+ (list (nth numnum notes))
+ finargs)))
+ (subseq notes (+ numnum 1) len)))))
+ (fs-forget term "all")
+ (fs-set-term term newnotes)))
+(defun fsi-info-emacs (&optional regexp)
+ (fs-info-file "emacs" regexp))
+(defun fsi-info-elisp (&optional regexp)
+ (fs-info-file "elisp" regexp))
+(defun fsi-info-efaq (&optional regexp)
+ (fs-info-file "efaq" regexp))
+(defun fsi-info-eintr (&optional regexp)
+ (fs-info-file "eintr" regexp))
+(defun fsi-info (&optional regexp)
+ (or
+ (ignore-errors (fs-info-emacs regexp))
+ (ignore-errors (fs-info-elisp regexp))
+ (ignore-errors (fs-info-efaq regexp))
+ (ignore-errors (fs-info-eintr regexp))
+ (error "Not found in Emacs manual, elisp manual, Emacs FAQ and Elisp intro")))
+(defun fsi-info-file (&optional infofile regexp)
+ (unless regexp
+ (error "Syntax: %s info-node nodename REGEXP" erbn-char))
+ (unless (stringp regexp) (setq regexp (format "%s" regexp)))
+ (unless infofile (error "Syntax: %s info info-file REGEXP"
+ erbn-char))
+ (unless (stringp infofile) (setq infofile (format "%s" infofile)))
+ (cond
+ ((ignore-errors (Info-goto-node
+ (concat "(" infofile ")" regexp)))
+ (concat "Press C-x C-e after: (info \"("
+ infofile ")" Info-current-node
+ "\")")
+ )
+ ((progn
+ (ignore-errors
+ (Info-goto-node (concat "(" infofile ")"))
+ (Info-top-node)
+ (Info-search regexp)))
+ (concat "Press C-x C-e after: (info \"("
+ infofile
+ ")" Info-current-node
+ "\")"))
+ (t (error "Regexp or infofile not found in the file"))))
+(defun fsi-locate-library (&optional arg &rest rest)
+ "REST WILL be ignored :-)"
+ (unless arg (error "Syntax: %s locate-library LIB" erbn-char))
+ (unless (stringp arg)
+ (setq arg (format "%s" arg)))
+ (locate-library arg))
+(defun fsi-avg (&rest numbers)
+ (cond
+ ((null numbers) 'NaN)
+ (t (fs-// (apply '+ numbers)
+ (length numbers)))))
+(defun fsi-dict (&optional word &rest ignore)
+ (unless word (error "Syntax: %s d[ict] word" erbn-char))
+ (unless (stringp word) (setq word (format "%s" word)))
+ (fs-dictionary-search word))
+(defalias 'fsi-dictionary 'fs-dict)
+(defun fsi-dictionary-search (word)
+ "lispy.. not for interface. "
+ (ignore-errors (kill-buffer "*Dictionary buffer*"))
+ (unless (stringp word)
+ (setq word (format "%s" word)))
+ (with-timeout
+ (fs-internal-dictionary-time "Dictionary--TimedOut")
+ (dictionary-search word)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (switch-to-buffer "*Dictionary buffer*")
+ (goto-line 3)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-max)))))
+(defun fsi-// (&rest args)
+ "My sensible definition of /.
+Does not say 4 / 3 = 0. Note: this usues equal and not equalp, the
+last time i checked , equalp seemed to work as well.. "
+ (let ((aa (apply '/ args)))
+ (if (equal (car args) (apply '* aa (cdr args)))
+ aa
+ (apply '/ (cons (float (car args)) (cdr args))))))
+(defun fsi-channel-members-all ()
+ (cond
+ ;; for earlier ERC.
+ ((boundp 'channel-members) channel-members)
+ ;; for later CVS versions of ERC.
+ (t nil)))
+(defun fsi-channel-members (&optional n m &rest args)
+ (when (stringp n)
+ (setq n (ignore-errors (erbn-read n))))
+ (when (stringp m)
+ (setq m (ignore-errors (erbn-read m))))
+ (unless (integerp n) (setq n 0))
+ (unless (integerp m) (setq m nil))
+ (subseq (fs-channel-members-all) n m))
+(defun fsi-length-channel-members (&rest args)
+ (cond
+ ;; for new erc versions
+ ((boundp erc-channel-users)
+ (hash-table-count erc-channel-users))
+ (t (length (fs-channel-members-all)))))
+(defalias 'fsi-number-channel-members 'fs-length-channel-members)
+(defun fsi-cto (&rest args)
+ (let* ((page (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ args "%20"))
+ (pg1 "")
+ ;;(pg2 "")
+ (pg3
+ (erbutils-replace-strings-in-string
+ '("+" " " "\t") '("%2B" "%20" "%20") page)))
+ (format "%s%s"
+ pg1 pg3)))
+;;; (defun fs-karma (&rest args)
+;;; (let ((fir (first args)))
+;;; (unless
+;;; (and
+;;; args
+;;; fir)
+;;; (error (format "Syntax: , karma ENTITY")))
+;;; (setq fir (downcase (format "%s" fir)))
+;;; (let ((result (erbkarma fir)))
+;;; (if result
+;;; (format "%s's karma is %s" fir result)
+;;; (format
+;;; "No karma defined for %s, use ,ENTITY++ or ,karma-create" fir
+;;; )))))
+;;; (defvar erbn-karma-pt 10)
+;;; (defun fs-karma-increase (&optional arg points &rest ignore)
+;;; (unless arg (error "Syntax: foo++ [&optional NUMBER]"))
+;;; (when (stringp points)
+;;; (setq points (ignore-errors (read points))))
+;;; (unless (and (integerp points)
+;;; (<= (abs points) erbn-karma-pt))
+;;; (setq points erbn-karma-pt))
+;;; (setq arg (downcase (format "%s" arg)))
+;;; (erbkarma-increase arg points))
+(defun fsi-karma-increase (&rest args)
+ (if (car args)
+ (progn
+ (ignore-errors (incf (gethash (intern (format "%s" (car args))) erbn-money) 1000))
+ (format
+ "Noted, %s. One %s-point for %s!"
+ nick
+ (erbutils-random '("brownie" "karma" "wiki" "rms" "lispy"))
+ (car args))
+ )
+ ;;(error "Karma system is currently being reworked. ")
+ ""))
+(defalias 'fs-karma-decrease 'fs-karma-increase)
+;;; (defun fs-karma-decrease (&optional arg points &rest ignore)
+;;; (unless arg (error "Syntax: foo++ [&optional NUMBER]"))
+;;; (when (stringp points)
+;;; (setq points (ignore-errors (read points))))
+;;; (unless (and (integerp points)
+;;; (<= (abs points) erbn-karma-pt))
+;;; (setq points erbn-karma-pt))
+;;; (setq arg (downcase (format "%s" arg)))
+;;; (erbkarma-decrease arg points))
+;;; (defun fs-karma (&optional foo)
+;;; (if foo (setq foo (downcase (format "%s" foo))))
+;;; (erbkarma foo))
+;;; (defalias 'fs-karma-best 'erbkarma-best)
+(defalias 'fsi-ncm 'fs-length-channel-members)
+(defun fs-superiorp (&rest args)
+ (erbutils-random '(t nil)))
+(defun fs-sucksp (&rest args)
+ (erbutils-random '(t nil)))
+(defun fs-bugp (&rest args)
+ (erbutils-random '(t nil)))
+(defun fsi-country (&optional ct)
+ (unless ct (error "Syntax: %s country NM (example , country jp" erbn-char))
+ (setq ct (format "%s" ct))
+ (let ((addp (and (> (length ct) 1)
+ ;; does not start with .
+ (not (= (aref ct 0) 46)))))
+ (if addp (setq ct (concat "." ct))))
+ (erbcountry (downcase ct)))
+(defun fsi-country-search (&rest names)
+ (unless names (error
+ "Syntax: %s country-search NM (example , country japa" erbn-char))
+ (erbcountry-search
+ (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg)) names " ")))
+;;; 2003-02-09 T13:40:04-0500 (Sunday) D. Goel
+(defun fsi-spook (&rest args)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (spook)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (progn (beginning-of-line 1) (point))
+ (progn (end-of-line 1) (point)))))
+(defun fs-explode (&rest args)
+ (let ((pieces
+ (erbutils-random '("a thousand" "a million" "a gazillion"
+ "aleph_2")))
+ (watch
+ (erbutils-random '("" "you watch as "
+ "you run for cover as "
+ ))))
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '((format "%s%s explodes into %s pieces!"
+ watch erbot-nick pieces)
+ (format "%s, with botheart broken into %s pieces, has left: \"Goodbye\""
+ erbot-nick pieces))))))
+(defalias 'fs-die 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-die! 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-Die! 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-Die 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-DIE 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-leave 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-exit 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-quit 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-shut 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-stfu 'fs-explode)
+(defalias 'fs-STFU 'fs-explode)
+(defun fsi-morse (&rest str)
+ (apply 'erbutils-region-to-string 'morse-region str))
+(defun fsi-unmorse (&rest str)
+ (apply 'erbutils-region-to-string 'unmorse-region str))
+(defun fsi-rot13 (&rest str)
+ (let (st)
+ (cond
+ ((= (length str) 1)
+ (setq st (format "%s" (first str))))
+ (t (setq st (mapconcat
+ (lambda (a) (format "%s" a)) str " "))))
+ (erbutils-rot13 st)))
+(defun fsi-studlify (&rest s)
+ (apply 'erbutils-region-to-string
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (ignore-errors (apply
+ 'studlify-region args)))
+ s))
+(defun fsi-h4x0r (&rest s)
+ (require 'h4x0r)
+ (funcall
+ 'h4x0r-string
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (a) (format "%s" a))
+ s " ")))
+(defalias 'fs-h4 'fs-h4x0r)
+(defalias 'fs-h4 'fs-h4xor)
+(defalias 'fs-h4 'fs-haxor)
+(defalias 'fs-h4 'fs-hax0r)
+(defalias 'fs-l33t 'fs-h4x0r)
+(defalias 'fs-leet 'fs-h4x0r)
+(defalias 'fs-stud 'fs-studlify)
+(defcustom fs-internal-studlify-maybe-weights
+ '(100 1)
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defun fsi-studlify-maybe (&rest args)
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '((erbutils-stringify args)
+ (apply 'fs-studlify args))
+ fs-internal-studlify-maybe-weights
+ )))
+(defcustom fs-internal-h4x0r-maybe-weights
+ '(100 1)
+ ""
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defun fsi-h4x0r-maybe (&rest args)
+ (let*
+ ((aa (erbutils-stringify args))
+ (bb
+ (ignore-errors
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(aa
+ (apply 'fs-h4x0r args))
+ fs-internal-h4x0r-maybe-weights
+ )))))
+ (or bb aa)))
+(defalias 'fs-stud-maybe 'fs-studlify-maybe)
+(defalias 'fs-studlify-word 'studlify-word)
+(defun fsi-princ (a &rest ignore)
+ (princ a))
+(defun fsi-pray (&rest args)
+ (require 'faith)
+ (faith-quote))
+(defalias 'fs-all-hail-emacs 'fs-pray)
+(defalias 'fs-hail-emacs 'fs-pray)
+(defalias 'fs-faith 'fs-pray)
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(faith-correct-string))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(member))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(stringp consp symbolp numberp listp arrayp
+ boundp bufferp commandp consp endp
+ equalp evenp oddp facep fboundp
+ featurep functionp integerp keywordp
+ keymapp listp markerp minusp natnump
+ nlistp numberp overlayp plusp rationalp
+ sequencep subrp tailp timerp
+ typep vectorp windowp xemacsp zerop))
+ '(char-to-string string-to-char string-to-int
+ string-to-number string-to-list
+ string-to-number-with-radix number-to-string
+ pp-to-string int-to-string number-to-string
+ prin1-to-string rational-to-string rational-to-float
+ radians-to-degrees rx-to-string degrees-to-radians))
+(defun erbn-shell-test (string &optional substrings)
+ "Return t if any of the substrings matches string.. Used to weed
+out harmful shell code..
+ (unless substrings
+ (setq substrings (list " " "<" ">" "-" "`" "$" "=" ";" "&" "'"
+ "\\" "\"" "|" "*" "?" "~" "^" "(" ")" "["
+ "]" "{" "}" "\n" "\r" )))
+ (let ((found nil))
+ (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+ (when (string-match (regexp-quote arg) string)
+ (setq found t)))
+ substrings)
+ found))
+(defalias 'fsi-shell-test 'erbn-shell-test)
+(defcustom erbn-internal-web-page-time 10
+ "" :group 'erbc)
+(defcustom erbn-url-functions-p nil
+ "when true, enable url functions, provided that erbot-paranoid-p
+allows us that.
+The reason you may not want to enable this function is that when you
+fetch url's like (icecast, etc. content),
+url.el continues fetching that url forever (discovered by indio). The
+bot times out, but url continues fetching it in the background,
+slowing down your bot."
+ :group 'erbc)
+(defmacro erbn-with-web-page-buffer (site &rest body)
+ (let ((buffer (make-symbol "web-buffer")))
+ `(progn
+ (unless (and (not erbot-paranoid-p)
+ erbn-url-functions-p)
+ (error "erbn-url-functions-p is disabled"))
+ (with-timeout (erbn-internal-web-page-time "HTTP time out")
+ (let ((,buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously ,site)))
+ (when (null ,buffer)
+ (error "Invalid URL %s" site))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer ,buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (prog1
+ (progn
+ ,@body)
+ (kill-buffer ,buffer))))))))
+(defun fsi-web-page-title (&optional site &rest args)
+ (unless site (error "Syntax: %s web-page-title SITE" erbn-char))
+ (setq site (format "%s" site))
+ (erbn-with-web-page-buffer site
+ (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+ (beg (search-forward "<title>" nil t))
+ (end (search-forward "</title>" nil t)))
+ (concat "That page title is "
+ (if (and beg end)
+ (erbutils-cleanup-whitespace
+ (buffer-substring beg (- end 8)))
+ "not available")))))
+(defun fsi-wserver (&optional site &rest args)
+ (unless site (error "Syntax: %s wserver SITE" erbn-char))
+ (setq site (format "%s" site))
+ (erbn-with-web-page-buffer site
+ (buffer-substring (point-min)
+ (or (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
+ (point-max)))))
+(defalias 'fs-webserver 'fs-wserver)
+(defun fsi-web (&optional site &rest args)
+ (unless site (error "Syntax: %s web SITE" erbn-char))
+ (setq site (format "%s" site))
+ (erbn-with-web-page-buffer site
+ (shell-command-on-region (or (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
+ (point-min))
+ (point-max)
+ "w3m -dump -T text/html" t t)
+ (buffer-substring (point) (mark))))
+(defun fsi-length-load-history ()
+ (interactive)
+ (message "%s%s%S"
+ (length load-history)
+ " ..." (mapcar 'car load-history)))
+;(defun fsi-load-history ()
+; load-history)
+;(defun fsi-load-history ()
+; load-history)
+(defalias 'fs-google: 'fs-google)
+(defconst fs-bunny 142857)
+(defconst fs-pi pi)
+(defconst fs-e e)
+(defconst fs-euler e)
+(defconst fs-emacs-version emacs-version)
+(defalias 'fsi-emacs-version 'emacs-version)
+(defalias 'fsi-gnus-version 'gnus-version)
+;; the short aliases..
+(defalias 'fsi-a 'fs-apropos)
+(defalias 'fs-da 'fs-apropos)
+(defalias 'fsi-ac 'fs-apropos-command)
+(defalias 'fsi-ad 'fs-apropos-documentation)
+(defalias 'fsi-af 'fs-apropos-function)
+(defalias 'fsi-av 'fs-apropos-variable)
+(defalias 'fsi-c 'fs-commands)
+(defalias 'fsi-d 'fs-dict)
+(defalias 'fsi-dict: 'fs-dict)
+(defalias 'fsi-dl 'fs-describe-literally)
+(defalias 'fsi-doc 'fs-doctor )
+(defalias 'fsi-dkb 'fs-describe-key-briefly )
+(defalias 'fsi-dk 'fs-describe-key)
+(defalias 'fsi-dkf 'fs-describe-key-and-function)
+(defalias 'fsi-dkl 'fs-describe-key-long)
+(defalias 'fs-lkgg 'fs-lookup-key-gnus-group)
+(defalias 'fs-dkgg 'fs-lookup-key-gnus-group)
+(defalias 'fs-dkgs 'fs-lookup-key-gnus-summary)
+(defalias 'fs-lkgs 'fs-lookup-key-gnus-summary)
+(defalias 'fs-lkm 'fs-lookup-key-message)
+(defalias 'fs-lkm 'fs-lookup-key-message)
+(defalias 'fsi-df 'fs-describe-function )
+(defalias 'fsi-cond 'cond)
+(defalias 'fsi-if 'if)
+(defalias 'fsi-when 'when)
+(defalias 'fsi-dfl 'fs-describe-function-long )
+(defalias 'fsi-dv 'fs-describe-variable )
+(defalias 'fsi-ff 'fs-find-function)
+(defalias 'fsi-ffb 'fs-find-function-briefly)
+(defalias 'fsi-ffo 'fs-find-function-on-key)
+(defalias 'fsi-ffob 'fs-find-function-on-key-briefly)
+(defalias 'fsi-fv 'fs-find-variable)
+(defalias 'fsi-fvb 'fs-find-variable-briefly)
+(defalias 'fsi-? 'fs-help)
+(defalias 'fs-32 'fs-help)
+(defalias 'fsi-s 'fs-search)
+(defalias 'fsi-sw 'fs-search-wide)
+(defalias 'fsi-sws 'fs-search-wide-sensitive)
+(defalias 'fsi-wi 'fs-where-is)
+(defalias 'fs-wigg 'fs-where-is-gnus-group)
+(defalias 'fs-wigs 'fs-where-is-gnus-summary)
+(defalias 'fs-wim 'fs-where-is-message)
+(defalias 'fs-dw 'fs-where-is)
+;;(defalias 'fs-yo 'fs-hi)
+;; basic functions
+(defalias 'fsi-lambda 'lambda)
+(defalias 'fsi-length 'length)
+(defalias 'fsi-sqrt 'sqrt)
+(defalias 'fsi-= '=)
+(defalias 'fsi-/= '/=)
+(defalias 'fsi-< '<)
+(defalias 'fsi-> '>)
+(defalias 'fsi-<= '<=)
+(defalias 'fsi->= '>=)
+(defalias 'fsi-not 'not)
+(defalias 'fsi-and 'and)
+(defalias 'fsi-or 'or)
+(defalias 'fs-lart 'fs-flame)
+(defalias 'fsi-null 'null)
+(defalias 'fsi-atom 'atom)
+;;(defalias 'fsi-stringp 'stringp)
+;;(defalias 'fsi-consp 'consp)
+(defalias 'fsi-equal 'equal)
+(defalias 'fsi-equalp 'equalp)
+(defalias 'fsi-eql 'eql)
+;; rr is used for russian-roulette now..
+;;(defalias 'fs-rr 'fs-replace-regexp)
+(defalias 'fs-rs 'fs-replace-string)
+(defalias 'fsi-+ '+)
+(defalias 'fsi-- '-)
+(defalias 'fsi-* '*)
+(defalias 'fsi-/ '/)
+(defalias 'fsi-less 'fs-more)
+(defalias 'fsi-list 'list)
+(defalias 'fsi-car 'car)
+(defalias 'fs-ct 'erbccountry)
+(defalias 'fsi-cdr 'cdr)
+(defalias 'fsi-cons 'cons)
+(defalias 'fsi-append 'append)
+(defalias 'fsi-first 'first)
+(defalias 'fsi-second 'second)
+(defalias 'fsi-third 'third)
+(defalias 'fsi-fourth 'fourth)
+(defalias 'fsi-fifth 'fifth)
+(defalias 'fsi-sixth 'sixth)
+(defalias 'fsi-seventh 'seventh)
+(defalias 'fsi-eighth 'eighth)
+(defalias 'fsi-ninth 'ninth)
+(defalias 'fsi-tenth 'tenth)
+(defalias 'fsi-subseq 'subseq)
+(defalias 'fsi-ceiling 'ceiling)
+(defalias 'fsi-ceiling* 'ceiling*)
+(defalias 'fsi-concatenate 'concatenate)
+(defalias 'fsi-cos 'cos)
+(defalias 'fsi-count-lines 'count-lines)
+(defalias 'fsi-last 'last)
+(defalias 'fsi-llh 'fs-length-load-history)
+(defalias 'fsi-error 'erbutils-error)
+(defalias 'fsi-expt 'expt)
+(defalias 'fsi-exp 'exp)
+(defalias 'fsi-exchange-point-and-mark 'exchange-point-and-mark)
+(defalias 'fs-rq 'fs-regexp-quote)
+;; (defalias 'fs-function 'identity)
+(defalias 'fsi-identity 'identity)
+(defalias 'fsi-nth 'nth)
+(defalias 'fsi-nthcdr 'nthcdr)
+(defalias 'fsi-random 'random)
+(defalias 'fsi-random-choose 'erbutils-random)
+(defalias 'fsi-remove 'remove)
+(defalias 'fsi-replace-regexp-in-string 'replace-regexp-in-string)
+(defalias 'fsi-replace-match 'replace-match)
+(defalias 'fsi-number-to-string 'number-to-string)
+(defalias 'fsi-format 'format)
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(format-time-string))
+(defalias 'fsi-split-string 'split-string)
+(defalias 'fsi-rm 'fs-forget)
+(defalias 'fsi-progn 'progn)
+(defalias 'fsi-ignore-errors 'ignore-errors)
+(defalias 'fsi-lcm 'lcm)
+(defalias 'fsi-let 'let)
+(defalias 'fsi-let* 'let*)
+(defalias 'fsi-ll 'fs-locate-library)
+(defalias 'fsi-g 'fs-google)
+(defalias 'fsi-gcd 'gcd)
+(defalias 'fs-gd 'fs-google-deego)
+(defalias 'fsi-ge 'fs-google-emacswiki)
+(defalias 'fs-gs 'fs-google-sl4)
+(defalias 'fs-gw 'fs-google-wikipedia)
+(defalias 'fs-gi 'fs-google-imdb)
+(defalias 'fs-gwe 'fs-google-wikipedia-english)
+(defalias 'fs-gh 'fs-google-hurdwiki)
+;;(defalias 'fs-gm 'fs-google-meatball)
+(defalias 'fs-gnufans 'fs-google-gnufans-net)
+(defalias 'fs-gg 'fs-google-gnufans-net)
+(defalias 'fs-ggn 'fs-google-gnufans-net)
+(defalias 'fs-ggo 'fs-google-gnufans-org)
+(defalias 'fs-gn 'fs-google-nevadamissouri)
+(defalias 'fs-gp 'fs-google-planetmath)
+(defalias 'fs-gt 'fs-google-twiki)
+;;(defalias 'fs-gu 'fs-google-usemod)
+(defalias 'fsi-mark 'mark)
+(defalias 'fsi-point 'point)
+(defalias 'fsi-pop-mark 'pop-mark)
+(defalias 'fsi-push-mark 'push-mark)
+(defalias 'fsi-floor 'floor)
+(defalias 'fsi-floor* 'floor*)
+(defalias 'fsi-round 'round)
+(defalias 'fsi-round* 'round*)
+(defalias 'fsi-setcar 'setcar)
+(defalias 'fsi-setcdr 'setcdr)
+(defalias 'fsi-sin 'sin)
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(sleep-for sit-for))
+(defalias 'fsi-string 'string)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-as-multibyte 'string-as-multibyte)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-bytes 'string-bytes)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-equal 'string-equal)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-key-binding 'string-key-binding)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-lessp 'string-lessp)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-make-multibyte 'string-make-multibyte)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-make-unibyte 'string-make-unibyte)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-char 'string-to-char)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-int 'string-to-int)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-list 'string-to-list)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-number 'string-to-number)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-sequence 'string-to-sequence)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-syntax 'string-to-syntax)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-to-vector 'string-to-vector)
+(defalias 'fsi-string-width 'string-width)
+(defalias 'fsi-symbol-file 'symbol-file)
+(defalias 'fsi-tan 'tan)
+(defalias 'fsi-cos 'cos)
+(defalias 'fsi-sin 'sin)
+(defalias 'fsi-atan 'atan)
+(defalias 'fsi-asin 'asin)
+(defalias 'fsi-acos 'acos)
+(defalias 'fsi-tanh 'tanh)
+ '(timezone-world-timezones
+ timezone-months-assoc
+ timezone-make-date-arpa-standard timezone-make-date-sortable
+ timezone-make-arpa-date timezone-make-sortable-date
+ timezone-make-time-string timezone-parse-date timezone-parse-time
+ timezone-zone-to-minute timezone-time-from-absolute
+ timezone-time-zone-from-absolute timezone-fix-time
+ timezone-last-day-of-month timezone-leap-year-p timezone-day-number
+ timezone-absolute-from-gregorian))
+(defalias 'fsi-truncate 'truncate)
+(defalias 'fsi-truncate* 'truncate*)
+(defalias 'fsi-truncate-string 'truncate-string)
+(defalias 'fsi-truncate-string-to-width 'truncate-string-to-width)
+(defalias 'fsi-erc-version 'erc-version)
+(defalias 'fsi-sv 'erc-cmd-SV)
+(defalias 'fsi-erc-cmd-SV 'erc-cmd-SV)
+(defalias 'fsi-smv 'erc-cmd-SMV)
+(defalias 'fsi-erc-cmd-SMV 'erc-cmd-SMV)
+(defalias 'fsi-sm 'erc-cmd-SM)
+(defalias 'fsi-cmd-SM 'erc-cmd-SM)
+(defalias 'fsi-stringify 'erbutils-stringify)
+;; (defalias 'fs-while 'while)
+(defun fsi-load-library (&rest args)
+ (error "Use 'require instead. "))
+(defalias 'fs-load 'fs-load-library)
+(defalias 'fs-load-file 'fs-load-library)
+;; cl-extra.el
+(defalias 'fsi-equalp 'equalp)
+;; done gcd
+;; done lcm
+(defalias 'fsi-isqrt 'isqrt)
+(defalias 'fsi-floor*
+ 'floor* )
+(defalias 'fsi-ceiling*
+'ceiling* )
+(defalias 'fsi-truncate*
+;; done round*
+(defalias 'fsi-mod*
+ 'mod* )
+(when (ignore-errors
+ (require 'geek))
+ (erbutils-defalias-i '(geek-code)))
+(defalias 'fsi-rem*
+ 'rem* )
+ '(signum
+ random*
+ ;; yes?
+ make-random-state
+ random-state-p
+ most-positive-float most-negative-float
+ least-positive-float least-negative-float
+ least-positive-normalized-float least-negative-normalized-float
+ float-epsilon float-negative-epsilon cl-float-limits ;; done subseq
+ concatenate revappend nreconc list-length tailp cl-copy-tree
+ copy-tree
+ ;;get* getf
+ ;;cl-set-getf cl-do-remf cl-remprop remprop
+ cl-make-hash-table
+ cl-hash-table-p cl-not-hash-table cl-hash-lookup cl-builtin-gethash
+ cl-builtin-remhash cl-builtin-clrhash cl-builtin-maphash cl-gethash
+ ;;cl-puthash cl-remhash cl-clrhash
+ ;;cl-maphash
+ cl-hash-table-count
+ cl-prettyprint cl-do-prettyprint cl-macroexpand-cmacs cl-closure-vars
+ cl-macroexpand-all cl-macroexpand-body cl-prettyexpand))
+;; oct.el
+(ignore-errors (require 'oct))
+ '(
+ oct-zeros oct-ones oct-sum oct-size
+ oct-rows oct-columns oct-\.*
+ oct-add
+ oct-corr oct-complement oct-sumsq oct-mean
+ oct-sqrt oct-std oct-tanh oct-atanh)
+ "" "oct-")
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(oct-/ oct-+ ))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(lsh))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(obarray))
+;; files.el
+ '(auto-mode-alist interpreter-mode-alist
+ directory-abbrev-alist))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(load-history))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(assoc))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(eq))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(message))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(decf))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(incf))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(faith-quote))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(zerop))
+;;(erbutils-defalias-i '(buffer-substring))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(buffer-substring-no-properties))
+;;(erbutils-defalias-i '(buffer-string))
+;; We define it to be no-properties, else people can (setq foo
+;; (buffer-string)).. and cause a huge uservariables file..
+(defun fsi-buffer-string (&rest args)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defalias 'fsi-buffer-substring 'buffer-substring-no-properties)
+ '(featurep feature-symbols feature-file features
+ ))
+ '(minor-mode-alist minor-mode-map-alist
+ minor-mode-overriding-map-alist))
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(major-mode))
+;; from gnus-group.el
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(gnus-group-mode-map))
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(gnus-summary-mode-map))
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(message-mode-map))
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(text-mode-map))
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(emacs-lisp-mode-map))
+(erbutils-defalias-vars '(lisp-mode-map))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(boundp fboundp))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(lookup-key))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(minor-mode-key-binding))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(where-is-internal))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(% abs))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(cdr cddr car cadr cdar))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(erc-channel-list))
+(when (ignore-errors (require 'units))
+ (erbutils-defalias-i '(units-version units-load-hook units-dat-file
+ units-buffer units-s-to-n
+ units-prefix-convert
+ units-si-prefix-list
+ units-si-short-prefix-list
+ units-convert-1 units-convert)))
+(defvar erbn-nicks-dead nil)
+(defun erbn-mark-dead (&rest ignore)
+ (let ((ni (format "%s" erbn-nick)))
+ (unless (string= ni "nil")
+ (add-to-list 'erbn-nicks-dead (format "%s" erbn-nick)))))
+;; allow people to mark themselves dead :-)
+(defalias 'fsi-mark-dead 'erbn-mark-dead)
+(defun erbn-unmark-dead (nick)
+ (setq erbn-nicks-dead (remove (format "%s" nick) erbn-nicks-dead)))
+(defun erbn-dead-check (&rest ignore)
+ (when (fsi-dead-p erbn-nick)
+ (error "I see dead people!
+ .... (but I don't talk to them!)")))
+(defalias 'fsi-dead-check 'erbn-dead-check)
+(defun erbn-dead-p (&optional nick)
+ (unless nick (setq nick erbn-nick))
+ (member (format "%s" nick) erbn-nicks-dead))
+(defalias 'fsi-dead-p 'erbn-dead-p)
+(defun fs-give (&optional nini &rest stuff)
+ (unless nini (setq nini "self"))
+ (when (string= "me" nini)
+ (setq nini nick))
+ (unless stuff (setq stuff '("a" "beer")))
+ (format "/me gives %s %s"
+ nini
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ stuff " ")))
+(defalias 'fs-hand 'fs-give)
+ '(backward-kill-sentence
+ backward-sentence
+ flame-sentence flame-sentence-ify
+ flame-sentence-loop forward-sentence kill-sentence
+ mark-end-of-sentence sentence-at-point sentence-end
+ sentence-end-double-space sentence-end-without-period
+ transpose-sentences))
+(defalias 'fsi-flatten 'erbutils-flatten)
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(log))
+ '(most-positive-fixnum
+ most-negative-fixnum))
+ '(
+ regexp-opt
+ regexp-opt-depth
+ regexp-opt-group regexp-opt-charset))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(window-system))
+(defvar erbot-kbd-p nil
+ "Whether to enable kbd.
+Note that making this non-nil can lead to vector results. For
+example, (kbd \"<home>\"), (thanks to fledermaus).")
+(when (and
+ (not erbot-paranoid-p)
+ erbot-kbd-p
+ (erbutils-defalias-i
+ '(kbd read-kbd-macro))))
+(defconst fs-t t
+ "As such, when we sandbox a lisp expression, t remains t, so this is
+not needed.
+However, inside macros like (cond (t....)), t becomes fs-t because
+it occurs in an unusual place. this const should take care of it..
+Of course, this also opens the bot to some FUN user abuse, when they
+setq fs-t to nil :-) ")
+(defconst fs-nil nil
+ "See the doc of fs-t ")
+(defun fsi-revive (&optional name &rest ignore)
+ (unless name (error "no one to revive"))
+ (setq name (format "%s" name))
+ (let (ansstr)
+ (setq ansstr
+ (cond
+ ((string= name nick)
+ (concat "Thou idiot, " nick ", thou canst not revive thyself!"))
+ (t (concat
+ "/me sprinkles some "
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("clear" "murky" "boiling" "dark" "holy" "smelly"))
+ " potion on "
+ (format "%s" name)
+ " and utters some prayers. "
+ (erbutils-random
+ (list
+ (format "%s wakes up" name)
+ "Nothing happens."
+ (format "%s wakes up, all refreshed. " name)
+ (format "%s wakes up, all confused. " name)
+ ))))))
+ (when (string-match "wakes up" ansstr)
+ (erbn-unmark-dead name))
+ ansstr))
+;; this may be unsafe, remove it:
+;; (defalias 'fs-sandbox-quoted 'erblisp-sandbox-quoted)
+;; (defalias 'fs-sandbox-quoted-maybe 'erblisp-sandbox-quoted-maybe)
+;; (defalias 'fs-sandbox 'erblisp-sandbox)
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(macroexpand))
+ '(pp-escape-newlines
+ pp-to-string
+ ;; pp pp-eval-expression
+ ;;pp-eval-last-sexp))
+ ))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(string-match identity))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(parse-time-string))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(reverse))
+(defun fsi-pp (object &rest ignore)
+ (pp object))
+(defmacro fs-privmsg (&rest args)
+ "This macro is carefully constructed so that one user cannot force a
+query to another user. "
+ `(cond
+ ;; This can occur when you are requesting a parse..
+ ((null erbn-nick)
+ (progn ,@args))
+ (t
+ (progn
+ (setq erbn-tgt erbn-nick)
+ ;; If there isn't already a buffer, create one..
+ (erbn-query erbn-nick)
+ ,@args))))
+(defun erbn-query (qnick)
+ (save-excursion (erc-query qnick erbn-buffer)))
+(defun fsi-read-or-orig (arg)
+ " If string and can read, read, else return the arg.
+Note: Used by fs-describe"
+ (cond
+ ((stringp arg)
+ (condition-case fs-tmp (erbn-read arg)
+ (error arg)))
+ (t arg)))
+(defun erbn-read-from-string (str)
+ (let (str2)
+ (cond
+ ((stringp str)
+ (setq str2 (copy-sequence str))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length str2) nil str2)
+ (read-from-string str))
+ (t (error "The bot will only read from strings. ")))))
+(defun erbn-read (str)
+ "Like read, but only from strings"
+ (car (erbn-read-from-string str)))
+(defalias 'fsi-read 'erbn-read)
+(defalias 'fsi-read-from-string 'erbn-read-from-string)
+ '(substring subr-arity subrp subseq
+ subst-char-in-string
+ subtract-time
+ time-subtract
+ time-add
+ date-to-time
+ time-to-seconds
+ time-less-p
+ seconds-to-time
+ days-to-time
+ time-since
+ subtract-time
+ date-to-day
+ days-between
+ date-leap-year-p
+ time-to-day-in-year time-to-days time-to-number-of-days
+ safe-date-to-time))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(ignore))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(caar elt))
+(provide 'erbc)
+(run-hooks 'fs-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbc.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d84cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc2.el
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+;;; erbc2.el --- mostly: special functions for erbc.el
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc2.el
+;; Package: erbc2
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; this gile contains yet more functions for fs-. The functions
+;; here shall tend to be "specially defined" ones.
+(defconst erbc2-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defcustom erbc2-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbc2."
+ :group 'erbc2)
+(defcustom erbc2-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbc2."
+ :group 'erbc2)
+(run-hooks 'erbc2-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defvar erbn-while-max 10000)
+(defvar erbn-while-ctr 0)
+(defmacro fs-while (cond &rest body)
+ `(let
+ ((erbn-while-ctr 0))
+ (while
+ ,cond
+ ;; this should enable the with-timeout checks..
+ (sleep-for 0.01)
+ (if (> erbn-while-ctr erbn-while-max)
+ (error "Max while iterations exceeded: %S"
+ erbn-while-ctr))
+ (incf erbn-while-ctr)
+ nil
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro fs-dotimes (spec &rest body)
+ `(dotimes
+ ,spec
+ (sleep-for 0.01)
+ nil
+ ,@body))
+(defun fsi-set-difference (a b)
+ (set-difference a b))
+(defun fsi-pp (&optional foo &rest bar)
+ (pp foo))
+(defvar erbn-tmp-avar nil)
+(defvar erbn-tmp-newargs nil)
+(defun erbn-apply-sandbox-args-old (args)
+ (cond
+ ((= (length args) 0) nil)
+ ((= (length args) 1)
+ (if (equal (caar args) 'quote) args
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox-quoted args)))
+ (t
+ (cons (erblisp-sandbox-quoted (car args))
+ (erbn-apply-sandbox-args (cdr args))))))
+(defun erbn-apply-sandbox-args (args)
+ (cond
+ ((not (listp args))
+ (erblisp-sandbox args))
+ ((= (length args) 0) nil)
+ (t
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox args))))
+(defvar erbn-apptmpa)
+(defvar erbn-apptmpb)
+(defvar erbn-apptmpc)
+(defvar erbn-apptmpd)
+(defvar erbn-tmpsymbolp)
+(defmacro fs-apply (fcnsym &rest args)
+ ""
+ (when erbot-paranoid-p
+ (error "This function is disabled: erbot-paranoid-p"))
+ (unless fcnsym (error "No function to fs-apply!"))
+ (let (erbn-tmpargs
+ (erbn-tmplen (length args))
+ erbn-tmpfirstargs
+ erbn-lastargs
+ erbn-tmpspecialp ;; denotes: NIL: no arguments at all.
+ erbn-tmpnoinitialp ;; denotes the case when the len args =1..
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((= (length args) 0)
+ (setq erbn-tmpspecialp t))
+ ((= (length args) 1)
+ (setq erbn-tmpnoinitialp t)))
+ (cond
+ ((null args)
+ (setq erbn-tmpargs nil)
+ (setq erbn-tmplastargs nil)
+ (setq erbn-tmpspecialp nil))
+ (t
+ (setq erbn-tmpargs
+ (append (subseq args 0 (- erbn-tmplen 1))))
+ (setq erbn-tmplastargs
+ (first (last args)))))
+ (setq erbn-tmpargs (erbn-apply-sandbox-args erbn-tmpargs))
+ (setq erbn-tmplastargs
+ (if (and (listp erbn-tmplastargs)
+ (equal (car erbn-tmplastargs) 'quote))
+ erbn-tmplastargs
+ (erbn-apply-sandbox-args erbn-tmplastargs)))
+ (cond
+ ((listp fcnsym)
+ (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+ ((symbolp fcnsym)
+ (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+ (t (error "No clue how to apply that. ")))
+ (cond
+ (erbn-tmpspecialp
+ `(apply (erblisp-sandbox-quoted ,fcnsym) nil))
+ (erbn-tmpnoinitialp
+ `(apply (erblisp-sandbox-quoted ,fcnsym) ,erbn-tmplastargs))
+ (t
+ `(apply (erblisp-sandbox-quoted ,fcnsym) ,@erbn-tmpargs ,erbn-tmplastargs)))))
+;; (defmacro fs-apply-old (fcnsym &rest args)
+;; (error "This function is old.")
+;; (unless fcnsym (error "No function to fs-apply!"))
+;; (let (erbn-tmpargs
+;; (erbn-tmplen (length args))
+;; erbn-tmpnewargs
+;; )
+;; (cond
+;; ((null args)
+;; (setq erbn-tmpargs nil))
+;; (t
+;; (setq erbn-tmpargs
+;; (append (subseq args 0 (- erbn-tmplen 1))
+;; (last args)))))
+;; (let* (
+;; (erbn-tmp-newargs (erbn-apply-sandbox-args erbn-tmpargs))
+;; (erbn-tmp-newlen (length erbn-tmp-newargs)))
+;; (cond
+;; ((listp fcnsym)
+;; (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+;; ((symbolp fcnsym)
+;; (setq fcnsym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcnsym)))
+;; (t (error "No clue how to apply that. ")))
+;; `(let ((erbn-tmp-avar ,fcnsym))
+;; (cond
+;; ((symbolp erbn-tmp-avar)
+;; (setq erbn-tmp-avar
+;; (erblisp-sandbox-quoted erbn-tmp-avar)))
+;; (t "nada"))
+;; ,(if (= erbn-tmp-newlen 0)
+;; `(apply erbn-tmp-avar nil)
+;; `(apply erbn-tmp-avar ,@erbn-tmp-newargs nil))))))
+(defmacro fs-funcall (symbol &rest args)
+ `(fs-apply ,symbol ,@args nil))
+;; hm, what is this? Was it me? silly me.. Why did I do this??
+(defalias 'fs-function 'identity)
+(defvar erbn-read-mode nil)
+(defvar erbn-read-input nil)
+(defvar fs-internal-botread-prompt "Enter: ")
+(defun fsi-botread (&optional prompt)
+ (unless prompt (setq prompt fs-internal-botread-prompt))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (erbot-reply (concat prompt "") proc nick tgt msg nil))
+ (setq fs-internal-botread-prompt "Enter: ")
+ (setq erbn-read-mode t)
+ (while
+ (not erbn-read-input)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ (sit-for 0.1))
+ (let ((input erbn-read-input))
+ (setq erbn-read-input nil)
+ (setq erbn-read-mode nil)
+ input))
+(defun fsi-dun-mprinc (str)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (erbot-reply str proc nick tgt msg nil))
+ (setq fs-internal-botread-prompt str))
+(defun fsi-botread-feed-internal (str)
+ (setq erbn-read-input str)
+ (format
+ "Thanks for feeding the read-line. Msg obtained: %s"
+ str)
+ (setq erbn-read-mode nil)
+ str)
+;; i love this thing.. just no time to finish this yet..
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr nil)
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb nil)
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprc nil)
+;;; (defvar erbn-calsmart-tmp-error nil)
+;;; (defmacro fs-calsmart (&rest exprs)
+;; "This will insert parenthesis appropriately, so you can type stuff
+;; like , c + 2 3 4 - 3 4 * 3 4 5 (- 2 3)
+;; and fsbot will try parenthesis at appropriate places until the
+;; resulting expression makes sense .. "
+;;; (require 'choose)
+;;; (case (length exprs)
+;;; ((1) `(car ,exprs))
+;;; (t
+;;; `(choose-with
+;;; (let* (
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr expr)
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-break-expr erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr))
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprc
+;;; (choose (list erbn-calsmart-expr
+;;; erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb)))
+;;; )
+;;; (cond
+;;; (erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprb
+;;; (condition-case erbn-calsmart-tmp-error
+;;; (eval erbn-calsmart-tmp-exprc)
+;;; (error (choose-fail))))
+;;; ;; couldn't break.. just do the normal thing.
+;;; (t (eval erbn-calsmart-tmp-expr))))))))
+;;; (defun erbn-calsmart-break-expr (expr)
+;;; "Expr is a list, which we intend to break. WE prefer breaking such
+;;; that the broken function gets 2 arguments.
+;;; We want to rewrap everything by erbn-calsmart, so things get broken
+;;; further..
+(defun fsi-bash-specific-quote (&optional number &rest ignored)
+ "NUMBER need not be jsut NUMBER. Any argument to
+bash-specific-quotes, like random, should work."
+ (require 'bash-quotes)
+ (let (aa bb bashstr)
+ (unless number
+ (setq number "random"))
+ (bash-specific-quote (format "%s" number))
+ (sit-for 5)
+ ;; (let (aa bb)
+ ;; (set-buffer "*bash*")
+ ;; (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; (setq aa (search-forward "--------" nil t))
+ ;; (forward-line 1)
+ ;; (setq aa (search-forward "--------" nil t))
+ ;; (forward-line 1)
+ ;; (setq aa (point))
+ ;; (setq bb (search-forward "--------" nil t))
+ ;; (forward-line -1)
+ ;; (setq bb (point))
+ ;; (when (and aa bb)
+ ;; (buffer-substring-no-properties aa bb)))
+ (set-buffer "*bash*")
+ (setq bashstr (erbutils-buffer-string))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert bashstr)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq aa (search-forward-regexp "^--------" nil t))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (setq aa (search-forward-regexp "^--------" nil t))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq aa (point))
+ (setq bb (search-forward-regexp "^--------" nil t))
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (setq bb (point))
+ (if (and aa bb)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties aa bb)
+ "No result"))))
+(defalias 'fsi-bsc 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+(defalias 'fs-bash-quote 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+(defalias ' 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+;;(defalias 'fs-bash 'fs-bash-specific-quote)
+(defalias 'fsi-lexical-let 'lexical-let)
+(provide 'erbc2)
+(run-hooks 'erbc2-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbc2.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc3.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc3.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..071345e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc3.el
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+;;; erbc3.el ---erbot lisp stuff which should be PERSISTENT ACROSS SESSIONS.
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc3.el
+;; Package: erbc3
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst erbc3-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(defconst erbc3-version "")
+(defun erbc3-version (&optional arg)
+ "Display erbc3's version string.
+With prefix ARG, insert version string into current buffer at point."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if arg
+ (insert (message "erbc3 version %s" erbc3-version))
+ (message "erbc3 version %s" erbc3-version)))
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbc3 nil
+ "The group erbc3."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbc3-before-load-hook nil
+ "Hook to run before loading erbc3."
+ :group 'erbc3)
+(defcustom erbc3-after-load-hook nil
+ "Hook to run after loading erbc3."
+ :group 'erbc3)
+(run-hooks 'erbc3-before-load-hook)
+;;; Real Code:
+;; pf stands for persistent functions.
+;; pv stands for persistent variables.
+(defvar erbn-pf-file "~/public_html/data/userfunctions.el")
+(defvar erbn-pv-file "~/public_html/data/uservariables.el")
+(defun fsi-pfpv-load ()
+ (fsi-pf-load)
+ (fsi-pv-load))
+(defun fsi-pf-load ()
+ (if (file-exists-p erbn-pf-file)
+ (fsi-ignore-errors-else-string (load erbn-pf-file))
+ (message "File does not exist: %s" erbn-pf-file)))
+(defun fsi-pv-load ()
+ (when (file-exists-p erbn-pv-file)
+ (ignore-errors (load erbn-pv-file))))
+(defun fsi-user-function-p (fcn)
+ (member
+ fcn
+ (erbutils-functions-in-file erbn-pf-file)))
+(defun erbn-create-defun-new (sexps body)
+ (cons body sexps))
+(defun erbn-create-defun-overwrite (sexps body fcn)
+ (cons body
+ (remove
+ (first (member-if
+ (lambda (arg) (equal (second arg) fcn))
+ sexps))
+ sexps)))
+(defun erbn-write-sexps-to-file (file sexps &optional backup-rarity)
+ (unless backup-rarity (setq backup-rarity 1))
+ (when (zerop (random backup-rarity)) (erbutils-mkback-maybe file))
+ (find-file file)
+ (widen)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert "\n\n\n")
+ (insert
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (arg) (pp-to-string arg)) sexps "\n\n\n"))
+ (insert "\n\n\n")
+ (save-buffer))
+(defvar erbn-tmp-sexps)
+(defvar erbn-tmp-newbody)
+(defun fsi-pv-get-variables-values ()
+ (let
+ ((vars
+ (apropos-internal "^fs-" 'boundp)))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (v)
+ `(ignore-errors
+ (defvar ,v
+ (quote ,(eval v)))))
+ vars)))
+(defcustom fs-pv-save-rarity 100000
+ "if this is 1000, then file is saved one in a thousand times... ")
+(defun fsi-pv-save ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbn-write-sexps-to-file
+ erbn-pv-file
+ (fs-pv-get-variables-values) 1000))
+ ;; this should lead to a few saves every day... not too many, one hopes..
+(defun erbn-readonly-check (sym)
+ (if (get sym 'readonly)
+ (error "The symbol %S can't be redefined or set! It is read-only!"
+ sym)))
+(defmacro fsi-defun (fcn args &rest body)
+ ;; the given fcn icould be a number or string, in which
+ ;; case sandboxing won't touch it, so we need to override that case.
+ (let ((docp nil))
+ (unless
+ (and (listp body)
+ (> (length body) 0))
+ (error "Function body should have a length of 1 or more"))
+ (unless (and (symbolp fcn) (not (fsi-constant-object-p fcn)))
+ (error "Defun symbols only! :P"))
+ ;; doc string exists, and is followed by more stuff..
+ (when (and (> (length body) 1)
+ (stringp (first body)))
+ (setq docp t))
+ (erbn-readonly-check fcn)
+ (erbn-write-sexps-to-file
+ erbn-pf-file
+ (erbn-create-defun-overwrite
+ (erbutils-file-sexps erbn-pf-file)
+ (if docp
+ (cons 'defun
+ (cons fcn
+ (cons args
+ (cons
+ (first body)
+ (cons
+ `(erblisp-check-args ,@args)
+ (cons
+ '(sit-for 0)
+ (cdr body)))))))
+ (cons 'defun
+ (cons fcn
+ (cons args
+ (cons
+ `(erblisp-check-args ,@args)
+ (cons
+ '(sit-for 0)
+ body))))))
+ fcn))
+ (fsi-pf-load)
+ `(quote ,fcn)))
+(defun fsi-defalias (sym1 sym2)
+ (eval `(fsi-defun
+ ,(erblisp-sandbox-quoted sym1) (&rest fs-bar)
+ (fs-apply (quote ,(erblisp-sandbox-quoted sym2)) fs-bar))))
+(defun fsi-makunbound (&optional sym)
+ (unless sym (error "Syntax: , (makunbound 'symbol)"))
+ (setq sym
+ (erblisp-sandbox sym))
+ (makunbound sym))
+(defun fsi-fmakunbound (&optional sym)
+ (unless sym (error "Syntax: , (fmakunbound 'symbol)"))
+ (setq sym
+ (erblisp-sandbox sym))
+ (erbn-readonly-check sym)
+ (let
+ ;; this is to be returned..
+ ((result (fmakunbound sym))
+ (sexps (erbutils-file-sexps erbn-pf-file)))
+ ;; now we want to remove any definition of sym from the user
+ ;; file:
+ (erbn-write-sexps-to-file
+ erbn-pf-file
+ (remove
+ (first
+ (member-if
+ (lambda (arg) (equal (second arg) sym))
+ sexps))
+ sexps))
+ (fsi-pf-load)
+ result))
+(defvar erbn-tmpsetq nil)
+(defmacro fsi-setq (&rest args)
+ `(let ((erbn-tmpsetq
+ (setq ,@args)))
+ (fs-pv-save)
+ erbn-tmpsetq))
+(defun fsi-constant-object-p (object)
+ "If the object is a symbol like nil or t, a symbol that cannot be
+redefunned, return true. "
+ (or (member object (list nil t))
+ (keywordp object)))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(type-of))
+(provide 'erbc3)
+(run-hooks 'erbc3-after-load-hook)
+;;; erbc3.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc4.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc4.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240b9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc4.el
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+;;; erbc4.el --- Russian Roulette
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 Taylor Campbell
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc4.el
+;; Package: erbc4
+;; Author: Taylor Campbell
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst erbc4-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(defconst erbc4-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+;;; Real Code:
+(defvar erbn-RR-empty-bets (make-hash-table))
+(defvar erbn-RR-bullet-bets (make-hash-table))
+(defvar erbn-money (make-hash-table))
+(defun erbn-move-money (nick table1 table2 amount)
+ (let ((cell1 (gethash nick table1))
+ (cell2 (gethash nick table2)))
+ (if cell1
+ (decf (gethash nick table1) amount)
+ (setf (gethash nick table1) (- amount)))
+ (if cell2
+ (incf (gethash nick table2) amount)
+ (setf (gethash nick table2) amount))))
+(defun fs-bet (&rest args)
+ (let ((nick (intern nick)))
+ (cond ((null args)
+ (let ((empty-bet (gethash nick erbn-RR-empty-bets))
+ (bullet-bet (gethash nick erbn-RR-bullet-bets)))
+ (cond (empty-bet
+ (format "%s has bet %d on there being no bullet."
+ nick empty-bet))
+ (bullet-bet
+ (format "%s has bet %d on there being a bullet."
+ nick bullet-bet))
+ (t (format "%s has not bet anything."
+ nick)))))
+ ((and (consp args)
+ (consp (cdr args))
+ (null (cddr args))
+ (cond ((symbolp (car args))
+ (numberp (cadr args)))
+ ((numberp (car args))
+ (symbolp (cadr args)))
+ (t nil)))
+ (let* ((on-what (if (symbolp (car args)) (car args) (cadr args)))
+ (how-much (if (numberp (car args)) (car args) (cadr args)))
+ (_ (if (< how-much 0)
+ (error "You can't bet negative amounts, moron.")))
+ (table (case on-what
+ ((empty no-bullet click) erbn-RR-empty-bets)
+ ((bullet bang blam) erbn-RR-bullet-bets)
+ (t (error "Invalid bet type" on-what))))
+ (not-table (if (eq table erbn-RR-bullet-bets)
+ erbn-RR-empty-bets
+ erbn-RR-bullet-bets)))
+ (cond ((gethash nick not-table)
+ (format "%s: Idiot, you can can only bet on one outcome."
+ nick on-what))
+ ((< (or (gethash nick erbn-money) 0) how-much)
+ (format
+ "%s: Fool, you can't bet more than you've got (%d)."
+ nick (or (gethash nick erbn-money) 0)))
+ (t (erbn-move-money nick erbn-money table how-much)
+ (format "%s has bet %d GEMs so far on a %s."
+ nick
+ (gethash nick table)
+ on-what)))))
+ (t (error "Invalid arguments to bet" args)))))
+(defun fs-lend (arg1 arg2 &rest ignored)
+ (let* ((to-whom (if (symbolp arg1) arg1 arg2))
+ (how-much (if (numberp arg2) arg2 arg1))
+ (nick (intern nick))
+ (money (gethash nick erbn-money)))
+ (if (equal nick to-whom)
+ (error "You can't lend money to yourself, knave!"))
+ (if (> how-much money)
+ (error "You can't lend more than you have" nick how-much))
+ (if (< how-much 0)
+ (error "You can't lend negative amounts."))
+ (decf (gethash nick erbn-money) how-much)
+ (if (gethash to-whom erbn-money)
+ (incf (gethash to-whom erbn-money) how-much)
+ (setf (gethash to-whom erbn-money) how-much))
+ (format "%s has lent %d GEMs to %s; %s now has %d GEMs and %s %d."
+ nick
+ how-much
+ to-whom
+ nick
+ (gethash nick erbn-money)
+ to-whom
+ (gethash to-whom erbn-money))))
+(defun erbn-keyshash (hash-table)
+ (let ((keys nil))
+ (maphash (lambda (key val) (push key keys)) hash-table)
+ keys))
+(defun erbn-valueshash (hash-table)
+ (let ((values nil))
+ (maphash (lambda (key val) (push val values)) hash-table)
+ values))
+(defun erbn-all-money (nick)
+ (let ((amount
+ (apply #'+
+ (mapcar (lambda (table)
+ (or (gethash nick table) 0))
+ (list erbn-money
+ erbn-RR-bullet-bets
+ erbn-RR-empty-bets)))))
+ (mapc (lambda (table)
+ (remhash nick table))
+ (list erbn-money
+ erbn-RR-bullet-bets
+ erbn-RR-empty-bets))
+ amount))
+(defun fs-money (&optional maybe-nick)
+ (let* ((local-nick (or (and maybe-nick
+ (if (symbolp maybe-nick)
+ maybe-nick
+ (intern maybe-nick)))
+ (intern nick)))
+ (amount (or (gethash local-nick erbn-money) 0)))
+ (if maybe-nick
+ (format "%s has %d GEMs."
+ local-nick
+ amount)
+ (format "You've got %d GEMs, %s."
+ amount
+ nick))))
+(defun erbn-percent (m n)
+ (/ (* (float m) 100.0) (float n)))
+(defun erbn-unpercent (m n)
+ (/ (* (float m) (float n)) 100.0))
+(defun erbn-distribute (maybe-dead-nick winning-table losing-table)
+ (prog1 (cond ((and (= (hash-table-count winning-table) 0)
+ (not maybe-dead-nick))
+ ;; Give the losers their money back.
+ (maphash (lambda (nick amount)
+ (incf (gethash nick erbn-money) amount))
+ losing-table))
+ ((and (= (hash-table-count losing-table) 0)
+ (not maybe-dead-nick))
+ ;; Give the winners their money back.
+ (maphash (lambda (nick amount)
+ (incf (gethash nick erbn-money) amount))
+ winning-table))
+ (t (let* ((winning-bets (erbn-valueshash winning-table))
+ (total-win-bets (apply #'+ winning-bets))
+ (total-money
+ (apply #'+
+ (if maybe-dead-nick
+ (erbn-all-money maybe-dead-nick)
+ 0)
+ total-win-bets
+ (erbn-valueshash losing-table))))
+ (maphash (lambda (nick amount)
+ (let* ((percent
+ (erbn-percent amount total-win-bets))
+ (unpercent
+ (erbn-unpercent percent
+ total-money)))
+ (incf (gethash nick erbn-money)
+ (round unpercent))))
+ winning-table))))
+ (clrhash winning-table)
+ (clrhash losing-table)))
+(defvar erbn-chamber (random 6))
+;; Someone tell Riastradh if this is a good way to do this... (the
+;; click and bang messages)
+(defvar erbn-rr-bangs
+ (list (lambda ()
+ (concat "/me blows " nick "'s cerebellum all over "
+ tgt "... *BANG*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat "/me blows " nick "'s brains all over "
+ tgt "... *BANG* ...reloading."))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat nick " has to pick his brains off of the walls and "
+ " floor... *BANG*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat nick "'s luck just ran out... *BANG*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat "/me offers " nick " a cold "
+ (fs-describe "beer-data")
+ " before giving him the fatal blow... *KABLAM*"))))
+(defvar erbn-rr-clicks
+ (list (lambda ()
+ (concat "/me points the gnu and " nick
+ " trembles... *CLICK*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat nick " shudders as the great and powerful fsbot aims "
+ "the all-powerful barrel of the gnu... *CLICK*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat nick " is one lucky punk... *CLICK*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat "/me picks up the gnu and points it at " nick
+ "'s head... *CLICK*"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (concat "/me raises the gnu to " nick "'s head and " nick
+ " trembles as the *CLICK* sounds."))))
+(defun erbn-rr-bang ()
+ (fs-kick erbn-nick "*KABLAM!* Goop from your head dribbles.")
+ (funcall (fs-random-choose erbn-rr-bangs)))
+(defun erbn-rr-click ()
+ (funcall (fs-random-choose erbn-rr-clicks)))
+(defun fs-add-bang (&rest bangs)
+ (setq erbn-rr-bangs
+ (concat bangs erbn-rr-bangs)))
+(defun fs-add-click (&rest clicks)
+ (setq erbn-rr-clicks
+ (concat clicks erbn-rr-clicks)))
+(defun fs-russian-roulette (&rest ignored)
+ ;; Don't let them do that, because it confuses the money distribution.
+ (if (gethash (intern nick) erbn-RR-bullet-bets)
+ (error (concat nick ": Idiot, don't bet on your own death."))
+ (if (= erbn-chamber 5)
+ (progn
+ (setq erbn-chamber (random 6))
+ (erbn-distribute (intern nick)
+ erbn-RR-bullet-bets
+ erbn-RR-empty-bets)
+ (erbn-rr-bang))
+ (incf erbn-chamber)
+ (erbn-distribute nil
+ erbn-RR-empty-bets
+ erbn-RR-bullet-bets)
+ (erbn-rr-click))))
+(defvar erbn-auth-bankers
+ '(deego Riastradh fledermaus _sprintf))
+(defun erbn-add-banker (nick &rest ignored)
+ (add-to-list 'erbn-auth-bankers nick))
+(defun fs-auth-bankerp ()
+ (and (member (intern nick) erbn-auth-bankers) t))
+(defun fs-reset-money (&rest ignored)
+ (if (not (fs-auth-bankerp))
+ (error (concat nick ": You can't reset the money.")))
+ (clrhash erbn-money)
+ (clrhash erbn-RR-empty-bets)
+ (clrhash erbn-RR-bullet-bets)
+ "Money cleared.")
+(defun fs-init-money (init &rest nicks)
+ (if (not (fs-auth-bankerp))
+ (error (concat nick ": you can't initialize the money")))
+ (mapc (lambda (nick)
+ (setf (gethash (if (stringp nick)
+ (intern nick)
+ nick)
+ erbn-money)
+ init))
+ nicks)
+ "Money initialized.")
+;; (defvar erbn-rr-bullet (random 6))
+;; (defun fs-russian-roulette (&rest ignore)
+;; (if (>= erbn-rr-bullet 5)
+;; (progn
+;; (setq erbn-rr-bullet (random 6))
+;; (fs-describe "rr-bang-kick"))
+;; (incf erbn-rr-bullet) (fs-describe "rr-click")))
+(defalias 'fsi-RR 'fs-russian-roulette)
+(defalias 'fsi-rr 'fs-russian-roulette)
+(defun fsi-kick (&optional reason &rest ignore)
+ (erbn-mark-dead)
+ (erc-cmd-KICK erbn-nick (when reason (format "%s" reason))))
+(provide 'erbc4)
+(run-hooks 'erbc4-after-load-hook)
+;;; erbc4.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc5.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc5.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c663aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc5.el
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+;;; erbc5.el --- continuation of erbc.el
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc5.el
+;; Package: erbc5
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst erbc5-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defconst erbc5-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbc5 nil
+ "The group erbc5."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbc5-before-load-hook nil
+ "Hook to run before loading erbc5."
+ :group 'erbc5)
+(defcustom erbc5-after-load-hook nil
+ "Hook to run after loading erbc5."
+ :group 'erbc5)
+(run-hooks 'erbc5-before-load-hook)
+(defcustom erbc5-verbosity 0
+ "How verbose to be.
+Once you are experienced with this lib, 0 is the recommended
+value. Values between -90 to +90 are \"sane\". The
+rest are for debugging."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'erbc5)
+(defcustom erbc5-interactivity 0
+ "How interactive to be.
+Once you are experienced with this lib, 0 is the recommended
+value. Values between -90 and +90 are \"sane\". The rest are for
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'erbc5)
+(defcustom erbc5-y-or-n-p-function 'erbc5-y-or-n-p
+ "Function to use for interactivity-dependent `y-or-n-p'.
+Format same as that of `erbc5-y-or-n-p'."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'erbc5)
+(defcustom erbc5-n-or-y-p-function 'erbc5-y-or-n-p
+ "Function to use for interactivity-dependent `n-or-y-p'.
+Format same as that of `erbc5-n-or-y-p'."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'erbc5)
+(defun erbc5-message (points &rest args)
+ "Signal message, depending on POINTS anderbc5-verbosity.
+ARGS are passed to `message'."
+ (unless (minusp (+ points erbc5-verbosity))
+ (apply #'message args)))
+(defun erbc5-y-or-n-p (add prompt)
+ "Query or assume t, based on `erbc5-interactivity'.
+ADD is added to `erbc5-interactivity' to decide whether
+to query using PROMPT, or just return t."
+ (if (minusp (+ add erbc5-interactivity))
+ t
+ (funcall 'y-or-n-p prompt)))
+(defun erbc5-n-or-y-p (add prompt)
+ "Query or assume t, based on `erbc5-interactivity'.
+ADD is added to `erbc5-interactivity' to decide whether
+to query using PROMPT, or just return t."
+ (if (minusp (+ add erbc5-interactivity))
+ nil
+ (funcall 'y-or-n-p prompt)))
+;;; Real Code:
+(defalias 'fsi-listp-proper 'erbutils-listp-proper)
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(upcase downcase capitalize upcase-initials))
+(ignore-errors (require 'calc))
+(defvar erbn-calc-time 3)
+(defcustom erbn-calc-p nil
+ "Enable this variable at your own risk.
+Enabling this means that fsbot will do calc operations, but those have
+no timeout build in... leading to DOS attacks. ")
+(defun fsi-calc-eval (&optional str)
+ "
+Note that even though this function has a with-timeout built into it,
+that doesn't save us from a DOS attack..since emacs polls only when
+waiting for user input..
+which is why turned off by default.
+ (unless (and erbn-calc-p (not erbot-paranoid-p))
+ (error "Sorry, but i am a bot! not a calc!"))
+ (unless str (error "Eval what?"))
+ (unless (stringp str)
+ (setq str (format "%s" str)))
+ (with-timeout
+ (erbn-calc-time "That's WAY too much math for me!")
+ (calc-eval str)))
+(defalias 'fs-calc 'fs-calc-eval)
+(erbutils-defalias '(process-list))
+(defalias 'fs-list-processes 'fs-process-list)
+(defcustom erbn-sregex-p nil
+ "Nil by default for safety. Enable to permit fs-sregex.
+I think it is safe, but not 100% sure, so disabled by default. --DG"
+ )
+(defun fsi-sreg (&rest args)
+ (format "%S"
+ (apply 'fs-sregex args)))
+(defun fsi-sregex (&rest args)
+ (cond
+ ((and erbn-sregex-p (not erbot-paranoid-p))
+ (apply 'sregex args))
+ (t
+ (error "sregexp is disabled in this bot. "))))
+(defmacro fsi-ignore-errors-else-string (&rest body)
+ "Like ignore-errors, but tells and returns the erros.
+\(Improved for me by Kalle on 7/3/01:)"
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (let
+ ((str
+ (message "IGNORED ERROR: %s" (error-message-string ,err))))
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (ding t)
+ (sit-for 1)
+ str)))))
+;; more math functions
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(mod))
+;; these from cl-extra
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(isqrt floor* ceiling* round* mod* rem* signum
+ random*))
+(erbutils-defalias-i '(symbol-name))
+(provide 'erbc5)
+(run-hooks 'erbc5-after-load-hook)
+;;; erbc5.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbc6.el b/elisp/erbot/erbc6.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de78e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbc6.el
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+;;; erbc6.el --- fsbot functions contributed by freenode users, esp. #emacsers.
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbc6.el
+;; Package: erbc6
+;; Author: D. Goel <> and #emacsers
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Real Code:
+(defun fs-m8b nil
+ (fs-random-choose
+ '("Yes" "No" "Definitely" "Of course not!" "Highly likely."
+ "Ask yourself, d\o you really want to know?"
+ "I'm telling you, you don't want to know." "mu!")))
+(defun fsi-C-h (sym &rest thing)
+ "
+;;; 2003-08-16 T15:19:00-0400 (Saturday) D. Goel
+Coded by bojohann on #emacs."
+ (cond
+ ((eq sym 'f)
+ (apply 'fs-df thing))
+ ((eq sym 'k)
+ (apply 'fs-dk thing))
+ ((eq sym 'c)
+ (apply 'fs-describe-key-briefly thing))
+ ((eq sym 'w)
+ (apply 'fs-dw thing))
+ ((eq sym 'v)
+ (apply 'fs-dv thing))))
+(defun fsi-wtf-is (&optional term &rest args)
+ (unless term
+ (error "Syntax: wtf TERM"))
+ (require 'wtf)
+ (funcall 'wtf-is (format "%s" term)))
+(defalias 'fsi-wtf 'fsi-wtf-is)
+(provide 'erbc6)
+(run-hooks 'erbc6-after-load-hook)
+;;; erbc6.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbcompat.el b/elisp/erbot/erbcompat.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e9e518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbcompat.el
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;;; erbcompat.el --- Erbot GNU Emacs/XEmacs compatibility issues
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 S. Freundt
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbcompat.el
+;; Package: erbot
+;; Author: Sebastian Freundt <freundt@math.TU-Berlin.DE>
+;; Version: NA
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(defvar erbot-on-xemacs-p nil
+ "Whether erbot is run on xemacs.")
+(setq erbot-on-xemacs-p
+ (and (string-match "xemacs" emacs-version) t))
+;;; local-variable-p stuff
+(or (and erbot-on-xemacs-p
+ (defun erbcompat-local-variable-p (variable &optional buffer)
+ "Just in compatibilty to GNU Emacs"
+ (local-variable-p variable (or buffer (current-buffer)))))
+ (defalias 'erbcompat-local-variable-p 'local-variable-p))
+;;; help-xref stuff
+(and erbot-on-xemacs-p
+ (defun help-setup-xref (&rest ignore))
+ (defun help-xref-button (&rest ignore))
+ (defun help-xref-stack (&rest ignore)))
+(provide 'erbcompat)
+;; erbcompat.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbcountry.el b/elisp/erbot/erbcountry.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e2d717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbcountry.el
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+;; 2003-02-13 T13:36:31-0500 (Thursday) D. Goel
+;; countries list is copied from
+;;; Real Code:
+(defvar erbcountry-list)
+(defvar erbcountry-string)
+;; This is an incomplete, old list. We don't want to spend time to
+;; create it again, so we will simply dump the contents into
+;; erbcountry-string and use a routine to alistify that.
+(unless (boundp 'erbcountry-list)
+ (setq erbcountry-list
+ '(
+ (".ac" "Ascension Island")
+ (".ad" "Andorra")
+ (".ae" "United Arab Emirates")
+ (".af" "Afghanistan")
+ (".ag" "Antigua and Barbuda")
+ (".ai" "Anguilla")
+ (".al" "Albania")
+ (".am" "Armenia")
+ (".an" "Netherlands Antilles")
+ (".ao" "Angola")
+ (".aq" "Antarctica")
+ (".ar" "Argentina")
+ (".as" "American Samoa")
+ (".at" "Austria")
+ (".au" "Australia")
+ (".aw" "Aruba")
+ (".az" "Azerbaijan")
+ (".ba" "Bosnia and Herzegovina")
+ (".bb" "Barbados")
+ (".bd" "Bangladesh")
+ (".be" "Belgium")
+ (".bf" "Burkina Faso")
+ (".bg" "Bulgaria")
+ (".bh" "Bahrain")
+ (".bi" "Burundi")
+ (".bj" "Benin")
+ (".bm" "Bermuda")
+ (".bn" "Brunei Darussalam")
+ (".bo" "Bolivia")
+ (".br" "Brazil")
+ (".bs" "Bahamas")
+ (".bt" "Bhutan")
+ (".bv" "Bouvet Island")
+ (".bw" "Botswana")
+ (".by" "Belarus")
+ (".bz" "Belize")
+ (".ca" "Canada")
+ (".cc" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands")
+ (".cd" "Congo, Democratic Republic of the")
+ (".cf" "Central African Republic")
+ (".cg" "Congo, Republic of")
+ (".ch" "Switzerland")
+ (".ci" "Cote d'Ivoire")
+ (".ck" "Cook Islands")
+ (".cl" "Chile")
+ (".cm" "Cameroon")
+ (".cn" "China")
+ (".co" "Colombia")
+ (".cr" "Costa Rica")
+ (".cu" "Cuba")
+ (".cv" "Cap Verde")
+ (".cx" "Christmas Island")
+ (".cy" "Cyprus")
+ (".cz" "Czech Republic")
+ (".de" "Germany")
+ (".dj" "Djibouti")
+ (".dk" "Denmark")
+ (".dm" "Dominica")
+ (".do" "Dominican Republic")
+ (".dz" "Algeria")
+ (".ec" "Ecuador")
+ (".ee" "Estonia")
+ (".eg" "Egypt")
+ (".eh" "Western Sahara")
+ (".er" "Eritrea")
+ (".es" "Spain")
+ (".et" "Ethiopia")
+ (".fi" "Finland")
+ (".fj" "Fiji")
+ (".fk" "Falkland Islands (Malvina)")
+ (".fm" "Micronesia, Federal State of")
+ (".fo" "Faroe Islands")
+ (".fr" "France")
+ (".ga" "Gabon")
+ (".gd" "Grenada")
+ (".ge" "Georgia")
+ (".gf" "French Guiana")
+ (".gg" "Guernsey")
+ (".gh" "Ghana")
+ (".gi" "Gibraltar")
+ (".gl" "Greenland")
+ (".gm" "Gambia")
+ (".gn" "Guinea")
+ (".gp" "Guadeloupe")
+ (".gq" "Equatorial Guinea")
+ (".gr" "Greece")
+ (".gs" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands")
+ (".gt" "Guatemala")
+ (".gu" "Guam")
+ (".gw" "Guinea-Bissau")
+ (".gy" "Guyana")
+ (".hk" "Hong Kong")
+ (".hm" "Heard and McDonald Islands")
+ (".hn" "Honduras")
+ (".hr" "Croatia/Hrvatska")
+ (".ht" "Haiti")
+ (".hu" "Hungary")
+ (".id" "Indonesia")
+ (".ie" "Ireland")
+ (".il" "Israel")
+ (".im" "Isle of Man")
+ (".in" "India")
+ (".io" "British Indian Ocean Territory")
+ (".iq" "Iraq")
+ (".ir" "Iran (Islamic Republic of)")
+ (".is" "Iceland")
+ (".it" "Italy")
+ (".je" "Jersey")
+ (".jm" "Jamaica")
+ (".jo" "Jordan")
+ (".jp" "Japan")
+ (".ke" "Kenya")
+ (".kg" "Kyrgyzstan")
+ (".kh" "Cambodia")
+ (".ki" "Kiribati")
+ (".km" "Comoros")
+ (".kn" "Saint Kitts and Nevis")
+ (".kp" "Korea, Democratic People's Republic")
+ (".kr" "Korea, Republic of")
+ (".kw" "Kuwait")
+ (".ky" "Cayman Islands")
+ (".kz" "Kazakhstan")
+ (".la" "Lao People's Democratic Republic")
+ (".lb" "Lebanon")
+ (".lc" "Saint Lucia")
+ (".li" "Liechtenstein")
+ (".lk" "Sri Lanka")
+ (".lr" "Liberia")
+ (".ls" "Lesotho")
+ (".lt" "Lithuania")
+ (".lu" "Luxembourg")
+ (".lv" "Latvia")
+ (".ly" "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya")
+ (".ma" "Morocco")
+ (".mc" "Monaco")
+ (".md" "Moldova, Republic of")
+ (".mg" "Madagascar")
+ (".mh" "Marshall Islands")
+ (".mk" "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic")
+ (".ml" "Mali")
+ (".mm" "Myanmar")
+ (".mn" "Mongolia")
+ (".mo" "Macau")
+ (".mp" "Northern Mariana Islands")
+ (".mq" "Martinique")
+ (".mr" "Mauritania")
+ (".ms" "Montserrat")
+ (".mt" "Malta")
+ (".mu" "Mauritius")
+ (".mv" "Maldives")
+ (".mw" "Malawi")
+ (".mx" "Mexico")
+ (".my" "Malaysia")
+ (".mz" "Mozambique")
+ (".na" "Namibia")
+ (".nc" "New Caledonia")
+ (".ne" "Niger")
+ (".nf" "Norfolk Island")
+ (".ng" "Nigeria")
+ (".ni" "Nicaragua")
+ (".nl" "Netherlands")
+ (".no" "Norway")
+ (".np" "Nepal")
+ (".nr" "Nauru")
+ (".nu" "Niue")
+ (".nz" "New Zealand")
+ (".om" "Oman")
+ (".pa" "Panama")
+ (".pe" "Peru")
+ (".pf" "French Polynesia")
+ (".pg" "Papua New Guinea")
+ (".ph" "Philippines")
+ (".pk" "Pakistan")
+ (".pl" "Poland")
+ (".pm" "St. Pierre and Miquelon")
+ (".pn" "Pitcairn Island")
+ (".pr" "Puerto Rico")
+ (".ps" "Palestinian Territories")
+ (".pt" "Portugal")
+ (".pw" "Palau")
+ (".py" "Paraguay")
+ (".qa" "Qatar")
+ (".re" "Reunion Island")
+ (".ro" "Romania")
+ (".ru" "Russian Federation")
+ (".rw" "Rwanda")
+ (".sa" "Saudi Arabia")
+ (".sb" "Solomon Islands")
+ (".sc" "Seychelles")
+ (".sd" "Sudan")
+ (".se" "Sweden")
+ (".sg" "Singapore")
+ (".sh" "St. Helena")
+ (".si" "Slovenia")
+ (".sj" "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands")
+ (".sk" "Slovak Republic")
+ (".sl" "Sierra Leone")
+ (".sm" "San Marino")
+ (".sn" "Senegal")
+ (".so" "Somalia")
+ (".sr" "Suriname")
+ (".st" "Sao Tome and Principe")
+ (".sv" "El Salvador")
+ (".sy" "Syrian Arab Republic")
+ (".sz" "Swaziland")
+ (".tc" "Turks and Caicos Islands")
+ (".td" "Chad")
+ (".tf" "French Southern Territories")
+ (".tg" "Togo")
+ (".th" "Thaila")
+ (".us" "USA")
+ )))
+(unless (boundp 'erbcountry-string)
+ (setq erbcountry-string
+ ".ac Ascension Island Andorra United Arab Emirates Afghanistan Antigua and Barbuda Anguilla Albania Armenia Netherlands Antilles Angola Antarctica Argentina American Samoa Austria Australia Aruba Aland Islands Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Barbados Bangladesh Belgium Burkina Faso Bulgaria Bahrain Burundi Benin Bermuda Brunei Darussalam Bolivia Brazil Bahamas Bhutan Bouvet Island Botswana Belarus Belize Canada Cocos (Keeling) Islands Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Central African Republic Congo, Republic of Switzerland Cote d'Ivoire Cook Islands Chile Cameroon China Colombia Costa Rica
+.cs Serbia and Montenegro Cuba Cape Verde Christmas Island Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Estonia Egypt Western Sahara Eritrea Spain Ethiopia Finland Fiji Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Micronesia, Federal State of Faroe Islands France Gabon United Kingdom Grenada Georgia French Guiana Guernsey Ghana Gibraltar Greenland Gambia Guinea Guadeloupe Equatorial Guinea Greece South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Guatemala Guam Guinea-Bissau Guyana Hong Kong Heard and McDonald Islands Honduras Croatia/Hrvatska Haiti Hungary Indonesia Ireland Israel Isle of Man India British Indian Ocean Territory Iraq Iran, Islamic Republic of Iceland Italy Jersey Jamaica Jordan Japan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Comoros Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Republic of Kuwait Cayman Islands Kazakhstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Lebanon Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Liberia Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Marshall Islands Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Myanmar Mongolia Macau Northern Mariana Islands Martinique Mauritania Montserrat Malta Mauritius Maldives Malawi Mexico Malaysia Mozambique Namibia New Caledonia Niger Norfolk Island Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru Niue New Zealand Oman Panama Peru French Polynesia Papua New Guinea Philippines Pakistan Poland Saint Pierre and Miquelon Pitcairn Island Puerto Rico Palestinian Territory, Occupied Portugal Palau Paraguay Qatar Reunion Island Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Solomon Islands Seychelles Sudan Sweden Singapore Saint Helena Slovenia Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Slovak Republic Sierra Leone San Marino Senegal Somalia Suriname Sao Tome and Principe El Salvador Syrian Arab Republic Swaziland Turks and Caicos Islands Chad French Southern Territories Togo Thailand Tajikistan Tokelau Timor-Leste Turkmenistan Tunisia Tonga East Timor Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Taiwan Tanzania Ukraine Uganda United Kingdom United States Minor Outlying Islands United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Holy See (Vatican City State) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Vietnam Vanuatu Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Samoa Yemen Mayotte
+.yu Yugoslavia South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe"))
+(defun erbcountry-create-list ()
+ "Creates erbcountry-list from erbcountry-string. "
+ (let ((strlist (split-string erbcountry-string "[\n]+")) splits dom name)
+ (dolist (str strlist)
+ (setq splits (split-string str "[ \t\n]+"))
+ (setq dom (first splits))
+ (setq name (mapconcat 'identity (cdr splits) " "))
+ (add-to-list 'erbcountry-list (list dom name)))))
+(defun erbcountry-search (name)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert erbcountry-string)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (search-forward name nil t)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
+ (line-end-position))
+ (error "No match. "))))
+(defun erbcountry-lookup (ct)
+ ;;(unless (stringp ct) (setq ct (format "%s" ct)))
+ (second (assoc ct erbcountry-list)))
+(defalias 'erbcountry 'erbcountry-lookup)
+(provide 'erbcountry)
+;;; erbcountry.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbcspecial.el b/elisp/erbot/erbcspecial.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d54f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbcspecial.el
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+;;; erbcspecial.el --- Special/dangerous implementation functions.
+;; Many fs-functions can simply be defined in terms of other
+;; fs-functions (and always should be!, for security.)
+;; This file is for the remaining few, that can't be.
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbcspecial.el
+;; Package: erbcspecial
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defconst erbcspecial-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defun erbn-special-quote-function (fcn)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp fcn)
+ (erblisp-sandbox-quoted fcn))
+ ((and (listp fcn)
+ (equal (first fcn) 'lambda)
+ fcn))
+ ;; notice the recursion below:
+ ((listp fcn) (erbn-special-quote-function (fs-eval fcn)))
+ (t (error "Cannot apply this as a function!"))))
+;; (defun fs-mapcar-old (sym seq)
+;; "only symbols allowed at this time. "
+;; (unless (symbolp sym)
+;; (error "Function argument to mapcar for this bot can only be a symbol."))
+;; (setq sym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted sym))
+;; ;; everything should already be boxquoted.. cool
+;; (mapcar sym seq))
+(defun fsi-mapcar (fcn ls)
+ (apply 'mapcar
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls nil))
+;; (defun fs-mapc (sym seq)
+;; "only symbols allowed at this time. "
+;; (unless (symbolp sym)
+;; (error "Function argument to mapcar for this bot can only be a symbol."))
+;; (setq sym (erblisp-sandbox-quoted-ensure-symbol sym))
+;; ;; everything should already be boxquoted.. cool
+;; (mapc sym seq))
+(defun fsi-mapc (fcn ls)
+ (apply 'mapc
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls nil))
+(defun fsi-mapconcat (fcn ls sep)
+ (apply 'mapconcat
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls sep nil))
+(defun fsi-maplist (fcn ls &rest args)
+ (require 'cl)
+ (apply 'maplist
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls args))
+(defun fsi-mapl (fcn ls &rest args)
+ (require 'cl)
+ (apply 'mapl
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls args))
+(defun fsi-mapcar* (fcn ls &rest args)
+ (require 'cl)
+ (apply 'mapcar*
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls args))
+(defun fsi-mapcon (fcn ls &rest args)
+ (require 'cl)
+ (apply 'mapcon
+ (erbn-special-quote-function fcn)
+ ls args))
+;;; Real Code:
+(provide 'erbcspecial)
+(run-hooks 'erbcspecial-after-load-hook)
+;;; erbcspecial.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbdata.el b/elisp/erbot/erbdata.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406b86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbdata.el
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+;;; erbdata.el ---
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbdata.el
+;; Package: erbdata
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0DEV
+;; URL:
+(defvar erbdata-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defvar erbdata-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbdata nil
+ "The group erbdata"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbdata-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbdata)
+(defcustom erbdata-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbdata)
+(run-hooks 'erbdata-before-load-hooks)
+(defvar erbdata-flames
+ '(
+ "%s: Are you smoking crack?"
+ "%s: Is it larger than a breadbox?"
+ "What are you smoking, %s?"
+ "You are confused, but this is your normal state. "
+ ))
+(provide 'erbdata)
+(run-hooks 'erbdata-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbdata.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbedit.el b/elisp/erbot/erbedit.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8831444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbedit.el
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+;;; erbedit.el --- quicker operator editing of bots' bbdb
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:12 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbedit.el
+;; Package: erbedit
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst erbedit-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(defconst erbedit-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbedit nil
+ "The group erbedit."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbedit-before-load-hook nil
+ "Hook to run before loading erbedit."
+ :group 'erbedit)
+(defcustom erbedit-after-load-hook nil
+ "Hook to run after loading erbedit."
+ :group 'erbedit)
+(run-hooks 'erbedit-before-load-hook)
+(defcustom erbedit-verbosity 0
+ "How verbose to be.
+Once you are experienced with this lib, 0 is the recommended
+value. Values between -90 to +90 are \"sane\". The
+rest are for debugging."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'erbedit)
+(defcustom erbedit-interactivity 0
+ "How interactive to be.
+Once you are experienced with this lib, 0 is the recommended
+value. Values between -90 and +90 are \"sane\". The rest are for
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'erbedit)
+(defcustom erbedit-y-or-n-p-function 'erbedit-y-or-n-p
+ "Function to use for interactivity-dependent `y-or-n-p'.
+Format same as that of `erbedit-y-or-n-p'."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'erbedit)
+(defcustom erbedit-n-or-y-p-function 'erbedit-y-or-n-p
+ "Function to use for interactivity-dependent `n-or-y-p'.
+Format same as that of `erbedit-n-or-y-p'."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'erbedit)
+(defun erbedit-message (points &rest args)
+ "Signal message, depending on POINTS anderbedit-verbosity.
+ARGS are passed to `message'."
+ (unless (minusp (+ points erbedit-verbosity))
+ (apply #'message args)))
+(defun erbedit-y-or-n-p (add prompt)
+ "Query or assume t, based on `erbedit-interactivity'.
+ADD is added to `erbedit-interactivity' to decide whether
+to query using PROMPT, or just return t."
+ (if (minusp (+ add erbedit-interactivity))
+ t
+ (funcall 'y-or-n-p prompt)))
+(defun erbedit-n-or-y-p (add prompt)
+ "Query or assume t, based on `erbedit-interactivity'.
+ADD is added to `erbedit-interactivity' to decide whether
+to query using PROMPT, or just return t."
+ (if (minusp (+ add erbedit-interactivity))
+ nil
+ (funcall 'y-or-n-p prompt)))
+;;; Real Code:
+(provide 'erbedit)
+(run-hooks 'erbedit-after-load-hook)
+(defun erbedit-replace-string (from to)
+ "Like fs-replace-string, but acts across the entire bbdb"
+ "Forget all terms containing occurrence of regexp REG.
+REMINDER: DO NOT FORGET TO exclude terms like fsbot hbot erbot deego
+Deepak (author) <and of courser, terms like emacs> in prevent-reg
+when using this command.
+.. for example..
+ (let*
+ ((lenterms
+ (fs-search-basic (regexp-quote from)
+ nil nil 'describe))
+ (len (first lenterms))
+ (terms (second lenterms)))
+ (cond
+ ((= len 0 ) (message "No terms. "))
+ (t
+ (when (y-or-n-p (format "Act on these %S terms? " len))
+ (erbedit-replace-string-slowly terms from to))))))
+(defun erbedit-replace-string-slowly (terms from to)
+ (let
+ ((len (length terms))
+ (ctr 0)
+ thisterm
+ skipp
+ notes
+ )
+ (while terms
+ (setq thisterm (car terms) terms (cdr terms))
+ (setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
+ (message "Acting on term %S of %S: %S" ctr len thisterm)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ (fs-replace-string from to thisterm "all")
+ (message "Acting on term %S of %S: %S ... done" ctr len thisterm)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ )))
+;;; erbedit.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbeng.el b/elisp/erbot/erbeng.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aa7aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbeng.el
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+;;; erbeng.el ---
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:11 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbeng.el
+;; Package: erbeng
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0DEV
+;; URL:
+(defvar erbeng-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defvar erbeng-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
+(defgroup erbeng nil
+ "The group erbeng"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbeng-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbeng)
+(defcustom erbeng-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbeng)
+(defcustom erbeng-reply-timeout 20
+ "Time after which the bot times out...")
+(run-hooks 'erbeng-before-load-hooks)
+(defvar erbeng-msg nil )
+(defvar erbeng-proc nil)
+(defvar erbeng-nick nil)
+(defvar erbeng-tgt nil)
+(defvar erbeng-localp nil)
+(defvar erbeng-userinfo nil)
+(defvar erbot-show-type-p t
+ "Whether to show type of non-string objects when replying...
+The old behavior was equivalent to having this as nil.")
+(defun erbeng-main (msg proc nick tgt localp userinfo)
+ " The main function: Takes a line of message and generates a reply to it.
+The result is a string. If the result is 'noreply, that means: Do NOT reply...
+The last field localp is here for historical reasons, and shall be
+One very important criterion here should be:
+erbot should learn to avoid runaway talks with other bots. For this
+ [a] it should take a break every now and then, say: a 1-minute break
+after every 1000 commands. It should probably announce its break.
+ [b] It should learn to reply only 99 out of 100 times. Moreover,
+before it shuts up, it should let any humans know what it is doing.
+tgt, nick and sspec will probably mostly remain unused...
+proc == name of the process in the channel
+tgt == channel
+nick == who from
+userninfo looks like (\"deego\" \"user\" \"24-197......\")
+sspec looks like: [\"PRIVMSG\"
+\"deego!\" \"#testopn\" \"hi erbot\" \nil
+nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+nil nil\ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
+ (let*
+ (
+ (erbeng-nick nick)
+ (erbeng-msg msg)
+ (erbeng-proc proc)
+ (erbeng-tgt tgt)
+ (erbeng-localp localp)
+ (erbeng-userinfo userinfo)
+ (fs-found-query-p nil)
+ (fs-internal-addressedatlast nil)
+ (fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name)
+ (fsi-prestring fsi-prestring)
+ tmpvar
+ parsed-msg rep
+ (fs-msg fs-msg)
+ (fs-msglist fs-msglist)
+ (fs-msgsansbot fs-msgsansbot)
+ (fs-msglistsansbot fs-msglistsansbot)
+ (fs-lispa fs-lispa)
+ (fs-lispb fs-lispb)
+ (fs-lispc fs-lispc)
+ (fs-lispd fs-lispd)
+ (fs-lispe fs-lispe)
+ )
+ ;;(concat nick ": " "/leave Test.. one big big test...")
+ ;;(erbutils-ignore-errors
+ ;; this can also modify fs-found-query
+ (setq parsed-msg
+ (or (condition-case tmpvar
+ (fs-parse msg proc nick tgt localp userinfo)
+ (error
+ ;;"(error \"Please supply a completed lisp form\")"
+ ;; Note that this could be bad:
+ ;; someone may not even be referring to the bot here:
+ (if
+ fs-internal-parse-error-p
+ (format "(error %S )"
+ (error-message-string tmpvar))
+ (format "(fs-english-only %S)" msg))
+ ))
+ (and (featurep 'erbmsg)
+ erbot-erbmsg-p
+ (erbmsg-parse msg proc nick tgt localp userinfo))))
+ ;;(if (and (first parsed-msg) erbot-nick
+ ;; (string= (first parsed-msg)
+ ;; erbot-nick))
+ ;; parsed-msg will never be null if the msg was addressed to fsbot..
+ (if
+ parsed-msg
+ (progn
+ (setq rep
+ ;;(erbutils-ignore-errors
+ (with-timeout
+ (erbeng-reply-timeout
+ "overall timeout")
+ (erbutils-ignore-errors
+ (erbeng-get-reply parsed-msg proc nick tgt )))
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((string= "noreply" (format "%s" rep)) 'noreply)
+ ((and (stringp rep) (not (equal rep ""))) (format "%s%s"
+ fsi-prestring
+ rep))
+ (t
+ (cond
+ (erbot-show-type-p
+ (format "%s%S ..(%s)" fsi-prestring rep (type-of rep)))
+ ((equal "" rep) "EMPTY STRING RETURNED")
+ (t (format "%s%S" fsi-prestring rep))))))
+ 'noreply)))
+(defun erbeng-lisp-object-p (msg)
+ (setq msg (ignore-errors (erbn-read msg)))
+ (and (listp msg)
+ (let ((fir (format "%s" (first msg))))
+ (or
+ (string-match "concat" fir)
+ (string-match "regexp-quote" fir)
+ ;; want to allow fs-rq to show the regexp without quoting..
+ ;;(string-match "fs-rq" fir)
+ ))))
+;(defun erbeng-init-parse (msg)
+; (if (equal 0 (string-match "," msg))
+; (setq msg (concat "erbot "
+; (substring msg 1 (length msg)))))
+; (let ((spl (split-string msg)))
+; (if (> (length spl) 0)
+; (erbeng-init-frob-split-string spl)
+; nil)));;;
+;;; ;(defun erbeng-init-frob-split-string (spl)
+;;; ; "spl is the split string ..;;;;
+;;; ;now, we do not need to split wrt commas... in fact, that will be
+;;; ;dangerous, and can spoil the meanings of commas inside parse
+;;; ;commands...;;
+;;; ;converts all accepted formats to look like this:
+;;; ; \(\"erbot\" \"foo\" \"bar\"\)
+;;; ;"
+;;; ; (let* ((do-again t)
+;;; ; (new-spl
+;;; ; (cond
+;;; ; ;; , foo bar
+;;; ;((string= (first spl) ",")
+;;; (cons erbot-nick (cdr spl)))
+;;; ((equal
+;;; (string-match "," (first spl)) 0)
+;;; (cons erbot-nick
+;;; (append (split-string (first spl) ",")
+;;; (cdr spl))))
+;;; ((equal
+;;; ;; erbot:
+;;; (string-match (concat erbot-nick ":") (first spl)) 0)
+;;; (append (split-string (first spl) ":")
+;;; (cdr spl)))
+;;; ((equal
+;;; ;; fdbot,
+;;; (string-match (concat erbot-nick ",") (first spl)) 0)
+;;; (append (split-string (first spl) ",")
+;;; (cdr spl)))
+;;; (t (progn (setq do-again nil) spl)))))
+;;; (if do-again
+;;; (erbeng-init-frob-split-string new-spl)
+;;; ;; removed the extra "" etc. and all , ; erc. etc.
+;;; (split-string
+;;; (mapconcat 'identity
+;;; new-spl " ")
+;;; "[ \f\t\n\r\v,;]+"))))
+(defun erbeng-get-reply (msg &optional proc nick tgt &rest foo)
+ " ;; now assumes that the msg is (a string) in lisp format... and this just
+ ;; evals it.."
+ (eval (erbn-read msg)))
+; (let* (
+; (lispmsg
+; (erbeng-read (erbutils-stringify msg))))
+; (if (and lispmsg (listp lispmsg))
+; (erblisp-process-msg proc nick tgt
+; lispmsg)
+; (let ((englispmsg (fs-parse-english msg proc nick)))
+; (erblisp-process-msg proc nick tgt englispmsg)))))
+(defun erbeng-read (msg)
+ (ignore-errors (erbn-read msg)))
+;; proposed register syntax..
+(defun erbeng-register-syntax (fsbot-command priority check &optional
+ remap)
+"If CHECK is a function, then it is passed the user input as a
+string... If it claims a match, it should return (t arglist).
+Arglist is a list of arguments to be passed to the FSBOT-COMMAND.
+If CHECK is a regexp, it is matched against the user input string. If
+it is a match, all the submatches 1....n (NOT 0) are passed to the
+function as arguments in that order, except that you can remap using
+the optional REMAP list. That list is a list of numbers, like, say (0
+1 2 4).<-- this tells us that the arguments to be passed to the
+fsbot-command are the regexp-matches 0,1,2 4 in that order. If REMAP
+is not supplied, you can see that the default value is more-or-less
+equivalent to (1 2 3 4....)
+(provide 'erbeng)
+(run-hooks 'erbeng-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbeng.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbforget.el b/elisp/erbot/erbforget.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e02e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbforget.el
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+;;; erbforget.el --- Help make the bots forget some TERMS.
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:10 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbforget.el
+;; Package: erbforget
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbforget nil
+ "The group erbforget."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbforget-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbforget."
+ :group 'erbforget)
+(defcustom erbforget-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbforget."
+ :group 'erbforget)
+(run-hooks 'erbforget-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defun erbforget-sw (reg &optional prevent-reg matchingonly)
+Forget all terms containing occurrence of regexp REG.
+REMINDER: DO NOT FORGET TO exclude terms like fsbot hbot erbot deego
+Deepak (author) <and of course, terms like emacs> in prevent-reg
+when using this command.
+.. for example..
+Return len, which may (or may not) correspond to the number of items
+ (interactive "sRegex to forget: ")
+ (let*
+ ((lenterms
+ (fs-search-basic reg nil nil 'describe))
+ (len (first lenterms))
+ (terms (second lenterms)))
+ (cond
+ ((= len 0 ) (message "No such terms. "))
+ (t
+ (when (erbforget-y-or-n-p 40 (format "Forget %S terms? " len))
+ (erbforget-slowly terms prevent-reg matchingonly reg))))
+ len))
+(defun erbforget-slowly (terms &optional prevent-reg matchingonly reg)
+ "When matchingonly is t, we forget only the particular entry in the
+NOTES that matches the regexp REG, if any..."
+ (let
+ ((len (length terms))
+ (ctr 0)
+ thisterm
+ skipp
+ notes
+ )
+ (while terms
+ (setq thisterm (car terms) terms (cdr terms))
+ (setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
+ (setq notes (fs-notes thisterm))
+ (setq skipp
+ (and prevent-reg
+ (string-match prevent-reg
+ (mapconcat 'identity notes " "))))
+ (cond
+ (skipp
+ (message "NOT FORGETTING term %S of %S: %S" ctr len thisterm)
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ )
+ (matchingonly
+ (let ((num -1) (donep nil))
+ (while (not donep)
+ (incf num 1)
+ (cond
+ ((>= num (length notes))
+ (setq donep t))
+ ((string-match reg (nth num notes))
+ (setq donep t)
+ (message "Forgetting term %S of %S: %S" ctr len thisterm)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ (fs-forget thisterm num))
+ (t nil)))))
+ (t
+ (message "Forgetting term %S of %S: %S" ctr len thisterm)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ (fs-forget thisterm "all")
+ (message "Forgetting term %S of %S: %S.. done" ctr len thisterm)
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ )
+ ))))
+(provide 'erbforget)
+(run-hooks 'erbforget-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbforget.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbim.el b/elisp/erbot/erbim.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43a386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbim.el
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+;;; erbim.el --- input method searching
+;; Time-stamp: <2006-08-22 01:16:17 fledermaus>
+;; Copyright (C) 2006 V. Dasmohapatra
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbim.el
+;; Package: erbim
+;; Author: V. Dasmohapatra <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(require 'quail)
+(require 'iso-transl)
+(defvar erbim-keymaps-map nil
+ "Storage for the inverted keymaps for the input methods we have searched.")
+(defun erbim-enc (thing)
+ "Standard encoding for all strings (many chars don't work in an emacs
+running screen, so chars and unencoded strings may not be safe or work)."
+ (encode-coding-string thing 'utf-8))
+(defun erbim-c2s (thing)
+ "map a character to the appropriate string. This is not a straightforward
+operation using char-to-string (for some reason)."
+ (if (> 256 thing) (single-key-description thing) (char-to-string thing)))
+(defun erbim-map (map)
+ "Traverse the input method's MAP, invert it, and return that."
+ (let ((char-map nil))
+ (mapc (lambda (M) (erbim-map-internal M "")) (cdr map)) char-map))
+(defun erbim-interpret-target (target)
+ "Examine the TARGET of a given input method map entry and turn it
+into a list of (unencoded) strings.\n
+Destinations can be symbols (keyboard macros) vectors of strings or
+vectors of characters, or a cons of the form (LIST . TARGET)."
+ ;;(message "target %S" target)
+ (if (vectorp target)
+ (mapcar (lambda (T) (if (integerp T) (erbim-c2s T) T)) target)
+ (if (and (listp target) (listp (car target)))
+ (progn (message "weird target: %S" target)
+ (erbim-interpret-target (cdr target)))
+ (if (symbolp target)
+ (and (fboundp target)
+ (and (vectorp (symbol-function target))
+ (erbim-interpret-target (symbol-function target)) ))
+ (list (if (integerp target) (string target) target)) )) ))
+(defun erbim-map-internal (map &optional so-far)
+ "Does the actual work of `erbim-map'."
+ (let ((iseq-str
+ (format (if (symbolp (car map)) "%s %S " "%s%c") (or so-far "")
+ (car map)))
+ (tgt nil)
+ (tail nil))
+ ;;(message "%S %S" map so-far)
+ (setq tgt (cdr map))
+ (if (setq tgt (or (car-safe tgt)
+ (and (vectorp tgt) tgt)
+ (and (symbolp tgt) tgt)))
+ (progn
+ ;;(message "tgt: %S" tgt)
+ (setq char-map
+ (append char-map
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (T) (cons (erbim-enc T) iseq-str))
+ (erbim-interpret-target tgt)) ))
+ (when (and (listp (cdr map)) (setq tail (cddr map)))
+ (if (listp (cdar tail))
+ (erbim-map-internal (car tail) iseq-str)
+ ;;(message "path B: %S" tail)
+ (mapcar (lambda (M) (erbim-map-internal M iseq-str)) tail)) ))
+ (when (listp (cdr map))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (M) (erbim-map-internal M iseq-str)) (cddr map))) ) ))
+(defun erbim-package-list ()
+ "Return the list of input methods that erbim can understand.
+iso-transl is not exactly an input method, but it is a special case."
+ (cons "iso-transl"
+ (mapcar (lambda (I) (if (eq (caddr I) 'quail-use-package) (car I)))
+ input-method-alist) ))
+(defun erbim-keymap-map (im)
+ "Return the inside-out keymap for input method IM (IM is a string)."
+ (or (cdr (assoc im erbim-keymaps-map))
+ (let ( (map (erbim-map
+ (nth 2 (assoc im quail-package-alist)))) )
+ (setq erbim-keymaps-map (cons (cons im map) erbim-keymaps-map)) map) ))
+(defun where-is-char (c &optional im-list)
+ "Given a string C (usually, but not always, one character (but NOT
+necessarily one byte)) in length, search the input methods in either IM-LIST
+or `erbim-package-list' and return a help string describing the key sequences
+\(per input method) that can be used to enter C."
+ ;; assume we got a string: char functions are broken in fsbot becuase of
+ ;; some screen/emacs/terminal black magic (which I do not understand)
+ ;; so we cannot use (aref string 0) or string-to-char reliably.
+ (let ((char (erbim-enc c))
+ (res nil)
+ (qsec nil))
+ (mapc (lambda (Q)
+ ;; exclude chinese-* methods (too big) and misc problematic ones:
+ (when (and Q
+ (not (string-match "^chinese-" Q))
+ (not (member Q '("tibetan-wylie" ;; too big?
+ ;; "greek-ibycus4" ;; ok actually
+ )) ))
+ ;; load the input method if it's not iso-transl (special case)
+ ;; and we haven't already done so:
+ (or (equal Q "iso-transl")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (or (assoc Q quail-package-alist)
+ (activate-input-method Q)) ))
+ (message "checking %s" Q)
+ ;; check to see if we have a quail package (iso-transl is
+ ;; not a quail package, don't check for it here):
+ (when (or (equal Q "iso-transl") (assoc Q quail-package-alist))
+ ;;(message "%s keymap - %d" Q (length (erbim-keymap-map Q)))
+ ;; extract the inverse keymap if there is one, and pull
+ ;; out the first entry for the char we are looking for:
+ (when (setq qsec (assoc char (erbim-keymap-map Q)))
+ ;;(message "found sequence %s" qsec)
+ (setq res (cons (cons Q (cdr qsec)) res)) )) ))
+ (or im-list (erbim-package-list)))
+ ;; feed the results to the user (if there are lots of input methods,
+ ;; just list the input methods instead):
+ (if (> (length res) 10)
+ (format "%s is in the following input methods:\n%s"
+ c (mapconcat 'car res " "))
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (R)
+ (if (equal (car R) "iso-transl")
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (cons "C-x 8" (split-string (cdr R) "")) " ")
+ (format "%s: %s" (car R) (cdr R)) )) res "\n")) ))
+(defun fsi-where-is-char (&optional key &rest im-list)
+ (let ((imlist nil)
+ (key (if key (if (symbolp key) (symbol-name key) key) nil)))
+ (if key (where-is-char key (mapcar 'symbol-name im-list))
+ "where-is-char <CHAR-OR-SEQUENCE> [ INPUT-METHOD INPUT-METHOD... ]") ))
+;; load iso-transl's inverted keymap
+(add-to-list 'erbim-keymaps-map
+ (cons "iso-transl" (erbim-map iso-transl-ctl-x-8-map)))
+;; Unicode information functions:
+(defvar erbim-unidata-file "/usr/share/perl/5.8.4/unicore/UnicodeData.txt")
+(defun erbim-name-by-character (thing)
+ (let ((char (if (stringp thing) (string-to-char thing) thing))
+ (unicode nil))
+ (setq unicode
+ (when (or (< char 256)
+ (memq 'coding-category-utf-8
+ (mapcar 'coding-system-category
+ (find-coding-systems-string thing))))
+ (encode-char char 'ucs)) )
+ (erbim-name-by-codepoint unicode)) )
+(defun erbim-name-by-codepoint (codepoint)
+ (let ((cpstring (format "%04X" codepoint))
+ (unidata (find-file-noselect erbim-unidata-file)))
+ (with-current-buffer unidata
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" cpstring ";\\([^;]*\\);") nil t)
+ (format "#x%s: %s" cpstring (match-string 1))
+ (format "Unknown character #x%s" cpstring) )) ))
+(defun erbim-search-by-description (pat)
+ (let ( (unidata (find-file-noselect erbim-unidata-file))
+ (pattern nil)
+ (case-fold-search t)
+ (count 0)
+ (limit 10)
+ (found nil)
+ (char nil)
+ (cp nil)
+ (matches nil))
+ (setq pattern (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\^\\|\\$$" "" pat)
+ pattern
+ (concat "^\\([0-9A-F]+\\);\\(" (if (eq (aref pat 0) ?^) "" "[^;]*")
+ pattern
+ (if (eq (aref pat (1- (length pat))) ?$) "" "[^;]*") "\\);"))
+ (with-current-buffer unidata
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward pattern nil t)
+ (when (< (setq count (1+ count)) limit)
+ (setq cp (string-to-int (match-string 1) #x10)
+ char (or (decode-char 'ucs cp) ?�)
+ found (format "#x%04x (%c): %s" cp char (match-string 2))
+ matches (cons found matches)) )) )
+ (if (< count limit)
+ (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse matches) "\n")
+ (format "Too many matches (%d) for %S" count pat)) ))
+(defun fs-unicode-find (&optional pattern)
+ (if pattern (erbim-search-by-description pattern)
+(defun fs-unicode-describe (&optional thing)
+ (cond ((not thing) "Usage: unicode-describe <CODEPOINT-INTEGER | CHARACTER>")
+ ((integerp thing) (erbim-name-by-codepoint thing))
+ ((symbolp thing) (erbim-name-by-character (symbol-name thing)))
+ (thing (erbim-name-by-character thing)) ))
+;; trigger the preprocessing of the rest of the input methods:
+(where-is-char "x")
+(provide 'erbim)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbjavadoc.el b/elisp/erbot/erbjavadoc.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb4ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbjavadoc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+;;; erbjavadoc.el --- Learn terms from a url.
+;; Time-stamp:
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Pete Kazmier
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbjavadoc.el
+;; Package: erbjavadoc
+;; Author: Pete Kazmier <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+(defconst erbtrain-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+;;; Requires:
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'erburl)
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbjavadoc nil
+ "The group erbjavadoc."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbjavadoc-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbjavadoc."
+ :group 'erbjavadoc)
+(defcustom erbjavadoc-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbjavadoc."
+ :group 'erbjavadoc)
+(run-hooks 'erbjavadoc-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+;; I need to persist this var somehow, are there any facilities
+;; in erbot to do this?
+(defvar erbjavadoc-scraped-urls '()
+ "A list of javadoc urls that have been learned already. This
+is used to prevent users from learning a url more than once.")
+;; In the meantime until a better way to persist immutable vars
+;; is in place, I'll just write out the value to a file.
+(defvar erbjavadoc-data-file "~/public_html/data/state-erbjavadoc.el")
+(defun erbjavadoc-load-data ()
+ (when (file-exists-p erbjavadoc-data-file)
+ (ignore-errors (load erbjavadoc-data-file))))
+(defun erbjavadoc-save-data ()
+ (erbn-write-sexps-to-file erbjavadoc-data-file
+ (list `(setq erbjavadoc-scraped-urls
+ ',erbjavadoc-scraped-urls))))
+(defvar erbjavadoc-pages '("allclasses-frame.html" "overview-frame.html")
+ "The names of the index pages generated by javadoc. These names
+will be appended to a base url and then these pages will be scraped
+for terms.")
+(defun erbjavadoc-base-url (url)
+ "Returns the base url for a given URL. Strips off any trailing
+filename component and/or trailing slash. Converts the following:
+ ->
+ ->
+ (let ((p (string-match "/\\([^/]+\\.[^/]+\\)?$" url)))
+ (if p
+ (substring url 0 p)
+ url)))
+(defun fsi-learn-javadocs (url)
+ "Add the Java package and class names as terms in the bot's bbdb
+with links to the appropriate pages. A single URL is passed as the
+only argument and can only be learned once until its been forgotten.
+It should be noted that this command can only be executed via a user
+in IRC because in relies on various vars that are in scope when
+erbot.el invokes this function."
+ (unless (stringp url) (setq url (format "%s" url)))
+ (let ((base (erbjavadoc-base-url url)))
+ (if (member base erbjavadoc-scraped-urls)
+ "That set of javadocs has already been learned."
+ (dolist (page erbjavadoc-pages)
+ (let ((pageurl (concat base "/" page)))
+ ;; See the docsting for erburl-scrape-terms for more
+ ;; information on its arguments. Lack of closures
+ ;; makes this more complicated than need be.
+ (erburl-scrape-terms pageurl
+ ;; Entry parser callback, we use the
+ ;; standard parser and supply it with
+ ;; the appropriate base url to use and
+ ;; limit the terms learned to terms
+ ;; that don't contain spaces.
+ (lambda (base &rest not-used)
+ (erburl-href-parser base t))
+ ;; Progress callback, the default is
+ ;; to use 'message, but we want the
+ ;; progress to be sent back to the
+ ;; user that invoked the command, so
+ ;; we use erbot-reply.
+ (lambda (msg not-used proc nick tgt)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+ (erbot-reply msg proc nick tgt "" nil)))
+ ;; These arguments are passed as
+ ;; extra parameters to our callback
+ ;; functions. We need these so that
+ ;; we can invoke erbot-reply.
+ (list base proc erbn-nick tgt))))
+ (push base erbjavadoc-scraped-urls)
+ (erbjavadoc-save-data)
+ (format "I'm downloading the javadocs now ..."))))
+;; This function should not be made available to users until I can
+;; figure out how to make the underlying erburl-forget-terms an
+;; asychronous operation. Currently, if a user invokes this and there
+;; are a large number of entries to remove, the operation times out
+;; from the top-level timer in erbot (I think)
+;; (defun fsi-forget-javadocs (url)
+;; "Remove all terms and entries for the URL specified. This will
+;; remove the appropriate entries from the bbdb. If an entry has more
+;; than one definition, only the relevant entry is removed."
+;; (unless (stringp url) (setq url (format "%s" url)))
+;; (let ((base (erbjavadoc-base-url url)))
+;; (if (not (member base erbjavadoc-scraped-urls))
+;; "This set of javadocs has not been learned."
+;; (let ((count (erburl-forget-terms base)))
+;; (setq erbjavadoc-scraped-urls (remove base erbjavadoc-scraped-urls))
+;; (erbjavadoc-save-data)
+;; (format "I have removed %S entries for %S" count base)))))
+(defun fsi-learned-javadocs ()
+ "Return a list of learned javadocs."
+ (cond ((= 0 (length erbjavadoc-scraped-urls))
+ "I have not learned any javadocs.")
+ (t
+ (format "I know about the following javadocs: %s"
+ (mapconcat 'identity erbjavadoc-scraped-urls ", ")))))
+(provide 'erbjavadoc)
+(run-hooks 'erbjavadoc-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbjavadoc.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbkarma.el b/elisp/erbot/erbkarma.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b27103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbkarma.el
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+;;; erbkarma.el --- karma is not currently functional, we think..
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:09 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbkarma.el
+;; Package: erbkarma
+;; Authors: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; 2003-01-29 T13:10:42-0500 (Wednesday) D. Goel
+;; removed
+;; Dheeraj Buduru <>
+;; from authors' list at his request. :(
+;;; 2004-01-22 T07:18:36-0500 (Thursday) D. Goel
+;; <kensanata> deego: fsbot should get the old silly karma system back. fsbot
+;; forget all karma points whenever he disconnects. the only
+;; important thing is that we can say b0ef++ and fsbot responds with
+;; "Noted, kensanata. One (brownie|karma|wiki|rms|lispy)-point for
+;; b0ef!"
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'pp)
+(require 'thingatpt)
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbkarma nil
+ "The group erbkarma."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbkarma-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbkarma."
+ :group 'erbkarma)
+(defcustom erbkarma-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbkarma."
+ :group 'erbkarma)
+(run-hooks 'erbkarma-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defcustom erbkarma-file "~/public_html/karma/karma"
+ "")
+(defcustom erbkarma-min -1000 "")
+(defcustom erbkarma-max +1000 "")
+(defvar erbkarma nil
+ "stores all karma"
+ )
+(defun erbkarma-read ()
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (unless erbkarma
+ (setq erbkarma
+ (ignore-errors
+ (find-file erbkarma-file)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (sexp-at-point))))))
+(defun erbkarma (&optional entity)
+ (cond
+ ((not entity) (fs-karma-best))
+ (t
+ (unless (stringp entity)
+ (setq entity (format "%s" entity)))
+ (erbkarma-read)
+ (second
+ (assoc entity erbkarma)))))
+(defun erbkarma-save ()
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (find-file erbkarma-file)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert (pp-to-string erbkarma))
+ (write-file erbkarma-file)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defun erbkarma-increase (entity &optional points)
+ (format "%s" entity)
+ (erbkarma-tgt-check)
+ (unless points (setq points 1))
+ (erbkarma-read)
+ (let* ((eass (assoc entity erbkarma))
+ (val (if eass (second eass) 0))
+ (newval (+ val points))
+ (removed (remove eass erbkarma)))
+ (setq erbkarma
+ (if (= newval 0)
+ removed
+ (cons
+ (list entity newval)
+ removed)))
+ (erbkarma-save)
+ (format "%s" newval)))
+(defun erbkarma-decrease (entity &optional points)
+ (erbkarma-tgt-check)
+ (unless points (setq points 1))
+ (erbkarma-increase entity (- points)))
+(defun erbkarma-sort ()
+ (setq erbkarma
+ (sort
+ erbkarma
+ '(lambda (a b)
+ (> (second a) (second b)))))
+ (erbkarma-save))
+(defun erbkarma-best (&optional n bottomp)
+ (unless n (setq n 5))
+ (erbkarma-sort)
+ (let ((result (if bottomp
+ (reverse erbkarma)
+ erbkarma)))
+ (if (> n (length result))
+ result
+ (subseq result 0 n))))
+(defalias 'fs-best-karma 'fs-karma-best)
+(defcustom erbkarma-tgt-check-string
+ "^\\(#emacs\\|#gnu\\|#fsf\\|#hurd-bunny\\|deego\\|#wiki\\)$"
+ "" :group 'erbkarma
+ )
+(defun erbkarma-tgt-check ()
+ (unless (string-match erbkarma-tgt-check-string fs-tgt)
+ (error
+ "Do it publicly. ")))
+(provide 'erbkarma)
+(run-hooks 'erbkarma-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbkarma.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erblisp.el b/elisp/erbot/erblisp.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6530b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erblisp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+;;; erblisp.el ---
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:08 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erblisp.el
+;; Package: erblisp
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0DEV
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defvar erblisp-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erblisp nil
+ "The group erblisp"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erblisp-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erblisp)
+(defcustom erblisp-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erblisp)
+(run-hooks 'erblisp-before-load-hooks)
+(defun erblisp-process-msg (msg &optional proc nick tgt)
+ "MSG is either a string or a tree.. If it is a tree, it looks
+something like
+ '(foo bar (bar foo))
+This command sandboxes the message and then processes it.."
+ (if (stringp msg)
+ (setq msg (erbn-read msg)))
+ (format "%s" (eval (erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy msg))))
+(defun erblisp-sandbox-quoted-maybe (expr)
+ "sandboxes the whole expression even if it starts with a quote."
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp expr)
+ (equal (first expr) 'quote))
+ (cons 'quote
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr))))
+ (t (erblisp-sandbox expr))))
+(defun erblisp-sandbox-quoted (expr)
+ "Assumes that the expression will result in a quoted thingy and
+tries to make sure that we sandbox that whole quoted thing.. "
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp expr)
+ (equal (first expr) 'quote))
+ (cons 'quote
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr))))
+ ((listp expr)
+ (list 'erblisp-sandbox-quoted (erblisp-sandbox expr)))
+ ;; just an atom
+ (t (erblisp-sandbox expr))))
+(defvar erblisp-allowed-words
+ '(nil t
+ ;; Also consider:
+ ;; &rest
+ ;; &optional
+ )
+ "You should add &rest and &optional to this list.
+We WON'T do this by default since this could lead to exploits if you
+*happen* to have bound these keywords to weird stuff like
+\(setq &rest (shell-command \"rm -rf /\")) in your .emacs."
+(defvar erblisp-max-list-length 2000
+ "If non-numeric, we will skip this check."
+ )
+(defun erblisp-safe-length-args-p (list so-far len)
+ (let ((cur list)
+ stack)
+ (while (and cur
+ (<= so-far len))
+ (if (consp (car cur))
+ (progn (setq cur (car cur))
+ (when (consp (cdr cur))
+ (push (cdr cur) stack)))
+ (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+ (unless cur
+ (setq cur (pop stack)))
+ (setq so-far (1+ so-far)))
+ (if (<= so-far len)
+ t
+ nil)))
+(defmacro erblisp-check-args (&rest args)
+ "All we do in this macro we remove some bindings for things like
+&rest, etc, things that do not have values but got passed to us --
+this occurs when a user attempts to use &rest in his function
+definitions -- see `erblisp-allowed-words'.
+All the arguments to this macro should have been in their evalled form
+and hence constants already, so we do not bother protecting against
+multiple evaluations here -- evaluating a constant causes no harm.
+All we do in this macro we remove some bindings for things like &rest,
+etc, things that are not defined, but passed on here in any case."
+ `(erblisp-check-args-nascent
+ ,@(remove-if
+ #'(lambda (arg) (and
+ (symbolp arg)
+ (not (boundp arg))))
+ args)))
+(defun erblisp-check-args-nascent (&rest args)
+ (if (or
+ (not (numberp erblisp-max-list-length))
+ (erblisp-safe-length-args-p args 0 erblisp-max-list-length))
+ t
+ (error "encountered overlong expression, ignoring") nil))
+(defun erblisp-sandbox (expr)
+ ""
+ (cond
+ ;; first condition
+ ((null expr) nil)
+ ;; second condition
+ ((listp expr)
+ (when (erblisp-check-args expr)
+ (let ((fir (first expr)))
+ (cond
+ ((listp fir)
+ (cons (erblisp-sandbox fir)
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr))))
+ ((equal (format "%S" fir) "quote")
+ ;; if quoted, it is fine...
+ expr)
+ (t (cons
+ (if (or (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%S" fir)))
+ (member fir erblisp-allowed-words))
+ fir
+ (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" fir))))
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr))))))))
+ ;; final condition.. --> when the expr is an atom.. It should be a
+ ;; a constant.. or an allowed atom.. allowed == prefixed with fs-
+ (t (cond
+ ((and (symbolp expr)
+ (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%s" expr))))
+ expr)
+ ((equal expr t) expr)
+ ((member expr erblisp-allowed-words) expr)
+ ((symbolp expr)
+ ;;(boundp (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" expr)))))
+ (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%s" expr))))
+ ;; other symbol
+ ;;((symbolp expr) (list 'quote expr))
+ ;; a number or string now..
+ ;; this actually happens when they feed byte-compiled code to
+ ;; the bot, like:
+ ;;, (funcall #[nil "\300\207" [1] 1])
+ ((not (or (symbolp expr) (numberp expr) (stringp expr)))
+ (error "%s %s" "Should not reach here. Quantum Tunnelling! "
+ "What are you trying to feed me? Byte-compiled code? Vectors?" ))
+ (t expr)))
+ ))
+(defun erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy (expr)
+ "Sandboxes a message.. Ensures that the functions are all fs-
+and the arguments are NOT variable-names... This one sandboxes
+preferably by quoting unless fs-symbol is bound.."
+ (cond
+ ;; first condition
+ ((null expr) nil)
+ ;; second condition
+ ((listp expr)
+ (let ((fir (first expr)))
+ (cond
+ ((listp fir)
+ (cons (erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy fir))
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy (cdr expr)))
+ ((equal (format "%S" fir) "quote")
+ ;; if quoted, it is fine...
+ expr)
+ (t (cons
+ (if (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%S" fir)))
+ fir
+ (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" fir))))
+ (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy (cdr expr)))))))
+ ;; final condition.. --> when the expr is an atom.. It should be a
+ ;; a constant.. or an allowed atom.. allowed == prefixed with fs-
+ (t (cond
+ ((and (symbolp expr)
+ (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%s" expr))))
+ expr)
+ ((and (symbolp expr)
+ (or
+ (boundp (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" expr))))
+ (fboundp (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" expr))))
+ ))
+ (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%s" expr))))
+ ;; other symbol
+ ((symbolp expr) (list 'quote expr))
+ ;; a number or string now..
+ ((not (or (symbolp expr) (numberp expr) (stringp expr)))
+ (error "Should not reach here. Fuzzy tunnels!"))
+ (t expr)))
+ ))
+(defun erblisp-sandbox-full(expr &optional midstream)
+ "
+This will ensure that anything rigt after parens is sandboxed by a
+fs- prefix. And anything else is either a symbol , or a string,
+but not a variable... viz: quoted ...else converted into one.
+midstream is in internal variable..."
+ (cond
+ ((null expr) nil)
+ ((listp expr)
+ (let* ((fir (first expr)))
+ (if (eql fir 'quote)
+ expr
+ (cons (erblisp-sandbox-full fir)
+ (mapcar '(lambda (arg)
+ (erblisp-sandbox-full arg t))
+ (cdr expr))))))
+ ;; now we know that expr is a non-nil atom...
+ (midstream
+ (if (stringp expr) expr
+ (list 'quote expr)))
+ ;; midstream is untrue... expr is thus an atom at the beginning..
+ (t
+ (if (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%s" expr)))
+ expr (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%s" expr)))))))
+(provide 'erblisp)
+(run-hooks 'erblisp-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erblisp.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erblog.el b/elisp/erbot/erblog.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e46803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erblog.el
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+;;; erblog.el ---
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:08 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erblog.el
+;; Package: erblog
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0DEV
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defvar erblog-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erblog nil
+ "The group erblog"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erblog-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erblog)
+(defcustom erblog-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erblog)
+(run-hooks 'erblog-before-load-hooks)
+(defvar erblog-active-targets nil
+ "This stores the list of targets that have had some activity...
+The idea is that the operator sets this to nil (see commands
+below).. goes away, comes back and examined this variables to find
+out which channels have had activity...
+(defun erblog-log-target (target &rest stuff)
+ (unless (member (format "%s" target)
+ erblog-active-targets)
+ (progn
+ (add-to-list 'erblog-active-targets
+ (format "%s" target))
+ (erblog-show-targets))))
+;; operator bind to C-c s
+(defun erblog-show-targets ()
+ (interactive)
+ (message "%s" erblog-active-targets))
+;; bind to C-c r
+(defun erblog-reset-targets ()
+ (interactive)
+ (message "Nulling.. was %s" erblog-active-targets)
+ (setq erblog-active-targets nil))
+(provide 'erblog)
+(run-hooks 'erblog-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erblog.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbmerge.el b/elisp/erbot/erbmerge.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d1e5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbmerge.el
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; erbmerge.el --- merge 2 bbdb's -- NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:07 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbmerge.el
+;; Package: erbmerge
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Real Code:
+;; Use functions like fs-notes... See the code of erbforget-slowly..
+(provide 'erbmerge)
+(run-hooks 'erbmerge-after-load-hook)
+;;; erbmerge.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbmsg.el b/elisp/erbot/erbmsg.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0f748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbmsg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+;;; erbmsg.el --- memoserv-esque functions for Erbot
+;; $Id: erbmsg.el,v 1.26 2007/11/23 16:31:59 deego Exp $
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Sebastian Freundt
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbmsg.el
+;; Package: erbmsg
+;; Authors: Sebastian Freundt <>
+;; Keywords: memo, message,
+;; Version: still conceptional
+;; URL:
+;; URL:
+;; For latest version:
+(defconst erbot-home-page
+ "")
+(defconst erbmsg-version
+ "Version 0.2 $Revision: 1.26 $")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+;;; Comments:
+;; - To automagically save the whole message table with each incoming message
+;; put following to your .erbot:
+;; (add-hook 'erbmsg-new-msg-post-hook 'erbmsg-regular-dump)
+;; - To clean up message cookies with every flushed message, add
+;; (add-hook 'erbmsg-flush-post-hook 'erbmsg-garbage-cleanse-cookies)
+;;; TODOs that have been done:
+;; 2004/06/22:
+;; - added dump routines to dump message hash tables to hard disk
+;; - added routines for restoring from dumped message files
+;; - added interval within erbot does not notify on channel joins
+;; - added erbmsg-new-msg-(pre|post)-hook
+;; 2004/04/09:
+;; - added support for multiple recipients (see fs-memo for syntax)
+;; - abstracted fs-memo stuff to two defuns (erbmsg-memo-parse-msg and erbmsg-memorize-msg)
+;; 2004/04/01:
+;; - added hooks
+;; 2004/03/31:
+;; - store which channel the memo came from
+;; - added garbage collection function (erbmsg-garbage-cleanse-cookies) to
+;; clean up erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table from unreferenced cookies
+;;; TODO:
+;; - functionality to forget the erbmsg-question-* pile effectively
+;; - save erbmsg-msg-hash-table across sessions
+;; - expire cookies in erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table some time (after 3 notifications?)
+;;; Data
+(defvar erbmsg-msg-hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ "This is a hash-table holding all the messages via cookies.")
+(defvar erbmsg-internal-msg-cookie nil
+ "Message cookie for internal communication.")
+(defvar erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ "This is the hash-table for message cookies, the actual
+messages are saved here")
+(defgroup erbmsg nil
+ "The erbmsg module for erbot"
+ :group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbmsg-default-magic-words nil
+ "List of default magic words for messages with magic words."
+ :group 'erbmsg)
+;;; dump settings
+(defcustom erbmsg-dump-file "~/public_html/data/messages.dump"
+ "File to dump message hash tables to."
+ :group 'erbmsg)
+(defcustom erbmsg-auto-restore-message-tables t
+ "Whether to automagically restore contents of `erbmsg-dump-file'."
+ :group 'erbmsg
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom erbmsg-auto-dump-message-tables nil
+ "Whether to automagically dump hash tables to `erbmsg-dump-file'."
+ :group 'erbmsg
+ :type 'boolean)
+;;; uncomment this to normalize to UTC
+;;(set-time-zone-rule "UTC0")
+(defvar erbmsg-after-load-hook nil
+ "Hook called after `erbmsg' has been loaded.")
+(defvar erbmsg-new-msg-pre-hook nil
+ "Hook called before a new message has been posted.
+The raw message is passed as argument.")
+(defvar erbmsg-new-msg-post-hook
+ (when erbmsg-auto-dump-message-tables
+ '(erbmsg-regular-dump))
+ "Hook called after a new message has been posted.
+The parsed message \(split to nicks and actual message text\)
+is passed as argument.")
+(defvar erbmsg-flush-pre-hook nil
+ "Hook called before erbmsg-flush-pending-msgs is called.")
+(defvar erbmsg-flush-post-hook nil
+ "Hook called before erbmsg-flush-pending-msgs is called.")
+;;; this is too useful to not add it here
+(add-hook 'erbmsg-flush-post-hook 'erbmsg-garbage-cleanse-cookies)
+;; interface functions
+(defun fs-memo (&rest msg)
+ "Specify your message and the nick to dedicate to here, as in:
+#somechan> ,memo somenick hello somenick, don't forget
+Allowed syntaxes:
+,memo [to|for] <nick> msg
+,memo [to|for] <nick> <nick> <nick>: msg
+Note: magic words are not currently implemented."
+ (or (and erbot-erbmsg-p
+ msg
+ (let* ((msg-raw (erbutils-stringize msg))
+ (nicks+msg (erbmsg-memo-parse-msg msg-raw)))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erbmsg-new-msg-pre-hook msg-raw)
+ (mapc (lambda (nick+msg)
+ (let* ((nick (car nick+msg))
+ (msg (nth 1 nick+msg)))
+ (erbmsg-memorize-msg nick msg)))
+ nicks+msg)
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erbmsg-new-msg-post-hook nicks+msg)
+ "msg memorized for delivery"))
+ (if msg (format "error: %S NOT parsed") (fs-memos))
+ 'noreply))
+(defalias 'fs-msg-wmw 'fs-memo) ;; just for compatibility
+(defalias 'fs-msg-with-magic-words 'fs-memo)
+(defun erbmsg-memo-parse-msg (raw-msg)
+ "Parses MSG for any of the allowed memo syntaxes and returns a list
+\(\(nick msg) (nick msg) ...)"
+ (let* ((nick-msg (cond ((string-match "^\\(?:to\\|for\\)?\\b\\(.+\\)\\b:\\(.*\\)" raw-msg)
+ (cons (match-string 1 raw-msg) (match-string 2 raw-msg)))
+ ((string-match "^\\(?:to\\|for\\)?\\(?:\\s-\\|\\b\\)\\(\\S-+\\)\\s-\\(.*\\)" raw-msg)
+ (cons (match-string 1 raw-msg) (match-string 2 raw-msg)))
+ (t nil)))
+ (nicks (split-string (replace-regexp-in-string ",\\|\\band\\b" "" (car nick-msg))))
+ (msg (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-+" "" (cdr nick-msg))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (nick)
+ (list nick msg))
+ nicks)))
+;;(erbmsg-memo-parse-msg "hroptatyr and deego: huhu! :)")
+(defun erbmsg-memorize-msg (nick msg &optional magic-words)
+ "Memorizes NICKs MSG."
+ (let* ((nicks-ht (or (gethash nick erbmsg-msg-hash-table)
+ (puthash nick
+ (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ erbmsg-msg-hash-table)))
+ (cnick fs-nick)
+ (cchan fs-tgt)
+ (ctime (current-time))
+ ;; composition of the new memo
+ (newmsg (vector cnick cchan msg ctime magic-words))
+ (newcookie (erbmsg-generate-msg-cookie newmsg))
+ ;; now memos from that user already in the system
+ (cmsgs (gethash cnick nicks-ht)))
+ (add-to-list 'cmsgs newcookie)
+ (puthash cnick cmsgs nicks-ht)))
+(defun fs-memos (&rest line)
+ "This is redundant but more clean than in `erbmsg-parse'."
+ (and erbot-erbmsg-p
+ (let* ((linecar (car line))
+ (internalp (and erbmsg-internal-msg-cookie
+ (eq linecar ':internal)
+ (eq erbmsg-internal-msg-cookie (cadr line))))
+ (nick (or (and internalp
+ (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe line))))
+ fs-nick))
+ (fromnicks (and (null internalp)
+ (mapcar (lambda (s) (format "%s" s)) line)))
+ (nicks-ht (gethash nick erbmsg-msg-hash-table))
+ pending-msgs)
+ (and nicks-ht
+ (maphash (lambda (fromnick msg-cookies)
+ (setq pending-msgs
+ (append pending-msgs (or (and (null fromnicks)
+ msg-cookies)
+ (and (member fromnick fromnicks)
+ msg-cookies)))))
+ nicks-ht))
+ (or (and pending-msgs
+ (let ((msg-cookie))
+ (format "erm, %s, %s msgs pending, see them? %s"
+ nick
+ (length pending-msgs)
+ (erbmsg-question `((notice (erbmsg-notice-pending-msgs ,nick ',pending-msgs))
+ (query (erbmsg-query-pending-msgs ,nick ',pending-msgs))
+ (post (erbmsg-post-pending-msgs ,nick ',pending-msgs))
+ (flush (erbmsg-flush-pending-msgs ,nick ',pending-msgs))
+ (no (ignore))
+ (memo-help (erbmsg-help)))
+ nick))))
+ (and (null internalp)
+ (format ":( no msgs for you, %s\n%s" nick
+ (fs-describe "help-memo")))))))
+(defalias 'fs-msg-mymsgs 'fs-memos)
+(defalias 'fs-mymemos 'fs-memos)
+(defalias 'fs-msgs 'fs-msg-mymsgs)
+(defalias 'fs-mymsgs 'fs-msg-mymsgs)
+(defun fsi-erbmsg-version (&rest ignore)
+ "Spits out `erbmsg-version'."
+ erbmsg-version)
+(defalias 'fs-msg-version 'fs-erbmsg-version)
+(defcustom erbmsg-notify-on-join-timeout 2
+ "Interval in seconds to wait between notification on channel joins."
+ :group 'erbmsg)
+(defvar erbmsg-last-nicks-join nil
+ "List of nicks with last join time.")
+(defun erbmsg-put-alist (item value alist)
+ "Modify ALIST to set VALUE to ITEM.
+If there is a pair whose car is ITEM, replace its cdr by VALUE.
+If there is not such pair, create new pair (ITEM . VALUE) and
+return new alist whose car is the new pair and cdr is ALIST.
+\[tomo's ELIS like function]"
+ (let ((pair (assoc item alist)))
+ (if pair
+ (progn
+ (setcdr pair value)
+ alist)
+ (cons (cons item value) alist)
+ )))
+(defun erbmsg-set-alist (symbol item value)
+ "Modify a alist indicated by SYMBOL to set VALUE to ITEM."
+ (or (boundp symbol)
+ (set symbol nil))
+ (set symbol (erbmsg-put-alist item value (symbol-value symbol))))
+(defun erbmsg-notify-msg-on-JOIN (process parsed)
+ "Notifies users about left messages
+when joining the channel"
+ (and erbot-erbmsg-p
+ (let* ((usernickhost (if erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ (erc-response.sender parsed)
+ (aref parsed 1)))
+ (channel (if erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ (nth 0 (erc-response.command-args parsed))
+ (aref parsed 2)))
+ (nick (car (erc-parse-user usernickhost)))
+ (last-access (cdr-safe (assoc nick erbmsg-last-nicks-join))))
+ (erbmsg-set-alist 'erbmsg-last-nicks-join nick (current-time))
+ (setq erbmsg-internal-msg-cookie (random))
+ (let* ((msgs (fs-msg-mymsgs :internal erbmsg-internal-msg-cookie nick)))
+ (and msgs
+ (or (null last-access)
+ (> (- (nth 1 (current-time)) (nth 1 last-access))
+ erbmsg-notify-on-join-timeout))
+ (erc-message "PRIVMSG"
+ (format "%s %s"
+ channel
+ msgs)))
+ 'noreply))))
+(if (and (boundp 'erbot-on-new-erc-p) erbot-on-new-erc-p)
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-JOIN-functions 'erbmsg-notify-msg-on-JOIN)
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-JOIN-hook 'erbmsg-notify-msg-on-JOIN))
+(defun erbmsg-parse (msg proc nick tgt localp userinfo)
+ "When having (require 'erbmsg) and (setq erbot-erbmsg-p t)
+this function is called with every message typed.
+It checks for `nick' being in `erbmsg-msg-hash-table',
+if so, i.e. `nick' is about to have messages pending for delivery,
+it will be checked here if `nick' says the ~magic words~,
+if that's also the case, the message will be spit out.
+Currently this function also plays the role as question handler,
+see erbmsg-question part below :)."
+ (let* ((nicks-ht (gethash nick erbmsg-msg-hash-table))
+ (pending-msgs)
+ ;; now the stuff for question handling
+ (nicks-q-ht (gethash nick erbmsg-question-hash-table))
+ (pending-actions))
+ ;; erbmsg-question handling
+ (and nicks-q-ht
+ (maphash (lambda (keyword action-forms)
+ (and (string-match (format "\\b%S\\b" keyword)
+ msg)
+ (let ((func (intern (format "fs-%s" keyword))))
+ (and (fboundp func)
+ (funcall func)))))
+ nicks-q-ht))))
+(defun erbmsg-generate-msg-cookie (message)
+ "Generates a message cookie for `message' and returns it."
+ (let* ((msg-cookie (format "%.4x%.4x"
+ (mod (random) 65536) (mod (random) 65536))))
+ (puthash msg-cookie message erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table)
+ msg-cookie))
+(defun erbmsg-get-msgs (msg-cookies)
+ "Gets messages by `msg-cookie'."
+ (mapcar (lambda (msg-cookie)
+ (gethash msg-cookie erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table))
+ msg-cookies))
+;; reply functions
+(defun erbmsg-notice-pending-msgs (nick msg-cookies)
+ "NOTICEs all `msgs' to the user `nick'."
+ (erbmsg-send-pending-msgs nick msg-cookies "NOTICE" nick))
+(defun erbmsg-query-pending-msgs (nick msg-cookies)
+ "PRIVMSGs all `msgs' to the user `nick'."
+ (erbmsg-send-pending-msgs nick msg-cookies "PRIVMSG" nick))
+(defun erbmsg-post-pending-msgs (nick msg-cookies)
+ "Publically post all `msgs' to current channel"
+ (erbmsg-send-pending-msgs nick msg-cookies "PRIVMSG" fs-tgt))
+(defun erbmsg-send-pending-msgs (nick msg-cookies &optional method target)
+ "PRIVMSGs all `msgs' to the user `nick',
+instead of PRIVMSG you may specify another sending method."
+ (let ((msgs (erbmsg-get-msgs msg-cookies))
+ (method (or method "PRIVMSG"))
+ (target (or target fs-nick)))
+ (and msgs
+ (mapc (lambda (msg)
+ (or (and msg
+ (let ((msgfrom (aref msg 0))
+ (msgchan (aref msg 1))
+ (msgtext (aref msg 2))
+ (msgtime (aref msg 3)))
+ (erc-message method
+ (format "%s %s@%s %s: %s"
+ target
+ msgfrom
+ msgchan
+ (format-time-string "%D %T (%Z)" msgtime)
+ msgtext))))
+ (erc-message method (format "%s invalid message cookie" target))))
+ msgs))))
+(defun erbmsg-flush-pending-msgs (nick msg-cookies)
+ "Flushes all pending messages for user `nick'."
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erbmsg-flush-pre-hook nick msg-cookies)
+ (erbmsg-flush-msg-cookies msg-cookies)
+ (remhash nick erbmsg-msg-hash-table)
+ (remhash nick erbmsg-question-hash-table)
+ (erc-send-message "flushed")
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erbmsg-flush-post-hook nick msg-cookies))
+(defun erbmsg-flush-msg-cookie (msg-cookie)
+ "Flushes `msg-cookie'."
+ (remhash msg-cookie erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table))
+(defun erbmsg-flush-msg-cookies (msg-cookies)
+ "Flushes a collection of `msg-cookies'."
+ (mapc 'erbmsg-flush-msg-cookie msg-cookies))
+(defun erbmsg-help (&rest ignore)
+ "Spits out some detour to the wiki help page."
+ (erc-send-message "help? whom to help? see"))
+;; garbage collection
+(defun erbmsg-garbage-cleanse-cookies (&rest ignore)
+ "Collects garbage from `erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table' when
+there's no referring entry in `erbmsg-msg-hash-table'."
+ (maphash (lambda (cookie-k cookie-v)
+ (let ((cookie cookie-k)
+ (referred))
+ (catch 'ref-exists-p
+ (maphash (lambda (memo-k memo-v)
+ (maphash (lambda (from cookie-list)
+ (and (member cookie cookie-list)
+ (setq referred t)
+ (throw 'ref-exists-p t)))
+ memo-v))
+ erbmsg-msg-hash-table))
+ (unless referred
+ (remhash cookie erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table))))
+ erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table))
+;; erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table
+;; (erbmsg-garbage-cleanse-cookies)
+;;; just some tricks to create gazillions of msgs w/o IRC
+;; (clrhash erbmsg-msg-hash-table)
+;; (puthash "hroptatyr" (make-hash-table :test 'equal) erbmsg-msg-hash-table)
+;; (puthash "asathor" '("22224444" "33336666") (gethash "hroptatyr" erbmsg-msg-hash-table))
+;;; this will get more abstract and move to an own modules soon :)
+(defvar erbmsg-question-hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ "Hash table to hold who may be about to have the choice.")
+(defvar erbmsg-question-verbosity nil
+ "Controls how talkative erbot is when being in question mode.")
+(defvar erbmsg-question-handler nil
+ "command temporarily bound to certain users.")
+(defun erbmsg-question (choices nick)
+ "Declares choices for interactively control erbot's
+more complex tasks.
+`choices' is an alist (action action-forms),
+`action-forms' will be eval'd if nick uses the magic word once again."
+ (let* ((nicks-ht (puthash nick (make-hash-table :test 'equal) erbmsg-question-hash-table)))
+ (mapc (lambda (choice)
+ (let* ((magic-word (car choice))
+ (action-forms (cdr choice))
+ (internal-name (intern (format "fs-%s" magic-word))))
+ (and ;;(not (fboundp internal-name))
+ (fset internal-name
+ `(lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (and (erbmsg-question-user-allowed-p fs-nick ',magic-word)
+ (mapc 'eval ',action-forms))
+ (erbmsg-question-user-answer fs-nick ',magic-word))))
+ (puthash magic-word action-forms nicks-ht)))
+ choices)
+ (format "[type %s]"
+ (mapconcat (lambda (choice)
+ (format "%s%s"
+ erbn-char
+ (car choice)))
+ choices "/"))))
+;;(symbol-function 'fs-flush)
+(defun erbmsg-question-user-allowed-p (nick erbot-command)
+ "Tests whether the user `nick' is allowed to use `erbot-command',
+i.e. if the user has been offered such an action."
+ (let* ((nicks-ht (gethash nick erbmsg-question-hash-table))
+ (command-p (and nicks-ht
+ (gethash erbot-command nicks-ht))))
+ (null (null command-p))))
+(defun erbmsg-question-user-answer (nick erbot-command &optional answer)
+ "Tests whether the user `nick' is allowed to use `erbot-command',
+if so return 'noreply, if not return an according answer."
+ (or (and (not (erbmsg-question-user-allowed-p nick erbot-command))
+ 'noreply) ;;; "You are currently not allowed to use this function. :(")
+ 'noreply))
+;;; dumping code
+;; this code is to make erbot remember messages after restarts
+(defun erbmsg-regular-dump (&rest ignore)
+ "Fun wrapper to call `erbmsg-dump-tables'."
+ (interactive)
+ (erbmsg-dump-tables))
+(defun erbmsg-dump-tables (&optional file)
+ "Dumps known message hash tables to a buffer in order to save it."
+ (interactive "Ferbmsg dump file: ")
+ (let ((file (or file
+ erbmsg-dump-file)))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (mapc (lambda (htable)
+ (insert (format "[%s \n [\n" htable))
+ (maphash
+ (lambda (key val)
+ (insert
+ (format " [%S %s]\n" key
+ (cond
+ ((hash-table-p val)
+ (let (valstring)
+ (maphash
+ (lambda (k2 v2)
+ (setq valstring
+ (format "%s[%S %S]"
+ (or valstring "") k2 v2)))
+ val)
+ (format "(%s)" valstring)))
+ (t (format "%S" val))))))
+ (eval htable))
+ (insert (format " ]\n]\n")))
+ '(erbmsg-msg-hash-table erbmsg-msg-cookie-hash-table))
+ (write-file erbmsg-dump-file))))
+(defun erbmsg-restore-tables (&optional file)
+ "Restores known message hash tables from FILE or `erbmsg-dump-file'."
+ (interactive "ferbmsg dump file: ")
+ (let* ((file (or file
+ erbmsg-dump-file))
+ (file-vector
+ (and (file-readable-p file)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents file)
+ (eval (erbn-read (format "(setq file-vector '(%s))"
+ (erbutils-buffer-string))))))))
+ (mapvector
+ (lambda (tablevector)
+ (let ((table (aref tablevector 0))
+ (vector (aref tablevector 1)))
+ (mapvector
+ (lambda (keyval)
+ (let ((key (aref keyval 0))
+ (val (aref keyval 1)))
+ (cond ((listp val)
+ (let ((nickht (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (htvec)
+ (let ((k2 (aref htvec 0))
+ (v2 (aref htvec 1)))
+ (puthash k2 v2 nickht)))
+ val)
+ (puthash key nickht (eval table))))
+ (t (puthash key val (eval table))))))
+ vector)))
+ file-vector)))
+(when (and erbot-erbmsg-p
+ erbmsg-auto-restore-message-tables
+ ;;(eq (hash-table-count erbmsg-msg-hash-table) 0)
+ )
+ (erbmsg-restore-tables))
+(provide 'erbmsg)
+;;; erbmsg.el ends here
+;; Local variables:
+;; indent-tab-mode: nil
+;; End:
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbot-lispy.el b/elisp/erbot/erbot-lispy.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63ba4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbot-lispy.el
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+;;; erbot-lispy.el --- ErBot integration in Lispy
+;; Time-stamp: <2006-04-20 14:14:33 deego>
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbot-lispy.el
+;; Package: erbot
+;; Authors: Yann Hodique <>
+;; Version: 0.0
+;; URL:
+;; Lispy can be found at
+;; Installation
+;; put an additional (require 'erbot-lispy) in you erbot's .emacs
+;; *before* running (erbot-install)
+;; then launch a lispy session
+(require 'lispy)
+(require 'erbot)
+(defvar backup-buffer nil)
+(defun erbot-lispy-remote (line)
+ (let* ((nick nil)
+ (tgt nil)
+ (msg nil))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^<Mtp> \\(\\w+\\) tells you: \\(.*\\)$" line)
+ (setq nick (match-string 1 line))
+ (setq tgt nick)
+ (setq msg (match-string 2 line)))
+ ((string-match (format "^<\\(Mtp\\|%s\\)>.*$" lispy-remote-user) line)
+ nil)
+ ((string-match "^<\\(\\w+\\)> \\(.*\\)$" line)
+ (setq nick (match-string 1 line))
+ (setq tgt "#chan")
+ (setq msg (match-string 2 line)))
+ )
+ (setq backup-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (when (and lispy-connected nick)
+ (progn
+ (setq erbot-end-user-nick-latest nick)
+ (setq fs-tgt tgt)
+ (setq erbn-tgt tgt)
+ (setq fs-nick nick)
+ (setq erbn-nick nick)
+ (let ((msgg
+ (erbeng-main msg nil nick tgt nil (list nick nick nick))))
+ (cond
+ (erbot-quiet-p nil)
+ ((and erbot-quiet-target-p-function
+ (funcall erbot-quiet-target-p-function tgt nick msg))
+ nil)
+ (t (erbot-lispy-reply msgg tgt)))
+ ))))
+ nil
+ )
+(defun erbot-lispy-reply (main-reply tgt)
+ (unless (stringp main-reply)
+ (setq main-reply (format "%S" main-reply)))
+ (let ((reply (erbot-frob-with-init-string main-reply)))
+ (unless
+ (or
+ (null erbot-reply-p)
+ (equal main-reply 'noreply)
+ (equal main-reply "noreply"))
+ ;; now we are actually gonna reply.
+ (setq reply (fs-limit-lines reply))
+ (set-buffer backup-buffer)
+ (let ((lines (split-string reply "\n")))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (line)
+ (lispy-message (concat (if (string-match "^#" tgt)
+ (if (erbot-lispy-safe-p line) "" " ")
+ (format "tell %s " tgt)) line "\n")))
+ lines)))))
+;; Mtp does not use prefixed commands, activate the right ones via aliases
+(defun erbot-lispy-safe-p (msg)
+ (string-match "^/" line))
+(defadvice erbot-install (after ad-erbot-install-lispy-after act)
+ (add-hook 'lispy-post-insert-hook 'erbot-lispy-remote))
+(provide 'erbot-lispy)
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbot.el b/elisp/erbot/erbot.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9769dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbot.el
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+;;; erbot.el --- Another robot for ERC.
+;; Time-stamp: <2009-09-26 22:28:50 fledermaus>
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbot.el
+;; Package: erbot
+;; Authors: David Edmunston (
+;; Modified by: D. Goel <>, V Dasmohapatra <>
+;; Version: 0.0
+;; URL:
+;; Maintainer: Deepak Goel <>
+(defvar erbot-home-page
+ "")
+;; Version:
+;; Keywords: ERC, IRC, chat, robot, bot
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 Deepak Goel, FSF
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;; See also:
+;; erc-robot.el from which this was derived...
+;; See
+;; Thanks for erbot's/erbot's behavior and their data go to a lot
+;; of people on #emacs, like:
+;; kensanata (Alex Schroeder)
+;; resolve (Damien Elmes)
+;; bpt (Brian P. Templeton)
+;; forcer (Jorgen "forcer" Schaefer)
+;; and many others
+;; and also to bot(s):
+;; apt on debian, for english syntax examples.
+;; Thanks for code go to:
+;; David Edmonsdon (who wrote erc-robot.el which is what this started
+;; out from).
+;; Nick Hober (who wrote google.el)
+;;; David E's Commentary:
+;; erbot is a derivative of David's erc-robot.el --- that code was
+;; copied over on 2002-09-02 into erbot.el. Erbot seeks to make the
+;; bot similar to apt on #debian.. viz: English style.. yet allowing
+;; access to commands via the "cmd" command. Erbot shall seek to
+;; save all its information periodically, and publicly...
+;; Erc-robot implements a simple robot for ERC.
+;; Installation:
+;; The robot uses hooks to gain access to ERC. The following need to
+;; be executed after ERC has loaded:
+;; (load-library "erbot")
+;; It is particularly important that the remote robot function is added
+;; to the tail of the PRIVMSG hook.
+;; Robot commands are declared using the list "erbot-commands".
+;; XXX better description of the functions.
+;; An example might be:
+;; (setq erbot-commands
+;; '(
+;; ("cmds" t (lambda (args)
+;; (concat "commands available: "
+;; (mapconcat
+;; (lambda (e)
+;; (car e))
+;; erbot-commands " "))))
+;; ("hello" t (lambda (args) "hello to you too !"))
+;; ("zippy" t (lambda (args) (erc-replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " (yow))))
+;; ("music" t (lambda (args) (concat "now playing: "
+;; (let ((track (dme:now-playing)))
+;; (if track
+;; track
+;; "nothing.")))))
+;; ("echo" t (lambda (args) args))
+;; ; only i'm allowed to talk to my doctor !
+;; ("doctor" nil erc-doctor)
+;; ("version" t (lambda (args) (erc-version)))
+;; ))
+; compatability
+;(if (featurep 'xemacs)
+; (defun erc-replace-regexp-in-string
+; (regexp rep string &optional fixedcase literal subexp start)
+; (replace-in-string string regexp rep literal))
+(defalias 'erc-replace-regexp-in-string 'replace-regexp-in-string)
+(defvar erbot-paranoid-p t
+ " Meant as a CATCHALL for security. Setting this variable to non-nil
+should disable most features. When non-nil, all potentially funny
+functions are disabled. We think these functions are safe, but we
+disable them in any case. We also disable all functions that we can
+that may potentially freeze the bot or severly slow it down upon
+receiving weird requests.
+t by default. No enablings like erbot-setf-p, etc. will work
+unless this is non-nil. If this is non-nil, erbot is paranoid, it will
+not allow apply, setf, funcall, sregex, etc. even if the corresponding
+variables are turned on.
+NOTE: Making this variable nil and later non-nil in the middle of a
+running emacs session will NOT make your bot completely paranoid. You
+need to have this function non-nil BEFORE you load erbot. See, for
+example, how we define fs-kbd.
+(defun erbot-commentary ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding variable `erbot-commentary'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert erbot-commentary) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; History:
+;;; Bugs:
+;;; New features:
+(defvar erbot-new-features
+ "Help..."
+(defun erbot-new-features ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding variable `erbot-new-features'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert erbot-new-features) nil) "*doc*"))
+;;; TO DO:
+(defvar erbot-todo
+ "Current shortcomings:"
+(defun erbot-todo ()
+ "Provides electric help regarding variable `erbot-todo'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert erbot-todo) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defvar erbot-version "0.0")
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
+(defcustom erbot-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbot-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbot-ignore-nicks '("^apt[0-9]?$" "bot" "google" "serv")
+ "A list of REGEXPS.
+Nicks matching these regexps will be ignored by the bot, viz. not
+generate replies.
+I would suggest including atleast bot, google and serv here to prevent
+infinite chat loops with other bots. :)
+:type '(repeat regexp)
+:group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbot-use-whitelist nil "Use a whitelist for accessing the bot.
+Any request from another source will be ignored. If a source is present in whitelist
+and in `erbot-ignore-nicks' it is ignored"
+:type 'boolean
+:group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbot-whitelist-nicks nil
+"List of the entries that have access to the bot. Used only when `erbot-use-whitelist' is non-nil"
+:type '(repeat regexp)
+:group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbot-ignore-userinfos "" "list of regex's" :group 'erbot)
+(run-hooks 'erbot-before-load-hooks)
+(defgroup erbot nil
+ "The group erbot"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbot-nick "fsbot"
+"Changing this in the middle of things
+may have unspecified and unpleasant results..."
+:group 'erbot)
+(defvar erbot-end-user-nick "dummy-nick"
+ "just a temporary variable..")
+(defvar erbot-end-user-nick-latest "dummy-end-user-nick-latest"
+ "just a temporary variable..")
+(defcustom erbot-servers-channels
+ '((""
+ ("#testopn"
+ ))
+ (""
+ ("#testgnome")
+ ;; optional but:
+ 6667
+ ))
+ "Servers and channels ..."
+ :group 'erbot)
+; (defalias 'erc-replace-regexp-in-string 'replace-regexp-in-string))
+(defface erbot-face '((t (:foreground "yellow")))
+ "Face used for your robot's output."
+ :group 'erc-faces)
+(defcustom erbot-commands nil
+ "A list of robot commands and the functions which implement them."
+ :group 'erc
+ :type '(repeat (list string (choice (const nil) (const t) string) function))
+ )
+(defcustom erbot-erbmsg-p nil
+ "When true, erball.el loads the erbmsg module by default ")
+(defcustom erbot-notify-p t
+ "Set it to t if you want RSS notification
+for your erbot.
+Note that even if it is t, we will internally setq it to nil temporarily during
+the inner workings of the bot. ")
+;; The next part suggested by forcer, See
+;;, which is
+;; also copied here:
+;; erbot should include the following function lists, which are
+;; called on these events with the specified arguments:
+;; erbot-notify-add-functions
+;; arguments: nick channel term entry-num entry
+(defvar erbot-notify-add-functions nil
+ "Functions to call when an erbot add takes place. Each of these is
+called with the arguments arguments: nick channel term entry-num
+;; erbot-notify-forget-functions
+;; arguments: nick channel term entry-num entry
+;; If entry-num is 'all, entry is a list of entries
+(defvar erbot-notify-forget-functions nil
+ "Functions to call when an erbot forget takes place. Each of these
+is called with the arguments arguments: nick channel term entry-num
+entry remaining-entries. If entry-num is 'all, entry is a list of
+;; erbot-notify-move-functions
+;; arguments: nick channel old-term new-term
+(defvar erbot-notify-move-functions nil
+ "Functions to call when an erbot move operation takes place. Each
+of these is called with the arguments arguments: nick channel old-term
+new-term ")
+;; erbot-notify-rearrange-functions
+;; arguments: nick channel term from-num from-entry to-num
+;; entries
+(defvar erbot-notify-rearrange-functions nil
+ "Functions to call when an erbot rearrange operation takes place. Each
+of these is called with the arguments arguments: nick channel term
+from-num from-entry to-num entries. Entries refers to the rearranged
+entries. ")
+;; erbot-notify-substitute-functions
+;; arguments: nick channel term entry-num old-entry new-entry
+(defvar erbot-notify-substitute-functions nil
+ "Functions to call when an erbot substitute operation takes place.
+Each of these is called with the arguments arguments: nick channel
+term entry-num old-entry new-entry")
+;;; 2005-08-31 T10:56:27-0400 (Wednesday) D. Goel
+(defvar erbot-nickserv-p nil
+ "When t, erbot will load the appropriate erc modules and will try to
+auto-identify to nickserv.
+If using this, we recommend these settings at the *BEGINNING* of your
+bot's .emacs:
+ (setq erbot-nickserv-p t)
+ (setq erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil)
+ (setq erc-nickserv-passwords
+ '((freenode ((\"mybot\" . \"mypassword\")))))
+See this page for more details:
+(when erbot-nickserv-p
+ (require 'erc-nickserv nil t) ;; old erc
+ (require 'erc-services nil t) ;; erc from emacs22
+ (erc-nickserv-mode 1)
+ )
+;; erbot-notify-merge-functions
+;; arguments: nick channel old-term new-term new-entries
+(defvar erbot-notify-merge-functions nil
+ "Functions to call when an erbot merge operation takes place.
+Each of these is called with the arguments arguments: nick channel
+from-term to-term from-entries to-entries final-entries")
+; This function is used by the example above.
+(defun erbot-doctor (args)
+ "Glue the doctor into the ERC robot."
+ (let* ((thisbuf (current-buffer))
+ (dbuf (concat "*doctor: " (buffer-name thisbuf) "*"))
+ (docbuf (get-buffer dbuf))
+ outpoint
+ res)
+ (if (not docbuf)
+ (progn
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create dbuf))
+ (make-doctor-variables)
+ (set-buffer thisbuf)
+ (setq docbuf (get-buffer dbuf))
+ (bury-buffer docbuf)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer docbuf)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert args)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (setq outpoint (point))
+ (doctor-ret-or-read 1)
+ (doctor-ret-or-read 1)
+ (goto-char outpoint)
+ (re-search-forward "^.")
+ (setq outpoint (- (point) 1))
+ (re-search-forward "^$")
+ (erc-replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\n" " " (buffer-substring outpoint (point)))
+ )))
+(defun erbot-dunnet (arg)
+ "Glue the dunnet into the ERC robot."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((freshp nil)
+ outpoint res ans
+ (pre "")
+ full
+ )
+ (when (or (not (boundp 'dun-dead)) dun-dead
+ (not (get-buffer "*dungeon*"))
+ )
+ (setq freshp t)
+ (setq dun-dead nil))
+ (when freshp (dunnet))
+ (set-buffer "*dungeon*")
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (when (string-match "save" arg)
+ (setq arg "save ~/pub/dunnet/")
+ (setq pre "Will save to ~/pub/dunnet/"))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^.?more" arg)
+ (setq ans (fsi-more)))
+ (t
+ (unless freshp (insert arg))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (setq outpoint (if freshp (point-min) (point)))
+ (unless freshp (dun-parse 1))
+ (setq ans
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ outpoint (- (point-max) 1)))
+ (when (equal arg "quit")
+ (when (kill-buffer "*dungeon*")))))
+ (setq full (concat pre ans))
+ (when
+ (string-match
+ "I don't understand that"
+ full)
+ (setq
+ full
+ (concat
+ full
+ " I am in dunnet mode. For regular fsbot, type , (dunnet-mode)")))
+ full)))
+(defvar erbot-quiet-p nil
+ "When non-nil, the erbot only listens, never replies")
+(defun erbot-quiet ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq erbot-quiet-p
+ (not erbot-quiet-p))
+ (message "set to %S" erbot-quiet-p))
+(defvar erbot-quiet-target-p-function nil
+ "A function. The function should take up to 3 arguments, TARGET
+\(channel) , nick and msg. If it returns non-nil, then erbot will
+listen and do everything but never reply back.")
+(defvar erbot-on-new-erc-p nil
+ "Whether we use erc >1.660 with new erc-backend.
+The value should not be set but is auto-guessed within
+;; A very very main function..
+(defun erbot-remote (proc parsed)
+ "Implements a simple robot for erc. Messages to the robot are of the form:
+\"nick: !command args\", where:
+nick - the nickname of the user who is the target of the command,
+command - the specific command,
+args - arguments to the command (optional).
+For newer erc, see `erbot-on-new-erc-p' and read the specs of
+the new erc-backend functions."
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+ (let* (
+ (erbn-buffer (erc-server-buffer))
+ (sspec (cond (erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ (erc-response.sender parsed))
+ (t (aref parsed 1))))
+ (userinfo (erc-parse-user sspec))
+ (nick (erbutils-remove-text-properties-maybe (nth 0 userinfo)))
+ ;; bind fs-nick in a let.. so that changes to fs-nick are
+ ;; independent and do not affect each other.. when it is
+ ;; parsing too many messages once..
+ (fs-nick nick)
+ (erbn-nick fs-nick)
+ (cmdargs (and erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
+ (tgta
+ (erbutils-remove-text-properties-maybe
+ (cond (cmdargs
+ (nth 0 cmdargs))
+ (t (aref parsed 2)))))
+ (tgt (if (equalp tgta (or (erc-current-nick) erbot-nick))
+ nick
+ tgta))
+ (erbn-tgt tgt)
+ (fs-tgt tgt)
+ (msg
+ (erbutils-remove-text-properties-maybe
+ (erc-response.contents parsed)))
+ (erbot-end-user-nick nick)
+ (csys (if (fboundp 'erc-coding-system-for-target)
+ (erc-coding-system-for-target tgt)
+ 'utf-8))
+ (code-in (if (consp csys) (cdr csys) csys))
+ (code-out (if (consp csys) (car csys) csys))
+ )
+ ;; changing the structure here..
+ ;; also changing erbot-command to erbot-reply..
+ ;; from now on, erend-main will take care of what to reply..
+ ;; erbot-reply will simply take the reply and reply that...
+ ;; should not be setq.. else other invocations may change it..
+ ;;(setq erbot-end-user-nick nick)
+ (setq erbot-end-user-nick-latest erbot-end-user-nick)
+ ;;(setq fs-tgt tgt)
+ ;;(setq erbn-tgt tgt)
+ ;;(setq fs-nick nick)
+ ;;(setq erbn-nick nick)
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; make sure we decode the raw text we received...
+ (unless (multibyte-string-p msg)
+ (setq msg (decode-coding-string msg code-in)))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (let ((msgg
+ (erbeng-main msg proc nick tgt nil userinfo)))
+ ;; erbot-reply needs a correct buffer...
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+ (cond
+ (erbot-quiet-p nil)
+ ((and erbot-quiet-target-p-function
+ (funcall erbot-quiet-target-p-function tgt nick msg))
+ nil)
+ (t (erbot-reply
+ msgg
+ proc erbn-nick erbn-tgt msg nil
+ )))
+ ))
+ nil)
+(defun erbot-frob-with-init-string (reply)
+ (cond
+ ((or (not (stringp reply)) (string= erbot-init-string "")) reply)
+ (t
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert reply)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\n" nil t)
+ (replace-match
+ (concat "\n" erbot-init-string) nil t))
+ (concat erbot-init-string (erbutils-buffer-string))))))
+(defvar erbot-init-string ""
+ "The basic init string.. should be concated to ALL lines of
+replies... right at last.. the values it will hold will look like /msg
+foo, and will be set by fs-parse-english, when that function
+determines it appropriate..
+Currently: we do not use it, since we have found a better way to do
+those things..
+;; this one is probably never used any more... just to make sure,
+;; introduced an error command..
+;(defun erbot-local (str)
+; "Funnel text typed by the local user to the local robot. See
+;\"erbot-remote\" for details of the command format."
+; (error "foo")
+; (erbot-command erc-process (erc-current-nick) (buffer-name) str t))
+(defcustom erbot-reply-p t
+ "when nil, don't reply")
+(defun erbot-toggle-reply ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq erbot-reply-p (not erbot-reply-p))
+ (message "erbot-reply-p set to %S" erbot-reply-p)
+ )
+(defun erbot-reply (main-reply proc from tgt msg locally-generated)
+ "Robot worker. Should do nothing when main-reply is nil or 'noreply
+or \"noreply\"
+ (unless (stringp main-reply)
+ (setq main-reply (format "%S" main-reply)))
+ (let (
+ linen
+ (me (or (erc-current-nick) erbot-nick))
+ ;;(if (and erbot-commands
+ ;; (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote me)
+ ;; ": !\\([^ ]+\\) ?\\(.*\\)") msg))
+ ;; ; this is a robot command to me.
+ ;; (let* ((cmd (substring msg (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+ ;; (args (substring msg (match-beginning 2)))
+ ;; (l (assoc cmd erbot-commands))
+ ;; (allowed-users (nth 1 l))
+ ;; (function (nth 2 l))
+ ;; (permitted (or (eq t allowed-users)
+ ;; (and (eq nil allowed-users) locally-generated)
+ ;; (and (stringp allowed-users)
+ ;; (string-match allowed-users
+ ;; (regexp-quote from)))))
+ ;;(reply (concat from ": " main-reply))
+ ;; my frobbing of reply..
+ (reply
+ (erbot-frob-with-init-string main-reply))
+ (rep-buffer (erc-get-buffer tgt proc)))
+ ;;(if permitted
+ ;; (if l
+ ;; (funcall function args)
+ ;;(concat "unknown command: " cmd
+ ;; ": try \"cmds\""))
+ ;; (concat "no access to command \"" cmd
+ ;; "\" for " from ".")))))
+ (erc-log reply)
+ (unless
+ (or
+ (null erbot-reply-p)
+ (equal main-reply 'noreply)
+ (equal main-reply "noreply"))
+ ;; now we are actually gonna reply.
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq reply (fs-limit-lines reply))
+ (if rep-buffer (set-buffer rep-buffer)
+ ;;; this alternative reply somehow never gets sent out..
+ ;;(setq reply (concat "msg " from " "
+ ;; "No private msgs.. try #testopn"))
+ ;;(set-buffer (erc-get-buffer tgt proc))
+ (progn
+ (ding t)
+ (message "WTF? no rep-buffer? "))
+ )
+ (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
+ (lines (split-string reply "[\n\r]+"))
+ (multiline-p (< 1 (length lines)))
+ p)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (line)
+ (when (and line
+ (not (erbot-safe-p line)))
+ (setq line (erbot-safe-make line)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (setq p (re-search-backward (erc-prompt)))
+ ;;(insert (erc-format-timestamp) "<" me "> ")
+ (insert ;;(erc-format-timestamp)
+ "<" me "> ")
+ (erc-put-text-property 0 (length line) 'face
+ 'erbot-face line)
+ (insert line "\n")
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region p (point))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erc-send-modify-hook)
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erc-send-post-hook))))
+ (set-marker (process-mark erc-process) (point))
+ (set-marker erc-insert-marker (point))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (setq linen (concat line "\n"))
+ ;; fledermaus: I used to force the encoding here, but I now
+ ;; think that's the wrong thing to do. Hopefully if the data-path
+ ;; through erc->fsbot->erc is clean, erc will do the right thing
+ ;; to outbound data.
+ (erc-process-input-line linen nil multiline-p))
+ lines))))))
+(defcustom erbot-setf-p nil
+ "If you want your bot to allow setf, set this symbol to non-nil at
+the beginning of your .emacs")
+(defcustom erbot-setf-symbols
+ '(caar cadr car cdar cddr cdr eighth elt
+ first fourth
+ ninth nth
+ nthcdr
+ second
+ seventh sixth
+ subseq substring
+ tenth third)
+"Safe symbols for setf...")
+(defun erbot-install ()
+ "Run this function AFTER loading all the files..."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ (and (boundp 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions)
+ (featurep 'erc-backend)))
+ (cond (erbot-on-new-erc-p
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions 'erbot-remote t)
+ ;; Do we need this local command thing...?
+ ;;(add-hook 'erc-send-completed-hook 'erbot-local t)
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-001-functions
+ 'erbot-autojoin-channels))
+ (t
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-hook 'erbot-remote t)
+ ;; Do we need this local command thing...?
+ ;;(add-hook 'erc-send-completed-hook 'erbot-local t)
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-001-hook
+ 'erbot-autojoin-channels))
+ )
+ (erbot-install-symbols)
+ (when (and erbot-setf-p (not erbot-paranoid-p))
+ (erbot-install-setf))
+ ;; A running bot should have these nil, else userfunctions will not
+ ;; function right:
+ (setq eval-expression-print-length nil)
+ (setq eval-expression-print-level nil)
+ (setq print-length nil)
+ (setq print-level nil)
+ )
+(defun erbot-install-setf ()
+ (interactive)
+ (defalias 'fs-setf 'setf)
+ (require 'cl)
+ (let*
+ (
+ ;; all possible symbols
+ ;;(syms
+ ;;(apropos-internal "" (lambda (a) (get a 'setf-method))))
+ (syms erbot-setf-symbols)
+ (fssyms
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (a) (intern (format "fs-%s" a)))
+ syms))
+ (fsisyms
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (a) (intern (format "fsi-%s" a)))
+ syms)))
+ (mapcar*
+ (lambda (a b c)
+ (let ((foo (get a 'setf-method)))
+ (when (fboundp b) (put b 'setf-method foo))
+ (when (fboundp c) (put c 'setf-method foo))))
+ syms fssyms fsisyms)))
+(defun erbot-install-symbols ()
+ "By now, you should have loaded all pertinent erbot files... If you
+add any new functions, don't forget to run (erbot-install) AFTER
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((ss (fsi-command-list-readonly)))
+ (dolist (s ss)
+ (if (symbolp s)
+ (let ((f-s (erbutils-concat-symbols 'fs- s))
+ (fi-s (erbutils-concat-symbols 'fsi- s)))
+ (defalias f-s fi-s)
+ (put f-s 'readonly t))
+ (message "Ignoring fsi->fs for %s" s)))))
+(defun erbot-autojoin-channels (server nick)
+ ;;(interactive)
+ (dolist (l erbot-servers-channels)
+ (when (string-match (car l) (process-name server))
+ (dolist (chan (cadr l))
+ (erc-send-command (concat "join " chan))))))
+(defun erbot-get-servers ()
+ (mapcar '(lambda (arg) (list (car arg) (caddr arg)))
+ erbot-servers-channels))
+(defun erbot-alive-p ()
+ "Is atleast one connection still alive?"
+ ;;(require 'cl-extra)
+ (some
+ 'identity
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (buf)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buf)
+ (erc-process-alive)))
+ (erc-buffer-list))))
+(defvar erbot-reconnection-attempts nil)
+(defun erbot-keep-alive (&rest args)
+ "Periodically check if atleast one connection is still alive. If
+not, try to reconnect. "
+ (require 'idledo)
+ (idledo-add-periodic-action-crude
+ '(unless (erbot-alive-p)
+ (add-to-list 'erbot-reconnection-attempts
+ (message "Erbot trying to reconnect at %s"
+ (format-time-string
+ "%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S")))
+ (ignore-errors (apply 'erbot-join-servers args)))))
+(defun erbot-join-servers (&optional server port nick
+ user-full-name
+ not-connect-arg passwd)
+ "Try to never join if already joined..."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'erc)
+ (if (null server)
+ (mapcar
+ '(lambda (arg)
+ (erbot-join-servers
+ (car arg) (cadr arg) nick user-full-name not-connect-arg passwd)
+ (sit-for 1)
+ )
+ ;; get the list of servers
+ (erbot-get-servers)
+ )
+ (progn
+ ;;(if (null server)
+ ;; (setq server erc-server))
+ ;; 2002-08-21 T11:22:35-0400 (Wednesday) D. Goel
+ (setq erc-current-server-my server)
+ (if (null port)
+ (setq port
+ (if (fboundp 'erc-compute-port)
+ (erc-compute-port)
+ erc-port)))
+ (setq nick (or erbot-nick (erc-compute-nick nick)))
+ (let* (
+ (foo 'bar)
+ (version nil)
+ ;(nick
+ ; (if (erc-already-logged-in server port nick)
+ ;; (read-from-minibuffer
+ ;; (erc-format-message 'nick-in-use ?n nick)
+ ;; nick
+ ;; nil nil 'erc-nick-history-list)
+ ;; nick)))
+ )
+ (if (and passwd (string= "" passwd))
+ (setq passwd nil))
+ ;; (while (erc-already-logged-in server port nick)
+ ;; (setq nick (read-from-minibuffer
+ ;; (erc-format-message 'nick-in-use ?n nick)
+ ;; nick
+ ;; nil nil 'erc-nick-history-list)))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'erc-before-connect server port nick)
+ (if (string-match "\\(\\<[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+\\>\\)"
+ erc-version-string)
+ (setq version (string-to-number
+ (match-string 1 erc-version-string)))
+ (setq version 0))
+ (unless (erc-already-logged-in server port nick)
+ (if (<= 5.0 version)
+ (erc :server server
+ :port port
+ :nick nick
+ :password passwd
+ :full-name user-full-name)
+ (erc
+ server port nick user-full-name (not not-connect-arg) passwd) ))
+ ))))
+(defun erbot-safe-make (line)
+ (let* ((ans line)
+ (rlist (string-to-list line)))
+ (when (string-match "^/" line)
+ (unless (string-match "^/me " line)
+ (setq ans (concat " " line))))
+ (when (member-if (lambda (a)
+ (and (< a 32)
+ (not (= a 9))))
+ rlist)
+ (setq ans "<control characters>"))
+ (when (string-match "[\n\r]" line)
+ (setq ans " <newlines> "))
+ ans))
+(defun erbot-safe-p (reply)
+ "Determine whether a reply is safe. Any newlines are simply
+reported as unsafe.
+If this functions deems a reply as unsafe, you should not send it to
+ERC but call `erbot-safe-make' first. "
+ (and
+ (not (string-match "[\n\r]" reply))
+ ;; err on the side of caution. Demand that the 1st char. be VERY
+ ;; safe.
+ (or
+ (string-match "^[0-9a-zA-Z]" reply)
+ ;;(not (string-match "^/" reply)) -- this is bad.. since, control
+ ;;characters are bad... beginnning ^A for example, will send CTCP requests..
+ ;; Allow /me commands.. but only when the rest of the text has no
+ ;; control characters..
+ (equal 0 (string-match "^/me " reply)))
+ ;; And there be no control characters whatsoever anywhere.
+ (erbot-safe-nocontrol-p reply)))
+(defun erbot-safe-nocontrol-p (reply)
+ (let ((rlist (string-to-list reply)))
+ (not (member-if (lambda (a) (< a 32)) rlist))))
+(defun erbot-dunnet-install ()
+ "Defines some dunnet specific aliases. "
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'dunnet)
+ (defalias 'dun-read-line 'fs-botread)
+ ;;(defalias 'dun-mprinc
+ ;;'fs-dun-mprinc))
+ )
+(defmacro erbot-working (&rest args)
+ `(let ((erbbdb-save-p nil)
+ (erbot-notify-p nil))
+ ,@args))
+(provide 'erbot)
+(run-hooks 'erbot-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbot.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbp.el b/elisp/erbot/erbp.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc59be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3376 @@
+;;; erbp.el --- not yet functional, personal erbot-interface, stolen from dunnet.el
+;; we should perhaps remove this file, is not in use -- DG.
+;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Ron Schnell <>
+;; Created: 25 Jul 1992
+;; Version: 0.0dev
+;; Keywords: games
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; For starters, namespaces: dun, dunnet, erbpeon, mostly get mapped
+;; to erbp, erbpne and erbpeon respectively.
+;; room-->erbp-room
+;;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+;;; The log file should be set for your system, and it must
+;;; be writable by all.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbpnet nil
+ "Text adventure for Emacs."
+ :prefix "erbp-"
+ :group 'games)
+(defconst erbp-version "0.0dev")
+(defcustom erbp-log-file "/usr/local/erbpnet.score"
+ "Name of file to store score information for erbpnet."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'erbpnet)
+(if nil
+ (eval-and-compile (setq byte-compile-warnings nil)))
+ (require 'cl))
+;;;; Mode definitions for interactive mode
+(defun erbp-mode ()
+ "Major mode for running erbpnet."
+ (interactive)
+ (text-mode)
+ (make-local-variable 'scroll-step)
+ (setq scroll-step 2)
+ (use-local-map erbpeon-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'erbp-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Erbpeon"))
+(defun erbp-parse (arg)
+ "Function called when return is pressed in interactive mode to parse line."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq beg (+ (point) 1))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (if (and (not (= beg (point))) (not (< (point) beg))
+ (string= ">" (buffer-substring (- beg 1) beg)))
+ (progn
+ (setq line (downcase (buffer-substring beg (point))))
+ (princ line)
+ (if (eq (erbp-vparse erbp-ignore erbp-verblist line) -1)
+ (erbp-mprinc "I don't understand that.\n")))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (erbp-messages))
+(defun erbp-messages ()
+ (if erbp-dead
+ (text-mode)
+ (if (eq erbpeon-mode 'erbpeon)
+ (progn
+ (if (not (= erbp-room erbp-current-room))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-describe-room erbp-current-room)
+ (setq erbp-room erbp-current-room)))
+ (erbp-fix-screen)
+ (erbp-mprinc ">")))))
+(defun erbpnet ()
+ "Switch to *erbpeon* buffer and start game."
+ (interactive)
+ (switch-to-buffer "*erbpeon*")
+ (erbp-mode)
+ (setq erbp-dead nil)
+ (setq erbp-room 0)
+ (erbp-messages))
+;;;; This section contains all of the verbs and commands.
+;;; Give long description of room if haven't been there yet. Otherwise
+;;; short. Also give long if we were called with negative room number.
+(defun erbp-describe-room (erbp-room)
+ (if (and (not (member (abs erbp-room) erbp-light-rooms))
+ (not (member obj-lamp erbp-inventory)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.")
+ (erbp-mprincl (cadr (nth (abs erbp-room) erbp-rooms)))
+ (if (and (and (or (member erbp-room erbp-visited)
+ (string= erbp-mode "erbp-superb")) (> erbp-room 0))
+ (not (string= erbp-mode "long")))
+ nil
+ (erbp-mprinc (car (nth (abs erbp-room) erbp-rooms)))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (not (string= erbp-mode "long"))
+ (if (not (member (abs erbp-room) erbp-visited))
+ (setq erbp-visited (append (list (abs erbp-room)) erbp-visited))))
+ (dolist (xobjs (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (if (= xobjs obj-special)
+ (erbp-special-object)
+ (if (>= xobjs 0)
+ (erbp-mprincl (car (nth xobjs erbp-objects)))
+ (if (not (and (= xobjs obj-bus) erbp-inbus))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl (car (nth (abs xobjs) erbp-perm-objects)))))))
+ (if (and (= xobjs obj-jar) erbp-jar)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "The jar contains:")
+ (dolist (x erbp-jar)
+ (erbp-mprinc " ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (car (nth x erbp-objects)))))))
+ (if (and (member obj-bus (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)) erbp-inbus)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You are on the bus."))))
+;;; There is a special object in the erbp-room. This object's description,
+;;; or lack thereof, depends on certain conditions.
+(defun erbp-special-object ()
+ (if (= erbp-current-room computer-room)
+ (if erbp-computer
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"The panel lights are flashing in a seemingly organized pattern.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "The panel lights are steady and motionless.")))
+ (if (and (= erbp-current-room red-room)
+ (not (member obj-towel (nth red-room erbp-room-objects))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "There is a hole in the floor here."))
+ (if (and (= erbp-current-room marine-life-area) erbp-black)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"The room is lit by a black light, causing the fish, and some of
+your objects, to give off an eerie glow."))
+ (if (and (= erbp-current-room fourth-vermont-intersection) erbp-hole)
+ (progn
+ (if (not erbp-inbus)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl"You fall into a hole in the ground.")
+ (setq erbp-current-room vermont-station)
+ (erbp-describe-room vermont-station))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"The bus falls down a hole in the ground and explodes.")
+ (erbp-die "burning")))))
+ (if (> erbp-current-room endgame-computer-room)
+ (progn
+ (if (not erbp-correct-answer)
+ (erbp-endgame-question)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Your question is:")
+ (erbp-mprincl erbp-endgame-question))))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room sauna)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl (nth erbp-sauna-level '(
+"It is normal room temperature in here."
+"It is luke warm in here."
+"It is comfortably hot in here."
+"It is refreshingly hot in here."
+"You are dead now.")))
+ (if (= erbp-sauna-level 3)
+ (progn
+ (if (or (member obj-rms erbp-inventory)
+ (member obj-rms (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You notice the wax on your statuette beginning to melt, until it completely
+melts off. You are left with a beautiful diamond!")
+ (if (member obj-rms erbp-inventory)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-rms)
+ (setq erbp-inventory (append erbp-inventory
+ (list obj-diamond))))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-rms)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects erbp-current-room
+ (append (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-diamond))))))
+ (if (or (member obj-floppy erbp-inventory)
+ (member obj-floppy (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You notice your floppy disk beginning to melt. As you grab for it, the
+disk bursts into flames, and disintegrates.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-floppy)
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-floppy))))))))
+(defun erbp-die (murderer)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (if murderer
+ (erbp-mprincl "You are dead."))
+ (erbp-do-logfile 'erbp-die murderer)
+ (erbp-score nil)
+ (setq erbp-dead t))
+(defun erbp-quit (args)
+ (erbp-die nil))
+;;; Print every object in player's inventory. Special case for the jar,
+;;; as we must also print what is in it.
+(defun erbp-inven (args)
+ (erbp-mprinc "You currently have:")
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (dolist (curobj erbp-inventory)
+ (if curobj
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl (cadr (nth curobj erbp-objects)))
+ (if (and (= curobj obj-jar) erbp-jar)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "The jar contains:")
+ (dolist (x erbp-jar)
+ (erbp-mprinc " ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (cadr (nth x erbp-objects))))))))))
+(defun erbp-shake (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std obj))
+ (if (member objnum erbp-inventory)
+ (progn
+;;; If shaking anything will do anything, put here.
+ (erbp-mprinc "Shaking ")
+ (erbp-mprinc (downcase (cadr (nth objnum erbp-objects))))
+ (erbp-mprinc " seems to have no effect.")
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ )
+ (if (and (not (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents)))
+ (not (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here.")
+;;; Shaking trees can be deadly
+ (if (= objnum obj-tree)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc
+ "You begin to shake a tree, and notice a coconut begin to fall from the air.
+As you try to get your hand up to block it, you feel the impact as it lands
+on your head.")
+ (erbp-die "a coconut"))
+ (if (= objnum obj-bear)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc
+"As you go up to the bear, it removes your head and places it on the ground.")
+ (erbp-die "a bear"))
+ (if (< objnum 0)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You cannot shake that.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "You don't have that.")))))))))
+(defun erbp-drop (obj)
+ (if erbp-inbus
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't drop anything while on the bus.")
+ (let (objnum ptr)
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std obj))
+ (if (not (setq ptr (member objnum erbp-inventory)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You don't have that.")
+ (progn
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven objnum)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects erbp-current-room
+ (append (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)
+ (list objnum)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Done.")
+ (if (member objnum (list obj-food obj-weight obj-jar))
+ (erbp-drop-check objnum))))))))
+;;; Dropping certain things causes things to happen.
+(defun erbp-drop-check (objnum)
+ (if (and (= objnum obj-food) (= erbp-room bear-hangout)
+ (member obj-bear (nth bear-hangout erbp-room-objects)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"The bear takes the food and runs away with it. He left something behind.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-bear)
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-food)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects erbp-current-room
+ (append (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-key)))))
+ (if (and (= objnum obj-jar) (member obj-nitric erbp-jar)
+ (member obj-glycerine erbp-jar))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "As the jar impacts the ground it explodes into many pieces.")
+ (setq erbp-jar nil)
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-jar)
+ (if (= erbp-current-room fourth-vermont-intersection)
+ (progn
+ (setq erbp-hole t)
+ (setq erbp-current-room vermont-station)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"The explosion causes a hole to open up in the ground, which you fall
+ (if (and (= objnum obj-weight) (= erbp-current-room maze-button-room))
+ (erbp-mprincl "A passageway opens.")))
+;;; Give long description of current erbp-room, or an object.
+(defun erbp-examine (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args obj))
+ (if (eq objnum obj-special)
+ (erbp-describe-room (* erbp-current-room -1))
+ (if (and (eq objnum obj-computer)
+ (member obj-pc (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents)))
+ (erbp-examine '("pc"))
+ (if (eq objnum nil)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't know what that is.")
+ (if (and (not (member objnum
+ (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (not (and (member obj-jar erbp-inventory)
+ (member objnum erbp-jar)))
+ (not (member objnum
+ (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents)))
+ (not (member objnum erbp-inventory)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here.")
+ (if (>= objnum 0)
+ (if (and (= objnum obj-bone)
+ (= erbp-current-room marine-life-area) erbp-black)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"In this light you can see some writing on the bone. It says:
+For an explosive time, go to Fourth St. and Vermont.")
+ (if (nth objnum erbp-physobj-desc)
+ (erbp-mprincl (nth objnum erbp-physobj-desc))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I see nothing special about that.")))
+ (if (nth (abs objnum) erbp-permobj-desc)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl (nth (abs objnum) erbp-permobj-desc)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I see nothing special about that.")))))))))
+(defun erbp-take (obj)
+ (setq obj (erbp-firstword obj))
+ (if (not obj)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must supply an object.")
+ (if (string= obj "all")
+ (let (gotsome)
+ (if erbp-inbus
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't take anything while on the bus.")
+ (setq gotsome nil)
+ (dolist (x (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (if (and (>= x 0) (not (= x obj-special)))
+ (progn
+ (setq gotsome t)
+ (erbp-mprinc (cadr (nth x erbp-objects)))
+ (erbp-mprinc ": ")
+ (erbp-take-object x))))
+ (if (not gotsome)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Nothing to take."))))
+ (let (objnum)
+ (setq objnum (cdr (assq (intern obj) erbp-objnames)))
+ (if (eq objnum nil)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc "I don't know what that is.")
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (and erbp-inbus (not (and (member objnum erbp-jar)
+ (member obj-jar erbp-inventory))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't take anything while on the bus.")
+ (erbp-take-object objnum)))))))
+(defun erbp-take-object (objnum)
+ (if (and (member objnum erbp-jar) (member obj-jar erbp-inventory))
+ (let (newjar)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You remove it from the jar.")
+ (setq newjar nil)
+ (dolist (x erbp-jar)
+ (if (not (= x objnum))
+ (setq newjar (append newjar (list x)))))
+ (setq erbp-jar newjar)
+ (setq erbp-inventory (append erbp-inventory (list objnum))))
+ (if (not (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (if (not (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents)))
+ (erbp-mprinc "I do not see that here.")
+ (erbp-try-take objnum))
+ (if (>= objnum 0)
+ (progn
+ (if (and (car erbp-inventory)
+ (> (+ (erbp-inven-weight) (nth objnum erbp-object-lbs)) 11))
+ (erbp-mprinc "Your load would be too heavy.")
+ (setq erbp-inventory (append erbp-inventory (list objnum)))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room objnum)
+ (erbp-mprinc "Taken. ")
+ (if (and (= objnum obj-towel) (= erbp-current-room red-room))
+ (erbp-mprinc
+ "Taking the towel reveals a hole in the floor."))))
+ (erbp-try-take objnum)))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")))
+(defun erbp-inven-weight ()
+ (let (total)
+ (setq total 0)
+ (dolist (x erbp-jar)
+ (setq total (+ total (nth x erbp-object-lbs))))
+ (dolist (x erbp-inventory)
+ (setq total (+ total (nth x erbp-object-lbs)))) total))
+;;; We try to take an object that is untakable. Print a message
+;;; depending on what it is.
+(defun erbp-try-take (obj)
+ (erbp-mprinc "You cannot take that."))
+(defun erbp-dig (args)
+ (if erbp-inbus
+ (erbp-mprincl "Digging here reveals nothing.")
+ (if (not (member 0 erbp-inventory))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You have nothing with which to dig.")
+ (if (not (nth erbp-current-room erbp-diggables))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Digging here reveals nothing.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "I think you found something.")
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects erbp-current-room
+ (append (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)
+ (nth erbp-current-room erbp-diggables)))
+ (erbp-replace erbp-diggables erbp-current-room nil)))))
+(defun erbp-climb (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args obj))
+ (cond ((not objnum)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't know what that object is."))
+ ((and (not (eq objnum obj-special))
+ (not (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (not (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents)))
+ (not (and (member objnum erbp-jar) (member obj-jar erbp-inventory)))
+ (not (member objnum erbp-inventory)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here."))
+ ((and (eq objnum obj-special)
+ (not (member obj-tree (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "There is nothing here to climb."))
+ ((and (not (eq objnum obj-tree)) (not (eq objnum obj-special)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't climb that."))
+ (t
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "You manage to get about two feet up the tree and fall back down. You
+notice that the tree is very unsteady.")))))
+(defun erbp-eat (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std obj))
+ (if (not (member objnum erbp-inventory))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You don't have that.")
+ (if (not (= objnum obj-food))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc "You forcefully shove ")
+ (erbp-mprinc (downcase (cadr (nth objnum erbp-objects))))
+ (erbp-mprincl " down your throat, and start choking.")
+ (erbp-die "choking"))
+ (erbp-mprincl "That tasted horrible.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-food))))))
+(defun erbp-put (args)
+ (let (newargs objnum objnum2 obj)
+ (setq newargs (erbp-firstwordl args))
+ (if (not newargs)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must supply an object")
+ (setq obj (intern (car newargs)))
+ (setq objnum (cdr (assq obj erbp-objnames)))
+ (if (not objnum)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't know what that object is.")
+ (if (not (member objnum erbp-inventory))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You don't have that.")
+ (setq newargs (erbp-firstwordl (cdr newargs)))
+ (setq newargs (erbp-firstwordl (cdr newargs)))
+ (if (not newargs)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must supply an indirect object.")
+ (setq objnum2 (cdr (assq (intern (car newargs)) erbp-objnames)))
+ (if (and (eq objnum2 obj-computer) (= erbp-current-room pc-area))
+ (setq objnum2 obj-pc))
+ (if (not objnum2)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't know what that indirect object is.")
+ (if (and (not (member objnum2
+ (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (not (member objnum2
+ (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents)))
+ (not (member objnum2 erbp-inventory)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "That indirect object is not here.")
+ (erbp-put-objs objnum objnum2)))))))))
+(defun erbp-put-objs (obj1 obj2)
+ (if (and (= obj2 obj-drop) (not erbp-nomail))
+ (setq obj2 obj-chute))
+ (if (= obj2 obj-disposal) (setq obj2 obj-chute))
+ (if (and (= obj1 obj-cpu) (= obj2 obj-computer))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-cpu)
+ (setq erbp-computer t)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you put the CPU board in the computer, it immediately springs to life.
+The lights start flashing, and the fans seem to startup."))
+ (if (and (= obj1 obj-weight) (= obj2 obj-button))
+ (erbp-drop '("weight"))
+ (if (= obj2 obj-jar) ;; Put something in jar
+ (if (not (member obj1 (list obj-paper obj-diamond obj-emerald
+ obj-license obj-coins obj-egg
+ obj-nitric obj-glycerine)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "That will not fit in the jar.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj1)
+ (setq erbp-jar (append erbp-jar (list obj1)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Done."))
+ (if (= obj2 obj-chute) ;; Put something in chute
+ (progn
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj1)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You hear it slide down the chute and off into the distance.")
+ (erbp-put-objs-in-treas (list obj1)))
+ (if (= obj2 obj-box) ;; Put key in key box
+ (if (= obj1 obj-key)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you drop the key, the box begins to shake. Finally it explodes
+with a bang. The key seems to have vanished!")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj1)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects computer-room (append
+ (nth computer-room
+ erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj1)))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-box)
+ (setq erbp-key-level (1+ erbp-key-level)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't put that in the key box!"))
+ (if (and (= obj1 obj-floppy) (= obj2 obj-pc))
+ (progn
+ (setq erbp-floppy t)
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Done."))
+ (if (= obj2 obj-urinal) ;; Put object in urinal
+ (progn
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj1)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects urinal (append
+ (nth urinal erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj1)))
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "You hear it plop down in some water below."))
+ (if (= obj2 obj-mail)
+ (erbp-mprincl "The mail chute is locked.")
+ (if (member obj1 erbp-inventory)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"I don't know how to combine those objects. Perhaps you should
+just try dropping it.")
+ (erbp-mprincl"You can't put that there.")))))))))))
+(defun erbp-type (args)
+ (if (not (= erbp-current-room computer-room))
+ (erbp-mprincl "There is nothing here on which you could type.")
+ (if (not erbp-computer)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You type on the keyboard, but your characters do not even echo.")
+ (erbp-unix-interface))))
+;;; Various movement directions
+(defun erbp-n (args)
+ (erbp-move north))
+(defun erbp-s (args)
+ (erbp-move south))
+(defun erbp-e (args)
+ (erbp-move east))
+(defun erbp-w (args)
+ (erbp-move west))
+(defun erbp-ne (args)
+ (erbp-move northeast))
+(defun erbp-se (args)
+ (erbp-move southeast))
+(defun erbp-nw (args)
+ (erbp-move northwest))
+(defun erbp-sw (args)
+ (erbp-move southwest))
+(defun erbp-up (args)
+ (erbp-move up))
+(defun erbp-down (args)
+ (erbp-move down))
+(defun erbp-in (args)
+ (erbp-move in))
+(defun erbp-out (args)
+ (erbp-move out))
+(defun erbp-go (args)
+ (if (or (not (car args))
+ (eq (erbp-doverb erbp-ignore erbp-verblist (car args)
+ (cdr (cdr args))) -1))
+ (erbp-mprinc "I don't understand where you want me to go.\n")))
+;;; Uses the erbpeon-map to figure out where we are going. If the
+;;; requested direction yields 255, we know something special is
+;;; supposed to happen, or perhaps you can't go that way unless
+;;; certain conditions are met.
+(defun erbp-move (dir)
+ (if (and (not (member erbp-current-room erbp-light-rooms))
+ (not (member obj-lamp erbp-inventory)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc
+"You trip over a grue and fall into a pit and break every bone in your
+ (erbp-die "a grue"))
+ (let (newroom)
+ (setq newroom (nth dir (nth erbp-current-room erbpeon-map)))
+ (if (eq newroom -1)
+ (erbp-mprinc "You can't go that way.\n")
+ (if (eq newroom 255)
+ (erbp-special-move dir)
+ (setq erbp-room -1)
+ (setq erbp-lastdir dir)
+ (if erbp-inbus
+ (progn
+ (if (or (< newroom 58) (> newroom 83))
+ (erbp-mprincl "The bus cannot go this way.")
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "The bus lurches ahead and comes to a screeching halt.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-bus)
+ (setq erbp-current-room newroom)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects newroom
+ (append (nth newroom erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-bus)))))
+ (setq erbp-current-room newroom)))))))
+;;; Movement in this direction causes something special to happen if the
+;;; right conditions exist. It may be that you can't go this way unless
+;;; you have a key, or a passage has been opened.
+;;; coding note: Each check of the current room is on the same 'if' level,
+;;; i.e. there aren't else's. If two rooms next to each other have
+;;; specials, and they are connected by specials, this could cause
+;;; a problem. Be careful when adding them to consider this, and
+;;; perhaps use else's.
+(defun erbp-special-move (dir)
+ (if (= erbp-current-room building-front)
+ (if (not (member obj-key erbp-inventory))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You don't have a key that can open this door.")
+ (setq erbp-current-room old-building-hallway))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room north-end-of-cave-passage)
+ (let (combo)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You must type a 3 digit combination code to enter this room.")
+ (erbp-mprinc "Enter it here: ")
+ (setq combo (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (string= combo erbp-combination)
+ (setq erbp-current-room gamma-computing-center)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Sorry, that combination is incorrect."))))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room bear-hangout)
+ (if (member obj-bear (nth bear-hangout erbp-room-objects))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc
+"The bear is very annoyed that you would be so presumptuous as to try
+and walk right by it. He tells you so by tearing your head off.
+ (erbp-die "a bear"))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't go that way.")))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room vermont-station)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you board the train it immediately leaves the station. It is a very
+bumpy ride. It is shaking from side to side, and up and down. You
+sit down in one of the chairs in order to be more comfortable.")
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"\nFinally the train comes to a sudden stop, and the doors open, and some
+force throws you out. The train speeds away.\n")
+ (setq erbp-current-room museum-station)))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room old-building-hallway)
+ (if (and (member obj-key erbp-inventory)
+ (> erbp-key-level 0))
+ (setq erbp-current-room meadow)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You don't have a key that can open this door.")))
+ (if (and (= erbp-current-room maze-button-room) (= dir northwest))
+ (if (member obj-weight (nth maze-button-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (setq erbp-current-room 18)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't go that way.")))
+ (if (and (= erbp-current-room maze-button-room) (= dir up))
+ (if (member obj-weight (nth maze-button-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't go that way.")
+ (setq erbp-current-room weight-room)))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room classroom)
+ (erbp-mprincl "The door is locked."))
+ (if (or (= erbp-current-room lakefront-north)
+ (= erbp-current-room lakefront-south))
+ (erbp-swim nil))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room reception-area)
+ (if (not (= erbp-sauna-level 3))
+ (setq erbp-current-room health-club-front)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you exit the building, you notice some flames coming out of one of the
+windows. Suddenly, the building explodes in a huge ball of fire. The flames
+engulf you, and you burn to death.")
+ (erbp-die "burning")))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room red-room)
+ (if (not (member obj-towel (nth red-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (setq erbp-current-room long-n-s-hallway)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't go that way.")))
+ (if (and (> dir down) (> erbp-current-room gamma-computing-center)
+ (< erbp-current-room museum-lobby))
+ (if (not (member obj-bus (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't go that way.")
+ (if (= dir in)
+ (if erbp-inbus
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "You are already in the bus!")
+ (if (member obj-license erbp-inventory)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "You board the bus and get in the driver's seat.")
+ (setq erbp-nomail t)
+ (setq erbp-inbus t))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You are not licensed for this type of vehicle.")))
+ (if (not erbp-inbus)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You are already off the bus!")
+ (erbp-mprincl "You hop off the bus.")
+ (setq erbp-inbus nil))))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room fifth-oaktree-intersection)
+ (if (not erbp-inbus)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "You fall down the cliff and land on your head.")
+ (erbp-die "a cliff"))
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"The bus flies off the cliff, and plunges to the bottom, where it explodes.")
+ (erbp-die "a bus accident")))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room main-maple-intersection)
+ (progn
+ (if (not erbp-inbus)
+ (erbp-mprincl "The gate will not open.")
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As the bus approaches, the gate opens and you drive through.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room main-maple-intersection obj-bus)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects museum-entrance
+ (append (nth museum-entrance erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-bus)))
+ (setq erbp-current-room museum-entrance)))))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room cave-entrance)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you enter the room you hear a rumbling noise. You look back to see
+huge rocks sliding down from the ceiling, and blocking your way out.\n")
+ (setq erbp-current-room misty-room)))))
+(defun erbp-long (args)
+ (setq erbp-mode "long"))
+(defun erbp-turn (obj)
+ (let (objnum direction)
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std obj))
+ (if (not (or (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here.")
+ (if (not (= objnum obj-dial))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't turn that.")
+ (setq direction (erbp-firstword (cdr obj)))
+ (if (or (not direction)
+ (not (or (string= direction "clockwise")
+ (string= direction "counterclockwise"))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must indicate clockwise or counterclockwise.")
+ (if (string= direction "clockwise")
+ (setq erbp-sauna-level (+ erbp-sauna-level 1))
+ (setq erbp-sauna-level (- erbp-sauna-level 1)))
+ (if (< erbp-sauna-level 0)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "The dial will not turn further in that direction.")
+ (setq erbp-sauna-level 0))
+ (erbp-sauna-heat))))))))
+(defun erbp-sauna-heat ()
+ (if (= erbp-sauna-level 0)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "The temperature has returned to normal room temperature."))
+ (if (= erbp-sauna-level 1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "It is now luke warm in here. You are perspiring."))
+ (if (= erbp-sauna-level 2)
+ (erbp-mprincl "It is pretty hot in here. It is still very comfortable."))
+ (if (= erbp-sauna-level 3)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"It is now very hot. There is something very refreshing about this.")
+ (if (or (member obj-rms erbp-inventory)
+ (member obj-rms (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You notice the wax on your statuette beginning to melt, until it completely
+melts off. You are left with a beautiful diamond!")
+ (if (member obj-rms erbp-inventory)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-rms)
+ (setq erbp-inventory (append erbp-inventory
+ (list obj-diamond))))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-rms)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects erbp-current-room
+ (append (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-diamond))))))
+ (if (or (member obj-floppy erbp-inventory)
+ (member obj-floppy (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You notice your floppy disk beginning to melt. As you grab for it, the
+disk bursts into flames, and disintegrates.")
+ (if (member obj-floppy erbp-inventory)
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-floppy)
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room obj-floppy))))))
+ (if (= erbp-sauna-level 4)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As the dial clicks into place, you immediately burst into flames.")
+ (erbp-die "burning"))))
+(defun erbp-press (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std obj))
+ (if (not (or (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here.")
+ (if (not (member objnum (list obj-button obj-switch)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc "You can't ")
+ (erbp-mprinc (car line-list))
+ (erbp-mprincl " that."))
+ (if (= objnum obj-button)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you press the button, you notice a passageway open up, but
+as you release it, the passageway closes."))
+ (if (= objnum obj-switch)
+ (if erbp-black
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "The button is now in the off position.")
+ (setq erbp-black nil))
+ (erbp-mprincl "The button is now in the on position.")
+ (setq erbp-black t))))))))
+(defun erbp-swim (args)
+ (if (not (member erbp-current-room (list lakefront-north lakefront-south)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I see no water!")
+ (if (not (member obj-life erbp-inventory))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You dive in the water, and at first notice it is quite cold. You then
+start to get used to it as you realize that you never really learned how
+to swim.")
+ (erbp-die "drowning"))
+ (if (= erbp-current-room lakefront-north)
+ (setq erbp-current-room lakefront-south)
+ (setq erbp-current-room lakefront-north)))))
+(defun erbp-score (args)
+ (if (not erbp-endgame)
+ (let (total)
+ (setq total (erbp-reg-score))
+ (erbp-mprinc "You have scored ")
+ (erbp-mprinc total)
+ (erbp-mprincl " out of a possible 90 points.") total)
+ (erbp-mprinc "You have scored ")
+ (erbp-mprinc (erbp-endgame-score))
+ (erbp-mprincl " endgame points out of a possible 110.")
+ (if (= (erbp-endgame-score) 110)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"\n\nCongratulations. You have won. The wizard password is 'moby'"))))
+(defun erbp-help (args)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"Welcome to erbpnet (2.01), by Ron Schnell (
+Here is some useful information (read carefully because there are one
+or more clues in here):
+- If you have a key that can open a door, you do not need to explicitly
+ open it. You may just use 'in' or walk in the direction of the door.
+- If you have a lamp, it is always lit.
+- You will not get any points until you manage to get treasures to a certain
+ place. Simply finding the treasures is not good enough. There is more
+ than one way to get a treasure to the special place. It is also
+ important that the objects get to the special place *unharmed* and
+ *untarnished*. You can tell if you have successfully transported the
+ object by looking at your score, as it changes immediately. Note that
+ an object can become harmed even after you have received points for it.
+ If this happens, your score will decrease, and in many cases you can never
+ get credit for it again.
+- You can save your game with the 'save' command, and use restore it
+ with the 'restore' command.
+- There are no limits on lengths of object names.
+- Directions are: north,south,east,west,northeast,southeast,northwest,
+ southwest,up,down,in,out.
+- These can be abbreviated: n,s,e,w,ne,se,nw,sw,u,d,in,out.
+- If you go down a hole in the floor without an aid such as a ladder,
+ you probably won't be able to get back up the way you came, if at all.
+- To run this game in batch mode (no emacs window), use:
+ emacs -batch -l erbpnet
+NOTE: This game *should* be run in batch mode!
+If you have questions or comments, please contact
+My home page is
+(defun erbp-flush (args)
+ (if (not (= erbp-current-room bathroom))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I see nothing to flush.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Whoooosh!!")
+ (erbp-put-objs-in-treas (nth urinal erbp-room-objects))
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects urinal nil)))
+(defun erbp-piss (args)
+ (if (not (= erbp-current-room bathroom))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You can't do that here, don't even bother trying.")
+ (if (not erbp-gottago)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I'm afraid you don't have to go now.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "That was refreshing.")
+ (setq erbp-gottago nil)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects urinal (append
+ (nth urinal erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-URINE))))))
+(defun erbp-sleep (args)
+ (if (not (= erbp-current-room bedroom))
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You try to go to sleep while standing up here, but can't seem to do it.")
+ (setq erbp-gottago t)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As soon as you start to doze off you begin dreaming. You see images of
+workers digging caves, slaving in the humid heat. Then you see yourself
+as one of these workers. While no one is looking, you leave the group
+and walk into a room. The room is bare except for a horseshoe
+shaped piece of stone in the center. You see yourself digging a hole in
+the ground, then putting some kind of treasure in it, and filling the hole
+with dirt again. After this, you immediately wake up.")))
+(defun erbp-break (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (if (not (member obj-axe erbp-inventory))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You have nothing you can use to break things.")
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std obj))
+ (if (member objnum erbp-inventory)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"You take the object in your hands and swing the axe. Unfortunately, you miss
+the object and slice off your hand. You bleed to death.")
+ (erbp-die "an axe"))
+ (if (not (or (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (member objnum
+ (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here.")
+ (if (= objnum obj-cable)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"As you break the ethernet cable, everything starts to blur. You collapse
+for a moment, then straighten yourself up.
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects gamma-computing-center
+ (append
+ (nth gamma-computing-center erbp-room-objects)
+ erbp-inventory))
+ (if (member obj-key erbp-inventory)
+ (progn
+ (setq erbp-inventory (list obj-key))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room
+ gamma-computing-center obj-key))
+ (setq erbp-inventory nil))
+ (setq erbp-current-room computer-room)
+ (setq erbp-ethernet nil)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Connection closed.")
+ (erbp-unix-interface))
+ (if (< objnum 0)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "Your axe shatters into a million pieces.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven obj-axe))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Your axe breaks it into a million pieces.")
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-room erbp-current-room objnum)))))))))
+(defun erbp-drive (args)
+ (if (not erbp-inbus)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You cannot drive when you aren't in a vehicle.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "To drive while you are in the bus, just give a direction.")))
+(defun erbp-superb (args)
+ (setq erbp-mode 'erbp-superb))
+(defun erbp-reg-score ()
+ (let (total)
+ (setq total 0)
+ (dolist (x (nth treasure-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (setq total (+ total (nth x erbp-object-pts))))
+ (if (member obj-URINE (nth treasure-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (setq total 0)) total))
+(defun erbp-endgame-score ()
+ (let (total)
+ (setq total 0)
+ (dolist (x (nth endgame-treasure-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (setq total (+ total (nth x erbp-object-pts)))) total))
+(defun erbp-answer (args)
+ (if (not erbp-correct-answer)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't believe anyone asked you anything.")
+ (setq args (car args))
+ (if (not args)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must give the answer on the same line.")
+ (if (erbp-members args erbp-correct-answer)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "Correct.")
+ (if (= erbp-lastdir 0)
+ (setq erbp-current-room (1+ erbp-current-room))
+ (setq erbp-current-room (- erbp-current-room 1)))
+ (setq erbp-correct-answer nil))
+ (erbp-mprincl "That answer is incorrect.")))))
+(defun erbp-endgame-question ()
+(if (not erbp-endgame-questions)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "Your question is:")
+ (erbp-mprincl "No more questions, just do 'answer foo'.")
+ (setq erbp-correct-answer '("foo")))
+ (let (which i newques)
+ (setq i 0)
+ (setq newques nil)
+ (setq which (random (length erbp-endgame-questions)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Your question is:")
+ (erbp-mprincl (setq erbp-endgame-question (car
+ (nth which
+ erbp-endgame-questions))))
+ (setq erbp-correct-answer (cdr (nth which erbp-endgame-questions)))
+ (while (< i which)
+ (setq newques (append newques (list (nth i erbp-endgame-questions))))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ (setq i (1+ which))
+ (while (< i (length erbp-endgame-questions))
+ (setq newques (append newques (list (nth i erbp-endgame-questions))))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ (setq erbp-endgame-questions newques))))
+(defun erbp-power (args)
+ (if (not (= erbp-current-room pc-area))
+ (erbp-mprincl "That operation is not applicable here.")
+ (if (not erbp-floppy)
+ (erbp-dos-no-disk)
+ (erbp-dos-interface))))
+(defun erbp-feed (args)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (when (setq objnum (erbp-objnum-from-args-std args))
+ (if (and (= objnum obj-bear)
+ (member obj-bear (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects)))
+ (progn
+ (if (not (member obj-food erbp-inventory))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You have nothing with which to feed it.")
+ (erbp-drop '("food"))))
+ (if (not (or (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (member objnum erbp-inventory)
+ (member objnum (nth erbp-current-room erbp-room-silents))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't see that here.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "You cannot feed that."))))))
+;;;; This section defines various utility functions used
+;;;; by erbpnet.
+;;; Function which takes a verb and a list of other words. Calls proper
+;;; function associated with the verb, and passes along the other words.
+(defun erbp-doverb (erbp-ignore erbp-verblist verb rest)
+ (if (not verb)
+ nil
+ (if (member (intern verb) erbp-ignore)
+ (if (not (car rest)) -1
+ (erbp-doverb erbp-ignore erbp-verblist (car rest) (cdr rest)))
+ (if (not (cdr (assq (intern verb) erbp-verblist))) -1
+ (setq erbp-numcmds (1+ erbp-numcmds))
+ (eval (list (cdr (assq (intern verb) erbp-verblist)) (quote rest)))))))
+;;; Function to take a string and change it into a list of lowercase words.
+(defun erbp-listify-string (strin)
+ (let (pos ret-list end-pos)
+ (setq pos 0)
+ (setq ret-list nil)
+ (while (setq end-pos (string-match "[ ,:;]" (substring strin pos)))
+ (setq end-pos (+ end-pos pos))
+ (if (not (= end-pos pos))
+ (setq ret-list (append ret-list (list
+ (downcase
+ (substring strin pos end-pos))))))
+ (setq pos (+ end-pos 1))) ret-list))
+(defun erbp-listify-string2 (strin)
+ (let (pos ret-list end-pos)
+ (setq pos 0)
+ (setq ret-list nil)
+ (while (setq end-pos (string-match " " (substring strin pos)))
+ (setq end-pos (+ end-pos pos))
+ (if (not (= end-pos pos))
+ (setq ret-list (append ret-list (list
+ (downcase
+ (substring strin pos end-pos))))))
+ (setq pos (+ end-pos 1))) ret-list))
+(defun erbp-replace (list n number)
+ (rplaca (nthcdr n list) number))
+;;; Get the first non-ignored word from a list.
+(defun erbp-firstword (list)
+ (if (not (car list))
+ nil
+ (while (and list (member (intern (car list)) erbp-ignore))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ (car list)))
+(defun erbp-firstwordl (list)
+ (if (not (car list))
+ nil
+ (while (and list (member (intern (car list)) erbp-ignore))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ list))
+;;; parse a line passed in as a string Call the proper verb with the
+;;; rest of the line passed in as a list.
+(defun erbp-vparse (erbp-ignore erbp-verblist line)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (setq line-list (erbp-listify-string (concat line " ")))
+ (erbp-doverb erbp-ignore erbp-verblist (car line-list) (cdr line-list)))
+(defun erbp-parse2 (erbp-ignore erbp-verblist line)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (setq line-list (erbp-listify-string2 (concat line " ")))
+ (erbp-doverb erbp-ignore erbp-verblist (car line-list) (cdr line-list)))
+;;; Read a line, in window mode
+(defun erbp-read-line ()
+ (let (line)
+ (setq line (read-string ""))
+ (erbp-mprinc line) line))
+;;; Insert something into the window buffer
+(defun erbp-minsert (string)
+ (if (stringp string)
+ (insert string)
+ (insert (prin1-to-string string))))
+;;; Print something out, in window mode
+(defun erbp-mprinc (string)
+ (if (stringp string)
+ (insert string)
+ (insert (prin1-to-string string))))
+;;; In window mode, keep screen from jumping by keeping last line at
+;;; the bottom of the screen.
+(defun erbp-fix-screen ()
+ (interactive)
+ (forward-line (- 0 (- (window-height) 2 )))
+ (set-window-start (selected-window) (point))
+ (end-of-buffer))
+;;; Insert something into the buffer, followed by newline.
+(defun erbp-minsertl (string)
+ (erbp-minsert string)
+ (erbp-minsert "\n"))
+;;; Print something, followed by a newline.
+(defun erbp-mprincl (string)
+ (erbp-mprinc string)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+;;; Function which will get an object number given the list of
+;;; words in the command, except for the verb.
+(defun erbp-objnum-from-args (obj)
+ (let (objnum)
+ (setq obj (erbp-firstword obj))
+ (if (not obj)
+ obj-special
+ (setq objnum (cdr (assq (intern obj) erbp-objnames))))))
+(defun erbp-objnum-from-args-std (obj)
+ (let (result)
+ (if (eq (setq result (erbp-objnum-from-args obj)) obj-special)
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must supply an object."))
+ (if (eq result nil)
+ (erbp-mprincl "I don't know what that is."))
+ (if (eq result obj-special)
+ nil
+ result)))
+;;; Take a short room description, and change spaces and slashes to dashes.
+(defun erbp-space-to-hyphen (string)
+ (let (space)
+ (if (setq space (string-match "[ /]" string))
+ (progn
+ (setq string (concat (substring string 0 space) "-"
+ (substring string (1+ space))))
+ (erbp-space-to-hyphen string))
+ string)))
+;;; Given a unix style pathname, build a list of path components (recursive)
+(defun erbp-get-path (dirstring startlist)
+ (let (slash pos)
+ (if (= (length dirstring) 0)
+ startlist
+ (if (string= (substring dirstring 0 1) "/")
+ (erbp-get-path (substring dirstring 1) (append startlist (list "/")))
+ (if (not (setq slash (string-match "/" dirstring)))
+ (append startlist (list dirstring))
+ (erbp-get-path (substring dirstring (1+ slash))
+ (append startlist
+ (list (substring dirstring 0 slash)))))))))
+;;; Is a string a member of a string list?
+(defun erbp-members (string string-list)
+ (let (found)
+ (setq found nil)
+ (dolist (x string-list)
+ (if (string= x string)
+ (setq found t))) found))
+;;; Function to put objects in the treasure room. Also prints current
+;;; score to let user know he has scored.
+(defun erbp-put-objs-in-treas (objlist)
+ (let (oscore newscore)
+ (setq oscore (erbp-reg-score))
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects 0 (append (nth 0 erbp-room-objects) objlist))
+ (setq newscore (erbp-reg-score))
+ (if (not (= oscore newscore))
+ (erbp-score nil))))
+;;; Load an encrypted file, and eval it.
+(defun erbp-load-d (filename)
+ (let (old-buffer result)
+ (setq result t)
+ (setq old-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*loadc*"))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (insert-file-contents filename)
+ (error (setq result nil)))
+ (unless (not result)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (erbp-rot13)
+ (error (yank)))
+ (eval-current-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (switch-to-buffer old-buffer)
+ result))
+;;; Functions to remove an object either from a room, or from inventory.
+(defun erbp-remove-obj-from-room (erbp-room objnum)
+ (let (newroom)
+ (setq newroom nil)
+ (dolist (x (nth erbp-room erbp-room-objects))
+ (if (not (= x objnum))
+ (setq newroom (append newroom (list x)))))
+ (rplaca (nthcdr erbp-room erbp-room-objects) newroom)))
+(defun erbp-remove-obj-from-inven (objnum)
+ (let (new-inven)
+ (setq new-inven nil)
+ (dolist (x erbp-inventory)
+ (if (not (= x objnum))
+ (setq new-inven (append new-inven (list x)))))
+ (setq erbp-inventory new-inven)))
+(let ((i 0) (lower "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") upper)
+ (setq erbp-translate-table (make-vector 256 0))
+ (while (< i 256)
+ (aset erbp-translate-table i i)
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ (setq lower (concat lower lower))
+ (setq upper (upcase lower))
+ (setq i 0)
+ (while (< i 26)
+ (aset erbp-translate-table (+ ?a i) (aref lower (+ i 13)))
+ (aset erbp-translate-table (+ ?A i) (aref upper (+ i 13)))
+ (setq i (1+ i))))
+(defun erbp-rot13 ()
+ (let (str len (i 0))
+ (setq str (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (setq len (length str))
+ (while (< i len)
+ (aset str i (aref erbp-translate-table (aref str i)))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert str)))
+;;;; This section defines the globals that are used in erbpnet.
+;;;; All globals which can change must be saved from 'save-game. Add
+;;;; all new globals to bottom of file.
+(setq erbp-visited '(27))
+(setq erbp-current-room 1)
+(setq erbp-exitf nil)
+(setq erbp-badcd nil)
+(defvar erbpeon-mode-map nil)
+(setq erbpeon-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+(define-key erbpeon-mode-map "\r" 'erbp-parse)
+(defvar erbpeon-batch-map (make-keymap))
+(if (string= (substring emacs-version 0 2) "18")
+ (let (n)
+ (setq n 32)
+ (while (< 0 (setq n (- n 1)))
+ (aset erbpeon-batch-map n 'erbpeon-nil)))
+ (let (n)
+ (setq n 32)
+ (while (< 0 (setq n (- n 1)))
+ (aset (car (cdr erbpeon-batch-map)) n 'erbpeon-nil))))
+(define-key erbpeon-batch-map "\r" 'exit-minibuffer)
+(define-key erbpeon-batch-map "\n" 'exit-minibuffer)
+(setq erbp-computer nil)
+(setq erbp-floppy nil)
+(setq erbp-key-level 0)
+(setq erbp-hole nil)
+(setq erbp-correct-answer nil)
+(setq erbp-lastdir 0)
+(setq erbp-numsaves 0)
+(setq erbp-jar nil)
+(setq erbp-dead nil)
+(setq room 0)
+(setq erbp-numcmds 0)
+(setq erbp-wizard nil)
+(setq erbp-endgame-question nil)
+(setq erbp-logged-in nil)
+(setq erbpeon-mode 'erbpeon)
+(setq erbp-unix-verbs '((ls . erbp-ls) (ftp . erbp-ftp) (echo . erbp-echo)
+ (exit . erbp-uexit) (cd . erbp-cd) (pwd . erbp-pwd)
+ (rlogin . erbp-rlogin) (uncompress . erbp-uncompress)
+ (cat . erbp-cat) (zippy . erbp-zippy)))
+(setq erbp-dos-verbs '((dir . erbp-dos-dir) (type . erbp-dos-type)
+ (exit . erbp-dos-exit) (command . erbp-dos-spawn)
+ (b: . erbp-dos-invd) (c: . erbp-dos-invd)
+ (a: . erbp-dos-nil)))
+(setq erbp-batch-mode nil)
+(setq erbp-cdpath "/usr/toukmond")
+(setq erbp-cdroom -10)
+(setq erbp-uncompressed nil)
+(setq erbp-ethernet t)
+(setq erbp-restricted
+ '(erbp-room-objects erbpeon-map erbp-rooms
+ erbp-room-silents erbp-combination))
+(setq erbp-ftptype 'ascii)
+(setq erbp-endgame nil)
+(setq erbp-gottago t)
+(setq erbp-black nil)
+(setq erbp-rooms '(
+ (
+"You are in the treasure room. A door leads out to the north."
+ "Treasure room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at a dead end of a dirt road. The road goes to the east.
+In the distance you can see that it will eventually fork off. The
+trees here are very tall royal palms, and they are spaced equidistant
+from each other."
+ "Dead end"
+ )
+ (
+"You are on the continuation of a dirt road. There are more trees on
+both sides of you. The road continues to the east and west."
+ "E/W Dirt road"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at a fork of two passages, one to the northeast, and one to the
+southeast. The ground here seems very soft. You can also go back west."
+ "Fork"
+ )
+ (
+"You are on a northeast/southwest road."
+ "NE/SW road"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the end of the road. There is a building in front of you
+to the northeast, and the road leads back to the southwest."
+ "Building front"
+ )
+ (
+"You are on a southeast/northwest road."
+ "SE/NW road"
+ )
+ (
+"You are standing at the end of a road. A passage leads back to the
+ "Bear hangout"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the hallway of an old building. There are rooms to the east
+and west, and doors leading out to the north and south."
+ "Old Building hallway"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a mailroom. There are many bins where the mail is usually
+kept. The exit is to the west."
+ "Mailroom"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a computer room. It seems like most of the equipment has
+been removed. There is a VAX 11/780 in front of you, however, with
+one of the cabinets wide open. A sign on the front of the machine
+says: This VAX is named 'pokey'. To type on the console, use the
+'type' command. The exit is to the east."
+ "Computer room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a meadow in the back of an old building. A small path leads
+to the west, and a door leads to the south."
+ "Meadow"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a round, stone room with a door to the east. There
+is a sign on the wall that reads: 'receiving room'."
+ "Receiving room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of a hallway that leads to the north. There
+are rooms to the east and west."
+ "Northbound Hallway"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a sauna. There is nothing in the room except for a dial
+on the wall. A door leads out to west."
+ "Sauna"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the end of a north/south hallway. You can go back to the south,
+or off to a room to the east."
+ "End of N/S Hallway"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in an old weight room. All of the equipment is either destroyed
+or completely broken. There is a door out to the west, and there is a ladder
+leading down a hole in the floor."
+ "Weight room" ;16
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
+There is a button on the ground here."
+ "Maze button room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a maze of little twisty passages, all alike."
+ "Maze"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a maze of thirsty little passages, all alike."
+ "Maze" ;19
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a maze of twenty little passages, all alike."
+ "Maze"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a daze of twisty little passages, all alike."
+ "Maze" ;21
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a maze of twisty little cabbages, all alike."
+ "Maze" ;22
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a reception area for a health and fitness center. The place
+appears to have been recently ransacked, and nothing is left. There is
+a door out to the south, and a crawlspace to the southeast."
+ "Reception area"
+ )
+ (
+"You are outside a large building to the north which used to be a health
+and fitness center. A road leads to the south."
+ "Health Club front"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north side of a lake. On the other side you can see
+a road which leads to a cave. The water appears very deep."
+ "Lakefront North"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south side of a lake. A road goes to the south."
+ "Lakefront South"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a well-hidden area off to the side of a road. Back to the
+northeast through the brush you can see the bear hangout."
+ "Hidden area"
+ )
+ (
+"The entrance to a cave is to the south. To the north, a road leads
+towards a deep lake. On the ground nearby there is a chute, with a sign
+that says 'put treasures here for points'."
+ "Cave Entrance" ;28
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a misty, humid room carved into a mountain.
+To the north is the remains of a rockslide. To the east, a small
+passage leads away into the darkness." ;29
+ "Misty Room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in an east/west passageway. The walls here are made of
+multicolored rock and are quite beautiful."
+ "Cave E/W passage" ;30
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the junction of two passages. One goes north/south, and
+the other goes west."
+ "N/S/W Junction" ;31
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of a north/south passageway. There are stairs
+leading down from here. There is also a door leading west."
+ "North end of cave passage" ;32
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of a north/south passageway. There is a hole
+in the floor here, into which you could probably fit."
+ "South end of cave passage" ;33
+ )
+ (
+"You are in what appears to be a worker's bedroom. There is a queen-
+sized bed in the middle of the room, and a painting hanging on the
+wall. A door leads to another room to the south, and stairways
+lead up and down."
+ "Bedroom" ;34
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a bathroom built for workers in the cave. There is a
+urinal hanging on the wall, and some exposed pipes on the opposite
+wall where a sink used to be. To the north is a bedroom."
+ "Bathroom" ;35
+ )
+ (
+"This is a marker for the urinal. User will not see this, but it
+is a room that can contain objects."
+ "Urinal" ;36
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the northeast end of a northeast/southwest passageway.
+Stairs lead up out of sight."
+ "NE end of NE/SW cave passage" ;37
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the junction of northeast/southwest and east/west passages."
+ "NE/SW-E/W junction" ;38
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the southwest end of a northeast/southwest passageway."
+ "SW end of NE/SW cave passage" ;39
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the east end of an E/W passage. There are stairs leading up
+to a room above."
+ "East end of E/W cave passage" ;40
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the west end of an E/W passage. There is a hole on the ground
+which leads down out of sight."
+ "West end of E/W cave passage" ;41
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a room which is bare, except for a horseshoe shaped boulder
+in the center. Stairs lead down from here." ;42
+ "Horseshoe boulder room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a room which is completely empty. Doors lead out to the north
+and east."
+ "Empty room" ;43
+ )
+ (
+"You are in an empty room. Interestingly enough, the stones in this
+room are painted blue. Doors lead out to the east and south." ;44
+ "Blue room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in an empty room. Interestingly enough, the stones in this
+room are painted yellow. Doors lead out to the south and west." ;45
+ "Yellow room"
+ )
+ (
+"You are in an empty room. Interestingly enough, the stones in this room
+are painted red. Doors lead out to the west and north."
+ "Red room" ;46
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the middle of a long north/south hallway." ;47
+ "Long n/s hallway"
+ )
+ (
+"You are 3/4 of the way towards the north end of a long north/south hallway."
+ "3/4 north" ;48
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of a long north/south hallway. There are stairs
+leading upwards."
+ "North end of long hallway" ;49
+ )
+ (
+"You are 3/4 of the way towards the south end of a long north/south hallway."
+ "3/4 south" ;50
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of a long north/south hallway. There is a hole
+to the south."
+ "South end of long hallway" ;51
+ )
+ (
+"You are at a landing in a stairwell which continues up and down."
+ "Stair landing" ;52
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the continuation of an up/down staircase."
+ "Up/down staircase" ;53
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the top of a staircase leading down. A crawlway leads off
+to the northeast."
+ "Top of staircase." ;54
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a crawlway that leads northeast or southwest."
+ "NE crawlway" ;55
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a small crawlspace. There is a hole in the ground here, and
+a small passage back to the southwest."
+ "Small crawlspace" ;56
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the Gamma Computing Center. An IBM 3090/600s is whirring
+away in here. There is an ethernet cable coming out of one of the units,
+and going through the ceiling. There is no console here on which you
+could type."
+ "Gamma computing center" ;57
+ )
+ (
+"You are near the remains of a post office. There is a mail drop on the
+face of the building, but you cannot see where it leads. A path leads
+back to the east, and a road leads to the north."
+ "Post office" ;58
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Main Street and Maple Ave. Main street
+runs north and south, and Maple Ave runs east off into the distance.
+If you look north and east you can see many intersections, but all of
+the buildings that used to stand here are gone. Nothing remains except
+street signs.
+There is a road to the northwest leading to a gate that guards a building."
+ "Main-Maple intersection" ;59
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Main Street and the west end of Oaktree Ave."
+ "Main-Oaktree intersection" ;60
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Main Street and the west end of Vermont Ave."
+ "Main-Vermont intersection" ;61
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of Main Street at the west end of Sycamore Ave." ;62
+ "Main-Sycamore intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of First Street at Maple Ave." ;63
+ "First-Maple intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of First Street and Oaktree Ave." ;64
+ "First-Oaktree intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of First Street and Vermont Ave." ;65
+ "First-Vermont intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of First Street at Sycamore Ave." ;66
+ "First-Sycamore intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of Second Street at Maple Ave." ;67
+ "Second-Maple intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Second Street and Oaktree Ave." ;68
+ "Second-Oaktree intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Second Street and Vermont Ave." ;69
+ "Second-Vermont intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of Second Street at Sycamore Ave." ;70
+ "Second-Sycamore intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of Third Street at Maple Ave." ;71
+ "Third-Maple intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Third Street and Oaktree Ave." ;72
+ "Third-Oaktree intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Third Street and Vermont Ave." ;73
+ "Third-Vermont intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of Third Street at Sycamore Ave." ;74
+ "Third-Sycamore intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of Fourth Street at Maple Ave." ;75
+ "Fourth-Maple intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Fourth Street and Oaktree Ave." ;76
+ "Fourth-Oaktree intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Fourth Street and Vermont Ave." ;77
+ "Fourth-Vermont intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of Fourth Street at Sycamore Ave." ;78
+ "Fourth-Sycamore intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the south end of Fifth Street at the east end of Maple Ave." ;79
+ "Fifth-Maple intersection"
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Fifth Street and the east end of Oaktree Ave.
+There is a cliff off to the east."
+ "Fifth-Oaktree intersection" ;80
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the intersection of Fifth Street and the east end of Vermont Ave."
+ "Fifth-Vermont intersection" ;81
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of Fifth Street and the east end of Sycamore Ave."
+ "Fifth-Sycamore intersection" ;82
+ )
+ (
+"You are in front of the Museum of Natural History. A door leads into
+the building to the north, and a road leads to the southeast."
+ "Museum entrance" ;83
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the main lobby for the Museum of Natural History. In the center
+of the room is the huge skeleton of a dinosaur. Doors lead out to the
+south and east."
+ "Museum lobby" ;84
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the geological display. All of the objects that used to
+be on display are missing. There are rooms to the east, west, and
+ "Geological display" ;85
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the marine life area. The room is filled with fish tanks,
+which are filled with dead fish that have apparently died due to
+starvation. Doors lead out to the south and east."
+ "Marine life area" ;86
+ )
+ (
+"You are in some sort of maintenance room for the museum. There is a
+switch on the wall labeled 'BL'. There are doors to the west and north."
+ "Maintenance room" ;87
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a classroom where school children were taught about natural
+history. On the blackboard is written, 'No children allowed downstairs.'
+There is a door to the east with an 'exit' sign on it. There is another
+door to the west."
+ "Classroom" ;88
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the Vermont St. subway station. A train is sitting here waiting."
+ "Vermont station" ;89
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the Museum subway stop. A passage leads off to the north."
+ "Museum station" ;90
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a north/south tunnel."
+ "N/S tunnel" ;91
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the north end of a north/south tunnel. Stairs lead up and
+down from here. There is a garbage disposal here."
+ "North end of N/S tunnel" ;92
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the top of some stairs near the subway station. There is
+a door to the west."
+ "Top of subway stairs" ;93
+ )
+ (
+"You are at the bottom of some stairs near the subway station. There is
+a room to the northeast."
+ "Bottom of subway stairs" ;94
+ )
+ (
+"You are in another computer room. There is a computer in here larger
+than you have ever seen. It has no manufacturers name on it, but it
+does have a sign that says: This machine's name is 'endgame'. The
+exit is to the southwest. There is no console here on which you could
+ "Endgame computer room" ;95
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a north/south hallway."
+ "Endgame N/S hallway" ;96
+ )
+ (
+"You have reached a question room. You must answer a question correctly in
+order to get by. Use the 'answer' command to answer the question."
+ "Question room 1" ;97
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a north/south hallway."
+ "Endgame N/S hallway" ;98
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a second question room."
+ "Question room 2" ;99
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a north/south hallway."
+ "Endgame N/S hallway" ;100
+ )
+ (
+"You are in a third question room."
+ "Question room 3" ;101
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the endgame treasure room. A door leads out to the north, and
+a hallway leads to the south."
+ "Endgame treasure room" ;102
+ )
+ (
+"You are in the winner's room. A door leads back to the south."
+ "Winner's room" ;103
+ )
+ (
+"You have reached a dead end. There is a PC on the floor here. Above
+it is a sign that reads:
+ Type the 'reset' command to type on the PC.
+A hole leads north."
+ "PC area" ;104
+ )
+(setq erbp-light-rooms '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 24 25 26 27 28 58 59
+ 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
+ 77 78 79 80 81 82 83))
+(setq erbp-verblist '((die . erbp-die) (ne . erbp-ne) (north . erbp-n)
+ (south . erbp-s) (east . erbp-e) (west . erbp-w)
+ (u . erbp-up) (d . erbp-down) (i . erbp-inven)
+ (inventory . erbp-inven) (look . erbp-examine) (n . erbp-n)
+ (s . erbp-s) (e . erbp-e) (w . erbp-w) (se . erbp-se)
+ (nw . erbp-nw) (sw . erbp-sw) (up . erbp-up)
+ (down . erbp-down) (in . erbp-in) (out . erbp-out)
+ (go . erbp-go) (drop . erbp-drop) (southeast . erbp-se)
+ (southwest . erbp-sw) (northeast . erbp-ne)
+ (northwest . erbp-nw) (save . erbp-save-game)
+ (restore . erbp-restore) (long . erbp-long) (dig . erbp-dig)
+ (shake . erbp-shake) (wave . erbp-shake)
+ (examine . erbp-examine) (describe . erbp-examine)
+ (climb . erbp-climb) (eat . erbp-eat) (put . erbp-put)
+ (type . erbp-type) (insert . erbp-put)
+ (score . erbp-score) (help . erbp-help) (quit . erbp-quit)
+ (read . erbp-examine) (verbose . erbp-long)
+ (urinate . erbp-piss) (piss . erbp-piss)
+ (flush . erbp-flush) (sleep . erbp-sleep) (lie . erbp-sleep)
+ (x . erbp-examine) (break . erbp-break) (drive . erbp-drive)
+ (board . erbp-in) (enter . erbp-in) (turn . erbp-turn)
+ (press . erbp-press) (push . erbp-press) (swim . erbp-swim)
+ (on . erbp-in) (off . erbp-out) (chop . erbp-break)
+ (switch . erbp-press) (cut . erbp-break) (exit . erbp-out)
+ (leave . erbp-out) (reset . erbp-power) (flick . erbp-press)
+ (superb . erbp-superb) (answer . erbp-answer)
+ (throw . erbp-drop) (l . erbp-examine) (take . erbp-take)
+ (get . erbp-take) (feed . erbp-feed)))
+(setq erbp-inbus nil)
+(setq erbp-nomail nil)
+(setq erbp-ignore '(the to at))
+(setq erbp-mode 'moby)
+(setq erbp-sauna-level 0)
+(defconst north 0)
+(defconst south 1)
+(defconst east 2)
+(defconst west 3)
+(defconst northeast 4)
+(defconst southeast 5)
+(defconst northwest 6)
+(defconst southwest 7)
+(defconst up 8)
+(defconst down 9)
+(defconst in 10)
+(defconst out 11)
+(setq erbpeon-map '(
+; no so ea we ne se nw sw up do in ot
+ ( 96 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;0
+ ( -1 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;1
+ ( -1 -1 3 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;2
+ ( -1 -1 -1 2 4 6 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;3
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 5 -1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;4
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 -1 4 -1 -1 255 -1 ) ;5
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 7 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;6
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 6 27 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;7
+ ( 255 5 9 10 -1 -1 -1 5 -1 -1 -1 5 ) ;8
+ ( -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;9
+ ( -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;10
+ ( -1 8 -1 58 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;11
+ ( -1 -1 13 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;12
+ ( 15 -1 14 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;13
+ ( -1 -1 -1 13 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;14
+ ( -1 13 16 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;15
+ ( -1 -1 -1 15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 17 16 -1 ) ;16
+ ( -1 -1 17 17 17 17 255 17 255 17 -1 -1 ) ;17
+ ( 18 18 18 18 18 -1 18 18 19 18 -1 -1 ) ;18
+ ( -1 18 18 19 19 20 19 19 -1 18 -1 -1 ) ;19
+ ( -1 -1 -1 18 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 21 -1 -1 ) ;20
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 20 22 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;21
+ ( 18 18 18 18 16 18 23 18 18 18 18 18 ) ;22
+ ( -1 255 -1 -1 -1 19 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;23
+ ( 23 25 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;24
+ ( 24 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 ) ;25
+ (255 28 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 ) ;26
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 7 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;27
+ ( 26 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 ) ;28
+ ( -1 -1 30 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;29
+ ( -1 -1 31 29 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;30
+ ( 32 33 -1 30 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;31
+ ( -1 31 -1 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 34 -1 -1 ) ;32
+ ( 31 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 35 -1 -1 ) ;33
+ ( -1 35 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 32 37 -1 -1 ) ;34
+ ( 34 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;35
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;36
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 38 34 -1 -1 -1 ) ;37
+ ( -1 -1 40 41 37 -1 -1 39 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;38
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 38 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;39
+ ( -1 -1 -1 38 -1 -1 -1 -1 42 -1 -1 -1 ) ;40
+ ( -1 -1 38 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 43 -1 -1 ) ;41
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 40 -1 -1 ) ;42
+ ( 44 -1 46 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;43
+ ( -1 43 45 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;44
+ ( -1 46 -1 44 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;45
+ ( 45 -1 -1 43 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 -1 ) ;46
+ ( 48 50 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;47
+ ( 49 47 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;48
+ ( -1 48 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 52 -1 -1 -1 ) ;49
+ ( 47 51 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;50
+ ( 50 104 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;51
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 53 49 -1 -1 ) ;52
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 54 52 -1 -1 ) ;53
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 55 -1 -1 -1 -1 53 -1 -1 ) ;54
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 56 -1 -1 54 -1 -1 -1 54 ) ;55
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 55 -1 31 -1 -1 ) ;56
+ ( -1 -1 32 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;57
+ ( 59 -1 11 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;58
+ ( 60 58 63 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;59
+ ( 61 59 64 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;60
+ ( 62 60 65 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;61
+ ( -1 61 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;62
+ ( 64 -1 67 59 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;63
+ ( 65 63 68 60 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;64
+ ( 66 64 69 61 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;65
+ ( -1 65 70 62 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;66
+ ( 68 -1 71 63 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;67
+ ( 69 67 72 64 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;68
+ ( 70 68 73 65 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;69
+ ( -1 69 74 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;70
+ ( 72 -1 75 67 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;71
+ ( 73 71 76 68 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;72
+ ( 74 72 77 69 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;73
+ ( -1 73 78 70 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;74
+ ( 76 -1 79 71 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;75
+ ( 77 75 80 72 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;76
+ ( 78 76 81 73 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;77
+ ( -1 77 82 74 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;78
+ ( 80 -1 -1 75 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;79
+ ( 81 79 255 76 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;80
+ ( 82 80 -1 77 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;81
+ ( -1 81 -1 78 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;82
+ ( 84 -1 -1 -1 -1 59 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 255) ;83
+ ( -1 83 85 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;84
+ ( 86 -1 87 84 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;85
+ ( -1 85 88 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;86
+ ( 88 -1 -1 85 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;87
+ ( -1 87 255 86 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;88
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 -1 ) ;89
+ ( 91 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;90
+ ( 92 90 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;91
+ ( -1 91 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 93 94 -1 -1 ) ;92
+ ( -1 -1 -1 88 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 92 -1 -1 ) ;93
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 95 -1 -1 -1 92 -1 -1 -1 ) ;94
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 94 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;95
+ ( 97 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;96
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;97
+ ( 99 97 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;98
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;99
+ ( 101 99 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;100
+ ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;101
+ ( 103 101 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;102
+ ( -1 102 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;103
+ ( 51 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ) ;104
+ )
+; no so ea we ne se nw sw up do in ot
+;;; How the user references *all* objects, permanent and regular.
+(setq erbp-objnames '(
+ (shovel . 0)
+ (lamp . 1)
+ (cpu . 2) (board . 2) (card . 2) (chip . 2)
+ (food . 3)
+ (key . 4)
+ (paper . 5) (slip . 5)
+ (rms . 6) (statue . 6) (statuette . 6) (stallman . 6)
+ (diamond . 7)
+ (weight . 8)
+ (life . 9) (preserver . 9)
+ (bracelet . 10) (emerald . 10)
+ (gold . 11)
+ (platinum . 12)
+ (towel . 13) (beach . 13)
+ (axe . 14)
+ (silver . 15)
+ (license . 16)
+ (coins . 17)
+ (egg . 18)
+ (jar . 19)
+ (bone . 20)
+ (acid . 21) (nitric . 21)
+ (glycerine . 22)
+ (ruby . 23)
+ (amethyst . 24)
+ (mona . 25)
+ (bill . 26)
+ (floppy . 27) (disk . 27)
+ (boulder . -1)
+ (tree . -2) (trees . -2) (palm . -2)
+ (bear . -3)
+ (bin . -4) (bins . -4)
+ (cabinet . -5) (computer . -5) (vax . -5) (ibm . -5)
+ (protoplasm . -6)
+ (dial . -7)
+ (button . -8)
+ (chute . -9)
+ (painting . -10)
+ (bed . -11)
+ (urinal . -12)
+ (URINE . -13)
+ (pipes . -14) (pipe . -14)
+ (box . -15) (slit . -15)
+ (cable . -16) (ethernet . -16)
+ (mail . -17) (drop . -17)
+ (bus . -18)
+ (gate . -19)
+ (cliff . -20)
+ (skeleton . -21) (dinosaur . -21)
+ (fish . -22)
+ (tanks . -23) (tank . -23)
+ (switch . -24)
+ (blackboard . -25)
+ (disposal . -26) (garbage . -26)
+ (ladder . -27)
+ (subway . -28) (train . -28)
+ (pc . -29) (drive . -29) (coconut . -30) (coconuts . -30)
+ (lake . -32) (water . -32)
+(dolist (x erbp-objnames)
+ (let (name)
+ (setq name (concat "obj-" (prin1-to-string (car x))))
+ (eval (list 'defconst (intern name) (cdr x)))))
+(defconst obj-special 255)
+;;; The initial setup of what objects are in each room.
+;;; Regular objects have whole numbers lower than 255.
+;;; Objects that cannot be taken but might move and are
+;;; described during room description are negative.
+;;; Stuff that is described and might change are 255, and are
+;;; handled specially by 'erbp-describe-room.
+(setq erbp-room-objects (list nil
+ (list obj-shovel) ;; treasure-room
+ (list obj-boulder) ;; dead-end
+ nil nil nil
+ (list obj-food) ;; se-nw-road
+ (list obj-bear) ;; bear-hangout
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-special) ;; computer-room
+ (list obj-lamp obj-license obj-silver);; meadow
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-special) ;; sauna
+ nil
+ (list obj-weight obj-life) ;; weight-room
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-rms obj-floppy) ;; thirsty-maze
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-emerald) ;; hidden-area
+ nil
+ (list obj-gold) ;; misty-room
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-towel obj-special) ;; red-room
+ nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-box) ;; stair-landing
+ nil nil nil
+ (list obj-axe) ;; smal-crawlspace
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-special) ;; fourth-vermont-intersection
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-coins) ;; fifth-oaktree-intersection
+ nil
+ (list obj-bus) ;; fifth-sycamore-intersection
+ nil
+ (list obj-bone) ;; museum-lobby
+ nil
+ (list obj-jar obj-special obj-ruby) ;; marine-life-area
+ (list obj-nitric) ;; maintenance-room
+ (list obj-glycerine) ;; classroom
+ nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-amethyst) ;; bottom-of-subway-stairs
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-special) ;; question-room-1
+ nil
+ (list obj-special) ;; question-room-2
+ nil
+ (list obj-special) ;; question-room-three
+ nil
+ (list obj-mona) ;; winner's-room
+nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+;;; These are objects in a room that are only described in the
+;;; room description. They are permanent.
+(setq erbp-room-silents (list nil
+ (list obj-tree obj-coconut) ;; dead-end
+ (list obj-tree obj-coconut) ;; e-w-dirt-road
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-bin) ;; mailroom
+ (list obj-computer) ;; computer-room
+ nil nil nil
+ (list obj-dial) ;; sauna
+ nil
+ (list obj-ladder) ;; weight-room
+ (list obj-button obj-ladder) ;; maze-button-room
+ nil nil nil
+ nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-lake) ;; lakefront-north
+ (list obj-lake) ;; lakefront-south
+ nil
+ (list obj-chute) ;; cave-entrance
+ nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-painting obj-bed) ;; bedroom
+ (list obj-urinal obj-pipes) ;; bathroom
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-boulder) ;; horseshoe-boulder-room
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-computer obj-cable) ;; gamma-computing-center
+ (list obj-mail) ;; post-office
+ (list obj-gate) ;; main-maple-intersection
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-cliff) ;; fifth-oaktree-intersection
+ nil nil nil
+ (list obj-dinosaur) ;; museum-lobby
+ nil
+ (list obj-fish obj-tanks) ;; marine-life-area
+ (list obj-switch) ;; maintenance-room
+ (list obj-blackboard) ;; classroom
+ (list obj-train) ;; vermont-station
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-disposal) ;; north-end-of-n-s-tunnel
+ nil nil
+ (list obj-computer) ;; endgame-computer-room
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (list obj-pc) ;; pc-area
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil
+(setq erbp-inventory '(1))
+;;; Descriptions of objects, as they appear in the room description, and
+;;; the inventory.
+(setq erbp-objects '(
+ ("There is a shovel here." "A shovel") ;0
+ ("There is a lamp nearby." "A lamp") ;1
+ ("There is a CPU card here." "A computer board") ;2
+ ("There is some food here." "Some food") ;3
+ ("There is a shiny brass key here." "A brass key") ;4
+ ("There is a slip of paper here." "A slip of paper") ;5
+ ("There is a wax statuette of Richard Stallman here." ;6
+ "An RMS statuette")
+ ("There is a shimmering diamond here." "A diamond") ;7
+ ("There is a 10 pound weight here." "A weight") ;8
+ ("There is a life preserver here." "A life preserver");9
+ ("There is an emerald bracelet here." "A bracelet") ;10
+ ("There is a gold bar here." "A gold bar") ;11
+ ("There is a platinum bar here." "A platinum bar") ;12
+ ("There is a beach towel on the ground here." "A beach towel")
+ ("There is an axe here." "An axe") ;14
+ ("There is a silver bar here." "A silver bar") ;15
+ ("There is a bus driver's license here." "A license") ;16
+ ("There are some valuable coins here." "Some valuable coins")
+ ("There is a jewel-encrusted egg here." "A valuable egg") ;18
+ ("There is a glass jar here." "A glass jar") ;19
+ ("There is a dinosaur bone here." "A bone") ;20
+ ("There is a packet of nitric acid here." "Some nitric acid")
+ ("There is a packet of glycerine here." "Some glycerine") ;22
+ ("There is a valuable ruby here." "A ruby") ;23
+ ("There is a valuable amethyst here." "An amethyst") ;24
+ ("The Mona Lisa is here." "The Mona Lisa") ;25
+ ("There is a 100 dollar bill here." "A $100 bill") ;26
+ ("There is a floppy disk here." "A floppy disk") ;27
+ )
+;;; Weight of objects
+(setq erbp-object-lbs
+ '(2 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 10 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0))
+(setq erbp-object-pts
+ '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 10 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0))
+;;; Unix representation of objects.
+(setq erbp-objfiles '(
+ "shovel.o" "lamp.o" "cpu.o" "food.o" "key.o" "paper.o"
+ "rms.o" "diamond.o" "weight.o" "preserver.o" "bracelet.o"
+ "gold.o" "platinum.o" "towel.o" "axe.o" "silver.o" "license.o"
+ "coins.o" "egg.o" "jar.o" "bone.o" "nitric.o" "glycerine.o"
+ "ruby.o" "amethyst.o"
+ ))
+;;; These are the descriptions for the negative numbered objects from
+;;; erbp-room-objects
+(setq erbp-perm-objects '(
+ nil
+ ("There is a large boulder here.")
+ nil
+ ("There is a ferocious bear here!")
+ nil
+ nil
+ ("There is a worthless pile of protoplasm here.")
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ ("There is a strange smell in this room.")
+ nil
+ (
+"There is a box with a slit in it, bolted to the wall here."
+ )
+ nil
+ nil
+ ("There is a bus here.")
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+;;; These are the descriptions the user gets when regular objects are
+;;; examined.
+(setq erbp-physobj-desc '(
+"It is a normal shovel with a price tag attached that says $19.99."
+"The lamp is hand-crafted by Geppetto."
+"The CPU board has a VAX chip on it. It seems to have
+2 Megabytes of RAM onboard."
+"It looks like some kind of meat. Smells pretty bad."
+"The paper says: Don't forget to type 'help' for help. Also, remember
+this word: 'worms'"
+"The statuette is of the likeness of Richard Stallman, the author of the
+famous EMACS editor. You notice that he is not wearing any shoes."
+"You observe that the weight is heavy."
+"It says S. S. Minnow."
+"It has a picture of snoopy on it."
+"It has your picture on it!"
+"They are old coins from the 19th century."
+"It is a valuable Fabrege egg."
+"It is a a plain glass jar."
+ )
+;;; These are the descriptions the user gets when non-regular objects
+;;; are examined.
+(setq erbp-permobj-desc '(
+ nil
+"It is just a boulder. It cannot be moved."
+"They are palm trees with a bountiful supply of coconuts in them."
+"It looks like a grizzly to me."
+"All of the bins are empty. Looking closely you can see that there
+are names written at the bottom of each bin, but most of them are
+faded away so that you cannot read them. You can only make out three
+ Jeffrey Collier
+ Robert Toukmond
+ Thomas Stock
+ nil
+"It is just a garbled mess."
+"The dial points to a temperature scale which has long since faded away."
+"It is a velvet painting of Elvis Presley. It seems to be nailed to the
+wall, and you cannot move it."
+"It is a queen sized bed, with a very firm mattress."
+"The urinal is very clean compared with everything else in the cave. There
+isn't even any rust. Upon close examination you realize that the drain at the
+bottom is missing, and there is just a large hole leading down the
+pipes into nowhere. The hole is too small for a person to fit in. The
+flush handle is so clean that you can see your reflection in it."
+"The box has a slit in the top of it, and on it, in sloppy handwriting, is
+written: 'For key upgrade, put key in here.'"
+"It says 'express mail' on it."
+"It is a 35 passenger bus with the company name 'mobytours' on it."
+"It is a large metal gate that is too big to climb over."
+"It is a HIGH cliff."
+"Unfortunately you do not know enough about dinosaurs to tell very much about
+it. It is very big, though."
+"The fish look like they were once quite beautiful."
+"It is a normal ladder that is permanently attached to the hole."
+"It is a passenger train that is ready to go."
+"It is a personal computer that has only one floppy disk drive."
+ )
+(setq erbp-diggables
+ (list nil nil nil (list obj-cpu) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;11-20
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;21-30
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;31-40
+ nil (list obj-platinum) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil))
+(setq erbp-room-shorts nil)
+(dolist (x erbp-rooms)
+ (setq erbp-room-shorts
+ (append erbp-room-shorts (list (downcase
+ (erbp-space-to-hyphen
+ (cadr x)))))))
+(setq erbp-endgame-questions '(
+ (
+"What is your password on the machine called 'pokey'?" "robert")
+ (
+"What password did you use during anonymous ftp to gamma?" "foo")
+ (
+"Excluding the endgame, how many places are there where you can put
+treasures for points?" "4" "four")
+ (
+"What is your login name on the 'endgame' machine?" "toukmond"
+ (
+"What is the nearest whole dollar to the price of the shovel?" "20" "twenty")
+ (
+"What is the name of the bus company serving the town?" "mobytours")
+ (
+"Give either of the two last names in the mailroom, other than your own."
+"collier" "stock")
+ (
+"What cartoon character is on the towel?" "snoopy")
+ (
+"What is the last name of the author of EMACS?" "stallman")
+ (
+"How many megabytes of memory is on the CPU board for the Vax?" "2")
+ (
+"Which street in town is named after a U.S. state?" "vermont")
+ (
+"How many pounds did the weight weigh?" "ten" "10")
+ (
+"Name the STREET which runs right over the subway stop." "fourth" "4" "4th")
+ (
+"How many corners are there in town (excluding the one with the Post Office)?"
+ "24" "twentyfour" "twenty-four")
+ (
+"What type of bear was hiding your key?" "grizzly")
+ (
+"Name either of the two objects you found by digging." "cpu" "card" "vax"
+"board" "platinum")
+ (
+"What network protocol is used between pokey and gamma?" "tcp/ip" "ip" "tcp")
+(let (a)
+ (setq a 0)
+ (dolist (x erbp-room-shorts)
+ (eval (list 'defconst (intern x) a))
+ (setq a (+ a 1))))
+;;;; This section defines the UNIX emulation functions for erbpnet.
+(defun erbp-unix-parse (args)
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let (beg esign)
+ (setq beg (+ (point) 2))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (if (and (not (= beg (point)))
+ (string= "$" (buffer-substring (- beg 2) (- beg 1))))
+ (progn
+ (setq line (downcase (buffer-substring beg (point))))
+ (princ line)
+ (if (eq (erbp-parse2 nil erbp-unix-verbs line) -1)
+ (progn
+ (if (setq esign (string-match "=" line))
+ (erbp-doassign line esign)
+ (erbp-mprinc (car line-list))
+ (erbp-mprincl ": not found.")))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (eq erbpeon-mode 'unix)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-fix-screen)
+ (erbp-mprinc "$ ")))))
+(defun erbp-doassign (line esign)
+ (if (not erbp-wizard)
+ (let (passwd)
+ (erbp-mprinc "Enter wizard password: ")
+ (setq passwd (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (string= passwd "moby")
+ (progn
+ (setq erbp-wizard t)
+ (erbp-doassign line esign))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Incorrect.")))
+ (let (varname epoint afterq i value)
+ (setq varname (substring line 0 esign))
+ (if (not (setq epoint (string-match ")" line)))
+ (if (string= (substring line (1+ esign) (+ esign 2))
+ "\"")
+ (progn
+ (setq afterq (substring line (+ esign 2)))
+ (setq epoint (+
+ (string-match "\"" afterq)
+ (+ esign 3))))
+ (if (not (setq epoint (string-match " " line)))
+ (setq epoint (length line))))
+ (setq epoint (1+ epoint))
+ (while (and
+ (not (= epoint (length line)))
+ (setq i (string-match ")" (substring line epoint))))
+ (setq epoint (+ epoint i 1))))
+ (setq value (substring line (1+ esign) epoint))
+ (erbp-eval varname value))))
+(defun erbp-eval (varname value)
+ (let (eval-error)
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*erbpeon-eval*"))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "(setq ")
+ (insert varname)
+ (insert " ")
+ (insert value)
+ (insert ")")
+ (setq eval-error nil)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (eval-current-buffer)
+ (error (setq eval-error t)))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (switch-to-buffer "*erbpeon*")
+ (if eval-error
+ (erbp-mprincl "Invalid syntax."))))
+(defun erbp-unix-interface ()
+ (erbp-login)
+ (if erbp-logged-in
+ (progn
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'unix)
+ (define-key erbpeon-mode-map "\r" 'erbp-unix-parse)
+ (erbp-mprinc "$ "))))
+(defun erbp-login ()
+ (let (tries username password)
+ (setq tries 4)
+ (while (and (not erbp-logged-in) (> (setq tries (- tries 1)) 0))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n\nUNIX System V, Release 2.2 (pokey)\n\nlogin: ")
+ (setq username (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (erbp-mprinc "password: ")
+ (setq password (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (or (not (string= username "toukmond"))
+ (not (string= password "robert")))
+ (erbp-mprincl "login incorrect")
+ (setq erbp-logged-in t)
+ (erbp-mprincl "
+Welcome to Unix\n
+Please clean up your directories. The filesystem is getting full.
+Our tcp/ip link to gamma is a little flaky, but seems to work.
+The current version of ftp can only send files from your home
+directory, and deletes them after they are sent! Be careful.
+Note: Restricted bourne shell in use.\n")))
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'erbpeon)))
+(defun erbp-ls (args)
+ (if (car args)
+ (let (ocdpath ocdroom)
+ (setq ocdpath erbp-cdpath)
+ (setq ocdroom erbp-cdroom)
+ (if (not (eq (erbp-cd args) -2))
+ (erbp-ls nil))
+ (setq erbp-cdpath ocdpath)
+ (setq erbp-cdroom ocdroom))
+ (if (= erbp-cdroom -10)
+ (erbp-ls-inven))
+ (if (= erbp-cdroom -2)
+ (erbp-ls-rooms))
+ (if (= erbp-cdroom -3)
+ (erbp-ls-root))
+ (if (= erbp-cdroom -4)
+ (erbp-ls-usr))
+ (if (> erbp-cdroom 0)
+ (erbp-ls-room))))
+(defun erbp-ls-root ()
+ (erbp-mprincl "total 4
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 512 Jan 1 1970 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 ..
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 usr
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 rooms"))
+(defun erbp-ls-usr ()
+ (erbp-mprincl "total 4
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 512 Jan 1 1970 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 ..
+drwxr-xr-x 3 toukmond restricted 512 Jan 1 1970 toukmond"))
+(defun erbp-ls-rooms ()
+ (erbp-mprincl "total 16
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 512 Jan 1 1970 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 ..")
+ (dolist (x erbp-visited)
+ (erbp-mprinc
+"drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 512 Jan 1 1970 ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (nth x erbp-room-shorts))))
+(defun erbp-ls-room ()
+ (erbp-mprincl "total 4
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 512 Jan 1 1970 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 ..
+-rwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 description")
+ (dolist (x (nth erbp-cdroom erbp-room-objects))
+ (if (and (>= x 0) (not (= x 255)))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc "-rwxr-xr-x 1 toukmond restricted 0 Jan 1 1970 ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (nth x erbp-objfiles))))))
+(defun erbp-ls-inven ()
+ (erbp-mprinc "total 467
+drwxr-xr-x 3 toukmond restricted 512 Jan 1 1970 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 2048 Jan 1 1970 ..")
+ (dolist (x erbp-unix-verbs)
+ (if (not (eq (car x) 'IMPOSSIBLE))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc"
+-rwxr-xr-x 1 toukmond restricted 10423 Jan 1 1970 ")
+ (erbp-mprinc (car x)))))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (if (not erbp-uncompressed)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+"-rwxr-xr-x 1 toukmond restricted 0 Jan 1 1970 paper.o.Z"))
+ (dolist (x erbp-inventory)
+ (erbp-mprinc
+"-rwxr-xr-x 1 toukmond restricted 0 Jan 1 1970 ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (nth x erbp-objfiles))))
+(defun erbp-echo (args)
+ (let (nomore var)
+ (setq nomore nil)
+ (dolist (x args)
+ (if (not nomore)
+ (progn
+ (if (not (string= (substring x 0 1) "$"))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc x)
+ (erbp-mprinc " "))
+ (setq var (intern (substring x 1)))
+ (if (not (boundp var))
+ (erbp-mprinc " ")
+ (if (member var erbp-restricted)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprinc var)
+ (erbp-mprinc ": Permission denied")
+ (setq nomore t))
+ (eval (list 'erbp-mprinc var))
+ (erbp-mprinc " ")))))))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")))
+(defun erbp-ftp (args)
+ (let (host username passwd ident newlist)
+ (if (not (car args))
+ (erbp-mprincl "ftp: hostname required on command line.")
+ (setq host (intern (car args)))
+ (if (not (member host '(gamma erbp-endgame)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "ftp: Unknown host.")
+ (if (eq host 'erbp-endgame)
+ (erbp-mprincl "ftp: connection to endgame not allowed")
+ (if (not erbp-ethernet)
+ (erbp-mprincl "ftp: host not responding.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Connected to gamma. FTP ver 0.9 00:00:00 01/01/70")
+ (erbp-mprinc "Username: ")
+ (setq username (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (string= username "toukmond")
+ (if erbp-batch-mode
+ (erbp-mprincl "toukmond ftp access not allowed.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "\ntoukmond ftp access not allowed."))
+ (if (string= username "anonymous")
+ (if erbp-batch-mode
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "Guest login okay, send your user ident as password.")
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "\nGuest login okay, send your user ident as password."))
+ (if erbp-batch-mode
+ (erbp-mprinc "Password required for ")
+ (erbp-mprinc "\nPassword required for "))
+ (erbp-mprincl username))
+ (erbp-mprinc "Password: ")
+ (setq ident (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (not (string= username "anonymous"))
+ (if erbp-batch-mode
+ (erbp-mprincl "Login failed.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "\nLogin failed."))
+ (if erbp-batch-mode
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "Guest login okay, user access restrictions apply.")
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "\nGuest login okay, user access restrictions apply."))
+ (erbp-ftp-commands)
+ (setq newlist
+'("What password did you use during anonymous ftp to gamma?"))
+ (setq newlist (append newlist (list ident)))
+ (rplaca (nthcdr 1 erbp-endgame-questions) newlist)))))))))
+(defun erbp-ftp-commands ()
+ (setq erbp-exitf nil)
+ (let (line)
+ (while (not erbp-exitf)
+ (erbp-mprinc "ftp> ")
+ (setq line (erbp-read-line))
+ (if
+ (eq
+ (erbp-parse2 nil
+ '((type . erbp-ftptype) (binary . erbp-bin) (bin . erbp-bin)
+ (send . erbp-send) (put . erbp-send) (quit . erbp-ftpquit)
+ (help . erbp-ftphelp)(ascii . erbp-fascii)
+ ) line)
+ -1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "No such command. Try help.")))
+ (setq erbp-ftptype 'ascii)))
+(defun erbp-ftptype (args)
+ (if (not (car args))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Usage: type [binary | ascii]")
+ (setq args (intern (car args)))
+ (if (eq args 'binary)
+ (erbp-bin nil)
+ (if (eq args 'ascii)
+ (erbp-fascii 'nil)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Unknown type.")))))
+(defun erbp-bin (args)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Type set to binary.")
+ (setq erbp-ftptype 'binary))
+(defun erbp-fascii (args)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Type set to ascii.")
+ (setq erbp-ftptype 'ascii))
+(defun erbp-ftpquit (args)
+ (setq erbp-exitf t))
+(defun erbp-send (args)
+ (if (not (car args))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Usage: send <filename>")
+ (setq args (car args))
+ (let (counter foo)
+ (setq foo nil)
+ (setq counter 0)
+;;; User can send commands! Stupid user.
+ (if (assq (intern args) erbp-unix-verbs)
+ (progn
+ (rplaca (assq (intern args) erbp-unix-verbs) 'IMPOSSIBLE)
+ (erbp-mprinc "Sending ")
+ (erbp-mprinc erbp-ftptype)
+ (erbp-mprinc " file for ")
+ (erbp-mprincl args)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Transfer complete."))
+ (dolist (x erbp-objfiles)
+ (if (string= args x)
+ (progn
+ (if (not (member counter erbp-inventory))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-mprincl "No such file.")
+ (setq foo t))
+ (erbp-mprinc "Sending ")
+ (erbp-mprinc erbp-ftptype)
+ (erbp-mprinc " file for ")
+ (erbp-mprinc (downcase (cadr (nth counter erbp-objects))))
+ (erbp-mprincl ", (0 bytes)")
+ (if (not (eq erbp-ftptype 'binary))
+ (progn
+ (if (not (member obj-protoplasm
+ (nth receiving-room
+ erbp-room-objects)))
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects receiving-room
+ (append (nth receiving-room
+ erbp-room-objects)
+ (list obj-protoplasm))))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven counter))
+ (erbp-remove-obj-from-inven counter)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects receiving-room
+ (append (nth receiving-room erbp-room-objects)
+ (list counter))))
+ (setq foo t)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Transfer complete."))))
+ (setq counter (+ 1 counter)))
+ (if (not foo)
+ (erbp-mprincl "No such file."))))))
+(defun erbp-ftphelp (args)
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "Possible commands are:\nsend quit type ascii binary help"))
+(defun erbp-uexit (args)
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'erbpeon)
+ (erbp-mprincl "\nYou step back from the console.")
+ (define-key erbpeon-mode-map "\r" 'erbp-parse)
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-messages)))
+(defun erbp-pwd (args)
+ (erbp-mprincl erbp-cdpath))
+(defun erbp-uncompress (args)
+ (if (not (car args))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Usage: uncompress <filename>")
+ (setq args (car args))
+ (if (or erbp-uncompressed
+ (and (not (string= args "paper.o"))
+ (not (string= args "paper.o.z"))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Uncompress command failed.")
+ (setq erbp-uncompressed t)
+ (setq erbp-inventory (append erbp-inventory (list obj-paper))))))
+(defun erbp-rlogin (args)
+ (let (passwd)
+ (if (not (car args))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Usage: rlogin <hostname>")
+ (setq args (car args))
+ (if (string= args "endgame")
+ (erbp-rlogin-endgame)
+ (if (not (string= args "gamma"))
+ (if (string= args "pokey")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Can't rlogin back to localhost")
+ (erbp-mprincl "No such host."))
+ (if (not erbp-ethernet)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Host not responding.")
+ (erbp-mprinc "Password: ")
+ (setq passwd (erbp-read-line))
+ (if (not (string= passwd "worms"))
+ (erbp-mprincl "\nlogin incorrect")
+ (erbp-mprinc
+"\nYou begin to feel strange for a moment, and you lose your items."
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects computer-room
+ (append (nth computer-room erbp-room-objects)
+ erbp-inventory))
+ (setq erbp-inventory nil)
+ (setq erbp-current-room receiving-room)
+ (erbp-uexit nil))))))))
+(defun erbp-cd (args)
+ (let (tcdpath tcdroom path-elements room-check)
+ (if (not (car args))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Usage: cd <path>")
+ (setq tcdpath erbp-cdpath)
+ (setq tcdroom erbp-cdroom)
+ (setq erbp-badcd nil)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (setq path-elements (erbp-get-path (car args) nil))
+ (error (erbp-mprincl "Invalid path")
+ (setq erbp-badcd t)))
+ (dolist (pe path-elements)
+ (unless erbp-badcd
+ (if (not (string= pe "."))
+ (if (string= pe "..")
+ (progn
+ (if (> tcdroom 0) ;In a room
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/rooms")
+ (setq tcdroom -2))
+ ;In /rooms,/usr,root
+ (if (or
+ (= tcdroom -2) (= tcdroom -4)
+ (= tcdroom -3))
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/")
+ (setq tcdroom -3))
+ (if (= tcdroom -10) ;In /usr/toukmond
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/usr")
+ (setq tcdroom -4))))))
+ (if (string= pe "/")
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/")
+ (setq tcdroom -3))
+ (if (= tcdroom -4)
+ (if (string= pe "toukmond")
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/usr/toukmond")
+ (setq tcdroom -10))
+ (erbp-nosuchdir))
+ (if (= tcdroom -10)
+ (erbp-nosuchdir)
+ (if (> tcdroom 0)
+ (erbp-nosuchdir)
+ (if (= tcdroom -3)
+ (progn
+ (if (string= pe "rooms")
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/rooms")
+ (setq tcdroom -2))
+ (if (string= pe "usr")
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath "/usr")
+ (setq tcdroom -4))
+ (erbp-nosuchdir))))
+ (if (= tcdroom -2)
+ (progn
+ (dolist (x erbp-visited)
+ (setq room-check
+ (nth x
+ erbp-room-shorts))
+ (if (string= room-check pe)
+ (progn
+ (setq tcdpath
+ (concat "/rooms/" room-check))
+ (setq tcdroom x))))
+ (if (= tcdroom -2)
+ (erbp-nosuchdir)))))))))))))
+ (if (not erbp-badcd)
+ (progn
+ (setq erbp-cdpath tcdpath)
+ (setq erbp-cdroom tcdroom)
+ 0)
+ -2))))
+(defun erbp-nosuchdir ()
+ (erbp-mprincl "No such directory.")
+ (setq erbp-badcd t))
+(defun erbp-cat (args)
+ (let (doto checklist)
+ (if (not (setq args (car args)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Usage: cat <ascii-file-name>")
+ (if (string-match "/" args)
+ (erbp-mprincl "cat: only files in current directory allowed.")
+ (if (and (> erbp-cdroom 0) (string= args "description"))
+ (erbp-mprincl (car (nth erbp-cdroom erbp-rooms)))
+ (if (setq doto (string-match "\\.o" args))
+ (progn
+ (if (= erbp-cdroom -10)
+ (setq checklist erbp-inventory)
+ (setq checklist (nth erbp-cdroom erbp-room-objects)))
+ (if (not (member (cdr
+ (assq (intern
+ (substring args 0 doto))
+ erbp-objnames))
+ checklist))
+ (erbp-mprincl "File not found.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Ascii files only.")))
+ (if (assq (intern args) erbp-unix-verbs)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Ascii files only.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "File not found."))))))))
+(defun erbp-zippy (args)
+ (erbp-mprincl (yow)))
+(defun erbp-rlogin-endgame ()
+ (if (not (= (erbp-score nil) 90))
+ (erbp-mprincl
+ "You have not achieved enough points to connect to endgame.")
+ (erbp-mprincl"\nWelcome to the endgame. You are a truly noble adventurer.")
+ (setq erbp-current-room treasure-room)
+ (setq erbp-endgame t)
+ (erbp-replace erbp-room-objects endgame-treasure-room (list obj-bill))
+ (erbp-uexit nil)))
+(random t)
+(setq tloc (+ 60 (random 18)))
+(erbp-replace erbp-room-objects tloc
+ (append (nth tloc erbp-room-objects) (list 18)))
+(setq tcomb (+ 100 (random 899)))
+(setq erbp-combination (prin1-to-string tcomb))
+;;;; This section defines the DOS emulation functions for erbpnet
+(defun erbp-dos-parse (args)
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let (beg)
+ (setq beg (+ (point) 3))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (if (not (= beg (point)))
+ (let (line)
+ (setq line (downcase (buffer-substring beg (point))))
+ (princ line)
+ (if (eq (erbp-parse2 nil erbp-dos-verbs line) -1)
+ (progn
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Bad command or file name"))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+ (if (eq erbpeon-mode 'dos)
+ (progn
+ (erbp-fix-screen)
+ (erbp-dos-prompt)))))
+(defun erbp-dos-interface ()
+ (erbp-dos-boot-msg)
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'dos)
+ (define-key erbpeon-mode-map "\r" 'erbp-dos-parse)
+ (erbp-dos-prompt))
+(defun erbp-dos-type (args)
+ (sleep-for 2)
+ (if (setq args (car args))
+ (if (string= args "foo.txt")
+ (erbp-dos-show-combination)
+ (if (string= args "")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Cannot type binary files")
+ (erbp-mprinc "File not found - ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (upcase args))))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Must supply file name")))
+(defun erbp-dos-invd (args)
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Invalid drive specification"))
+(defun erbp-dos-dir (args)
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (if (or (not (setq args (car args))) (string= args "\\"))
+ (erbp-mprincl "
+ Volume in drive A is FOO
+ Volume Serial Number is 1A16-08C9
+ Directory of A:\\
+COMMAND COM 47845 04-09-91 2:00a
+FOO TXT 40 01-20-93 1:01a
+ 2 file(s) 47845 bytes
+ 1065280 bytes free
+ (erbp-mprincl "
+ Volume in drive A is FOO
+ Volume Serial Number is 1A16-08C9
+ Directory of A:\\
+File not found")))
+(defun erbp-dos-prompt ()
+ (erbp-mprinc "A> "))
+(defun erbp-dos-boot-msg ()
+ (sleep-for 3)
+ (erbp-mprinc "Current time is ")
+ (erbp-mprincl (substring (current-time-string) 12 20))
+ (erbp-mprinc "Enter new time: ")
+ (erbp-read-line)
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")))
+(defun erbp-dos-spawn (args)
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Cannot spawn subshell"))
+(defun erbp-dos-exit (args)
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'erbpeon)
+ (erbp-mprincl "\nYou power down the machine and step back.")
+ (define-key erbpeon-mode-map "\r" 'erbp-parse)
+ (if (not erbp-batch-mode)
+ (erbp-messages)))
+(defun erbp-dos-no-disk ()
+ (sleep-for 3)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Boot sector not found"))
+(defun erbp-dos-show-combination ()
+ (sleep-for 2)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\nThe combination is ")
+ (erbp-mprinc erbp-combination)
+ (erbp-mprinc ".\n"))
+(defun erbp-dos-nil (args))
+;;;; This section defines the save and restore game functions for erbpnet.
+(defun erbp-save-game (filename)
+ (if (not (setq filename (car filename)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must supply a filename for the save.")
+ (if (file-exists-p filename)
+ (delete-file filename))
+ (setq erbp-numsaves (1+ erbp-numsaves))
+ (erbp-make-save-buffer)
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-current-room")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-computer")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-combination")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-visited")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-diggables")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-key-level")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-floppy")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-numsaves")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-numcmds")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-logged-in")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbpeon-mode")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-jar")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-lastdir")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-black")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-nomail")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-unix-verbs")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-hole")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-uncompressed")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-ethernet")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-sauna-level")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-room-objects")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-room-silents")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-inventory")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-endgame-questions")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-endgame")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-cdroom")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-cdpath")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-correct-answer")
+ (erbp-save-val "erbp-inbus")
+ (if (erbp-compile-save-out filename)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Error saving to file.")
+ (erbp-do-logfile 'save nil)
+ (switch-to-buffer "*erbpeon*")
+ (princ "")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Done."))))
+(defun erbp-make-save-buffer ()
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*save-erbpeon*"))
+ (erase-buffer))
+(defun erbp-compile-save-out (filename)
+ (let (ferror)
+ (setq ferror nil)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (erbp-rot13)
+ (error (setq ferror t)))
+ (if (not ferror)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (point-min))))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (write-region 1 (point-max) filename nil 1)
+ (error (setq ferror t)))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+ ferror))
+(defun erbp-save-val (varname)
+ (let (value)
+ (setq varname (intern varname))
+ (setq value (eval varname))
+ (erbp-minsert "(setq ")
+ (erbp-minsert varname)
+ (erbp-minsert " ")
+ (if (or (listp value)
+ (symbolp value))
+ (erbp-minsert "'"))
+ (if (stringp value)
+ (erbp-minsert "\""))
+ (erbp-minsert value)
+ (if (stringp value)
+ (erbp-minsert "\""))
+ (erbp-minsertl ")")))
+(defun erbp-restore (args)
+ (let (file)
+ (if (not (setq file (car args)))
+ (erbp-mprincl "You must supply a filename.")
+ (if (not (erbp-load-d file))
+ (erbp-mprincl "Could not load restore file.")
+ (erbp-mprincl "Done.")
+ (setq room 0)))))
+(defun erbp-do-logfile (type how)
+ (let (ferror newscore)
+ (setq ferror nil)
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*score*"))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (insert-file-contents erbp-log-file)
+ (error (setq ferror t)))
+ (unless ferror
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (erbp-minsert (current-time-string))
+ (erbp-minsert " ")
+ (erbp-minsert (user-login-name))
+ (erbp-minsert " ")
+ (if (eq type 'save)
+ (erbp-minsert "saved ")
+ (if (= (erbp-endgame-score) 110)
+ (erbp-minsert "won ")
+ (if (not how)
+ (erbp-minsert "quit ")
+ (erbp-minsert "killed by ")
+ (erbp-minsert how)
+ (erbp-minsert " "))))
+ (erbp-minsert "at ")
+ (erbp-minsert (cadr (nth (abs room) erbp-rooms)))
+ (erbp-minsert ". score: ")
+ (if (> (erbp-endgame-score) 0)
+ (erbp-minsert (setq newscore (+ 90 (erbp-endgame-score))))
+ (erbp-minsert (setq newscore (erbp-reg-score))))
+ (erbp-minsert " saves: ")
+ (erbp-minsert erbp-numsaves)
+ (erbp-minsert " commands: ")
+ (erbp-minsert erbp-numcmds)
+ (erbp-minsert "\n")
+ (write-region 1 (point-max) erbp-log-file nil 1))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+;;;; These are functions, and function re-definitions so that erbpeon can
+;;;; be run in batch mode.
+(defun erbp-batch-mprinc (arg)
+ (if (stringp arg)
+ (send-string-to-terminal arg)
+ (send-string-to-terminal (prin1-to-string arg))))
+(defun erbp-batch-mprincl (arg)
+ (if (stringp arg)
+ (progn
+ (send-string-to-terminal arg)
+ (send-string-to-terminal "\n"))
+ (send-string-to-terminal (prin1-to-string arg))
+ (send-string-to-terminal "\n")))
+(defun erbp-batch-parse (erbp-ignore erbp-verblist line)
+ (setq line-list (erbp-listify-string (concat line " ")))
+ (erbp-doverb erbp-ignore erbp-verblist (car line-list) (cdr line-list)))
+(defun erbp-batch-parse2 (erbp-ignore erbp-verblist line)
+ (setq line-list (erbp-listify-string2 (concat line " ")))
+ (erbp-doverb erbp-ignore erbp-verblist (car line-list) (cdr line-list)))
+(defun erbp-batch-read-line ()
+ (read-from-minibuffer "" nil erbpeon-batch-map))
+(defun erbp-batch-loop ()
+ (setq erbp-dead nil)
+ (setq room 0)
+ (while (not erbp-dead)
+ (if (eq erbpeon-mode 'erbpeon)
+ (progn
+ (if (not (= room erbp-current-room))
+ (progn
+ (erbp-describe-room erbp-current-room)
+ (setq room erbp-current-room)))
+ (erbp-mprinc ">")
+ (setq line (downcase (erbp-read-line)))
+ (if (eq (erbp-vparse erbp-ignore erbp-verblist line) -1)
+ (erbp-mprinc "I don't understand that.\n"))))))
+(defun erbp-batch-dos-interface ()
+ (erbp-dos-boot-msg)
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'dos)
+ (while (eq erbpeon-mode 'dos)
+ (erbp-dos-prompt)
+ (setq line (downcase (erbp-read-line)))
+ (if (eq (erbp-parse2 nil erbp-dos-verbs line) -1)
+ (progn
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (erbp-mprincl "Bad command or file name"))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))
+(defun erbp-batch-unix-interface ()
+ (erbp-login)
+ (if erbp-logged-in
+ (progn
+ (setq erbpeon-mode 'unix)
+ (while (eq erbpeon-mode 'unix)
+ (erbp-mprinc "$ ")
+ (setq line (downcase (erbp-read-line)))
+ (if (eq (erbp-parse2 nil erbp-unix-verbs line) -1)
+ (let (esign)
+ (if (setq esign (string-match "=" line))
+ (erbp-doassign line esign)
+ (erbp-mprinc (car line-list))
+ (erbp-mprincl ": not found.")))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n"))))
+(defun erbpeon-nil (arg)
+ "noop"
+ (interactive "*p")
+ nil)
+(defun erbp-batch-erbpeon ()
+ (load "erbp-batch")
+ (setq erbp-visited '(27))
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (erbp-batch-loop))
+(unless (not noninteractive)
+ (fset 'erbp-mprinc 'erbp-batch-mprinc)
+ (fset 'erbp-mprincl 'erbp-batch-mprincl)
+ (fset 'erbp-vparse 'erbp-batch-parse)
+ (fset 'erbp-parse2 'erbp-batch-parse2)
+ (fset 'erbp-read-line 'erbp-batch-read-line)
+ (fset 'erbp-dos-interface 'erbp-batch-dos-interface)
+ (fset 'erbp-unix-interface 'erbp-batch-unix-interface)
+ (erbp-mprinc "\n")
+ (setq erbp-batch-mode t)
+ (erbp-batch-loop))
+(provide 'erbpnet)
+;;; erbpnet.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbrss.el b/elisp/erbot/erbrss.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5604026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbrss.el
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+;;; erbrss.el --- Provide an RSS feed from your erbot.
+;; Time-stamp: <2005-01-01 17:30:49 forcer>
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Jorgen Schaefer
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbrss.el
+;; Package: erbrss
+;; Author: Jorgen Schaefer <>
+;; URL:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This extension to erbot will provide an RSS feed for your database
+;; changes. Customize the erbrss group and run (erbrss-install) to
+;; use.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbrss nil
+ "RSS feeds for the erbot."
+ :group 'erbot)
+(defcustom erbrss-file-name "/tmp/erbot.rss"
+ "The file name for the RSS feed. This should be in your web
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-rc-file-name "/tmp/erbot-rc.txt"
+ "The file name to store recent changes info in."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-max-age 604800 ; 7 days
+ "The number of seconds an entry in the recent changes should
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-item-resource-prefix "prefix://"
+ "The prefix for your item resources. This should be somewhere
+on your webserver."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-rdf:about "rss about"
+ "The contents of the rdf:about attribute in your RSS feed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-title "title"
+ "The title of your RSS feed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-link "link"
+ "The link to your bots homepage, or the RSS feed, or wherever."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-description "description"
+ "The description of your RSS feed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-dc:rights "rights"
+ "The copyright notice for your RSS feed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-dc:publisher "publisher"
+ "The publisher of your RSS feed, i.e. you."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-dc:contributor "contributor"
+ "The contributors to your RSS feed. The users of the bot."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-image "image"
+ "A link to an image for your RSS feed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-image-title "image title"
+ "A title for your RSS feed image."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+(defcustom erbrss-image-link "image link"
+ "A link for your image. This should point to your bots home page or so."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'erbrss)
+;;; The erbot interface
+(defun erbrss-install ()
+ "Initializer the RSS module of erbot."
+ (add-hook 'erbot-notify-add-functions 'erbrss-add)
+ (add-hook 'erbot-notify-forget-functions 'erbrss-forget)
+ (add-hook 'erbot-notify-move-functions 'erbrss-move)
+ (add-hook 'erbot-notify-rearrange-functions 'erbrss-rearrange)
+ (add-hook 'erbot-notify-substitute-functions 'erbrss-substitute)
+ (add-hook 'erbot-notify-merge-functions 'erbrss-merge))
+(defun erbrss-add (nick channel term entry-num entry)
+ "Note an addition to the erbot database.
+This is suitable for `erbot-notify-add-functions'."
+ (erbrss-rc-add term
+ (format "Added entry %i of %s: %s" entry-num term entry)
+ (format "%s in %s" nick channel)))
+(defun erbrss-forget (nick channel term entry-num entry remaining-entries)
+ "Note a removal from the erbot database.
+This is suitable for `erbot-notify-forget-functions'."
+ (erbrss-rc-add term
+ (if (not (eq entry-num 'all))
+ (format "Forgot entry %i of %s: %s\n\nRemaining:\n%s"
+ entry-num
+ term
+ entry
+ (mapconcat #'identity remaining-entries "\n"))
+ (format "Forgot %s:\n\n%s"
+ term
+ (mapconcat #'identity entry "\n")))
+ (format "%s in %s" nick channel)))
+(defun erbrss-move (nick channel old-term new-term)
+ "Note a move within the erbot database.
+This is suitable for `erbot-notify-move-functions'."
+ (erbrss-rc-add old-term
+ (format "Moved %s to %s" old-term new-term)
+ (format "%s in %s" nick channel)))
+(defun erbrss-rearrange (nick channel term
+ from-num from-entry
+ to-num to-entry)
+ "Note a rearrangement in the erbot database.
+This is suitable for `erbot-notify-rearrange-functions'."
+ (erbrss-rc-add term
+ (format "Swapped entries %i and %i in term %s. Now:\n%i: %s\n%i: %s"
+ from-num to-num term
+ to-num from-entry
+ from-num to-entry)
+ (format "%s in %s" nick channel)))
+(defun erbrss-substitute (nick channel term entry-num old-entry new-entry)
+ "Note a substitution in the erbot database.
+This is suitable for `erbot-notify-substitue-functions'."
+ (erbrss-rc-add term
+ (format "Changed entry %i of %s:\nOld: %s\nNew: %s"
+ entry-num term old-entry new-entry)
+ (format "%s in %s" nick channel)))
+(defun erbrss-merge (nick channel from-term to-term
+ from-entries to-entries final-entries)
+ "Note a merge in the erbot database.
+This is suitable for `erbot-notify-merge-functions'."
+ (erbrss-rc-add
+ term
+ (format (concat "Merged %s into %s. New contents:\n"
+ "(1 means from %s, 2 from %s and + from both)\n"
+ "%s")
+ old-term new-term
+ old-term new-term
+ (erbrss-merge-description from-entries
+ to-entries
+ final-entries))
+ (format "%s in %s" nick channel)))
+(defun erbrss-merge-description (from-entries to-entries final-entries)
+ "Return a string describing the merge. The string contains a
+line per entry in FINAL-ENTRIES, prefixed with a 1 if that
+entry is from FROM-ENTRIES, 2 if it is from TO-ENTRIES, and +
+if it is from both."
+ (mapconcat (lambda (entry)
+ (format "%s %s"
+ (let ((fromp (member entry from-entries))
+ (top (member entry to-entries)))
+ (cond
+ ((and fromp top) "+")
+ (fromp "1")
+ (top "2")
+ (t "?")))
+ entry))
+ final-entries
+ "\n"))
+;;; Recent Changes
+(defun erbrss-rc-add (term description contributor)
+ "Add this item to the recent changes list.
+The list is managed in `erbrss-rc-file-name'."
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect erbrss-rc-file-name t)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (= (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert "()"))
+ (let* ((olddata (read (current-buffer)))
+ (newdata (erbrss-rc-remove-old
+ (append olddata
+ (list
+ (erbrss-make-item term
+ description
+ (current-time)
+ contributor))))))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (prin1 newdata (current-buffer))
+ (let ((require-final-newline t))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (erbrss-regenerate-rss newdata))))
+(defun erbrss-rc-remove-old (items)
+ "Remove any items from ITEMS that are older then `erbrss-max-age'."
+ (let ((new '()))
+ (while items
+ (when (< (- (float-time)
+ (float-time (erbrss-item-time (car items))))
+ erbrss-max-age)
+ (setq new (cons (car items)
+ new)))
+ (setq items (cdr items)))
+ (reverse new)))
+;;; RSS
+(defun erbrss-regenerate-rss (items)
+ "Regenerate the RSS feed from ITEMS.
+The feed is put into `erbrss-file-name'."
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect erbrss-file-name t)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (erbrss-insert-rss items)
+ (let ((require-final-newline t))
+ (save-buffer))))
+(defun erbrss-insert-rss (items)
+ "Insert an RSS feed with ITEMS in it.
+ITEMS should be a list of vectors, each vector having four elements:
+- Title
+- Description
+- Contributor
+- Timestamp in seconds since the epoch"
+ (erbrss-sxml-insert
+ `((rdf:RDF (@ (xmlns:rdf "")
+ (xmlns "")
+ (xmlns:dc ""))
+ (channel (@ (rdf:about ,erbrss-rdf:about))
+ (title ,erbrss-title)
+ (link ,erbrss-link)
+ (description ,erbrss-description)
+ (dc:rights ,erbrss-dc:rights)
+ (dc:date ,(erbrss-date))
+ (dc:publisher ,erbrss-dc:publisher)
+ (dc:contributor ,erbrss-dc:contributor)
+ (items
+ (rdf:Seq
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (item)
+ `(rdf:li (@ (rdf:resource
+ ,(erbrss-item-resource item)))))
+ items)))
+ (image (@ (rdf:resource ,erbrss-image))))
+ (image (@ (rdf:resource ,erbrss-image))
+ (title ,erbrss-image-title)
+ (url ,erbrss-image)
+ (link ,erbrss-image-link))
+ ,@(mapcar #'erbrss-item items)))))
+(defun erbrss-item (item)
+ "Insert the RSS description of ITEM."
+ `(item (@ (rdf:about ,(erbrss-item-resource item)))
+ (title ,(erbrss-item-title item))
+ ;(link ,(erbrss-item-resource item))
+ (description ,(erbrss-item-description item))
+ (dc:date ,(erbrss-date (erbrss-item-time item)))
+ (dc:contributor ,(erbrss-item-contributor item))))
+(defun erbrss-make-item (title description time contributor)
+ "Create a new rss item entry."
+ (vector title description time contributor))
+(defun erbrss-item-title (item)
+ "Return the title of ITEM."
+ (aref item 0))
+(defun erbrss-item-description (item)
+ "Return the description of ITEM."
+ (aref item 1))
+(defun erbrss-item-time (item)
+ "Return the modification time of ITEM."
+ (aref item 2))
+(defun erbrss-item-contributor (item)
+ "Return the contributor of ITEM."
+ (aref item 3))
+(defun erbrss-item-resource (item)
+ "Return the resource of ITEM.
+This uses `erbrss-item-resource-prefix'."
+ (concat erbrss-item-resource-prefix
+ (erbrss-item-title item)
+ "?" (erbrss-date (erbrss-item-time item))))
+(defun erbrss-date (&optional time)
+ "Return a string describing TIME, or the current time if nil."
+ (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00"
+ (or time
+ (current-time))
+ t))
+;;; SXML
+(defun erbrss-sxml-insert (data)
+ "Insert an SXML data structure DATA."
+ (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
+ (insert "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
+ (erbrss-sxml-insert-data data))
+(defun erbrss-sxml-insert-data (data)
+ "Insert a list of tags DATA as SXML."
+ (cond
+ ((stringp data)
+ (insert (erbrss-sxml-quote data)))
+ ((symbolp (car data))
+ (erbrss-sxml-insert-tag data))
+ (t
+ (mapcar #'erbrss-sxml-insert-data data))))
+(defun erbrss-sxml-insert-tag (tag)
+ (let ((name (symbol-name (car tag)))
+ (attributes (if (and (consp (cdr tag))
+ (consp (cadr tag))
+ (eq '@ (caadr tag)))
+ (cdadr tag)
+ '()))
+ (body (if (and (consp (cdr tag))
+ (consp (cadr tag))
+ (eq '@ (caadr tag)))
+ (cddr tag)
+ (cdr tag))))
+ (insert "<" name)
+ (mapcar (lambda (entry)
+ (insert " "
+ (erbrss-sxml-quote (symbol-name (car entry)))
+ "=\""
+ (erbrss-sxml-quote (cadr entry))
+ "\""))
+ attributes)
+ (if (null body)
+ (insert "/>")
+ (insert ">")
+ (mapcar #'erbrss-sxml-insert-data body)
+ (insert "</"
+ (erbrss-sxml-quote name)
+ "\n>"))))
+(defun erbrss-sxml-quote (string)
+ "Quote <, > and & in STRING."
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (mapcar (lambda (char)
+ (cond
+ ((char-equal char ?&) (insert "&amp;"))
+ ((char-equal char ?<) (insert "&lt;"))
+ ((char-equal char ?>) (insert "&gt;"))
+ (t (insert char))))
+ string)
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
+(provide 'erbrss)
+;;; erbrss.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbtrain.el b/elisp/erbot/erbtrain.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f063e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbtrain.el
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+;;; erbtrain.el --- Train erbot (erbot)..
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:30:00 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbtrain.el
+;; Package: erbtrain
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; Thanks: Michael Olson
+(defconst erbtrain-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+;; Quick start:
+(defconst erbtrain-quick-start
+ "Install idledo.el (tested with 0.2) and start idledo, join IRC as
+yourself through ERC (tested with CVS).
+Customize erbtrain-buffer to the buffer of the channel in which you want
+to train a bot.
+Create bot-parsable strings in a file.
+Then, M-x erbtrain to set up erbtrain which will then feed the strings
+to the bot in that channel slowly.
+(defun erbtrain-quick-start ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `erbtrain-quick-start'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert erbtrain-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defconst erbtrain-version "NA")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(ignore-errors (require 'idledo))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbtrain nil
+ "The group erbtrain."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbtrain-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbtrain."
+ :group 'erbtrain)
+(defcustom erbtrain-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbtrain."
+ :group 'erbtrain)
+(run-hooks 'erbtrain-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defcustom erbtrain-buffer "#fsbot"
+ ""
+ :group 'erbtrain)
+(defvar erbtrain-list nil)
+(defvar erbtrain-idledo-interval-small 2)
+(defvar erbtrain-idledo-interval 120)
+(defvar erbtrain-idledo-interval-subsequent 10)
+(defun erbtrain-file-through-irc (file)
+ (interactive "f")
+ (setq idledo-interval-small erbtrain-idledo-interval-small)
+ (setq idledo-interval erbtrain-idledo-interval)
+ (setq idledo-interval-subsequent erbtrain-idledo-interval-subsequent)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (find-file file)
+ (let ((allstrings (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (setq allstrings (split-string allstrings "\n"))
+ (setq erbtrain-list allstrings)
+ (erbtrain-resume))))
+(defalias 'erbtrain-file 'erbtrain-file-through-irc)
+(defvar erbtrain-local-buffer "*erbtrain-log*")
+(defun erbtrain-file-locally (file)
+ "EXPERIMENTAL. Can use this when you ARE su'ed so that you are in the bot's account.
+su to your bot's account and then use this... This has the minor
+advantage of being much faster. "
+ (interactive "f")
+ (unless
+ (yes-or-no-p
+ (concat "Are you really logged in as the bot? "))
+ (error "Please use M-x erbtrain-file instead. "))
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (find-file file)
+ (let ((allstrings (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (setq allstrings (split-string allstrings "\n"))
+ (mapcar 'erbtrain-local allstrings)))
+ (display-buffer erbtrain-local-buffer))
+(defun erbtrain-local (str)
+ "See the doc for erbtrain-file-locally. "
+ ;;(require 'erball)
+ (let* ((strlisp1 (ignore-errors (fs-parse str)))
+ (strlisp (ignore-errors
+ (if (stringp strlisp1)
+ (erbn-read strlisp1) nil)))
+ (result (ignore-errors (fs-eval strlisp))))
+ (erbtrain-local-log str strlisp result)))
+(defun erbtrain-local-log (str expr result)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create erbtrain-local-buffer))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (let ((msg (concat str "\n" "=> " (format "%S" expr) "\n" "==> "
+ (format "%S" result) "\n\n")))
+ (message "%s" msg)
+ (insert msg))))
+(defun erbtrain-resume ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((len (length erbtrain-list))
+ (toolongp (> len 3000))
+ ls)
+ (if toolongp
+ (progn
+ (setq ls (subseq erbtrain-list 0 3001))
+ (setq erbtrain-list (subseq erbtrain-list 3001)))
+ (setq ls erbtrain-list)
+ (setq erbtrain-list nil)
+ )
+ (when toolongp
+ (y-or-n-p
+ (format "Too LOONG list (%S). Type M-x erbtrain-resume later. ok?"
+ len)))
+ (mapcar
+ 'erbtrain-idle
+ (cons
+ ;; so that we prevent duplicate entries.
+ ;; this should already be the default, but just to ensure..
+ ", (fs-set-add-all-disable)"
+ ls
+ ;;(list ", (fs-set-add-all-disable)")
+ ))
+ (message "Added %S idledo's" (length ls))))
+(defun erbtrain-idle (str)
+ "sets up a string to idly fed to the bot.."
+ (idledo-add-action-at-end
+ `(erbtrain ,str)))
+(defun erbtrain-idle-now (str)
+ "sets up a string to idly fed to the bot.."
+ (idledo-add-action
+ `(erbtrain ,str)))
+(defun erbtrain-buggy (str)
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (let ((buf ;;(buffer-name)
+ (window-buffer)))
+ (display-buffer erbtrain-buffer)
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window erbtrain-buffer)))
+ (if win (select-window win)
+ (switch-to-buffer erbtrain-buffer)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert str)
+ (erc-send-current-line)
+ (let ((bufwindow (get-buffer-window buf)))
+ (if bufwindow
+ (select-window bufwindow)
+ (switch-to-buffer buf)))))
+;;; 2003-01-13 T17:26:24-0500 (Monday) D. Goel
+(defun erbtrain (str)
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer erbtrain-buffer)))
+ (cond
+ (buf
+ (switch-to-buffer buf)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert str)
+ (erc-send-current-line))
+ (t
+ (beep)
+ (message "No buffer! Trying to recreate the idledo. ")
+ (sit-for 0.3)
+ (idledo-add-action
+ `(erbtrain ,str))))))
+;; OT: the foll. has nothing to do with training the bot, but is a way to
+;; keep ERC connection alive:
+;(defvar erbtrain-keep-alive-string
+; "/ping #fsbot")
+(defcustom erbtrain-keep-alive-p t
+ ""
+ :group 'erbtrain)
+;;; (defun erbtrain-keep-alive-kick-once-old ()
+;;; (interactive)
+;;; (let ((erc-flood-protect nil))
+;;; (save-window-excursion
+;;; (when erbtrain-keep-alive-p
+;;; (erbtrain erbtrain-keep-alive-string)))))
+(defvar erbtrain-keep-alive-buffer "#somechannel")
+;;; 2003-02-05 T13:22:11-0500 (Wednesday) D. Goel
+;; should do it like this:
+;; <delYsid> (erc-with-all-buffers-of-server nil #'erc-server-buffer-p
+;; (lambda () \...))
+(defun erbtrain-keep-alive-kick-once ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((erc-flood-protect nil))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (let ((bufname (buffer-name-p-my arg)))
+ (when bufname
+ (switch-to-buffer arg)
+ ;;(erc-cmd-PING "nickserv")
+ (when (erc-process-alive) (erc-send-command "PING"))))))
+ (if (listp erbtrain-keep-alive-buffer) erbtrain-keep-alive-buffer
+ (list erbtrain-keep-alive-buffer)))))
+(defvar erbtrain-keep-alive-timer nil)
+(defun erbtrain-keep-alive ()
+ (interactive)
+ ;;(idledo-nullify)
+ (setq erbtrain-keep-alive-timer
+ (run-with-timer 30
+ 10
+ 'erbtrain-keep-alive-kick-once))
+ ;;(setq erbtrain-keep-alive-active-p
+ ;;t)
+ (message "Started erbtrain-keep-alive. "))
+(defun erbtrain-utils-teach-acronyms (&optional botstring)
+ "Teach the the bot from BOTSTRING some acronyms.
+You will need wtf.el (from the contrib directory) for this
+function to work.
+See also the new function fs-wtf.
+Don't forget to connect to irc before running this function."
+ (interactive)
+ (idledo-nullify)
+ (require 'wtf)
+ (unless botstring (setq botstring ", "))
+ (setq erbtrain-list
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (ref)
+ (concat botstring (car ref)
+ " is short for "
+ (upcase-initials (cdr ref))))
+ wtf-alist))
+ (erbtrain-resume)
+ (ignore-errors (idledo-start)))
+(provide 'erbtrain)
+(run-hooks 'erbtrain-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbtrain.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbtranslate.el b/elisp/erbot/erbtranslate.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a12dcd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbtranslate.el
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+;;; erbtranslate.el --- Natural Language translation functions.
+;; Time-stamp: <2009-09-26 22:33:14 fledermaus>
+;; Copyright © 2002 Alejandro Benitez
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbtranslate.el
+;; Package: erbot
+;; Authors: Alejandro Benitez <>,
+;; Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+;; Deepak Goel <>
+;; Maintainer: Vivek Dasmohapatra <>
+;; Version: 0.1DEV
+;; URL:
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; You need to install libtranslate for this to work. The binary,
+;; translate-bin, is provided, for example in Ubuntu Dapper:
+;; See also:
+(defvar erbtranslate-version "0.1dev")
+(require 'translate)
+(defun erbtranslate-enabled-check ()
+ (erbutils-enabled-check erbn-translate-p))
+(defalias 'fsi-t8 'fsi-translate)
+(defcustom erbn-translate-p nil
+ "Enabling this should be completely safe. We do use call-process
+here whenever passing any arguments to external commands.")
+(defun fsi-translate (&optional from to &rest text)
+ (erbtranslate-enabled-check)
+ (if (not (and from to text))
+ (let ((frame (backtrace-frame 3)) (caller nil))
+ (setq caller (symbol-name (cadr frame))
+ caller (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\w+-" "" caller))
+ (format "Usage: ,%s FROM TO TEXT" caller))
+ (setq text (mapconcat #'(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg)) text " ")
+ from (format "%s" from)
+ to (format "%s" to ))
+ (condition-case caught
+ (translate from to text)
+ (error (concat "libtranslate error:" (cdr caught)) )) ))
+(defalias 'fsi-t8-l 'fsi-translate-list-pairs)
+(defun fsi-translate-list-pairs (&optional from to &rest args)
+ "Allow the user to search for translation pairs. Only gives counts
+unless both from and to are specified. *, any, - are allowed as wildcards."
+ (erbtranslate-enabled-check)
+ (let ((pair-data))
+ (setq from (format "%s" (or from "*"))
+ to (format "%s" (or to "*"))
+ pair-data (translate-list-pairs from to))
+ (if (string-match "^\\(?:\*\\|any\\|-\\|\\)$" from) (setq from nil))
+ (if (string-match "^\\(?:\*\\|any\\|-\\|\\)$" to ) (setq to nil))
+ (cond
+ ( (and (not from) (not to)) ;; neither end point specified
+ (concat
+ (format "%d language pair(s) available.\n" (length pair-data))
+ "Specify an origin and/or destination language to see a list:\n"
+ " translate-list-pairs es ja\n"
+ " translate-list-pairs castilian\n"
+ " translate-list-pairs * zh-TW\n") )
+ ( (or (not to) (not from)) ;; one end point specified
+ (let ( (dir (if from "From" "To"))
+ (op (if from 'cadr 'car))
+ (s nil)
+ (x (length pair-data))
+ (fl (format "%s" (or from to))) )
+ (setq s (mapcar (lambda (p) (car (funcall op p))) pair-data)
+ fl (or (translate-full-name fl) fl))
+ (apply 'concat
+ (format "%s %s: %d language(s) available.\n" dir fl x)
+ (if (<= (length s) 100)
+ (list
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x) (translate-full-name x)) s ", ")) ))) )
+ (t ;; fully spec'd translation
+ (let ( (x (length pair-data)) )
+ (setq from (or (translate-full-name from) from)
+ to (or (translate-full-name to ) to ))
+ (apply 'concat
+ (format "%s -> %s: %d pair(s) available.\n" from to x)
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (format "%s -> %s\n"
+ (princ (car x))
+ (princ (cadr x)))) pair-data)) )) ) ))
+(defalias 'fsi-t8-s 'fsi-translate-list-services)
+(defun fsi-translate-list-services (&rest args)
+ (erbtranslate-enabled-check)
+ (erbn-shell-command-to-string
+ (concat translate-program " --list-services")
+ '(t)))
+(defun fsi-kks (&rest nihongo)
+ (let ( (coding-system-for-read 'euc-jp)
+ (coding-system-for-write 'euc-jp)
+ (text (mapconcat #'(lambda (x) (format "%s" x)) nihongo " ")) )
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert text)
+ (shell-command-on-region
+ (point-min) (point-max)
+ "kakasi -i euc -Ha -Ka -Ja -Ea -ka -s | sed 's/ESC<2E>.//g'" nil t)
+ (buffer-string)) ))
+;; temporarily disabled till clean support is provided by translate.el
+;; (defun fsi-translate-web-page (from to url &rest args)
+;; (erbtranslate-enabled-check)
+;; (shsp (list erbn-translate-program
+;; "-f"
+;; (format "%s" from) "-t"
+;; (format "%s" to)
+;; (format "%s" url))))
+;; (defalias 'fsi-t8-w 'fsi-translate-web-page)
+(provide 'erbtranslate)
+;;; erbtranslate.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbunlisp.el b/elisp/erbot/erbunlisp.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad196a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbunlisp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;;; erbunlisp.el --- Help Simplify functions for nonlisp channels.
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:29:47 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbunlisp.el
+;; Package: erbunlisp
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+(defconst erbunlisp-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(defconst erbunlisp-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbunlisp nil
+ "The group erbunlisp."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbunlisp-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbunlisp."
+ :group 'erbunlisp)
+(defcustom erbunlisp-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbunlisp."
+ :group 'erbunlisp)
+(run-hooks 'erbunlisp-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defcustom erbunlisp-list
+ '((fs-remove fs-forget remove))
+ "When you type erbunlisp-install, the first entries will get aliased
+to second one.
+When you type erbunlisp-uninstall, the first entries will get aliased
+to the third one. "
+ :group 'erbunlisp)
+(defun erbunlisp-install ()
+ (interactive)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (defalias (first arg)
+ (second arg)))
+ erbunlisp-list))
+(defun erbunlisp-uninstall ()
+ (interactive)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (defalias (first arg) (third arg)))
+ erbunlisp-list))
+(provide 'erbunlisp)
+(run-hooks 'erbunlisp-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbunlisp.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erburl.el b/elisp/erbot/erburl.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4995b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erburl.el
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+;;; erburl.el --- Learn terms from a url.
+;; Time-stamp:
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Pete Kazmier
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erburl.el
+;; Package: erburl
+;; Author: Pete Kazmier <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+(defconst erbtrain-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+;; Quick start:
+(defconst erburl-quick-start
+ "This library enables one to add and remove entries to your bot's
+bbdb that have been \"scraped\" from sources on the web. When using
+this library, you must be running under the uid of your bot. In
+addition, (although I'm not positive), you should make sure that only
+one instance of your bot is running to avoid clobbering the bbdb. I
+use this library in the emacs session of my running bot. Although the
+main function of this library is asynchronous, when adding a lot of
+terms, the local session is not really useable (you see the progress
+though), however the bot still responds to requests from its channels.
+With that all said, lets add the terms from a wiki using the wiki page
+name as the term. The note attached to the term will be a string in
+the form of \"at URL\" where URL is the URL to the page:
+ (erburl-scrape-terms
+ \"\")
+This library can be used to add terms from any web page because you
+can pass your own parser to ERBURL-SCRAPE-TERMS (see the doc string
+for the full details). This includes parsing pages and adding notes
+that contain information other than a simple link back to the original
+The library also includes a function to remove all entries that
+contain a specific URL in the notes of an entry. It will only remove
+the term in its entirety if it does not contain other notes for the
+same term. It should be noted that this function is not asynchronous
+and will cause your bot to stop responding on channels if it is
+deleting a large number of records.
+Finally, for an additional reference to using this library, please see
+erbjavadoc which uses this library to provide a command that will
+permit users to add javadoc entries from a set of javadoc pages.
+ )
+(defun erburl-quick-start ()
+ "Provides electric help from variable `erburl-quick-start'."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-electric-help
+ '(lambda () (insert erburl-quick-start) nil) "*doc*"))
+(defconst erburl-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'url)
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erburl nil
+ "The group erburl."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erburl-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erburl."
+ :group 'erburl)
+(defcustom erburl-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erburl."
+ :group 'erburl)
+(run-hooks 'erburl-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+(defun erburl-scrape-terms (url &optional entry-parser-fn progress-callback cbargs)
+ "Scrape terms from URL using the ENTRY-PARSER-FN and add them to the
+erbot's botbbdb. Due to the asynchronous nature of this call, messages
+are sent to PROGRESS-CALLBACK to report process.
+ENTRY-PARSER-FN is called when the contents of the URL have finished
+downloading into a buffer. The contents of the buffer include any
+headers that were sent followed by a blank line and then followed by
+the actual contents of the URL. When ENTRY-PARSER-FN is called, this
+buffer has already been selected. ENTRY-PARSER-FN is passed CBARGS as
+arguments, and must return a list of entries to be added to the bbdb.
+Each entry should be a list of two elements with the term as the first
+element and the definition as the second. The default parser used if
+one is not specified is ERBURL-HREF-PARSER (which parses href links).
+PROGRESS-CALLBACK is called once after the entries have been added to
+the bbdb with a descriptive message indicating how many terms were
+added. It may also be called after the entries have been parsed with
+a message indicating that it will take a significant amount of time to
+add the entries to the bbdb. When PROGRESS-CALLBACK is called, it is
+passed a message as the first argument and then CBARGS are passed as
+additional arguments. The default callback used if one is not
+specified is MESSAGE.
+CBARGS are passed as additional argements to both of the callback
+ (let ((parser (or entry-parser-fn 'erburl-href-parser))
+ (progress (or progress-callback 'message)))
+ (url-retrieve url
+ 'erburl-scrape-callback
+ (list url parser progress cbargs))))
+(defun erburl-scrape-callback (url entry-parser-fn progress-callback cbargs)
+ "Callback invoked by url-retrieve. It is invoked in the buffer with
+the contents of the retrieved URL. In addition, this method is passed
+two additional callbacks to assist during processing (please refer to
+erburl-scrape-terms doc). Finally, CBARGS is a list of arguments that
+will be passed as additional arguments to the callback functions (I
+wish elisp supported lexical closures!)"
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
+ (count 0)
+ (entries (apply entry-parser-fn cbargs))
+ (delay 0.1)
+ (total (length entries))
+ (eta (* total delay)))
+ (when (> eta 10)
+ (apply progress-callback
+ (format "Processing %d entries from %s will take at least %.1f minutes ..."
+ total url (/ eta 60))
+ cbargs))
+ (erbot-working
+ (dolist (entry entries)
+ (message "Adding entry for %s" (first entry))
+ (sleep-for 0.1)
+ ;; I need to find a way to speed this up. As the bbdb gets
+ ;; larger things really start to slow down significantly.
+ (when (or (ignore-errors (apply 'fs-set-also entry))
+ (ignore-errors (apply 'fs-set-term entry)))
+ (incf count))))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ (apply progress-callback
+ (format "Added %d entries from %s." count url)
+ cbargs)
+ (kill-buffer buffer)))
+;; This needs to be asynchronous if we are to make an fsi-* version
+;; for IRC users to execute because this function is very slow when
+;; removing a large number of entries from the bbdb.
+(defun erburl-forget-terms (url)
+ "Remove all terms and entries for the specified URL. This will
+remove terms from the bbdb entirely unless a particular term has more
+than one entry, in which case, only the relevant entry is removed.
+Note: this function is not asynchronous and will cause your bot to
+stop responding on channels if it is removing a large number of
+entries that match the specified URL."
+ (unless (string-match "^https?://[^/]+/" url)
+ (error "The specified URL is not well-formed"))
+ (let ((count 0)
+ (regexp (regexp-quote url))
+ (erbforget-interactivity -100))
+ (erbot-working
+ (setq count (erbforget-sw regexp nil t)))
+ (erbbdb-save)
+ count))
+(defun erburl-href-parser (&optional base terms-with-spaces-p)
+ "Returns a list of lists representing the HTML links in the current
+buffer. Each list is composed of a term and a string indicating the
+link which is prefixed with BASE if supplied. If TERMS-WITH-SPACES-P
+is non-nil, only links with single word text will be included."
+ (let ((entries '())
+ (case-fold-search t))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ (if terms-with-spaces-p
+ "<a .*?href=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\".*?>\\(?:<[^>]+>\\)*\\([^ <]+\\)\\(?:<[^>]+>\\)*</a>"
+ "<a .*?href=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\".*?>\\(?:<[^>]+>\\)*\\([^<]+\\)\\(?:<[^>]+>\\)*</a>")
+ nil t)
+ (push (list (match-string 2)
+ (concat "at "
+ (when base (concat base "/"))
+ (match-string 1)))
+ entries))
+ entries))
+(defun erburl-safe-url (url)
+ )
+(provide 'erburl)
+(run-hooks 'erburl-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erburl.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbutils.el b/elisp/erbot/erbutils.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72682b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbutils.el
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+;;; erbutils.el ---
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:29:44 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbutils.el
+;; Package: erbutils
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Version: 0.0dev
+;; URL:
+(defvar erbutils-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(defvar erbutils-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Code:
+(require 'rot13)
+(defgroup erbutils nil
+ "The group erbutils"
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbutils-before-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbutils)
+(defcustom erbutils-after-load-hooks nil "" :group 'erbutils)
+(run-hooks 'erbutils-before-load-hooks)
+(defalias 'erbutils-stringize 'erbutils-stringify)
+;; should please not eval anyting... since called by erbc..
+(defun erbutils-stringify (msg-list)
+ (if (stringp msg-list)
+ msg-list
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (arg)
+ (if (stringp arg) arg
+ (format "%s" arg)))
+ msg-list " " )))
+(defun erbutils-string= (foo bar &optional ignore-case)
+ (and foo bar
+ (if ignore-case
+ (string= (downcase foo) (downcase bar))
+ (string= foo bar))))
+(defun erbutils-errors-toggle ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq erbutils-ignore-errors-p
+ (not erbutils-ignore-errors-p))
+ (message "erbutils-ignore-errors-p set to %s"
+ erbutils-ignore-errors-p))
+(defvar erbutils-ignore-errors-p t)
+(defmacro erbutils-ignore-errors (&rest body)
+ "DOES NOT return nil, unlike ignore-errors.."
+ (let ((err (gensym)))
+ `(condition-case ,err (progn ,@body)
+ (error
+ (progn
+ ;(ding t)
+ ;(ding t)
+ ;;(message "ERROR: %s" (error-message-string ,err))
+ ;;(sit-for 1)
+ (ding t)
+ (unless erbutils-ignore-errors-p
+ (error (error-message-string ,err)))
+ (unless fs-found-query-p
+ (erbutils-error
+ "%s"
+ (fs-limit-lines
+ (error-message-string ,err)))))))))
+(defvar erbutils-error-debug-p nil
+ "Turn on for debugging.."
+ )
+(defun erbutils-error (&rest args)
+ (cond
+ (erbutils-error-debug-p (apply 'error args))
+ (t
+ (unless args (error
+ (format "Syntax: , (fs-error msg &rest format-args)")))
+ (let* ((main
+ (erbutils-random
+ '("oops, error. %s"
+ ;;"Blue Screen: %s"
+ "BEEEP: %s"
+ "ERROR: %s"
+ "err..%s"
+ ":( %s"
+ "Doh! %s"
+ "Oh sh**! %s"
+ "Nooo! %s"
+ "oops, %s"
+ "Uh oh, %s"
+ "whoops, %s"
+ )))
+ (result
+ (format main
+ (apply 'format args))))
+ (or
+ (ignore-errors
+ (fs-h4x0r-maybe
+ (fs-studlify-maybe
+ result)))
+ result)))))
+(defun erbutils-matching-functions (string)
+ "returns all functions that start with string"
+ (apropos-internal (concat "^" (regexp-quote string))
+ 'fboundp)
+ ;; (let* ((results nil)
+;;; (len (- (length obarray) 1))
+;;; (ctr 0))
+;;; (while (< ctr len)
+;;; (incf ctr)
+;;; (if (and
+;;; (equal (string-match string (format "%s" (aref obarray
+;;; ctr)))
+;;; 0)
+;;; (fboundp (aref obarray ctr))
+;;; )
+;;; (push (aref obarray ctr) results)))
+;;; results)
+ (defun erbutils-quote-list (ls)
+ "ls is, in general, a tree...
+ We will make sure here that each element of the tree that is a symbol gets
+ quoted...
+ "
+ (mapcar '(lambda (arg)
+ (list 'quote arg))
+ ls))
+(defun erbutils-random (list &optional weights)
+ "Return a random element from list.
+Optional WEIGHTS are relative. They should be integers.
+example: (erbutils-random '(a b c) '(1 1 2)) should return c twice
+as many times as it returns a...
+ (cond
+ ((null weights)
+ (nth (random (length list)) list))
+ (t
+ (let* ((len (length list))
+ (revw (reverse weights))
+ (fir (car revw))
+ )
+ ;; If weights are partially specified, fill in missing entries.
+ (while (< (length revw) len)
+ (setq revw (cons fir revw)))
+ (setq weights (reverse revw))
+ (let* ((total (apply '+ weights))
+ (choice (random total))
+ (curw weights)
+ (ctr 0)
+ (num 0))
+ (while (>= choice (+ ctr (car curw)))
+ (setq ctr (+ ctr (car curw)))
+ (incf num)
+ (setq curw (cdr curw)))
+ (nth num list))))))
+(defun erbutils-describe-variable (&optional variable buffer)
+ "Like describe-variable, but doesn't print the actual value.."
+ (unless (bufferp buffer) (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (if (not (symbolp variable))
+ (message "Unknown variable or You did not specify a variable")
+ (let (valvoid)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (terpri)
+ (if (erbcompat-local-variable-p variable)
+ (progn
+ (princ (format "Local in buffer %s; " (buffer-name)))
+ (terpri)))
+ (terpri)
+ (let ((doc
+ (documentation-property variable 'variable-documentation)))
+ (princ (or doc "not documented as a variable.")))
+ (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-variable variable (current-buffer))
+ (interactive-p))
+ ;; Make a link to customize if this variable can be customized.
+ ;; Note, it is not reliable to test only for a custom-type property
+ ;; because those are only present after the var's definition
+ ;; has been loaded.
+ (if (or (get variable 'custom-type) ; after defcustom
+ (get variable 'custom-loads) ; from loaddefs.el
+ (get variable 'standard-value)) ; from cus-start.el
+ (let ((customize-label "customize"))
+ (terpri)
+ (terpri)
+ (princ (concat "You can " customize-label " this variable."))
+ (with-current-buffer "*Help*"
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward
+ (concat "\\(" customize-label "\\)") nil t)
+ (if (> 22 emacs-major-version)
+ (help-xref-button 1 (lambda (v)
+ (if help-xref-stack
+ (pop help-xref-stack))
+ (customize-variable v))
+ variable
+ "mouse-2, RET: customize variable")
+ (help-xref-button 1 'help-customize-variable variable))
+ ))))
+ ;; Make a hyperlink to the library if appropriate. (Don't
+ ;; change the format of the buffer's initial line in case
+ ;; anything expects the current format.)
+ (let ((file-name (symbol-file variable)))
+ (when file-name
+ (princ "\n\nDefined in `")
+ (princ file-name)
+ (princ "'.")
+ (with-current-buffer "*Help*"
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t)
+ (if (> 22 emacs-major-version)
+ (help-xref-button
+ 1 (lambda (arg)
+ (let ((location
+ (find-variable-noselect arg)))
+ (pop-to-buffer (car location))
+ (goto-char (cdr location))))
+ variable "mouse-2, RET: find variable's definition")
+ (help-xref-button 1 'help-variable-def variable file-name))
+ ))))
+ (print-help-return-message)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer standard-output)
+ ;; Return the text we displayed.
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))))
+(defvar erbutils-itemize-style
+ (list "[%s] %s\n\n" "[%s] %s\n\n" "[%s] %s,\n\n")
+ "Another good choice, for example, and used by petekaz's petebot, is
+ \(list \"[%s] %s,\n\n\" \"and also [%s] %s\n\n\" \"and [%s] %s,\n\n\")
+(defun erbutils-itemize (result &optional N shortenedp style)
+ (unless style (setq style erbutils-itemize-style))
+ (unless (integerp N) (setq N 0))
+ (let
+ ((st1 (first style))
+ (st2 (second style))
+ (st3 (third style))
+ (ctr N)
+ (rem result)
+ (sofar ""))
+ (if (equal (length result) 1)
+ (setq sofar (format "%s" (car result)))
+ (while rem
+ (setq sofar
+ (concat
+ sofar
+ (format
+ (cond
+ ((= ctr 0)
+ st1)
+ ((null (rest rem))
+ st2)
+ (t st3))
+ ctr
+ (car rem))))
+ (setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
+ (setq rem (cdr rem))))
+ (when shortenedp
+ (setq sofar (concat sofar " .. + other entries")))
+ sofar))
+(defun erbutils-function-minus-doc (fstr &rest ignore)
+ "fstr is the string containing the function"
+ (let* ((fdoc (if (stringp fstr) fstr (format "%s" fstr)))
+ newdoc)
+ (setq newdoc
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert fdoc)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "(" nil t)
+ (forward-sexp 4)
+ (if (stringp (sexp-at-point))
+ ;; this sets mark.. bad programming, i know..
+ (backward-kill-sexp 1))
+ (erbutils-buffer-string)))
+ (erbutils-single-lines newdoc)))
+(defun erbutils-single-lines (str)
+ "Eliminates all \n or lines comprising entirely of whitespace"
+ (mapconcat
+ 'identity
+ (delete-if
+ (lambda (str)
+ (string-match "^[ \t]*$" str))
+ (split-string str
+ "\n"))
+ "\n"))
+(defun erbutils-cleanup-whitespace (str)
+ "Strip all leading whitespace and replace one or more tabs, newlines,
+or spaces with a single space."
+ (let ((result (replace-regexp-in-string "[\t\n ]+" " " str)))
+ (subseq result (or (position ? result :test-not 'eq) 0))))
+(defun erbutils-downcase (str)
+ (if (stringp str)
+ (downcase str)
+ str))
+(defun erbutils-add-nick (msg)
+ (if
+ (and (not fs-found-query-p)
+ (not fs-internal-directed)
+ (> (random 100) 30)
+ (stringp msg))
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '(
+ ;;(concat msg ", " fs-nick)
+ (concat fs-nick ": " msg)
+ (concat fs-nick ", " msg)
+ )
+ '(1 1 )))
+ msg))
+(defun erbutils-add-nick-maybe (msg)
+ (eval
+ (erbutils-random
+ '((erbutils-add-nick msg)
+ msg)
+ fs-internal-add-nick-weights
+ )))
+(defun erbutils-convert-sequence (arg)
+ (if (sequencep arg)
+ arg
+ (format "%s" arg)))
+(defvar erbutils-eval-until-limited-length 70)
+(defun erbutils-eval-until-limited (expr)
+ (let
+ ((ans nil) (donep nil))
+ (while (not donep)
+ (setq ans
+ (eval expr))
+ (setq donep (<= (length (format "%s" ans))
+ erbutils-eval-until-limited-length)))
+ ans))
+(defun erbutils-replace-strings-in-string (froms tos str &rest
+ args)
+ (let ((st str))
+ (mapcar*
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (setq st (apply 'erbutils-replace-string-in-string
+ a b st args)))
+ froms tos)
+ st))
+(if (featurep 'xemacs)
+ (defun erbutils-replace-string-in-string (from to string &optional
+ delimited start end)
+ (save-excursion
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert string)
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (or start (point-min)) (or end (point-max)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (replace-string from to delimited))
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
+ (defun erbutils-replace-string-in-string (from to string &optional
+ delimited start end)
+ (save-excursion
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert string)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (replace-string from to delimited start end)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
+(defun erbutils-sublist-p (a b &optional start)
+ "tells if list a is a member of list b. If start is true, the match
+should start at the beginning of b."
+ (cond
+ ((null a) t)
+ ((null b) nil)
+ (start (and
+ (equal (car a) (car b))
+ (erbutils-sublist-p (cdr a) (cdr b) t)))
+ (t
+ (let ((foo (member (car a) b)))
+ (and foo
+ (or
+ (erbutils-sublist-p (cdr a) (cdr foo) t)
+ (erbutils-sublist-p a (cdr foo))))))))
+(defun erbutils-flatten (tree)
+ (cond
+ ((null tree) nil)
+ ((listp tree) (apply 'append
+ (mapcar 'erbutils-flatten tree)))
+ (t (list tree))))
+(provide 'erbutils)
+(run-hooks 'erbutils-after-load-hooks)
+(defun erbutils-remove-text-properties (str1)
+;;; (with-temp-buffer
+;;; (insert text)
+;;; (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+ ;; fledermaus' code: avoid with-temp-buffer becuse of i8n problems.
+ (let ((str (copy-sequence str1)))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length str) nil str)
+ str))
+(defun erbutils-defalias-i (ls &optional prefix prefix-rm
+ functionpref)
+ "Similar to erbutils-defalias, except that for functions, it
+defaliases a 'fsi-"
+ (unless functionpref (setq functionpref "fsi-"))
+ (erbutils-defalias ls prefix prefix-rm functionpref))
+(defun erbutils-defalias (ls &optional prefix prefix-rm functionpref)
+ "Define new fs- aliases from ls.
+If the entry in the ls is a function, it is defaliased. If it is a
+variable, we define a new function, that will return the value of the
+When prefix and prefix-rm is provided, we assume that the entry is of
+the form prefix-rmENTRY. And we then (defalias fs-prefixENTRY
+functionpref should usually be fs-. If you want fsi- instead, you
+might prefer calling erbutils-defalias-i instead.
+ (unless functionpref (setq functionpref "fs-"))
+ (let* ((pref (if prefix (format "%s" prefix) ""))
+ (pref-rm (if prefix-rm (format "%s" prefix-rm) ""))
+ (lenrm (length pref-rm))
+ (reg (concat "^" (regexp-quote pref-rm))))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (let* (
+ (argst (format "%s" arg))
+ (gop (string-match reg argst))
+ (arg2 (and gop (substring argst lenrm)))
+ (foo (and gop (intern (format (concat functionpref "%s%s")
+ pref arg2)))))
+ (when gop
+ (if (functionp arg)
+ (defalias foo arg)
+ (erbutils-defalias-vars (list arg prefix prefix-rm))
+ ;;`(defun ,foo ()
+ ;; ,(concat "Pseudo function that returns the value of `"
+ ;; argst "'. ")
+ ;;,arg)
+ ))))
+ ls)))
+(defun erbutils-defalias-vars (ls &optional prefix prefix-rm)
+ (let* ((pref (if prefix (format "%s" prefix) ""))
+ (pref-rm (if prefix-rm (format "%s" prefix-rm) ""))
+ (lenrm (length pref-rm))
+ (reg (concat "^" (regexp-quote pref-rm))))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (let* (
+ (argst (format "%s" arg))
+ (gop (string-match reg argst))
+ (arg2 (and gop (substring argst lenrm)))
+ (foo (and gop (intern (format "fs-%s%s" pref arg2)))))
+ (when gop
+ (eval
+ `(defun ,foo ()
+ ,(concat "Pseudo function that returns the value of `"
+ argst "'. ")
+ ,arg)))))
+ ls)))
+(defun erbutils-region-to-string (fcn &rest str)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (while str
+ (let ((aa (car str)))
+ (when aa
+ (insert (format "%s " aa))))
+ (pop str))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (funcall fcn (point-min) (point-max))
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun erbutils-rot13 (str)
+ (apply
+ 'string
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (i)
+ (let ((foo (aref rot13-display-table i)))
+ (if foo (aref foo 0) i)))
+ str)))
+(defun erbutils-file-contents (file)
+ (cond
+ ((not (file-exists-p file))
+ "")
+ (t
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents file)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
+(defun erbutils-file-sexps (file)
+ (let ((str (erbutils-file-contents file))
+ expr)
+ (and
+ (stringp str)
+ (not (string= str ""))
+ (setq expr (erbn-read (concat " ( " str " )"))))))
+(defun erbutils-functions-in-file (file)
+ "Returns the list of functions in the file. File should be a valid
+lisp file, else error. "
+ (let ((str (erbutils-file-contents file))
+ expr)
+ (and
+ (stringp str)
+ (not (string= str ""))
+ (setq expr (erbn-read (concat " ( " str " )")))
+ (ignore-errors (mapcar 'second expr)))))
+(defun erbutils-mkback-maybe (file)
+ (ignore-errors (require 'mkback))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (let ((mkback-interactivity -100))
+ (mkback file))))
+(defun erbutils-listp-proper (l)
+ "from <Riastradh>"
+ (or (null l) (and (consp l)
+ (erbutils-listp-proper (cdr l)))))
+(defun erbutils-html-url-p (str)
+ "Guesses if the string is a url that will yield HTML content.
+Basically, look for any url that doesn't have any extension or
+one that has .html, .shtml, or .htm. Returns the str if it is
+a valid url that might generate HTML."
+ (when (string-match "^http://[^/]+/?\\(.*\\)?$" str)
+ (let* ((path (match-string 1 str))
+ (pos (position ?. path :from-end)))
+ (when (or (null pos)
+ (string-match "html?" (subseq path pos)))
+ str))))
+(defun erbutils-concat-symbols (&rest args)
+ "Like `concat' but applies to symbols, and returns an interned
+concatted symbol. Also see fsbot's
+Thanks to edrx on #emacs for suggesting 'symbol-name.."
+ (let* ((strings (mapcar 'symbol-name args))
+ (str (apply 'concat strings)))
+ (intern str)))
+(defun erbutils-remove-text--properties (str)
+ (let (str2)
+ (cond
+ ((stringp str)
+ (setq str2 (copy-sequence str))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length str2) nil str2)
+ str2)
+ (t (error "Not a string.")))))
+(defun erbutils-remove-text-properties-maybe (str)
+ (if (stringp str)
+ (erbutils-remove-text-properties str)
+ str))
+(defun erbutils-buffer-string ()
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defmacro erbutils-enabled-check (var)
+ `(when (or erbot-paranoid-p (not ,var))
+ (error "Variable %s is disabled, or erbot-paranoid-p is t. " ',var)))
+;;; erbutils.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/erbwiki.el b/elisp/erbot/erbwiki.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4448a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/erbwiki.el
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+;;; erbwiki.el --- SECURITY RISK, READ BELOW.
+;; Time-stamp: <2007-11-23 11:27:02 deego>
+;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 D. Goel
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
+;; Filename: erbwiki.el
+;; Package: erbwiki
+;; Author: D. Goel <>
+;; Keywords:
+;; Version:
+;; URL:
+;; Thanks: Alex Schroeder
+;; 0.3 ONLY.
+(defconst erbwiki-home-page
+ "")
+;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; See also:
+(defconst erbwiki-version "0.0dev")
+;;; Requires:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup erbwiki nil
+ "The group erbwiki."
+ :group 'applications)
+(defcustom erbwiki-before-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before loading erbwiki."
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defcustom erbwiki-after-load-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run after loading erbwiki."
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(run-hooks 'erbwiki-before-load-hooks)
+;;; Real Code:
+;;<lion> It's like 2 lines of code to pull down the names of all the
+;; <lion> import xmlrpclib
+;; <lion> srcwiki =xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("")
+;; <lion> allpages = srcwiki.getAllPages()
+;; <lion> The wiki has to support the xml-rpc interface.
+;; <lion> But for MoinMoin,
+;;<lion> it's pretty much ubiquitous
+;; <lion> Bayle Shanks has written a thing called the "InterWiki Gateway."
+;; <lion> It's not quite mature yet,
+;; <lion> but it's goal is to make it so that the XML-RPC API will work
+;; with any wiki.
+;; <lion> It'll just handle the back-end stuff of figuring out "what type
+;; of wiki
+;; is it" and "how do I scrape the information out."
+;; <lion> But it's not quite there yet.
+;;TODO: add this wiki:
+(defcustom erbwiki-index-pages
+ '(
+ ("si"
+ ""
+ "\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/\""
+ nil
+ "singbot: "
+ )
+ ("ai2"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "singbot: "
+ )
+ ("sl"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "singbot: "
+ )
+ ("fu"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "singbot: "
+ erbwiki-fetch-wiki-remove-tags
+ )
+ ("ew"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "fsbot: "
+ )
+ ("cw"
+ ""
+ "\";raw=1\""
+ nil
+ "fsbot: "
+ )
+ ("fw"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "wikibot: ")
+ ("fskdfhukdfhjkdfjk"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "nobot: "
+ )
+ ("ipfoobar"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "singbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwh"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwd"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwmain"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwmach"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwmig"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwg"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ("hwt"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ erbwiki-get-fields-spaced
+ "hbot: "
+ )
+ ;;("sm"
+ ;;""
+ ;;""
+ ;;nil
+ ;;"ScBot: "
+ ;;)
+ ("so"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "ScBot: "
+ )
+ ;;("sp"
+ ;; ""
+ ;; ""
+ ;; nil
+ ;; "ScBot: "
+ ;;)
+ ;; towniebot
+ ("tbm"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "towniebot: ")
+ ;; now the big ones:
+ ("twt"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "TWikiBot: "
+ )
+ ("twp"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "TWikiBot: "
+ )
+ ("twm"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "TwikiBot: "
+ )
+ ("twc"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "TWikiBot: "
+ )
+ ("twsupport"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "TWikiBot: "
+ )
+ ("twsandbox"
+ ""
+ "\"\""
+ nil
+ "TWikiBot: "
+ )
+ )
+"Page storing names of all pages.
+As an example, consider this entry:
+ (\"ew\"
+ \"\"
+ \"\"
+ nil
+ \"fsbot: \"
+ nil
+ )
+Most entries are obvious. ew refers to the nick name of the wiki used
+when you run the function M-x erbwiki-do-it-all-one-wiki.
+Let's explain the 2 nils above. The first nil corresponds to the
+default function erbwiki-get-fields. You replace it by another
+function, example, erbwiki-get-fields-spaced if you want to use that
+The second nil corresponds to the function used to dump the wiki,
+which by default is erbwiki-fetch-wiki --- that function uses w3m.
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defcustom erbwiki-this-wiki "NONE"
+ "Choose this as one of the cars of erbwiki-index-pages
+and do your thing :) Should mostly be done for you by erbwiki-main
+functions. "
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defcustom erbwiki-file-name "~/pub/pub/fsbot-train/wiki-index"
+ "Please customize this.
+This filename, appropriately suffixed, stores the wiki's current or
+last index. "
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defcustom erbwiki-train-string
+ (concat
+ "%s%s is also at %s%s\n"
+ "%s%s is at %s%s\n"
+ )
+ "Don't forget the \n at the end!"
+ :group 'erbwiki
+ )
+(defcustom erbwiki-train-file-name "~/pub/pub/fsbot-train/wiki-train"
+ "Please customize this.
+With appropriate extension, this file stores the commands to be used to
+train the bot. "
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defcustom erbwiki-fetch-wiki-function 'erbwiki-fetch-wiki
+ "This function should take a file as argument, and write into the file,
+a single lisp object. The lisp object is a list of new pages in the
+wiki. "
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defcustom erbwiki-before-train-hooks nil
+ "Hooks to run before training..
+Users might want to use these hooks to connect if they are not already
+ :group 'erbwiki)
+(defun erbwiki-doit ()
+ ;; not intetractive anymore.
+ (erbwiki-update)
+ (erbwiki-train))
+(defun erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki (wikiname &rest morewikies)
+ "CAUTION: nullifies idledo list. "
+ (interactive "sWhich Wiki? ")
+ (let* ((wikilists (cons wikiname morewikies))
+ ctr)
+ (setq ctr wikilists)
+ (while ctr
+ (setq erbwiki-this-wiki (pop ctr))
+ (erbwiki-update))
+ (idledo-nullify)
+ (setq ctr wikilists)
+ (while ctr
+ (setq erbwiki-this-wiki (pop ctr))
+ (erbwiki-train)))
+ (ignore-errors (idledo-start)))
+(defun erbwiki-main-main-ew ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki "ew"))
+(defun erbwiki-main-main-tbm ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki "tbm"))
+(defun erbwiki-main-main-tw ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki "twt"
+ ;;"twm"
+ "twc"
+ "twp"
+ "twsandbox"
+ "twsupport"
+ ))
+(defun erbwiki-main-main-mb ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki "mb"))
+(defun erbwiki-main-main-hw ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki "hwh" "hwd" "hwmain" "hwmach"
+ "hwmig" "hwg"
+ "hwt"
+ ))
+(defun erbwiki-main-main-all-wikis ()
+ (interactive)
+ (erbwiki-main-doit-all-one-wiki
+ "ew" "hwh" "hwd" "hwmain" "hwmach" "hwmig" "hwg" "hwt" "mb"))
+(defun erbwiki-train ()
+ (interactive)
+ (run-hooks 'erbwiki-before-train-hooks)
+ (erbtrain-file
+ (concat erbwiki-train-file-name
+ "-" erbwiki-this-wiki)))
+(defun erbwiki-update ()
+ ;;(interactive)
+ (require 'erball)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (let
+ ((newfile (concat erbwiki-file-name
+ ".current-"
+ erbwiki-this-wiki
+ ))
+ (lastfile (concat erbwiki-file-name ".previous-"
+ erbwiki-this-wiki
+ ))
+ oldfields currentfields newfields
+ (train-name
+ (concat erbwiki-train-file-name "-" erbwiki-this-wiki))
+ (wiki-string
+ (cadr (assoc erbwiki-this-wiki erbwiki-index-pages)))
+ (botname
+ (fifth (assoc erbwiki-this-wiki erbwiki-index-pages)))
+ (fetchfunction
+ (sixth (assoc erbwiki-this-wiki erbwiki-index-pages)))
+ )
+ (unless botname (setq botname ", "))
+ (when (file-exists-p lastfile) (mkback lastfile))
+ (when (file-exists-p newfile) (copy-file newfile lastfile t))
+ (funcall (or fetchfunction erbwiki-fetch-wiki-function) newfile)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (find-file lastfile)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq oldfields (ignore-errors (read (get-file-buffer lastfile)))))
+ (find-file newfile)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq currentfields (ignore-errors
+ (read (get-file-buffer newfile))))
+ (setq newfields
+ (set-difference currentfields oldfields
+ :test 'equal
+ ))
+ (setq newfields (funcall erbwiki-filter-fields-function newfields))
+ (kill-buffer (get-file-buffer newfile))
+ (kill-buffer (get-file-buffer lastfile))
+ (when (file-exists-p train-name)
+ (mkback train-name))
+ (with-temp-file train-name
+ (while newfields
+ (insert (format erbwiki-train-string
+ botname
+ (car newfields)
+ wiki-string
+ (car
+ newfields)
+ botname
+ (car newfields)
+ wiki-string
+ (car newfields)
+ ))
+ (pop newfields)))))
+ (erbwiki-display)
+ )
+(defcustom erbwiki-filter-fields-function
+ 'erbwiki-filter-fields-default "")
+(defun erbwiki-filter-fields-default (fields)
+ ;; remove non-ascii characters
+ (delete-if
+ (lambda (arg) (string-match "[\200-\377]" (format "%s" arg)))
+ (copy-list fields)))
+(defun erbwiki-display ()
+ (interactive)
+ (dired (file-name-directory erbwiki-train-file-name))
+ (revert-buffer))
+(defcustom erbwiki-dump-program "w3m -dump"
+ "Also try lynx -dump, curl. ")
+(defun erbwiki-fetch-wiki-lynx (filename)
+ (let ((erbwiki-dump-program "lynx -dump"))
+ (erbwiki-fetch-wiki filename)))
+(defcustom erbwiki-fetch-wiki-remove-tags-p nil "")
+(defun erbwiki-fetch-wiki-remove-tags (f)
+ (let ((erbwiki-fetch-wiki-remove-tags-p t))
+ (erbwiki-fetch-wiki f)))
+(defun erbwiki-fetch-wiki (filename)
+ (require 'lines)
+ (let*
+ ((wiki-dump-name (expand-file-name "tmp-wiki-dump"
+ temporary-file-directory))
+ (thisassoc
+ (assoc erbwiki-this-wiki
+ erbwiki-index-pages))
+ (wiki-page
+ (cadr thisassoc))
+ (index-page
+ (caddr thisassoc))
+ (get-fields-fn (cadddr thisassoc))
+ fields fieldslist)
+ (unless get-fields-fn
+ (setq get-fields-fn 'erbwiki-get-fields))
+ (unless (stringp wiki-page)
+ (error "index page is not a stringp??"))
+ (unless (stringp index-page)
+ (error "index page is not a stringp??"))
+ ;;(setq index-page (concat wiki-page "action=index"))
+ ;; We will NOT add " " around the URL before calling ther
+ ;; shell-comnd, since the behavior of w3m -dump and lynx -dump
+ ;; differs in that case. Wehn the user wants a quote, she can
+ ;; supply it in the name of te url herself..
+ (shell-command (concat erbwiki-dump-program " "
+ index-page
+ ;;erbwiki-index-page
+ ""
+ " > " wiki-dump-name))
+ (when erbwiki-fetch-wiki-remove-tags-p
+ (erbwiki-remove-tags-from-file wiki-dump-name))
+ (setq fields (lines-get-fields-file wiki-dump-name))
+ (kill-buffer (get-file-buffer wiki-dump-name))
+ (setq fieldslist
+ (funcall get-fields-fn
+ fields))
+ (with-temp-file filename
+ (insert (format "%S" fieldslist)))))
+(defun erbwiki-get-fields (fields)
+ "Given the fields as parsed by lines-get-fields, return a list of
+the actual wiki fields."
+ (let (field)
+ (remove-if
+ (lambda (arg) (member arg (list '*
+ '[]
+ 'Search:
+ )))
+ (erbutils-flatten
+ (remove-if
+ (lambda (field)
+ (or
+ (not (erbutils-listp-proper field))
+ (not (< (length field) 3))
+ (string-match "--"
+ (format "%s"
+ (first field)))))
+ fields)))))
+(defun erbwiki-get-fields-spaced (fields)
+ "Given the fields as parsed by lines-get-fields, return a list of
+the actual wiki fields."
+ (erbutils-flatten
+ (mapcar (lambda (field)
+ (if (equal (first field) '*)
+ (mapconcat
+ '(lambda (arg) (format "%s" arg))
+ (cdr field)
+ ""
+ )))
+ fields)))
+(defun erbwiki-remove-tags-from-file (file)
+ (interactive "fFile: ")
+ (find-file file)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while
+ ;; accept any regexp greedily containing only tags with no
+ ;; spaces, or one starting with ?xml, in which case, allow
+ ;; spaces. but still be greedy.
+ (search-forward-regexp "<\\(?:\\?xml.*?\\|[^ \t\n]*?\\)>" nil t)
+ (replace-match "\n" nil t))
+ (save-buffer))
+(provide 'erbwiki)
+(run-hooks 'erbwiki-after-load-hooks)
+;;; erbwiki.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Entries b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ebe84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/dotemacs-mybot/1.1/Sun Jul 22 23:26:03 2007//
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Repository b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dbfc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Root b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd54f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Template b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/examples/CVS/Template
diff --git a/elisp/erbot/examples/dotemacs-mybot b/elisp/erbot/examples/dotemacs-mybot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b8633a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp/erbot/examples/dotemacs-mybot
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
+(setq erbot-nickserv-p t)
+(setq erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil)
+(setq erc-nickserv-passwords
+ '((freenode (("mybot" . "mypasswd")))))
+(setq h4x0r-sometimes-replace
+ '(("ea" "33") ("er" "0r") ("a" "4")
+ ;;("b" "8")
+ ;;("d" "|>")
+ ("e" "3" "E") ;;("f" "|=") ("h" "|-|")
+ ;;("i" "1" "|") ;;("k" "|<" "x")
+ ;;("l" "1" "|_") ("m" "|\\/|") ("n" "|\\|")
+ ("o" "0") ;;("q" "@")
+ ("s"
+ "5" "Z" "$")
+ ;;("t" "+" "7")
+ ("ck" "x") ("u" "U") ;;("v" "\\/")
+ ;("x"
+ ;X" "><") ("y" "j"
+ ))
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/erbot/erbot")
+(setq erc-keywords '("mybot" "ownersname"))
+(setq fs-internal-english-weights
+ '(
+ 30 ; doctor ---
+ 30 ; yow
+ 30 ; fortune
+ 2 ;; flame
+ ))
+(setq fs-internal-botito-mode nil)
+;; this optional step
+;; helps the bot get the locations of the .el files in emacs
+(let ((aa default-directory))
+ (cd "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp")
+ (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path)
+ (cd aa))
+(require 'cl)
+;;(setq erc-port 6667)
+(require 'erc)
+(require 'erc-match)
+(require 'erc-track)
+(require 'erball)
+(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook
+ '(lambda () (interactive)
+ (require 'erc-match)
+ (erc-match-mode 1)
+ ;;(erc-match-enable)
+ (require 'erc-button)
+ (erc-button-enable)
+ nil
+ ))
+(setq bbdb-file "~/pub/data/botbbdb")
+(setq erbot-servers-channels-test
+ '((""
+ ("#mychannel"
+ "#mybot"
+ )
+ 6667 ;; this is the port, optional, can be omitted.
+ )
+ (""
+ (
+ "#mychannel2"
+ )
+ ;; omitting the port here 6667
+ )
+ ))
+(add-hook 'erc-server-376-hook
+ '(lambda (&rest args)
+ (interactive)
+ (erc-track-modified-channels-mode 1)
+ nil))
+;;(global-unset-key "\C-cs")
+(global-set-key "\C-cj " 'erbot-join-servers)
+(global-set-key [f9 f1] 'erbot-join-servers)
+(global-unset-key [f6])
+(global-set-key [f6 f6] 'erblog-show-targets)
+(global-set-key [f6 f7] 'erblog-reset-targets)
+(global-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'erc-send-current-line)
+;(global-set-key "\C-cr" 'erblog-reset-targets)
+;;(setq fs-limit-line-length 125)
+;;(setq fs-limit-length
+ ;; 410)
+;;(setq fs-limit-lines 5 )
+(setq bbdb-case-fold-search t)
+(setq erc-auto-query t)
+;; Don't send more than 5 messages in 10 seconds. This prevents the
+;; bot from getting kicked.
+(setq erc-server-flood-penalty 2)
+(setq erc-server-flood-margin 10)
+;; To restrict "automated" replies, change the "" below to your
+;; favorite channels, example:
+(setq fs-internal-query-target-regexp "")
+(setq fs-internal-google-level 60)
+(setq erbkarma-file "~/public_html/karma/karma")
+(setq fs-internal-google-time 4)
+(setq fs-internal-dictionary-time 4)
+(load "~/.emacs.private")
+(setq erbkarma-tgt-check-string
+ "^\\(#mychannel\\)$")
+;; .emacs ends here..
+(setq erbot-nick "mybot")
+(setq erc-user-full-name "My Bot")
+(setq erbot-servers-channels-main
+ '((""
+ ("#mybot"
+ "#mychannel"
+ "#mychannel2"
+ ))
+ (""
+ (
+ "#mychannel"
+ )
+ )))
+(setq erbot-servers-channels erbot-servers-channels-main)
+(setq fs-google-level 60)
+(setq erbot-servers-channels-test
+ '((""
+ (;;"#fsbot"
+ "#mybot"
+ ))
+ (""
+ (;;"#fsbotgnome"
+ ;;"#gnome"
+ )
+ )
+ ))
+(setq bbdb-file-coding-system 'raw-text)
+(require 'erball)
+;; this delysid's server containing many dictionaries, if you prefer
+;; the default server, just comment out this line.
+(setq dictionary-server "")
+ (fs-user-init))
+(require 'idledo)
+ '(fs-pv-save))
+(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
+ 'fs-pv-save)
+;; consider uncommenting these
+;;(add-to-list 'erblisp-allowed-words '&optional)
+;;(add-to-list 'erblisp-allowed-words '&rest)
+;;uncomment this only for a channel full of emacs hackers... see C-h v
+;;(setq fs-internal-parse-error-p t)
+(setq units-dat-file "/usr/share/misc/units.dat")
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/public_html/data")
+;; .emacs ends here..